Overview of the ACA and 2014 Premiums July 10, 2013 An independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. U7430b, 2/11 Introduction Topics for today’s discussion: + Overview of the Louisiana health insurance market + Premium impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) + What 2014 premiums will look like for specific customer groups + Q&A with BCBSLA experts ▪ Mike Reitz, President & CEO ▪ Mike Bertaut, Senior Healthcare Economist ▪ Brian Small, Senior Vice President and Chief Actuary PLEASE VISIT WWW.BCBSLA.COM/REFORM 2 The Louisiana Market Mike Bertaut, Senior Healthcare Economist 3 Louisiana Market Share as of December 2012 *Sources available upon request 4 2014 Louisiana Commercial Market Total Population: 2,049,000 * * This is our focus today. 5 2014 Louisiana Commercial Market ASO/Self-funded Groups Self-funded Population: 1,331,850 6 2014 Louisiana Commercial Market Fully Insured Groups Total Risk Population: 717,150 Group Members: 542,086 7 2014 Louisiana Commercial Market The Individual Market Individual Members: 175,064 8 Specifics of the ACA Mike Reitz, President & CEO Brian Small, Senior Vice President & Chief Actuary 9 ACA Changes to the Individual Market + The Federal Fallback Marketplace (“marketplace” or “exchange”)—radically changes how individuals will buy health insurance. + Employer coverage will continue to be the backbone of the health insurance system. + Those eligible for a government health insurance program will not receive any subsidy from the marketplace. + The marketplace is designed to be health-neutral, gender- neutral and very heavily subsidized by the federal government. 10