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Lesley Koustaff Su sa n Rivers OXFORD U N I V E R S I T Y PRESS Scope and Sequence ,p UNIT READING VO CABU LARY G RAM M AR B Who a re y o u r fam ily a n d frie n d s ? S ocial Studies: Com m unity f Page 6 Families and Friends Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Pictures R e a d in g T e xt W o r d s mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, family, friend L iste n in g T e xt W o r d s uncle, aunt, cousin, parents, daughter, son W o rd S tu d y Opposites V e rb be 1 am, You are, H e/She is, We are, They are He's eight years old. 1 Page 16 Elliot's New Friend Story (Fiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Pictures R e a d in g T e xt W o rd s elephant, tortoise, lonely, sad, scared, eat, play, sleep L iste n in g T e xt W o r d s hamster, goldfish, bird, rabbit, lizard, kitten D e m o n stra tiv e s: This, That, These, a n d Those This is a zebra. Those are lions. I ► I W here c a n we se e co lo rs? Page 26 Page 36 Who's in The Tree? Roses are Red I Like Colors Rhym ing poem s (Fiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Titles Let's Make Colors! Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Titles R e a d in g T e xt W o r d s yellow, red, blue, green, purple, black, brown, white L iste n in g T e xt W o rd s fireworks, dark, light, gray, orange, pink W o rd S tu d y N ouns R e a d in g T e xt W o rd s mix, mural, ocean, sand, seaweed, seashell, jellyfish, starfish L iste n in g T e xt W o r d s jacket, shorts, sneakers, T-shirt, hat, pants (“►"1 '•______ W here d o a n im a ls live? There is.../ There a re ... There's a black spider. There are two white kittens. P re p o sitio n s o f Place: In, On, Under, Next To The starfish is under the seaweed. The seashells are on the sand. Life Science Page 46 Animal Homes Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Titles and Pictures M y Friend, Anak Realistic fiction R e a d in g S tra te g y Identifying Characters R e a d in g Text W o rd s eagle, chick, nest, opossum, tree hollow, honeybee, hive, crab L iste n in g Text W o rd s woods, field, pond, squirrel, mouse, frog W o rd S tu d y Irregular plurals R e a d in g Text W o rd s orangutan, rainforest, reserve, teach, take care of, miss, take a nap, put out L iste n in g T e xt W o rd s day, night, morning, midday, afternoon, evening Where Q u e s t io n s w ith V e rb Be Where's the eagle? Where are the chicks? W hat a n d W ho Q u e stio n s w ith V e rb Be W hat's that? W ho's this? BIG QUESTION 4 How a re s e a s o n s d iffe re n t? Earth Science Page 66 8 Page 76 The Four Seasons Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U sing Captions to Clarify Ideas The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree Realistic Fiction R e a d in g S tra te g y U sing Captions to Clarify Ideas R e a d in g T e xt W o r d s warm, hot, cool, cold, rain, snow, long, short L iste n in g Text W o rd s weather, cloudy, sunny, windy, snowy, rainy W o rd S tu d y C om p ou nd nouns R e a d in g T e xt W o rd s watch, build a snow m an, build a tree house, m ake a swing, m ake apple pie, grow, fall, bring L iste n in g T e xt W o rd s ride a bicycle, g o to the beach, eat ice cream, drink hot chocolate, fly a kite, plant flowers S im p le P re se n t (It) It gets hot in the summer. It snow s in the winter. It doesn't snow in the summer. S im p le P re se n t (I/You/W e/They) In the summer, I build a tree house. D o you watch honeybees? No, I don't. Gus Layla Dot LISTENING D iffe re n t F a m ilie s People describing their families L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for details F rie n d s a n d Pets People describing their friends and their pets L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for details SPEA KIN G W RITING W RAP UP In tro d u c in g P e o p le This is m y brother. It's nice to meet you. D e s c rib in g Frie n d s This is Tim. He has a hamster. We play together. T a sks Talk a b ou t your fam ily and write about them. (W orkbook) C a p ita ls fo r N a m e s M y friend's nam e is Eun. T a sks Talk a b ou t your friend and write about him or her. (W orkbook) ■ Project Family and Friends Collage ■ R e vie w Units 1 and 2 (WB) F ire w o rk s A conversation w hile w atching fireworks L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for color details In v itin g a n d M a k in g S u g g e s t io n s D o yo u want to play with m e? Let's color! OK. G ood idea! Tasks Talk about rhym ing w ords and write a poem with anim als and colors. (WB) • Project Color M ix Chart • R e vie w Units 3 and 4 (WB) Q j M y F a vorite C lo th e s A conversation about clothes on a clothesline L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for color and place details D e s c rib in g U sin g C o lo rs 1 have a yellow hat. There's a starfish next to me. It's orange. C ap itals a n d Period s in Sentences The starfish is under the seaweed Tasks Talk about your favorite clothes and write about them. (WB) A n im a l H o m e s A docum entary about animal hom es L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for details W a rn in g P e o p le Watch out! Be careful! OK. Thanks! T asks Talk a b ou t animal hom es and write about one. (WB) • Project A n Anim al Booklet • R e vie w Units 5 and 6 (WB) □ A n im a ls o n a R e se rv e Descriptions of anim als' eating and sleeping habits L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for tim e details D e s c rib in g A n im a ls It's small. It's brown. It lives in the woods. Q u e stio n M a rk s W hat is it? T asks Talk about anim als and their habits and write about one. (WB) W e a th e r a n d Se a so n s Conversations about the weather in different seasons L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for details In v itin g P e o p le D o you want to play in the snow with m e? Sure! Great! Let's go! T a sks Talk a b ou t your favorite season and write about it. (WB) • Project A Seasons Journal S e a so n a l A ctivitie s Conversations about w h at w e d o in different seasons L ist e n in g S tra te g y Listening for details A s k in g a n d T e llin g a b o u t A ctiv itie s W hat do you do in the spring? 1 ride a bicycle. C o m m a s The four seasons are spring summer, fall, and winter. T a sks Talk about w hat you do in different seasons and write about it. (WB) • R e vie w Units 7 and 8 (WB) □ UNIT READING VO CABU LARY G RAM M AR _ _ _ ( D BIG Q UESTIO N 5 How d o numbers help us? M ath Page 86 W orking with Numbers Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Headings Stone Soup Folktale (Fiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding Beginning, Middle, and End R e a d in g Text W o rd s numbers, plus sign, equals sign, problem, addition, answer, o d d numbers, even numbers L iste n in g T e xt W o rd s pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, backpack, notebook W o rd S tu d y W riting num bers R e a d in g Text W o rd s pot, stone, food, sausages, carrots, onions, potatoes, soup L iste n in g Text W o rd s tomato, cucumber, avocado, orange, m ango, peach S im p le P re se n t w ith V e rb Have (I, You, We, They) I have six shells. You have four shells. Together, we have ten shells. They don't have a pet. S im p le P re se n t Q u e stio n s w ith V e rb Have (I, You, We, They) W hat do you have? I have potatoes. D o you have carrots? Yes, I do. BIG QUESTION 6 W hat d o we n eed ? Social Studies: Econom ics Page 106 n Page 116 13 P a g e 126 1 9 Page 136 The Farmer and The Hat Fable (Fiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding Sequence Wants and Needs Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y Predicting from Titles, Headings, and Pictures 151 BIG Q UESTIO N 7 Where's Your Home? Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U sing Labels to Clarify Details City Mouse and Country Mouse Fable (Fiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding Contrast R e a d in g Text W o rd s farmer, cow, milk, market, sell, buy, plain, fancy L iste n in g Text W o rd s games, com icbook, board game, doll, stickers, pins W o rd S tu d y Verbs R e a d in g Text W o rd s job, doctor, police officer, teacher, help, money, clothes, water L iste n in g Text W o rd s sandwich, grapes, juice, cookie, chips, soda S im p le P re se n t w ith R e g u la r V e rb s a n d V e rb Have (He, She) She needs a cow. She doesn't need a dress. He has a cow. He doesn't have a hat. S im p le P re se n t Q u e stio n s w ith R e g u la r V e rb s a n d V e rb Have (He, She) Does she work in a school? Yes, she does. What does Sa n a have? She has a doll. W here d o we live? Social Studies: Com m unity I S R e a d in g Text W o rd s street, neighborhood, town, city, the country, apartment, building, world L iste n in g Text W o rd s noisy, quiet, safe, dangerous, boring, interesting W o rd S tu d y W ords that are verbs and nouns R e a d in g Text W o rd s department store, restaurant, movie theater, hotel, cornfield, orchard, new, old L iste n in g Text W o rd s park, library, supermarket, drugstore, bakery, m useum How c a n we m ake m usic? M usic Page 146 Page 156 17 Page 166 13 Page 176 Percussion Instruments Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding M ain Idea and Details R e a d in g Text W o rd s instruments, cymbals, tambourine, xylophone, drum, triangle, shake, strike L iste n in g Text W o rd s fast, slow, loud, soft, awful, lovely W o rd S tu d y Alphabetical order Let's Make Music! Realistic fiction R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding Problem s and Solutions R e a d in g Text W o rd s dance, sing, get an idea, practice an instrument, buy tickets, give money, clap, take pictures L iste n in g Text W o rd s parade, concert, ballet, play, puppet show, circus P o sse ssiv e 's Jenna's house is in the country. Is Ali's house in the city? P o sse ssiv e A d je ctive s My, Your, His, Her, Our His hom e is in the city Is your apartment big? P re se n t C o n tin u o u s I'm /You're / Sh e 's/ H e's / We’re / They're... ing I'm playing the drum. She isn't shaking the tambourine. P re se n t C o n tin u o u s Q u e stio n s Are yo u singing? Yes, I am. Is she dancing? No, she isn't. m m m r Life Science - 3 " -------- — —----: ------ — :----- - -----»v:_ Living and Nonliving Things Inform ational text (Nonfiction) R e a d in g S tra te g y U nderstanding Contrast R e a d in g Text W o rd s living, nonliving, breathe, move, change, air, people, plant L iste n in g Text W o rd s bench, bush, statue, grass, rose, fountain W o rd S tu d y Adjectives Can a n d Can't An anim al can grow. Sneakers can't breathe. The Gingerbread Man R e a d in g Text W o rd s run away, chase, catch, stop, cross, bake, Should a n d Shouldn't Fairytale (Fiction) smell, open You should run away! R e a d in g S tra te g y L iste n in g Text W o rd s g o to bed, play outside, early, late, healthy You shouldn't stay here. U nderstanding Sequence food, junk food PLAYSCR IPTS Elliot's New Friend - - LISTENING SPEA KIN G W RITING W RAP UP A d d it io n P ro b le m s D iscussions about addition problem s L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for num ber details A s k in g a b o u t A g e H ow old are yo u ? I'm seven years old. T asks Talk about your school things and ho w m any you have, then write about them . (WB) • Project A Bar Graph of Possessions M a k in g S a la d s Conversations w hile m aking salads L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for num ber details S p e a k in g a b o u t A d d itio n 1 have two oranges. You have one orange. H ow m any oranges do we have? E x c la m a tio n P o in ts I'm hungry! Oh, no! I'm scared! T asks Talk about your favorite soup and write about it. (WB) • R e vie w Units 9 and 10 (WB) Q T ra d in g Toys Descriptions of w hat children have and want L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details B o rro w in g a n d L e n d in g Can 1 borrow your com ic book, please? Sure. Here you are. Thanks. Tasks Talk about w hat you have and w hat you want, then write about them . (WB) • Project N eeds and W ants Survey • R e vie w Units 11 and 12 (WB) Q M a k in g a Picnic Conversation about what children w ant for a picnic L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details E x p re s sin g W a n ts a n d N e e d s We w ant soda and chips. We need water and fruit. N o u n s a n d V e rbs Farmers (noun) grow (verb) food (noun). T a sks Talk about things you need and write about them . (WB) R e p o rtin g fro m K in g C ity TV report from different locations L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details C o m p lim e n tin g Wow! Your hom e is really nice. Thanks. T asks Talk about w here you live and write a b ou t it. (WB) O p in io n s a b o u t C ity a n d C o u n try A s k in g a n d T e llin g a b o u t C o m p le te Se n te n ce s Discussions about city / country N e ig h b o rh o o d s The town (noun) is (verb) small. preferences Is there a park in your neighborhood? Tasks L iste n in g S tra te g y No, there isn't. Talk about places in your n e igh borh ood and write Listening for details about them . (WB) ■ Project A M a p of Your N eighborhood • R e vie w Units 13 and 14 (WB) □ D e sc rib in g M u sic Descriptions of different musical sounds L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details A s k in g fo r H elp Can you help me, please? Sure! Let's do it together. Thanks! T a sks Talk about a percussion instrum ent and write about it. (WB) • Project M a kin g Percussion IrKtri im p n K W a tc h in g P e rfo rm a n c e s Observations during different events L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details A s k in g a n d G u e ssin g W hat are we doing? You're walking a n d playing instruments. It's a parade! C o n tra ctio n s la m > l'm It is not > It isn 't T a sks Talk about your favorite kind of perform ance and write about it. (WB) • R e vie w Units 15 and 16 (WB) D A W a lk in th e P a rk Conversation and observations about things in a park L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details A p o lo g iz in g Oh, no! I'm sorry. That's OK. T a sks Talk about living and nonliving things and write about them. (WB) • Project A Venn Diagram of Living and P a re n ts’ A d v ic e G iv in g A d v ic e P u n c tu a tio n R e vie w N onliving Things Conversations givin g advice You shouldn't run in the classroom. D o n 'tju m p o n thefox'snose D o you eat healthy food? • R e vie w Units 17 and 18 (WB) Q l to children to take care o f them selves You should walk. T a sks L iste n in g S tra te g y Listening for details OK, you're right. Talk about taking care of living things and write about what you should do. (WB) WATCH a video about fam ily and friends. In units 1 and 2 you will: LEARN that all fam ilies and friends are different. READ about fam ilies a n d two anim al friends. © o o © Watch the video. | 3 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 How m any people can you see? 2 Do you think it's a special day? Why? Think and answ er the questions. 1 Is your fam ily big or small? 2 What is your friend's name? Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h at do you know about families and friends? W ords grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister © Listen and point to the words. Listen again family and say the words. © 1.02 O Look at the pictures. W hat people can you see? Circle. mother) grandm other sister brother father grandfather mother grandmother father grandmother friend mother 8 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Family B efo re You Read T h in k Are all families the sam e? Predicting from Pictures Before you read, look at the pictures. They can help you work out w hat the text is about. Look at the pictures. W hat do you think the texts are about? Now read and check your answers. I think it’s This is my house. abou+ a house. It has six rooms. My bedroom is big. I like my house. Look at my toy box. I have lots of toys. I play with my toys every day. I think it’s a b o u t... O Look at the pictures on pages 10 and 11 W hat do you think the text is about? t P R E V IE W R H u t e <ii j In this text, we learn ab out different kinds of fam ilies and friends. This text is an informational text. Inform ational texts tell us ab out our world. S o cial Studies: Community Reading: Predicting from Pictures U nit 1 Families We live in families. People in families help each other. "They love each other, too. Not all families are the same. There are many kinds of families. Meet 5eb. Ites seven years old. 5eb’s family is big. he lives tuith his mother, father, three brothers, and tujo sisters. Vs/e worK together. This is Mandy. 5hes eight years old. 5he has one brother. They live uuith their ^grandmother and ^grandfather. We go places together. This is Kim. 5he s six years old der family is small. 5he lives tuith her mother. We spend time together. Friends Friends are also important. Friends have fun together and they help each other, too. 5eb, PAandy, and Kim are _good friends. They _go to school together. They play together every day. We share things Who are your _good friends? Understand Com prehension T h in k W hat do you like o O ^ ^ 1 Seb's fam ily 2 Mandy's fam ily 3 Kim's fam ily 4 the friends O Ask and answ er the question. What’s your favorite part? Seb’s family. I have a big family, too. O Answ er the questions. Circle Yes or No. 1 Is Seb seven years old? ( Y e s 2 Is Kim seven years old? Y e s 3 Is Seb's fam ily small? Y e s 4 Are Kim, Mandy, and Seb friends? Y e s T h in k Talk to a partner. 1 W hat can friends do together? 2 W hat does your fam ily do together? N o N o N o N o about the text? Check 1 2 Unit 1 Comprehension Gram m ar in Use L W o rkb o ok G ra m m a r pages 006-007 Q Listen and sing along. We A re a Fam ily © 1.04 o We are a family. A brother and a brother, And a sister, that’s me! A mother and a father, And kids, one, two, three! We are a family. We are a family. She is our sister, I’m their brother, that’s me! Grandmother and grandfather, And kids, one, two, three! We are a family. L e a r n G r a m m a r I'm six years old. M y family is big. Be He's eight years old. Friends are important. Ia m > I'm He is > He's Write about yourself. Then tell a M e I ’m M y family is years old. O partner. I’m Emma. I’m eight years old. My family is big. Write about your partner. Tell the class. M y P artn er He’s / Sh e ’s _______________________ years old. His / Her family is Grammar: Verb Be U n it l 13 Communicate W ords parents uncle aunt daughter cousin © Think about the words in © and add them to the chart. father _cnother^ (iff ® 1 brother W sister grandfather grandm other ^ friend Listening T h in k Which fam ily members do you live with? O Listen. Are they talking about friends or fam ilies? How do you know ? © 1.06 O Listen again and num ber the pictures. © 1.07 1 4 Unit 1 Vocabulary: Family Words • Listening: Details

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