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Our Oneness With Christ - Living by Grace PDF

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Our Oneness With Christ A Study in Living by Grace Through Faith David Kuykendall Workbook Section Prepared by John Belken All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version un- less otherwise indicated. Verses marked TLB are taken from The Living Bible, copy- right 1971 by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois. Used by permission. This work is published by David Kuykendall Ministries Dallas, Texas Copyright 2006 David Kuykendall Table of Contents FOREWORD / 4 PREFACE / 6 INTRODUCTION / 8 PART ONE—PERSONAL EXPERIENCES / 10 1. Something for Monday Morning / 11 PART TWO—SCRIPTURAL TEACHINGS / 20 2. Jesus Is “The Last Adam” / 22 3. Sin With a Face / 28 4. In Christ Crucified—Now / 39 5. In Christ Buried and Resurrected—Now / 47 6. Christ in You—Now / 54 PART THREE—BASIC APPROACHES / 59 7. The Approach of Faith / 61 8. The Approach of Choice / 70 PART FOUR—LIFE TRANSFORMATIONS / 78 9. At Last—Spirit-Filled Living / 79 10. What a Difference the Spirit Makes / 86 11. Freedom From Sin / 102 12. Freedom From the World / 110 13. Freedom From Law / 119 14. Life in the Heavenlies / 132 15. God’s Miracle Workers / 148 PART FIVE—PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS / 161 16. Understanding Suffering / 162 17. What About This? / 172 18. Red Flags Waving / 184 19. Obeying Obedience / 193 CONCLUSION / 203 A LAST WORD FROM THE AUTHOR / 214 Foreword As born-again Christians, we have not yet plumbed the depth of the potential of our oneness with Christ—which is “Christ in you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:27b), with the concomitant expression of “our being in Christ.” “There- fore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature [creation] (2 Corinthians 5:17a). This is the “more abundant life” that our Savior-Lord has promised us (John 10:10). David Kuykendall, with helpful repeated emphases on our being crucified, buried and resurrected with Christ, delineates in his book Our Oneness With Christ how this is practical Chris- tianity, nay rather practical Christian living on a sound biblical basis, the blood-bought heritage of every true believer who seeks to “grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen” (2 Peter 3:18). His treatise is profoundly simple and, at the same time, simply profound. The more intimate our oneness with Christ, our Savior and Lord, the easier it is to know His will for our lives and then, by His grace, to apply the answer practically. “Ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3). This should be our daily, momentary experience as chil- dren of God in Christ. Our oneness with Christ, when personally realized by faith, by individual choice, on the basis of grace, will bring our ver- Foreword 5 tical relationship with God into proper focus with the resultant proper horizontal relationship with fellow believers becoming a joyous reality and our witness to those still outside Christ a fruitful experience. David Kuykendall appropriately emphasizes the danger of our “know-it-all attitude” inherent in our unredeemed sinful human nature. As we enter progressively into our oneness with Christ, this know-it-all attitude will give place to “living in total dependence on our Lord.” This is life on a higher plane, yes, on the highest plane. Thank you, David Kuykendall, for reminding us to claim, to choose our oneness with Christ, in death, burial and resurrection too. Finlay M. Graham, deceased Southern Baptist Missionary Preface Because I have received a number of requests for a work- book edition of Our Oneness With Christ, I am delighted to make this work available. I have made very few changes in the text. The workbook sections are taken completely from the workbook prepared for a study of Our Oneness With Christ by John Belken. Because of the need for saving space, I have re- duced to some extent the workbook features. Again I want to express my deepest appreciation to John Belken for his excel- lent work. In 1 Corinthians 6:17, the apostle Paul reveals, “If you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person” (TLB). New Testament writers use several terms to describe what happened to us when we became Christians: justification, sanc- tification, reconciliation, adoption, forgiveness, redemption, regeneration. These are beautiful concepts with which many have some acquaintance. Many believers are, however, without insight that at the time of our conversion to Christ we became one with our cru- cified, buried and risen Lord. Yet fullness of life and maxi- mum success in Christian service come only to those who un- derstand and experience life in terms of their union with their Lord. About the middle of this century, many evangelicals found Preface 7 a partial solution to their lack of spiritual vitality by embracing the blessed truth that Christ is “in” the believer. That giant step forward in Christian understanding and experience by itself, though, will not give us the life and fruitfulness we seek. There is a second feature of our union with Christ. The New Testament also teaches that the believer is “in Christ.” Many times we are described as being “in Him,” “in Christ Jesus,” “in Whom,” “in the Beloved.” Highly respected biblical scholars teach that often these terms mean “in union with Christ.” The Christ who is within will neither continuously fill us with Himself nor burst forth from us apart from our mentally and experientially embracing this companion truth that we are “in Him.” My intention, then, is to analyze and amplify this balanced view of our “oneness with Christ.” He is “in us,” and we are “in Him.” The study will include the resultant quality of life and ministry available to all who understand and live out their oneness with Him. David Kuykendall Introduction The theme of “our oneness with Christ” is developed in five parts followed by a conclusion consisting of four personal testimonies. Part One—“Personal Experiences”—begins with the ex- pression of some of our common needs. It then relates the sto- ries of several who have found the solution to these needs— and the abundant life—by understanding and living out their union with Christ. Part Two—“Scriptural Teachings”—con- tains the basic biblical teachings of our union with Christ. Part Three—“Basic Approaches”—shows how we may live out our oneness with Christ. Part Four—“Life Transformations”—sets forth several changes we can expect by living out our union with our Lord. Finally, Part Five—“Practical Considerations”— deals with several practical issues faced by those who begin the journey of living out their union with Christ. It would be helpful to read the chapters in the order in which they are arranged. They build on each other. The reader will soon discover much repetition. This is by design. Years of teaching the concept of union with Christ have revealed two reasons why repetition is essential if the message is to find rootage in most lives. First, living out our union with Christ requires for most a process of “relearning.” Because repetition is essential for Introduction 9 learning, it is doubly necessary for relearning. Second, Satan, who viciously opposes the message of liv- ing by grace, many times successfully “catcheth away that which was sown in the heart.” He knows that those who under- stand and live out their union with Christ do great damage to him and his kingdom. I trust you will be patient and understanding if the repeti- tion seems unnecessary for you. Throughout, the terms “our oneness with Christ” and “our union with Christ” are used interchangeably. Also, the terms “the life of grace” and “the life of faith” are used to describe the experience of those who live out their union with Christ. Whenever I teach the message of our oneness with Christ, I begin with: “If you love the Lord dearly, have never before been aware of what I will share, and the Spirit of God chooses to reveal these truths to you, you will never be the same again after this time of study.” I predict the same possibility for you as you make your journey through these pages. Many exciting testimonies from those exposed to these truths confirm the ac- curacy of this prediction. If life is going well for you now, it is possible that you will think of this as just another book or, at best, an “interest- ing” book. If, however, you have come to the “end of self,” you may be only hours away from entrance into that elusive life you have desired and sought for years—the life that is “abundant.” Part One Personal Experiences Part One consists of only one chapter—“Something for Monday Morning.” The chapter clearly divides into two sections. The first section presents some of the failures and frustrations most of us struggle with. The second section is a series of personal testimonies of several who have found both victory over those failures and frustrations and the abundant life promised by our Lord by living out their union with Christ. These thrilling testimonies are given early as evidence that the life God-loving believers are seeking is possible for all who live out their union with Jesus Christ in crucifixion, burial and resurrection.

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