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Preview Outlook Newsletter Spring 05

Outlook Published by the Massachusetts Port Authority Employees’ Retirement System (MPAERS) Vol. 5, No. 4 Spring 2005 FOCUSING ON RETIREMENT ISSUES FOR MASSPORT EMPLOYEES PAST AND PRESENT Don’t Get Hooked by Phishing Schemes T here is a new type PIN, credit card number, etc. people to react immediately). messages. They may take you of internet scam out This means that the e-mail • Be aware of the type to bogus web sites that appear there that you should you receive might have your of e-mail that you would to be something they are not. be aware of if you use e-mail. credit card company’s logo and normally get from your bank If you think you have It is known as phishing and direct you to an offi cial looking or credit card company so you been the victim of a phishing scammers use it to try and company web site, but it could will be more likely to notice scheme call your bank or obtain your personal fi nancial really be a copy and your something out of the ordinary. credit card company to check information over the Internet. personal information is at risk. • Look for tell-tale signs, for unauthorized charges. for example, phishing For more information What is Phishing? What can I do to protect e-mails generally are NOT about online fraud schemes Phishing uses spoof e-mails myself from phishing? personalized whereas your visit the site for the Anti- and fraudulent web sites to • Be suspicious of any bank or e-commerce company Phishing Working Group at trick consumers into entering e-mail requesting personal will usually address you by www.antiphishing.org sensitive information such as information, particularly if it name. or contact the Attorney their address, social security contains urgent or upsetting • Watch out for links General’s Consumer Hotline at number, bank account number, news (this is often done to get contained in unsolicited e-mail (617) 727-8400. Retirees’ Corner Doing Our Part to Protect You From ID Theft In order to better serve our retirees and protect you from possible identity theft we have made some changes to the way we do business. • SSN Hidden –We no longer print your Social Security number on your check or pay stub! Retirees who have concerns about their mail can rest assured that the monthly mailing from us does not contain this sensitive information. • Address Change – We are now requiring that all address changes be made in writing. This can be done via e-mail ([email protected]) or a simple note listing the old address, new address and effective date. You can also request a change of address form by calling (617) 568-3951. Medicare Reimbursements Did you know that if you are in a Massport health plan and currently pay premiums for Medicare Part B you may be eligible for reimbursement by Massport? You must be 65 or older and enrolled in a Medicare supplemental plan such as the GIC OME or Medex and you must provide proof that you have paid the Medicare premiums. Payments are disbursed to retirees twice a year. For more information, please contact Loren Riley in the human resources offi ce at (617) 568-3920. For Your Benefi t Annual Report Recognized for Excellence T he Massport Employees’ Retirement System (MPAERS) was once again awarded a Certifi cate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting by the Government Finance Offi cers Association (GFOA) for its 2003 annual report. This is the 5th time that MPAERS has received this 2 0th I s s u e ! dreicstoignngiuziessh tehde h soynstoerm w fhoirc h producing a comprehensive annual fi nancial report that This marks the 20th issue achieves the highest standard of Outlook and we have in government accounting and fi nancial reporting. updated our design to We have extra copies mark the occasion. Let us of the report including the know what you think of special supplement Retirement 101 which featured members the retirement newsletter. of the Massport Retirement Send your feedback to System along with retirement retirement@massport. information for every age group. com. Stop by the retirement offi ce or call Lisa Allen Brown at (617)568-3903 to request a copy. No Penalty on 457 Withdrawals Did you know there is NO penalty for withdrawing money from your 457 account prior to age 59 1⁄2? To access the money in your deferred compensation account you must be retired or separated from service (unless you have an unforeseeable emergency). However, unlike 401k plans and IRA’s for which the Internal Revenue Service charges a 10% early withdrawal penalty, withdrawals from the deferred compensation plan are subject to regular taxes but no penalty. For more information about the deferred compensation plan contact our ING representative Nicole Payne at (781) 768-4841 or call customer service at (877) 457-1900. Account information can also be accessed online at www.ingretirementplans.com/custom/mass. 2 Legislative Update Social Security Revamp on the Horizon Buyback Interest T here is a great national There are many different Security benefi ts and others Rate Increases July 1 debate surrounding proposals, angles, and have family members and As a reminder, the the future of the Social opinions on what changes friends who will be impacted interest rate for Security program in America. should or should not be by future changes. buybacks will increase as According to actuarial made to the Social Security As a public employer of July 1, 2005. forecasts, the Social Security program. Massport could also be If you have prior Administration will no longer While Massport affected since certain creditable service be able to pay 100% of its employees don’t contribute proposals in the public realm (either as a temporary promised payments in 2042. to Social Security, this is still call for mandatory coverage of employee or a past President Bush has put an important issue for many public employees in states that state employee who forth a proposal to reform employees and retirees as some are currently exempt (as is the withdrew retirement Social Security using a system may rely on a spouse’s Social case with Massachusetts). funds) and you want that includes “personal that service to count accounts” in order for citizens Learn More About the Social Security Debate! towards your retirement, to take ownership of a portion you should contact the Understanding Social Security Reform: The Issues and of their retirement money and Alternatives (American Institute of Certifi ed Public retirement system as manage their own investments. Accountants) http://www.aicpa.org/members/ soon as possible to take Democratic leadership in socsec.htm advantage of the lower the United States Congress interest rate. Women and Social Security (Institute for Women’s Policy opposes the creation of The rate for the Research) http://womenandsocialsecurity.org/ personal accounts saying Women%5FSocial%5FSecurity/ current year is 0.6% that it would worsen Social but after July 1, 2005 Security’s overall fi nancial Social Security Administration Trustees Report buybacks will be picture since payroll taxes http://ssa.gov/OACT/TR/TR05/ calculated differently that are currently used to Bush Proposes Slowing Growth of Social Security Benefi ts using a rate of 3.875% pay people’s benefi ts would for Future Retirees. Democrats call it a “cut.” Compared for each year of service be diverted in order to fund to what? (FactCheck.org) http://www.factcheck.org/ (compounded). In some personal accounts. article323.html rare cases people might benefi t from waiting Update to Mortality Table Improves Retirement Payment Options until after July 1, 2005 if their service occurred A s you may know the your death your benefi ciary equal to 2/3 of what you were during a time of mortality tables receives a lump sum payment being paid. Under the previous extremely high interest used to calculate retirement of whatever is remaining in law those choosing Option C rates. For an estimate of payment options have been your retirement account (which had a 20-30% reduction from the cost of your buyback updated for public pensions typically takes 9-12 years to the Option A amount. These please call Laura Barbosa in Massachusetts. deplete). Previously the Option changes represent signifi cant at (617)568-3951. The percentage charts B reduction was 3-5%. improvements for people retiring Please note that that the retirement offi ce If a retiring employee from public service and it’s anyone who begins a distributes are based on an chooses Option C there is especially good news for many buyback prior to July 1 Option A benefi t which is the approximately a 9-11% reduction married couples. (including those who highest benefi t amount you from the Option A amount If you have questions pay through payroll can receive, but provides no depending upon your age and about the changes in mortality deduction) will not be payment for your benefi ciary. the age of your benefi ciary. In tables and how it could affect subject to the higher Under Option B there is the event of your death the your future retirement benefi t, rate. now a 1-2% reduction from Option C benefi ciary would be please contact the retirement Option A and in the event of entitled to pension payments offi ce at (617)568-3951. 3 Web Watch For those of you who have access to the Internet, there is a wealth of information to be found there. In this section we highlight web sites that we have found helpful, informative, interesting or just plain fun. Health Issues from A-Z In the Age of the Internet many people look up every symptom of their illness before setting foot in a doctor’s offi ce. While we would never encourage using the web as a means of diagnosis, it can be helpful as a research tool. The Merck Manual of Medical Information can be found at www.merck.com/mmhe/index.html and lists comprehensive information on everything from chicken pox and cardiac arrest to lizard bites and carbon monoxide poisoning. Cutting Coupons on the Web If you enjoy shopping online you may also like saving money through online coupons. With improved search engine functions, fi nding Transitions a coupon couldn’t be easier. Simply go to www.google.com and put in the name of the Condolences retailer or item that you are searching for plus the We regret to inform you word “coupon.” Any available “coupon codes” will that the following retirees ❦ instantly be at your fi ngertips. Next time you are have passed away: ordering from Gap.com, google “Gap coupon” and ❦ Ralph Clark you just might save some hard-earned cash. ❦ David Dodge ❦ Thomas Ferguson ❦ John J. Foley ❦ Richard Healy Retirees Share Biz Advice ❦ James Samms Looking for a volunteer opportunity that ❦ Walter Watson lets you use your business expertise to help others? SCORE is a non-profi t organization We also extend our comprised of retired executives who use their condolences to the family business knowledge and experience to offer free of GTU employee Paul counseling and mentorship to entrepreneurs and Smallcomb. small business owners. Volunteers with various Co★ngratulations specialty backgrounds are always needed. Go to www.score.org for more information. The following people retired recently and we wish them all the best for a successful future: ★ Carole Bodkin ★ Peter Francis * Legal note: The Retirement System is not responsible for the content of these web sites or for the accuracy and ★ Gino Trapani completeness of the information contained in them. 4 Lookout The Cow is Sick. Don’t Ask for More Milk. By Dave Davis T he Massport $4 million to the pension sacrifi cing on the other end. Retirement System is fund. This money must be Luckily we are not yet in the “fully-funded.” What accounted for in the Massport same position as a place like does that mean? budget process and comes the MBTA where they are Does it mean that we are from the same pot that pays forced to do layoffs and service fl ush with cash? Does it mean salaries, health care costs and cuts in order to fund the that employees are funding operational expenses. It also increasing pension liabilities their own retirement? Well, comes at a time when some and health care costs of its no, not really. Although the of Massport’s tenants are retirees. ■ Dave Davis is an elected system is in a reasonably struggling to stay afl oat and We understand why long- retirement board member and former Massport executive healthy fi nancial position, face diffi culty in managing term employees are looking for director. especially when compared rising airport fees in a a change in the way retirement to other systems in the declining market. benefi ts are formulated; Commonwealth, we are We all know that it is the however, our members need subject to the ups and downs airlines that have historically to understand that this type of the stock market like been Massport’s “cash cow,” of change would come at a everyone else and we are also and it is clear to me that the signifi cant cost. The changes affected by a growing number business has changed radically which have been proposed to of retirees and ever increasing since my time at the Authority. the legislature, according to health care costs. At least three old line, our actuary, will cost as much While a third of a billion major carriers have fi led for as an additional $7 million per dollars might sound like a bankruptcy or are very close. year. I honestly don’t believe lot of money, in reality the In some cases these carriers the money is there. When “ . . . the airlines have Massport pension fund has have raided their own pension thinking about the value of only enough to meet its systems (or changed them your Massport retirement historically been current promises. Paying radically) just to stay afl oat. benefi t there are other things, Massport’s “cash cow,” Massport retirees costs The cost of health insurance and priorities, that must be approximately $1 million is being shifted to employees considered – in particular, the and it is clear to me each month. That fi gure does and retirees. Low cost carriers idea of securing future health that the business has not include the cost of health are steadily encroaching on care benefi ts. insurance for approximately the old-line major carriers. The good news is that changed radically . . . “ 400 retirees and their Business travelers, once the Massport Retirement spouses. relatively price insensitive are System is stable and secure. The System is funded by taking the cheapest fl ights, or Since we are a defi ned benefi t three sources: worse, staying home and doing plan your retirement benefi ts 1. contributions of Massport business electronically. Our are guaranteed for life and employees, cow is sick. the system is one of the most 2. money from investment When the liability for well-managed pension systems earnings, and the pension system grows so in Massachusetts. However, 3. contributions from the must the amount of Massport’s the future is uncertain and Authority. required contribution. The decisions that could jeopardize This year the Authority Authority must come up with the stability of retiree benefi ts will be required by law to the cash to pay its pension in the years to come should not contribute approximately obligations even if it means be taken lightly. 5 Book Cor ner The retirement library at Logan Offi ce Center houses a wide variety of books on personal fi nance topics including retirement planning, saving, budgeting, investing, estate planning, homebuying, and basic money management themes. Here are some examples: J. K. Lasser’s Estate Planning for Baby Get a Financial Boomers and Retirees Life by Stewart H. Welch III bbyy BBeetthh KKoobblliinneerr Acting as a guide for the 80 million “Baby Get a Financial Boomers” out there, Welch’s book is a useful Life is billed Calendar tool in determining your net worth, creating a as a guide will and developing a comprehensive estate plan to personal (even for those who think they don’t have much fi nance for MAY of an estate). It also includes chapters such as people in 21 Armed Forces Day “““RRReeetttiiirrreee WWWiiittthhh their 20’s DDDiiigggnnniiitttyyy::: HHHooowww MMMuuuccchhh and 30’s 25 Retirement checks mailed iiisss EEEnnnooouuuggghhh???””” aaannnddd but it “““TTThhheee PPPsssyyyccchhhooolllooogggyyy could be useful to anyone who needs 30 Memorial Day: Massport offi ces closed ooofff MMMooonnneeeyyy””” aaasss wwweeellllll a primer on personal fi nance and help with as a glossary of money management. Kobliner covers all the 31 Retirement Board Meeting: estate planning basics including budgeting and goal setting, all Logan Offi ce Center, Board terms and a state- types of issues around debt, investing, saving for Room, 9:00 a.m. by-state list of retirement, insurance, taxes, and information JUNE top fi nancial for renters and home owners. She also includes planners. “crib notes” for those who don’t have time to 14 Flag Day read the whole book. 17 Bunker Hill Day: Massport offi ces open 19 Father’s Day We Need Your Input Now is your chance to suggest a book for the retirement library. Is there a guide to investing that 21 Summer begins you found helpful and would recommend to other Massport employees? How about the latest fi nance book you have been wanting to read? To suggest a book, e-mail [email protected] 27 Retirement checks mailed or call Lisa Allen Brown at (617) 568-3903. Your suggestion could be the next addition to our retirement library! 29 Retirement Board Meeting: Logan Offi ce Center, Board Room, 9:00 a.m. Retirement Board & Staff JULY Outlook is published quarterly by the Massachusetts Port Authority Employees’ Retirement System (MPAERS) One Harborside Drive, Suite 200S, Boston, MA 02128, (617) 568-3951 E-mail Outlook: [email protected] 4 Independence Day: Massport offi ces closed Retirement Board Managing Editor James P. Costello, Chairman Lisa Allen Brown David W. Davis, Elected Member ([email protected]) 26 Retirement checks mailed [email protected] Michael A. Grieco, Appointed Member Leslie A. Kirwan, Treasurer-Custodian (ex offi cio) 27 Retirement Board Meeting: Design Philip H. Mallett, Elected Member ([email protected]) Logan Offi ce Center, Board Colvin/Williams, Inc. Room, 9:00 a.m. Retirement Offi ce Staff Contributors Irene E. Moran, Director of Retirement ([email protected]) Dave Davis Nancy Bournival, Financial Analyst ([email protected]) Loren Riley * Meeting schedules are Lisa Allen Brown, Retirement Communication Specialist subject to change. ([email protected]) Laura S. Barbosa, Retirement Coordinator ([email protected]) 6

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