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OVNI 1991 07 July PDF

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Preview OVNI 1991 07 July

� - ' EWSLETTER: JULY 1991 PHE 0 NO� RESE RCH ASSOCI TIO 12T ilton Grove I' irk Ha 11 a1 Il keston Derbys. Dt 7 4G:� (T e1 : 06J320 2773) There is no 1 sufficient interest in UFO'S and CropC ircle Phenomena in t:,_ Derbya r2at o ·v1arrant the p oduction a first ne'..vsletter for prospective members of our studyg rou.p It see,s probable that ve will be able to commence regular monthly meetings in t e coming Autu.11n and I would1 i l<e to receive your C0111ments in 1o cat in g a pass ib 1 e venue. At a 1a t er date, \Je wi1 1 dra�uvp membership fo· ms and get down to t; e �usiness of running a sci_ntifically orientated grou.p The mattero f financing such a group is always a consideration, ut if we can keepo ur running costs to a minimum, then this should present no great problem. CUR: ENT "t.VENTS" UFO activity appears to be at a lovJ ebb in this area, although the "c"op cir e 1 e" season is nmv Jit h us as youw i 11 see fromr epot s be1 ow. I ' ave recent 1 y been in tervL.. v Jedb y the Derby Evening Te 1 egra,)1 and I believe that an artic1� is i minent on my investigations into UFO and crop circl_s, I am alsod ue to take,) arti n a chat programme againo n BBC Radio Derb(y 0 1.4 5ar16nth July). By these means, it is hoped to generate some further int�rest in the ar�a. Possibly \ve �vill learn of nev1 "undiscove..rd " circles and to hear of past and ,Jresent UFO incidents that peop 1 e may havee xperienced. It is often th·ec ase that vli tnesses have rexperie nceda n eventa nd are re 1 uctant to spea about it until they realise that there are scientific groups of peopl wh6 will take them seriously and listen to th�ir story in confidence. Frorn pJst experienc , I now thatt herea re numerous�J Jitness\-_vsh o"n ave _ nevert o 1 d anyoneb efore" about their experi enc2s and therea re many amazing cas�s that havec ome to light overr ecent years. Let it be p 1a i n 1 y understood, that there is evid en ee to supportth e fact that ou planet Earthi 1asb eena nd is still being regularly visited by alien beings. i·Jot only one species, but several! Som2 a, e described as - 1 "friendly" and af)pear to view us 1tJith ;:>ity, w!1ile othe s seern intent on some 2vil unknown f)urpose and treat us as intatesting specimens. ',Jh en '.ve a r 2 a 1 e to i nee t as a g r ou and d is cuss v ar io u s cases and the I evidence, than you will be able to draw your o1n conclusions! ************ C I RCLcS HI NOTT I NGHAr:lSH H<E ************ Owing to t e shortage of time and s)ace, I will condense events to date: On thi� 8th of Ju 1 y, I \vas contacted by the iJott i ngh am Po l ice and informed of a crop circle event at earlt on-on-Trent, North of 1Je·t'Jar . I discussed the event oy telephone with the farmer, before my wife and I called on him the following day (9t July). \·le wer ta'"en to a field of v'leat, Hhere four "circles" were visible on a South facing slope. t.Je roceeded into the field and studied the w eat pattern, took di 1ensions, collect_d samples of the crop, plus a control san1ple 30rn away. T e rnain centre circle was approx 35'dia (some variation) and the three surrounding circles varied between 15' to 18' in diameter. All d _at flow was anti-clockwise. After co1npleting t' _ ins,)ection, the farmer informed rile that two "dumbell" shapes �ad appeared on a neighbouring farm at Sutton-on-Trent and he duly dir cted us to the farm and lat r to the wheatfield concerned. The larger dumbell ad appeared on t e 4th of July and the s10aller dumbell on the 8th oF July. Again measurements, samples a d photographs were taken, but ecause the area had been trampled by sightseer's, the analysis of the event \vas fllOre di ffi cult. On etu nin g l1or e that evening, a nessag2 a�Jai ted me, i nfo rnin g rne that a I "Pictogram" ( nusual shaped event) had occurred at �·1ansfield. I met �lark rlayward (Chairman UFO Group r1ansfield), who took me to the site. This time the crop was Barley. The eve t ·was unusual and had nunerous "pointers" (or knovm indications) t:1at this as a genuine incident and not a hoax. Again, m2asurement, samples and . otogra�� s were take, but t is time we had the opportunity of "do�;sing" the site (checki g for a geo-magnetic power using metal rods). The results were quite startling, the power in the two main circle area's .vas so strong that it made rny (and other people • s) fingers "tingle" on th._ ,net a l rods. There was a strong in d ic ation of a �JE to S�·J "Ley i ne" or similar power at the site. Crop head samples have now 'een sent to iJottingha.n University of analysis and it is ·loped to report results at a later date. Ue have now heard that a field at "Husbands 30S\vorth" Leics. has produced a circle for the third year in succession! :•iore ne\Js later! O.Fowler. ----- ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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