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Oviposition Behaviour of Three Intraspecific Variants of the Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala azar) Vector Phlebotomus Argentipes PDF

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Preview Oviposition Behaviour of Three Intraspecific Variants of the Visceral Leishmaniasis (Kala azar) Vector Phlebotomus Argentipes

OVIPOSITION BEHAVIOUROF THREE INTRASPECIFIC VARIANTS OF THEVISCERALLEISHMANIASIS (KALA-AZAR) VECTORPHLEBOTOMUSARGENTIPES 1 K. Ilango2 (With one text-figure) Key words: Phlebotomus argentipes visceral leishmaniasis vector, oviposition behaviour, , intraspecific variation Oviposition behaviour ofPhlebotomus argentipes Annandale & Brunetti sensu lato studied in thevisceralleishmaniasis(VL,kala-azar)endemicandnon-endemicpartsofTamilNadusuggests that (i) the species has 3 intraspecific variants (possibly representing separate species), (ii) the meannumberofeggslaidperflyishigherinthefliesfedon cattlethanon humanbeings,(iii)the varianthuman-fedformis sympatricwiththeneighbouringcattle-fedform,whileboththecattie fed variants are allopatric in nature, (iv) the possible cause for the vector capacity ofthe form feeding on humans is discussed, (v) research on the behaviour, based on genetics and using molecularbiologicaltoolssuchasisoenzymeanalysisandDNApawprinting,isneededtoresolve thetaxonomic statusofP. argentipes. Introduction leads to divergence ofbehaviour and formation oftwoormorespecies(Dobzhanskyetal. 1976). Phlebotomus argentipes Annandale & Thisisusuallyfoundindiseaseendemicregions. Brunetti sensu lato, described by Annandale To differentiate such closely related species, (1908), has been studied extensively as a vector morphological taxonomy serves a limited of the Indian visceral leishmaniasis (VL, kala- purpose, but molecular techniques and genetics azar). The currently known geographical and basedbehaviouralstudiesareextremelyreliable. biologicalvariationsofP. argentipesmayconsist In view of this, while surveying the wetland ofacomplex ofsibling species (Seccombe etal. mosquito fauna ofTamil Nadu, the oviposition 1993), that are morphologically similar but behaviour ofP. argentipes was studied in parts different in behaviour. Recently, two ofthe state where kala-azar is endemic. morphospecies found sympatrically were described from the city of Chennai (=Madras) Study Area (Ilango et al 1994), one of the known foci of VL. In Tamil Nadu, the city of Chennai and Incriminationofvector species amongthe two rural districts, Ramanad and Tirunelveli, species complex is extremely important for known endemic foci ofVL, were surveyed for taxonomists before developing any control thephlebotominesandflyfaunaduring 1987-90. strategies. However, theproblemamongclosely Recently, afewcases ofkala-azarwerereported allied variants in insect vectors is that from Chennai, but the disease was unknown in competition forresources, such as feeding hosts the Ramanad and Tirunelveli district. Chennai andmatingsites,insimilarecologicalconditions, was, therefore, considered an endemic focus, whileRamanadandTirunelveliweredesignated 'AcceptedJuly,1999 as non-endemic. For the present study, TreshwaterBiologicalStation,ZoologicalSurveyofIndia, 1-1-300/B,AshokNagar,Hyderabad500020, Tirunelveli (peridomestic) and Chennai AndhraPradesh,India. (domestic and peridomestic) were chosen for JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 97(3). DEC. 2000 363 OVIPOSITIONBEHAVIOUROFTHEVISCERALLEISHMANIASISVECTOR sample collection because they are widely separated from one another, and represent different habitats. Further, in Chennai, samples were collected from the centre of the city, Royapettah (domestic) where VL was knownto exist, andfromthesuburbanvillagePoonamalle, 30 kmwestofChennai, fromwhere VL wasnot known. Method Veeravandiyur village in Tirunelveli districtandPoonamallevillagenearChennaiare identical habitats in their housing pattern, surrounded by cattle sheds, paddy fields and irrigation ponds. Royapettah has typical urban dwellings with crowded housing. Stray cattle were often found on the streets. Humans and cattle are the sources of blood meal for P. argentipes priorto oviposition. As P. argentipes is nocturnal, night collectionofsampleswasmadefrombothhuman dwellingsandcattlesheds. Inallthe3 studysites, Fig. 1. Locations ofthree intraspecific female blood-fed females were collected from the variants (A, B, C) ofP. argentipes collected. Bar abdomen of cattle in Veeravandiyur and diagrams representthe mean no. ofeggs laid per fly Poonamalle villages, humans also servedasbait attracted to both hosts. simultaneously. Blood-fedflieswereindividually storedin !4"x3" glasstubesandleftundisturbed (A) Veeravandiyurvillage, Tirunelveli overnighttooviposit. 5%glucosesolutionsoaked Total no. offlies captured (N) = 39 in cotton was supplied to each fly as nutritional No. ofeggs laidper fly supplement. Mean (x) = 71.64 ±3.64 (s.d) Range (R) = 65-77 Results (B) Royapettah in Chennai Fig. 1 shows the locations (ABC) from Total no. offlies captured (N) = 21 whichthefemalesofP. argentipeswerecollected; No. ofeggs laidper fly thebar diagrams representthe mean no. ofeggs Mean (x) = 41.66 ±4.83 (s.d) laidperfly.ThedistancebetweenVeeravandiyur Range (R) = 32-50 (A)andRoyapettah(B)orPoonamalle(C)is680 km and Royapettah (B) and Poonamalle (C) (C) Poonamalle village near Chemiai 30 km. In Veeravandiyur and Poonamalle Total no. offlies captured (N) = 32 villages, the female flies showed a greater No. ofeggs laidper fly preference for cattle than for human beings, Mean (x) = 69.00 ±4.46 (s.d) whereas in Royapettah they were equally Range (R) = 54-76 364 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 97(3) DEC 2000 OVIPOSITIONBEHAVIOUROFTHEVISCERALLEISHMANIASISVECTOR Discussion P. argentipes collected from endemic and non- endemicareasofvisceralleishmaniasis, inwhich The present study reveals some intriguing the relative size of the fourth antennal ascoids biological variations in the ovipositionbehaviour shows character displacement. According to ofP. argentipes collectedfrom3 differentplaces, Brown and Wilson (1956), character theirhostpreferenceandthemeannumberofeggs displacement is observed in two closely related laidper fly. The eggs laidby the variants AC are specieswhentheirallopatricpopulationsarevery similar in their oviposition sites and meanno. of similar and their sympatric populations distinct eggs laidperfly, butbotharequitedifferentfrom in one or more characters. The disparate B. The ecological distribution ofthese variants characters could be morphological or shows thatA is allopatric to BC and B sympatric behavioural. In this study, the pattern of to C. AC are more strongly attracted to a blood distribution and oviposition behaviour of three meal fromcattle thanfromhumans. B is attracted variants of P. argentipes suggests that it may to both cattle and humans, the latter providing a consistofseveralisomorphic species distributed better opportunity to transmit kala-azar. across the Indian Subcontinent. Severalpossibleexplanationscanbegiven According to Tabachnick and Black forthe differences inbehaviouranddistribution (1995), current species identification using of these variants. For AC, feeding on cattle isoenzyme analysis, DNA probes and PCR appearstobemore advantageous, astheyoffera delimits species and provides genetic large, open body surface where the blood meal relationships. Molecular taxonomy promises to can be taken immediately after mating. Cattle be an important tool for (1) discrimination of blood is richer in iron than human blood and cryptic members of species complexes, (2) perhaps they are less sensitive to biting. Hence, identificationofmorphologicallysimilarspecies cattlearepreferredbyAC. Humanbloodmealis at any life stage, and (3) rapid identification of preferred by B, which could be the vector of small arthropods (eg. mites, sandflies, visceral leishmaniasis. Culicoides). Population genetics characterises Theseobservationscoincidewiththeknown genetic variation within and among populations findings on the two morphologically different ofa species. Members ofspecies complexes and species. In the present study, the intraspecific morphologically similar species are likely to be variants AC are similar to the morphological descendents of populations that were once species A, which occurs in Tamil Nadu and the membersofasinglespecies. Studiesthatexamine whole of South Asia and has perhaps no role in gene flow withrespect to components ofvector thetransmissionofkala-azar.ThevariantBfound capacity provide insights into vector species inRoyapettah,andalsoreportedfromothermajor complexes and variation within species. endemic areas like Bihar and West Bengal, is a Hence, molecular taxonomy and morphologically identifiable species B and is populationgeneticsstudiesareurgentlyrequired consideredavectorspecies. toresolvethetaxonomic status ofP. argentipes, P. argentipes is consideredtobe a species to understand the pathogenic transmission, complex with member species differing in the epidemiology and control ofthe disease. lengthsofthefourthantennalascoids(Lewisand Killick-Kendrick 1973), of the labrums (Lewis Acknowledgement 1987) and in cuticular hydrocarbons (Kamhawi et al. 1992). Recently, Ilango (1998) reported I thankthe Zoological Survey ofIndia for differences between the specimens of support. JOURNAL BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 97(3), DEC. 2000 365 , OVIPOS1TIONBELIAVIOUROFTHEVISCERALLEISHMANIASISVECTOR ReferENCES Annandale, N. (1908): Notes on Oriental Diptera. V. cuticularhydrocarbonsofPhlebotomusargentipes DescriptionofnewspeciesofPsychodidaeofthe (Diptera:Phlebotominae)fromfieldpopulationsin genusPhlebotomus. Rec.IndianMus., 2: 101-104. northern India and Sri Lanka, and their changes Brown, W.L., Jr. & E.O. Wilson (1956): Character with laboratorycolonization. Bull. Ent. Res., 82: displacement^?. Zooi, 5:49-64. 209-212. Dobzhansky, T., F.J. Ayala, G.L. Stebbins & J.W. Lewis, D.J. & R. Kjllick-Kendrick (1973): Some Valentine (1976): Evolution. University of phlebotomid sandflies and other Diptera of California,Davis,pp.572. MalaysiaandSriLanka. Trans.R.Soc. Trop.Med. IlangoK.,V.Dhanada,R.Srinivasan,A.V.Sadanand& Hyg., 67:4-5. R.P.Lane(1994):Phlebotominesandflies(Diptera Lewis, D.J. 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