I September/October 2001 - I I • 11 • I I! '" - � - 11' �' F I: • I l I I I J ., - Journoaflt heP henomenRoens earAcshs ociation Price£ 1p lupso stage MemberFsr ee ' -�' I I I OVNI Jouronfta hlPe h enomReensoena Arscsho ciation Secretary GroupL eader September/October DebH'o llis OmarFowler 2001 44B ootSht reet 94T heC ircle, Alvaston. Sinfin, DerbDyE.2 4 8PF DerbDyE.2 49 H Tel0.13 32-574064 TelF/ax0 13327 61464 "YOUH AVEM ORET OF EARF ROMY OURF ELLOW-MAN, THANY OUH AVET HEA LIENS!" ProfessEo.Mr a cJkos,phe na koin2n 8gtA hu gu1s9t95 A MESSAGFER OMT HEU .S.A. Page2 OVNI CAN THBIEST HEE NDO FO UR WORLADS W E KNOW IT? ByO maFro wler WhenI h eartdh per ophewtoircd osf D r.J ohEn. M ackd urihnigms e etiwnigt thh Dei rectooftr hsFe l ying SauceRre viemwa gazianteC laridHgoetse lL,o ndoinn 1 959 "(Y ohua vmeo rteo f earfr omy our fellow-tmhaaynno, hu a vtehA el ienIcs o"u)ln,de veirnm y worsnti ghtmhaarveie m aginjeudsh to wm uch weh adt of eafrro mo ur' fellow-man'! Form anyy earcso ntactheaev'bese epna ssionngw arningfrso m" TheG uardianasb"o uMta n'bse haviour onE artHho.w wea rdee strooyuirnu gn iqpulea nethtea, n imatlhsfe,a unaan du ltimaotuerlsye lves. We*h avbee etno ltdh a't' ThGeu ardiaonfPs l anehtasv eb eenw atchiEnagrt hs inc1e2 BCH"o.w ��M'asn develouppmt eotn hetea rlyC e1n9ttwuhary as l monsitlT "he.n� �Kpeeyo pwleerl eo caotnEe adr itnth h e ear1l9y0 0'sb"u,to uru Develohpamsbe enetrn e strtioc5 t0e%"d(o fi tpost ential), wbee acraeu se ''Warlwihkei,c whi lnlo tb et oleratTehd.e"ni nt hef mapla rotf t hem essagwee,w eret oltdh awte w ere "Stdiilvli odnte hdie d eoafo ne' Suprreumlee('tr h"r ougthhoUeun ti verGsoed-?a)n dh oww ec annboet givefnu lclo -operabtuit"o Wn,io lnllb yea llotwode edv ealt5o 0p% ("o ofu rc apabilities). *ThiAsl iemne ssagwea sw ritten' automaticbaycl olnyt'a cDtaevee M e Murraya,ft era nA lieenn counter inS eptemb1e9r 85. Iti sn ow ondetrh awte a sa humanr acaer ei gnorWehde.n t hes ceptaisck"s W hyd on'tth elya nodn t he Whiteholuaswen o,ra tB uckinghPaaml aceA"ft.e rw atchionugrp lanfeotcr e nturwioeusl,yd o u? TheN uclePahry sicSitsatn tTo.nF riedmhaanso nm anyo ccasiroenfse rtroet dh eh umanr acaes b eing inteonnt" TribWaalr fareT"h iiss a facatn ds omethitnhgai tts eemwsi lnlo tb eo vercofmoerm any • generationsi.sa nTi hnefirneil taeco kf ' Spiriutnudaelr's taannddit nogl eraonnct eh pel anWeet .a ref aced witahn i ntolertaopen ocpel oef d ifferceonlto urre,l igainodbn e liefs. Far fromb ecomianu gn it'efda miolfmy a n,'w ea reb ecomidnigs integrnaottoe ndl yt,h roughtohueWt o rld buti nt heU niteKdi ngdomW.e appeatr ob eg oinignt hec ompletoeplpyo sdiitree cttio'o unn iatnyd'a re becomimnogr ed ivertsher oughtohuect o untry. Havey ous eesni gohfty ounPga lesticnhiialnd orneT nV ,h appihloyl diunpgp ictuorfet sh eoilrd erre lations whoh avsea crifitcheedm selasv 'essu icbiodmeb ertsh'e,sn m ilinsgtlayt tihnagtt h etyo ow,a ntt ob ecome a' suicbiodmeb ewrh'e nt hegryo w up?W hath opcea nw eh avfeo trh fuet ure? Its eemtsh ahtu manimtayy b et her esuolfat n A liebni ologeixcpearli metnhta 'tw enwtr ong'W.e could havbee etnh pe roduocfat D NA engineecrreodsb se tweAelni egne ne(s" Mawna sm adei nG od'ism age") anda nE arthclrye atuWrhea.t evhearp peneIdt ,h intkh eriesn oa lternatbiuvtfe o trh eA lietnosb idteh ere timuen twielh avwei pedo urselovuetas n dt hetno s taargta in! (Themya yn oth avleo ntgo w aitt,a kael ooakt p ag1e2 !). Pag3e OVNI WORLD UFO REPORTS CARTERET,NE W JERSEY A serioefss tr angee xtraordinary lighwtesr see eflny inogv eCra rteroentl 1y0 m ilefrso m downtowMna nhattoanSn u ndamyo rningJ ul1y5 2,001T.h issi ghthianscg r eataegr de at deaolf i ntereisntt h en ewsm ediaan dt hel ocapolp ulatiPoent.eD ra venporta tt heU .S. NationaUF1O ReportinCge nterre ceiavte1 de afisftte erne portsc oncernitnhges ighting. Thes toryw as carrieodn CN N, MSNBC, ABC New Jers1e0y1 .FM5 andm anyo ther statiTohneso .b jeflcetw a bouat fi vem ilesso utohfN ewarAki rporta roun1d2 :3AM0. Witnessreespo rtseede ianc gl ustoeflr i ghetsst imabteetdw e1e5nt o 3a0mbe r,g oladn d oranglei ghhtosv erianngdm ovinsgl owaltya ne stimated 10mpwhi.tn eMsaswneeysr e traveloinnt gh eN ew JerseTyurn pikew hent henyo tictehde l ights atbhoevmae,n estimat7e5dc ars stoonps peidd oef t heh ighwaMyan.y oft heoicrc upasnttoso odu tside thevierh jcwlaetsc hintgh ef ormatioonf l ighTthsi.is s a twellvae nlei ghtheidg hwanayd thel ighpotl lutiocnr eatedsi fficuvlite winSgi.xpo licemeann dh undredosf w itnesses viewetdh eh ugeUF O oro bjecAtftse.ran initiinavle stigawtiitnoens,s aegrse edt haat verlya rgoeb jewasc t flyinagta bou1t0 t o2 0m ph,d escrivbaerido usalsay V,U ,o rM formatioTnh.e l ighfto rmatioanp peared differetnovt a riouwsi tnessSeosm.epe ople claimedt oh aves ee3n0 w hitlei ghstosm;e c laitmh ewye re onlyt ova ibelwae dozen lighTthso.s ien d arkleocra tiodness critbehdel ighatsws h itoet;h ecrasl ltehde ma mber org oldA.b outt enl ighsttsa yeldi cto ntinuoanusdl ya tl east a half dozen others brighteanneddd i mmedi nu nisoTnh.e w itnescsleasi mtehd.el ighsttsa yiendt hes ame relatipovsei tiaosnt hemyo veds lowalcyr otshses kyt owartdsh es outheSaosmte.pe ople claimtehdel ighatpspe aretdof alolrc limjbu sbte fogroei ng out. A basic examionfta htievo ind eottaakpee no fft hen ewsc hannweasl madeA.n in-depatnha lysoifts h ev ideotaispen eedeTdh.e s oundb itfreo m thev idewoas interesitintn hga yto uc ould hae waorm an'vso ice "sIasyn,i' tat m azing!t"h ilse nds credibitloti hteyv ideoIn .r ecednaty sm anyo ft hew itnessweesr ew hiskeodff in limousitnoae pspe aorn v arionuesw ss howsS.o mew erpea ifdo trh eviird eaonsd p hotos makinigtd ifficuflotor u rr eseaurncthti hli nqgusi edto wn. PeteDra venporta ppeared onM S NBC andd iscustsheesd i ghti"nItg h.o ugihtt was significantt hatth eh oscto mmenttehda tth es tatiogne tnsu meroUFusO reports everyd ayan d thecyo ulsdpe nda ltlh etiimre c overiUFnOg reports,b utt hiosn ew as speciaEly"e.wi tnesJso eM alvassiaoi "dI,wt as oneo ft hem ostam azintgh inIg'sv eev er seen. They wheorvee rjiausnntgd , then tdhieys apjpeuasrtOe ndea. t a time, each one startteofadd e untilt hewye reg one.T"h ed escriptiaonndvs i deaor es imiltaort he PhoenLiixg htwsh,e raes imilVa fro rmatiaopnpe aredi nM arcohf 1 997A.n othseirm ilar sightwiansgr eportoevde Rro ckfollrldi,n ooinMs a rc1h8 ,2 001 Mr. Davenports tat"eIdd :r ove sehvoeurrtasolC arterteoti nterviae Ukrwa inian PrieRsitg,h Rte vereFnadt hCehru benoknoJ ul1y7 ,2 001H.e 'iss p robabtlhyes trongest witnebsesc ausoef h ilsoc atiaotna relativdealryok b servatpoiionntn extto t her ectory on RooseveRlota dH.e ise xtremeilnyt elliang eenxtc,e llent waintn eelsesc,tr ical engineaenrda, p iloHte.w asa damantth atth el ights wneortfle ar esH.e h asfl owno ver thear eao na regular abnadfs eiltsth el ighwtesr ea t3 ,000 afletiettu Hdeee .s timattheed lighctosv erae d01 0 0-foofoa ti srp acHei.ss onG regC hubenkowas driviinnCg a rteret� whenh es potttehdUFe O andp honehids f athwehro mw asi nb ed. FaCthhuebre nwkeon t Page4 OVNI outstiood bes earvnedi mmedisapottetl1ey5do rm orlei ghfltysig on vetrh Ree ctory. FathCehrube nkion dictahtaaentad p,p arceranftflt e wo verhaelatdh,oh uedg ihnd o ste e as tructourenl,yl ighHtews a.t chtehldei gvhetrysc losfeolaryb o1u0tm inutTehse. ligwhetrsce o mplestyenlcyh roannibdzr eidg htaennddie mdm eidnu nisTohne.wr aes emissiont hlefri ogmh ta calnidkldeer oppianstg hsle,i gwhotusl dde scebnedf ore shuttoiffnA.gl moasltwl i tnescsleasti hme wseer neo flta recasn,d lienbs a gest Tch.e lihtgws ersei mitloga lro wsitnagbr usnt,o s th iniinan ngpy a rtidciurleacrti on. CARTERET PetDear venpoartl ssot ate"dO:nS undJauyl,1y 5 2,0 0t1h,iUF sO incimdaeynh ta ve lastfeod3r 5 t 4o0 m inutfreosm0, 0 1t0o0 05h0o urThse.l igmhatyhs avbee evni sible fromas faarw aays1 0t 4o0 m ileAn si.m mensfleas ht haitll nuamtitehdNe e wJ ersey turnpikea,n wdh ircehpo rteodclcyu rrseidm ultanteoot uhasepl peya ranocfaetri angular shapecdr aoftv eSra yreNvJir lelpoert,e pdrleyc etdhleeid g hStisgh.t ionfsg trsa ncgrea ft were refrpoortmae sfd a arw aaysO ntariCoanada,, anVdi rgjiunmsiitan ubteefsot rhee evenWti.tn esrseeposrt ed smeuletiinplgli egi hntt sr ianfgourmlaatiroa nnsdo ndies c shapeodb jweacrste porfrtoemdt hseo usthho orfLe o nIgs lanNde,wY ork DUNDE E,WI SCONSIN UFO sighttionopgkls a ocneJ ul2y12 ,0 0a1b,o 9u:tP4 M0 wheangr oufrpo mB enson's HideaRweasyt aulroacnatot neL do nLga kaeg asianw UF Os.B otshi ghtwienrges observbeyad m ultgriopluoepf UF O buffAs l.i gthhte· nc afrmoem t hseo uetnhod f t he laknee xtt oD undMeeo untIatwia nsa. b otuhtse i zoefa q uarter heladta rm'lse ngItt h. lookleidik wteas l owthane rD undeeM ountaainn jdus atl itthlieg htehrat nhtr eee sT.h e ligwas hta g oldceonlan odrh adg oldleings hhtoso tionufrgto mt heed geAs si.mt o ved alotnhgEase t ernS hoorfet hlea kiemt a dlei tjtumlpesa lmost usptrai inthg eha tia rn d thecno ntinounei dto sr iginaTlh lepi agcthohtn. t itnotu henedo rthe nodf t hlea kweh ere wew eraet,t hiposi nsto meoyneel l"etdh,e anroet'hsoe nre I"tc. a mneo ratlho tnhge westeedrng oeft hlea kaned i ttoo ,s houtpa lmost isnttra hiaegi hartc oupolfte i mes. Thiosn dei sdo methingt hdoiuffIgebthrl .eeu nwptto aw hiltieg (hotft seene wni tthh e GulBfr eeUFzOe' sw)h icwas h mucbhi ggthane rt hgeo ldleing ahtlt e,a fsoturt imes biggIettr h.edr no ppetwdo lighttsh selp iarkketl heasdr to pfr oms parkIltme orvse.d directalcyr frososmu sw,hi lteh fier lsit ghmto vendo rthwesdti saanpdpe ared. BonnMieey erre ports",Ibe lietvheai tlt e tfth aetm osphseofr asett haitto nly lookaesid ft hlei gwhetn t Ao tuhti.r"d goldefrno mlt ihsgeamh eta rceaaanm wdeas comitnogw arudss s lowWlhye.ni tgo atb outw ahyda olwnft hlea ke setchoeon nde starttoe mdo voeff ,th esyt ayaebdo tuhtse a mdei staapartn caned m oveodff A. few minulatert esan othleirga hptpear eda nidcat m ea lmotshltee ngotfth h lea kAse .i gt ot clotsoue sri, turnt e d wesatn sedt tlaeldm osstta tiiontn haseryo uthswteasytti hnefgro er al ontgi mIetse. e metdob ecomteh rseeepa rlaitgeho tnbsel, u igrsehe no,no era nge/red antdh oet hwehri tTeh.es ye emteobd e p layitnagrg u,n nciinrgc alreosuea ncdho ther anzdi gzaggiwnigte ha coht hTehre.tn h ewraesa s lipogphpti snogu nadn tdw ol ights dropfrpeodm t huen derosfti hdceee nltieghrOt n.eo ft hlei gthotosok ffi na n orthwest direcatinowdna so uotfs igwhitt hami inn uotrte w oT.h egr eenibslhul ei gshtta yiend thaer eaa nwasd sttihlelwr hee Inl eaftta bo1u2t: A3.0M W.h eInt alkteoped o plthee nexdtat yh esyai dt hlei gwhatss t tihlelar t2e : 0A0M. . T hanktsoB onnie aMneJdiy me r Ahoo fL ightside. [email protected] Pag5e OVNI A 'Flying TrCiaasneFg rloem'A ustralia. Witthh atnJudiokst hM cGhoefIeN UFOR. Thirse poritst akefrno mt he' GosfoFridl easn'dr efetroas n i ncidtehnattt o opkl acaetH arbor(dan orth em Sydnesyu burjbu,ss to utohft heC entraClo asotn)1 1tAhp ri1l996. PauClo xa,s cientciofincs ultwasa nfits,h infrgo ma H arborhde adlaonnTd h ursdeavye ni1n1gA pril 1996. Ata bou10t 4 5pm,h en oticaeb dr igghotl delni gchotm infrgo mt hee astehrno rizoovne trh es eaA.t fi rshte thougihtwt a sa p lane cominlga ndi.n to The ligrgehwt b iggaesrt hec racfta men earteort hec oasBty.t htei mietw asa bouttw oo rt hrekei lome treasw ayi,ta ppeareadsa g oldelni ghhta,lt fh es izoeft hMeo ona ndi te mittmeadn yr ayPsa.u slt ialsl sumetdh aittw asa j ecto minignt ol anadt S ydneAyi rport. Ash ew atchietdh, e n oticaes dm alblr igrhetdl igjhuts bte hinidtT .h eo bjecwta st ravelilnai s ntge ady, straigphatt bhe twe2e0n0 a nd3 00ki lometrpeers h ouarn dp assdeidr ecotvleyr head. He lookeudpa ndf elpta ralywsietdfrh i ghFtr!o mu nderneaittlh o okevde ryl argaen df ormidablliek,e somethhienh ga ds eebne forIetw. a sd arikn c oloaunrd s hapedl ikaen de quilattreiraanlgpo lien,t eidnt he fronatn d2 0t o3 0m etriensw idtahtt hbea cHke. noticaef da isnotu nsdi,m iltaotr h aotfa j etl,i kaeD C1 0 butn ota sl oudI.tw asu nusuaqluliye t. He watchietad s i tc ontinwueesdt waorvde trh lea nFdr.o mt hree ahre c oulsde et her edt ail-alnidgt hwto hazwyh itlei ghwtist rhe ctangsuulrarro uTnhdes.sr ee alri ghwtesr neo tv eryb rigahntdg avteh ei mpres sioonf a c oowl,h itfleu orescleingthA tft.e ri th adtr avelliendl anadl itwtalyei, ta ppearetdos loawn d hovearn dc hangdei recttioowna rtdhsHe a wkesbuaryr esao,u tohfG osford. (MrC oxd'rsa wianrgsesh owbne low) �) • •• t ....... -· l' t • .. r ' . . ' . . . l- Page6 OVNI 1993 REDD ISSCE EN OVGEURE RNSE(YC .I.) Basoenda r epboyrtM arOkg ier Itw as a quiemto rninign t hee arlsumym ero f1 97T8h.es unhad jusctr epatb ovteh eh orizaonndp uffso f coastmailsh ta db egutnh esilro twr ansformaitnittoohn em ellohwa zteh afto retaoh lodtd ay. Aso nm anyo thesru mmemro rningsM,r sA .O.w asa wakeea rlKyn.o wintgh asth ew oulndo tg etb actko sleesph,et hougshhtew ouledn joya cigareitntt heepe aceo ft hee arly morning scenhee rGa rraonudn d Rocquesh ome( GuernseyC,h annIesll ands). MrsA .O.o penedh erb edroowmi ndotwo a voiddi sturhbeirns gl eepianngd' non-smokhiunsgb'a n"dI. lookeudpa tt hes kyt,h erwee ren oc louadbosu ta ndI c oulsde et haittw asg ointgob ea lovedlayy s"h e saiTdh.e i magoef w hasth et hesna wh,a sr emainweidt hhe rt ot hidsa yt,o t hee xtetnhta sth ei sn oww ary ofg oinogu ti nt hee arlmyo rning. g "In thaei rq,u itawe a ya wayI,s awa b righotl delni ghIttw. a st ravelfrloimnN go rtthoS outfrho mG randes Rocquegso,i nvge rys lowlIytw. a sl owetrh aanA uringpyl ane." Thec ircuolbjaerc wta si nh erv iefwo arr ountdw enmtiyn utwehsi,c ehn ablMerdsA .O.t oh avaeg ooldo ok ati tb efoirtve a nishferdo hme rs ight. "Istt oppeqdu itoeft ena ndj ushtu ngi nt hea irA.s i ts toppeidt,l eotu ts ome' stuff'i,tw asnts' mokneo r steaImtw. a st hicgkr,e ayn d' fluffeodu t.' cIo uldtmn a'keo utw herteh isst uwffa sc ominfrgo m.I tw asnt' from thefr onto rb acks,oI p resumet haittc amefr om thes ideTsh.e rwea sa noisbeu,ti tw asv eryh igh pitchaenddo nljyu satu dib-laeb ilti kaeg enerabtuothr e,a rfrdo ma d istea".n c Ass hew atchesdh,es peculataestd ow hatth oeb jecmti ghbte a,b alloAo nh?e licopAt pelra?n Eea?c ht ime shea skehde rstelhqfe u estitohnae,ns werc ameb ac'k' Nwoa y!'' Ast heo bjecpta ssheedr h omes heh ada g oodl ooakt i trse asri dseh,e c omment"eIdc oulsde et heo bject hadn oe dgebsu,t t heb acko fi tw asb rightgllyo winrge dw,i tthh rebel accki rclients h em iddlIew .a s temptteodg oo utsisdoie tc oulsde em e,t os eew hawto ulhda ppenb,u tIg ots caranedd didn'Itw a.t ched itu ntiitdl i sappeaorveedtr h teo po fMare Woods". Mrs A.O.c ommenttehda tth eo bjectrta vell"eldi,ka e s auceorne dg"e .Theo ddb luey/grseuyb stance remainiendt hes kyS.h er eturned tobe d andt hes ubstahnacdev anishwehde ns hea roslea toenr. T he sightinwga s later confirmebdy a couple r whoh adb een ionut th eir ,.... ...b.o.a.ot n a fi shintgr inpe ar ...... :::::� ti -� disicn t hes ky �:::;�����= It · t ;· : •·" u .. . -...· .. ·. Mrs A.O. hassi nce confidetdh ast heh as experiencae sde rioefs 'contacteenec'o unters sincteh ea geo f8 years olda ndt hat itsha ins ongoing siSthueah taiso n. int hep asetx perienced 'nightm,a resw'hich recentliyn cludead 'Rabbitw ith black almonedy es!' Mrs A.O. alhsahosa d dreamso f encounters withs mallfi gureisn 'MonksH ood's.T he figurehsa du gly faces and helad' sti(cwkh'i cwha s capabolfie n flictpianign ) int hehiarn d.* · * Similfiagru rehsa ve been mentionebdy WhitleSyt reibdeurr ing hiAsl ieenn counters! Pag7e OVNI (9179) ANOTHER' HINCKLEYF'T R EPORT ResearcbhyeC do liSna unde(rPsRA ) ColiSna underresc enctalmye a croas wsi tnewshso e ncountear 'Feldy inTgr iangnleeaH'ri ncklLeeyi,c s. Thew itnewsass v aguaebo utt hed atep,u ttiintng o clostehra 1n9 7890/,b uth isr ecollecotfti hoen encounrteemra icnlse aCro.il n ( alstoh e subojfae F cTt e ncounitne1 r9 9,9i )ntervietwheewd i tnesasMr KeitShm itahn dh iasc couonftt hes ightiisgn igv ebne low. Iw astr avellfrionmg N uneat(oFrna nklRiona dt)o H inckl(eFayc toRroya do)n m y motorcyactal reo und 10.54pm-11-00pwmh,e nI s aww hatIt hougthotb ea brigshtta Bru.t t hes tacra ughmty attentainodn madem e feeall itutnleea sbye,c auistse e emewda yt ool owt,o ob rigahntda lsoov ersiczoemdp arteodt he othesrt aornst hanti ghItta. l ssoe emetdos taiynm y viefwo trh reequaorfmt yej rosurn eyh ome. Upon reachiCnogv entrRyo ad( HincklIer ye)m,e mbtehre s tawra spo sitionoenmd y righhatn ds idaen d slighbtelhyi nmde i.oev.e mry right-shhaonudl der. Is loweddo wna ndt ooakl oo(ka tth eo bjectI)s ,a wt wom uchs mallleirg hotnse,r eda ndo new hitbeo,t h int hea reoaf t he' brisgthatr b'u,tt ravelalwianyqg u itfea sfrto mt hes tar. Iturn ed bactko l ooakt t her oaadn dturn ed agaiinnt hed irectoifto hnes tabru,tt het wos mallli ghhtasd gonel,e avitnhgeb rigshttao rni tosw n. Ic ontinued thaeCl oovnegn tRroya dw,h ereuporne achitnhges itaer eoafH al&l SonsI,s awa veryl arge dartkr iansghlaepe do bjecatp pearfl,y infrgo mm yl eft. Ip ulluepda nds tooads trimdye motorcytcotl aek ael ooakt t heo bjecwth,i ccha med irecotvleyr heaandd thewne nta wayfr om me tom y righttr,a veltloiwnagr tdhsed irectoifto hnet ownc entrIete. n deudp a ta positiwohni cIhb elietvoeb dea rounldo weBro ndS treente atrh Ae tkiBnusi ldiwnhge,r Iel ossti gohftt he object. TheT rianogbljee cwta sm assivietw, a st hes izoef 1 11f2o otbpailtlc haneds fl ewc ompletseillye nattal y heigohftn om oret ha1nO Oft.I tw asa lbll acekx ceapnti lluminaarteeuadn derside lwohoikcethdoh avae sorotf fr ameworakr ounidtl ,i kae c ockpwiitn dowT.h eo bjecwta sfl yinagt1 5-20mpanhd remainiend viefwo arr ounodn et ot wom inutes. It hecno ntinounem dy j ourneyh omea ndp ackemdy bikaew ayWh.e n Ig oti nI n otictehdam ty bedroom clocska iidtw, a sa ftelra mI.t hougthhtet immeu stbe w ronsgo I w okem y parenutpst ot eltlh emw hatI hads eeann dt oc onfirtmh tei mwea sc orrewchti,c ihtw as. KeiStmhid tehs ctrhsieibeo zdtfe h o eb jebceti" ntgsh ieoz afed ustbaaitrn m s as lid length!" Accordtionh gi bedrsoo m clockh,e h ad' los1tt 'o1 11h2o urisnt ime! Pictuorfte h FeT modemla deb yC oliSna undearnsdf eatuorne' dC entWreaelk enLdi v3e'1-8 0-1 Pag8e OVNI PropulTseicohnn o-loASgy i mpAlpep roach By Dr.P aulU sher Atp resewneta rei nvestigaav tairinegto yfm ethotdospo werc raiftn tsop acWee. h avlei qufuiedlr ockets, solcihde micraolc keitosnen, g inehsy,d rogfueenl lejdee tn ginaensde velna sperro pulsion. Thed evelopmoefan nt' IoEnn ginfeo'sr p acechraasbft e eunn dedre velopmfeonartn umbeorfy earosn,e oft hem aind rawbacbkesi ntgh aatn I one nginper oducae tsh rusotf o nlay f ewgr ams.H oweveNrA,S A havneo wd evelopeadnd fi tteadn I one nginteoa spacper obTeh.e t hrusitsc ontinaunadol v etri mteh e speedo ft hes pacecwrialftil n crefaasset anedr f asteAsr .y etw e haven othitnhga itsc losteoa ni deal sourocfepo werf oerx traterretsrtarvieall. Aparfrto mr ockperto pulsoifvo anr iotuypess ,t heriesa notheenre rgfyo rmt hahta sb eean s ourocfegr eat interfeosrmt a nyy earasn dt haits G yroscoepniecr gTyh.i iss t hem ysteripoowuesr develwohpeedn a weigihstr otatseudc,ah s a fl ywhefeolir n stance. Manype oplea ref amilwiiatrth o yg yroscoapensdh avbe eena mazeda tt heaibri ltiotb ya lanocnea tiny pointan d defygr avityJ.us ttry and movei t,o rc hangietd si rectiaonndy ouw ildli scoavc eoru nter force thahtas buiulptas thge yroscroopet ates. Io ncse awa universlietcytur edre monstrattheaa t O1O lwbe ighwitt ha f5o ostp indcloeu lbde l ifteudp easiwliyt ohn eh anrdi gohvte rhetahdai,ts a sl onags t hew eighitss puant s ome5 00rpmO.n ces tatiointa ry coulndo tb el ifteHdo!w c oulidtw eigsho l ittljeus,tb ecauosfei tss pinnimnogt ioAnc?t ualthleyw eight remaitnhsse a meT!h et asokft hset udewnast st op roviadt eh eoaryn de xplanaTthieornae.r mea nyt heories buta ctuailtls yt,ic lalnn obte fu lluyn derstooreo xdp lained. In anotheexrpe rimecnatrri edo uti nt he1 970a' sgr oupo ft hregey roscoopensa metafrla mew eres pun togetahnedrt hetnh efr amei tsewlafss puna,lc lo nfigured tom aximisaned vecttohrrus t.... I wto rkeTdh!e wholases emblryo saef ewi nchepsr,o vitnhgai tth adp roducmeodr et haint oswn weigihntt hrustI.b elieve thet otwaeli gohtft hep rototuniytpe w as aroun5d0 lban.d ins omew ayt,h ien putrtoetda tieonnearlwgy a s usedas vectotrherusdt t,h es toreende rbgeyi ngrge atetrh atnh em ass. Ift hifso rm ofe nergsya,y5 0lobf c ontintuhrusatl, c oulbde tr ansferrteoad v ehicilnse p acietw, o ulbde whizzinga wayi nn ot imaet a ll! Ifo nltyhi se nersgoyur cceo ulbder efineadn dpe rfectWeed !h avkneo wn oft hitse chnolfoogsryo met ime. We coulhda vae c raft thawast silecnotu,l hdo vearn dd oi ncredtihbilnegi stc, o ulbde a lslo s implNeo. neefdo arn timattwarpe r,d rivehsy perspajcuem pe nginJeuss.st p iyno urg yroasn da wayy oug o,w itthh e possibialus iitnygth ec ontinuatlh rustt oa chietvhees peedo flig.he.tv .e ntuaTlhlety e!c hnoliosog uytt here. BOG BREATH Yesb ogsd ob reatahlebe,i rta ther erraticaTlhleys .l owh eavionfg theisru rfaciesas poorlyu nder- stoopdh enomenon. ExtracTth:e s urfacoef t heb ogs andf ensi nn ortheastMeirnn nesomtaay r isaen df alblya sm uch as3 6cm.ai sni ngdlaey Thi.s phe nomenonk,n owna s' bogb reath ing'h asb eent raditioantally tributteocd h angiensw a tesrt orage Bogb reathmianygb ea surface manifestoaftt ihoean c cumulation andr eleaosfgre e enhougsaes eisn peatd eposits. Spontaniegonusilbtyii ongge,gn asieacsr feou nidn m anym arsphyl acTehse.s e erwueprotebi soenrvse d ina nE_ ng/miusfldha itn 1 90(2S icenFcreo ntiers2 0J0u0l)- Aug Pag9e OVNI ANOTHER EARLYR ADAR REPORT Itm akesy ouw ondejru shto wm any storrieemsai nu ntold! Ast hree soufyl etat n other plhiosntiienntn goBe BrC R adDieor bdyu,r iOnmga Fro wlemro'nhlsty UF O 'phonea nionte'ha,er r�l dya rre pohrtas c omteol ight. 'Tedan'e ,x -RAFR adaorpe rathoarbd,e elni stewniitinhng t etrote hsreta dpiroo gramomnTe u es7datyh AuguIshtta .bd e eanb ustyi mwei,ta hn umboefUFr O witnestseelse phiontn odi insgc tuhsessii rg htings. 'Johhna'pd h onienad n rde latehde h ahbdoe we vni deouinnigd enltiigfinheetdash r ih so maetT rowell, neaIrl kesDteornb,y s(hSielreae ms.ot n tOhVNIs) .O maFro wlseurb sequveinstiJltoyeh andnd v iewae d selecotfti hoveni deUonsofrtun.a telJyo,h wna ss omewihnaetx periiennu cseihdni gcs a mearnadh ad filmethdel igehnttsi ornea ln'y a utomsaettitTcih'ni mgse. a ntthd autr itnhwgeh otliem teh,ce am erlae ns habde emno vibnagc akn dfo rttrhy intogf ocounst hlei gshotu rTcheer. e swualsatt hrobbliinghgtht a t wasb areilnfy o cautas n oyn tei mHeo.w evseorm,e thhaibsne ge vni sitthiaenr geas a t,h lei gahptpe ared ina na rewah erpea sUtF Oa ctihvaibste yew ni tnes(sTehdie.n vesticgoanttiionnu es). 'KennaettW ho'o dviplhloen,ie ndt or eporta b riglhitgs hete snl owrliys ionvget rh weo odisnt he direcotfAi sohnb y.de.(lEaa.sZtoeHuerct lhiy m)ie.astd fi rsbte isnege onnJ ul2y6 taht3 .30anadmt hen hevi eweidta gaaitna bo5uatm as, i th adha rdmloyv edTh.e answoenra iwras, thaittwas probably Venuasn adl atceorm puctheeruc ski 'nSgk yglobe', swash owiendd ettehhcdeaa ts e.t his Butto r eturnt os tory btyto hleedx -RAFR adaro perat'oTre d('w,ho ilMnia vceksw orTtehdr) e.l attheed folloiwinncgi dent:- "Iwast durinagpe riobde twee1n9 53/dur5i4n mgy s erviintc heRe AF wheInw ass erviasn gRa a dar plotattaeb ra snee aSra ndwiinsc ohu thK-eenastt. " "Iwta sm yj obt ok eetph ceo nstuulnsae ndd i ng ooodpe ratoirndgeD ru.r imnygw atcIhs ,a wa n uniden'tbiofigeaedpy p'r oacfrhoimtn hgde i recotfti hoFner enccoha sWte. w erues ian tgy pe1 3 'noddhionrgrs ocra'n nuinniwgth ,i cdeht ectthheeed i gahtwt h icthhoe bj ecwta sa pproacThhiRen agd.a r conssuhlo wtehdta htce r awftas a t4 0,0a0n0.dftt hiawtta st ravealtal nia npgp rosapecehod f 2,000"m ph! "Wef olloiwates id pt a ssoevdet rh ceo aasnthd e adteodw aLrodsn doIntp. a ssoevdeL ro ndont haennd changicnogu rtsote h NEe, wef olloiwates id ht e adoeudot v etrh Neo rSteha u,n tiiwtlas ouotf r ange. Duritnhgti ism teh,e hraebed e ns omeex citeasm tehnsetpe ,e odf t hoebj ecwta sf airne xceosfans yth ing thawteh adfl yinagtt htei me(.e".G gl.o sMteetre &o rJ ave6l2i0nm pmha x".A)gr ouopf pe oplhea d gathearreodut nhdRe a darc onsaunlwd a tchtehunfdeo ldienvge wnitt grhe aitn teNroensoetf u. s k new whaitwt as orh ada niyd ewah aitct o uble.d . ..Iw.ta. ss. hortalftye rwartdhsaw tew erteo lTdh:ids i dn't happenD on' ts aya nything!" ••• NB. BoDbe a(NnA TOH Q) haso ftemne ntitohnaUFetOd 'wse rtrea ckoeudot v etrhN eo rSteha . GlostMeert eor·, firsthte RAF jefightt er: GlostJearv etlinwin -jedte lta-wingedfigh ter