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Outer Space Problems of Law and Policy This page intentionally left blank SECOND EDITION Outer Space Problems of Law and Policy Glenn H. Reynolds University of Tenvressee Robert Merges Univeirsifyo f Calijlornia at Berkeley Westview Press A Mcmkr of the X3erscus Books Group Ail rights reserved, 13rinted in the United States of America, No part of this pubtieation maj be repro- duced or txa~sxnittedi n an) form or by arty means, efectronic or mechanical, including photmopp, recc~rdingc, ?r an] inhrmation storage and retrieval sjstem, without pemission in writing from the publisher. Copyright C: l %9, 1997 by Westview Press, A Member of the Perseus Books Group Published in 199'7 in the tinited Slates c?f America by Weslvietv Press, 5500 Central A~~enuEet,o uf- der, Colordo 80,301-2877, and in the United Kingdom bj Westview Press. 12 Mid's Copse Road, Cuntnor Hi1 1, Oxford C>X29JJ L,ibrar] of ("ongress C:aldoging-in-Publication Data Rejnotds, GLenn H. Outer space : problems of law and policy i Glenn H, Reyrzolds and Robrrt E? Merges. 2nd ed. -- p. cm. Includes bibliograpllical references and index. ISBN 0-8f 33- 1802-5 (he) - ISBN 0-8 133-5680-1 (pbk.) l. Space ta%v-Cases, X. Merges. Robert l? JX58IO.K49 I997 341.4'7-de2 f The paper used in this publication meelf the recjuiremenlr; of the Americarz Natior~alS tai~dardfo r Per~naneneed Paper for Printed 1,ibrary Materinis 239.48- 1484. Con tents xiii xvii 1 Some History and Background S~SACHEIS 'TCIK-Y T HEB RIC'M~"O ONA ND ALLT, HA'F1, W. MeDc>~lgal.l. , . the Heaveris and the F~rtl1lT he A-41, 3 W Mv?I3ougall, . .. the Heavens and the Farth I Farly Space LAW 1, S Some Observations, 10 Further Rcading, It I ?'WE SPACEE MVIROFIMEXN X 'F, Where Does Spice Begin'? I I What's E tLike idp'l'here? 12 Meteorcslids and Micronncte~roids,X 3 Vdcuurn and Mierogrdv it>, 2 3 Gettillg 'I'here and Stajing 'There, 14 Rockets and Propulsion, 16 When You Are "There: What People Do in Space, I8 ByerIy, The Coinrnercialilrtduslrial rises czf Space, f 8 X30wcr Stations in thc Sky, 20 Furlher Reading, 23 2 The International Law of Outer Space: Basic Principles 25 Intrduction, 25 "The Roots of Spxe Law, 27 Air and Sea lav: Rules C3ovcming Overflight and Tcrrit oriai Waters, 28 DeSaussure, Maritime and Spice ia w, 28 I. White, Deciuioil-Making for Space, 36 Center for Kcscarch &Air and Space law, Spcc Activitl'es and Emerging Internatioi~aIl ~tw3,9 Notes, 42 liN Effcjrts and Aspirations, 43 MeDorrgal & tipson, Perspectives fc9r a Laiv of Otrter Space, 44 Notes, 46 3 Early Treaties Governing Activity in Ourter Space 48 Jessup & Euhenfeid, The ttnited Nations Ad Hoc Corninittee on the Peacefuf Uses d Outer Space, 49 The 1,irnited 'Test Ran l"rc"aty, 5X MultiIateral Treaty Bailning Ntrclear Weago11T ests, 52 Note, 54 Matte, ?"he Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapns 'I'ests in the Atmosphere, in Otrter Space and ttnder Water, 54 Note, 6 l The Outer Space Treaty of X 96% 62 MultiIateral Treaty on Principles C;ovcming the Aetivi ties of Slates, 62 NcXe, 68 Ctembling & Arons, The Errdutton of the Otrter Space Treaty f Outer Space Treaty of f 967 f ,68 NcXe, 77 Sovereignty, 13rc)perly Rights, and Spice Resources, 77 Christot, Article 2 of the 196'7 Princigtes 7'reaty Retiisited, 78 NcXes, 82 Arms Control Provisions, 82 Qrr, The Treaty on Outer Space, 83 NcXe, 88 C;orove, Arms Control Provisions in the Outer Space Treaty, 89 NcXes, 92 4 Development ancl Defense: Treaties of the 1970s 'I'he ABM "I'reatj, 95 Kackgrc>und,9 6 Treaty or1 the Lairnitationo f Anti-Ballistic Missile Sjsterns, 96 Note, 97 The ARM ""Rcinterprelation," W Notes, 99 'I'he Moon '1-reaty, 10 f Agrccrnent on Activitl~so f States on thc M c )a~nd Other Celestial Rdies, 101 Nash, Contemporary Prdctice of the t init ed Sttttes Relating to International I ,nw, 1 Q9 NcXe, 1 l4 Spitz, Note, SPACE t,AW----Agreement C;overning the Activities of Slates on the Moon and Qther Celestiaf Bodies, l t -3 NcXes, X X S C;ailloway, Issues in Implementing the Agreement Gwerning the Activities of Sldtes on the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, I l6 Note, 1 17 Watstl, Controsersiaf Issues I Jnder Article XI CA' the Moon Treat5 f 18 NcXes, X X 9 Reynolds & Merges, The Role of' Commercial Development, 120 Organi~aticlnilSt tructures for Carving Out rhc Moon 'frcaty, X 20 C;ailloway, Issues in Implementing the Agreement Gwerning the Activities czf States c311 the Moo11 and Other Celestial Bcdies, f 2 1 NcXes, X 22 Christoi, Alternative Modeis for a Future InternatinnaI Space Organi~ation,1 2 3 NcXes, X 25 C;oedhuia, So~neR ecent- Trends in the Interpretation and the Impt ernenkatiu~cz~f the Rules czf Interilatioilal Space htt, f 26 NcXes, X 30 Ctrtpuy, The Nogion of the Cornlnon Heritage of Mankind Applied to the Seakd, f 3 f NcXe, 132 Wufford, Ideological Rigidi ty vs, Poii ticaI Reality, 1 32 Notes, 133 Devclopcd World and Third World Views on Space Development, 13 4 Finch & Moore, The 1979 Moo11T reaty Enco~~rages Space X)evelopment, 135 Notes, 138 Duta, Free Enterprise and the Reposed Moo11 Treaty, 138 NcXes, X43 Webher, Extraterrestriai LAW on the Final Frontier, 14-1. Notes, 148 Kao, C_"ornmanH cri tage of Man kind and thc Mcwn 'f'reaty, l49 Notes, 15 1 A Note on the New Enternational Ekonornic Order. 152 NcXes, X53 A Note on Common Proprly Resources and Efficient A1Ioca;tion, 155 Wihlborg & Wijkman, O~rterS pace Reso~lrcesin Efficie~~t and Firri table tJsc, t 57 NcXes, X@ Common 13rc)perlya nd the ColIective Action 13rc)hlem, I65 5 Other Treaties, Agreements, and Issues 1 78 The 1,iabiXity ('onvention, 178 Cohen, Cosmos 954 and the International LAW of Satellite Accidents, 179 Notes, 186 Space Remate Sensing. X 89 tx~gsdon& Monk, Remote Sensing from Space, 1% Notes, l96 IDcSaussure, Remote Sensing, t 97 P~t~ciplKescl ating to Remote Sensing of the brth from Space, 200 Rescue and IZeturn o.f Astronauts, 203 Registration of Spacecraft92 0.2- Spee En\~ironmenbMl atters, 205 I J.S. Congress, Office of 'Fe'echnoIugy Assess~nent, Orbiting Ilebris, 207 6 Spaee Communications Space and International 'Iktecomm~micatiotls2, 16 U.S. ReguXation of Space Communicatians, 220 Of'liice of'f"ommercia1 Space Policy, t1.S. Ctepart~nenot f Commerce, Space C0rn1nel.c.e~2 20 NcXe, 222 Senior Intemgency C;roup on Inlernatioi~aCl orn~nunication and Information Policy, A White Paper on New International Satellite Sq stcms, 223 Notes, 233 Depdrtment of S@te f Legal Memorandum 1,235 NcXes, 2 4 Direct SateIIite Broadcasting, 242 7 Space-Related Internationill Rade Issues 246 Fxonomics of Space industries, 247 Reynolds & Merges, Toward an Industrial Policy for Otrter Space, 248 Before the Office of the Ilaited States Trade Represenlatice Chairwoman, Scction 301 Committee /'ll'ranspace X3ctl'tion1 , 24.9 Note, 25 1 Determinatic>nI lnder Seclic>n3 01 of the Trade Act d 1974,252 NcXes, 253 Reynolds & Ragos&, International Trade in 1,arrnch Semices, 254 NcXe, 255 Co~lgrcssisnalR esearch Service, Commercial Space L~irnchS emices: 'Yhe 1I.S. Cc~~nptitivhes ition, 255 Export Controls and Trade in Space-Rclatcd Ciocsds and Ser~lices2, 61 MeCall, "'lfhe Inexorable Advance of' Teeftnoiogy "? American and Intemationaf Effofis to Curb Missile Pmliferdtion, 264 NcXes, 268 Reynolds, New Developments in IntematinnaI Trade, 270 8 The Law of Private Commercial Activities in Buter Space Jurisdiction, 276 Office of' Teeftnoiogy Assessment, Space Stations and the I,aw, 276 Notes, 282 Smith \. linited States, 2% E4ual Emplojtnellt Opportunity Com11-tissionv . Arabia11A merican Oil Company, 291 NcXes, 296 Tort LAIFV2, 96 Office c>f Ichnoto gy Assessment, Space Slations and t11e Law, 297 NcXe an I,iability: Approaches and SancSards, 302 42 t1.S.G". 8 24513b. Insurance and Indcrxtnifjeation, 305 Liability far Damage to Cargo, 306 The Clzallenger Disaster, 308 Contracts Relating to Olatcr Space, 309 Commercitrt Launcl~S erciice Contracts Between Marlin Marietta Covration and Intcmatimat l"crlccommuntcatlmsS atellite Organization "'INTEI,SAIX'," "3 0 Martin Marietta Covration v, In tematic>natr Yelecom~nunicatic>ns Satellite Organization, 3 19 F;rom the I>ictrict ("ourt Ofinion, 326 Notes, 327 Hughes Communtcatl'on Galaxy, Ine, v. 'l'he Linited States, 330 Notes, 336 Impact c>f Slaa Ageernents and Other Industry Incentic es c311 Commercial Spacc Markets, 336 Notes, 338 Sample l,aimch Agreement, 338 Kascd on Agreement Wetitieen the linited States of America Represented bj the National Aeroilar~ticsa nd Space Administrati011 and Satellite Business Syste~nsfo r hunch and Associated Services, 338 Notes. 340

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