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Our Gods Wear Spandex: the Secret History of Comic Book Heroes PDF

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Preview Our Gods Wear Spandex: the Secret History of Comic Book Heroes

Was Superman’s arch nemesis Lex Luthor based K n on the early twentieth-century occultist o Aleister Crowley? w l How is batman linked to THE KaBbalah? e s “You think superheroes are something new? Wait’ll you read the exciting spin that Knowles and Linsner put on them!” — Stan Lee, co-creator of Spiderman, The Fantastic Four, The X-Men, The Hulk, Thor, and many other comic book heroes O Our Gods Wear Spandex, a-one-of-a-kind secret history, traces the esoteric roots of many a comic book U story. Read all about the little known “Magical Battle of Britain,” in which author Dion Fortune gathered R a group of witches and magicians as psychic warriors against Hitler’s practitioners of the black arts, or the stranger-than-fiction encounter of JPL Rocket scientist Jacket Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard that may G well have given birth to Scientology. O D “Anyone who wants to investigate the archetypal and esoteric roots of comics— the secret history—could hardly do better than to read this encyclopedic and S up-to-the-minute study.” W — Greg Garrett, Professor of English, Baylor University, and author of Holy Superheroes! and The Gospel According to Hollywood E Chapters include Kingdom Come, Dawn of the Gods, Wizards Redux, The Silver Age of Science Heroes, A and many more. Here, for the first time, scholar and comics writer Chris Knowles lifts the veil on the R inextricable link between superheroes and the enchanted worlds of magic and mysticism. S “Knowles brings fresh insights to the enduring appeal and mysterious P power of superheroes.” A — Gerard Jones, author of Men of Tomorrow: Geeks, Gangsters, and the Birth of the Comic Book N D “I didn’t realize just how much of an effect my pretending to be Doctor Strange when E I was six (with, yes, cape, fake mustache and talcum-powered hair) really had on me as an adult until I read Christopher Knowles’ Our Gods Wear Spandex, the definitive X history of the comics and mysticism crossover. Finally something new for both comics fans and occult readers alike.” — Richard Metzger, author of Disinformation: The Interviews and Book of Lies: The Disinformation Guide to Magick & the Occult U.S. $19.95 ISBN-10: 1-57863-406-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-57863-406-4 5 1 9 9 5 9 781578 634064 Our Gods Wear Spandex cover mech1 1 8/31/07 10:08:30 AM Praise for Our Gods Wear Spandex “Magnificent layers of information have been sifted through so we can find the real background of our superheroes.” —Ron Turner, Publisher, Last Gasp “Amazons and avatars abound in Knowles’ excellent history of the myth and magic behind comics.” —Trina Robbins, author of Eternally Bad and From Girls “A lively and compelling history of mankind’s eternal need for heroes and gods and the superhuman figures who answer the call.” —Clint Marsh, Wonderella.org and author of The Mentalist’s Handbook “Our Gods Wear Spandex has convinced me that magic, mysticism, and esoteric knowledge shaped superhero comics from the beginning. As much as any interpreter of the comics, Knowles helps us understand superhero tales as theologies for today’s young people.” — John Shelton Lawrence, author of The Myth of the American Superhero “Joseph Campbell, world-renowned mythologist, challenged the people of the twentieth century to create new myths. Christopher Knowles eloquently demonstrates that these new myths were already there, hiding in the humble pages of the comic book. Amazing, insightful, and timely stuff!” —Michelle Belanger, author of The Psychic Vampire Codex “Christopher Knowles’ Our Gods Wear Spandex is absolutely delicious—as fun and colorful as its title would suggest. It is not, however, just another litany of comic book trivia served to quell the adolescent appetites of basement-dwelling bachelors. It is a profound examination of what is in essence modern mythol- ogy—the archetypal characters, fears, hopes, and dreams that battle for truth, justice, and enlightenment in each of us. Our Gods do where spandex, and Knowles has positioned himself as the Joseph Campbell of comic books!” —Lon Milo DuQuette, author of The Magick of Aleister Crowley Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m1 1 8/31/07 9:59:49 AM “From the ghettos of Prague to the Halls of Valhalla to the Fortress of Solitude and the aisles of Comic-Con, Our Gods Wear Spandex is the first book to fully explain this meta-history of comics. And, finally, Hawkgirl, Black Canary, Phantom Lady, Scarlet Witch, and She-Hulk get well-deserved attention. A MUST READ!” — Varla Ventura, author of Sheroes: Bold, Brash (and Absolutely Unabashed) Superwomen “I cannot imagine my own childhood without the comforting presence of comic book superheroes. And Christopher Knowles explains why. Carefully probing the genre’s mythological, literary, and spiritual origins, Knowles helps us understand what these colorful characters mean and why they have assumed such an essen- tial place in the lives of so many. Our Gods Wear Spandex is more than just a fan’s appreciation of superheroes. The “secret history” presented here is a reflection on the eternal human compulsion to transcend the limits of body, mind, and mun- dane existence. This is an important contribution to the growing scholarship on comic book heroes and their rightful place in cultural history.” — Bradford W. Wright, author of Comic Book Nation: The Transformation of Youth Culture in America. “Our Gods Wear Spandex belongs on every college student’s bookshelf, right next to the copy of the Joseph Campbell book he or she bought and pretended to read. The comic book protagonist has long been overlooked as the contemporary Amer- ican hero figure. Knowles has written the anthropological companion to Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics.” — Bucky Sinister, author of All Blacked Out and Nowhere to Go and King of the Roadkills Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m2 2 8/31/07 9:59:50 AM Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m3 3 8/31/07 9:59:50 AM Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m4 4 8/31/07 9:59:51 AM Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m5 5 8/31/07 9:59:53 AM First published in 2007 by Red Wheel/Weiser, llc With offices at: 500 Third Street, Suite 230 San Francisco, CA 94107 www.redwheelweiser.com Copyright © 2007 by Christopher Knowles. Illustrations copyright © 2007 by Joseph Michael Linsner. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, llc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. ISBN-10: 1-57863-406-7 ISBN-13: 978-1-57863-406-4 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Knowles, Christopher, 1966- Our gods wear Spandex : the secret history of comic book heroes / Christopher Knowles. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 1-57863-406-7 (alk. paper) 1. Comic books, strips, etc.--History and criticism. 2. Heroes in literature. 3. Myth in literature. 4. Heroes. I. Title. PN6714.K56 2007 741.5’352--dc22 2007020350 Cover and text design by Roland “Pete” Friedrich, Charette Communication Design. Typeset in Scala, Meanwhile, and Helvetica. Cover illustration © 2007 Joseph Michael Linsner. Printed in Canada TCP 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences--Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1992 (R1997). Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m6 6 8/31/07 9:59:53 AM Acknowledgments First and foremost, I need to acknowledge the wisdom and genius of my personal Bodhisattva, Joseph Michael Linsner. This project took shape in a series of free- wheeling phone chats while we were both scribbling our lives away, and it was Joe’s mystical listening powers that allowed these ideas and concepts to come to fruition. Next, I need to acknowledge the vision, hard work, and nurturing of Brenda Knight, whose rare intuitive gifts helped bring this project to life. A special thanks to everyone at Red Wheel/Weiser for their hard work and forbearance: Jan Johnson, Bonni Hamilton, Jordan Overby, Caroline Pincus, Amber Guetebier, Donna Linden, Rachel Leach, Meg Dunkerley, and Amy Grzybinski. Then I’d like to thank the men who help keep me out of the poorhouse: my mentor Chris Fondacaro, the man who taught me that “good enough” is never good enough. The IF was working overtime on this one, sir! And to Tom Marvelli, a consummate professional, who lives up to his name in more ways than one. If Chris and Tom ran the world, we wouldn’t need superheroes. Then a round and a bag of crisps to my main man Scott Rowley, an editor most writers would swim the Atlantic to work for. A hearty cheers to Ian Fortnam as well. Eternal gratitude to Jon B. Cooke, the most talented man I’ve ever known, and to John Morrow, who ultimately is to blame for me getting started in the writ- ing racket. Special thanks to Jim McLauchlin and especially Stan the Man, who first taught me the love of language. Excelsior! And eternal love and gratitude to my wife, Vicky, for saving my life more times than I can count. And extra love and hugs to the Rooster, Jibbles, and Extra Ponies. Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m7 7 8/31/07 9:59:54 AM Contents I Want to Believe xiii Part I: Superheroes, Reborn Chapter 1. Look, Up in the Sky 3 Invocation 3 Decline and Fall 5 Chapter 2. Kingdom Come 9 The Hero as Messiah 10 Hollywood Homegrown Heroes 12 Chapter 3. The Cult of the Superhero 15 Part II: Ancient Mysteries Chapter 4. Dawn of the Gods 23 Sumer and Egypt 23 Greece and Rome 26 People of the Book 27 The Norse Sagas 29 Chapter 5. An Empire of the Mind 31 The Fruits of Empire 32 The Radicals 33 Spiritualism 34 Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m8 8 8/31/07 9:59:54 AM Chapter 6. Secret Sects 37 The Rosicrucians 38 Freemasonry 39 Other Christs 41 Chapter 7. The Victorian Occult Explosion 45 The Coming Race: Edward Bulwer-Lytton and Vril 45 Madame Blavatsky and Theosophy 49 The Golden Dawn 52 Chapter 8. Occult Superstars 55 Friedrich Nietzsche 55 Aleister Crowley 57 Harry Houdini 61 Edgar Cayce 62 Part III: Pulp Fiction Chapter 9. Literary Luminaries 65 Edgar Allan Poe 66 Arthur Conan Doyle 67 Jules Verne 69 H. G. Wells 70 Bram Stoker 71 Chapter 10. The Pulps 73 Hard-Boiled 74 Tarzan 75 Gladiators: The Pulp Superheroes 77 Amazing Stories 83 Weird Tales 84 Our Gods Wear Spandex ix Our Gods Wear Spandex interior m9 9 8/31/07 9:59:54 AM

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