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If you’ve ever wondered what a life well lived looks like, you’ll find the secret between the pages of this book. Sally Clarkson generously opens up her story with the hospitality of a mentor, a mother, and a friend wrapped into one. On these pages you’ll discover inspiring examples of what life to the full can look like when you are fully surrendered to Christ. LISA-JO BAKER Author of Surprised by Motherhood and community manager for (in)courage Since the time my children were babies, I have been so challenged by reading Sally Clarkson’s writings. She’s inspired me to embrace each day, find simple ways to cultivate beauty in my home, and take time to invest in myself so that I can better nurture and bless my family. If you are a busy woman who longs to live with meaning and purpose, you’ll be blessed by reading Own Your Life. It’s packed with heartfelt encouragement and practical strategies to help you savor life more and make each moment count. CRYSTAL PAINE New York Times bestselling author of Say Goodbye to Survival Mode and founder of MoneySavingMom.com Sally is a woman teeming with wisdom and zest for life, and they’re contagious both in her presence and in her written words. Every moment I’ve shared with her has been a blessing, and it’s an honor for all of us that she so graciously shares her life lessons and timeless truths in her writing. TSH OXENREIDER Author of Notes from a Blue Bike Life was made to be lived with purpose. But sometimes our busy and broken lives get in the way of our intentions. Own Your Life is more than an inspirational book; it’s a guidebook to living a life that matters. KRISTEN WELCH Author of Rhinestone Jesus; http://wearethatfamily.com Sally writes with as much compassion and concern as she displays when chatting with a dear friend. She and her husband have an abundance of experience, including thirty years of marriage, parenting, world travel, and more, and the interesting personal stories Sally shares provide solid, incredibly applicable wisdom. As she intimately draws you into each story, her words will break down the barriers that keep you from owning your life and will motivate you to fulfill your God-given purpose. JENNIFER SMITH Author of The Unveiled Wife and founder of Unveiledwife.com Too often we get caught up in the daily chaos, and we miss the realization that we’re leaving a legacy. Own Your Life shows readers how to live the God- shaped destiny designed for them. Living for God’s Kingdom and glory is something Sally Clarkson does with all that she is . . . and now her caring, wise voice guides readers on how to do the same. This book is perfect to read with a friend or small group. Highly recommended! TRICIA GOYER Author of forty-five books, including Balanced This book, rich with the wisdom of a life lived intentionally, is a gift to women of all ages. It’s the tool we need to ask God what He wants us to dream for Him and how He wants us to live that dream. Sally emboldens and equips us to make faith-filled choices and to live with generous love, no matter what the cost. She meets us where we are—in the hard places of real life—and gently leads us to where God waits to mold us into our best selves. ELIZABETH FOSS Author of Real Learning and coauthor of Small Steps for Catholic Moms; www.elizabethfoss.com Sally Clarkson has always been such an incredible inspiration to me as I’ve fumbled along this path of parenting, and I count myself blessed to have her words and wisdom mentor me along the way. Once again, Sally has written a book full of godly advice and wisdom, pointing us to the ultimate example and mentor of all. As I read Own Your Life, I found myself feeling as though I was cozied up on Sally’s couch with a warm cup of tea, soaking up every bit of motherly and yet godly wisdom on how to truly live a beautiful life of balance and purpose. SUMMER SALDANA Writer/blogger at SummerSaldana.com Visit Tyndale online at www.tyndale.com. Visit Tyndale Momentum online at www.tyndalemomentum.com. Visit Sally Clarkson at www.SallyClarkson.com. TYNDALE, Tyndale Momentum, and the Tyndale Momentum logo are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Tyndale Momentum is an imprint of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Own Your Life: Living with Deep Intention, Bold Faith, and Generous Love Copyright © 2014 by Sally Clarkson. All rights reserved. Some content first appeared at www.itakejoy.com. Cover photograph of flower copyright © Alan Shapiro/Stocksy. All rights reserved. Cover texture copyright © pondkungz/Shutterstock. All rights reserved. Designed by Jennifer Phelps Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the New American Standard Bible,® copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version,® NIV.® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® (Some quotations may be from the earlier NIV edition, copyright © 1984.) Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Scripture quotations marked HCSB are taken from the Holman Christian Standard Bible,® copyright © 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission. Holman Christian Standard Bible,® Holman CSB,® and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Clarkson, Sally. Own your life : living with deep intention, bold faith, and generous love / Sally Clarkson. pages cm Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-4143-9128-1 (sc) 1. Christian life. 2. Christian women—Religious life. I. Title. BV4501.3.C527 2014 248.4—dc23 2014036432 ISBN 978-1-4964-0346-9 (ePub); ISBN 978-1-4143-9129-8 (Kindle); ISBN 978-1-4964-0347-6 (Apple) Build: 2014-11-18 10:00:51 COMING HOME TO GOD: FINDING YOUR PART IN HIS STORY God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea. PSALM 46:1-2 “Mama, the world seems like a very scary place, and it makes me feel powerless. I am afraid I will be so lonely and insecure without friends and family around me.” Joy, my daughter, would be leaving the next day to study in Oxford, England, and we had just finished zipping her last suitcase shut. She had been looking forward to her semester abroad as a great adventure and inspiring opportunity. Yet as we were packing that day, a second American journalist had been beheaded by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria). The media was also talking about terrorist threats to England and the United States. Between that news and the devastating reports of earthquakes, war, and immorality among Christian leaders, Joy was understandably feeling overwhelmed. Of course, as a mom, those same thoughts and fears had run through my mind. “Can we have one last time together out on the grass, under the stars?” she pleaded. “I need some peace before I go to bed.” She knew that it was late and that we were both exhausted after getting all the details in place for her flight and for spending three months away from home. “Yes, my sweet precious,” I whispered, calling her by the special nickname I use whenever we have heart-to-heart talks. “We will make one more memory together!” As was our habit, we took some soft, old blankets out to our front yard and lay next to each other under the tall pines, shoulder to shoulder on the grass. A dog barked and the cold mountain air blew gently across the aspen leaves in the distance, but otherwise, the night was clear and quiet. Silently sharing the moment, we gazed up. Stars filled the navy-blue sky and sparkled as though just for us. We breathed out the life clutter of the day and inhaled the peacefulness of for us. We breathed out the life clutter of the day and inhaled the peacefulness of the grandeur above us. “Mama, when I look at what God has done and keep my eyes on Him, my fears seem to melt away,” Joy whispered as she snuggled closer. Our family, which includes five authors, is truly philosophical, a people of words. God’s voice seemed to be speaking through my own heart as well. In our last moments together, I wanted to lift Joy up to Him, to leave her with courage, and to assure her of the One who would care for her. “Joy, this vast display of stars and all the galaxies beyond have been held in place by the sure, strong hands of God for thousands of years—through wars, tragedies, and disasters of every kind. Not one year of our history has shaken the power or control of God. “Our God, who created this beauty for us to behold and who has shown His power through the calm night skies, wants to fill you from the tip of your toes to the top of your head with the very same energy that created all of this—the Spirit who threw the night sky into place—so that you will know His full companionship, love, beauty, and wisdom each step in your journey ahead. “God has prepared a story for you to live. There will be many in Oxford who will long to know His love, something perhaps only you can show them. Others, looking for meaning, will need the messages of His truth that are stored in your soul. Those you meet who are filled with fear and despair will need your hope and faith. Teachers will be there to sharpen your mind so you can become a more excellent message maker. Beauty will be strewn across your path so you can observe His fingerprints. I know that if you embrace the days ahead, no matter what they hold, your time in Oxford will be significant and purposeful. You are a chosen one, and I know wherever you go you will bring His light and love. “My sweet precious, you will always have a choice to make. If you look at the darkness and fear, you will grow dark in your soul. But if you look to God and trust Him with your days, you will reflect His reality in all of your words, your relationships, your work, and your celebrations. Don’t look at the fear; just keep the memory of this night and His power and beauty always before your eyes and ever in your thoughts. And of course you know that you will be in my heart and in my prayers constantly.” If you, like Joy, sometimes feel fearful, alone, lost, or overwhelmed, my If you, like Joy, sometimes feel fearful, alone, lost, or overwhelmed, my desire is that this book will encourage you to own your life and to live out your part of His story. I share the truths I have learned by walking hand in hand with God for many years. I dedicate this book to my precious children—Sarah, Joel, Nathan, and Joy— and to all who need to know that they are not invisible to God. I want you to know that He loves you and is at work in your life, that He has designed your days and moments to be filled with significance, and that He has created you to tell a story. May He bless and strengthen your hearts and faith as you read the pages ahead.

Do you ever long for days full of joy and energy―days that bring out the best version of you rather than leave you exhausted? Do you sometimes catch yourself wishing life was more impactful and fulfilling? In a world that’s moving so fast, it’s easy to lose your sense of purpose. So now is the
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