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Overlord : The Allied Invasion of France, June–September, 1944 PDF

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Preview Overlord : The Allied Invasion of France, June–September, 1944

- ThisisasupplementforFlames Ofwar, the World W'ilrIIminiaturesgame. AcopyoftherulebookforFlames OfWarisnecessaryto fullyusethecontentsofthisbook. /l=- ¥tt= ". lI'= ..,. ¥tt= ). ~ lie =-fY Allrightsreserved. No partofthis publicationmaybe reproduced,sroredinaretrievalsystem, ortransmitted,inanyform orbyany meanswithoutthepriorwrittenpermissionofthepublisher, norbeotherwisecirculatedinanyform ofbIn 'ingorcoverotherthan that in which itispublishedandwithoutasimilarcondition beingimposedon thesubsequentpurchaser. 'ft/== ". 11(= ..,. 'ft/== ,. ~ ,,," ---jY © Copyright BattlefrontMiniaturesLtd., 2013. ISBN: 978-0-9922516-7-3 THE ALLIED INVASION OF FRANCE JUNE-SEPTEMBER 1944 )I' ,lfi ,I\' Overlordwas updatedandexpandedfrom TurningTideby GraphicDesign:SeanGoodison MichaelHaughtand PhilYates CoverandInternalArt:RandyElliott, MichaelTaylor, TurningTidewasproducedbythe VincentWai,and BenWooten Battlefrontteamandfriends. Proofreaders: Ed Baldridge, RobertBothwell, Russell Briant, Paul Kitchin, BryanKoches,SeanIreland, GaryMartin, Editors: PeterSimunovich,John-Paul Brisigotti MichaelMcSwiney, GreggSiter,NealSmith CONTENTS -= ~ ,lfi Introduction 2 GuardsSpecialRules. ............ 86 29'hInfantryDivision . UsingaCompanyDiagram. ........ 4 II,hArmouredDivision 87 AssaultSpecialRules . BasingYourArmy ................ 6 4'hCanadianArmouredDivision 88 BrigadierGeneral'Dutch' Cota . TheD-DayLandings. ............. 8 ArmouredSquadron 90 AssaultCompany . AlliedForcesinNormandy. ....... 14 MajorDavidVCurrie,VC 95 AssaulrDivisionalSupport . CanadianArmoured RecceSquadron 96 Rangers BRITISH FORCES MotorCompany. .............. 100 2,dand 5'hRangerBattalions. 214 AirborneDivision LorriedRifleCompany .......... 104 RangerSpecialRules . 217 6'hAirborneDivision 18 SergeantTomStanley III RangerBattalion (Normandy) . 218 AirborneSpecialRules. ........... 20 ArmouredCarSquadron 112 RangerBattalion . 219 ArmouredDivisionalSupport. .... 117 Lt-ColonelRGPine-Coffin ....... 21 ArmouredDivisions ParachuteCompany 22 InfantryDivisions 2,dand3'dArmored Divisions . 227 AirlandingCompany. ............ 26 TankSquadron 124 4'hand6'hArmoredDivisions . 228 AirborneArmouredRecceSquadron. 32 IndependentArmouredSquadron.. 128 ArmoredDivisionSpecialRules . 230 AirborneDivisionalSupport 36 15'h(Scottish) Division .......... 136 StaffSergeantLafayettePool . 231 Commandos 51"(Highland) Division) 138 MediumTankCompany . 232 I and4SpecialServicesBrigades. ... 38 BritishDivisionsin Normandy 140 LightTankCompany . 236 CommandoSpecialRules 41 ScottishSpecialRules. ........... 141 Armored RifleCompany . 238 BrigadierTheLord Lovat 42 RifleCompany ................ 142 Armored Recon Company . 244 Lt-ColonelPeterYoung 43 RecceSquadron 150 CavalryReconTroop . 246 Commando (Beaches) 44 InfantryDivisionSupport 154 ArmoredDivisionalSuppOrt . 249 Commando (Orne) 45 CorpsSupport InfantryDivisions D-DayAssaultDivisions CorpsSupport. ................ 157 The BigRedOne . 252 3'dDivision'Monty'sIronsides' 51 Arsenal SreadfastandLoyal . 254 50'h (Northumbrian) Division 52 Arsenal. 162 BrestorBusr . 258 CSMStanHollis,VC 55 PaintingBritishTroops 166 29,LetsGo! . 260 3'dCanadianInfantryDivision 56 RifleCompany . 262 1 CanadianSpecialRules 57 US FORCES InfantryDivisionalSupport . 268 CaprainJohnTreleaven 58 AirborneDivisions TankDestroyers AssaultCompanySpecialRules 59 82,dAirborneDivision 172 TankDestroyerCompany . 276 AssaultCompany 60 LieutenantTurnerTurnbull....... 175 TaskForceAinBrittany . 280 AssaultDivisionalSupport 66 10l"AirborneDivision 178 TaskForceASpecialRules . 282 79'hArmouredDivision. .......... 70 USAirborneSpecial Rules. ....... 179 Task ForceA . 284 ArmouredDivisions ParachuteRifleCompany 180 CorpsSupport 7'hArmouredDivision. ........... 78 GliderRifleCompany. .......... 186 CorpsSupport . 288 DesertRatsSpecialRule .......... 79 Airborne DivisionalSupport 190 Arsenal DesertRatsArmouredSquadron 80 D-DayAssaultDivisions Arsenal. . 296 ArmouredRecceSquadron 82 l"InfantryDivision 198 PaintingAmericanTroops . 299 GuardsArmouredDivision 86 4'hInfantryDivision 200 FLAMES OF WAR You'll need to breaktheGermanlinesfirst though, andthat's where theinfantrydivisionscomein. SupportedbyHobart's In Flames Of ~r you take on the role of a company Funnies (AVRE engineering tanks and flail mine-clearing commandermanoeuvringyour troops across the battlefields tanks) and plenty of tanks (especially rhe flame-throwing ofWorld War n. This classic period ofwarfare is brought Crocodiles), they'll do thejob. to life in your own game room. Overlordprovides the core armiesintheformofIntelligenceBriefings.TheseIntelligence LandwiththeAmerican82nd'AllAmerican'or101S[ 'Scream Briefings allow you to field the American, British, and ing Eagles' paratroopers at midnight and delay the enemy Commonwealth forces that clashed with the Germans on so he can't reinforce the beaches. Then move on to a small the beachesand battlefieldsofFrancein 1944. French rown called Carentan and wrest it from German To play Flames 0f~r you'll also need the Flames Of~r paratroopers to linkUtah and OmahaBeaches. rulebook. The rulebook contains all the rules that you need Meanwhilein the English Channel, climb into yourlanding to fight miniatureWorldWarnbattles. craftand hit the beachcode-named Omaha. Push your men up the seawall to knock our enemy machine-gun and anti WHY COLLECT A FORCE FROM OVERLORD? tankbunkers. .Overlordprovides Flames 0f~r players with the briefings Scale impossible heights with the Rangers at Point du Hoc needed to recreate the heroic Allied forces from the bloody and capture the enemy guns hidden there before digging invasion beaches to the breakout battles in bocagecountry. in like a tick to defend your positions against a German counterattack. Startwiththe Britishairborneassaultagainst PegasusBridge andMervilleBatterytocuroffGermanreinforcementstothe Once the beachhead has been secured push inland and beaches. Then take to the beaches with British or Canadian spearheadOperation Cobra, the breakourfrom the beaches. assault troops as they smash through Hitler's Atlantic Wall. Follow the 2nd and yd Armored or the IS[and 4th Infantry Break through the beach defences with an elite commando Divisions into the heart ofFrance as they press on to Paris. andhead inlandto link upwith the paratroopers. Orhead westwith the 4th and6thArmored and 2nd and 29'h Infantry Divisions as well as Task Force A as they liberate Exploit the enemy's disorganisation to makea run for Caen Brittanyand capturethe French portofBresr. with the veteran Desert Rats, Just watch out for the Tigers at Villers-Bocage! If that doesn't wotk, send in the Guards They are all here in Overlord, looking for the right general th and 11rh Armoured Divisions, or even the 4 Canadian to take command and bring the sting of battle to your Armoured Divisionto smash the Germans. game room. (J£'~3~'C).A.~,~',._PIAN--..-~, F -,r-"',-r- ; 1,"'-.\; How THIS BOOK WORKS RiflE COMPANY .. This book is divided into two main sections: one for the H~~dquarters) '. ': CompanyHQ(Compulsory Britishandonefor theUSforces. Withineachofthese there Q mHeadq'uarterswithTroop Carner is a section for each stage ofthe operations in Normandy. Rifle,Platoon(CompulsoryC0mba<''P'l.atoon) Within these sections there are Intelligence Briefings for with3 Riflesquadsand . various tank, mechanised, and infantry companies. All 170 points .'~ ofthe forces in this book are based on historical examples DefrockedPriestAPCs (iRiflePlato~)I)-(CompulsoryComb~tPlatoon) thatfought in Normandyand Brittany from 6June to mid September 1944. with3 Riflesquadsand DefrockedPriestAPCs «!> RiflePlatoon(CombatPlatoon) ~uads with 3Rifle and 170 points 1 DefrockedPriestAPCs CarrierPlatoon(WeaponsPlatoon) .' .. I f 3Wasp flame-thrower camel'Sand I Wlth 1patro 0 . 180 oints-· 1patrolof3 Universal Camel's p . HMGPlatoon(WeaponsPlatoon) . . 120 pomts with 2 Machine-gun Sections 11\ M Platoon(WeaponsPlatoon) W Heavy ortar 130 points with 2MortarSectionq oBreachingGroup (SupportPlatoon) . d V d 2ShermanCrab flails tanks an with I.Sherman an 145 points 0 2AVREassault tanks ArmouredPlatoon(SupportPlatoon) Independent . 230 points .,. . h 2ShermanV andaFireflyVC . W Wit . Total-1355 pomts Flames OfWar uses a point system to ensure that games are Next, Iwouldalso like to takeaBreachingGroup from page reasonablyfairandbalanced.Gamesaretypicallyplayedwith 70 to deal with enemy bunkers. This platoon has no divi around 1500points, butyouarecertainlynorlimitedto any sional symbols, but since the company diagram allows it as .. particularvalue. You can playany pointvalue you andyour an option, Ican take itin mycompanyanyway. opponentdecide from small 600 pointgames inan hour, to mammothgames using armies that are3000 or5000points or more! Once you and your opponent have agreed on a =.. .. points limit, you can choose any platoons allowed byyour Coor.nllrl<tShltOnoiOV companydiagram up to that total value. ~ ~".!I!L.l.!!1 r havechosento field aBritishLorried RifleCompanyusing the 7'hArmoured Division (m) variant. I chose the Desert The Breaching Group has no divisional symbol, Rats (as the 7'hArmoured Division was known), because of companydiagram saysI can includeit. its longhistoryand dramaticstoryin Normandy. Next, Iwant to addsome tanks. The7'hArmoured Division Reading the instructions box, I need to field at least a hasaspecialoptionto take aDesertRatsArmoured Platoon Company HQand two Lorried Rifle Platoons in the black from page 81, so I'll take that. I could also have taken an ' boxes. All ofmycombatandweapons platoon choices must ArmouredReccePlatoonfrompage83,butnotanArmoured have the Desert Ratssymbol ((l;J). Platoon from page 92 as the instruction boxsays that I can't take aplatoon from anotherarmoureddivision. Then I'll add some ofthe optional platoons in grey boxes. OneoftheoptionalplatoonsIwouldlike to takeisaLorried Onlythe7'hArmouredDivis Machine-gun Platoon from page 110. Again, I need to use ionisallowedtotakeaDesert the points listed in the column marked (m) to match my RatsArmouredPlatoon. divisional variant. The 7'h Armoured Division isn't allowed to take a Can adianArmouredReccePlatoon as only the 4th Canadian ArmouredDivisionisallowed thatoption. Finally, I'd like some armoured cars. I'll take an Armoured Car Platoon from page 114. None ofthe variants here have mydivisionalsymbol,buttheydon'thaveanyotherarmoured division'ssymbol either, so I can take whichever type Iwant inmycompany. IchooseanArmouredCarPlatoonfrom the When buildingmy 7'hArmouredDivisionforce, I use the Jl). 11th Hussars (marked points in the second column marked with my divisions symbol(mJ. Once I have selected all ofmy platoons and totalled up my points, I just have to gather my miniatures, set up a battle I'llalso needsomeartillerytohelpmyboys,soI'veselecteda field, andstartplaying! FieldBattery(SP),RoyalArtilleryfrompage 121.Inthiscase there are five available variants, so Iselect the 7th Armoured Divisionvariant. - ADDING WARRIORS TO YOUR FORCE Thereare manywarriors throughout this book. Theseare heroicsoldiers (manyfrom real life) who canjoinyourforceandhelp ittovictory. Foreachwarriorthere isaphotoofthe miniatureand the productcodeso thatyou caneasilyfindoutwhere to get theminiature andadd it toyourforce. Warriors are available from the Flames Of War website www.FlamesOfW.ar.com and independent retailers as special orderitems (BSO###or USO###), blister packs (BR### or US###), or boxes (BBX## or UBX##). Each warrior entry displays the relevant packcode. In theexampleto the rightyou canfind thewarriorLieutenant-Colonel RG Pine-Coffin as aSpecial Orderitem using thepackcode BS0153. BattlefrontMiniatures packages Flames O/Warproducts to give you everythingyou need to assemble your force as quickly and accuratelyas possible. Our blistersand boxsetsarepackagedto giveyou all ofthe optionsavailable to buildyourarmy. How TO BASE DIFFERENT TYPES OF UNITS-......:.. --_~~).I.Ii==~~.,~==---!l.P.--~~=7Y-fIt Every army organises its platoons differently, and the organisation diagrams reRect this. For example, a RiRe squad in an American Armored RiRe Platoon has ten mensplitinto twO RiRe teams offoursoldiersanda Bazookateam oftwosoldiers. Ofcourse, units incombatrarely maintain their theoretical strength. We reRect this byallowingyou to takefewer squads. Thefundamental building blocks ofan infantryplatoon are the various types ofinfantry teams. The mostcommononesare shown belowwith abriefdescriptionoftheirfunction and organisation. COMMANDTEAMS ACommandteamis made upofanofficer,anNCO, andariReman on asmall base. There are often options to upgrade your Command team with adifferentweapon.To do so, simplyreplace the riRemanwith the chosen upgrade. You canseean example ofthis on thefollowing page. RiRe teams are the basic form ofinfantry. All the miniatures in a riRe teamwill normallybearmedwith riRes. Somesquadsmayhaveasingle machine-gun, but its effect is diluted by the number of riRes in the squad. Baseyour riRe teams onamedium base. RIFLE/MG TEAMS RiRe/MG teams are organised like riRe teams, except that everysquad ~~,\ ~~,\"'- oftwO teams has a machine-gun. Base RiRe/MG teams on a medium basewith thesecond basenormally modelledwith a machine-gun. MG TEAMS MG teamsare betterarmed than RiRe/MG teams. EveryMG team has a machine-gun. Base MG teams with a machine-gun and two to three riRemen on amedium base. SMG TEAMS Some nations equipped entire platoons with submachine-guns. SMG teams are made up ofminiatures armed exclusivelywith submachine guns. BaseSMG teams on amedium base. APioneerteam retains thenormalcharacteristicsand basingofits type, e.g. aRiRe teamonamediumbase, andgainscombatengineeringchar acteristics and abilities such as an increased anti-tank rating in assault r-----------........................--....... and theability to clearminesand demolish fortifications. ~- Light Mortar teams are made up of a miniature armed with a light mortaranda loaderon asmall base. LIGHTANTI-TANK LightAnti-tankteamsareinfantryteamsmadeupofaminiaturearmed TEAMS with aweapon likea BazookaorPIATandaloaderonasmallbase Artillery batteries and machine-gun, anti-tank gun, and infantry gun platoons combine command infantry teams with gun teams. Information on basing gun teams can be found in BasingYour Miniatures on pages 10 to 13 ofthe rulebook. Essentially, Man-packedgun teams are mounted like infantry teams on a medium base facing the wideedge, anti-tankand infantry guns are mounted on a medium base facing the narrow end, and artillery is mounted on a large base facing the narrowend. PLATOON DIAGRAMS Each platoon diagram indicates the required squads and teams you must have to make that unit combat-worthy. Troops in blackare the coreofthe uniL Troops ingreyare optionalsupportingtroops, weapons, andvehicles thatyou can add to give them more punch or mobility. Manyplatoons also include options that allowyou to improve the equipmentorcapabilities ofsomeofthe teams. Theplatoonentrywillalso list thespecial rules that the platoon uses. Thefollowing exampleshowsan ArmoredRiRe Platoonfrom page 240and how to assembleit usinganArmored RiRePlatoon boxset (UBX01).

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