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Owosso Argus Press 1989 Shiawssee Co, Michigan Complied by Mrs Frances L.Hazelton PDF

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Preview Owosso Argus Press 1989 Shiawssee Co, Michigan Complied by Mrs Frances L.Hazelton

Owosso Argus Press 1989 Shiawssee Co, Michigan Complied by Mrs Frances L.Hazelton (Herber) Vernon,Michigan Jan.1990 1 Argus-press 1989 Basil Acker Clara L. Acker ;V incent K. Ackles Age 77,0£ 133 Benson Lane La- Age 91, of Owosso, Mich., died: . Age 67, of 254 E. Main, Elsie, ingsburg, passed away on SU~day Sunday, Dec. 10, 1989 at the Durand Mich. died Tuesday, Feb. 21, 1989 at Aug. 6, 1989, at home. ' Convalescent Center, Durand. The Memorial Hospital, Owosso. He was born in Clinton County on! Mrs. Acker was a secretary for the Mr. Ackles owned 'and operated Feb. 21, 1912, .the son of Edgar and 'Ann Arbor Railroad and church Vince Ackles Service in Elsie and I Edna (Wilson) Acker. secretary for the First Baptist had sold automobiles in both St. in After completing high school Church, Owosso. Johns and Owosso. ' I Laingsburg, Mr. Acker worked for Services will be held Wednesday, Services will be held Friday, 1 Christian Breish Grain elevator and 11 a.m. at Jennings-Lyons Chapel,p.m., from the Carter Funeral then became the bulk station agent . Owosso, with The Rev. Earl Skinner Home, Elsie with the Rev. Fred for the Standard Oil Co. In the 1940s officiating and burial will follow at Fischer officiating and burialfollow he started the Acker Toggery Shop Oak Hill Cemetery, Owosso. Friends ing in Riverside Cemetery, Elsie. and later~he Laingsburg Oil Co. He may call at the funeral home Tues- Friends may call at the funeral' also was the. manager of grain day from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. home today from 7 to 9 p.m. and elevat<lrs in Fremont and Rockford Memorials are suggested to the Thursdayfrom 2" to 9 p.m. for ~he F~rm Bureau, retiring from! American Heart Association. . : ~r. Ackles was born in Ashley, busmess m 1966. Mrs. Acker was born m La- MICh. on Jan. 19, 1922, the son of Mr. Acker and his wife Marian ingsburg, Mich. on Nov. 3, 1898, the Wm. H. and Alice Louisa (Pendell) spent two years with the Peac~I' daughter of John F. and Frederica Ackles. He was a 1939 graduate of Corps, stationed in InUia. Mr. Acker. ,D. (Brendahl) Meier and had lived Ashley High School and had resided was very active in civic .and service most of her life in the Owosso area. in the Ashley and Elsie area all of his organizations. He was a charter She was a graduate of Owosso High life. On March 10,1942, he and Anne member and president of the La- School and Owosso Business Col-i Sturgis were married in St.Charles, ingsburg Lions Club, a volunteer lege. She was married to J. Murray Mo. Mr. Ackles served in the U.S. ~ireman, a member of the La- Acker who predeceased her in 1964. Army during World War II. mgsburg village council, and presid- Mrs. Acker was a member of the I Survivors include his wife, Anne of ed as.president of the school board. FirstBaptistChurch,Owosso. Elsie; three sons: Patrick of .He ~lso. helped start the Laingsburg Survivors include three stepsons: ~vanst?n, Ill., Thomas of St. Johns SprmgtIme Festival. Charles R. Acker of Owosso, Robert and MIchael of Holt; four grand- lVJore recently he was president of 'M. Acker of Lansing, C. Everett children; three sisters, Jean Filgas thE: non-profit corporation ,which Acker of Trenton; two nephe~s; six : of Owosso, Marjorie Bishop of Oden planned and built the LookingGlass step grandchildren and six' ton, Md. and Betty Mitchell of Ban- Terrace, a. senior citizen.'s housingstepgreat-grandchildren. nister; and two brothers, Robert and complex. '. - James Ackles. Dorothy E. Abbott Mr. Acker is survived by his wife ' Memorials are suggested to Home of 52. years, the former Marian Age 65 of Ashl M' h di d M Health' Care of The Memorial Thomas; two sons Aaron and wife daymo~ing De~Yh ~~89 teC on-(Hospital, Owosso. Ann of Marshall, and Alden and sons City Hospitai " a arson Todd and Bart of Durand' and a M Abb' daughter Sally and husba~d John rs.. ot.t was a homemaker. Curr.al1 of Chic g H' I . ServIces will be held Thursday, 11' . . a o. . e IS a so survlv- a.m. from the Jennings-Lyons ~dby one,slater, ~erne ~ustin of La- Chapel, Owosso. Dr. Warner H: mg6burg, cousms, meCes, and Siebert will officiate with burial in nep ews. Hill t M . I G d Visitation will be 'th th f 'I cres . emorla . ar ens. The this e' WI. e amI y family will meet frIends at the '} vemng from 7 to ~ p.m. at, the chapel Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 f amI y home. MemOrIal serVIces p m ' will be held' th L . . .• • C . m e amgsburg FIrst 'Memorials are suggested to th~ ongregatlOnal Church ?n Wednes- American Lung Association. day, Aug, 9, at l1a;m. wIth the Rev ....- Douglas?chneider officiating. . DonatIons maybe made to Hospice-atThe Memorial Hospital Owosso, the American Cancer SOcie: ~y, or the Memorial Fund at the La mgsburg Congregational Church. ThefamiIy is served by Nelson-! ! House Funeral Homes McDougall , Chapel, Laingsburg. " i 2 Argus-Press 1989 AnnoE. Ade, Faylece Katherine Alenen \John "Ted" AI~n'en Age '19, of 4981 S. Bancroft Rd., Age 71 of 10500 Cronk Rd Lennon I Age 72, of 10500 Cronk Rd., Len Durand, di.ed Sunday eveniI!g, died F'riday, March 31, 1989 at the lnon, passed away MOD?ay, Jun~ 12, March' 26, .1989 at The Memorial Durand Convalescent Manor. 11989, at The Memorial Hospital, H!)spital, Owosso. Mrs. Alenen was a homemaker. lOwosso. . . , l\frs.;~dew~s.ahomemaker. A memorial serVice will be held' Mr .. Alenen ~ad worked In the ServIces WIll be held We~eSdaY'Thursday, April 13,1 p.m. from the Imachme repaIr department ..o f March 29, at 1 p.m. from Kribs Col- Smith-Scarlett Funeral Home Chevrolet for 33 years before retlr- oldalC~apel, Corunna ",:,i~h t.he Rev. Owosso. The Rev. Kenneth Her: ing on Jan. I? 1979.. . Franklm Hepworth offlcIatmg and Ib rUck will officiate. There will be no i A memonal servlCe wIll' be h~ld burial 'followin~ .in' . Ne~b':lrg ·visitation. ' Thursday at 1 p.m. from the SmIth CemeterY,Bancroft. Friends may I' Mrs. Alenen was born in Owosso. Scarlett Funeral Home, Ow.osso. c,all at the chapel where the family on Feb. 26, 1918, the daughter of The Rev. Kenn~th Herbr~c:;k ,!lll of ,:willbepresenttodayfrom7t09p.m. !William G. and Ruth A. (House) ficiate.Therew111beno~lsltatIon. and Tuesday fromZ to 5 a~d 7 to 9 lBartz. Sbe had resided the past 29 Mr. Alenen was born m SaultSte. p.m. The Corunna V.F.W. Auxiliary years in Lennon. On Nov. 5 1955 she. Marie, Mich., Dec. 26, 1916, th~ son will hold a memorial service at the and John Alenen were n:arried in of Emil and Alvina ,(Savmen) t chapel Tuedayeveningat 7. : Owosso., . . Alenen. He attended General Mo.tors Mr$:Ade wasb9rninOhlman, Ill. . Survivors include her husband, Institute. in. FI,mt and had r~slded on Oct. 27,.19(19r.the daughter of John of Lennon; one daughter and. mostofhlslifemLennon. Harry E. and Enuna(Brunts) Ade. son-in-law, Janice and Herschell On Nov. 5, 195?, h~ and Fayle~e ··9n,June 23f192~,sheand.Harl1: C. Rossell of Owosso; three sisters: Bartz weremarrIe~ m Owosso. Hls I ~de werEl~a,l'rIed;~FlmtMlch. Mrs. Norman (Isabelle) Ha~kins of wife predeceased hlID on March3l, T~~yhadbeen lllarried for . yearS!Durand Gloria Mellentine of! 1989. ~efQre.her husband passed a\tar on" Owosso,'Arlene Dibean of Owosso; Survivors include: ' . .. July: 26, 19'14'M.r~. Ade had reSided three brothers Donald Bartz of West' One stepdaughter and son-m~law, in Shiato,!D fOl'oV;er 60 years ..S he Branch, Willi~m Bartz 'of Owosso, Janice and Herschell Rossell of wasa member ()fthe Banc!,oft Bap- Jack Bartz of Florida; nieces and Owosso; one sister, Mrs. Harold tif!,tChurch, the Corunna V.F..WAux- nephews. (Erma) Hoornstra of Sa~t Ste. iIi~ry" life memberQf. V~rnon Memorial!! are suggested to the Marie; two ha,lf sisters of Fmland; I Cb~pterOrder of Eastern Star and a I Shiawassee County Humane Socie- and many meces and nephews. m~~~el.'.~f. ~~e Owosso Memorial I ,ty. ' . B esides his wife, Mr. ,Alenen, ",:,as H()~el~lA~liary. ., . The family is being served by the' pred~ceased by one Sister, LIllIan '. SurylVors l,Ilclude three sons and, Smith-Scarlett Funeral Home, AldrIch. . tb,eit~wives: RObert,and Dottie Ade I Owosso. .. Memorials are suggested to t~e .0fO\\,,0$so, Harry' Jr. and Yvonne I Shiawassee County Humane Socta- Ade Qf. Corunna.and Raymond and':' G Id E Alb • ty. , Glenlla Adeof. Owosso; two era .rmg The family is being served by the daughters and their husbands: Age 50, of Owos.so died Friday. Smith-Scarlett Funeral Home, Virginia and .Ray Beach of.Durand, afternoon, Dec. 29, 1989 at his Owosso. Alice and Stanley Beach of Durand; , residence. Stuart W. Armstrong one .daughter~in.law, Mrs. Alvera ! Mr. Albring was a painter. Ade of Elsie; 24 gratld{!hildren; 14, Services will be held today, 1 p.m. Age 83, of Lansing, Micb,., passed great-grandchildren; and three from Jennings-Lyons Chapel, away S~nday,April23, '1989. He had brothers: Lloyd Ade, Glen Ade and Owosso. The Rev. Paul Albring will lived in California for the past 32 Clarence Ade, all of Pana, Ill. I officiate with burial in Oak Hill years. . ' . Besides her husband, Mrs. Ade Cemetery, Owosso. Mr. Armstrong was born in was predeceased by one daughter, Mr. Albring was born in Corunna, Owosso on Dec. 15, 1905, the son of ;Beverly Kaglej two sons, Dwight; Mich. on Sept. 1, 1939, the son of Orlanda and Jennett (Stanton) Arm and Ot'lille Ade; her parents; one'Charles and Delsie (Brayshaw) strong. He graduated from Owosso' brother; and several grandchildren. Albring. He attended Owosso High Schelll and GMI in Flint and Memorials are suggested to the I Schools and had resided most of his had worked as an auto mechanic in American Cancer Society. life in this area. Owosso and Mason. Survivors include two daughters: A memorial service will be held on Mrs. Fred (Tina) Nault of Oakley, Sunday, April 30, at 3p.m.~. ~~ the Mrs. James (Cynthia) Millam of Wheatfield United ~ethodist Ch.u.rch Owosso; one son, Bill Albring of on the corner of Holt;~mIlBurkley Owosso; seven grandchildren; two Roads, Williamston, Mich. . ., brothers: Bernard "Stub" and Survivors include his\wife,'Pawaj Shirley Albring of Ashley, Doylen two sons, Gerald of! Texas and and Shirley Albring of Edmore j' and James of Mason, Mich.~ nine grand one 'sister, Bethel Bearden of Ed children; six great-grandchildren; more. Mr. Albring was predeceased and many cousins in lhisarea. by his parents and two sisters. He was predeceased by his parents, one sister and one brother. MemorIals are suggested to the Wheatfield United Methodist Church, 806 Nobe Rd., Williamston. 3 Argus-Press 1989 Ella M. Aldrich Lena I. Aldrich Age 85, of 665:! Simpson Rd., Ovid, Age 82, of Chesaning died Sunday dice! this morning, rruesday, July 25, ev~ning, March 2'6, 1989 at St. 1989, at her residence. ' Mary's Medical Center, Saginaw. Mrs. Aldrich was a nurse techni- Mrs. Aldrich had been a telephone cian at The Memorial Hospital,' operator in Brant for many years Owosso. and then operated an adult foster Services will be held Thursday, 1 care home in St. Charles before p.m. from the Jennings-Lyons retiring. • Chapel, OWosso. The Hev. James Services will be held Wednesday, 1 Britt' will officiate with burial in p.m., from the Walker-Martin I·M.aple Grov? Cemetery. The family Funeral Home, Chesaning. Pastor 'wIll meet fnends at the chapel this Ron Feely will officiate and burial evening 7 to'9 and Wednesday ,2 to.4 will follow in Brant Cemetery. and 7 to 9 p.m. . Friends may call at the funeral Mrs. Aldrich was born in Adams home after 2 p.m. today. Memorials 'Kansas, on Nov. 7, 190a, th~ are suggested to the St. Mary's daugfiter of Frand and Armeadie Medical Center Burn Unit or to the (Gray) Henderson. She had resided' St. Charles Seventh-day Adventist ino,st of her Iif~ in this area. On Nov. Church. 16, 1927, she and Roswell G. Aldrich Mrs. Aldrich was born in Fremont 'Kannath Allan. Harold were married in Shepardsville. He Township on May 22, 1906, the died July 12, 1954. Mrs. Aldrich was daughter of Manley and Minnie G G.. I Age 88, of 202 East Oliver st.,amem.bcr of the C~ntral United • (White) VanLuven. She had resided I Owosso, died Thursday:. evening, I Methodist Church, Umted Methodist in the Brant area for most of her life Oct. 5, 1989. at The Memorial Women and.Golden. Agel'S. and had lived in Chesaning for the 'I Hospital, Owosso. . Survivors include a, daughter, last 10 years. On July 28, 1923 she Services for Mr. Allen will beheld; Mrs. Gordon (Dorothy) Woodworth and Viril Aldrich were married in Monday, 11 a.m. from the Jennings- ,of'Ovid; a so~, ElwynJ. Aldrich of Corunna, Mich. Her husband LyonsChapel,OwossowithTheRev. Ann Arbor; SI.X grandchildren; ten predeceased her on March 1, 1985. Carol J. Johns officiating and burial great-grandchildren; one brother, Mrs;' Aldrich was a member of the following· in Woodlawn Cemetery,Robert ~Ienderson of St. JOQns; one St. Charles Seventh-day Adventist, Clio, Mich. Friends may call at the I brother-m-Iaw; Karl Sniit~ of SL Church. . chapeiSaturdayandSunday,from2 .Johns; a sister-in-law, Ruth Survivorli include five daughters, to 4 and 7 t09p.m. Remsber~ of St. Louis, Mich. . five sons aDd their spouses: Beulah Memorials are liuggested to the. Memonals are suggested to the and John Harding of Chesaning, Vi- Firlit United Methodist Church, Central United Methodist Church. vian and Robert Clark of St. Charles, I Owosso. . Chapel hours 9 a.m. to !lp.m. Edyth and George Shaw of Oakley, Mr. Allen began his career as a, Carol and Joe Sweeney of St. salesman for Beecher-Peck & Lewis Charles, Dianne and Keith Bennett (currently know as Zellerback of New Lothrop, Eugene and Ethel Corp.). He was only the second Aldrich of Chesaning, Richard and salesman in Flint at the time, and Catherine Aldrich of Montrose, Dar- served for 25 years. In 1~, he pur- president and llfe--~ember of-the rell and Edith Aldrich of Alma, Cecil chased Owosso Merchandis: Co. and Owosso Country Club, and was a and Shirley Aldrich of,J)akley and moyed f:om Fenton, MICh. ~e former Illember of the Owosso Darwin and Carol Aldri¢J1of Oakley; renamedItH.K.AllenP~perCo .• lts Rotary Club for over 30 years. 31 grandchHdr,en; ~9 great- current name. The busmess beg~n Survivors include his wife, Vi; one grandchildren; a:rtflone sister, Mary as a three-story warehouse m: son, Robert H. Allen of Owosso; one Ordway of Saginaw. downtown Owosso, on the corner of daughter, Mrs. Lester A. (Tess) Besides her husband, Mrs. Aldrich Ball and Water streets. In 1952, the Bour of Owosso; grandchildren: was also pf:t')d\,!ceased by two warehouse yvas. torn ~own. a~d . Rebecca Bour of Charlevoix, Mrs. .b rothers and three sisters. relocated to Its prese~t slte on Clin-Larry (Deborah) Crawford of ton .St. ~r. Allen retired fro~ the ,Owosso, Mrs. Raymond (Leisa) Patrick Robert Allen b~mess m 1975, bu~ worked actively 'Toby of Phoenix, Ariz., Mrs. James With B~b~en, his s~n, and Les (Tracy) Mahaney of Denham Spr Age 34, of Wixom, formerly of Bour,hisson-m-Iaw, un~earlyI9~9. ings, La. and Robert Allen Jr. of Owosso, died Nov .14,1989. , ~r. Allen was born m Memphis,p hoe nix, A r i z .; g rea t Services were held at McCabe Mich. on. July 21, . 1901, the. son of grandchildren, Jessica Mahaney Funeral Home, Farmington Hills, Floyd and. Cattle . (Harrmgton) land Seth and Mathew Toby; several i today at 9 a.m. Allell.,H,e attended Flin~ sc~oo~ and !nieces and nephews. including a Survivors include his wife, Kathy; had reSIded mostof his life m the !special niece, Mrs. Carl (Nolavay) a daughter, Peggy and a son, Tim OWOSS? area. C?n March 19, 19~1, ~e Sproul of Birch Run, Mich.; a half both at home; a sister, Marie Whit-I an? Vlo!a Ayliffe we~e married mSister, Edith Allen of Washington; a taker; three brothers, Ashley Allen, . Flint, MiCh. . . '. half brother' and two cousins Mrs. Charles Allen, and John Allen; also !'ir; ~en was a ~ember of ~e "Elmer (Betty) Micha:eIs of nieces and nephews. FU'st Uruted. M~thodist Church 1!l 'Washington and Bill Mogle of Owosso, serYJ.llg m the church choU' 'Jackson, Mich. and as a solOISt for man.y years. He; Arrangements by Jennings-Lyons was past Ma.ster of the VIenna Lodge Chapel, Owosso. No. 205, Clio, F & AM. was past ' 4 Argus-press 1989 V. ,Angelita M. Angst Ruth Anderson E. Myrtle Andrews Age 77, of New Lothrop, died Age 86, ofl090 E. Bennington Rd., Age 80, of 1723 Corunna Ave., died Saturd?y, M~y 27, 1989, at her ~ome. Owosso, died Tuesday, May 16, 1989, ! Thursday morning, Jan. 19, 1989,at Serv~ces will be held at St. MIchael at her son's residence in Owosso, the home of her daughter. " Cathoh~ Church, Maple Grove Services will be held at KribsCol:- Mrs. And r e w s w~s a :Townshlp, Wednesday ~t 11 a.m. onial Chapel, Corunna, .Monday, ? seamstress/sewer, having:' been iT~e Rey .. Father ~ohn Call~ghan. May 122, 1989, at 11 a.m. Burial will, I employe~ . by. Mitchell-Bentley,: Wl~ offICIate. BUrIal WI!1 be m St.1 be in Maple River Cemetery, before retIrIng In 1973 after 20 years MIchael Cemetery. Fflends may. Owosso. The Rev. Leonard W. . of service. . call at Whelpley F~eral Ho~e, Gamberand the Rev~ John W.Sune~ I ' Services will be held Monday, 11 New Loth;op. There will be a SCrIP- son will officiate. The body will rest a.m., from the. Jennings-Lyons 'tur~ servIce today at 7 p.I'Q. and a at Kribs Colonial Chapel after 2 p.m. Chapel, Owosso, with the Rev. Joe Kmghts of Cohu~bu~ ~osary at 7:30 Saturday, The family will be present Williams officiating and burial p.m. The body will lie m state at th~ ,at the funeral h~me SaturdilY and.: following in Hillcrest. MemoriallC.hurch We<!!tesday from 9 a.m. until' Sunday from '2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 Gardens.Friends may call at the tImeof servlCe. . p.m. chapel where the family will be pre- Mrs. Angst .was born m Maple Mrs. Anderson was ,born in sent todayfrom7 to 9 p.m., Saturday Grove TownshIp, May 23, 1912, the Wheeler, Mich., April 26, 1903, the. and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 daughter of Anthony and Eleanor daughter of Nathan and Edith (Gay) I p.m. I (!le~ige) Yaklin. She lived all her Baughan. She and Henry J. Ander- Mrs. Andrews was born in Chesan-. life m the New Lothrpp. area. On son were married in Owosso, Jan. 1, ing, Mich. on Nov. 17,. 1908, the •. Sept. 15, 1934? she and Philinus Angst 1927. They were married. 61 years daughter of Henry Wm. and were mamed in Maple Grove before Mr. Anderson died NoV. 26, Florence (Parks) Sprague. She and Town~bip. She was. a member of the.1988. . Earl Wm. Andrews were .married in, St. MlChael Catholic Church, Maple A homemaker she was a member Owosso on Aug. 21, 1927. . Grove and the Altar Society. .of the Corunna' United Methodist Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Angst had been employed for Church where she had been former Mrs. Donald L. (Erma) Porter of, many ~ears at. AC .Spark Plug and organist for 25 years, and also was a Owosso and Mrs. Michael L.' The FaIr Store m Flint. member of the Owosso Musicale. 1 (Louise) Hanifan of Port Huron' Survivors fuclude' her husband, Survivors include two sons Nor seven sons: Eugene E. (and Doris) Philinus; two sons; Leroy J. and man H. Anderson (if Winter Haven, ,Andrewsof Owosso, Harold L. (and wife Elizabeth Angst of bansing and Fla. and Charles N. Anderson of .( ~ois) Andrews of Corunna, Wayne !?ouglas. M. Angst Of. West Bloom-Owosso; eight grandchildren; and t .. Andrews of Owosso, Glenn R. I field; five grandchildren: three nine great-grandchildren. She was (and. Betty) Andrews of Sanford, great-g~andchildren; three. sisters preceded in death by her husband, a Fla., Alvin t.. Alldrews of Midland, and their hu~bands: Erne~tme and son, Robert; two sisters, Aletba I\:Iich., Gerald M. (and Linda) An- Alfred Wendlmg of Chesanmg; Sally Stewart and Edna' Sussex; and a draws of ~issamee, Fla~, Erv~ L. a~d ~~gene Gross of New L~throp, brother, Paul Baughan. / (and KatIe) Andrews of AntlOch, VlrgmIa and James Vantme of Memorial contributions are sug Galif.; 35 grandchildren; 42 great- Flint; four brot~ers: Clair and wife gested . to the Corunna United gr~ndchildren; four great-great-, Margaret Yaklin of New Lothrop, Methodist Church. grandchildren; two sisters, Robert Yaklin of Fenton, Richard E. Josephine Brookhouse of Holland, Yaklin of Flint, and James Yaklin of Barba.ra Andres Mich. and Leona Hartman of Ver- Davison. Age 49, formerly of Brant passed noh; and one brother, Theodore She was precedeased by her away Thursday, March 2, 1989, at St. Sprague of Corunnal . parents, three brothers: Vincent, Luke's Hospital, Saginaw. Mrs. Andrews was1predeceased bS Sylvan, and Donald Yaklin; a sister, Serv\ces will be held at Walker her husband iil1987, four brothers Geraldine Russell; and a grand- Martin Funeral Home,' Chesaning, one sister and ber parents. daughter, Andrea Angst. . . . Arrangements by Whelpley Saturday aU p.m. The~ev. Edward Weiff will officiate. BurIal will be in Funeral Home, New Lothrop. Brant Cemetery. Friends may call .W illiam ~Iare Ar~her - d A ",. tat the funeral home after 6 p.m. to- Ch W Od . or rger.,rngerlday. Age 46,of Elsie, died Oct. 28, 1988, in Elsie. . Age 18, 615 E. Gran~River Rd.,,\ Memorials may be made to the The body was crema~ed. Laingsburg, died Saturday, July 29, American Cancer Society. Gra~eside services will be at River 1989. V. side Cemetery, Elsie, Sunday at 10 A memorial service will be held Norma Andrus Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2p.m. from the amThie 'f~mily .is··· .being served. b y Nelson-House Funeral Homes, Age 82, of Zep~yr:'illls, Fl~,~, Smith-Carter Funeral Home, ElSIe. McDougall Chapel, Laingsburg. formerly of Durand,~e.p Sunda1, Father Duaine Pamment will of Dec. 3, 1989. ficiate. A gra~eside service will be held at Memorials ar~ suggested to the Greenwood Cemetery, Vernon, Laingsburg High School Athletic. Saturday, Dec: 9, at 1 p.m. Department. Arrangements by Bellows-Rinker Funeral Home, Durand. 5 Argus-Press 1989 • • Maudie I. Augustine i Carl L. Arndt LucIlle Augustrne . Age 84, of North Ridge Rd., Age 65, of Byron, died Thursday, . Of Chesaning, Mich., went home to , Chesaning, .d ied Tuesdayevenb:tg, Nov .16,1989, athis residence. be with the Lord Monday, Jan. 30, March 28, 1939, at her residence. . Mr. Arndt was a machine rep~ir- 1939, after a lengthy illness, at ageM r'sk. Aug us tin e .'0/ a s a man for SimpliCity Engineermg, 80. . .. homem~ker. Durand for 24 years retiring in 1976.' Mrs. Augustine had worked as a Services will be held Friday, Also he and his wife owned and cook for the the Chesaning School March 31, at 1 p.m., from Kribs Col oper~ted Arndt Service in Byron for S)!stem for 23 years, at the Line onial Chapel, Corunna\vith the· Rev. 35 years. Street and Big Rock SChools. She Earl Skinner officiating and bUrial Services will beheldSunday,Nov':had also vvorked as a cook for the following in Easton Cemetery, 19, 1989, 3 p.m. at the StreeteriiHartle~ Natu~e Cse nterior 20 years. Easton. Friends may call atth. Funeral Home, Byron. The Rev.,; ServIces WIll be held Thursd~y, chapel after 7 p.m. today. The famIe Robert Schoenhals will officiate wit~ 'F eb. 2, at 2 p.m., from the Chesanmg Iy. will be present from 7 to 9 p.m. to bural in ByrOilCemetery. The famI-, Church of the Nazarene .. The Rev. H. , day and from 2to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Iy will receive friends atthefuneral! L. Woods, and the Rev. Ch~rles Thursday. r home this evening 7 to 9 and Sato:-, Boerema will officiate with bur~al to Mrs. Augustine was born in day 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. A Masomc follow in Easton Cemete.r~. Fnends, Shiawassee County on May 17,,1004, memorial service will be held Satur- may call at the MlslUk-Morse, the daughter of William and Beulah day, 8 p.m., by the Byron Lodge No. Funeral Home, Chesaning, today, (Thomas) Mallery and was a 80F.andA.M.,atthefuneralhome. after 5 p.m. . lifetime resident of New Haven Memorials are $uggested to ~he I Memorials are suggested to the Township. On April 9, 1924, she and Byron Area Ambulance or HospIce Chesaning Church of the Nazarene, Ebno D. Augustine were marriad~!p ofShiawassee. in Mrs. Augustine's memory. New Haven Township. They were he Mr. Arndt was born in Aberdeen, . Mrs. Augustine was born on Oct. 5, I married for. 62 yeats before S.D. on March 7,. 1924, the son of: 1908 in Chesaning, t~e daughter of: predeceased her on May 3, 1986. Herbert and Pauline (Sedlak) Arn·, Elmer and JeSSIe (Balla~d) Mrs. Augustine was a member of the dt. He had resided in the Byron area Blakeslee. She and Iva~ Augustme Easton Church of Chri!)t. since 1939. On June 12, 1948, he and were married in Chesanmg on Nov. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. Genevieve Pabner were married in 16, 1932. Her husband predeceased Ira! (Helen) Wallace of Ypsilanti; Byron. She died Sept. 12, 1981. Mr. her in 1980,. She was a member of the three sisters-in.law: Mrs. Harold i Arndt was a member of the Byroni Chesaning Church of the Nazarene. '\(Mildred) Conklin of Owosso, Mrs. Lodge No. 80 F. & A.M., Byron . Survivors include a da~ghter, IGaylord (Margarett~) Mallery of Lions, Durand Eagles Aerie 3851,· Mrs. Duane (Carolyn). . Krish . of 'Corunna and Mrs. ltobert (Opal) coached little league baseball and Owosso; seven grandchIldren; fIVe barlew of Mio' several nieces, was very supportive of ~ttle league. great-grandchildre.n; ~ Sister, Isabel ~ephews and cou~ins. football and other athletIC programs Gross of ColumbIavIlle; and her Besides her husband, Mrs. in the area. dear friend, Lil Burkett. .. . Augustine was predeceased by four Survivors include his son, Larry, Besides her husband, Mrs. ,b rothers. and wife Marcia Arndt of Owosso; a' Augustine was predeceased by two, Memorials may be made to the daughter Sherry Ardnt of Byron; daughters: infant Charlotte Jea~ American Cancer Society. six gra~dchildren; his mother, Augustine and Mrs. Janet Stanhope. I . Pauline Arndt of Durand; two ---. Robert C. Ash Sr. sisters, Mrs. Dan (Lucille) Sher- Irving A. Arnett Sr. wood of Durand, Mrs. Helen of Hernando, Fla., died of O~ks, M~Ja .!\ge' Maylum Sherman Calif.; a 62, July 17, 1989, at his 80" of LanSing died Sunday, brother Robert and wife Pat Arndt. .. y, . , r D 31 1989 o~ ' La d d 1 Fla' many resIdcnee. I ec.,. .. 'M t Ft. u et a e, '! Mr A native of Owosso, he.moved tor Mr. Arnett had retIred from 0 or meces, nephews and cousmt:sr. .' Florida in 1959. He was, a heavy I Wheel as a crane operator. pre~ec~:::d Arndt was t'::eqUipmentoperatorforthe .Citrus Services will be held today, 3:30 f~ther, anCountYROadDepar~ment Herbert m. and, a p.m. from the Osgood Funeral SISter. Carol Koncney m 1967. member'.of Veterans of ForeIgn i Home, St. Johns.. . Wars POBt4252 in Hernando. Mr. Arnett was a former reSident . He is survived· by his wife, Qf the Owosso and st. Johns ar~a Claudia ; "two sons,J)avid off Jlaving resided the past two years In Seminole Fla. and llobert C. J.r. of: ' . Inglis, Fla; a (hiughter,. Nickeyl include one son, }rv~ng Sanderson of Clearwater, Fla.; a Jr. of St. Johns, fIve stepson John Baxter Jr. anda . : Edith Arnett of Lake, daught~r, Laurie Storman, both. Sharon McIntyre.pf Bancroft, Hernando, Fla.; a brother, Paul of Motz of Lansmg, Sandra California; a sister, Dorthey Wood- of Laingsburg, Laura worth of Owosso; and If)· gtand- of St. Johns; 15 grand- . children. . 12 grea~-grandchildren; A V.F;W . Team' officiated at the. sister, ViVIanBeye~s,,~r .. services held at .Davis Funeral. was.predeceasedby hiS WIfe, Home.in Inverness, Fla. on July 19, one son, Don;lld, and a 'i '1989.. .. .. ... Roger. 'Mr. Ash will be. ~emembere.d by many members of the local American Legion and Drum Corps, Moose Loclge,andthe Eagles. 6 Argus-Press 1989 'Gladys I. Austin Richard S. Austin Age 80, of Owosso, died Friday Age 65, of 604 E. North St., evening, Nov. 17, 1989 at the Owosso, Mich., died Monday after Shiawassee County Medical Care noon, Nov. 6, 1989 at The Memorial Facility (Pleasant View) in Coron- Hospital, Owosso .. na. Mr. Austin was a Cooperative Ex- The funeral will be held Monday at tension Agent for Michigan State 10 a.m. at Jennings-Lyons Chapel, University, having retired in 1984. with the Rev; Shirley Jones of-, Prior to that, he was a 4-H agent in ficiating. BUrial will be in Mid- Mason and St. Clair counties and dleburyCemetery. was an instructor at· Marlette High The. body will rest at Jennings- School. Lyons Chapel, with visitation set for Services will be held Thursday, at today. from 4-9 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m., from Jennings-Lyons from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. •' Chapel, Owosso with the Rev. Miss Austin was a regiStered 'Michael Ruhl officiating and burial nurse at The Memorial Hospital,following in Garfield Township Owosso, fC)rmore than 30 years. I Cemetery, Lake, Mich. Friends may She was born in Owosso on Oct. 31, Ic all at the chapel today from 7 to 9 1909, the daughter of Wilbur and p.m. and Wednesday from 2 to 4 and Emma (Tubbs) Austin. '.7 to 9 p.m. Miss Austin graduated from;Ovid Mr. Austin was born in Detroit, High School and from Memorial Mich. on Dec. 30, '1923, the son of Hospital's Nurses Training Pro- ,Harry C. and Ellen M. (Schroeder) gram in 1932. Austin. He was a Midland High Kalamazoo; three sons:Jame~ Austin of Tampa, Fla., Jon (anti Surviving are: One sister, Tltelma School graduate and a graduate of Lori) Austin of Garden City, Mich .• David of Owosso; two brothers, Michigan State University, having and Jay Austin of Royal Oak, Mich.; Ralph Austin and Vern Austin, both received a B.S. degree in 1948 and an of Owosso; and two .n ephews"M.S. degree in dairy science in 1966. six grandchildren: Jeff ~nd DaJ:leUe Christine, Ryan and KatJierine l'foel, George Robinson and· Russell :lie and Catherine F. Hahn were Jamie and Kelsey Austin; four Austin, both of Owosso. pIarried in Detroit on Aug. 8, 1943. Memorial contributions may be tIe was a veteran of World War II. sisters: Mrs. Jake (GeneUel) Groeneveld of Owosso, Mrs. Robert made to the Pleasant View Air Con- \ Mr. Austin was named ditioning Fund. . Cooperative Extension Outstanding (Arlynn) Cassiday of Midland.. Agriculture Agent in 1964, received :, Mich., Mrs. Al (Marietta) Emmons Henry Stukley Arnold the 1965 M.A.C.A.A .• Presidents I of Midland, and Mrs. Verna Hooter I of Lawton, Okla. . Age 92, of 1464 North M-52, passed/Award in .1977, the Dair~ Shrine Club, Memorials are suggested to! away S.u .n day • J. uly 23 ,1.9 8.9 , a t Th e l,Aunwnaar d H(liofen omraermyb eFrsFhi Ap) , Cthhea pCOteI';r1 II Bartlett Hospital I.C.n. in Juneau, MemorIal HospItal, Owosso,. . . 'Award, and the Owosso Honorary , . Alask~. the Michigan Conservati<ln Mr{Atnol? was a farmer hvmg on IFFA Chapter Award. , Foundation or the IMichigan:H.e~1't: ~est J~ddvl.Ile ~oad.! before mov-.· Survivors include his wife, Asso~ia tion. Enve~opes·1:are I 'I mg to ~IWanI~ VIllage m 1981. f Catherine; three daughters': Mrs. . available at the chapel. SerVIces wlll be held at Nelson- Terrance (Jane) Christine of Arrangements by Jenn' . Ho~se Funeral Homes, Knapp &.Auburn, Ala., Mrs.' Kelly (June) Chapell, Owosso. Chapel bOu SmIth Chapel; O~osso,. We?nes~ay Noel of Coloma and Julie Austin of to 9 p.ri1. at 1.p.m. BurIal WIll be m RIverSIde Cemetery. Friends may visit at the Florence E. Austin chapel tonight from 7 to 9 p.m. and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with Age 92, of Burcham Hills, East the family present from 2 to 4 and 7 Lansing and formerly of Laingsburg t09p.m. \ died Tuesday, May 30.. 1989 at Mr. Arnold was born June 13, 1897 Burham Hills Nursing Home. in Roberts, Ill., the son of Johnso~ Mrs. Austin was a homemaker. and Becky (Swik) Arnold. He at· Services will be held Thursday, n tended schools in Illinois .and since a.m. from the Nelson-House Funeral 1928 settled in Rush Township. He Homes, McDougall Chapel, La and Etta Helen Lee were married in ingsburg. The Rev. Gary Hashley Roberts, Ill., Jan. 25, 1923. He was a will officiate with burial in La member of the Henderson United ingsburg· Cemetery. Friends may Methodist Church, the Odd Fellows . call at thefllneral home today 2 to 9 Ovid Masonic Lodge, and enjoyed, p.m. bowling the last ten years. ' Survivors include his wife, Etta; three sons: Ramon of Owosso, Mar vin and his wife, Gladys of Owosso,' Merle and his wife Janet of Flushing; 14 grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren; also a ..• ..•.. sister,Sainantha Rueck of Illinois. Me,morlals ~re suggest.ed to. the He was predeceased by six brothers. Henders~nUni!;ed Metho.dlst Ch~rch or the Shlawassee CouncIl on Agmg. 7 Argus-Press 1989 Charles Justice Babcock Marjorie E. Bailey Judy S.Baird i' Age 84, of 1538W, Wilkinson Rd., Age71,of9429S. Vernon Rd., Ban-, Age 50, of 206 S. Howell, Owosso · OWOS!i9,diedSm;tday, Jan. 29, 1989, croft, pas~ed away Tuesday aft:r-' died Monday, Dec .. 18,1989 at The I lat htl!! .r.~sidence. ". noon, April 4, 1989, at The MemorIal· Memorial HOl!!pital, Owosso. · .~t:. Babcp¢kh~d b~ena f~rmer in Hospital, Owosso. Mrs. Baird was a housekeeper at i Q ; "TownshiPsin¢~ 1938; work- Mrs.,Bailey :vvas a homemaker. . Holiday Inn in Farmington for 11 lifer 50 yei'\Fs. . .... '. . Services, will be held at~ove, years. es will' beheld at the Funeral Home,Bancroft, FrIday, Services will be held at the Nelson I :Jerinin~s~Lyons Chapel, Wednesday April 7, at 1 p.m. wit~ burial to be in! House Funeral Homes, Knapp & ,at2p~1l1' Burial wilLbeinOak Grove Hillcrest Memorlal G:'lrden~, Smith Chapel, Owosso on Thursday i i Cemett}ry. The Rev~ John W. Simp- O~o~so. The Rev. ~reg !Mlller ,!ill at 11 a.m. Pastor Thomas Goupil Isoniwill officiate,· Friends may call offIciate. The family will receive. will officiate with burial in Oak at. the chapel today 7 to 9 p.m. and friends at the funeral home today 7 Grove Cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. t09 p.m. and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to at the chapel this evening 7 to 9 and Memorial contributions may be 9 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. with the made to the First United Methodist Memorials may be made to the family receiving friends from 2 to 4 Church, Owosso. American Cancer Society or the and 7 to 9 p.m. Mr. Babcock was born in Mid- First Congregational Church of Ban- Mrs. Baird 'was born in Perry, dlebury Township, June 22, 1904, the croft. Mich. on June 27, 1939, the daughter son of Justice and Ella (VanDyne) . Mrs. Bailey was born in Vernon, of William E. and Julia M. (Szilagyi) Babcock. He was a 1922 graduate of Aug. 27, 1917, the daughter of Frank Weller. She attended Corunna Ovid High School and attended the and Mary Menetta (Graham) Durl- Schools and graduated from I Michigan State ·University ing. She attended Holmes and Michigan School for the Deaf. Mrs. Agricultural Program concen- Knagg's Bridge Schools and Baird moved here in 1983 from the trating in Dairy Science. Residing graduated from Bancroft High Detroit area. On Oct. 27, 1964, she most of his life in Owosso, he and School in 1936. She reSided most of' and Edward D. Baird were married Lucy Mae Dennison were married in her life in the ~ancroft area. S~e and. in Owosso. Mrs. Baird was .a ~ Lansing, June 22, 1926. He was a Walter C. BaIley were marrIed in member of the Gilead Baptist i member of the First United! Bancroft,~une24,1939. Church,D.A.R.andOwossoAssocia Methodist Church in Owosso, a: Mrs. Bailey had been a member of tion for the Deaf. member of the Blue Lodge of the F & the First Congregational Church of Survivors include- her husband, AM Ovid. and past worshipful Bancroft since 1951, a member of the Edward' a foster daughter, Mrs. I master, also a member of Naomi Guild, secretary-treasurer of. Dennis (Robin) Dean and her son, Shiawassee Farm Bureau and the I church Sunday school for 16 years, Tom; two sisters: lone Thomas of Shiawassee County Fair Board. He. also a 4-Hleaderformany years. Owosso, Shirley Weller of Atlanta, wa$OWOSSO Township Treasurer for Survivors include, her .husba!ld; a Ga.; one uncle, Alex Szilagyi of 12 years. ~on,LaVerne and wife DIanne Owosso; 17 nieces and nephews; Survivors include his wife, Lucy Bailey of South Lyon; a daughter, eight grandnieces and grand lVI.; two sons, Walsworth Charles Barbara and husband Larrr Kellogg nephews. Mrs. Baird was predeceas- · (Barbara J.) Babcock of Owosso of Haslett; four g~andchIldren; a ed by her parents, one brother, one and Ray Dan (Norma May) Bab- brother,. Glenn ~urling of Ban.croft; nephew and one daughter, Janice. cock of Henderson; nine grand- and a Sister, MISS Eva Du~ling of Memorials are suggested to the children; 15 great-grandchildren; Bancroft. She was preceded ill death family. several nieces and nephews. He was by two brothers, Frank and Fred predeceased by a daughter, Barbara Durling. Ann' in 1973, a brother and three sisters. Hitma l. Bacon Age 74, formerly of Ovid and Owosso, died Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1989. Funeral services will be con ducted from Houghton Chapel, Ovid, on Thursday, at 1 p.m. 8 Argus-press 1989 RoberfE. Ball Marie E. Barker Amelia Marie (Huszarik) I Age 70, of Durand, Mich., died Age 76, of Owosso, ,passed away Barber Saturday, April 8, 1989 in Apache Sunday, Nov. 19, 1989, at· Flint Age 82 of Ashley died Monday Jun~tion,Ariz. ~steopat,hic Hos"ital, after a short Dec. 25, 1989, in AShley. ' Mr. BaU was a production illness." '.' Mrs. Barber was a homemaker. machine 'operator at General' Mrs. Barker was buried in Green- Services will be held from the Motors, retiring in 1972 after 30, wood Cemetery, Vernon ~ay. i Smith Funeral Homes, Smith-Carter years of service. ! Mrs. Barker was born In Durand,! Chapel, Elsie on Thursday, Dec. 28, Services will be held at the Nov. 29, 1912, the daughter of John 1989 at 1 p.m. Father John Hoogterp I Bellows-Rinker Funeral Home, A. and Cora B. (Crane) Frederick., and Mr. Thomas Bradley will of Durand, on Thursday, April 13, 11 ~he a~ended school in Durand and ficiate with burial at Riverside a;m., with the Rev. John Mehl of- ~vedIntheDurandareamostofher: Cemetery, Elsie. Friends may call ficiating and burial following in lif~. She and E~est.F. Barker were at the chapel today 2 until 9 p.m. Greenwood Cemetery, Vernon. uruted in mamage In Durand, July Mrs. Barber was born in Ashley on Friends may call at the funeral 22,1933.. ,Nov. 16, 1907, the daughter of home, where the family will receive Mrs ..B ark~rwasahomemaker. ! Michael artd Katerina (Eveonich) I friends, Wednesday fromll a.m. to 9 Survivors Include: two sons, John Minarik. She had resided all of her p.m. of Owosso, George and wife Sharon, life in Ashley. She was married to Mr. Ball was born in Vernon, June of ~wosso;. a' granddaughter, Joseph M. Huszarik who died on ~, 1918, the son of Leon F. and Jessica. Mane; a ~rother, Clifford April 1, 1957. Then, she married Tom Crystal (Vincent) Ball. He attended ~redenck and wife Jean; two Barber who died May 12, 1977. Baird Country School and had resid- SISters, Helen Weller ~nd husband Mrs. Barber was a member of the' ed all of his life in the Durand area. Russell, Barbara Hamson and hus- Z.C.B.J. Lodge #225, Bannister. On May 29, 1937, he and Ruby Mae ~nd Ray all of Durand; several Survivors include two daughters, Willard' were married in, Angola, meces an~ .. nephew~; three aunts; Threasa Romano of Vermont and Ind. Mr. Ball enjoyed gardening and ,and several COUSInS. She was Fran Foster of California;' two sons, his fruit trees. . ,predeceased by her husband, a, Joseph R. Huszarik of Roscommon, Survivorsinclude:SJster,a~dabrother. Mich. and Ronald J. Huszarik of His wife; one daughter, Ruth Ann, The fmpny sugg~sts memo~ials to JonesviU¢, Mich.; 13 grandchildren; Crawford of Alma; two sons, :~ e United MethOdist Church In Dul- one great-grandchild; two sisters, Richard (and wife, Leanna) of Len_!fJeld. . Vera Martinka of Ashley and Tillie non and Ronald (andwi(e, ~ylene) Arrangements by Bellows-Rinker Egres of Ashley. ,of Durand; twelve grandchildren; :F uneral Home, Durand. Mrs. Barber was predeceased by four great-grandchildren; one . two brothers, Rudy and Julius brother; one sister; and several Minarik and two sisters, Kate nieces and nephews. Parker and Jos~phine Travinski. He was predeceased by his Memorials may be made to the parents an!i one sister. fZ.C.B.J. Lodge Building Fund, Ban- Memorials are suggested to the ',nister. Durand Vernon Ambulance service. The family is being served by the Smith Fune~al Homes, Smith-Carter Olin Barder . Chapel, Elsie. Age 81, formerly of Cambridge, Ohio, passed away Saturday, April 8,1989. at the Heartland Fairfield Nursing Center, Thornville, Ohio. Mr. Barder,'son of LeRay and An nie (Barkan) ,Barder and nephew of Nellie Lewis, will have private graveside services at the Lutheran Reformed Cemetery, Thornville, Ohio:. . . Boring-Sheridan Funeral Home of Thornville is in charge of the ser vice. 614-246-6334. 9 Argus-Press 1989 • Lawrence "Larry" Barnes Clarence Gale Barfon . i Age 81, of Midland, passed away: . Age 70, of 1209 N. Chestnut, Lans Monday, Jan. 9, 1989, at the Midland 'ing died Wednesday morning, Feb. Hospital Center. 8, 1989 at The Memorial Hospital, Mr. Barnes started working for Owosso. ' . Consumers Power Co. in 1934 in ac- Mr. Barton retited from Wohlert counting, working in Cadillac,i Corporation in Lansing in 1985 after Owosso and Jackson where he' over 15 years of service as an as manager of the Methods assembly worker. AClcoumti,ngDivision in 1973. . Services will be held at Jennings- be held at Wilson Lyons Chapel, Owosso on Saturday Funeral Home, 4210 N. at 11 a.m. The Rev. David L. Var~ Rd., Midland, Thursday at daman will officiate with burial in p.m. Burial will be in Riverside Hamilton Township Cemetery, 'Cemetery, Alma .. The Rev. Ira A. Gratiot County. The family will. Bush will officiate. Friends may call meet friends at the funeral home to at the funeral home today 7 to 9 p.m. day and Friday 2 to 4 imd 7 to 9 p.m. Memorials may be directed to Memorials are suggested to the Midland County Cancer Services or Amer,ican Heart Association. i Donna Je. an (St"'na) Bftr the ~~rican Parkinson Disease Mr. ~arton ,,:as born in ~heeler v 'W ... rows AssocIatIOn. I. TownshIp, .GratIot County, MICh. on I Aft~r a five year battle with Mr. Bar n e s was born in Sept. 22, 1918, the son of Chester H. "chromc lymphatic leukemia, Donnai Breckenridge, Dec. 12,1907, the son' and Anna B. (Shank) Barton. He at Jean (Stone) Barrows was called by of Ray and Pearl (Cramer) Barnes. tended the Barton School in Gratiot her Lord to her heavenly home, Fri-i He was raised and educated in County. He had resided most of his day, March 17, 1989. ,Breckenridge, graduating from il ife in Ithaca and Lansing. Donna Jean Stone was born the AlmaHighSchool.HeandIoneLake! Survivors include a nephew, Mr. fourth child to Glen and Mabel Stone were married in Big Rapids, Sept. 7, LeonL. (Jeanne) Barton of .owosso: in Sandusky, Michigan, on April 24 11930. ' a niece, Mrs. Plen J. (Barbara) 1932. She moved to Owosso with he; Mr. Barnes was a life member of Sheets of Perry; several additional family in 1940. She attended Owosso i Lions Club, recognized as a Jund- nieces and,nephews. Mr. Barton was schools and Owosso Bible College lraiser for the charity supporteclby predeceased by two brothers, two High School Academy. it he, Lions, also a life member of .the sisters and his parents. 'She was married to Leonard w.Alma Masonic Lodge No. 244 F . .& Chapel hours are9a.m. t09p.m. Barrows on June 7,1952 in Owosso. A.M. She worked at RedmondsOwosso: Survivors include, his wife; a son, College, Shiawassee County Medical I Gordon of St. Louis, Mo.; a Care Facility and most recently at daughter, Donna Mae Dosson of The Memorial Hospital as a cook in Midland; six grandchildren: . nine dietary services. Besides her fami- great-grandchildren: a brother, ly, her church, friends and her han- Melvin Barnes of Alma: three dicraft projects were things that sisters: .Erma Hoard of St. Louis, . held her interest,' Mich., Beatrice Duckworth of Alma, Services will be held atthe Owosso and Vesta Mapes of Alma, He was Wesleyan Church on Monday at 3 predeceased by a brother, Stanley P.~ .• w~th the Rev. Ronald McClung Barnes. offlC"'lflg. A eulogy will be given by the Rev. Carl Jones who has been a James "Jim" Barnett long time family friend. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial . Age 42, of. San Francisco, . Calif.' Gardens. c;bed Sun~ay, M~rch 19" 1989, 6:10 She is survived by her husband a.m., at hiS home. . Leonard: one daughter and son-in: .GravesidEl, services for the family law, Mrs. Michael (Darlene Marie) WIll be held t!~day, March 2l, 198f!at Wetzel of Saline; two grandchildren, C:ypress ~awn Cemetery, San Fran Luke and Amy.; two sisters, Mrs. CISCO. John (Ernestine) Cliff of Owosso ~r. Barnett was born in Owosso; and Mrs. William (Ilene) Moore of Mlch: on July 8, 1946, the son of Tiffin, Ohio; one brother and his . George and Irene (Simmons) wife, Thomas and Joyce Stone of B~rnett. He graduated from Owosso Owosso; also, many nieces and Hl.gh ,School in 1964 and from nephews. She was predeceased by Michigan State University in 1970 her parents. He had. resided most of his life U; Memorials are suggested to the Owosso and California. Owosso Wesleyan Church Senior Survivors include his parents of Fellowship. Owosso; two br9thers, Gary Barnett Friends may call aUhe Nelson- and ~enneth Barnett both of San &! Ho~e Funeral Homes, Knapp FrancISCO: aunts and uncles SmIth Chapel, Owosso from 1 to 9 Me~orials are suggested to the p.m. today and Sunday.. AmerICan Cancer Society.

Durand, di.ed Sunday eveniI!g, died F'riday, March 31, 1989 at the lnon, passed . salesman for Beecher-Peck & Lewis . Spark Plug and organist for 25 years, and also was a .. Saturday, April 8, 1989 in Apache Sunday, Nov.
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