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2012ANNUAL 2013REPORT CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 5 PART 1: REPORTS Report of the Auditor-General to Parliament on the Competition Tribunal 8 Audit committee’s report 10 Risk committee’s report 11 Chairperson’s report 13 PART 2: CASE HIGHLIGHTS Introduction 22 Mergers and acquisitions 22 Prohibited practices 28 PART 3: OPERATIONAL REVIEW Introduction 40 Training and development 41 Administrative training and team building 44 Short term internships 45 Tanzanian study tour 47 Communicating the work of the Tribunal 47 Customer satisfaction survey 50 Corporate governance 51 Compliance with legislation 57 Occupational health and safety 59 Ethics 59 PART 4: THE COMPETITION APPEAL COURT Introduction 64 Cases before the CAC 65 PART 5: FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Financial management 68 Annual financial statements 71 PART 6: APPENDICES 104 Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13 3 ABBREVIATIONS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS The Act The Competition Act 89 of 1998 The Tribunal The Competition Tribunal of South Africa The Commission The Competition Commission of South Africa Senmin Senmin International (Pty) Ltd Cellulose Derivatives Cellulose Derivatives (Pty) Ltd CMC Carboxymthylcellulose Media 24 Media 24 Limited Natal Witness Natal Witness Printing and Publishing Company (Pty) Ltd Gold Circle Gold Circle (Pty) Ltd Kenilworth Kenilworth Racing (Pty) Ltd Life Healthcare Life Healthcare Group (Pty) Ltd JMH Joint Medical Holdings Ltd Nestlé Nestlé SA Paarl Coldest Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd Glencore Glencore International AG Optimum Coal Optimum Coal Holdings Ltd SAPIA South African Petroleum Industry Association SAPEG South African Petroleum and Energy Guild Telkom Telkom SA Ltd Petzetakis Petzetakis Africa (Pty) Ltd Vulcania Vulcania Reinforcing (Pty) Ltd RMS Reinforcing Mesh Solutions DSI Dywidag Systems International (Pty) Ltd Videx Videx Wire Products (Pty) Ltd RSC Ekusasa RSC Ekusasa Mining (Pty) Ltd SCA Supreme Court of Appeal SAVA South African Vans Association ISP Internet service provider VANS provider Value added network service provider CAC Competition Appeal Court HDI Historically disadvantaged individual ICN International Competition Network OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development CFO Chief financial officer EDD Economic Development Department PFMA Public Finance Management Act EXCO Executive committee RC Risk committee RMC Risk management committee RCC Risk coordination committee FPC Fraud prevention committee VAT Value added tax OHS Occupational health and safety CCoommppeettiittiioonn TTrriibbuunnaall SSoouutthh AAffrriiccaa AAnnnnuuaall RReeppoorrtt 22001122//1133 55 “Overwhelmingly the Competition Tribunal appeared to be held in high esteem by respondents across the different stakeholder segments included in this phase of the survey. The Tribunal was perceived to be executing its mandate in a very competent and consistent manner.” [Plus 94, results of stakeholder satisfaction survey 2013] PART 1 PART 1: REPORTS Report of the Auditor-General to Parliament on the Competition Tribunal Audit committee’s report Risk committee’s report Chairperson’s report Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13 7 Part 1: Reports RepoRt of the audit in accordance with the Public the year then ended in accordance Audit Act of South Africa, 2004 (Act with SA Standards of GRAP and the AuditoR-GeneRAl to No. 25 of 2004) (PAA), the General requirements of the PFMA. pARliAment on the Notice issued in terms thereof and Competition tRibunAl International Standards on Auditing. Report on other legal and Those standards require that I comply regulatory requirements Report on the financial with ethical requirements and plan statements and perform the audit to obtain 7. In accordance with the PAA and reasonable assurance about whether the General Notice issued in introduction the financial statements are free from terms thereof, I report the following material misstatement. findings relevant to performance against predetermined objectives, 1. I have audited the financial statements 4. An audit involves performing compliance with laws and regulations of the Competition Tribunal set out on procedures to obtain audit evidence and internal control, but not for the pages 72 to 101 which comprise about the amounts and disclosures in the purpose of expressing an opinion. the statement of financial position financial statements. The procedures as at 31 March 2013, the statement selected depend on the auditor’s predetermined objectives of financial performance, statement judgement, including the assessment of changes in net assets, the cash of the risks of material misstatement 8. I performed procedures to obtain flow statement for the year then of the financial statements, whether evidence about the usefulness and ended, the statement of comparison due to fraud or error. In making those reliability of the information in the of budget and actual amounts and risk assessments, the auditor considers annual performance report as set out notes, comprising a summary of internal control relevant to the entity’s on pages 36 to 37 and 60 to 61 of significant accounting policies and preparation and fair presentation of the the annual report. other explanatory information. financial statements in order to design Accounting authority’s responsibility audit procedures that are appropriate 9. The reported performance against in the circumstances, but not for the predetermined objectives was for the financial statements purpose of expressing an opinion evaluated against the overall criteria on the effectiveness of the entity’s of usefulness and reliability. The 2. The accounting authority is internal control. An audit also includes usefulness of information in the annual responsible for the preparation and evaluating the appropriateness of performance report relates to whether fair presentation of these financial accounting policies used and the it is presented in accordance with the statements in accordance with South reasonableness of accounting estimates National Treasury annual reporting African Standards of Generally made by management, as well as principles and whether the reported Recognised Accounting Practice evaluating the overall presentation of performance is consistent with the (SA Standards of GRAP) and the the financial statements. planned objectives. The usefulness of requirements of the Public Finance information further relates to whether Management Act of South Africa, 5. I believe that the audit evidence indicators and targets are measurable 1999 (Act No.1 of 1999) (PFMA), I have obtained is sufficient and (i.e. well defined, verifiable, specific, and for such internal control as the appropriate to provide a basis for my measurable and time bound) and accounting authority determines is audit opinion. relevant as required by the National necessary to enable the preparation Treasury Framework for managing of financial statements that are free opinion programme performance information. from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 6. In my opinion, the financial statements The reliability of the information in present fairly, in all material respect of the selected objectives Auditor-General’s responsibility respects, the financial position is assessed to determine whether of the Competition Tribunal as at it adequately reflects the facts (i.e. 3. My responsibility is to express an 31 March 2013, and its financial whether it is valid, accurate and opinion on these financial statements performance and cash flows for complete). based on my audit. I conducted my 8 Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13 10. There were no material findings internal control on the annual performance report concerning the usefulness and 15. I considered internal control relevant reliability of the information. to my audit of the financial statements and compliance with laws and Additional matter regulations. The matters reported below under the fundamentals of 11. Although no material findings internal control are limited to the concerning the usefulness and significant deficiencies that resulted in reliability of the performance the findings on compliance with laws information were identified in the and regulations included in this report. annual performance report, I draw attention to the following matter. leadership Achievement of planned targets 16. The accounting authority did not exercise sufficient oversight to ensure 12. Of the eighteen planned targets, only compliance with applicable laws ten targets were achieved during the and regulations with regard to supply year under review. This represents chain management. 44.44% of total planned targets that were not achieved during the year financial and performance under review. For further details on management the extent and reasons for deviations between planned targets and actual 17. Management did not take adequate performance refer to the annual action to ensure compliance with performance reports on pages 36 supply chain management policies and 60. and procedures. Compliance with laws and regulations 13. I performed procedures to obtain evidence that the entity has complied pretoria with applicable laws and regulations 31 July 2013 regarding financial matters, financial management and other related matters. My findings on material non- compliance with specific matters in key applicable laws and regulations as set out in the General Notice issued in terms of the PAA are as follows: expenditure management 14. The accounting authority did not take effective steps to prevent irregular expenditure as required by section 51(1)(b)(ii) of the Public Finance Management Act. Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13 9 Part 1: Reports Audit Committee RepoRt the effectiveness of internal evaluation of annual financial control statements We are pleased to present our report for the financial year ended 31 March 2013 The system of internal controls applied by the The audit committee has: entity over financial and risk management • reviewed and discussed the audited Audit committee members and is effective, efficient and transparent. In annual financial statements to be attendance line with the PFMA and the King III Report included in the annual report, with the on Corporate Governance requirements, Auditor-General and the accounting The audit committee of the Tribunal consists internal audit provides the audit committee authority; of the members listed in Table 1 and is and management with assurance that • reviewed the Auditor-General’s required to meet four times per annum as the internal controls are appropriate and management report and per its approved terms of reference. During effective. This is achieved by means of management’s response thereto; the year under review four meetings were the risk management process as well as • reviewed the entity’s compliance with held. The audit committee’s meetings have the identification of corrective actions and legal and regulatory provisions; regularly included the internal auditors suggested enhancements to the controls and representatives from the office of the and processes. From the various reports The audit committee concurs with and Auditor-General. of the internal auditors, the audit report on accepts the Auditor-General’s report on the annual financial statements, and the the annual financial statements, and is Audit committee responsibility management report of the Auditor-General of the opinion that the audited annual South Africa, it was noted that no matters financial statements should be accepted The audit committee reports that it has were reported that indicate any material and read together with the report of the complied with its responsibilities arising deficiencies in the system of internal control Auditor-General. from section 55(1) of the PFMA and or any deviations therefrom. Accordingly, we Treasury Regulation 27.1.7 and 27.1.10 can report that the system of internal control internal audit (b) and (c). over financial reporting for the period under review was efficient and effective. The audit committee is satisfied that The audit committee also reports that it the internal audit function is operating has adopted appropriate formal terms of the quality of in year effectively and that it has addressed the reference as its audit committee charter, management and monthly/ risks pertinent to the entity and its audits. quarterly reports submitted in has regulated its affairs in compliance with this charter and has discharged all terms of the pfmA Auditor-General of South Africa its responsibilities as contained therein. Accordingly the audit committee operates The audit committee is satisfied with The audit committee has met with the in accordance with the terms of the said the content and quality of monthly and Auditor-General to ensure that there are no charter and is satisfied that it has discharged quarterly reports prepared and issued by unresolved issues. its responsibilities in compliance therewith. the accounting authority of the entity during the year under review. Table 1: Audit committee members and attendance Number of Number of Status of meetings Name meetings member required to attended Victor Nondabula attend Chairperson of the audit committee V.Nondabula (AC Chair - term ends Non- executive 4 4 October 2014) 31 July 2013 K.Teixeira (Risk Chairperson - term ends Non-executive 4 4 October 2013) M.Ramataboe (term ends October 2013) Non-executive 4 4 N.Mhlongo (term ends October 2013) Non-executive 4 4 S. Gounden (term ends October 2013) Non-executive 4 4 10 Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13

Competition Tribunal South Africa Annual Report 2012/13. 3. CONTENTS. PAGE OECD. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. CFO. Chief financial significant accounting policies and compliance with laws and regulations .. Taki Madima (part-time) .. intellectual property.
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