Jan/F2e0b1.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 JOURNALO F THE PHENOMENONR ESEARCHA SSOCIATION nJ\'Ttfie Cutti'EnediJ e" £3UK : EU:5E uroisn cplp: MemberFsr ee OVN I ThJeo urfnorat lh dei scerrensienagr chCeorv eDre siDgna:v iSdan key GroupL eader January/Febru2a0r1y2 Secretary OmarFowler E-MaiBlo:n [email protected] KarenR ichardson 94T heC ircle, Tel0:1 33726 1464 (Derby) SinfinD,e rby. Tel0.13 325 58662 DE249 HR CHINAD ISC Inv iewo ft hee normoiunsc reiansU eF O sightiinnCg hsi naan di tism portainnic tews o rlsdt andiwneg , have gipvreonm ineonnco eu rf ronpta get ot hee venatnsd d etaidless criibnet dh ee xcellAemnetr ican UFO publicatthie'o Fni lers #F12i 0l1e2s ' A serioefos t herwuinseex plainUaFbOl aen da lieonc currehnacvees shtahkewe onr ldm'oss pto pulous natioGno.v ernmenotffi ciahlasv bee en summonetdoB eijifnrgo ma rountdh e countiryna l asdti tcehf fotroht o ld togetthheerr e mainviensgt iogfeC sh ina's nowf ailUeFdO cover-puopl icHyo.w ever ita ppeatrhsat th geo vernment's efforts mighbte f utialste h ere sufrlotmsa r ecent poliln dictahtaeat tl ea9s5t% o fC hinese citizaernfesa irly ctehraattla iienan rse visitEianrgta hn dC hinian p articular. Someo ft hee ventthsa hta vreo ckeCdh ina inr ecewnete kisn cluIdnet :h ec itoyf Guiyanhgu,n dredlso coafwl ist nessed two hugdei sccsr ostsh sek ieasb ovteh eir homesT.h eU FOsc hangceodl ogro,i nfgr opm urptloen eobnl uaen de mitteinnogu glhi gthotfi ltlh e entiarree wai tahn e erigel owJ.o urnalissetnistn t oc ovetrh eev endte scritbheded i scass" nothing earthly". Ast heseev enutnsf oldtehdef o otabgeel owwa su ploadoendt ot hCeh inese inIttse hrnoewtws.h at manyh avdee scriabseo dn eo ft hem oscto nvinciimnagg eosfa na liecrna sfte ebny t hpeu bltiocd ate. InC hangsahh au greo tating sUpFhOe wraiscs aele bny fr ighterneesdi deansit tds e scendteojd u st abovger ounlde veFlu.r thseoru tihnt het owno fDonguaanw ,h itsea ucer-shUaFOp ewda ss potted amidsatt h undersbtyofr rimg hteonneldo okers. A UFO wass eelna nidn a m ilitcaerym eteirnty h et owno fT 'iaAnt.l eatswte ntgyo vernmesncti entists werer ushtedoB eijiwnhge raec onfereennctei rdeelvyo tteodt hiisn cidweansth urriecdolnyv enTehde. scientiissstusae r de pocrotn cludtihnatgth eU FO wasm erelayno pticialll usNiootnm .a nyl ocawlesr e convinced. Ast heseev enutnsf oldtehdef ootabgeel owwa su ploadoendt o t hCeh ineisnet ernIetts .h owwsh at manyh avdee scriabseo dn eo ft hem ostco nvinciimnagg eosfa na liecnr asfte ebny t hpeu bltiocd ate. TheC hinese govearnmpepenatr tsob ep layidnogw np ublfieca rrse gardtihneog b vioaulsi epnr esence throuagt ha ctoifdc e niailn;s idcelrasih mo wevetrh atth er eaflo cunso wi ss imploynh owt ob reatkh e newsw ithoduits ruppteionpgl lei'vsae nsd t hreatetnhieen cgo nomhyt.t pww:w//.afcebook.cornJ allnewsweb j Pag2e OVNI 214Y EARSB EFOREK ENNETHA RNOLD WITNESSFELDY INGS AUCERS An ImportHainstt oDriiscc oveorfUy F O SightFionugn idn BritiRsehc ordDsa,t e1d7 33. ByC olinAndProeswtsNe odv emb2e9r2, 0 11T ranscrbiyKb eeidSt eha rson On Decembe8r 1 73J3a,m eCsR ACKERo fF le,e tsam alvli llaignDe o rsesta,wa s livery disflcy o verheianbd r oadda yligHhetr.ie s h iesy ewitnaecscso rmt: "Somethiinnt gh es kyw hicahp pearientd h en orthb utv anishfreodm m y sighatsi, tw as intercebpytt erde efrso,m m y visioIwn a.s s tandiinnga v allTehye.w eathwears w arm, thes rm shonber ightOnl ya. s uddeintr e-appeardeadr,t iinnang d outo fm y sighwti than amazing coruscaTthieocn o.l oourf th isp henomenwoansl ikbeurn ishedo,rn eww ashed silvIetsr h.o wti ths peeldi kaes tafra lliinnt gh en ightB.u ti th ada b odmyu chl argeanrd a tralionn gtheanr anys hootisntgaI rh avsee en" "Nexdta yMr EDGECOMBE informmeed t hahte an d anothegre ntlehmaands eethni s strangep henomenaottn h es amet imaes I h adI.tw asa bou1t5 m ilefrso mw herIes awi t, and steae croiunrgfrs oem e astton orth". MYSTERIOUSD ARTINGU FO LIGHTS EENO VER ILKESTON 5thJ AN.2 012 An unusudaalr tilnigg whats r eporbtyeM dr s' W'f rotm hWee stH allaamr eoaf I lkestDoenr,b yshire duritnhgee v enionfgt he5 th January. Mrs' W'sso nw asw alkihnigds o gi nt hea reaata bou8t.3 0pmw,h enh iast tentwiaosdn r awtno a b right ligthhta wta sl owd owna nda pproachrianpgi dilnay n e rraftaisch idoanr,t itnotg h lee fta ndr igahsti t camec losteort hey oundgo gw alkeTrh.el igwhats d escriabseb de inlgo wv,e rbyr igahntdc ircuilna r shape. Thec olouorfts h eb riglhitg chhta ngreadp idflryo mr edt ow hitaen dt hetno a b rigbhltu aes i tb ecame statioannadrh yo verfeodwr h ats eemeldi ksee vermailn uteTsh.el igthhte mno vedo ftfo wartdhse Nortahn dh overaegda iMnr.s ' W'ss onw asm ystifibeydt heli gahntd q uickrleyt urnehdo mew itthh e doga ndt olhdi mso thearb outth eli ghMtr.s' W'i mmediatweelnyto utsiwdiet hhe rs ona ndr elatheodw shet oos awt heb righhotv erilnigg whhti chha dn owt urnefdr oamb rigwhhti tteor eda ndo ncaeg ain startietedsr ramtoivce menotffl yinugp a ndd owna ndl eftt or iguhntt iitwl e nto uto fs ighIttw. a sl ater mentiontehdat th efa midloyg s eemeudp seatlt lh awte eka ndl aiyn t hec orneorf t her oomg rowling. Mrs' W'c ommenttehda dtu rian cgo nversawtiitohhne rs istiettr r,a nsptihraettdh iosra s imillairg ht hadb eesne einn t hWe estH allaamr edaa rtianrgo unadn dc hangicnogl oduurr itnhgep reviowuese k. Ilkeshtaosbn e epnr omineonvter re ceyneta rfso trh en umbeorf UF O sightitnhgahsta vbee erne ported int hea reTah.e d rawisnhgo wbne loiwso fa UF O objescete ant 7 .45pomn t heev enionfgt he3 0th Septemb2e0r0 2. Itw ass eeann dr eporbtyeM dr s' W'h,e rh usbaanndd s onw hoa tfi rshta ds eemno vinlgi ghitnts h e skyt,h eans t heli ghatpsp roacthhedoe,b jeccatm ei ntsoi ghIttw. a sd escriabses dl owmloyv infgr om westto e asatn dm akinag" vibratihounmamli,ns go unldi,k ael owp itchderdo ning". ·-- .-�-� ��·.. _ ....,,.,s-. .. j Page3 OVNI COULDT HEREB EA UFO' WINDOWI'NL ITTLEOVER? A serioefss tranegvee ntisnL ittleoDveerrb,y w,e rer ecentrleyv ealbeydl ocaUlF O witne'sRsa y' durinag d iscusswiiotnOh m arF owle(r2 -411-2011). IncideNnot. 2o nm ap Eventwse refi rsste ednu riSnegp temb2e0r0 9w hen' Rays'a wb allosffl amet ravellloiwna gc rotshse skyf romE astto W est", tIh ougihtwt a su nusuasla"iR da y",I c ouldmna'kte i to uti,tw asl ikaeb lue flamet ravelalcirnogts hses kya ndt hatw'hse ni ta lslt art"e d! "Thefi rsatc tusailg htoifna gU FO waso nO ctob3e1rs t( 2009i)tw, a sa bou9t.3 0pmI h adj usgto noeu t oft heh ousteo g ets omethifnrgo mt hec ar( parkaettd h ef ronotft heh ouseI)w .a sj usstt andibnytg h e carh avinjgu sgto tw hatI n eedeIdc ,l osetdh ec ard ooarn dt henw,h erteh oster eeasr e( pointiIn g), noticaendo ranglei ghrti,g hlto wa ndc ominsgt raiflgyhitn,lg o wa ndl evewli tthh eg utteroifnt gh e houses." "Iflte ws traiaglhotn rgi,g ihntt hem iddloeft hset reaentdI w ass tandtihnegrw eh erteh ec ari sn owa nd theintc ameu po vetrh eh ousrei,g ahbto vmee andI 'eds timtahtees peeadta boutth irmtiyl easn h our. Itw asa pulsatoirnagn glei gahntd i tw ash,o wc anI s a.y. .c.o nes hapeadn di th adb arasr ounidtI ,' ll drawi t.("s esek etcIhtw) a.s a bou6tft d eexp 5 ftw idea tt hbeo ttom. "Ihta d' barasn'dt herwea sa s quatrhei nagtt hr-e ----------r-�------�---, back,d oIn 'ktn oww hatt hawta sT.h es urface wasl ikae c lotahn dI coulsde ei nsiidtea nd therwee re' sparktsh'a wte r.-e---- --., Bars lightuipnc go ntinuaonudst hey werej umpinagr ounadl iln sidAes. e achs park hitth es idetsh elyi utp l ikae w elditnogr cAhs. theyh itt he sides they ewleercet rilci ke currentthsec, o louwresr ea lpli nkwsh,i teasn d blueasn dt hewye rej umpianbgo uatl tlh tei me." "Theb arwse reh er(ei ndicaatnidni gfy) o uc an imaginae t ighctl otahl lt hew aya rounadn d these spwaerrkehs i ttitnhgec lotthh,e lyi utp . Thec raiftt sealnfdt heb arlso oke'dm inta'b,s o luteblrya nnde wa ndI t hougthotm yseliffi, t 's flyinagb ouittm ustg etd irtbyu,ti tm usth ave --- hads omes orotf f orce-fiaerlodu nidtA .s I w as standtihnegr ietw, a sl ikbee inignM ajorcoana, �--------------�--��� summernsi ghitt,w asw arm.I wass tanding theraen dt hiwsa sa bouttw elfveee otv emry headT.h erwea sa s lowpluyl satbirniggo hrta nglei gahntd Ic oulodn lsye et he' barasst' h el igdhitm medT.h el igwhats c ominfgr omt hteo pa ndi tw asb right." "It wasr ealalmya zinigtw, a sl iksea ndj umpinagb ouatn da si th itth es ideistl iutp l ikae w elding torcihtw, asl ikleo vecloyl ouirnst heb asep,i nkasn db lueass t hewye red roppidnogw nI.t m adea loveilmya gaen dt herwea sn on oisaeta laln di tw asn'ttu rninagr ounodra nythiintwg a sj usstt raight. Asi tw entp asmte Is awt hissq uaratet heb acka,tt heb ottoImc .o uldtne'ltwl h atm ateriitaw la sb ut theb arlso oked absmoilnutt.e"l y "Ihta dc omed ownt hes treturneetd, pauseadn dt hecna meo vemre andu po veoru rh ousreo ofA si t cameo vemre ,I f elat l ovealtym osphleirkeae w arme veninAgs.s o ona si th ads tartteogd o u po ver ther oooff t heh ousIer ,a ni na ndg otm y wifaen ds hej usmta nagetdog ets igohfti tT.h enIr ani nttoh e bacgka rdeann da nothoenrec amef romt hel eftI.' vgeo ta llotme(nstmsag lalr depnl otastt) h eb acok f me andt hiosn ec ameo vemry housteo t heb acko fm e andt hetnh eo theorn ec ameo vefrr omt hel eft andt hey bjootihn uepdt ogethfleyri,n g nteoex atc ho theArn.o thearm azintgh inwga st hat aab out weekl atemry, w ifaen dm y mother-ine-alraliwyn,t hem orning, sawa silvtehri ncgo minogv etrh e allotmenatnsdp astth eh ousleo,w v erlyo wa tt heh eigohftt heh ousaen di tw asg oindge asdl oawn di t wass ilvaenrdi tw ast hougihtw asg lididnogw no vetrh ea llotments." Conti.n.u.e.d. I Pag4e OVNI "We'vgeo ta patiwoi ndohwe raet t heb acka ndm e andm y wifgeo tu po na S undamyo rningo,p ened thec urtaainndsI c ouldbne'lti emvye e yesw,e t hougihtwt a st hregel idetrhsah ta dg liddeodw no uto f thec loudasn dt helyo oketdh issh ap(es ketchsiqnuga)ar,te t heb ottoamn dc ompletgerleyyI .g otm y binoculbaarcsak n dt hewye rec ompletgerleyay n dt herwea st hrerei gchlto steo getahnedrt hegyl ided downo uto ft hec louddso,wn ,d owna ndt hetnh ewye ntb acukp ,a ltlh reoeft hemt,h ejyu scta mef rom nowher"e . "Firstwley',vg eo tt heb allosffi ret hacta meo vear monthp revioIut sh,o ugthhta wta su nusuaIl , couldunn'dte rstiatan nddI n eveerv emne ntioniettd oa nybodTyh.e na couploefw eekasft etrh atth,i s happenwehde rteh es'eg lidcearmse'd owno vetrh eb ackd,o y ouu nderstwahnadtI m eanI?t 'aslo lv er thea llotments." "Nowt hef rightetnhiinniggs t ,h aste eitnhga (tt hceo nes hapeodb jecItf )e lhto nourIef de,l lto velIy , wantetdos eei tb,u ts ometiamftee Irs awa 'snatkhei ngi'tw, a sfl uorescgernetay n dt hissc armeed. Now thiflsu orescsennatk teh,es tructoufir twe a ss quarbeustw afetrh itnh,e lyo okeldi ksem okeayn d itw asl uminoaunsds naking atrhoeau lnldo tmeanntdts h issc armeed ( iwta sh alpfa setl evaetnn ight) andI r ani nt heh ouse." "Previtoout sh imsy wifaen dI h adb eetno L ongB atotno s eea frieanndd o nt hewa yb ack we saw an orange lighto uctao nmdgi onign bga ck itnhteco l oudwse,b otsha wi ta ndw ew onderwehda itt w asI.t wast hetne n o'caltno icgkh atn dI w entt oH arrisSotnr eaestw en eeded somea nmdsi ulgka Irc .a me bacoku to ft hes hops,a itn t hec ara nds tartietud pa nd this orange tthhiecn lgo ucdasm ea agonaudit n backi nI.g ota quicgkl imposfei ta ndI s aitdo m y wif'ei tt'hse rael'tl,h ew ayf romL ongB atotno hereW!e drovheo mep,u lluepdo nt hed rivhea ndeodv etrh em ilk atnedaa n ds aitdh aItw asg ointgo loooku tsitdose e ei fIc ans eet haotr angteh inigtw, a st heanb ouhta lpfa stte ant n igh"t . "Ic ouldsne'eta nythisnogI w, e ntr iguhptt ot hef encpee,e reodv etrh et opo ft hef encaen dI s awt his 'thinsgn'a kianrgo untdh ea llotmeintct asm,ea rounadn earbtyr esea,w m e andw ent' whooafn dt hen itd isappeairtje udsw,te nt"! EditorNso teH:a s' Rayd'e velop'eHde aliPnogw ers'. Then umerosuisg htionf'g Rsa yo'n caeg airna istehdep ossibitlhiahttey w aso neo ft he' giftepde'o ple thawte rea blteo s eeUF O' s wheno thecrosu lndo tW.h enq uestioanbeoduh ta vinhga da nyp sychic experien'cReasyr 'e luctarnetplly.i e."dI. ' vhea ds ome amazing exjpuesrrtie ecnecnaetftsle ytr h iMsy. wifwei ltle lylo ut,h em other-inw-alsla iwv iwnigt uhs a nds heh adg alslt onetsh,ew ye rep ainful and shew asi na gonyS.h ew entt ot heh ospiatnadlt hecyo ulsde et hesbei gm assigvael slt onessot, h e hospiatrarla ngfeodrh e rt ob eb ookeidnf oran o peratAftieorn .t hi(st, hheos pbiotoaklis hnewg a)si n agonayn ds hes aid 'IRd aoyn,' t kwnhoawtt od o,I c an'wta ifto rth eo peratiWoint'ht. h aItp ,u tm y handosn h ers tomacahn dt olhde rt hasth ew oulndo th avea nyp ainno wa ndw hens hew entt ot he hospitthaelwy o ulbde g one". "Shel atweern tt ot heh ospiftoahrle ro peratainodtn h erwee rneo g alslt on.eT.sh. e d octsoari 'dw ec an't understiatnt,dh eg alslt onheasv eg one, htahdeb ye ent heroent hes canb,u tn owt hewye reg one'(! at this Rsatyaw'gisef c,eo nfirtmheatdth m ee disctaahlffa dsc anhneemrdo thfeorrt hgea lslt onbeust, thewye rgeo naen tdh heo spsittawaffel r mey stified). Rayc ontin"uIew da ss hockemdy, w ifwei ltle lylo ua ndt hiwsa sa ftetrh iesx perie(nscee etihncego ne UFO)T.h erwea sa nothoenre a sw el.l..n i 2010m y mother-inh-aldaa bwr aihna emorrhaangdew e founhde rc ollaposnet dh efl oorw,e tookh ert ot heh ospiatnadlt heryu shehde rt oN ottingham (Hospaim taajlot,rr auma wcheenrsteh rehe a)da no peratitohnet,nh esye nhte rb ackt oD erbtyo recovbeurt,s heg otw orseu,n tsihle w asl ikae c abbaagned t hed octeoxrp laitnheadtt h ecyo ulddno' t anym oreI.t olmdy wifteh asth e( hemro thwearsg) o intgog etb ettaenrdl attehre fyo untdh asth eh ad wateorn t heb raiann dt hedyr aintehdia sn ds hef ully recsohveei rsae mda,z gi."n "Finalmlyy s,i stefrr'ise nMadv,i ss,h e'bse egno intgot heh ospietvaelr myo ntfho 2r0 y earssh,e 'gso t thyropirdo bleamnsdh igbhl oopdr essuIrt eo.lh de ra boumty mother-ina-nldsa hwes ai'dt ryi to nm e, mateS'h.e w entb ackt ot hed octoarnsdf ort hefi rstti mien 2 0y earhse,rb loopdr esswuarsep erfect. Shet oluds t hasth eh adt ol augahs,t hed octsoari 'dw efi nallsyo rtyeodu o utM avisy,o u'rpee rfect now'a ndM avissa i'di wta sny'otu t hasto rtmeedo uti,tw asm y friendI's nt'hta atm azing!E"n d. I Page5 OVNI A LITTLEOVERU FO 'WINDOW'? Thes tranegvee ntthsa otc curroevde arn da roun'dR ayh'osm ew eren otu niquient haatr eaAn. earlier 'FT'i ncidernetl atteoad FlyinTgr iangslieg httihnagtt o okp laclee stsh ahna laf m ilea wayf rom 'Ray'hso'm e. Bothe venhtasv bee esnh owonn t hem apb elow. Figu(r1 e)r elattoet sh eF Ti ncidednett,a iolnet dh feo llowpiangge . Figu(r2eA) c tualsliyto sv etrh e' Allotmernetfse'rt roeb dy' Ray'. Thel inbee lofiwg ur(e2 i)n dicattheeasr ewah er'eR ay'UsF'O sightitnogopskl ace. Thea rrobwe lofiwg ur(e2 )s howtsh ed irectoifofl ni ghotf t he' FTa'n dw heriet w asfi rsste ebn y fifteeyne aorl dS tevePno ttosnt he2 1stO ctob1e9r9 (6s efeo llowpiangge ). Whilteh ec ontinuUoFuOs a ctiveixtpye rience'dR aybi'yn t heL ittleaorveeiars h ighluyn usuailt, cannobtei gnorWeed .h avae numbeorf c aseosn r ecord wahU eFrOe w itnehsassd escriabneo db ject hoverinnega rbayn da b ystanhdaedbr e ecno mpletoebllyi vitootu hseU F O andw hatw ash appening. Thea cquisiotfi' ohne alipnogw'e rcsl aimbeyda contacitsne oet u ncommoAnl.t houtghhii ssd ifficult top rovieti, s a ne ventth ahta sf eatuirnea dn umbeorf U FO closeen counitnecri deanntdss h ounlodt b e ignored. Its houlbden otetdh a'tR ayw'a si nitiraellluyc ttaodn its cltohsehe e alipnogw ertsh ahte h ada pparently gaineadft etrh eU FO contaocutt sihdiehs o usHee.a skefdo trh et apree cortdoeb re turn ed ofwfh ilhee disclotshee'd h ealienvge'n tbsu,tfi nalalgyr etehda tth ecyo ulbde r ecorded. Thei nvestigiasot nigooni .n..g.. OmarFowler jPage 6 OVNI IncideNnot. lo nm ap teveHna s Frih t! LittleoDveerrb,y2 .2 002 1sOtc tobe1r9 96 Fifteecna ro ldt even Pot,t ati nh if ronrto omw atchiTn g� w henh en otictehda hti c at wok upf romt heisrl eeopn t he chaanidpr e ereodu to ft hefr ontw indow.S tveen fo11owed thegiarez da ndw a.. a mazed to eea v eryb riglhitg ihntt hek y, appra chinignh id ircteoin. tevegnr abbheid binoculaanrdr ano uti det ow atch th lowm ving,g lowinogbje ct.A s hep eereadti tt hrouhgihbs i noculhaerw sa,sa blteo m ak out thep co hfaa t riJaunl oabrj etc with at ypoef la titcew orkt ructruurnen itnhrgo guh it".L ikaen e lectrpiycliotgnyi rndv okr" hee plainleadtr. The craftw a viw d fore veramiln utaensd levewna awarteh ate verpa lo plei nt he trewete rea lo watching ita ith o ereodv earn earbhyos pitcaoln strucstii.to en Stevdee scribtehdet riangucloanrs trucatsib oeni nbgl ackw itht heg irderworrukn ning throutghhe t wot rianhgallesf e tcions. Theer werea lsnou meroruesd g�r eeann dw hitlei ghts runnianlgo ntgh ef ronatn dr easre ctioofnt het rnigal.e Theo bjecwth ich hadb eenh ovr infgo ro mem inut,et hesnl owlbye gatno t urann dm ove awayl owly,t hesnu ddenilnay f alsh,i to ncea gaicnh angeidn tao b aJolfw hiet ligahntd ' h ot off. Durintgh ein terviewwi tSht eveintb ecamoeb viotuhsa tth es ightingh ahkaedhn im ,i nf act o mucht hahte t elephohniesgd r andmot(hheirps a renwte reo uta tt het im).e His mother aid thh ahta ds penat d isturabnedd l eeplnei ghatft ert hei ncid.e 1nttw asa lsdoi d o ed that therhea db eena camer deirn t heh u aett het imeb uta s tevecno mmente"dm y mothetro lmde nott touciht !" hew eathceorn ditiaottn hse t imwee rec,l easrk -ya lthougtehve nc annorte membeere ing anyt arst hanti ghdtr,ya ndc o Ic ondit,iw oint ah lisghtb ree.z e Theo bjecmta den o noisdeur nig thee ntiprreo cdei ngasn di tcsh aractteircwi e r tot he known formuloaf a ppearing bar igahw th itlegi ht, int urnr ee alinag c rafatn dt hen disapapr inagg aiinna flasohf w hite light. I Endo fArt icle I Page7 OVNI ReceUnntu suPahlo tographs UFO craftC,h innao,d etails Advancaeedr icarla cftr eatoiwnngc louidn TrekhgomRyu,s si2a3 1/2/2101( As tiflrlo mv ideo) Froma nO VNI readerM:y cousrienc enstelnymt e somep hotoosfh igsa rdetna kelna syte arf,r om Ros-son-Wye.T hipsh otloo okisn teresYtoiunw gi.ls le es omethiinntg h es kyt halto okvse rsyt ranIg e. lookeadti tt hrouag hm agnigfileads istl, o oklsi kieth asr idgiensi tT.h eraer en oo thecrl oudisnt he skyi,tl ookrsa thoedrd .W hatd oy out hin?k A MYSTERYP LANE seecni rclaibnogv teh eL incolnsWhoilrdets h imso rninigs f romNA TO in Belgium,' Ltehaed cearn'r evea(lP.u blisMhoendd a1y6 tJha nua2r0y1 2P:h otMoi chael Kheng) Concernerde aders afrrooumnt dh ea rea conttahcent eewds deesakr ltioedra (yM ondarye)p orttihneg aircrcaiftr clfionargn umbeorf h ourMsa.r tiTniw no rtfhr otm heMi nisotfrD ye fencsea,it dh pel ane wast haotfN ATO (NortAht lanTtrieca Otryg anisawthiiocnhh)a si thse adquaritnBe rruss sels. j Pag8e OVNI INFORMATIONO N THE 'COBEPSB'E LGIANU FO ORGANISATION REPLACEMENT OF 'SOBEPS' (SOBEPSh eadetdh e' FlyiTnrgi angilnev'e stigdautriionntg h e1 989/'9fl1a p'.) Welcomoen w hatw asf ormertlhyeo fficiawle bsiotfte h en on-praosfisto ciaStOiBoEnP S( Belgian Socieftoytr h Set udoyf S pacPeh enomena). Pleansoet teh aotn J un1e 1th2,0 07t,h Gee neral-Assheamsvb oltye fdo trh ed issoluotfti hoena ssocia tioanm ,e asuerfef ectsiivnecD ee cemb3er1s t2,0 07T.h erefotrheis,si thea sb eemno difieadn dt he reasotnhsaa tc coufnotsr u cahd ecisairoeen x plaiinned de taiinMl i cheBlo ugarlda'sset d itorial "Dissolution". A newt eamc allCeOdB EPS( BelgiCaonmm ittefeo trh Set udoyfS pacPeh enomenwai)le ln sutrhee continuaotfsi oomneo ft heac tiviotffi oersm eSOrB EPST.h icso mmittreeea ssemsbolmeesf ormer collaboraantdio nrvse stigraegt roorusp beydP atriFcekr r(yeno -fouonfdS eOrB EPSw itLhu cien Clerebaiun1t 9,71 )a ndL eonB reni(gp hysipcriosfte,s astto hreU niversLiitberd eeB ruxelles). Thed esignation CiOsnB oEtfP oSr tuitaostu hseb,a siacp proarcehm aitnhses ameas theo neo ft he defunacsts ociait.iteoh.nes , c ientaipfipcr oaocfth h eu fop henomenwoint nho p rejudciocnec erninigt s natuorreo rigin. Yett,h em eanosf a ctioofnC OBEPSw ilble s omewhdaitf ferTehnetrw.ei lble n om agazinnoe , premisneos ,l ibrasruyb,s cnroi potrni oob no oks elliWnhgi.la ec tionfgt hek intdh ceo mmittweaen ts abovael tlo p rivilaes giem plbuet e ffective sTthremu acitnuo rbjee.c toifCv OeB EPSi st oc ontintou e collescitg htitnhgamsti ghotc cuirnB elgiuTmh.e refodroen,'h te sittaoct oen taucsit f y ouh avbee en thew itneosfas u fos ightoirni gfy ouk nows omep eopwlheo w ouladc cetpott est(iufyp orne quewset guaranttheaewt e w ilrle spetchte diers ifroear n onymiDtuyr)i.n tgh ep reparaotfia oT nV program dedicattoet dh e1 98-991B elgiuafnow avefi,l mebdy t hReT BFf otrh ep rogreanmt it"lQeude stiao ns laU ne"( airoendO ctob2e4rt h2,0 07w)e,d iscovearg erde antu mbeorf w itneswsheosd idn ots howu p whent heseex ceptieovneanlot csc urrWeed w.o ulldi kteog etin t oucwhi tthh ema ndt og ivaen accouonftt hesoer igisniaglh tings. Shoultdh ec asoec cuCrO,B EPSw oulbde d elighttope udb lissohm ef eatuarret icolnte hsew ebsiatse , welals s omen ewsa bouStE TIe,x obiolaongdty h see arfcoher x oplanets. Ourw ebsiitsie n F rencYhe.t p,l eafseee flr eteow ritteou si nE ngliwsehw ;i lgll adalnys weyro uu sing thilsa nguaTghea.n kfso yro uurn derstanding. Wouldy oul ikteoj oiuns o rt ol earnm orep,l eaesmea iulsa t: cobeps@skbyneet . I Page9 OVNI AN ASTRONOMICAL SURPRISE FromN ASAS cienNceew s Jan1.2 ,2 012C:o metasr eic ay ndf ragiTlhee.ys penmdo sto ft hetiirm oer bittihnrgo utghhed aroku t skirotfts h es olasry stesma ffer omd estrucrtaiyovsfe i ntenssuen ligThhted. e epecsotl idst heniart ural habitat. LasNto vembearm ateausrt ronoTmeerrrL yo vejdoiys coveard eidf ferkeinnotdf c ometT.h ei cyf uzz balhle s pottientd h es kyo vehri bsa ckyaorbds ervaitnoA ruys trawlaisha e adianlgm odsitr ecftoltryh e th sunO.n D ec.1 6,l estsh atnh rewee ekasft ehre f ounidtC ,o metL ovejwooyu lsdw ootph routghhe sun'ast mosphoenrle1y 2 0,0k0m0 a bovteh es telsluarrf ace. Astronomseorosrn e aliazs etda rtflaicnCtgo: m etL ovejloiyk ietsh ot".T erfroyu nads ungrazseary,s" KarlB attaomfst heNa vaRle searLcahbi nW ashingDtCo.n" Wefi gureidtn su clewuassa bouatsw ide ast wof ootball fieblidgsg-etsshutec cho meitn n ear4l0yy ears." Sungrazcionmge tasr ena'n te wt hinIgn.f actth,eo rbitSionlgaa rn dH eliosphOebrsiecr vat(oSrOyH O) watchoense f altlo wartdh es una nde vaporeavteer fye wd aysT.h esfer equkeanmti kaczoem etksn,o wn as" Kreutszu ngrazearrset, h"o ugthobt e s plinotfea rg si ancto metth abtr okaep arhtu ndreodfys e ars ago.T ypicatlhleymy e asuarbeo u1t0 m eterasc ross, smalaln,d e farsaivglaiypl oer,i bzyes do lahrea t. Baseodn i ts orbitL,o vCeojmwoeayts s urealm ye mbeorf t hesa mef amily-exictwe apst2 00m eters wide insotfte haeud s ua1l0 .A stronomweerrsee a getros ees ucahw hoppedri sintegErvaetnwe i.t iht s extrgai rtthh,e rwea sl itdtolueb tth aittw oulbde d estroWyheedn.D ec.1 6tcha meh,o weve"rC,o met Lovejsohyo ckuesda lls,a"y s Batt"Iatsm usr.v i,va endde veflno urished." Imagefsr oNmA SA'Sso laDry namiOcbss ervatsohroyw etdh ec omevta porizfiunrgi ouassil tey n tered thes una'tsm osphere--apopnat rheevn etrlgoyefo bliteratiCoonm-eytLe otv ejwoays s tiilnlt awchte n ite mergeodnt heo thesri deT.h ec omehta dl osittt sa idlu ritnhgefi ertyr ansitte-m-pao rsaertyb ack. Within htohuetr asig,lr ewb ackb,i ggaenrd b rightthearbn e for"eI.tf 'asit ros ayw ew ered umb foundesda,y"s MatKtnhiegwho tft heL owelOlb servataonrdty h eJ ohnHso pkiAnpsp liPehdy siLcasb . "Comet Lovmeujsothy a vbee ebni ggtehra wne t hougphetr,h aapssm ucha s5 00 metewrsi de." CometL ovejwoays nt'hta btr igbhutt,i tw ass tialmla zinOgn.l yaf ewd ayasft eirtl eftt hes unt,h e comet shouwpie ndt hem orninsgk ieosft hes outhern hemisphere.i nA OubssterraSvloeiurats,h AmericSao,u tAhf ricNae,w Z ealalnidk eniettd oa s earlcihg bheta minugpf rotmh ee asbte fodraew n-