1. Invocation by Hamsa LONDON SCOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING Kenneth Grant OUTER GATEWAYS Copyright © Kenneth Grant 1994 First Published in 1994 by SKOOB BOOKS PUBLISHING Skoob esoterica series lla-17 Sicilian Avenue Southampton Row London WC1A 2QH Series editor: Christopher Johnson All rights reserved ISBN 1 871438 12 8 Printed by Hillman Printers (Frome) Ltd Introducttion 1 The Primmal Grimoiire 2 Tutulu 3 The Unfaamiliar Sppirit 4 The Doubble Voice Behind LLiber AL 5 The Maddhyamaka & Crowleey 6 The Fourrth Power of the Sphhinx 7 Magical Significannce of Yezzidic Symbbolism 8 The Mirrroracle 9 Ufologicks & the RRite of Miithra 10 Typhoniaan Impliciits of Arunnachala 11 Apects of Dream CControl 12 Creative Gematria 13 Wisdom of S'lba 14 Mystical Gnosis off S'lba 15 Magical Formulae of S'lba 16 Qabalahss of S'lba -- I 17 Qabalahss of S'lba -- II Glossaryy Bibliograaphy Index CContennts Plate 1 Invocatioon by Hammsa frrontispiecee 2 Cthulhu bby H.A.MMcNeill II 3 The Magiician (Frieeda Harriss / Aleisterr Crowleyy) 4 The Charriot (Friedda Harris / Aleister CCrowley) 5 The Sabbbatic Canddlesticks annd Satyr 6 Black Eaggle by Auustin Osmaan Spare 7 Seal of Zoos Kia Cultus by Steffi Grantt 8 Desmoduus by Kennneth Grantt 9 “Thirst” (Steffi Grrant / Aleister Crowwley) 10 Horus byy H.A.McNNeill II 11 Yantra off Kali 12 Formula of Arrivissm by Austin Osmann Spare 13 The Self’ss Vision off Enlighteenment by Austinn Osman SSpare 14 The Armss of Dunwich The Eye oof Set The Seal of Aossic 15 Ilyarun by Steffi GGrant 16 Evocationn by Hamsa 17 Astral Maarginalia (Shades ooff S’lba), bby Kennethh Grant Line Illustraations 18 The Yantrra of 31 note music (William Coates) 19 The Tree of Life Illuustratiions RUDOLF FRIEDMANN To the memory of I can tell you how to find those who will show you the secret gateway that leads inward only, and closes fast behind the neophyte for evermore. H.P.Blavatsky HE Typhhonian Traddition maturred and declined beforee the monummental phase of the eaarliest civiliiza- tions. Thiis is witnesssed by fragmments of mmagical and mmystical lorre once currrent in Egyypt and the FFar Eaast. The Traadition lingeered on andd became corrupt withh passing eppochs and thhe gradual attrition off an age-old lineagge of initiates. Harassmment by warrring factionns seeking ttemporal poower at the expense of in- temmporal spacce-transcendding Knowlledge stifledd the spark aand fouled tthe springs of the ancieent Wisdomm. It reaappeared fittfully over the centuriees in obscuure alchemiccal writingss in the Weest, and in OOriental occcult tarrtars, and traaces of it prroved sufficcient to permmit of its poowerful resuurgence, onne of the moost remarkaable phhenomena off recent timmes. Outer Gatteways is thhe first voluume of a thiird Typhoniian Trilogy.. It culminaates in the ppresentationn of maaterial that iis compreheensive onlyy in terms off the Traditiion which II have endeaavoured to outline in ppre- vioous books. The materiaal in questioon begins aat chapter 133 (Wisdom of S’lba). Itt has been iincluded in re- spoonse to repeeated requeests for an example of tthe kind of transmissioon resulting from magiccal rituals pper- forrmed in Neww Isis Lodgge, some of which havee been descrribed in the previous voolume. A wword of caution is, perhaps, nnot out of pllace. Althouugh a recenntly “receiveed” text, annd thereforee a genuine qabalah, WWis- doom of S’lba is not annouuncing a Neew Dispenssation, or atttempting to overthrow any particuular systemss of maagick or esootericism. NNor is it claiimed on its behalf that it contains a universallly applicabble grimoiree. It is, purely andd simply, a synthesizattion of emannations receeived underr curious ciircumstancees outside nnor- maally accepteed magical pprocedures,, and subseqquently trannslated intoo terrestrial language. it has been de- scrribed as a TTyphonian TTantra, but a more preccise definitiion would iidentify it aas a text of tthe Typhonnian Scchool fed byy Ophidian VVibrations emanating ffrom the Tuunnels of Seet. It containns at its corre a metaphhys- ic, a philosophy, and psyychomagicaal formulae which, undder special cconditions, eenable occuultists working wiith the Typhhonian Currrent to conntact the souurces from which it isssued. Any trace of thhe influencee of Alleister Crowwley, Austinn Osman Sppare, Howarrd Phillips LLovecraft, aand others wwhich the reeader may ddis- cerrn, are expllained by thhe fact that tthe Wisdomm issues fromm sources iddentical witth those fromm which these wrriters drew, and Spare was personnally involvved in the innitial activiities of Neww Isis Lodgge where S’lba emmanations orriginally earrthed in 19555 through 1962. I should liike thereforre to acknowledge myy indebtedneess to thesee writers as also to thoose individuuals (mmentioned inn the book) who have kkindly allowwed me to qquote from their writinggs and fromm the numeroous lettters I have received dduring the course of the publicatioon of these trilogies. I also wish tto thank thoose whho have given me illusttrative mateerial, which has been duuly accreditted. KKenneth Grant Intrroduction TT My observation, of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous struc- tures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such Beings. Aleister Crowley