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RACING FOR PRESIDENT NYUOFFICEOFUNIVERSITY ISSUE#19/FALL2012 MAPPING MANHATTAN DEVELOPMENTANDALUMNIRELATIONS NONPROFITORG 25WESTFOURTHSTREET,FOURTHFLOOR USPOSTAGEPAID N HOME ALONE—HAPPILY Y NEWYORK,NY10012-1119 PERMIT295 UA BURL,VT05401 LUM N IM A G A Z IN E / ISSU E # 19 / FA LL 20 12 www.nyu.edu/alumni.magazine Our Insatiable Appetite A different EXPERIENCE degree of THE WORLD experience With NYU Global Travel Adventures 2013 ANTARCTICA BLACK SEA SERENADE January17-30, 2013 ATHENS TO ISTANBUL September 15 - 28, 2013 JEWELS OF SOUTHEAST ASIA BANGKOK TO SINGAPORE ITALY’S MAGNIFICENT February 1 - 19, 2013 LAKEDISTRICT AHI’S ALUMNI CAMPUS ABROAD ASIAN WONDERS September 24 - October 2, 2013 SINGAPORE TO HONG KONG CRADLE OF HISTORY February 2 - 21, 2013 DESTINATIONS October 7 - 18, 2013 AMAZON RIVER EXPEDITION - PERU CHINA & THE YANGTZE RIVER February 22 - March 3, 2013 October 15 - 13 days WONDERS OF THE WILDLIFE AND CULTURAL GALAPAGOS ISLANDS SAFARI TO SOUTH AFRICA February 22 - March 2, 2013 October 22 - November 4, 2013 SPENDORS DOWN UNDER - AUCKLAND TO SYDNEY February 24 - March 14, 2013 ISRAEL THEHERITAGE & THE HOPE SIGNATURE TOURS EXECUTIVE MBA CLASS OF 2009 March 11 - 23, 2013 Set out on an extraordinary journey of INSIDER’S ISTANBUL EMANUELA FRATTINI MAGNUSSON, M.A., founder and CEO of EFM Design & Architecture, chose the AROUNDAFRICA BY PRIVATE discovery. Experience new cultures and paths April21 -29, 2013 JETAN EXTRAORDINARY ofunderstanding and friendship in some of the NYU Stern Executive MBA program for its rigorous general management curriculum. As a busy entrepreneur, JOURNEY TO MAGNIFICENT world’s most exciting, legendary destinations. she knew that Stern’s schedule of only two classes at a time would also help her balance work and family CIVIL WAR & SOUTHERN LANDSCAPES, FASINATING For information on itineraries and how to book CULTURE RIVERBOAT - commitments. A class of experienced peers, almost half of whom have an advanced degree, further confirmed MEMPHIS TO NEW ORLEANS WILDLIFE & VIBRANT an NYU Alumni and Friends Travel Adventure CULTURES that NYU Stern was the best choice for her. Contact us today to learn how you can join business leaders May 17 -26, 2013 program, go to alumni.nyu.edu/travel or January10-February 2, 2013 like Emanuela. contact the NYU Alumni Relations Office INSIDER’S PRAGUE at 212-998-6985. LEGENDARY COURSES OF AHI’S ALUMNI CAMPUS SCOTLAND GOLF ABROAD EXECUTIVE MBA ST. ANDREWS & GLENEAGLES July15-23,2013 April20 -27, 2013 HISTORIC REFLECTIONS OPERA IN ITALY BARCELONA TO ATHENS NYUAlumni ASPECIAL CELEBRATION OF September 5 - 16, 2013 888.NYU.EMBA VERDI’S BICENTENNIAL July2013 - Exact dates pending NYU STERN EXECUTIVE MBA PROGRAM emba.stern.nyu.edu release of full 2013 opera schedules Shortly before her death in June, author and filmmaker Nora Ephron sat down with Pete Hamill, veteran journalist and distinguished writer- in-residence at the Arthur L.Carter Journalism Institute, to talk craft and reminisce about the New York Post. The event can be viewed at nyuprimarysources.org. On the old New York Post city room NORAEPHRON: Itwassodirty.Itwassooodirty.Andithadnoair- HAMILL:Togiveyouasenseofwhereitwas,whereBatteryParkCity conditioning,ofcourse.Andwhenyoucameintothenewsroom,there is,itwasrightacrossthestreet,75WestStreet.TherewasnoBattery wasadoorwithglassonitandsomeonehadwritteninthedustonthe ParkCitythen;itwastheUnitedFruitCompanypiers,andinthesum- doortheword“filthy,”andspelleditp-h-i-l-t-h-y.…Butitwasroman- mertimethewindowswereallopenbecause,asNorasays,[publisher ticinitsownway,thatroom.Youdidn’tevenhaveyourowndesk,by /owner]DorothySchiffwouldneverpayforair-conditioningforthe theway.Youhadtotrollforadesk. workingstiffsathernewspaper.Sofromthebowelsofthesefruit deliveryshipswouldcomethemostgiganticmosquitoesandflies. PETEHAMILL:Orachair!Theywerealwaystwochairsshort. Andwe’dbesittingthereatourtypewritersgoingwhack[hitstable]and whack[hitstable].Andwewereneverhappier.AtleastIwasn’t. EPHRON: Yes,andallthechairswerebroken.Andeveryonesmoked andyou’dputyourcigarettedownonthedeskanditwouldburninto EPHRON:Ididloveit,Idid.Ithought,“I’mgonnadothisforever.” [it].Andthatwaspartofwhywealllovedit.Itwasreallyfunbeinga reporterattheNewYorkPost. H E A R D O N CA M PU S On being a newspaper journalist EPHRON: IwascleverandIcouldwriteasentence,butIwasvery HAMILL:Thelearningprocess,particularlyonatabloidlikethePost, luckybecausetheykindofknewIwasanewkidandIwas$98aweek. wasamazinglyquickbecausethestaffwassosmall.Thereweren’tso MyfirstweekIhadturnedinastoryand[editor]FredMcMorrowcame manyspecialists.Iftherewasafireataschool,youdidn’twaitforthe overtomydeskandsatdownandletmewatchhimcrossouttheex- educationeditortogetinacabandgooutthere.Youwent. trawords.Oneofthethingshetoldmewasabsolutelytheoppositeof whatIlearnedinmyjournalismclassinhighschool.Hesaid,“Never EPHRON:WhenIwasthereaboutfouryears,theyaskedmeifIwant- startastorywithaquote.Wealwayswanttoknowwho’ssayingit.” edtobeacolumnist,andIdidn’tknowhowtowriteacolumn.Four Thatkindofthingwassogreat,butitwasalongtimebeforeIreally years[afterthat],IwaswritingacolumnatEsquire.SoI’mjustabig knewhowtowriteastory. believerinassemblingitlittlebylittle…tryingtoputyourselfinsome- placewhereyoucanwriteandwriteandwriteandwrite…andthen, eventually,youcanwrite. NYU/FALL2012/1 ISSUE#19/FALL2012 DEPARTMENTS CLASS NOTES C THE SQUARE CULTURE ALUMNIPROFILES F 50/ASHLEYMEARS/ E A 3300 8/BEHAVIORALSCIENCE 20/FILM GSAS’07,’09 T DECODINGPOLITICALADS OSCAR-WINNERMARKBRIDGES MODELTREATMENT U COSTUMESCHARACTERSFOR R 9/GLOBAL THEBIGSCREEN 52/JAYHAYES/STERN’12 O E TABLE FOR ONE CHINASETSITSSIGHTS ITGETSBETTERFOR S ONSOCIALWORK 22/CREDITS ATHLETES,TOO LIVINGALONEDOESN’TMEANLIVINGLONELY,SAYS ALUMNISHINEONSTAGE ERICKLINENBERG,BUTITDOESRESHAPETHEFUTURE 10/INBRIEF ATTHETONYAWARDS 56/FRIEDRICHULFERS/ OFTHEAMERICANFAMILY HELPINGSOLARAID,NYU GSAS’61,’68 / BYALYSONKRUEGER/GSAS’12 POETRYTEAMSLAMSTHE 24/THEATER FINDINGTHENIETZSCHE COMPETITION,ANDMORE PRODUCERBARBARA WITHIN N WHITMANBRINGSHITSTO 11/MUSICEDUCATION THEGREATWHITEWAY PLUSALUMNINEWS, ALLTHEWORLD’SASTAGE BENEFITS,ANDUPDATES 25/PLAYLIST 12/GAMING JAMESBROWN,BACH,AND TAKINGREVIEWSTOTHE ZEPPELINCOLLIDEONA 48 36 NEXTLEVEL COMPOSER’SiPOD T 12/CAMPUSLIFE IN PRINT BONDINGOUTSIDETHE PLANET OF THE APPS CLASSROOM 26/FICTION EVERY ISSUE VISIT US ONLINE! MOBILEAPPSAREHERETOSTAY,ANDTHEIRCULTURALIMPACTIS JONATHANTROPPER 13/LAW EN ONLYOUTDONEBYTHESOARINGSUCCESSOFTHEINDUSTRY DISSIDENTCHENGUANGCHENG HELPSBADBOYSBEGOOD 1/HEARDONCAMPUS nyu.edu/alumni.magazine / BYJOHNBRINGARDNER/GSAS’03 FINDSTRANQUILITYIN 4/BEHINDTHESCENES 28/NONFICTION WASHINGTONSQUARE 4/CONTRIBUTORS THEACCORDIONSTAGES 5/STARPOWER ACOMEBACK 14/CUTTING-EDGERESEARCH 6/MAILBAG “LIKE”USONFACEBOOK! ASURPRISINGSOURCEOF 64/CAMPUSLENS facebook.com/NYUAlumniMagazine PLUSMOREBOOKS T CAVITIES,BUILDINGROBOTIC BYNYUALUMNIAND FISH,AIDSCLINICALTRIALS, PROFESSORS ANDTHEBRAINSBEHIND ARTISTICPREFERENCE 42 IN NYC S STORY OF THE STREETS 16/PSYCHOLOGY KEEPINGENEMIESATARM’S HILARYBALLONLOOKSBACKATTHEVISIONARYAND LENGTH CONTROVERSIALMAKINGOFMANHATTAN’SMOST DISTINGUISHINGFEATURE—THEGRID 17/CAMPUSINITIATIVES / BYKEVINFALLON/CAS’09 THENYUOFTHEFUTURE COVERILLUSTRATION©JAMESBENNETT 18/THEINSIDER NYUALUMNIMAGAZINE(ISSN:1938-4823)ISPUBLISHEDTWICEYEARLYINFALLANDSPRINGBYNYUOFFICEOF ENJOYGOTHAM’SGREAT MIXEDSOURCES:PRODUCTGROUPFROMWELL-MANAGEDFOREST,CONTROLLEDSOURCES,ANDRECYCLEDWOODORFIBER. UNIVERSITYDEVELOPMENTANDALUMNIRELATIONS,25WESTFOURTHSTREET,FOURTHFLOOR,NEWYORK,NY10012; CERT.NO.SW-COC-002556.WWW.FSC.ORG.©1996FORESTSTEWARDSHIPCOUNCIL. OUTDOORSONHORSEBACK 212-998-6912.CONTENTSCOPYRIGHT©2012.ALLRIGHTSRESERVED.PLEASEADDRESSALLCORRESPONDENCETO: EDITORS/NYUALUMNIMAGAZINEAT25WESTFOURTHSTREET,ROOM619,NEWYORK,NY10012,ORE-MAILTO: ORWITHASTROLLTHROUGH INKEEPINGWITHNYU’SCOMMITMENTTOSUSTAINABILITY,THISPUBLICATIONISPRINTEDONFSC-CERTIFIEDPAPER ALUMNI.MAGAZINE@NYU.EDU.NORESPONSIBILITYWILLBEACCEPTEDFORUNSOLICITEDMANUSCRIPTSAND THATINCLUDESAMINIMUMOF10PERCENTPOST-CONSUMERFIBER.(THEFSCTRADEMARKIDENTIFIESPRODUCTSTHAT ARTWORK.BYLINEDARTICLESREFLECTTHEVIEWPOINTSOFINDIVIDUALWRITERSANDARENOTTOBECONSTRUED THEFLOWERDISTRICT CONTAINFIBERFROMWELL-MANAGEDFORESTSCERTIFIEDBYSMARTWOODINACCORDANCEWITHTHERULESOF ASEXPRESSIONOFOFFICIALUNIVERSITYPOLICY.MAILEDTHIRD-CLASSNONPROFITATBURLINGTON,VT. THEFORESTSTEWARDSHIPCOUNCIL.)FORMOREINFORMATIONABOUTNYU’SGREENACTIONPLAN,GOTO WWW.NYU.EDU/SUSTAINABILITY. P behind the scenes PH I OTO “THECITY,ITCHALLENGESYOUTODOBIGTHINGS,”SAIDU.S.SUPREMECOURTJUSTICESONIASOTOMAYORATNYU’S180THCOMMENCEMENT.THEBRONX SCLO NATIVEGREWUPAFEWBLOCKSFROMYANKEESTADIUM,WHERETHECEREMONYTOOKPLACE. naculturewhereit’sespecial- plorestheubiquityofmobileappli- revolution. Lastly, “Story of the CKW Issue#19/Fall2012 ISE ly fashionable to be “busy, cations,andthewaythey’vetrans- Streets” (p. 42) remembers the FR O bpeurssyo,nbalulsiyfe”,witihthelpasntoonhstaovpe fmoeramnesdofocuormcmelulnpichaotinoensinfrtoomve-a btoicheinttNenenwiaYloofrkthsiencgereHateenstrychHanugde- EJdAiStoOrN-inH-COhLieLfANDER(GAL’07) MTOP:©N O Y some grandiose markers to hiclesforanentirelifestyle.Thein- sonfirstmappedtheNarrows.The NICOLEPEZOLD(GSAS’04) UPH remindusthatwe’reinevitablypart dustry is also one of the few clear creation of Manhattan’s famed DeputyEditor OTO ofsomethingbigger.Two “grid” in 1811 dramati- REN´EEALFUSO(CAS’06) BUR smuecrh’seOvelynmtsp—icthgiasmseusmin- ecavlelyr,aalntedraednetwhebcoiotykfaonrd- JStOaHffNWKriLteOrTNIA/OPTODESIGN EAU:GALLO W CreativeDirector ;A LinogndUo.nS.aenldectthieonusp—cowmil-l iezxehijbuitsthehlopwcobnrtaezxetunala- Articles SSELIN;O helptomake2012ayear projectitwas. JOSEPHMANGHISE LIVO remembered for its col- Whilethegridhassim- CopyChief (2) lective moments of awe plified how city slickers DAVIDCOHEN ResearchChief and evaluation, be it of navigate New York, it E NAOMIHOWELL(GAL’14) great heights reached on seems we’re still always EILEENREYNOLDS(GSAS’11) the field or preposterous tryingtofindourfooting EditorialInterns gaffesmadeintoamicro- as we stride faster and phone. faster into the future. Art/Opto Design Similarly, the three features in winnersinaratherfoggyeconomy. Hopefully stories like these help us RONLOUIE R this fall’s NYU Alumni Magazine “Table for One” (p. 30) checks in takestock,personallyandcollective- ArtDirector S TA R KIRACSAKANY offerachancetoputseismiccultur- onanotherphenomenon—thefact ly, for a few moments, to stare at Designer al shifts into perspective while that32millionAmericansnowlive what’shappeningandwonderwhat MARGARETLANZONI helpingustoimagineourownplace alone.Asthatnumbercontinuesto it’sallabout. PhotoResearchDirector withinthem. rise,thearticleconsidershowwe’ll “PlanetoftheApps”(p.36)ex- havetoaccommodatethisdomestic —TheNYUAlumniMagazineteam Alumni News Editors JOANNEA.WILHELM ExecutiveDirector, DevelopmentandCampaigns ALYWOLFF-MILLS(TSOA’11) CONTRIBUTORS AssociateDirector, Web&Communications New York University TOP-DRAW PERSONALITIES SPOTTED ON CAMPUS JAMES BENNETT has produced graduateoftheNYUmagazinepro- Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, and MARTINLIPTON(LAW’55) conceptuallyhumorousillustrations gram. He is an assistant editor for TeenVogue.com. BoardofTrustees,Chairman for publications including Vanity MensHealth.com and when not JOHNSEXTON Fair and Sports Illustrated. He has running, he writes about nutrition LARS LEETARU is an illustrator President also worked on New York Times andsports. wholivesinPhiladelphia.Hiswork LYNNEP.BROWN SeniorVicePresidentforUniversity best-selling children’s books with hasappearedinTheNewYorkTimes, RelationsandPublicAffairs JerrySeinfeldandCarlReiner. KEVINFALLON(CAS’09)isare- TheWallStreetJournal,andEsquire. DEBRAA.LAMORTE porterforNewsweekandTheDaily He recently illustrated the book SeniorVicePresidentforUniversity STERNHOSTEDTHETRIBECADISRUPTIVEINNOVATION JOHNBRINGARDNER(GSAS’03) Beast,andawriterforTheAtlantic’s Broetry:PoetryforDudes(Quirk). DevelopmentandAlumniRelations AWARDS,WHICHHONOREDSINGERJUSTINBIEBER is a journalist based in New York. website.He’stheformerentertain- REGINASYQUIADREW(WAG’01) (ABOVE)ANDPRODUCERRICKRUBIN(TSOA’85). HisworkhasappearedinTheNew menteditoratTheWeek.com. DAVID SUTER has contributed DeputyDirector,StrategicInitiatives York Times, Wired, and The Ameri- conceptualdrawingstonewspapers New York University canLawyer. ALYSONKRUEGER(GSAS’12)is andmagazinesforfivedecades.He Alumni Association afreelancejournalistbasedinNew is represented by Pamela Williams PHYLLISBARASCH(STERN’81) ANDREA CRAWFORD is a full- YorkCity.ShehaswrittenforThe GalleryandtheAlexGallery. President timewriterwhocoverstheartsand New York Times, Wired.com, The SCOTTDWYER(STERN’01) sciences.Shehasbeenacontribut- Pennsylvania Gazette, and Tablet, JUSTIN WARNER is an NYC- JERRYS.GOLDMAN(ARTS’73) ingeditoratPoets&Writers,senior amongotherpublications. based freelance writer, playwright, JEFFREYS.GOULD(WSUC’79) BEVERLYHYMAN(STEINHARDT’80) editor at ArtNews, and a regular andlyricist.Hehascontributedtoa RONALDG.RAPATALO(CAS’97) contributorforTablet. SALLY LAUCKNER’s (GSAS ’10) variety of publications, including VicePresidents FIVE-TIMENBACHAMPIONANDBUSINESSMANEARVIN“MAGIC”JOHNSONJR.WASAGUESTSPEAKERATTHESCPS VICEPRESIDENTJOEBIDENSPOKEABOUTNATIONAL workhasappearedinTheNewYork AmericanTheatre,NewScientist,and TAFFIT.WOOLWARD(CAS’04) TISCHCENTERFORHOSPITALITY,TOURISM,ANDSPORTSMANAGEMENTORIENTATION. SECURITYINVANDERBILTHALL. BRIAN DALEK (GSAS ’10) is a Times’ Local East Village blog, McSweeney’sInternetTendency. Secretary 4/FALL2012/NYU NYU/FALL2012/5 mailbag Y O U R G U I D E T O T H E S C H O O L C O D E S We Hear From You THE FOLLOWING ARE ABBREVIATIONS FOR NYU SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, PAST AND PRESENT ARTS-UniversityCollegeof GSAS-GraduateSchoolof SCPS-SchoolofContinuing WAG-RobertF.Wagner Thanks to all who responded to the Spring 2012 issue. Please keep the letters coming… ArtsandScience(“TheHeights”); ArtsandScience andProfessionalStudies GraduateSchoolofPublic usedforalumnithrough1974 Service,formerlyGraduateSchool HON-HonoraryDegree SSSW-SilverSchoolofSocial ofPublicAdministration matessicken,andinsomecasesdie, laws on taxation, adoption, health Thankyoufortheexcellentmaga- CAS-CollegeofArtsand Work becauseofsomethingcalledthe“gay care, child care, and employment, zine you put out. I always feel so Science(“TheCollege”); IFA-InstituteofFineArts WSC-WashingtonSquare plague.” […] But to live in New which continue to discriminate proudtohavegraduatedfromNYU referstotheundergraduate STEINHARDT-TheSteinhardt College,nowCollegeofArts York was also to meet women and againstmanyAmericans. when I read it, and to see [the schoolinartsandscience, ISAW-InstitutefortheStudy SchoolofCulture,Education, andScience;referstoartsand menwhosawthisplaceasarefuge. JohnR.Kalbach(WAG’71) university’s] ongoing commitment from1994on oftheAncientWorld andHumanDevelopment, scienceundergraduateswho AndwhileIcan’tsayIsawnohomo- Miami,Florida to diversity, human rights, educa- formerlySchoolofEducation studiedatWashingtonSquare LAW-SchoolofLaw phobiaatNYU,itwasverymuchthe tion, arts, and more. Please know CIMS-CourantInstituteof Campusthrough1974 exceptionratherthantherule.Most- The [letter writers] do not realize that your work is noticed and so MathematicalSciences LS-LiberalStudiesProgram STERN-LeonardN.Stern lythen,loverssupportedeachother that the women in the story are appreciated. SchoolofBusiness,formerly WSUC-WashingtonSquare and families welcomed them— daughters, sisters, aunts, and friends NancyFlaxman(WSC’68) DEN-CollegeofDentistry MED-SchoolofMedicine, theGraduateSchoolofBusiness UniversityCollege,nowCollege but not always. So, just as with to us all. I am the mother of a gay Novato,California formerlyCollegeofMedicine Administration;LeonardN.Stern ofArtsandScience;refersto the civil rights movement and the woman, who is married and herself ENG-SchoolofEngineeringand SchoolofBusinessUndergraduate alumnioftheundergraduate women’s movement: When love themotheroftwinboyswithathird AHOMEFORALL Science(“TheHeights”);no NUR-CollegeofNursing College,formerlySchoolof schoolinartsandsciencefrom EDITORS’NOTE:Wereceivedanun- doesn’t win, the law must step in. ontheway.Sheinnowaythreatens I think Nicole Pezold wrote an longerexistsbutisusedtoreferto Commerce;andCollegeofBusi- 1974to1994 precedentednumberofe-mailsandletters Andsomedayitwill. the institution of marriage—rather excellent article regarding home- itsalumnithrough1974 NYUAD-NYUAbuDhabi nessandPublicAdministration in response to the previous comments on MarthaGarvey(TSOA’84) shestrengthensit.Sheandherpart- lessness and housing (“Locked GAL-GallatinSchoolof POLY-PolytechnicInstitute TSOA-TischSchooloftheArts, ourFall2011coverstoryonEdithWind- Hoboken,NewJersey ner both have PhDs, both are uni- Out”).Iworkinthefieldofdevel- IndividualizedStudy,formerly ofNYU formerlySchooloftheArts sor(GSAS’57)andherlandmarkcourt versity professors, and both are oping and managing permanent GallatinDivision challengeoftheDefenseofMarriageAct. As an alumnus of NYU, I haven’t phenomenalmoms.[…]Whatstrikes supportive housing for those who Thisisjustasmallsampling. beenthemostopen-handedcontrib- mostofuswhoknowgaypeopleis are homeless and have severe and utor.ButwhenIreadtheletterspage that they are exactly like everyone persistent mental illness. I know FEATURINGPRIDE ofthemostrecentissue,Iwasmoved else.[…]Ifwewereallascapableof firsthand the challenges that my Thank you for not backing down toaction.Imadeaheftygift(forme) loving as your subjects, our world nonprofitclientsface. W E L C O M E N Y U A L U M N I about your decision to feature gay to the LGBT Student Services wouldbeafarbetterplace. DavidBrainin(WSUC’74) marriage in the alumni magazine. I Fund,andIthoughttoalertasmany EileenSharanSmith(WSC’56) Columbus,Ohio J NYU C OIN THE LUB amappalledatthenegativerespons- [friends]asIcouldtoashamefulsit- GreatNeck,NewYork esyoureceived.Didtheyactuallyat- uation:Weallowsmall-mindedbig- P C N Y tendtheNYUthatIattended,thatI ots to speak out, while we THE RINCETON LUB OF EW ORK work at, and that I love? NYU has complacently imagine that battles One of the many alumni benefits available to all NYU alumni. been voted the most queer-friendly have been won. Well, they’re not, universityformanyyearsinarow— andmaybeneverwillbe. andforgoodreason.Weareanopen GaryBradley(WSC’67) M(cid:77)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:91)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:86)(cid:77)(cid:197)(cid:92)(cid:91) privileges include: andethicalinstitutionthatfightsdis- NewYork,NewYork criminationofallkinds.Weledthe . Connect with over 500 NYU Alumni and those from peer institutions way for queer rights, having one of It takes courageous people, such as . Cozy members’ lounge thefirstgaygroupsatanyAmerican Edith Windsor, to stand up against university. We started the first gen- bigotryandfightforcivilrightsforall . State-of-the-art meeting rooms and banquet facilities, newly renovated accommodations and restaurants der studies program in a university. Americans.[…]Ihavehadonepart- . Fully-equipped business center and free WiFi access Wehavealottobeproudof. nerfor38-and-a-halfyearsandhave . A10,000-volume lending library MarvinJ.Taylor(GSAS’97) had to put up with discrimination . Access to more than 200 exclusive clubs worldwide, DirectorofNYU’sFalesLibraryand throughout the country, even in including private golf clubs SpecialCollections NYC. Marriage is so much more NewYork,NewYork than a religious ceremony; little Please send your comments and opinions to: Readers’ Letters, NYU thingslikedenyingaccesstocarefor, AlumniMagazine,25WestFourthStreet,Room619,NewYork,NY,10012; (cid:46)(cid:87)(cid:90)(cid:89)(cid:93)(cid:77)(cid:91)(cid:92)(cid:81)(cid:87)(cid:86)(cid:91)(cid:73)(cid:74)(cid:87)(cid:93)(cid:92)(cid:85)(cid:77)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:77)(cid:90)(cid:91)(cid:80)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:34) ImovedtoNewYork,andattended orevenvisit,yourpartnerinahos- [email protected], Please contact the Membership Office at 212-596-1240 15 West 43rd St. New York, NY 10036 NYU,intheearly1980s.Tolivein pitalstillhappen.Andletusnotfor- phonenumber,school,andyear.LettersbecomethepropertyofNYUand or [email protected] www.princetonclub.com/nyu New York then was to watch class- getthe1,200federal,state,andlocal maybeeditedforlengthandclarity. 6/FALL2012/NYU NYU/FALL2012/7 behavioralscience types of prejudice could exist in Romneycampaignsaresmart,they working but also to figure out goingtotrytocultivate.” opposition to one’s beliefs. Until shouldhaveteamsofpeoplework- ways to counteract them.” In his Amodio is less optimistic. He W I N N I N G recently, these kinds of questions ing on this sort of thing already,” own work, Van Bavel has found believes that impulses registered werecomplicatedbyarelianceon Amodioadds.“Wejustdon’tknow that the amygdala responds to inthebrain’samygdalaareindeli- S often-flawed self-reports—people aboutitbecausethosepeopledon’t emotionalsignificance,andwhen ble, but that a candidate may ap- simply feel uncomfortable admit- publishinscientificjournals.” a relationship changes, the auto- pealtopeopletoactmoreinline T H E R A C E ting bias and are sometimes not McIlwain, the co-author of nomic response to that person withtheirbeliefs.“Thebeststrat- even conscious of it. But today, Race Appeal: How Candidates In- changes as well. “The moment egy for overcoming these auto- McIlwainandAmodiohavecome voke Race in U.S. Political Cam- you’repartofamixedraceteam, matic responses is likely teaching together in a timely pursuit. As paigns (Temple University Press), suddenlyyoufeelpositivetoward people to be really effective at Q black and white team members,” controlling[them],”hesays.“And heexplains.“Itreallyseemstobe thehumanbrainisgreatatthat.” The amygdala, a part of the brain AS THE FIRST AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRESIDENT RUNS something like ‘who’s with me’ McIlwain says that public vigi- FOR REELECTION, RESEARCHERS EXAMINE linked to processing fear and versus‘who’sagainstme.’” lanceisessential,andseesprogress THE SUBLIMINAL INFLUENCE OF POLITICAL ADS threat, activates within milli- He believes that this provided in today’s media compared to ahugeboostinthe2008election 24yearsago,whenthediscussion seconds of seeing a black face. T H E for Obama, who used far more over the Willie Horton ad by Andrea Crawford collectivepronouns(we,us,our) involved some commentators than his opponents: “Whether it saying it had a racial overtone the first African-American presi- has seen research over the past was conscious or not, he was and others arguing it did not. UI dent runs for reelection, they are decade prove that explicit racial basically helping people feel like McIlwainsays:“Ifwe’regoingto n1990,longtimeNorthCar- investigating the power of racial appealsdon’tusuallyworkbecause they’re all part of the same haveadebateaboutwhetherand olinaSenatorJesseHelmswas appeals in political ads by turning theyviolatesocialnormsofequal- group.” If he can do that again, when[racism]rearsitsheadinan trailing challenger Harvey toneuroscience. ity.Buthehasobservedanuptick VanBavelsays,itmay“helpover- election, then people need to be Gantt, an African-American Because regions of the brain inracialrhetoricanddepictionsin ride some of the racial biases educatedabouthowtomakethat who supported affirmative process information in different the past few years, especially dur- that certain political groups are determination.” action,whentheHelmscampaign ways, neuroimaging techniques ing the Tea Party and health-care A produced the infamous “hands” that record psycho-physiological debateprotests.Thesereferences— commercial.Asthecamerafocused and neurological responses now which have included President global on the hands of a white person offer scientists new ways of un- BarackObamaportrayedasamon- holding a letter, the narrator said: derstandingourresponsetostim- key—become considerably easier Year of the “You needed that job, and you uli. In their study’s initial phase, to make when a candidate, says were the best qualified, but they McIlwain and Amodio have used McIlwain,can“getathirdpartyto Social Worker hadtogiveittoaminority.”Helms electroencephalography to meas- do[their]dirtywork.” Rwentontowintheelection. ure brain activity as well as elec- Amodio notes that psycholo- Inanotherfamousappeal,anad tromyography, which records gistsfoundlongagothataftersee- CHINA RACES TO TRAIN forthe1988Republicanpresiden- micro-movements in muscles as ing the face of a black person MILLIONS BY 2020 tial candidate George H.W. Bush people view political ads with ei- flashed subliminally before them, featuredthemenacingmugshotof ther overt or subtle racial mes- Americansubjects,whetherblack by Sally Lauckner / GSAS ’10 convicted murderer Willie Hor- sages. They next plan to measure orwhite,wouldidentifynegative I ton. The spot explained how the skin conductance to reveal small wordsmorequicklythanpositive EAfrican-American had committed changesinperspirationonthefin- ones. And recent neuroimaging t seems these days that the almost10-foldoverthenexteight assault while on furlough from a gertips and palms, which indicate has shown that the amygdala, a eyesoftheworldareperpet- years. According to the Chinese Massachusetts prison—a program different response channels of the part of the brain linked to pro- ually pointed east, toward MinistryofCivilAffairs,thereare supportedbyMichaelDukakis,the autonomic nervous system, the cessing fear and threat, activates China. Over the past two currently about 200,000 social state’sgovernorandtheDemocrat- involuntary and mostly uncon- within milliseconds of seeing a decades, the country has workers in China, and the gov- icpresidentialcandidate.Bushwon scious system that regulates many black face. His advice: “If you’re rapidlyrisentotheroleofpower ernmenthopestogrowthatnum- thepresidencyinalandslide. organs and muscles in the body awhitecandidaterunningagainst player in the global economy, bertoastaggeringtwomillionby It was into this environment and triggers the so-called “flight a black one, you could probably scientificresearch,energyconser- 2020. One of the most pressing that Charlton McIlwain, associate or fight” response. “It could be be quite successful in running a vation methods, space travel, and problemstheywillfaceisamam- professor of media, culture, and your explicit thoughts about the lotoffear-basedads.” even the art world. Now the moth aging population. China is communication at the Steinhardt ad that matter most,” Amodio This is why Jay Van Bavel, as- government is transforming itself theworld’smostpopulouscoun- SchoolofCulture,Education,and ILLUSTR says. But he cautions that many sistantprofessorofsocialpsychol- intoafront-runnerinyetanother try,withsome1.3billionpeople, Human Development, came of Around the same time, David conscious biases. Now an NYU ATIO people vote their “gut feeling,” ogy,callsMcIlwainandAmodio’s arena:socialwork. and life expectancy rates are on N age.Thesetypesofappealsclearly Amodio was first exploring re- associate professor of psychology © whichisessentiallynowameasur- collaboration “extremely impor- Last year, China unveiled an therise.By2050,expertsestimate DA work, he thought, and he set out search that showed self-avowed and neural science, he began his VID ablereactionassociatedwithauto- tant…not only to uncover exact- ambitious plan to increase the that 480 million Chinese will be to determine how and why. egalitarians actually exhibited un- careeraskinghowsuchautomatic SUTER nomicarousal.“IftheObamaand ly when these types of ads are number of its social workers (CONTINUEDONPAGE10) NYU/FALL2012/9 IN BRIEF S Q THE U ASOLARLAMPINEVERYHOME ’05)—aimedtohelpSolarAidinits Baltimore County, and Texas that they “surprised a lot of A Anyone who’s ever burned a mission to eradicate the kerosene Tech, who went on to win the people.”Andhe’sconfidentabout kerosene lantern knows that the lampfromAfricaby2020. April competition. Even if the the team’s chances for next year R fumescanbenoxiousandthesoot TheNYUteamwantedtocre- ultimate prize eluded NYU, team because, he says: “You will never E aconstantannoyance.Andyetmil- ate a model that would also pro- captainEvanRosenberg(CAS’02, sitdownandplaythesamegameof lionsofAfricansrelyonthesepol- vide for maintenance and involve STEINHARDT ’11, ’12) notes chesstwice.” —NaomiHowell luting lanterns to cook by, study thelocalfundi(theSwahiliversion by,andgenerallyliveby.Thatmay ofahandyman).Assuch,theresi- A Slam Dunk for Poets soonchange. dents will purchase the lamps LastApril,agroupofNYUAbu throughincrementalpaymentsand Dhabi students won part of a $1 can seek repairs locally. “I really Intheirfirstyearasanofficialuniver- million grant in the 2012 Hult believe that charity is not a solu- sityclub,theNYUSlamPoetryTeam, GlobalCaseChallenge(withpart- tion,” Islam says. “The rural peo- SLAM! at NYU, won the national ner organizations SolarAid, One ple of Africa need to be the championshipattheCollegeUnions LaptopperChild,andHabitatfor architects of their own develop- PoetrySlamInvitationallastApril. Humanity)fortheirplantoreplace ment.Theyaretheoneswhowill (Fortheuninitiated,slampoetryisa onemillionkerosenelanternswith actually purchase [the lamp], own morephysical,emphaticversionof solarlampsstartinginKenya,mov- it,andcherishit.” atraditionalreading,withrootsintheaterandhip-hop.)Duringthe ing on to Uganda and Tanzania, competition,heldatCalifornia’sUniversityofLaVerne,NYUbeatout and eventually some 40 countries CHESSCHAMPS 45otherteamswithgrippingandcandidperformances. acrossAfrica.Thesolarlamps,de- With no coach, no international Thisyear’sSLAM!atNYUmembersincludedKateGuenther(GAL signedbySolarAid,havebeenfit- recruits, and no scholarships, the ’14),AzizaBarnes(TSOA’14),SafiaElhillo(GAL’13),JosephAmod- tedwithabatterythatcanbeeasily NYUChessTeamisdefinitelyan ei(TSOA’13),ConnorSampson(TSOA’13),andEricSilver(CAS’13). musiceducation ACROSSTHEETHER,DIRECTEDBY JOHNGILBERTANDPERFORMEDIN removed and replaced by own- underdoginthecompetitivechess Coached by alumna Stephanie Holmbo (TSOA ’11) and former NYU’SFREDERICKLOEWETHEATRE, ers—a feature that the NYU Abu world. However, in December at GallatinprofessorBrianDillon,theyoungpoetsheldforthonsuch CONCERTS ACROSS INCORPORATEDMUSIC,VIDEO,AND Dhabi students pushed for. Com- the Pan-American Intercollegiate variedsubjectsassmallbunnies,overbearingmothers,sandwiches, LOTSOFDANCING. peting against 4,000 other teams, TeamChessChampionship,NYU andissuesofraceandidentity.Inonepoem,Barnestoldhowher CONTINENTS the multinational team of stu- wasamongthefinalfourwhoqual- aunthadpassedforwhiteovertheyears.“Gina,”shesaid,“let’s BillRayner(STEINHARDT’97), dents—NYUAD juniors Madhav ifiedtocompeteforthePresident’s meetattheocean,whereIamnolongerbrowngirl…whereyouare who taught private lessons to Vaidyanathan, Songyishu Yang, Cup. Rounding out the finalists nolongerpassingforanything.ThesaltofthePacificmayburnabit, Manuel Nivia (NYUAD ’14) in MuhammadAwaisIslam,andGary were: the University of Texas at butGina—it’sjustskin.” —N.H. by Eileen Reynolds / GSAS ’11 thespring,marveledathoweasyit Chien, and Neil Parmar (GSAS Dallas,theUniversityofMaryland S was to demonstrate chords and techniquestoapupilontheother tudents at the Stein- networking platform called Inter- apply visual effects to streaming sideoftheworld.“Icouldseehis thefield.NYUalreadyhasastake tion, more universal social prob- toseekhelpformentalhealthneeds, hardtSchoolofCul- net2 allows streaming video to be videoinrealtime. handplacement,Icouldhearhim (CONTINUEDFROMPAGE9) overage60.LynnVideka,deanof in China’s future with a third lems.“China[isexperiencing]what for HIV, for major social prob- ture, Education, and rapidlytransmittedacrosstheEarth, In April, students in the NYU verywell,andwecouldevenim- the Silver School of Social Work, global campus in Shanghai set to alltheindustrializedcountrieshave lems,” she says. “But in China, Human Develop- andtheJackTripaudioconferenc- Abu Dhabi new music ensemble, proviseandplayjazztogether,”he saysthisisakeyreason,alongwith welcomeitsinauguralclassin2013, beenthrough,”saysWen-JuiHan, there is a greater reliance on self- ment are giving a ingsystemensuresthatperformers led by Celina Charlier (STEIN- says.“Ineverfeltthathisnotbeing theone-childpolicy,thatChinese buttheuniversityalsoplanstoopen professor at the Silver School and sufficiency and privacy within the whole new meaning to the term canhearoneanotherclearly,with- HARDT ’01, ’10), joined Gilbert intheroomwasaproblem.” authorities are prioritizing social ajointsocialpolicyresearchcenter co-director of the NYU-ECNU family.” Videka notes that social “world music”—by collaborating outfeedbackorevenahalf-second and Beyer’s students in an Inter- So,whatisthebiggestchallenge work.“Chinaisarapidlyagingso- betweentheSilverSchoolandEast Social Work and Social Policy workers must develop interven- withartistsinliveconcertsthatspan delay. John Gilbert, who teaches net2-powered concert with addi- for long-distance music-makers? ciety, and an unintended effect of ChinaNormalUniversity(ECNU). Research Institute. “Social issues, tionsthatrespectthisdifferenceand multiplecontinents.Eachsemester, thecoursewithTomBeyer(GAL tional performers in London and That would be coordinating re- theone-child policyisthatthere’s Beginningin2014,thetwoschools suchaspoverty,inequality,anddis- cites, by way of example, a pro- graduatestudentsintheCollabora- ’98, STEINHARDT ’06), says: SouthKorea.Andthisfall,Charli- hearsals and performances across ashortageofpeopletocareforthe willofferadegreeprogramthatal- ability due to injuries on the job, gramformotherswhohaveexpe- tiveProjectsinthePerformingArts “It’salittlebitlikeputtingonaTV er and Gilbert are co-teaching a multipletimezones,saysJulieSong elderly,”Videkaexplains.“There’s lowsstudentstospendoneyearin mayunsettlethesocietalorder.” rienced the loss of a young child. course team up with international productionorarockshow.”Some collaborativecoursefromtheirre- (STEINHARDT ’11), a music alsoashortageofwomenforyoung Shanghai and one in New York Dean Videka says that NYU “In America, we would use psy- partnerstodevelopworksincorpo- studentsshowuponthefirstdayof spective campuses. Charlier has education graduate student who mentomarry,becausemoremale City, and they will graduate with intendstoberespectfuloftheways chotherapy for those parents,” she ratingmusic,video,andmovement classnotknowinghowtosetupa also arranged for students in Abu served as production coordinator babiesareborntherethanfemale.” an internationally focused MSW that Chinese and American cul- explains. “But in China, the focus designedtobeperformedsimulta- tripodbut,bytheendoftheterm, Dhabi to take classes, workshops, for the spring 2012 Collaborative PH Aspartoftheinitiative,univer- degree. turesdiffer,evenastheSilverSchool isnotsomuchontherestorationof O neouslyinNewYorkandsitesfrom Gilbert says that they’re comfort- and even weekly private lessons Projects performance. She notes: TO sitiesinChinaaredevelopingsocial These new legions of social develops an educational program mentalhealthbutonhappiness,so ©CH FlorencetoAbuDhabi. able enough with the high-tech withmorethanadozeninstructors “For the people in Korea, the work education programs in the workers will tackle, in addition to thatbridgessomeofthosegaps.“In thelanguageisdifferent,evenifthe IAN The performances require a bit audiovisual equipment to switch whoteachviaInternetfromastu- concert was at around four in A N hopesofattractingyoungpeopleto thechallengesofanagingpopula- America, people are pretty willing needsarethesame.” YEN more than Skype: An advanced between camera angles and even dioatSteinhardt.Guitarinstructor themorning!” 10/FALL2012/NYU NYU/FALL2012/11 gaming PROFESSORLIELLEIBOVITZHAS provide a wide, curious, intelli- tions. At NYU’s Re:Play confer- law DIRECTEDHISPASSIONFORVIDEO gent but uninformed readership ence on the theory, business, and S GAMESINTOACADEMICRESEARCH. with a venue for quality, long- practice of video games in April, A N E W N E W YO R K E R Q form journalism and essays about I moderated a panel with a Con- THE launches this fall, will tackle issues specific titles, socioeconomic servativerabbiandaBaptistminis- U rangingfromvideogameeconom- correlations, and all the aspects of ter—both really big gamers. They A ics to representations of death and video games that scholars think satonstageandsaid,“Beinggamers DISSIDENT CHEN GUANGCHENG OFFERS SOME violence on-screen. NYU Alumni about.Thesecondgoalistopro- has made us far better clergymen, R THOUGHTS ON HIS CURRENT HOME Magazine recently sat down with vide a completely different para- and being clergyman has made us E him to discuss the aims of the digmforvideogamereviews.We farbettergamers.” NNEEXXTT LL EE VV EE LL new periodical, the Ulysses of want to be the Lester Bangs of by Eileen Reynolds / GSAS ’11 videogames,andhistheoryabout video game reviewing, the Greil WHATGAMEWOULDYOU F why gamers might make the best Marcus of video games—to pro- RECOMMENDFORSOMEONE clergymen. ducesomethingthathasheartand WHODOESN’TLIKERUNNING or Chen Guang- hasabrain. AROUNDSHOOTINGPEOPLE? cheng, the Chinese AANNEEWWRREEVVIIEEWWRRAAIISSEESSBBRROOWWSSHHIIGGHH WHOISTHETARGETAUDIENCE Portal2.It’saphysics-basedpuzzle dissident who fa- TTOOWWAARRDDVVIIDDEEOOGGAAMMEESS PH FORTHENEWYORKREVIEW YOU’VECALLEDVIDEOGAMES gameinwhichplayersmustfigure mouslymadeadar- O TO OFVIDEOGAMES?GAMERS? ATHEOLOGICALMEDIUM.WHAT out how to walk through walls, ing escape from the © bbyyEEiilleeeennRReeyynnoollddss//GGSSAASS’’1111 OPTO SCHOLARS?BOTH? DOYOUMEAN? glide through ceilings, avoid vin- village where he was being held L DESIGN Na weradyswthraitte’saibnosuctruvtiadbeloegeavmeenstino Vwiadye,othgeakmeeysdernamacat,oifnlifae:pWerfee’rcet mdicatzieverurnobboytsa,daenrdanegsceadpceoamdpeuatdelry. uSqnudaerrehiosuasteoanrcreesta, vWerayshsitnragntogne ielLeibovitzhasbeen search.Avisitingassistantprofessor me, and I have a PhD in this and hereinthisworld,wedon’tknow Ifvideogameswereliterature,this andverycomfortableplace.Chen, hooked on video ofmedia,culture,andcommunica- have played for two hours a day the rules, and as for the designer? is Ulysses. Like Joyce’s novel, this a blind, self-taught civil rights games since he first tion at the Steinhardt School of for the past 28 years. They have We’ll probably never meet him. game speaks in a language that is lawyer,fledtotheAmericanEm- playedAtariattheage Culture, Education, and Human these metrics that say things like, Wedon’tunderstanditatall.We’ve radically new, and is as concerned bassyinBeijinginApril2012,and of 7—but now, as a Development, Leibovitz recently “re-playability is 9.4 out of 10.” got to figure it out in some way, withthelimitationsofthemedium remained there as U.S. and Chi- scholarofthemedium,hecanhon- founded The New York Review of This is like reviewing your first andevenifit’spreordained,there’s asitiswithgreatquestionsofmoral- neseofficialscametoadiplomat- PH O estly tell his wife that all that time Video Games, an online magazine kiss and saying the tongue-to- got to be some freedom for us. ity, civility, and fate. It’s among ic stalemate over his release. TO © spent on the couch with a game dedicatedtotakingelectronicplay tongueratiowas7.6.You’remiss- Whatdoesthedesignerreallywant veryfewgamesthatcouldeasilybe SecretaryofStateHillaryClinton AN DR console in his hands counts as re- seriously. The magazine, which ing the point! Our goal is to fromus?Thesearereligiousques- calledamasterpiece. andNYUSchoolofLawprofes- EW BU sor Jerome A. Cohen intervened RTO N on his behalf, finally persuading /REU campuslife children living in a homeless shel- it’stheirmajor,oranovelIteach theChinesegovernmenttoallow TER S ter. And they don’t just go see a in class, or just something about ChentotraveltotheUnitedStates CHENGUANGCHENGHASBECOMEAPOPULARNEIGHBORHOODFIXTURESINCE The Professor Down the Hall HECAMETOGREENWICHVILLAGEINMAY. Broadway show—they read and thewaylifeiswhenyou’reliving inMaytopursuealawfellowship discuss the play beforehand, then awayfromhome.” atNYU. [they say], or “You are Mr. occupy about 80 to 90 percent have a talk back with the director Anticipating what events will These days, when not study- Chen,”or“[inEnglish]Areyou [of the country]. I don’t think STUDENTS AND FACULTY ENJOY DORM LIFE AND andcastaftertheperformance. clickwithstudentsisn’talwayseasy, ing constitutional law, Chen is Mr.Chen?”….Anyway,Ithink people understand remotely It’s not just the students who saysMoran,whohadlowexpecta- busy adjusting to life in New [NewYorkers]areveryfriendly. enough of rural, village society NEW YORK CITY CULTURE TOGETHER benefit from these excursions. tions when he took them on a York.He’slearningEnglishwith andconditions. With more than 500 events uniquelyNewYorkoutingtothe theDeclarationofIndependence On checks and balances: by Renée Alfuso / CAS ’06 A throughout the year—making it Chelsea Classics cinema series, ashisguide,enjoyingtheWash- Ithinkthemostinterestingthing What the Chinese should un- the largest program of its kind in which screens old movies and is ington Square Village apartment ishow,intheU.S.Constitution, derstandaboutAmerica:Chi- safacultyfellowin asbabysittersforthebrain,ensuring own academic and personal pas- the country—faculty enjoy an hostedbyfameddragqueenHedda he shares with his wife and two executive power, as represented nese people have a dire lack of residence at Hay- thatintellectualstimulationextends sions to organize events that en- unusual opportunity to act as Lettuce.Thetripnotonlysparked children, and trying out all the by the president, is not very understandingaboutAmerica,be- den Hall, each beyondtheclassroom.“Itbasically couragestudentstothinkcritically mentors and gain insight into the discussionsaboutfilmandgenderas exoticfoodsthecityhastooffer, strong. Congress holds much of cause there is no information.… move-in day John creates a community around the while having fun. Professors and daily lives of undergrads. Moran performance, but was such a hit with Japanese seaweed salad the power.… In the end, even They might know America was Moran is ap- life of the mind,” says Matthew students meet in their dorm for says that his six years of making withthefreshmenthatitbecamea emergingashisfavoritesofar. thepresidentissubjecttoacourt’s attackedbyairplaneson9/11,but proachedbyparentsexpressingre- Santirocco,seniorviceprovostfor book clubs, meditation sessions, connections with new students in recurring tradition with many of Below Chen offers some first ruling.Thisisaverygoodsocial theydonotknowhowpeoplein liefthatadultswillalsobelivingin undergraduate academic affairs. and creative writing workshops Haydenhasaidedhisroleasdirec- themreturningassophomoresand impressions in his own words, mechanism. the World Trade Center helped thefreshmandorm.Buttheassoci- “Residencehallsshouldnotbejust (often over pizza or snacks), but torofundergraduatestudiesinthe juniors. “I would have never pre- translatedfromChinese. those with disabilities escape to ateprofessorofFrenchnotes:“Our placeswherestudentshanguptheir alsohavetheopportunitytogetout Frenchdepartment.“Ilovework- dictedthatitwouldbeaspopularas What Americans should un- safety, or how, after the [2003] roleisnottotakecareofstudentsin hatbetweenclasses.” and explore the city. Beyond just ing with young people who are it was,” says Moran, who relishes Ongettingrecognizedonthe derstand about China: When blackout,NewYorkshopowners the way some parents think—like The22facultyfellowsservingin visitingNewYork’srenownedmu- taking their first steps into adult watching the groups respond to street:Some people see me and [Americans]discusstheproblems providedfreefoodtothosestrand- checktomakesurethey’regoingto 14 residence halls include authors seums,studentshavelearnedtosail life,” he says. “It’s very satisfying new experiences. “There’s just an clap their hands, and some peo- of China, it is usually just about edinthestreets.Thesearethings bed on time.” Rather, the profes- and performers, chemists and psy- aboard a schooner at the South to be with students and see them enthusiasm and an energy about plewanttotakephotographsto- theurbanconditions,nottheru- that[theaverageChineseperson] sorswholiveamongststudentsserve chologists who draw upon their StreetSeaportandvolunteeredwith make those discoveries—whether studentsthatisinfectious.” gether. “Welcome to America,” ral, village populations, which mightnotknow. 12/FALL2012/NYU NYU/FALL2012/13 C U T T I N G - E D G E R E S E A R C H S Q THE U A uponviewingthepaintings.How- neuralscience IM mechanicalengineering A ever, only when subjects rated a GES R BEAUTY WITHIN THE BRAIN pwaoinrtkinogfafrfoonurtadliadnadsspuebcicfoicrtniceta-l COURTESY Swimming E regions—areas of the brain THE Whbmarartoat?viThneadhpwapbtheydneeanspweiynnoodryukso’ouronerf otpwoaneiernraetttieonacgtfhtosi.ovuSsereu—abpsjaweaicnittptshienwrfgsoeosurnoerntrihneaeadnscictcaaeasldtekinetoodgf qsrwoautoiatnuhliglatdyst.nnbAouoctttirodocneosslsliobotrhefreatahntbeeoalyrpatraiudsrtn,tiofctarhimpewailnooiatrcrsk-,’ ritmthhneaioavnTctuodthgiltvvhweepitsansdau,noradsivledelwesyerlinitontvytuhgietto—rysf,tushlteaishegnlfeihdss-mtyrrseueoetmfpesteeim.ooraetrnsicnoathtlhnliyaaaist,ll CATALOGOFARTMUSEUMIMAGESO FWRoitbhottshe ITMITTHO’SFIVSOEMOBMELAEAETNNDTTTETSRTHYAOE-RPMGEOIOMWSLOIEDCREL.ENIFDESF-HLIISINKHEE’RSTSHAT PHOTOCOURTESYNYU-POLY the piece and the person. A new thattheworkwasdeeplymoving. cipitotemporal,orsensory,section andthefindingssuggestthatevery- NLIN studypublishedinthejournalFron- The paintings were all museum of everyone’s brain was activated one’s brain system allows them to EDA ish are the ultimate to70percentofthefishfellinline nursing tiersinHumanNeuroscienceconfirms be moved by visual art— TABA synchronized swim- behindit,asthoughinaschool. that emotional reactions to art can and likely music, dance, or SE mers.Butwhenonefish Theresults,featuredinacover be highly subjective, and may literature—even if we takes the lead, what storylastFebruaryintheJournal CLINICAL TRIALS AND reflectasmuchaboutthevieweras respond to different works. convincestheotherstofollow? oftheRoyalSocietyInterface, thecanvas.“Whenwearemoved, “Thepiecesofartthathave MechanicalengineerMaurizio suggest that one reason fish it’sbecausewefeellikewearelearn- the most universal appeal,” Porfiri and his team of re- schoolistosaveenergy.Swim- TRIBULATIONS ing something about ourselves in Vessel says, “are those that searchersatNYU-Poly’sDynami- mingbehindaleaderoffersahy- the world,” posits Edward have layers of complexity cal Systems Laboratory are drodynamicadvantagesimilarto Vessel, a neuroscientist at NYU’s andcanresonatewithpeo- exploringthatage-oldquestionin theaerodynamiconethatabicy- F CenterforBrainImaging,wholed ple personally, regardless of anewway—bybuildingrobotic clistenjoyswhendraftingclosely thestudyalongwithGabrielleStarr, whotheyare.” fishthatcaninfiltratetheranksof behindanotherrider. or people living with learned about AIDS clinical trials actingCollegeofArtsandScience —NaomiHowell livingschools.Studyoftheinter- Inasubsequentstudy,Porfiri HIV/AIDS, being se- (ACTs) and discussed possible deanandaprofessorof18th-centu- actionsbetweenlivefishandPor- createdacolorfulrobotdesigned lected for a clinical trial obstacles to participation among ryliterature,andNavaRubinofthe firi’s robotic imposters could tocatchtheeyeofthevisually canbelikescoringaVIP peopleofcolor.“Alotofassump- TWOOFTHEIMAGESTHESTUDY NYUCenterforNeuralScience. USEDTOGAUGEAESTHETIC unlockthemysteriesofschool- orientedzebrafish.Shapedlikea pass.Suddenlyonehasaccesstothe tions that have been made—that Using functional magnetic res- EXPERIENCES.LEFT:HINDOLA ing—akeysubjectforscientists plump,fertilefemaleandpainted nation’sleadingexpertsonthedis- peopleofcoloraren’tinterestedin RAGA,CA.LATE18THCENTURY. onanceimaging,orfMRI,theteam studyingleadershipandsocial withthespecies’characteristic ease and the latest medical treat- clinical trials—are not borne out ARTISTUNKNOWN.RIGHT: took moment-to-moment snap- HIDDENFORTRESS,CA.1961. behaviorintheanimalkingdom. bluestripes,itattractedfollowers ment. But participation in clinical whenthey’reasked,”Gwadzsays. shots of which parts of the brain BYALHELD. PorfiriandStefanoMarras,a aslongasthelightswereon.In trialsamongHIV-positiveAfrican- After the program ended, the researcherattheInstitutefor the dark, the zebrafish were AmericansandLatinoshashistori- participants received support for CoastalMarineEnvironmentin scaredoffbytherobot’snoise. cally lagged behind that of white navigatingtheclinicaltrialssystem Italy,builtarobotthatmimicsthe Futurestudiesaimtocreatearo- patients, which not only means andwereallowedtorecruitupto dentistry back-and-forthtailmovementof botfishthatflapsitstailsilently. theymissoutoncare,butalsopres- threepeersforACT2. a real fish. The white plastic- Before the robot fish join entsaproblemforresearchersseek- ACT2 participants were 30 ARE SOME CAVITIES ROOTED IN VIOLENCE? coveredcontraption—twicethe schoolsontheopenseas,they’ll ingtounderstandtheeffectsofnew times more likely than a control A size of the golden shiner it’s alsoneedlonger-lastingbatter- medicationsondiversegroups. grouptosignupforscreeningfor child’sdentalcheckupmayrevealmorethanjustthestatus understresshaveweakerimmunesystems. meanttoimitate—isn’tmuchto ies,theabilitytodivedeepinto Marya V. Gwadz and Noelle clinical trials. Of those who were of his or her pearly whites. A breakthrough study at the AccordingtoWolff,“Asimplelectureonbrushingisn’tgoingtoimprove lookat,butinthiscase,it’srealis- thewaterandswimagainstcur- R.Leonard,seniorresearchscien- screened, about half were found CollegeofDentistryshowsthatverbalorphysicalaggres- things.Youhavetochangeparentingbehaviors.”Theteamisnowfocus- ticmovementthatcounts.Abat- rents,andartificialintelligence, tistsattheNYUCollegeofNurs- eligibleforstudies,andnineoutof sioninthehomecanleadtoanincreaseinchildhoodcaries. ingonaninterventioninthematernitywardsofStonyBrookUniversity tery inside the robot sends a whichwillallowthemtorespond ing,setouttoidentifyintervention 10 of those enrolled. “These are Theresearch,whichwaslaunchedbytheFamilyTranslationalResearch HospitalandBellevueHospitalCenter,wheretheyseekoutnewbornsat currenttotheflexiblebackend, tothemovementsoflivingfish. strategies to address that ethnic huge effects for behavioral Groupwithinthedepartmentofcariologyandcomprehensivecare,joins highriskforcaries(basedonfamilyincomeandeducation)andenrollthe causingthetailtobendjustlike Porfirihopeshisrobotswillsome- disparity.Between2008and2010, intervention,” Gwadz says. She the work of psychologists Amy Smith Slep and Richard Heyman, with parents in a program that promotes conflict resolution and oral care. themusclesinarealshiner. dayactasaquatic“sheepdogs.” they recruited 540 HIV-positive describedoneskepticalparticipant associatedeanMarkWolff,whowereawarded$1millionbytheNational At 15 months, the children will receive a dental exam, which the re- Inoneexperiment,Porfiri’s “Ifyouhavepollutionorsome NewYorkersfortheACT2Proj- whoarrivedatthefirstsessionand InstitutesofHealthin2009.Heymansays,“Therearetwohypotheses searchershopewillshedlightontheintervention’seffectsandprovide teamplacedindividualgolden othermajorproblem,”hesays,“it ect,apeer-driveninterventionin declared,“I’dratherdiethanbea about how oral health is affected by parental discord.” One theory is ideasforfutureprevention.Heymannotes,“[Ouraim]istolowerriskfac- shinersintoawatertunneland wouldbenicetobeabletoguide which the African-American and labrat.”Bytheendofthestudy,he that negligent parenting, caused by conflict, results in children eating torsandgetmessagesoutongoodpreventivehealthcare.Notjustoral foundthatwhentherobotbeat agroupoffishaway.” Latino participants, in a series of volunteeredtogetscreened. sugaryfoodsandnotbrushingregularly.Theotheristhatyoungchildren health,butallhealth.” —N.H. itstailatacertainfrequency,60 —EileenReynolds interactive small-group sessions, —E.R. 14/FALL2012/NYU NYU/FALL2012/15

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