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Our Living World: Earth's Biomes - Volume 4: Wetlands PDF

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volume 4 OUR LIVING WORLD: EARTH’S BIOMES B a r b a r a A . Wetlands S o m e r v i l l T R A D I T I O N B O O K S ® , M A P L E P L A I N , M I N N E S O T A A N E W T R A D I T I O N I N C H I L D R E N ’ S P U B L I S H I N G TM Wetlands In gratitude to George R. Peterson Sr. for introducing me to the beauty of creation ® —George R. Peterson Jr., Publisher, Tradition Books ABOUT THE AUTHOR Published in the United States of America by Tradition Books® and distributed to the school Barbara A. Somervill is the author and library market by The Child’s World® [ACKNOWLEDGMENTS] of many books for children. She loves For Editorial Directions, Inc.: E. 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Interior: Animals Animals/Earth Scenes: 26 (Maresa Pryor), 73 (Fred Whitehead), 78 (Michael New York State, but has also lived in Fogden), 82 (Peter Weimann), 85 (McDonald Wildlife Photography), 89 (Gordon & Cathy Illg), 90 (Allen Blake Sheldon); Erwin & Peggy Bauer: 37; Corbis: 8 (Richard Cummins), 19 (Galen Rowell), 28 (Mark Jones), 36 (Paul A. Souders), 39 (Peter Johnson), 53 (Kevin Toronto, Canada; Canberra, Australia; Fleming), 64 (Brandon D. Cole), 72 (George D. Lepp), 83 (Gary Braasch), 86 (Bettmann), 88 (Jonathan Blair); Digital Vision: 14; Raymond Gehman/Corbis: 38, 67, 76, 81; Getty Images/ California; and South Carolina. She Brand X Pictures: 4, 24, 79; Randall Hyman: 42; Adam Jones/Dembinsky Photo Associates: 11, 51; Wolfgang Kaehler: 48; Dwight R. 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[L IBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA] CIP data available CONTENT ADVISER Susan Woodward, Professor of Geography, Radford University, Radford, Virginia ✹ Table of Contents [ C h a p t e r O n e ] 4 Defining Wetlands [ C h a p t e r T w o ] 19 Focus on Key Species [ C h a p t e r T h r e e ] 28 Predators [ C h a p t e r F o u r ] 39 Prey [ C h a p t e r F i v e ] 45 Flora [ C h a p t e r S i x ] 56 Herbivores [ C h a p t e r S e v e n ] 65 A Cycle of Life [ C h a p t e r E i g h t ] 73 The Land of Trembling Earth [ C h a p t e r N i n e ] 86 The Human Touch 9 2 [ C h a r t o f S p e c i e s ] 9 3 [ I n d e x ] ✹ Table of Contents [ C h a p t e r O n e ] 1 lands every year just before Defining spring. About 75 percent of North America’s sandhill Wetlands cranes (nearly half a million cranes) gather there for four ✹ A flurry of gray and to six weeks. They come to beige wings flutter over stuff themselves on corn Nebraska’s Platte River wet- before flying to the Arctic. 4 Defining Wetlands [ D e f i n i n g W e t l a n d s ] (3,962 meters). Their 6-foot (1.8-m) wings carry them north to nesting Platte River Wetlands sites on tundra wet- ? WORDS TO KNOW . . . Atlantic Ocean N O R T H A M E R I C A lands. Nebraska tundra (TUHN-druh) treeless Pacific Ocean corn fuels the areas found in the Arctic or 0 500 Miles cranes for the two on high mountains 0 500 KM months of flying it North America’s Platte River wetlands takes to reach the Arctic. Regional farmers harvest Freshwater Wetlands their corn crops by machine. Harvesters miss some corn. ✹ Wetlands are easy to Cattle feed on missed ears of identify. Cover solid land with corn, but they drop some ker- 1 foot (.3 m) of water, and the nels. When the cranes arrive land becomes wetlands. The each February and March, they soil becomes sloppy, mucky, feast on kernels left in the and squishy. About 6 percent fields. Farmers estimate that of all land is covered by wet- the cranes eat about 1,500 lands. These include swamps tons of corn yearly. and bogs, marshes and fens. The sandhill cranes lift off The source of water again in April. They fly at determines the type of wet- heights of up to 13,000 feet lands that develop. Some A sandhill crane takes flight above a nature preserve. 5 [ D e f i n i n g W e t l a n d s ] wetlands collect water from rain and snow. Amazon River Basin ? WORDS TO KNOW . . . Some get water amphibians (am-FIB-ee-uhnz) from underground Pacific S O U T H Ocean A M E R I C A a group of animals that live springs or rivers. Atlantic Ocean in both water and on land, Others collect sur- 0 1000 Miles including frogs, toads, face water from 0 1000 KM and salamanders runoff or floods. South America’s Amazon River basin basin (BAY-suhn) an area About 94 percent of land around a river from of wetlands in the lichens, mosses, and sedges. which water drains into United States hold Tropical wetlands, such as the river freshwater. much of the Amazon River reptiles (REP-tilez) a group of Climate influ- basin, have warm weather animals with cold blood, back- ences the animals and daily rainfall. Insects, bones, and, usually, scales or and plants found in birds, reptiles, and amphib- rough skin, including snakes, wetlands. Arctic ians live there all year. lizards, and alligators tundra wetlands Grasses and flowering plants runoff (RUHN-awf) water that provide nesting grow over every acre of land travels over the ground sites for millions of all year as well. sewage (SOO-ij) waste products migrating birds Wetlands perform servic- carried by water from factories each summer. es in nature. They filter pollu- and homes Arctic plants are tion and raw sewage from mostly low-lying water. Sometimes a wetland 6 [ D e f i n i n g W e t l a n d s ] environment can clean the water by absorbing pollutants before the water enters our lakes, rivers, and streams. Nature also uses wetlands as a nursery for animal species. Ducks, geese, and more than 100 other kinds of birds breed in wetlands. Bogs, Pocosins, and Fens ✹ Bogs form when sphag- num moss slowly covers a lake or pond from the edge to the center. Bog water comes from the rain or melted snow. As the moss dies, it sinks to the pond floor. The dead moss forms peat because of acidic water conditions and a lack of oxygen. Water gets oxygen from springs, the plant life, and movement such as rapids. Newfoundland, Canada, features many tundra marshes. This peat will be dried and then burned to provide heat for families in County Kerry, Ireland. Still water has little northern Midwest. Bogs sup- ! WOULD YOU BELIEVE? oxygen. port moose, deer, beavers, Peat is cut, dried, and used as Bogs are found lynx, otters, and minks. fuel to heat many homes in throughout the Migratory birds, such as sand- Russia, Germany, and Ireland. world. In the hill cranes and short-eared After a million years, peat United States, bogs owls, need bogs for nesting may slowly turn into coal. are common in the sites. The main plant in bogs northeast and is sphagnum moss. 8 [ D e f i n i n g W e t l a n d s ] Pocosin is a Native Ameri- water comes from ! WOULD YOU BELIEVE? can term. It is Algonquian for rain or melted snow. Sphagnum moss holds many “hilltop swamp.” The main Pocosins are found times its own weight in water. plants in this swamp are ever- only along the Native Americans used the moss green shrubs. A pocosin’s Atlantic coast in for diapers. In World War I, it was used to bandage wounds. Arctic G R E E N L A N D Ocean Arctic Arctic 75˚N Ocean Ocean 60˚N E U R O P E A S I A 45˚N N O R T H A M E R I C A Atlantic Pacific 30˚N Ocean Ocean Pacific A F R I C A 15˚N Ocean 0˚ S O U T H A M E R I C A Indian 15˚S Ocean N A U S T R A L I A 30˚S Wetland Areas 45˚S 60˚S 165˚W 150˚W 135˚W 120˚W 105˚W 90˚W 75˚W 60˚W 45˚W 30˚W 15˚W 0˚ 15˚E 30˚E 45˚E 60˚E 75˚E 90˚E 105˚E 120˚E 135˚E 150˚E 165˚E Wetlands in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America 9 A black bear cub seeks berries and roots in a bog. Virginia, the Carolinas, and Cranes, owls, and sparrows northern Florida. make their homes in fens. Fens are wetlands with a Some fish may live in a regular freshwater supply. fen, particularly if a stream Water levels remain regular in feeds the wetland. Typical fens. Quick-growing grasses fen fish species include and sedges make many fens pike, bluegill, bass, and look like meadows. Large fens trout. In warm regions, provide habitats for moose, snakes, turtles, toads, frogs, deer, black bears, lynx, hares and lizards may live in and rabbits, otters, and minks. these wetlands. Summer finds this marsh green and healthy. 10

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