Outlook Vol. 3, No. 3 Published by the Winter, 2003 Massachusetts Port Authority Employees’ Retirement System (MPAERS) FOCUSING ON RETIREMENT ISSUES FOR MASSPORT EMPLOYEES PAST AND PRESENT Social Security & Your Massport Pension: Decoding the Offset Provisions The Massport Retirement System recently hosted representatives Kurt formula to calculate your would appear to be a LOW Czarnowski and Steve Richardson from the Social Security Administration benefit. The reasoning here wage earner since all of his/ (SSA) who spoke to employees at the Logan Office Center and the Tobin has to do with the fact that her state earnings show up Bridge about Social Security and issues impacting public employees. We hope some public employees might as zeroes. In actuality, this to host similar events at other facilities in the future. In the meantime, here is work part-time, or for a person was earning money in an overview of what was discussed at the meetings: portion of their career, in a the public sector the whole job covered by Social time. This means that the The Basics could be achieved through a Security. person’s social security As most of you know, part-time or seasonal job – Employment that is not record does not have an Massport employees do not you do not have to be covered by Social Security accurate reflection of full pay into Social Security, employed through the course (i.e. Massport) would not work activity which is the however, many of you have of an entire year to earn 4 show up on your Social reason why the offset is earned quarters by working quarters or credits). Security earnings record and applied. in the private sector at some would be counted as zeroes. point in your lives. If you The Dreaded Offset Social Security benefits are You Get What You have employment that is Some of you know that if you somewhat weighted to help Pay For covered by Social Security retire from Massport your low wage earners and a If you have earned at least 40 you pay 6.2% of your salary Social Security benefit can public employee who had credits with Social Security and 6.2% is matched by your be reduced. What employees either a part-time job or part you will be entitled to something, employer. You also pay 1.45% typically refer to as “the of his/her career in work for Medicare tax. While offset” are actually two covered by Social Security Continued on page 2 Massport employees do not separate provisions that can contribute to Social Security, affect Massport retirees who What is Medicare? we do contribute to the apply for Social Security Massport Retirement System benefits. While we believe Medicare is the federal government health insurance program for and if you were hired by that the offset provisions Americans age 65 and older (not to be confused with Medicaid Massport after March 31, impose an unfair penalty on which is a different state program that serves low- to mid-income 1986, then you are paying people having both public individuals). Medicare is also available to some disabled people who are under age 65. 1.45% Medicare tax as well. and private sector service, Medicare has two parts, Part A is hospital and limited In order to be insured for we will highlight the nursing home insurance and Part B helps pay for doctors’ a Social Security benefit you provisions here so that services and some outpatient care. Massport retirees are required must earn 40 quarters or employees may better to apply for Medicare Part B upon turning age 65. If you are not credits. For 2003, you earn understand how each one is eligible for Medicare because you never contributed to the one credit for every $890 you implemented. program (as is the case with some Massport retirees) you can still make at a job covered by The first provision is the “purchase” Part B and sign up for one of Massport’s “Carveout” Social Security (up to a Windfall Elimination supplemental plans. If you have questions about how Medicare maximum of 4 credits per Provision (WEP). If you are works with your Massport health benefits, contact human year). This means you have to receiving a public pension, resources’ benefits office at (617) 568-3906 to ensure that you make at least $3560 to earn a Social Security is required to have the appropriate coverage for your situation. year’s worth of credit (this use a reduced computation SOCIAL SECURITY before your birthday. This Understanding Spouse’s Cont’d from pg. 1 statement indicates what your Benefits even if you are collecting a Social Security benefit would Many people have two options Massport pension. While be without any offset. when applying for Social your Social Security benefit However, this would not be Security benefits. You can could be reduced because of accurate if you plan to collect collect on your own record your public pension, you will a Massport (based on be closer to a full benefit pension. Your Your Social your earnings computation if you have local Social at work Security benefit substantial private sector Security office covered by employment. can give you a could be reduced Social You should receive a revised estimate Security) or because of your statement from the Social that takes your you can public pension. Security Administration public pension collect on approximately three months into account. your spouse’s } record (half of what your How the Offset Works spouse collects based on his/ her earnings). A person may elect whichever one is SSA’s Kurt Czarnowski higher. successfully illustrated the Massport employees Check your Statement Government Pension Offset (GPO) who have a spouse working Statements from the by using the “Leave it to Beaver” at a job covered by Social sitcom family as an example. The Security could be impacted Massport Employees’ program was set up to support by the Government Pension Retirement System will be Offset (GPO) which reduces families like the Cleaver family. mailed to active and inactive the amount you can collect members by the end of SCENARIO 1 on your spouse’s record by January 2003. Be sure to • Social Security will pay Ward Cleaver $1000 per month based on 2/3 the amount of your pension. Please note that read your statement and his work history. your spouse’s earned check that your personal • They will also pay June (who never worked outside the home) benefit does not get information is accurate. Of monthly spouse’s benefits equal to 50% of what they pay Ward reduced. The only thing particular importance is the (or $500). The Cleavers will then receive a total of $1500 a month affected is the amount that listing of your retirement from Social Security. YOU would collect based on your spouse’s record. beneficiary, or beneficiaries, SCENARIO 2 who would be entitled to your Hope for Us Yet If June worked outside the home rather than being a stay-at-home account balance (or in some Legislation has been mom to Wally & the Beav, she would be entitled to collect benefits introduced to modify or cases a pension benefit) in on her own record (and choose whichever is higher, her earned eliminate both the Windfall the event that you die prior to benefit or the spouse benefit based on her husband’s record). Elimination Provision and retirement. If the beneficiary the Government Pension However, with the GPO, spouse’s benefits get reduced by 2/3 printed on your retirement Offset. Outlook’s Legislative of the amount of your pension. For example, let’s say June worked statement is not correct or Update will track its as a teacher and receives a $900 monthly pension from the state. progress and inform you of you wish to change it, please Since 2/3 of that equals $600 then Social Security would have to any changes in the law! contact the retirement office take $600 from June’s Social Security spousal benefit that she For more information immediately at (617) 568- would collect on Ward’s record (remember the $500 from about Social Security call 3951 to obtain a Beneficiary Scenario 1). Because June’s spousal benefit equals less than $600 (800) 772-1213 or visit the SSA web site located at Change Form. she would receive $0 from Social Security. www.ssa.gov. 2 Investing For Retirement in Uncertain Times © 2002, Stone Consulting, Inc. A re you seasick yet? Over a short-term investor, A number of mutual rise and fall with the stock the past couple of meaning that you’re planning fund companies and market; it’s a firm foundation years the investment waters to start drawing on your retirement plan vendors for a secure future. have been rough enough to retirement savings within provide quizzes to help you make even the most seasoned 5-7 years, you have less of a assess your risk tolerance Be Realistic About investors reach for the anti- chance to make up lost and time horizon. Based on Long-Term Results nausea medication. As a ground if your investments the results, they then suggest In the Roaring ’90s (the public employee, your don’t do well for a portion of an asset allocation model 1990s, that is), enthusiastic retirement benefit is the that time. that fits your profile. Once investors routinely planned bedrock of your retirement. “Risk tolerance” has to you’ve done your asset for investment returns of 12- This benefit, once vested, is do with how well you can allocation, you’re ready to 14%, or even more. Were guaranteed; stock market handle volatility, the ups and diversify your portfolio—to they being realistic over the antics have no effect on it. downs of the market. For Knowing that an important instance, if you get seasick in component of your the harbor—if even small, S&P 500 10-Year Returns Return Values retirement finances is short-term dips in stock 21.0% 19.0% protected may make you less prices make you very 17.0% nervous about handling the uncomfortable—you might 15.0% 13.0% supplemental investments want a nice, slow, stable 11.0% that will enhance your conservative portfolio, even 9.0% 7.0% retirement. though over the long run you 5.0% might earn less that way. On 3.0% Investor, Know Thyself the other hand, if you’re 1.0% -1.0% The most important decision perfectly happy being tossed Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2001 for any retirement investor to about by twenty-foot Interval: 10 make is one of asset allocation: waves—if markets like the how much money to invest in one we’re in now don’t upset spread your risk among long term? Let’s review some stocks, how much in bonds, your stomach—then you investments within each performance history—and and how much in cash. That might be comfortable with asset class. When you’re remember, past performance decision depends, in large the often bumpy ride of an getting ready to decide on an is not a guarantee of future part, on the answers to two aggressive portfolio. Many investment portfolio, it’s results. critical questions: investors fall somewhere important to remember that Take a look at the chart • What is my time horizon? between these two extremes a significant portion of your above.1 Starting with 1935, and are most comfortable retirement nest egg is we’ve shown average annual • What is my tolerance for with a moderate or protected from the market’s returns over a 10 year period risk? moderately aggressive wild ride. Your public for every year through 2001. “Time horizon” simply portfolio. retirement benefit does not Remember, 10 years is means how soon you’ll need considered long-term the money you’re investing. Asset Allocation – An investment portfolio that divides assets investing. As you can see, Time horizon affects both among major asset categories, such as bonds, stocks, or cash. quite a number of these 10- the amount you save and The purpose is to balance risk and create diversification. year periods produced how you invest your savings. (Definition courtesy of Investopedia.com.) average annual returns of The shorter your time For example, the asset allocation policy for the pension fund less than 12%, although there horizon, the more important investments of the Massport Employees’ Retirement System is as were only two losing periods it is to preserve what you follows: (both of which included have, and the less important U.S. Stocks: 38% • International Stocks: 15% • U.S. Bonds: 37% Depression-era returns). it is to worry about Real Estate: 5% • Alternative Investments: 5% maximizing returns. If you’re - Lisa Allen Brown Continued on page 4 3 For Your Benefit Fuel Assistance: Finding Help Through the F❅rost I f you are worried about Start at the Source heating your home this winter, there is help available Contact your local service provider to ask about budgeting plans – you should not be left out in and financial hardship programs. Most companies have special the cold. Depending on your provisions for seniors, and many are willing to work with you location and income level regardless of your age/income as long as you are making an there are various agencies ❆that effort to pay. Deferred Comp Limit can provide support. Increases for 2003 • If you live in Boston: The Department of Army. Call (617) 542-5❆ 420 Action for Boston Community Housing and Community for more information In accordance with pension Development (ABCD) can help Development (DHCD) operates reform law, the maximum • If you live outside pay oil, gas or electric heating a statewide toll-free heatline Massachusetts: contribution limit for the bills from November through at (800) 632-8175 which The National Energy deferred compensation plan April if you meet certain provides information on fuel Assistance Referral project income restrictions. For more assistance, weatherization is slated to increase to (NEAR) is a free service information call (617) 357-6012. programs and winter energy- $12,000 as of January 1, for persons who want • If you live in Massachusetts: saving tips. You can also information on where to apply 2003. For those of you who Citizens Energy will provide access this info online at for the Low Income Home are over age 50, you are a referral to a local fuel- www.massfuelassist.com. Energy Assistance Program. allowed to contribute up to assistance agency, which then For limited income Go to www.ncat.org/liheap processes your application households who are not $14,000. Please call ING or call NEAR’s toll-free phone and authorizes fuel delivery. eligible for other fuel ❄ Rep Nicole Payne at number (866) 674-6327. Call toll free (877) JOE-4-OIL assistance, contact The (617) 328-8868 x222 for (1-877-563-4645) or log on to Good Neighbor Energy more information. www.citizensenergy.com. Fund operated by the Salvation RETIREMENT INVESTING That’s what it would take to Don’t Let Market Motion- Save the Date Cont’d from pg. 3 predict gains and losses with Sickness Keep You Off Don’t let the Roaring accuracy, and inaccuracy can the Boat The Boston Globe Money ’90s fool you. At the same make the situation even In today’s stormy investment Matters Conference – time, don’t let the dismal worse. Year to year, environment, you may be sorely Saturday, March 15, 2003 results of the last couple of sometimes the results are tempted to sail into port and years make you too good, sometimes so-so, and drop anchor. But remember, pessimistic. Many experts sometimes awful. Take while investing carries risks, agree that a realistic long- another look at the chart on over the long term it can also Transitions term goal for a moderate-risk page 3. If you’d been an provide substantial rewards. investor is an average return investor in 1974, the year that Keep your eye on your goal, be ❦ Condolences of 7-9%. the S&P 500 lost more than realistic in your expectations, We regret to inform you that 26%, you might have been and let time work for you, and the following retirees have Think Time – Not Timing tempted to get out. But then chances are you’ll be pleased passed away: Maybe you have friends who you might have missed 1975 with the results. Good luck! watch the market like and 1976, when the gains Anthony Maiullari 1Data source: Ibbotson & Associates. hawks, looking for just the were 37% and 24% Walter Sosnowski right time to buy or sell. respectively. Over time the Editor’s note: Stone Consulting, Joseph Thornton Sure, it would be great to be bumps tend to smooth Inc. serves as actuary to the Massport Employees’ Retirement in the game for the gains and themselves out. It’s time, not We offer our condolences to System. Permission to use this on the sidelines during the timing, that makes the content was granted by Stone their friends and family losses. Got a crystal ball? difference. Consulting, Inc. members. 4 Web Watch Legislative Update For those of you who have access to the Internet, there is a wealth of information to be found there. In this section we highlight web sites that we have found helpful, informative, interesting or just plain fun. Veterans’ Benefit Adjustment for Option C Retirees & Survivors The “B” Word unique features like their Retired members who chose Employee Retirement Get a leg up on your finances Quit Wizard which walks Option C (or their survivors) Administration Commission by working on your budget you through the quitting are receiving a benefit (PERAC) has advised us that, (if you prefer to be trendy process while offering tips, adjustment pertaining to the based on a court decision, that you can call it a “spending coping tactics and other veteran’s allowance. is incorrect and the $300 plan”). Kiplinger provides a advice. It evens tracks your Previously, the annual veteran’s allowance should not useful tool on its web site progress and tells you how veteran’s allowance of $300 be reduced. Members and (www.kiplinger.com/tools/ much money you’ve saved was reduced by the Option C survivors who are impacted by budget.html) that allows since you stopped buying factor when someone chose this should have received you to project expenditures cigarettes. Set your quit date Option C as a retirement retroactive payments by the in various categories and today! option. However, the Public end of December 2002. then compare those projections to what you Feel Good about Home actually spend. It’s not as Improvement Tax Corner painful as you might think – The Boston Building and creating a budget is Materials Resource Center is often the first step towards a place where low to High Price to Pay We’re Deductible! financial independence. moderate income homeowners can find all for a Tax Refund Did you know that payments types of home improvement We would like to once again you’ve made to the Massport materials including caution members about tax Employees’ Retirement countertops, toilets, sinks, preparers who advertise System are deductible on doors, windows, flooring, “Instant Money” refund loans Massachusetts state tax etc. at very low prices. They during the tax season. Last returns? Line 11 on the also offer hands-on home year the Consumer Federation state’s Form 1 allows you improvement classes of America and the National to deduct up to $2000 for throughout the year. Consumer Law Center issued contributions to Social Donations of good quality a warning about these high Security, Medicare or used and/or surplus building cost, high interest loans, Massachusetts retirement materials are always which cost borrowers from systems. You can find your welcome and can make for a $29 to $89 to get their refunds total contribution on your nice tax deduction! The about 10 days earlier than annual statement from the organization serves a dual they normally would. This Retirement System, which Smoke Free for 2003 purpose, helping to divert results in consumers paying goes out in January or on If “Stop Smoking” tops your perfectly good materials extraordinarily high interest your last pay stub of 2002. new year’s resolution list from landfills and delivering rates of 67% to 774% for these Don’t miss out! this year, you may want to them into the hands of needy low-risk loans. check out homeowners and nonprofits. www.trytostop.org where Log on to their site at Harsh Reality for Women you’ll find information about www.bostonbmrc.org for While retirement issues typically affect everyone, statistics show kicking the habit including more info. that women are particularly vulnerable to financial difficulty in those latter years. According to the U.S. Administration on Aging, “More than 70% of all elderly persons with income levels below * Legal note: The Retirement System is not responsible for the content of the poverty level are women.” While this paints an unpleasant these webs sites or for the accuracy and completeness of any information picture, it also provides a compelling reason for women to pay contained in them. attention to retirement benefits and plan accordingly! 5 Calendar January A New Year 1 New Year’s Day: Massport offices closed Brings Change 20 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Massport offices closed Need a few more New Year’s resolutions 29 Retirement checks mailed to add to your list? Here are some suggestions. 30 Retirement Board Meeting: Logan Office Center, I resolve to do the following: Board Room, 10 a.m. ❏ Create a will or trust (review/update existing one). February ❏ Update all of my beneficiaries, i.e. retirement, deferred 14 Happy Valentine’s Day comp, life insurance, etc. (If single, contact the retirement office about the Option D beneficiary designation). 17 Presidents’ Day: Massport offices closed ❏ Evaluate my life insurance coverage (insurance 26 Retirement checks mailed professionals recommended having the equivalent of 5-8 times your salary; consult with a planner or contact the 27 Retirement Board Meeting: Logan Office Center, Board Room, 10 a.m. retirement office for a life insurance needs worksheet). ❏ Start an emergency fund (3 – 6 months salary in an interest March bearing account is ideal). 5 Ash Wednesday ❏ Open an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Consider a 17 St. Patrick’s Day/Evacuation Day (Boston): traditional or Roth IRA. Some IRA’s will accept as little as Massport offices open $50 for an initial investment if you sign up for automatic withdrawal. 21 Spring begins ❏ Enroll in the deferred compensation plan or increase my 25 Retirement checks mailed contribution. ❏ 26 Retirement Board Meeting: Logan Office Center, Check out a resource book from the retirement library Board Room, 10 a.m. (and read it). *Meeting schedules are subject to change Retirement Board & Staff Outlook is published Managing Editor Retirement Board quarterly by the Lisa Allen Brown James P. Costello, Chairman Massachusetts Port [email protected] David W. Davis, Elected Member ([email protected]) Authority Employees’ Michael A. Grieco, Appointed Member Contributors Retirement System Stone Consulting, Inc. Leslie A. Kirwan, Treasurer-Custodian (ex officio) (MPAERS) Bonnie Matthews Philip H. Mallett, Elected Member ([email protected]) One Harborside Drive Design Retirement Office Staff Suite 200S Colvin/Williams, Inc. Irene E. Moran, Director of Retirement ([email protected]) Boston, MA 02128 Nancy Bournival, Financial Analyst ([email protected]) (617) 568-3951 Lisa Allen Brown, Retirement Communication Specialist ([email protected]) Laura E. Barbosa, Retirement Coordinator ([email protected])