Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 DOI10.1186/s40645-015-0075-0 REVIEW Open Access Overview of the development of the Aerosol Loading Interface for Cloud microphysics In Simulation (ALICIS) Takamichi Iguchi1,2*, In-Jin Choi3, Yousuke Sato4, Kentaroh Suzuki5 and Teruyuki Nakajima6 Abstract Thisreview summarizes the scientific background of and past/prospective update strategies for the development of theAerosolLoading Interface for Cloud microphysics In Simulation (ALICIS). ALICIS provides a novel approach for coupling downscaled mesoscale cloud-resolving simulations to large-scale aerosol-transportsimulations. Realistic aerosol loading,including spatio-temporalaerosolvariations and particle-sizespectra, is implemented inthe cloud- resolving simulations. Priorstudiesemploying ALICIS have demonstrated how theinterfaceintroduction significantly improves the reproducibility of thesimulated microphysical cloud structure through better representation of aerosol effects oncloud. Keywords: Cloud microphysics, Cloud and aerosol, Regional modeling, Dynamical downscaling Review particles.Todate,theaerosolinfluenceoncloudhasbeen Introduction investigatedinanumberofways,fromtheperspectivesof Aerosoleffectsoncloudinatmosphericmodels weather and climate research, as well as in the context of The coexistence of the three phases of hydrogen mon- weathermodificationandgeo-engineering,startingfroma oxide is, within the solar system, unique to the Earth’s series of studies by Twomey and Squires who examined atmosphere. The liquid and solid phases in the atmos- microphysical cloud structure under various airmass con- phere (i.e., cloud and precipitation) play critical roles ditions using in situ aircraft measurements in the 1950s in determining the Earth’s radiation balance and and 1960s (e.g., Squires 1956). A well-known example hydrological cycle by driving considerable changes in demonstrating the effects of aerosol is that of the system- the atmospheric hydrometeor distribution and charac- atic difference in microphysical properties between con- teristics. The hydrometeor behavior is controlled by tinental and oceanic clouds. Continental clouds generally various factors, not limited to phase changes affected have a smaller mean particle size and a higher particle by temperature, dry-air and vapor pressure, advection number concentration than oceanic clouds. These differ- by background winds, and gravitational falling. ences are attributed to the disparity in aerosol concentra- Particulate matter that is dispersed colloidally with a tionandcharacteristicsbetweentheregions. variety of the particle sizes, shapes, and chemical compo- Aerosol was not represented explicitly in most numer- nents in the Earth’s atmosphere is referred to as aerosol. icalmodelsoftheEarth’satmosphereonglobalorregional Aerosolparticlesarecloselyrelatedtotheliquidandsolid scales until the 1990s, despite its significance for clouds particlesmakingupcloudsandprecipitation;theyarenot and climate. This was due in part to the fact the models only necessary for the nucleation process of hydrometeor were generally aimed at analyses of the atmosphere’s particles but are also a source of impurities in these dynamical structure and at land-surface rainfall predic- tions.Researchersthusconsideredaerosolunimportantin the basic framework of atmospheric models, because it *Correspondence:[email protected] hadnodirectinfluenceonmassorenergyconservationin 1EarthSystemScienceInterdisciplinaryCenter,UniversityofMaryland, CollegePark,MD,USA the atmosphere and its fluid dynamics. In addition, com- 2Code612NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Greenbelt,MD,USA putational resources were insufficient to explicitly include Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2015Iguchietal.OpenAccessThisarticleisdistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttribution4.0 InternationalLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedyougiveappropriatecredittotheoriginalauthor(s)andthesource,providealinkto theCreativeCommonslicense,andindicateifchangesweremade. Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page2of23 aerosol. Aerosol effects on cloud were thus tacitly in- trace long-term transitions in their characteristics (e.g., cludedinthemodelsintheformofparametrizationscon- Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Holben et al. sisting of empirical equations. For example, saturation 1998; US Department of Energy (DOE), atmospheric ra- adjustment (Soong and Ogura 1973; Tao et al. 1989) is a diation measurement(ARM) Stokesand Schwartz1994). reasonable assumption for calculations of the nucleation Many intensive field campaigns have also been con- of cloud droplets and their condensation growth from ducted to produce comprehensive views of aerosol– water vapor. Even though the presence of aerosol is a cloud interaction by coupling observation results ob- requirement for the droplets’ nucleation process, the tained from spaceborne satellites with ground-based, details are not important because of the wealthof aerosol seaborne, and airborne instruments, as well as model particles that can be activated as cloud condensation simulations (e.g., INDian Ocean Experiment (INDOEX) nuclei(CCN)inthetroposphere. Ramanathan et al. 2001; Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol In the 1990s and 2000s, increasing interest in aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE–Asia) Huebert et al. brought the issue under consideration even in the 2003; Atmospheric Brown Clouds (ABC) Nakajima et al. context of atmospheric modeling approaches. The most 2007; Ramanathan et al. 2007; and Distributed Regional significant turningpoint wastherecognition thataerosol Aerosol Gridded Observation Networks (DRAGON) Eck might counter the anthropogenic gases that cause global etal. 2012). warming through their greenhouse effect. Tropospheric aerosol particles have a direct impact on the Earth’s Modelingapproachestoaerosolanditsactivationin radiative balance through the scattering and absorption dropletnucleation of short- and longwave radiation (i.e., aerosol direct Anessentialphysicalprocessconnectingaerosolwithcloud radiative forcing). In addition, aerosol particles have an isthenucleationofhydrometeorparticles.Allaerosolparti- indirect influence on the Earth’s radiative balance cles that can potentially be activated as nuclei of cloud through altering optical cloud properties by serving as dropletsare referred to as condensation nuclei (CN). CCN CCN (i.e., aerosol indirect radiative forcing). An increase areasubsetofCN;theycanbeactivatedtoinitiatedroplet in the concentration of tropospheric aerosol particles formationatthelowsupersaturationobservedinthetropo- may enhance cloud reflectance for solar irradiance as a sphere. In contrast, ice-forming nuclei (IN) are defined as result of the increased droplet number concentration aerosol particles that act as the base of the deposition nu- and reduced droplet size for a fixed liquid water path cleation of cloud–ice particles or the heterogeneous freez- (Twomey1974, 1977;Twomey et al. 1984). On theother ing of supercooled droplets. At present, our knowledge of hand, a decrease in droplet size may inhibit droplet INislesscompletethanthatofCCNbecauseofinsufficient growth through collisional coagulation during warm- availability of measurements and experimental data to rain formation; this effect has an influence on the Earth’s model the complicated ice-nucleation process (Pruppacher cloud coverage through altering cloud lifetimes owing to andKlett1997). thesuppressionofrainformation(Albrecht1989). A fundamental theory about CCN activation is sum- Including the aerosol influence proved necessary in marized in a chart relating the relationship between the assessments of the Earth’s radiation balance and, conse- vapor saturation ratio and the equilibrium droplet size quently, the surface air temperature, not only in the formed in CCN (Köhler 1936, Appendix 1). CN size dis- future but also in the past. Simultaneously, researchers tribution spectra, as well as ambient supersaturation and havebecome graduallymoreinterestedinchangesinthe temperature, are essential factors in determining the precipitation amount through modification of cloud dy- droplet nucleation process. Several additional factors namical/microphysical structures by anthropogenic fac- have a potential impact on the balance of the vapor sat- tors related to aerosol (Levin and Cotton 2008; Tao et al. uration ratio and the equilibrium droplet size under 2012). Many numerical models have been developed more complex assumptions, other than the basic Köhler competitively to represent aerosol–cloud interactions theory, such as changes in the amount of dissolving sol- and their impacts on climate and weather phenomena utes in a droplet, temperature variations through latent on global and regional scales. In addition, remote and in heating/cooling by vapor condensation and evaporation, situ measurements have been conducted worldwide to and the existence of insoluble and multiple soluble provide chances for modelers to justify their results. Sat- chemicalcomponentsinimpactedCN. ellite measurements have produced global projections of The question of how to numerically handle the two crit- the distribution and characteristics of aerosol and clouds icalcomponents(i.e.,thesizedistributionspectraofaerosol on the basis of measurements of their optical properties particlesandambientsupersaturation)isanimportantissue through spaceborne remote sensors (e.g., Nakajima et al. in the representation of the droplet nucleation process in 2001; Rosenfeld et al. 2014). Continuous observations of cloud microphysics schemes. Existing approaches are gen- aerosol by ground-based networks allow researchers to erally categorized into the following four types, according Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page3of23 tothetemporalandspatialresolutions,andtheaerosolrep- 2012; Saleeby and van den Heever 2013; Thompson and resentationinthemodels:(i)theuseofsupersaturationand Eidhammer 2014), whereas the aerosol concentration is aerosolsizedistributionspectraexplicitlypredictedforeach not predicted but tacitly parametrized in some models spatial grid point; (ii) the use of parametrization involving (e.g., Rasmussen et al. 2002; Seifert and Beheng 2006; predicted grid-scale supersaturation or updraft wind vel- Morrison and Grabowski 2007; Seiki and Nakajima ocity, as well as the mass and/or number concentration of 2014; Seiki et al. 2015). In most of these models, the ac- aerosol particles; (iii) the use of parametrization including tivated CCN number concentration is parametrized on the diagnosed maximum supersaturation or updraft wind the basis of the basic Köhler theory, using the predicted velocityinsteadofpredictedgrid-scalevalues,aswellasthe supersaturation or vertical wind velocity. An empirical massand/ornumberconcentrationofaerosolparticles;and parametrization was suggested by Twomey (1959a, (iv) the use of parametrization that implicitly assumes the 1959b) to calculate the activated CCN number concen- presenceofaerosol. tration from the predicted supersaturation or vertical The first approach has been employed in a limited wind velocity and prescribed coefficients representing number of cloud-resolving models (CRMs) that aim at the ambient aerosol loading. A more generalized param- accurate calculation of cloud microphysics (e.g., Kogan etrization was proposed by Abdul-Razzak et al. (1998), 1991; Chen and Lamb 1994; Feingold et al. 1999; Khain which combines Twomey’s parametrization with a log- et al. 2000; Geresdi and Rasmussen 2005; Lynn et al. normal representation of the aerosol size distribution 2005a; Kuba and Fujiyoshi 2006; Suzuki et al. 2006, (Ghan et al. 1993); these authors also extended the 2010; Li et al. 2008; Shima et al. 2009; Misumi et al. parameterization to cases including multiple externally 2010; Xue et al. 2010; Fan et al. 2012). The so-called mixed aerosol types (Abdul-Razzak and Ghan 2000). On sectional representation (e.g., Abdul-Razzak and Ghan the other hand, Saleeby and Cotton (2004) proposed the 2002) is employed to numerically handle aerosol size use of pre-calculated lookup tables through Lagrangian distribution spectra in most of these models. Köhler parcelmodelcalculations instead ofempiricalparametri- theory is used to directly calculate the CCN number zations; aerosol size distribution spectra are explicitly concentration and, consequently, the increased cloud represented using a sectional approach in the parcel droplet number concentration (CDNC) from the pre- model. The lookup tables are used to calculate the pro- dicted aerosol size distribution spectra and supersatur- portion of aerosol particles activated for droplet nucle- ation. Consumption of aerosol particles through the ation by referring to the vertical wind velocity predicted nucleationprocessisexplicitlyrepresentedinthesizedis- intheirmainmodelframework. tribution spectrum predicted. Miscellaneous aerosol types The third approach is used in most global or coarse- are often simplified to monotype CN to reduce the com- resolution regional models for studies of aerosol–cloud plexity. These CRMs sometimes lack a grid structure of interactions, even on a climatic scale (e.g., Storelvmo et full three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates, i.e., they al. 2006, 2008; Lohmann et al. 2007; Morrison and Get- may have only a two- or one-dimensional grid structure. telman 2008; Suzuki et al. 2008; Takemura et al. 2009; Largecomputationalresourcesarerequiredtoensuresuf- Wang et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013; Park et al. 2014; Shi ficient accuracy to explicitly resolve aerosol size distribu- et al. 2014). Supersaturation and the vertical wind vel- tion spectra. In addition, very fine grid spacings in both ocity cannot be resolved well on model grid points with timeandspacearerequiredtorepresentminutevariations coarse intervals. Saturation adjustment approaches are insupersaturation. Such CRMs are generally employed to necessarily employed in the calculation of phase changes simulate idealized and simplified clouds to investigate the between vapor and cloud water/ice. The approach used basic mechanisms of cloud and precipitation formation, to introduce aerosol-to-cloud effects is significantly dif- and to discuss the sensitivity to various factors, including ferentamongmodelsaccordingtothetypeof bulkcloud aerosol concentration. Typical size distribution forms of microphysics employed. Models using double-moment aerosol particles are often prescribed using reference bulk cloud microphysics generally employ empirical pa- measurementdata. rametrizations (e.g., Abdul-Razzak et al. 1998; Abdul- The second approach is employed in high-resolution Razzak and Ghan 2000) to obtain the relationship be- regional models that can be used for aerosol–cloud tween the aerosol number concentration and CDNC. interaction studies based on idealized experiments or Since the grid-scale vertical velocity is not a suitable in- case studies. Generalized aerosol size distribution func- put into the parametrizations, diagnostic variables (e.g., tions are usually assumed instead of their explicitly re- turbulent kinetic energy) are often included in modified solved spectra. The total or species-distinguished aerosol parametrizations to determine the activated CCN num- concentration is explicitly predicted in bulk-moment ber concentration through diagnosis of the maxima of forms in some models (e.g., Hashino and Tripori 2007; the vertical wind velocity and supersaturation (e.g., Mor- Muhlbauer and Lohmann 2009; Onishi and Takahashi rison et al. 2005). In contrast, single-moment bulk cloud Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page4of23 microphysics cannot directly incorporate the activated concentration of simplified hygroscopic aerosol particles CCNnumberconcentrationintothemicrophysicscalcu- based on combining all aerosol species except for dust lations in the form of a CDNC change. Diagnosed and black carbon. The second is that of simplified ice- CDNC can be included in the calculation of the auto- nucleating particles based on the accumulation of dust conversion rate from cloud to rain to represent the am- particles withdiameters larger than 0.5 μm. Both number bientCNeffectonclouds(e.g., LiuandDaum 2004). concentrations were explicitly predicted in the WRF The fourth approach is adopted in model simulations model simulations as tracers affected by interactions with onany scale.Since aerosol particles are necessary for the hydrometeors and emission from the land surface. The nucleation of cloud particles, the presence of aerosol predicted aerosol number concentrations were used in particles is always assumed in cloud microphysics in a calculating the activation process of aerosol particles steady form. Explicit representation of aerosol and its in the bulk cloud microphysics scheme. Aerosol acti- effect on cloud may cause excess computational costs vation (i.e., cloud droplet nucleation) was calculated and uncertainties in regular operational runs for short- using a method employing pre-calculated lookup ta- time weather forecasting. Speedy and stable simulation bles (e.g., Saleeby and Cotton 2004). Cloud-ice nucle- is important in these runs. Even coarse parametrizations ation and heterogeneous freezing of supercooled based on empirical formulas work reasonably well for droplets were calculated using the parametrizations of such short-time simulations where aerosol loading has Bigg (1953), Koop et al. (2000), Phillips et al. (2008), little direct influence and minor feedback on the prog- and DeMott et al. (2010). nostic variables. Shi et al. (2014) used aerosol and chemical-transport model simulations as a tool to provide a realistically di- Solutionstotheproblemrelatedtoaerosol-to-cloud agnosed aerosol field for their cloud microphysics calcu- modeling lation in the main model framework with the same The best approach to accurately simulating aerosol-to- domain configuration. They incorporated the following cloud effects is obviously the first option discussed in two individual models off-line: the GOCART solo- “Modeling approaches to aerosol and its activation in module version of the WRF coupled with chemistry droplet nucleation”, i.e., using the explicitly predicted (WRF–Chem; Grell et al. 2005), and the National Aero- supersaturation and aerosol size distribution. However, nautics and Space Administration (NASA) Unified WRF predictions of the two components under realistic condi- (NU–WRF; Peters-Lidard et al. 2015). The activated tionsare contradictoryproblemsinasingle-modelframe- CCN number concentration in the NU–WRF simulation work because of scale gaps between aerosol and cloud. A was diagnosed based on the air temperature and super- small computational domain is preferable to define the saturation on the NU–WRF side, and the mass concen- gridspacingasfinelyaspossibletorepresentminor varia- tration of multiple aerosol species on the WRF–Chem tions in supersaturation. In contrast, a large computa- GOCARTside. The diagnosed CCN number concentra- tional domain is preferred tostrictly predict transitions in tion was used to modulate the autoconversion rate from the aerosol concentration and size distribution from cloud to rainthroughCDNC diagnosis inthe framework sourcesofaerosol-particleformation.Thelimitedcapabil- of the single-moment bulk cloud microphysics in the ityofpresentcomputationalresourcesplacesresultsinin- NU–WRFsimulation. sufficient domain size and grid spacing in a single-model Another compromise adopted to address this problem framework. was suggested by Iguchi et al. (2008; hereafter IG08). Several methods can be employed to solve the scale di- Their approach was based on dynamical downscaling of lemma in aerosol-to-cloud modeling in the present com- realistic aerosol fields from large-scale aerosol (and puting environment. Thompson and Eidhammer (2014) chemical) transport model simulations to small-scale used monthly aerosol climatology data as input into their CRM simulations. The basic numerical framework of Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simula- aerosol downscaling was similar to that of dynamical tions (Skamarock et al. 2005). The aerosol climatology downscaling for standard prognostic variables such as data were derived from multiannual global aerosol model wind velocity, temperature, and vapor-mixing ratio. Ini- simulations using the NASA Goddard Earth Observing tial and time-variant aerosol boundary conditions were SystemmodelcoupledwiththeGoddardChemistryAero- prepared using four-dimensional output from the large- sol Radiation and Transport model (GEOS–GOCART, scale simulation. However,aerosolsize distribution spec- Ginoux et al. 2001; Chin et al. 2002; Colarco et al. 2010). tra were incompletely resolved in the large-scale aerosol The climatological data were composed of mass-mixing transport model. This deficiency might be problematic ratios of the five aerosol species with 0.5°×1.25° horizon- for accurate calculation of the activated CCN number tal grid spacing. The mass-mixing ratios were converted concentration on the basis of Köhler theory on the CRM intotwo bulknumberconcentrations.One is the number side. To deal with this problem in a reasonable manner, Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page5of23 theauthorsproposedtheuseofanadditionalintermediate Takemuraetal.2000)withregional-scalesimulationsusing module. The intermediate aerosol loading module com- the Japan Meteorological Agency Non-Hydrostatic Model plementedtheinformationoftheaerosol sizedistribution (JMA–NHM; Saito et al. 2006) coupled with SBM (IG08). spectra in the dynamical downscaling framework. The The SBM scheme originates from the corresponding part aerosol size distribution spectra and their total number/ oftheHebrewUniversityCloudModel(HUCM;e.g.,Khain mass concentrations should be as realistic as possible, etal.2000).ALICISwasfirstpublishedbyIG08andsubse- such as those observed at times and locations pertaining quently updated by Sato et al. (2012; hereafter SA12) and tothesimulations. Choietal.(2014;hereafterCH14). The objective of this review is to summarize our devel- opmentactivitiesandprospectiveupdatestrategiesforthe CNmodelingintheoriginalHUCM aerosol loading interface since the publication of IG08. The representation of aerosol in the original HUCM is The interface connects small-scale CRM simulations to significantly simplified for idealized CRM simulations large-scale aerosol transport simulations in a dynamical (e.g., Khain et al. 1999). The CN size distribution downscaling framework and complements information spectrum for a single chemical component is calculated about aerosol size distribution spectra. This interface is as prognostic variables for each of the model’s spatial currently undergoing development in order to couple it gridpoints.The chemical composition ofCNisassumed with regional models, including a detailed cloud micro- to consist of pure ammonium sulfate. The CN particle physical scheme, referred to as spectral-bin microphysics shape is assumed to be completely spherical. The size (SBM; e.g., Khain et al. 2015). Since this paper aims at distribution spectrum is approximated by 33 discrete size reviewing the aerosol loading interface in detail, detailed bins,coveringaparticleradiusrangingfrom1.23×10−3to descriptions of SBM are not included. Such descriptions 2 μm. The representative particle radius of each CN size canbefoundinKhainetal.(2000,2015),amongothers. bin is defined as follows. The CN particle mass of the maximum size bin (i.e., the 33rd bin) is assumed to be DescriptionofALICIS identical to the particle mass of the smallest droplet size Briefoverview bin; the smallest droplet radius is assumed to be 2 μm. Our aerosol loading module is referred to as the Aerosol The CN particle mass of each size bin is determined by Loading Interface for Cloud microphysics In Simulation doubling the mass bins; that is, a series of CN bins are (ALICIS).Figure1providesaschematicillustrationof how characterized in the form of a geometric progression of ALICIS works as an intermediate module between large- particlemasseswitharatioof2betweensubsequentbins. scaleaerosoltransportmodelsandregional-scaleCRMs.So The CN particle radius of each size bin is tied to the par- far,thisinterfacehasbeenemployedintheframeworkcon- ticlemassofthebinandtheCNparticledensity. nectingglobal-scalesimulationsusingthespectralradiation TheinitialCNsizedistributionspectrumintheHUCM transport model for aerosol species (SPRINTARS; e.g., is determined using the Köhler equation (Eq. 11) and Fig.1Conceptualdiagramofthecouplingframeworkbetweenalarge-scaleaerosoltransportmodelandaregional-scalecloudresolvingmodel usingtheALICISmodule.Graycomponentshavenotyetbeenimplementedbutwillbeincludedinfutureupdates Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page6of23 Twomey’sempiricalparametrizationdescribedbyN = However, most studies have employed a similarly coarse CCN N Sk. Here, N is the number concentration of CCN approach to the CN representation (Lynn et al. 2005a, 0 CCN activated at supersaturation S, and N and k are 2005b; Khain et al. 2010; Fan et al. 2012; Iguchi et al. 0 environment-dependent coefficients (e.g.,Twomey 1959a, 2012a, 2012b, 2014). Such an approach may be insuffi- 1959b). Thefollowingequationfor the CNnumberdens- cient in realistic simulations, because in reality, the ity function can be obtained by coupling both equations spatial distribution ofaerosol particles isinhomogeneous (Khainetal.2000): and variable. The environment-dependent parameters in Eq. 1, N and k, are determined on the basis of limited (cid:1) (cid:3) 0 dN 4A3 1:5k reference observations (Pruppacher and Klett 1997). CN ¼1:5N k ; ð1Þ dðlnr Þ 0 27Br Substitution of arbitrary values for those parameters CN CN causes large uncertainties in determining the CN con- where A and B are calculated from Eq. 8 for a centration and size distribution spectra that should be temperature of 288.15 K, and the molecular weight, the consistent with their real counterparts. In particular, the van’tHofffactor,andtheCNparticledensityareidentical uncertainties may be increased under conditions where to those of a typical ammonium sulfate aerosol particle. anthropogenic pollution has a large impact on the aero- The spectral shape of the initial CN size distribution is sol distribution. Aerosol–cloud interaction is of great commontoallspatialmodelgridpoints.Theinitialspatial interest as a research problem under such conditions. In distribution is vertically inhomogeneous, since the CN addition, the simplified vertical CN distribution may be number density function decreases exponentially with a problematic. The vertical CN profile assumed in the scaleheightof2kmaboveanaltitudeof2km(Khainand HUCM is based on a typical observed profile of the ver- Sednev 1996). CN particles with radii larger than 0.6 μm tical aerosol distribution. However, severe aerosol con- are eliminated from the size distribution spectrum in tamination is sometimes observed even in the middle standardsimulationstopreventartificiallyrapidformation troposphere (Marenco et al. 2014); such highly concen- oflargedropletsattheinitialsimulationstage. trated aerosol is transported from distant intensive The governing equation of the number density concen- sources through lifting by convection and it even has a trationineachCNbin(Eq.3.4ofKhainandSednev1996) significant impact on the local cloud properties as well is calculated numerically for all model grid points and asontheradiation balance. each time step. Gravitational sedimentation of CN parti- IG08 developed the aerosol loading module ALICIS to cles is neglected. CN production in the atmosphere or on overcomethedeficienciesinCNmodelingassociatedwith theterrainsurfaceisignored.NodirectCNsourcetermis the original HUCM. The module provides inhomogen- assumed.TheCNsinkislimitedtoconsumptionthrough eous initial CN and time-variant lateral boundary condi- the droplet nucleation process. Scattering and absorption tions with a specified particle-size distribution through a ofshort-andlongwaveradiativefluxesbyCNparticlesare dynamical downscaling approach using output from glo- notincluded,becausenoradiationprocessiscalculatedin bal aerosol transport simulations of SPRINTARS (e.g., the HUCM. A flat horizontal gradient of the CN number Takemura et al. 2000). The SPRINTARS model includes density concentration is assumed at the model’s lateral thefivetypesoftroposphericaerosol,i.e.,organiccarbon- boundaries;theCNsizedistributionspectraarethushori- aceous,blackcarbonaceous,soildust,sulfate,andseasalt. zontally constant near the lateral boundaries. Conse- Aerosol mass-mixing ratios are predicted in the frame- quently, CN consumed within the simulation domain is work of the atmospheric general circulation model replenishedbyadvectionfromthelateralboundaries. (AGCM). Aerosol particle size spectra are incompletely The microphysical process of CN is limited to activa- resolvedinSPRINTARS. tion of droplet nucleation. The process is calculated on Aerosol transport simulations using the SPRINTARS the basis of the following approach. If the predicted model have been validated in various ways. For example, supersaturation at a grid point is positive, the critical ra- the simulated aerosol optical thickness and Ångström dius of CCN is calculated based on Eq. 11 using super- exponents have been compared with those retrieved saturation and the air temperature. All CN larger than from the space-borne Advanced Very High Resolution the critical radius are immediately activated and con- Radiometer (AVHRR) measurements on a global scale vertedintoclouddroplets,withtheircorrespondingradii (Takemura et al. 2000); these authors also evaluated the calculated using Eq. 10. Hygroscopic growth of CN is surface aerosol concentration at multiple global loca- neglected. tions by comparison with those estimated from optical measurements of the AERONET network. The single- AnearlyversionofALICIS:Iguchietal.(2008) scattering albedo of simulated aerosol was also validated Recently, regional models using SBM have been widely using AERONET data (Takemura et al. 2002). An aero- applied, even to realistic simulations resolving clouds. sol data assimilation system has been developed on the Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page7of23 basis of a four-dimensional variational data assimilation portion of the sulfate aerosol in the CN size distribution method (Yumimoto and Takemura 2013). The vertical spectrum is also given by Eq. 2 in units of the number aerosol distribution was validated through a compari- density concentration, but for parameters typical of son of the aerosol extinction with lidar measurements sulfateaerosol; rm=0.0695 μmandσ=2.03 isassumed. at several locations in Japan (Goto et al. 2015). In The particle size distribution function of sea salt aero- addition, the SPRINTARS model is included in the sol is assumed to be a power law. The corresponding Aerosol Comparisons between Observations and fraction of sea salt aerosol in the CN number density Models (AEROCOM) project (e.g., Kinne et al. 2006). concentration isgivenby Model performance has been evaluated by comparing (cid:1) (cid:3) tmhoeduglloesb.al modeling outcomes of numerous aerosol ddNðlnCNrðSAÞÞ ¼1:5NbðSAÞk BBSArmr3ðSAÞ k; ð3Þ CN CN CN IG08 determined the CN size distribution spectrum of the initial and time-variant lateral boundary conditions where r =0.1 μm and k=0.6 is assumed. The m(SA) in their nested model simulations through the following subscript SA denotes sea salt aerosol. This equation also process. Among the five types of tropospheric aerosol, includes adjustment of the difference in the B coefficient organic carbonaceous, sulfate, and sea salt aerosol parti- betweenCNandsea salt aerosol. cles are assumed to be CN activatable as CCN. Bulk In the version of ALICIS presented here, the CN size number concentrations of the three types of aerosol in spectrum is discretely approximated by 13 size bins with SPRINTARS are calculated based on the predicted a radius ranging from 10−3 to 1 μm. The use of a small mass-mixing ratios for the grid points of the global number of CN bins compared with the 33 bins in the simulation under the assumption that all aerosol parti- original HUCM yields improved computational effi- cles are dry. The calculated bulk number concentrations ciency. The CN concentration in each bin is numerically are then temporally and spatially interpolated at the grid computed every time step, using almost the same gov- points of the simulation domain of the nested model. erning equations asthestandard scalartracers. The interpolated bulk number concentrations are The chemical component of CN in the nested model converted into aerosol size distribution spectra at each can be arbitrarily determined by substituting a proper, gridpoint.The conversionemploysdifferentbuilt-insize corresponding value into the B coefficient of CN in the distribution functions, according to aerosol type. Finally, conversion equations (Eqs. 2 and 3). No microphysical accumulating the three-type aerosol size spectra yields processes causing a change in the CN size spectra are the CN size distribution spectrum at a given grid point assumed, except for activation to droplet nucleation. forthe initialandboundaryconditions. Droplet nucleation is calculated using the same ap- The particle size distribution of organic carbonaceous proach as that employed in the original HUCM; the aerosol is assumed to be a lognormal function with a value of the B coefficient of CN in Eqs. 2 and 3 is single mode. The corresponding fraction of organic substituted into Eqs. 10 and 11 to determine the critical carbonaceousaerosolintheCNsizedistributionspectrum CCN radius and the corresponding radius of the gener- isgiveninunitsofthenumberdensityconcentration, ated cloud droplet. Although atmospheric radiation is 2 8 (cid:5) (cid:6)9 3 calculatedinthenestedmodel,absorptionandscattering ddNðlCnNrCðONCÞÞ¼pNffi2ffibffiπffiðffiffiOσCOÞCexp64−12<:ln BC1=N3=B1O=σC3O⋅rCCN=rmðOCÞ =;275; oTaefhrteohseroelraassdopineactfiioveesr ftalhrueixseeislsimbthyinaCtaNttehdearooenpnctoiectatilhnepcrlmuodpueeldrtitpiaeltespoarfeerseoeasncothl. ð2Þ types have been bundled into standardized CN. In addition, the other two types of aerosol (i.e., black car- where N is the bulk aerosol number concentration of bonaceous and dust aerosol) are not included in the b the SPRINTARS simulation, and r and σ are the mode nested model, so that this version of ALICIS has a lim- m radiusandthestandarddeviationofthelognormalaerosol ited capability to simulate direct aerosol effects on at- sizedistribution,respectively.Thesubscripts,CNandOC, mosphericradiation. distinguish the variables pertaining to CN and organic IG08 demonstrated the validity and effectiveness of the carbonaceous aerosol, respectively; r =0.1 μm and aerosol loading module in model simulations of two pre- m(OC) σ =1.8 is assumed. Note that Eq. 2 applies the adjust- cipitation events observed during the 3rd Experiment of OC ment of the difference in the B coefficients (Eq. 8) be- the Asian Atmospheric Particulate Environment Change tween organic carbonaceous aerosol and CN with a Studies (APEX–E3). First, vertical profiles of the CCN certainsolublecomponent. number concentration in the nested model simulations Sulfate aerosol is also assumed to have a single-mode were evaluated in direct comparison with those acquired lognormal particle size distribution. The corresponding by aircraft in situ measurements. The measurement Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page8of23 methods of the CCNnumber concentration using a CCN simulation assuming horizontally homogeneous initial counterweresummarizedbyIshizaka(2004)andAdhikari and boundary CN conditions failed to reproduce the et al. (2005); some additional detailed information about structure of the north–south gradients (Fig. 3b). The themeasurementson the eventdayscan alsobe found in simulated profiles of the average droplet effective radius IG08.Figure2comparestheresultsforthetwoindividual are almost identical for the northern and southern cases. The simulations reproduced the observed CCN halves. The simulated north–south gradients in the concentration profiles reasonablywell. In the April 2 case control run were thus caused by a horizontally inhomo- (Fig. 2a), the observed CCN concentration ranged from geneous CN distribution introduced by aerosol down- approximately several tens to close to 1000/cm3. The ob- scaling. This result proved that the implementation of served concentration decreased a little with increasing realistic, inhomogeneous CN fields is essential for more altitude. The three-type simulated CCN concentrations accurate simulations of cloud microphysical properties. rangedfromapproximately100to1000cm−3atheightsof On the other hand, the simulation assuming a doubled up to 5500 m; the small decrease with increasing altitude CN number concentration compared with the control wasgenerallyreproduced.IntheApril8case(Fig.2b),the run had smaller effective radii (Fig. 3c). The simulated observed CCNconcentration wasapproximately1000cm effective radius profiles were in better agreement with −3atheightsbelow1000m,whichdecreasedwithincreas- the observed profiles than those in the control run. This ing altitude to roughly 100 cm−3 at 3000 m. The vertical result indicates that the control run underestimated the profiles of the simulated CCN concentrations showed a CCNnumber concentration. log-linear decrease with increasing altitude, similar to the observedprofile. Second, the horizontal distribution of the liquid cloud UpdatebyChoietal.(2014):Aerosolparticlesize properties in the nested model simulations was com- distributionrevisionandtypemultiplication pared with that estimated from data of the Modulate The IG08 version of ALICIS still contained many limita- Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on the Terra tions. Among them was the absence of two aerosol spe- satellite (Terra/MODIS) based on the satellite’s retrieval cies, i.e., black carbonaceous aerosol and dust particles. algorithm (Nakajima and Nakajima 1995; Nakajima et al. In reality, they often work as CCN if soluble compo- 2005); plots of the horizontal distribution are shown in nents are combined with the particles, either externally Fig. 6 of IG08. Figure 3 shows the relationship between or internally (e.g., Sullivan et al. 2009). In addition, the the liquid cloud-top temperature and the droplets’ ef- modeling of the other three types of aerosol still offered fective radius near the cloud tops in the satellite mea- room for significant improvements. For example, the ap- surementsand thesimulation for theApril 2case. These plication of a power-law function to the size distribution parameters were averaged separately in the northern and spectra of sea salt aerosol might cause an overestimation southern halves of the simulation domain to highlight of the activated CCN number concentration because of spatial differences in the droplet radius distribution. The the continuous increase in the CCN number concentra- north–south difference is likely to have resulted from a tion withincreasing supersaturation. horizontal bias in the CN concentration. The model The aerosol loading module was comprehensively up- simulation performed satisfactorily in reproducing the dated by CH14. The conversion from the various types overall tendency of the north–south gradients of the of aerosol to standardized CN, as implemented by IG08, observed droplet radius in warm-cloud regimes with has been removed. The same five aerosol species used in temperatures in excess of 273 K, despite some overesti- the SPRINTARS model are employed in nested models. mation (Fig. 3a). The observed radius monotonously in- Thediscretizationofthe sizedistribution spectra ofeach creased with decreasing cloud-top temperature. The aerosol type has been extended to 17 size bins with radii observed radii averaged in the northern half had larger ranging from 10−3 to 10 μm. The use of more size bins values than those in the southern half; the maximum and a wider range of particle sizes compared with those north–south difference was roughly 5 μm. The simu- in the old version allows the representation of aerosol lated radius generally increased with decreasing cloud- particles with radii larger than 1 μm. Such large aerosol top temperature down to 275 K and roughly decreased particles are possibly included in the sea salt and dust or remained constant below 275 K. The simulated radii aerosol categories(Fig. 4). in the northern half attained larger values than those in The size distribution function of each aerosol type was the southern half for temperatures greater than 275 K; assumedtobeofamulti-modallognormalformbyCH14. the north–south difference was roughly 5 μm on aver- Thesizedistributionspectradescribed in thismannerare age. In addition, two sensitivity simulations were con- consistent with those observed in reality (e.g., Brechtel ducted to highlight the effects of the aerosol loading et al. 1998). The number density concentration of the module on the simulation results (Fig. 3b, c). The size distribution of each aerosol type is given by Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page9of23 (a) April 2, 2003 Flight Measurement Sim (cloud-free; 30.5N) Sim (control; 30.5N) Sim (cloud-free; 31.5N) Sim (cloud-free; 32.5N) 6000 5000 4000 ) m ( e d 3000 u Altit 2000 1000 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 CCN number concentration (cm-3) (b) April 8, 2003 Flight Measurement Simulation (cloud-free; 30.5N) Simulation (control; 30.5N) 3500 3000 2500 ) m 2000 ( e d u Altit 1500 1000 500 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 CCN number concentration (cm-3) Fig.2VerticaldistributionoftheobservedandsimulatedCCNnumberconcentrationsovertheEastChinaSeaonaApril2,2003andbApril8,2003. TheobservedCCNnumberconcentrationintheflightmeasurementswasobtainedforliquid-phasesupersaturationrangesof0.07–0.22%onApril2 and0.09–0.32%onApril8.ThesimulatedCCNnumberconcentrationintheregionalmodelwascalculatedforaliquid-phasesupersaturationof0.1% intheApril2caseand0.2%intheApril8case.Linesofsimulatedconcentrationshowverticalprofilesofhorizontalaveragesinthreedomainsof radius±0.5°centeredat129.5°Eand30.5°N,31.5°N,or32.5°N.Thetwotypesofsimulatedconcentrationareplottedseparatelyfromthecontrol andcloud-freeruns(whereallcloudmicrophysicalprocesseswereswitchedofftopreventCNconsumptionthroughdropletnucleation).Adapted fromIguchietal.(2008) Iguchietal.ProgressinEarthandPlanetaryScience (2015) 2:45 Page10of23 (a) Fig.3Dependenceofdropleteffectiveradiinearcloudtopson Droplet effective radius near cloud top (um) cloud-toptemperaturecalculatedbasedonsimulationswiththree 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 differentsettingsandfromtheretrievalresultsderivedfromTerra/ 250 MODISmeasurementsovertheEastChinaSeaonApril2,2003. Simulationprofilesarecalculatedinathecontrolrun,btherun 255 characterizedbyahomogenousCNfield,andctherunwith doubledCN.Plottedradiiareaveragedindividuallyinthenorthern 260 K) andsouthernhalvesoftheanalysisdomain.AdaptedfromIguchi e ( 265 etal.(2008) ur at er 270 p m oud top te 227850 dðdlnNraÞ¼Xin¼m1 NpSffi2ffiPffiπffiRffiffiσfiiexp(cid:1)−lnra2−σlin2rmi(cid:3); ð4Þ Cl 285 MODIS (north) MODIS (south) where r is the aerosol particle radius, i the index of a 290 Sim (north) a given mode, n the total number of modes in the size Sim (south) m 295 distribution, N the bulk number concentration of SPR each aerosol type obtained from the SPRINTARS simu- (b) Droplet effective radius near cloud top (um) lation, and f the weight factor required to normalize the 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 multi-modal distribution. The variables n , f, r , and σ m m 250 are the functions of aerosol type as listed in Table 1 of 255 CH14; the values have been determined on the basis of observational results (d’Almeida et al. 1991; Chuang 260 K) et al. 1997; Penner et al. 1998; Herzog et al. 2004). e ( 265 Figure 4 compares the aerosol size distribution spec- ur at tra. Two size distribution spectra were calculated for er 270 mp each aerosol type using the assumptions employed by p te 275 CH14 and IG08. No size distribution was assumed for d to 280 dust or black carbonaceous aerosol in the study by ou MODIS (north) IG08. A set of observed spectra was obtained from in Cl 285 MODIS (south) situ measurements during the ACE–Asia field cam- 290 Sim (uni-CN, north) paign in 2001 (Huebert et al. 2003). The set of spectra Sim (uni-CN, south) was calculated from the size-segmented aerosol mass 295 concentration measured using the Micro-Orifice (c) Uniform Deposit Impactor (MOUDI) onboard a re- Droplet effective radius near cloud top (um) search vessel; the marine aerosol sampling performed 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 during ACE–Asia 2001 is summarized by Mochida 250 et al. (2007). Another set of observed spectra was 255 obtained from ground-based measurements using MOUDI at the Gosan site on Jeju Island (Republic of 260 K) Korea) during the Atmospheric Brown Cloud–East ure ( 265 Asian Regional Experiment (ABC–EAREX) in 2005 erat 270 (Nakajima et al. 2007). p m In Fig. 4, the size distribution spectra employed by p te 275 CH14arein betteragreementwiththosefromthemea- o d t 280 surements, although the observed size spectra lack u Clo 285 MODIS (north) multi-modal distributions. The observed aerosol num- MODIS (south) ber densities monotonously decrease with increasing 290 Sim (doubled CN, north) aerosol particle size. The observed size distributions of Sim (doubled CN, south) sulfate and organic/black carbonaceous aerosol extend 295 to the radii of 2 μm, whereas those of dust and sea salt aerosol extend to over 5 μm. The spectra of CH14 re- produce the distinct structure of the observed spectra according to aerosol type reasonably well, especially