2013 ACTIVITY AND SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Our Ambition FOR THE GLOBAL FLOORING INDUSTRY 1 Tarkett 2013 - activity report Tarkett 2013 - activity report Each Day, Create the Ultimate Flooring Experience Flooring covers the world. In every space conceived and built by men and women, around the planet, wherever we live… fl ooring provides inspiration, comfort and safety, protecting health and well-being, and helping people lead better, happier lives. A world leader in integrated fl ooring and sports surface solutions, Tarkett has been providing unique fl ooring experiences each day for over 130 years… in homes, schools, workplaces, hospitals, retail stores, hotels, and wherever sports are played. Tarkett’s drive for fl ooring industry leadership through Tarkett in brief ..................................................................................03 sustainable, profi table growth is based on key success factors CEO interview .....................................................................................05 that create value for all our stakeholders. Governance ........................................................................................08 Tarkett’s key success factors: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ............................................................12 OUR VISION COMPLEMENTARY GEOGRAPHIC & SECTORAL FOOTPRINTS ......13 PRODUCT & SERVICE INNOVATION ...............................................17 Being the global leader in innovative fl ooring 0011 CAPTURE GROWTH IN EACH REGION ................................... 28 and sports surface solutions that generate value for customers in a sustainable way. ‘GLO-CAL’ COMPETITIVE EDGE......................................................38 SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP ..............................................51 Tarkett 2013 - activity report Discover Tarkett through its Dear Tarkett Friends, ‘Historic’ Year 2013 Thank you for your interest in this fi rst Activity Report for Tarkett as a newly listed public company. We hope that you will discover the reasons why the year 2013 was historic in many ways, including the vote of confi dence of many individual and institutional investors worldwide who became Tarkett shareholders, and why their confi dence sets the stage for continued success in our ability to drive global industry leadership. This document is also the opportunity to discover a new vision of fl ooring and sports surfaces as comprehensive and innovative solutions, combining design, performance, and well-being to provide the “ultimate fl ooring experience” to all of our customers and end-users. You will also be able to appreciate why we are so proud of all of our associates’ know-how and expertise, continuing the Tarkett story of successful entrepreneurship. To our new shareholders, a special word of welcome. We aim to regularly inform you, including through this annual activity report, on how Tarkett teams are engaged to pursue a sustainable and profi table growth dynamic for the future. To our customers, let me take also this opportunity to thank you for your confi dence in Tarkett; you have our pledge for even stronger long-lasting relationships. As you will learn from this activity report, we strive to continuously listen and engage in a dialogue with all our stakeholders about our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. In that way, we can innovate in our operations to show respect for People, Planet, and Profi t, the keys to sustainability over the long term. I invite you to discover the Tarkett sustainable business story and to become part of a continuing dialogue with us. Sincerely, Michel Giannuzzi CEO 02 Tarkett 2013 - activity report Tarkett 2013 - activity report TARKETT IN BRIEF An Entrepreneurial Listed on Paris Euronext Success Story 2014 Stock Exchange (SBF 120), with the Deconinck Family - as the majority shareholder, completed by private equity funds affi liated with KKR*, institutional investors and IIIIIIIIIIIInnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ooooooooorrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddeeeeeerrrrrrrr tttttttttttttoooooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeee TTTTTTaaaaaarrrrrrkkkkkeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttttt’’’’’sssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeggggggggggggggggggggggggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssssss aaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnndddddddddd eeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggggggggaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggggggeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttsss individual shareholders ffffffffffffffffffooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrr iiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssstttttttttrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy lllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppp tttttttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooouuuuuuuggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssssssssssssssstttttttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee,,,,,, ppppppppppppprrrrrroooooofififififififififififi ttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbblllllllllleeeeeeeeeeee ggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrooooooowwwwwwwwwtttttttttttthhhhhhhhhh,,, worldwide. iiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssss iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpppppppppppppppppppppppoooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrtttttttttttttttttaaaaaannnnnnnnnnntttttttttttttttttt ttttttttttttttttttttttttttoooooooooooooooooooooo lllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk aaaaaaaaaattttttttttt TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttttttt’’sssssssss fffffffffffffooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttppppppppppppppppppppprrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnttttttttttttttt iiiiiiiinnnn ffffffffffaaaaaaaaacccccctttssss aaaaaannnnndddddd fifififififi ggggggguuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeesssss aaaaaannnnnddddddddd uuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnddddddd wwwwwwhhhhhhheeeeeeerrrrreeeeeeeeee iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaasssssssss cccccccccccccoooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee fffffrrrrrrrroooooommmmmmm..... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttttttttt hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaasssssss bbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn aaaaaaa tttttttrrrrruuuuuueeeee eeeeennnnnnnttttttrrrrreeeeeeeeppppppprrrrreeeeeeennnnnneeeeeuuuuurrrrrrriiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaallllllll sssssssssuuuuuuuucccccccccceeeeessssssssss sssssstttttoooooorrryyyy fffooorrrrrr oooooovvvvvveeeeeeerrrrrr 11111111113333333333300000000000 yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrsssssss.... WWWWWWWeeeee ssssstttrrriiiivvvveeee eeeeevvvvveeeeeerrrryyyyy ddddddaaaayyyyyyy tttttooooo kkkkkeeeeeeeeeepppppp tttttttthhhhhhhaaaaaaattttttt eeeeeennnnnttttttttttrrrrreeeppppprrrreeeeennnnneeeeeeeeuuuurrrrrrriiiiiiiaaaallll sssssspppppppppppiiiiiiiirrrrriiiiittttttt Accelerating internal and external development oooofffff iiinnnnnooooovvvvvvaaaaattttttiiiioooonnnnnn aaaaannnnnnndddddddd pppppeeeeeeeerrrfffffooooorrrrrmmmmmmmmaaaaaaannnnnnnncccccceeeeee aaaaaallllllliiiiivvvvvveeeee iiiiiinnnnn aaaalllllllllll wwwweeee ddddddoooo... (cid:129) Change in shareholding structure, 2007 50/50 Deconinck Family and KKR’s affi liated funds (cid:129) New management team - (cid:129) Organic growth, operational excellence, 2013 and eco-innovations shaping the fl ooring industry (cid:129) Value creation through external growth: The age of entrepreneurs 12 acquisitions in the last 5 years Creation and local development 1880 (cid:129) Strategic positioning in CIS and North America - of Sommer/Allibert and Tarkett (cid:129) Successfull entry into growing markets in Brazil and China 2000 (cid:129) Initial Public Offering, November 22nd, 2013 2000 - 2007 Build-up of the international platform (cid:129) Pioneer in the CIS (Sintelon) 0033 (cid:129) Diversifi cation into sports surfaces (FieldTurf) (cid:129) U.S. expansion (Johnsonite) * Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. Tarkett 2013 - activity report SALES IN TARKETT IN BRIEF NET SALES ADJUSTED EBITDA MORE THAN 2.5 310 Industry Leadership through 100 BILLION EUROS MILLION EUROS Global Strengths COUNTRIES 1.3 & Local Solutions 30 MILLION SQUARE METERS OF PRODUCTION FLOORING SOLD SITES EACH DAY Tarkett has one of the broadest global reach of any fl ooring company in the world. With experienced local teams and with sales in over 100 countries, we draw upon 1 24 unparalleled understanding of local cultures, tastes, technical requirements and building regulations, as well as fl ooring usage and performance. We share this wealth of information throughout our organization to allow our local teams to identify INTERNATIONAL R&D & APPLICATION the fl ooring solution that best meets diverse local customer requirements. RESEARCH & LABS IN Our local manufacturing presence and our customer service centers also ensure INNOVATION CENTER 11 COUNTRIES rapid responsiveness and fl exibility in serving customer needs. 3 11,000 DESIGN EMPLOYEES CENTERS 14 60 SALES & TRAINING MARKETING OFFICES CENTERS *Adjusted EBITDA: 7 04 adjustments include expenses related to restructuring, acquisitions and non-recurring items (in particular IPO related expenses) RECYCLING CENTERS Tarkett 2013 - activity report Tarkett 2013 - activity report CEO INTERVIEW Why 2013 was a historic year for Tarkett In an interview, Tarkett’s CEO Michel Giannuzzi explains why the year 2013 was ‘historic’ for the company and how Tarkett is maintaining its momentum for continued profi table and sustainable growth for added value for all stakeholders. The year 2013 seems to Finally, we have diversifi ed our have been a very special one shareholding structure and increased at Tarkett. What were its its global profi le to match Tarkett’s highlights? growth worldwide. We welcomed a new group of What were the results shareholders through a successful initial and operational highlights public offering on the Euronext Paris of 2013? Michel Giannuzzi stock exchange. We are particularly pleased to count 11,000 individual Our results show that we delivered what Chief Executive Offi cer investors alongside international we promised, through both organic institutions. In 2013, Tarkett also growth and improved profi tability, achieved an all-time record for sales confi rming our ability to perform and and for adjusted EBITDA margin. grow over the years in a steady and sustainable way. “ Does that fundamentally change the shareholding structure? We have the best of diverse worlds We welcomed 11,000 in terms of shareholders. The Deconinck family’s role as majority shareholder new stockholders who maintains a three-generation tradition of assuring long-term stability for a voted their confi dence strategy of sustainable and profi table growth. KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts in Tarkett. 0055 & Co. L.P.) has renewed its confi dence and support by retaining 21.5% ” of Tarkett’s shares. Tarkett 2013 - activity report CEO INTERVIEW With more than 1 billion US dollars and margins, to the credit of How does Sustainable of sales in North America (including the team that successfully Sports activities), our business implemented the turnaround plan Development contribute continued to pick-up, benefi ting started three years ago. to Tarkett’s success? from the US market recovery. What is at the base of the In the CIS countries, our strong operating success? positions and geographic footprint helped us seize the potential of From a customer point of view, we Sustainable Development is really the backbone of our these growing markets, albeit focus on new products and renewed strategy today because it is the only way to plan for at a slower pace and despite collections, while providing continued profi table growth in a changing environment. unfavorable exchange rate excellence in customer service Profi table growth is the source of new investments variations. and supply-chain management. Our results refl ect the balance to sustain innovation for continuing growth. So it’s In Europe, we faced contrasted we have achieved in generating a virtuous cycle that we aim to maintain in all we do. economic situations, with more revenues from different regions and dynamic markets in North and from different and complementary Through our commitment to best practices in sustainable Central Europe and Middle East, product lines. As a global company, growth, we are not only addressing the interests of all November 22, 2013 - Tarkett is listed compensating for the slow-down balance is a key to capture growth on Paris-Euronext Stock Exchange in France and still-depressed our stakeholders, we are creating an innovation engine from many different opportunities economies in South Europe. for products and processes while respecting people and to power long-term performance. In Latin America and in Asia, we the environment. We do this through the ‘Cradle to Cradle’ We completed the smooth and The other key success factors are have progressively reinforced our principles of design, production, use, and recycling of our faster-than-expected integration our ability to continuously improve of Tandus carpet. Centiva, sales and manufacturing presence operational performance and to products. We use good materials that are safe for people to increase our market penetration. specialized in high-end vinyl manage a sound fi nancial structure. and the environment, we optimize use of energy, water tiles, joined forces with Tandus Another success factor for 2013 and other resources, we contribute to create people- teams, strengthening our direct was the confi rmation of the How does Tarkett defi ne friendly spaces at Tarkett and for our customers, and we distribution, as well as broadening recovery in the Sports Surfaces ‘leadership’, and how does our product line in North America. Division, both in terms of revenues it intend to strengthen and recycle products to an increasing degree. It is our way to consolidate its position as contribute to the development of the circular economy. “ global market leader? Finally I am convinced that people make the difference in We demonstrated leadership in our commitment to sustainability. For our employees, we 2010 with our ‘eco-innovations’, strive to manage in a way that addresses their interests in Our success is based on balance such as dramatically reducing the emissions of Volatile Organic a great place to work, in training, and in mobility for job in regional business and in Compounds for all vinyl ranges, opportunities that make the most of their abilities over and to contributing to improved time. By doing that, we also make sure that Tarkett best complementary product lines that indoor air quality. In 2014, we are benefi ts in developing entrepreneurship spirit and talent taking another industry-leading 06 offer unique fl ooring solutions. step. for the future. ” Tarkett 2013 - activity report Tarkett 2013 - activity report CEO INTERVIEW “ Eco-innovation for sustainable, What are the challenges profi table growth is a key strategic and opportunities for Tarkett in 2014? driver for Tarkett industry leadership. ” More than ever, our broad offer of fl ooring solutions – one of the broadest in the industry – as well as proximity to local market needs, will continue to We have decided to roll-out our What changes do you We are committed to maintaining phthalate-free technology in foresee in the industry our industry leadership in eco- enable us to deliver to our customers the ‘Ultimate Europe with a new generation in the coming years? innovation, a real competitive Flooring Experience’. of vinyl fl ooring, combining How do you integrate advantage, as well as a source of performance, environment them to prepare Tarkett pride for all of us at Tarkett. We will certainly focus on organic growth in North and air quality, as well as for the future? America, where we have the benefi t of both the recovery top-notch design. We also continue of the American economy and the growth potential from The industry still remains very to extend the use of non-phthalate fragmented. So we can expect the integration of Tandus-Centiva. We aim to capture plasticizers in North America, started in 2010. that consolidation will continue growth in Asia and Latin America by targeting the most and that competition will remain technically demanding segments. We also believe that Another example of our industry strong, if not intensify, through CIS countries still have the potential to grow faster than leadership relates to our the development of regional proximity to the client to provide or even global actors with the average for regions, albeit less than in the past years. innovative and comprehensive broader product lines. Tarkett is fl ooring solutions by combining well-positioned to maintain its The introduction of our new generation of eco- choices from our broad product momentum through the widest designed vinyl fl ooring, a truly major innovation in the offerings. That broad scope is product portfolio and balanced fl ooring market, will open new opportunities in EMEA, very important because clients geographical presence. compensating for the weakness of the wood category and have many different profi les We also will be ready for changes for the uncertain economies of some European countries. and therefore many different we detect in consumer behavior requirements, depending if the and choices. It is clear to us that Thanks to increased capacity investments we made last client is a distributor, an architect consumers are changing to favor year in all the regions, and new design offerings in the or a fl ooring specialist. To achieve that objective, we address local products that make good use of high-end vinyl tiles (LVT) category, we are in a good resources when they are produced differences while benefi tting from position to benefi t from the fast growing demand for and can be recycled after their best global practices, end of use, while contributing to a modularity and customized solutions. as well as economies of scale. healthy environment and to their This «Glo-cal» approach, We also aim to boost innovation capability and continue well-being. We are truly in the which combines the global and local dimensions, requires the logic of the ‘circular economy’ and to improve operational excellence. 0077 ‘quality of life’, in which Tarkett entrepreneurial spirit to fi nd the Complementing our organic growth with selective, works hard to lead the market. right formula for each customer. value-added acquisitions, as we did with success over the years, continues to be an objective. Tarkett 2013 - activity report GOVERNANCE Executive Committee & Management Board a / Michel Giannuzzi d / Antoine Prévost h / Vincent Lecerf Chief Executive Offi cer EVP Operations EVP Human Resources (cid:129) Appointed CEO (cid:129) Joined Tarkett (cid:129) Joined Tarkett in 2007 and in 2011. in 2008. also supervising (cid:129) Held managerial (cid:129) Has a long the APAC-LATAM positions in experience in Tarkett’s Executive Committee is led by Michel Giannuzzi, CEO. This international activities. operations and Human Resources and entrepreneurial leadership team is composed of ten experienced managers, (cid:129) International manufacturing in several sharing common Group interest and values while ensuring operational agility thanks experience at Vallourec. multinational in various companies, to a decentralized organization. Tarkett’s Management Board is chaired by Michel Giannuzzi, responsibilities at such as Norbert CEO, and includes Fabrice Barthélemy, CFO, and Vincent Lecerf, EVP Human Resources. Michelin and Valeo. e / Anne-Christine Ayed Dentressangle, EVP Research, Rhodia, Poclain Innovation & and Valeo. b / Fabrice Barthélemy Environment Chief Financial Offi cer (cid:129) Joined Tarkett (cid:129) Joined Tarkett in 2009. i / Eric Daliere as CFO in 2008. (cid:129) Held managerial President of Tarkett (cid:129) Held various and R&D positions Sports positions in Finance at Dow Chemical and (cid:129) Joined Tarkett in France and in DBApparel in the US in 2009. the industry sector and Europe. (cid:129) Worked 10 years in the UK, such as for KKR Capstone, Safran and Valeo. consultants f / Remco Teulings in business President Tarkett EMEA reorganization c / Jeff Buttitta (cid:129) Joined Tarkett and restructuring, President Tarkett in 2012. and for Boston North America (cid:129) Previously held Consulting Group. (cid:129) Joined Tarkett Marketing and in 2005. General Management (cid:129) CEO of Johnsonite responsibilities at j / Stéphanie Couture (USA) for 15 Knauf Insulation. Group General Counsel years prior to its (cid:129) Joined Tarkett acquisition by in 2000. Tarkett. g / Slavoljub Martinovic (cid:129) North American President Tarkett Legal Director for Eastern Europe Tarkett until 2006. (cid:129) Joined Tarkett Previously an in- in 2002. house counsel for (cid:129) Worked since 1996 Unibroue. for Sintelon (Russia 08 and Serbia), acquired by Tarkett in 2002. d e f g h c b a j i EVP: Executive Vice President EMEA: Europe, Middle East, Africa Tarkett 2013 - activity report Tarkett 2013 - activity report GOVERNANCE Supervisory Board Tarkett’s Supervisory Board is composed of nine members: four members representing a / Didier Deconinck f / Sonia Bonnet Bernard member since January 2001 independent member since the Deconinck family, two representing KKR* and three independent members. and chairman since September 2005. July 2011 and chairman The Supervisory Board is chaired by Didier Deconinck and its Vice President (cid:129) Vice-President and General of the Audit Committee. is Jacques Garaïalde from KKR. Manager of Monin, which (cid:129) Managing partner at Ricol he co-founded. Lasteyrie, an independent and corporate valuation fi rm. b / Jacques Garaïalde member since January 2007, Vice- g / Françoise Leroy President since June 2007 and independent member since member of the Nominations and November 2013 and a member Compensation Committee. of both the Audit Committee (cid:129) Partner of KKR since 2003. and the Nominations and Compensation Committee. (cid:129) Director for mergers and c / Bernard-André Deconinck acquisitions at Total until member since January 2007 June 2013. and member of the Nominations and Compensation Committee. (cid:129) Spent his career in various h / Gérard Buffi ère management positions independent member since within Tarkett. November 2013 and chairman of the Nominations and Compensation Committee. d / Eric Deconinck (cid:129) Director of Imerys, where member since January 2001. he served as its CEO (cid:129) Founded and developed from 2005 to 2011. his own consulting fi rm, Marketing & Business. i / Jean-Philippe Delsol c i g d a e b h f member since November 2013. e / Josselin de Roquemaurel (cid:129) Partner at Delsol law fi rm. member since May 2010 and Consultant for large family- member of the Audit Committee. owned companies. (cid:129) Manager of KKR since 2005. 0099 * Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P. Tarkett 2013 - activity report