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Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin PDF

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Preview Outline of the Historical and Comparative Grammar of Latin

Outloiftn heHe i storical anCdo mparatGirvaem moafLr a tin r.fl :' Outloiftn hee HistoarniCdco amlp arative GrammoafLr a tin MichaWeeli ss BeecSht aPvree ss AnnA rbo•rN ewY ork © 2009 Beec,hI n. S tArlaihlv ter·e· c PrvrIl' e. Nop arotft hpiusb limcaaybte ir eopnr oe d,tu r alna tetdo,·r d i na r'lraliy c t m , or traintstimnaen dfoy r m boya rn my eaenlste,rn i., me hnnia lp,h ot0o1 i ngr,e rdionrg otherwwiitshpeor,uiw tor ri tpertmeisn i froonm t hpe ubhl ri. Covielrrl autsDiteontf:ar ioElm ti nA rcaedgi (aL B rgcdrl \r1 1l itb',) i o laP� u in (5149-6156M)u,s eeL odueuvP, ar r.iR eprd u liorn mT h·1 3ri·dmga n rtL ibrIanrtyer ­ nationLtald . limbh;.1 WeisMsi,ch Lae.l Outloitfnh heei st�o roirflc al LiIn I ih ad\• \l'i ss. p.cm. / Inclbuiidboelgsr arpehfeii;-ceaannl d index. ISB9N7 89-704-759-02( 7ka- l 9j � 1.La tliann geu-aGgrarmC,mo ampa trve.i nI n 1 ual' �, 1m111o1m1pra.r ntive- Indo-Eur3o.Lp aetalinan.n guage-Grammar, Hit -Euro\.i·n a In. •u•ne - Gramm ar, Comparatei.5v .In do-EurIno gpue.a)-n l nflue· nn I.i l.i In.T itl'. PA20.7W14250 09 475-dc22 Prinittneh Uden iStteadot fAem se rica 13 11I12O0 9 645321 ForN athaEnt,h ePla,u laan,dS teven TabloefC ontnets xi Prefacaen dA cknowledgments AbbreviatainodSn ysm bolsx m LanguagLeasn,g uaFgaem iliDeisa,l ecxtisi,-i .M orpohlogiAcbablr eviatxiiovn-.sM ,e tricAablb reviations, xv.- Symbolxsv,. - internatiPohnoanle tAilcp habxevti,. xvii LanguaMgaep o fA ncieIntta ly TI1eH istorSitcaulod fLya n guagea ntdh eD iscovoefrI ydn a-Euro1p ean I./ -ltoowL earna bouLta nguaCghea ngaen dL anguaHgies to1r.y- ,l l'Th.eD iscovoefrI yn d-Eaurope8a.n , 2 BibliograHpihnitacsna dlS urvoefyt heI nda-EuroLpaeanng ua1g0e s I./ JibliogmHpilniftioscr tn hle t udoyf I nd o-EuropLeianng uisJlOi.-c IsI,Th. e Inda-Eurpoean Languafgroems West/o E ast, J I. 3 PeriodizoaftL aition;nW ritiinngI taalnyd I tPrseh istory 23 I.P eriodizonftL iaotni2 n3,.- IIT. hGer eeAkl phabaentdI t sO rigi2n4s.,- JIJ1.1 1Ael phabienIt t al2y6,. 4 PhonetaincsdP honology;C onsonanatnsdV owelosfP orton-dIaE-urope3a1n I.Ba siPcl wnelaincdsP honolo3g1y.-, ! I .1 11Ceo nsonaonftP sr oto-Inda-Eu3r3o.-p JeI!a.nT ,h Veo weSly stem ofP rtoo-Jndo-E113r8o.p can, 5 WordS tructtuhrePe h,o nology-MorpIhnotleorgfyaa ncAde,b la4u3t !.Ba sic0 11cepPtrso toof- Inda-EuWroorpde aSnl ru4c3t.u- rIeI,R. o oStt nicture mCionnts4st4, . - IllA.b laut, 45. 6 Laryngea4l8s IL.1 1rym�4c8a.-/ I>I ,.S pernlatioontn hseP honetIinctp erretatoifto hneL arynge5a0l.-s B,a siLci 1y11Dgee­a/ velop11i1nSe a1r1n/Iesn strucItnid-vEaeu ropeLaann guag5e1s., 7 1h eS oundosf L ati5n5 I.' 1!1rc1 11o1ftr /eE1 vei defnocret haee conslrncotfti hoen AncPireonntu nciaolfLi aot1i15n 5,.- IITh.e Pronun­ irztio0n1 1osof1 o1!faL h1a1teti 5sn8 ,. 8 1h eS eg1nnta lI nventoofrL ya tiSny;al bilftiicoa6n4 I.\ owcl64s., - ll. onsoncm6t6s.-, 1 11.S yllabifi6c7a.t ion, viii TabloeCf o ntents 9 The Stofrposm P roto-Indo-tEoLu artion7p 2e an IS.u mmarCyh arotfB asiDce velopmoefnP trso to-Indo-Eutroopp72se.,a - nf .lL {l·,b7 i .n -lIl l.D enatls, 74.- IV. PalatovaenldaV erlasr ,s7 6. -LVa.b iove7l8a.-r sV,I .A piraPteadl aJoVveellaannrrLdssa ,.b iove­ lras,7 9. 10 TheC ontuiannfrtosm P IEt oPr otoLa-tin; KeyD evelopmoefCn to nsonianOn tthse r Traditi8o0n s I.S ummary CohfaB arstiD cev elopmento fC o11tinua0n.t- s1,1"f .h ePr oto-mllo-£1r4opetf1r1i1c at•i-tvoPe r oto­ Lati8n0,.- IJ.JT heSo noraCnotn sonanlsProftroo-lnmd o-Europe a1110 Proto·L ati8n1., -IV. De11tptl1uDIse n­ ta8l3,. - V. NoteosnI mportDaenvte lopmoefn ttospi sn ome thaB r<h111o•1f l 1 1do-Europea11,8 4. 11T heS yllSaobniocr Caonnts onaannVdto sw elfrso PmI Et oP roto-Latin 94 I. The SyllabSiocn oraCnotn sona9n4t.s- ,1 17.1 1eh or\to we/,9 5.- Il.l1 11L ongo wel9s7, .J V.-Th e "LonSgy"l laSboinco raCnotn sona9nt9s-.,V .1 11Deiph thongs.1 00.- J.' fier Long Diplr1h1o0141-.g Vsl.. SyllaSboinco rant ConsBoenfaonart Veso w1e0l4,. 12 ProsoLdayr;y nTgreiaclk1 0s6 I.T heP roto-Inda-EaunrdGo rpeeeaPknr osoSdysitecm s,1 06.- 1/. TI1oem n10l1rnil1 S m:· 'yst10em9,.- Ill. AdvancLeadr yngTerailc 1kJ3s., 13W eakenainnSdgy ncope 116 I.I ntroducatnidBo ans iRcu leIs1 ,6 .- JI. AnaolyfWcs aiksl 'niI11 g0,-. 1 1.1� t'r1ker1m1 ii 1P1agPu rlsi rrciple, 121-.I V.S ynco1p2e2,. 14S horteanndiL nenggt hneingo fV owelVs w;e lisn H iatu1 25 I.S horten1i2n5g-.sI ,I l.en gtheningo fV owels,J 2-91.J .I 011t1r1a1 1I, I .- owd-plu • owd equenatc es a WordB ounda(rEyl isi1o3n2)., 15C hangteoSs h oVrotw eNlosCto nnectedt W akeninhga;n' t't oL onVgo welDsi.p h­ thnogsa,n Fd inVaolw els 137 I.C hangteosS horVto weNlost C onnected toW enkeniln g,. - f.l ·1u11t1ogI 11\g' owae11/Dd i pl1tl1011gs, 142.- Ill.A naptyx1i4s4-,.J V. AbsolFuitnea Vlo wel1.4 5. 16Th eC onsonRaenvtiss i1t4ed9 !.Fu rthCeorn sideraotni otVnhosei cAesdp riateI4s 9,. -I . loss ofIJ ,1 54-. V. Lososfj, J 5 4.- V. onsonantsi nF inPaoli ito n.I - . . -\/If. SimplificoafGt eimoinn at1e5s6,-. IX.M etath,e.sI 5 7. 17 ConsonCalnuts ter1s:C, C ClPuat rertE n dinigna lidoerLi quid1 I.I ntroduc1t5i8o-.n II,.C C ClustEenrdsi nigna lit1l5e. , - Il.l EmJ1/• 1 /111 t u11mIi , 18 ConsonCalnuts tPearr2s:tC, C Clut erE ndinigna · .,ct.i r 'tp 1 7 I.C C ClustEenrdsi nigna N asa1l6,7 -.I I. /1I1n £11dtit1ar1 F r1i1 1·1I '' '.O I-I.I '' ' /t1u• •' ndi11g ina S to1p72,. 19C onsonCalnuts tPearr3s:tC, C Ca nd Ju· t· r J.C CC Clutser1s7,6 -.I IC.C C lust1e8r2s., 20 TypoloogfCy o nsonaSnotuanCldh an;gP eh n tat i b oluatncd R •lva •t hr 1n- ogy 184 I.T ypoloogfyConsonanta/lS1oaunng1d8 e.4s , -1T1.l rt1 1J iroPml1 111t 11lrl1C 'lti 1lli11t1I. 9 . -ll'l. RelatainvdAe b solCuhtreo noloofLgy a tinu rulJm r,lJ g J. TabloefC ontents ix 21 CasEen dionftgh Ssei g nlura 194 I.P roto-Indo-ENuormoipneIaanlnfl ectiCoantaelg or1i9e4-s.I, I T.h eC asEen dinogfPs r oto-lndo-European, 198. 22 CasEen dingosft h Pel uarnaDdlu al20 5 IT.h eC aseosft hPel ur2a0l5,-. II. TheF ormosft hDeu al2,0 8-.l IIT.h e NeNuotmeirn ative-AcPcluusraatli,v e 210-.I V.S ummaroyft hFeo rmosft hIen sutmrentSailn gualnadPr l uraanldt hDea tive P2l1u1r.a l, 23 TheL atNiomni anlS ysttehSmee; c oDencdle nsi2o1n3 I. TLhaet iNno minSayls te2m1,3 -.II. 111eTh ematiPca radi2g1m,5- .lII .C ase End2i2n0g-.sI ,V .G ender ofo -ste2m2s6,. 24 TheF irst De2c2l8 ension I.P rehis2to82r.-y 1,1 .C asEen din2g2s9,. 25 TheTh irdD eclen23s8i on I.In troduc2t3i8-o.InI, 11. r ei -ste2m4s2,-. I IIS.o mIer regula2r4i6t.i es, 26 TheF ouarntFdhi ftDhe clens24i9o ns I.T heF ourDtehc len(sailocsnao l lue-ds te2m4s9)-.,I IT.h eF iftDhe clens2i5o3n-.,I IIIr.r egNuoluanr2s ,5 5. 27 AccentPuaarla dIingtmesDr,en vraaiilto ann,Cd o mpoun25d7s 1.T heP roto-Jndo-EAucrcoepnetPauanar la dig2m5s7-,.Il .R eflexoefPs r oto-Indo-EAutrhoepmeaPatanir ca ­ digmisnL ati2n6,1 -.I III.n terDnearli vation-,JV. C2o6m2p.o un2d6s2,. 28 NomiDneavrlai otniP,a r1:It n trioodTnuh;ce tmaantedih cr suffix2e66s I.I ntroduc2t66i-.oII. n ,71 1ematSitce mT ype2s7,0 -.I IIe.h 2-sStuefmf i3x0es0,. 29 NomiDneaivralti no,P a2r:At themSautffixiecs30 3 I.O bstruSet11etm 3s0,3 -. IIL.i quaindd NaSstaelm, 3s 08-.II Ii.- stSeumffi xe3s1,4 -. IV. u-stSeumffi xes, 321- .V. Suffixeisn- e-3,23 . V-J.N umberosfA bstrafrcotms t heB eginntion6 g3 6C E( IsidoofSr eev ille). 324. PersPornaoln o3u2n5 s 30 I.F irSsitn gul3a2r5-,.J I S.e conSdi ngu3l2a7r-.,II I.F irPsltu r3a2l9,.- Iv. SeconPdl ur3al3,0- .V. First Dual3,3 2-.V I.S econDdu al3,3 2-. VilT.h eR eflexiPvreo nou3n3,3 - .V IITIh.e P ossesPsriovneo uinns Lat i3n3,3 . 31 GendeProrendon usP,a r1 t3 35 l.T he" so-/"Dteoi-cPtriocn o3u3n5,-. I ITh.e AnaphoPrriocn o"u(n h,-)"i(-h,-)*e(ih-,3)3e9-., 32 GendePrreodn oPuan2r st3,4 3 I.L atilnn novataimoorn1tgsh eG enderPerdo nou3n4s3,-. I IP.r onomiAndajle ct3i4v7e-.sI ,l lT.h eR eltaive Pronou3n4,7- .J V. 1heI nterrogativeP-rIonndoeu3fin4n8,i-. tV. e P ronomiAndavle r3b5s3,. ComparAidsvoenr3;5b5 s 33 I.T heC ompariosfAo dnj ect3i5v5e.s ,- TlhleF. o rmaotnoi fA dver3b6s1,. 34 Numera36l4s 1'.Th Cea rdi3n6a4-.l1 s1,7.1 iOer dina3l74s-., 11. T1heL atiNnu merFaolr misn- ni, 375. TaobCflo en tents x 35 SeamntoifVce sr bCaalet gortihePesr; o -tlond-Eourp eane rbI ' 'elm;l hPe r·onal Endigs 377 n I.A ktionsAasrpte,c Tte,n s3e7,7 .- II.T heP roto-J£nudroo-pe'r1!'1e1w ef1-t·' C·Iy ste7m8.. - Ill.' /tl!Pi roto­ Indo-EuroVpoeiacnSe y ste3m8, 0-.J VT hPer oto-!ndo-£1l1rooupdc3c·m ,- \�/ /IPtr"r" <J11t1/£ 1t1ilt1{! if theF iniFtoer ms3,8 4. 36 ThPer esSetneCtml as3s9e9s I.T heL atiPnr eseSntte mC lass3e9s9,.- 11.· nioeu rcoefrsl Li et m 0111;1gat1'0'1 .1 ., 37 ThPee ercftth,Ie mp reefct,t hFeu tur and 40 I.T heP erfe4c0t9,. -TIh!eI. m perf4e1ct4-,.1 117.7 iFeu tur-e1,1. ' 1 38 ThSeu bjtuianvncetd h Iem perative 4 l 6 I.T lieSubjun4c1t6i-.vI eI,T. h eP ro/o-Jndo-E1D1ersIoi rp aeta11-11I• •Ie - ,1 1.1l htl'1 11pt:·rI<.lIl.1 1·.-. 39 TheI rrgeularV erbNso;m iFnoarlm thfee rb4 2 I.I rreguVlearrb4 s2,5 -.1 1.o minaFlo rmosft lieer 4b 6,. SeleOcbtseaedtr ivoonny sn .xt a 40 44 I.G eneralO bservat4i4on8s.-,1 1N.o minal� 11t44c1.. x -,11 1V l!f/\• m1/11 J<L !\ , /\/'l rc•1ws1(trrteoi1 1u Adpositi4o6n0s.-) ,V. Ordeorf onstit,141 6e2n.t 41 ThDeai lePocsittion ofL atin withtihInen d- Eupnc an< mil,. J !.Affi nitiweistC he lt4i6c5,.- JIT.1 1Qei <esotfiP or1o1t/o 1 a,l· 11 6{ Ilrl\ jj111/111111wri/rntifOh t lHinl'f11J 1i, 472. -DIiVa leEclte menitnLs a tni,4 73. 42 LanggeuC oanta4c7t7 I.T ypeosfL anguaCgoen tac4t7,7. -1111.tb ra t1L1o1·11 1a1,,m (/u lvm/"'u �l" ">:•"1 m(t 11117l7, I-.'I ·r Ik InfluenocneL ati4n7,9 -.I V abe/J1i1c1 fl11111·Im .-r e\', 1 -t1r1n1/1t l,j.h,, .,·, li I' l \'/'.-/ 11(· / 11•f··/1c:1.1 485-.V llG.e rmanlincj l114e8n7c.e ,I lle.1 11fitn11m 1 e,· /,.., 43E trusthcPeay gnriB; i nlgiual 4 9 I J I.T heE xterHniaslt oorfEy t rusc4a 9n.,- I.I' /lOireig 1Q1u1 · trv11, 111l 'l11g1y1.lw lJ/Iv . 11� Jo p/101- ogy4.9 5-. V TheP yrgBiili n 11a4l9,7 . 44 VulgLaart ainnPd ro t-oRoman ,P arlt: trn II l ·i tr ta ndP h n >Ig ' _ u: I. BibliograTpihpi5sc0,a3 l.- fl.o urces· fvour/ Lg 1a1r1"CJ.I1 , Ill1 mrl njm v1t w111J .0t1l1rH.t� 1 11111 Languag5e0s5,-. I V. Phonolo5g0y ., 45 VulLgataira nn Pdro to-R m neeP,a r_:tM I.G ende5r1,6 -.I ID.e clens5i1o7n-., fI/. ollct·1 pt ireC \rtm . 519-. V.P ronou5n2s0,.- VJ.T heV erb, 2·1 Bibrlaipohgy 535 CitaItnidoenx 569 Worldn de5x7 9 SubejctI nedx6 31

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