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Otto Steidle: Bewohnbare Bauten Structures for Living (German and English Edition) PDF

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Preview Otto Steidle: Bewohnbare Bauten Structures for Living (German and English Edition)

-:>~arm 1MI10MC"""' 1~dt1. MlJII(hf'll.·, Ar(. k't~ T;.r ¥thl·ea. ..• lf ~ vd tt-.~ o1 t""! v.-c"l OttoS\Mit> ~NI..,...A..11•$.SU"'9'IO"n'•'/0Mr(•o.....: 4-"tt !Hl O•lO ~,... ~ Po"t<lAoit hi\~ M (~\ll"q ~~WIO~e.utPI"'a.n~ ~)(..~ ~·o«.t'""forh't'l9 IAb.i-0~¥1! ~m.encebuildngs A<bfoo~ 'IWfdiM In lhWT'I 8o.dl a--¥t!Cl ~ :ctiW'Ig'L.v.c:IMIOM'W.t,o!Wl''"Q~Hpt~!f'dhtr'P ~ ..... (lf'\bkhf'l.n<.H'I\'.,.<.wQI'~'('i .,~book ~l:'dii\Vbinor..~~·i!("t""'( S~.bdt~...,. w~ und ~ ~e!tte ~em.ano t!!pOtUt'l."tol!fy~s ....p acfO!Ilatf'..a:.ona ·.-.~ f'Oit!'\0 'IIi~ ... ct\t~ .-rOI'tf' v.·~<.#' ~c:trr~a. urwi con~·· tff!ft)of f.otl'll-'d~on·tf'lt to~1n$.9~u .nto Jldkh '" a,•,l('t\unq 9fWW, wobti li&. de· Sogen ""li: h1s a'th tK~urt (OI"'CCuddng •. .," d~Metcton o' orm der ausfuhrhct\M Doll'\~fllung 00 N<eouba~ ~ 1qqa '>It'll)('\ wntk~ tt "' dl.·t.JI.I~ l)'nt""t.l:Jon ol t-e ne'W f~•fl•)l'~tf.'lllt"" Un• .. ~~o•t)IW: Ui!·· )(.'' i!Ot Theratische bui!d,rgs ar ~ht Unwtn. tt ot Ulm completed ,. · 99'- lhfo Schwerpunktt d>Mtt \'frt~tf1en AUWIM~fotzung '!'Ill 0'\.l!O !hf'll'('\ ~t\o-.1•11 ((.I IIIU)V,J!I.' •· ') IM)I'k, <,Iff? ~~rUOIJff?S, 01~() ~teodll''> Wt•rk b•lll~'' Sl•yo;:urcn olUI Gl!bilude· und bo~h oi indMduoll bulld1ngs IS 'Ntll M '" urba"l p.anning. S!adtebaufbtnt. d,t E11chlleBung. da$ ~auen m Kom£-xt. lhi' W'>lf't'l"l of w•tlldl ¥t<.l ''OIICUII\" <JV.f.'~ within" building, COMifl.lcton. building 1n contt).1 a"d coloor. Dit lextt tum Such Stoi!T'Imtn von Flonan Kossal< und stnd It-~ fl"lll~. vm!l1•0 by rln11.m l(u.,.,tk '<. u0C t"X(,(,'IIJ!'> "ntJ t'lill(h li·'-11\.lS!ootfli d l•:o,~lt• o.~u~ Vt>'l•dgen und Au1· quo~e'> trom IKturts o~nd "">'~by Ono Ste•dle. ~tz~ von o~~o S1t1dlt trgl,.,l1 Ot>oAu'OI T-~•t..!"'I" flonar: <osak..gtborr~ 1967 nSf.rln \lo-': 1968DS 1991 1-lor 41\ KOU•· lla'n 1961 8frtr'l Fro• 1988 0 191'1 Atctv~...w9~.M ... ft<hrarscllf'J'I~t k- "1. ~.Oro anh1«.t~ •: ..... ~..QIIll-...-sq ~ 3erW\. ~ t99)frto:e'M'UW'bt:'f!'mS....""<OSt!tOe+ :..a"tl'le!'_ snc•lWJ ....ori.ng frHI.tnr,.t!Wih Y'!!'WIP • p,.,.~ U?<J.L; lnhah U\. V, -·1-i·, (.\. "~' Con~tnu ~ CONSi~~o.uClllf s & 1& U Stadtstrultur•n I) Urt>.n Structurn 14 ,, q-( 1'"' >Ange• s·.;,ot!b.aulichet •,•,•:n· hi (l~·~g~ •n h!<Sif\9, Urb.a~ Pann~ng t:tw~rb Cc,;m~'>llQfl 20 I lt}hAf"'"9"'lndeo MUr>c. . oP.n '\-em, ~:ad·e:>.;;u C'i!r .lO l'olrpo-1 0 ...- tlcpmf'"' l, ll..em Airpcr.,. Wt~~bf't\'ttb 21 0 ''Ml!P ;~t lng~zertf',.l"'' S:u::gart ·Pr~gs,;nal. .ll ~. ct Ctn~re in ~~~~~tte, Stuttgart. u•oan st•<lttbolu!ithql 'N~t~wcd.J Pl<l'"'''IQCumvcllo<>n ?4 l'oT«<.!!,_,fot l'a:z, &erl,n, s :adt~u!icher WHt· 2 I Pot5dlmtr f1ot;;, Se- " · U• oan !Ianning riY!II)••I•I•nn ?J Vi•tiAg\hau~ Gruner • J.a"r, :-amburg 27 Gruntr "' J•~-t· P\.b -shing t-.ou.e. H;rTiburg H El\v~ t<:'~"l\1 EFfl.l"v>.n"'L' 1} xtl'''ll-"lflto·lu-rFTI loiut.ilclllf< 14 I AIUI'!tvlll•i"Y•.tl'ung Qe. • !·MOO • :Or:n l>t .,t.O~UI.,eno' Oe-Te·Mob ,.eo--. 41 Gtbaudts-trukturen Budd n9 Structures 42 A """ ·• "'' X ~~~- - 01. Rf- on ~ , • t Wi!"flt.VI'""'-~Ior.Bf"'""' .&& e• ,•t·~Vor ~ m. :;~:)t·ng -48 !VIt.....,.)fl.~·"'9 so Wd~•li!MW'11''4 .~g. '.a l~.i ttaus.ng<.~~·a>seA\ t.onv- '~ ss C)r.oSt •\" 'IIM1\II'n'o':~ ~:.-, O":o~·~ ~~foflJ.~ ; ~1 "'c:l'lnl"'49ot C"fn~· St•i(!e• ._1~n 'j1 ~"tC"SV~~119of...1urwth 64 .t,. "P-Vt.l <:~~'A"f.Ckl<;rH!"auw &.: dtlc'un n·aurt:..an.. .<;~.ChJ.st¥1-¢US.~~ 67 W~ge und Treppe" b/ PithS •nd St..in 08 'dv~VII · 111,1 urb.,.111" . Ko.1>~ 1-lWSIIl(J w lro bttrn11 (lttu!~tion 71 hoh •·nlr'!.tl f urnucW•rCf'ntrf'" 8t'fi!O 7!) t11uan im Ko rHQKt 7Ci Building In C-ontexl 110 l(••uz:g.us.nvle1.el, Nurnberg 80 l l'tUZ941»f"' Qo. . ar:er. \ oJrimbe-v 84 8uru , Wuhn ~ •><,i G('!><hi!ftSh<.iv>. Lao(ls· l.ll ~~~ RM•fh•r•IM ,.,,(l ( Orr'llPf(o~ Surl:iulg.lt:"C<;hu· ~~~ l ..n \oO"slc•~e de" Watlcer·CI"-err .:, 8:S Ptn~OI'I) =.md 81.1 c --; o' 1!-e •,•,•;x..;e· Che-T~re, Mmtl t..t~mM"h II •$lock 2h, :.O~:iim 8$ 81otkl7~ ~rr 89 ~11'\'•'··~· ,V..r..nche-" 'N •. ...,• • j 1.. ; ...........c h 9:) KonUNktion IJ COnstnKbOn 94 OnoS':t<:'r ·~w~ <58.1~,. 44 O.ooS do,; ~3~fl.t..oQub 9S ••)Ocl6!WIC.autM•,a ~ -tausr-1 9~ dot ·•AJ't,ana .las.se.Hc..slngv.:C E•WJn.IICII't :,C:~I 97 >:.ll'ldH!).l1HI ttd>,;,f"g, 0 Ki"AU 91 t:rcto\'fg Kltldtrg.rtM. Oac. .3 1J 96 ~o~....., q""ql. Dol ~oo·t <l$1. )( lfJpd 1-lW')C: 0o)l~ndor qq ft119_..H.\US\!f, !:leo• .., 99 Nft.OI'II (aordtr' bh1t to"' Hous "'?· 2.arlin IC) Wohl'lb.IV , 01 Resldenblll ArdhtKture to.a ld V"""' 'MW". . ~~ •:.·.._.,., IC4 'lit~ 99 ... ..-hw•· ..-..-ru. no ,','fJA • -yJoh.1nC"i1""ctl!-- v.~ut~ 11r ~ us.'"<;Corr~<--. ...._.,c 111 ~'-'--\Mf'(:hr~ 1''1.1.-tli~~.JI 116$ "191'11c~\'ooff"-•~ • 2 · un.~. .M itAt Vlm 1Jl UNver>otyofUfm 171 w"vtr>• •t"~''" l.~o~ n 122 l" ...., r,-o•v "· .,,,.<!'. .. tS.te 141 frlch Wtt)ner: • fs soli sith drehen" 14.1 lr' <h Wle-t.ner: •n should revolve. . lil•••l'l.*rlr..,~ngtn tv• N,thP.\'on Farbe·x-r<;·<> Notn Qt thP cloMnel!> ri <Ok':lur er<S:f9Y <Jtlc:! ... "Pd H.,...,,!t'~!Ait arr Be•:;pn:. (If>' Uni•;ersw: l)•uld1ng l()riT lii~"'IJ 1~e ex;;.1'!1Jil' o• t"~ u~ .,.,.r) lY UhV~ ol Uh·' 1-C-4 !oOghlc* \fhP.Oaten 144 U•oora pn1 145 Wl"tl,'f'rZ:t(:hlll) ,..,,1 Pu~ l<itOWt "·t.~l!>!:f'l 1<1S l•)l o' ·,•,•nrk.\ &nd Sell.'< 1 61bllograoh\• l">J !Sidn•1.hw• <\ 1 '"1, I 'l~r&tQI'I(tt•tlo! .. FlorifnKos~: FlorifnKOJMk: Btwohnbltt S.Uten Structurti fOf U111ittg l.....w,-.;,· E ~~rwN..O•.agc· ,~.~~..!'!t"fw. ... Vt'"¥ht"'-'fh ~· bi.Ph,httq .vf-.h ') I'IQl 't*•~". 0\..t onE' W~lth M1C'.ei'J.Itbt'"<>91n A t.:Jg 9EPr,)gt '"r•::l. i~t Otto 'S:edlcs Otfr) ~h• <fllMC'"J'•" m.a•< o• ts da ;·li"e. 6 Otto St:.c e·s M~.~~<hnH 8uro •n ~ G!t'lter St•a3e. C.s ~'inc. .• '><t• 10 t>U(t 111 Ci(•ll' ·• ~·r,•~>t. Mun•tll It •'> I<X<JtC"' 1tt _, tcu.:<.e lf'ltr Rt~hf"!ho1Y)oi~'..IY'l'. die~~ 197C k.ut:! mK. . se nem •ow y,h•d'l ~ .. ..,se·' outlt in 1970. shor::ly afte•c::~t"',:: ~t· AIJ~hhA ,, dt"r Kuno;takaderr ~ MUnc"'~n g<"bA. •I 1\u "'Q \ ~t !(}('),It the Kvt'l';t.,lk,.n.lt:'"ll(.' "lloiVfltd• 5y (()rtl Ourctl d• <ombtnoltJort ~;- ""!~ <IU~ de·~• lm.tu~u.;;t;au <em· b ntng 1 p,..t1br~1ted s. . ooort s:nJct_,..., such ,;s iHorn· fl'('l'()l'!\ ...orfabni'U!f'!en 1r aggerllstes Mil eint>m \WAI'I· !I'IM 10 ll"<ilftlfl(ll (ilthlh.'~hlll'. Wtlh .;til d0<1;)ldl,)!c:. II(Jhl• dtrbit'tl\ ltithl~n AulAA.Ju~)':>:t'l'l wvrc(! ~v ·' rteue: 1-<IUS· weight ltn 'hin9 ~y,tem. hec.•eated a new1:,1=eof builc:ling l'fl\11~ ~SChAf1fn. der bli heute n C!'ts vcn u ~er erfn· Whi(I\O,•,.,!~f' yf\\f<, ~ l<,ltXl llOOt'<)f I~ CnQtO.)I ff~t,I'\OP.V, l'lfff nt 9tntr1:td a rc"'~and complex · t:rplayof ime"T'al r~ s.nd l~u~r. deren \aria"'tenre fche-s Soi!: \'On AuBen· And hll'l'l' 'I "t"((', Oi ~•")'IOC} hf'<)~l'-. (r()($•\'IS.I.l<. (10(:1 und lnntnr~~o~mtn. \IQI"' vct:.tb c:dt''X'" R;)Ut"'-<:io"'t'f'', ·.-on ·,·!fV,'). fllv,,11't,.. • <tery ~ -,p e si.". . ct. ..· : h-en rro•: tmpor· ?ureh· U'ld AI.ISblid en lflne"'". .alb e ·..;r sehr : '"iacht'n 1A!f'l' ~Ap\. •<. thto t,f""'"<.•' 't'P. opt"' ~"'Y.Woa<h w''l.<t\ 1 Swhu1 fU"(' 0'0~ r~· < tt (QI•·Qo('K.i~ ("'«uqt Voo ~1'19 ·wnen:s. t ..,.- approac"'v.--:- so:flve:lt"'"''I 'WX119f08trf"'ltdr. .; ... -;; .s: ce c'"eone-· ,j ?.36l'~e , .._ .~~...1'101'\M t ... ,h.,.~ •~\:as~. onth!>Cit'li' ...l ndth- f' ~dltdltSf'sC..C.t.ldP~<W'1 · s -.t ,... "" Nil) 41 '" bi:Gc'! 1ft 't'Jd;.G.-r..-.wcl building rE'thocb ;rd t"'e !'JSIO,.chsef'i tulbr:Zeltf't.eoa-.sert_.r_ : _. ..,~v.ar O"OC#lwb'':'; of \-g. bu: oo :hteott'IIY. to.w.«. a:· dtl'~!lndM~r!o!~~undd.Pd.~h 11:'1 ;~~._"""('~·~..otoo~t~c~tor'IE'W.-Id ~l(tl~• ~~~(f't oes ~.-:---ens noch 1.JF19e" ~ftl9 •o; t~ Cl( -..ua.·..:es a.'"C ~".?'t'S C: • '"9 bJ tlr~ 71f11~f'f'\watdt-~\'~ .... tt'n'IO't'IO'..., ft'll:...,.., ~ t~ PI»)! t ... , P"~';(nted bv ooilc:5ng Ncv.a ,. I l'ltYf ul'ld J<"' \"e'.andernde '<~rr <1re ..eben~fo-'"1el'l CiyJ, v.• ••-.td ffertn:: v1E'A'S a::o..t "C..s:na !Sed budd,og ~~~~(~M+'rtot"J'. . 't'agHPI'I "O•.'J'Ch C.. . IOO .t,'flil • 1lf·lt1(o.l 1•11J ~l ·c d~,o•<.~Q t;· c· thc tro)Q l>OI)d f,yn ~1trur9 dH hut~:; • • ,;...>C+'~ ::It;? ae~Wnc ~<e t de~ Kle n· ymodt' Ve: ~l'ltt~encec ' :hisapprcach is.:.s va d !ooay '"'"' ._, 'o\ d rrM heu:e ,meers ~~nsch;m:~n D....,"<>eh A<, I W.1. . l' •l'n ·I "'-' 'I'IN' t~f t~IJIIIJ<1l1Qn tO '<:<.(;(!0•)11111 bl•b~ Ot E~n,( c,hc:.tr f.l, lhm;,J \'Qil Vlll~"91!Yo.IUJ" .;t('l ~nd tt)p()r,dtng :o d"'<~nge:; - scci<~l and spade requite· G' tu')l;(' I,- f't Kt d.es d.e Ve•of,~htung 9!:QMCiber C~m ml"r.t~. II~Mnhll!)lliiOI'IIOl"('fl(eie-"t.the-ll•oii'IC'l t"~het(' Wll"'dtl '-'On • ;~vmhl..!"<:n v·'ld ~cl()!(•n A.")()tUdt<.•n .md <lndr·~· Rl,!(iffMw-n, dte Verp'lich:ung geg£"" _o=r derr U!ben· d•gtn 01r CoM'f'l' ~1r•St .st "<"t nur e "\ "n.~"'es P~s,_ a: di"' Ar· h* b1,1110 r'!g Ill (•t'>I'IIP>" \l•a<.~ t, "'01 '> •t"';P,'( il" f,;!fy ll"'.h· ch !fkiO!'II)(.hc H.tluuc1 0"0 'S'l"•jlts. S0'4erl" IJ•It.ld rnuny tO OnoS'.I:"dll ~<'lfth,tect. .• al stance. i: i~ al!.o-:l"e 1'1· ~ wo· Nt'lmthr tunfundzwan:ig •. ahren :l::s g: st+ge ~•IK'I..,..I•nd ..p a1.al'oc,\ c• "<, ·"P a"c wort il"'IC "'" /'ICI .au.~'lfl{!~:zc.nlun 11!'1&\w---.c;,p..,l~ rd~u· ~10 ort~Wtv~ty·''if!y:e;;rs vet tGn:xhrs·~ Albt1.-~tln Dtbri "'tce(Je"''{erSt·.JOe.-<.-tse- f'*· 0.. e :"9 i:W1"1dl.ri~ tuu;~JC.en· Jl!i!."\. =.-s:r.::t"l!,:oa·v UC'f . ~w»wrdVo:"ff\!lt~e.¥:.H \u1dk' ~hutr 1t M #1d t.Mr .- t~ <~oe ~t ..,,_, ~~:WN:lc.ama-A.'· ~~~' )'•dl~s:..w-...eohs"1sityr.ICe V_"tt-. ~}ll"gciriKiflt<J~~bf.Stop~·~. .. SIC~Ck 4hJ 4M'"'Inofi'lou!.n T""E"<O"'$~ tlt- gn:rdt:trM>"tl'l:-681.vo "-"..h+S:eith>.U"'1;oau:enE" 9it1Ctd ma.~o·s·edf. ~eart, ~dogs.~·.. . r~.-..t~ 9Mll'f~.o'l"'idrl'.kUm O«boilw.~~tfohr,...'\, thto fi(Tl(c.•oft~r>rri("''~.F.uf':.~or:tlt'(Q"""erof dii!S.'IM k:ltl'lt\l$ o1n dtr Mort.~-.er Thereosle~vaOe Ende T'llttUtlstri.Ut 1n \t.. ~<h was ooe c::St:-c..:s "irst •-· t.ll'f 5Ct1 IJII'Ifl' H'~ df!!" ersten a~t!ientscheo Bf9<"QOw'l· th,~!'ll•(ffl(OI;ll'•~ tt·c '9'50~v.lthu>Odl.'rr'"'<..! •liXIIJI(.' 9ff'l Ot10 Sttodlt~ '" t C<.'' "ICC<.'tnt:''' J:.·c- t;:l(tur Wil' die 01"\t ot Sttd• s I"" lin c-aracte·s~ics is dear sven in thHf lt.i)oWuot"_. tlf.;l'": ¥On P.v> (,4.~~. z'""'Ce: ;.c~ " lOot~ 1 ftan' 1~ot ~ri ;:..m, l ~ •.t uJ 'k'1,4= de,:· Yft't\~ lrih.'f'IIL!a/1> w.e-~r ~1 'A'iJ(.O"'(An o~C.rdon ~a:tw. pt=ct'Ser:l fll'l :~.~g 'oO"IC7:':oStf"d'c-·:bHf>~~bei~e·· '\ftOII!'WtoiO"~<IIidewtSol~I"'A·~ c..."': ·.r-.e \!lin~ ~ S.'"o! atchi:e<IO"':,~;. ~, "' 1 · ~JJ.Otonoto r.-Mhtss=-E$c·tf'IE'I7c" ~ •-'9d:+~..tPChYOnAnl.- 1 • ' «d.;_'iea__e- uOE"'Ce ~~ll'ltrtoO./. . ~.pJ:"Vllng'S)St~ ) )tl.,,.._f:' Au'qM~~o '0<:1'\" ce Tl-eQI'''l' 'ltl:' t m \'t:tee(· Ofll~ ~ 1. .. o'omot4.s.s!r..atiOn.IS9t"lf:"<JitdlfF<'!.;od 9f\II'C SCindtrn tSt ~~'"'" .,. . ~ 2'.a~J"t•'E'rtes Auch rn. ..A fd k'.l.ll P'OJtc:U.. or.. n (fl•nrfo!' Vr.nx The t~U c <.: ~ ~··hr 11tof thf'l()ttt1CI'lt"'' Entwic~'t-'"lll'' ...( ;(l ~<'«en· tw. ." 't.' lono;'>C()(KI"\.!Cted .,.,,:.~-to. . ·~.,~ duf•liQ tn: t•Wt"t T'l9 ul'ld ;.~iiJ41 .,.,,,..,f'n, d•e err t s.:iner 0 t10'1t hf 'hiS St.;C.'f19 OJ~ l'~ K ,·.,\.v.:IS<n!E', 1 teStlf""O'"i pQ,•t,fliiP 111f"Q•nnt, 'r'ld ,,.. der A,t,~gc. wa~ I)•·• ~<'r ( \eote• :c t ., t'" ,. fl'" od o' e.xpr11e"1W~OO" c: "'r:""' "9 Str,Bt. lui ~O'"·~rt:tt: 9-Jwtafq.;OP.f'l gerid"te: Die An,.;· ll'lr'\'>.JOh b.- ld•nv It •> "" .,u.l(h«<f'nl :c ::he achie-.·at;lc vuu .:v.,mt•ft6Aul,.... 1n nur ..,er JOlhfC''' · t!<X'>\\'{;"'f<'Od ~e • •A"'>tk ~l I t111l. ,y rhAI!Itten~s his ;;:>:>tw<.h ~h~ .,.,p,;Jhtng Ot1 s~udllJin\ \)!\ 1.11.'1 (llll'.l.lk"~"" 1! ?.rric~H:. sind ZC"li!J• ..p o! pOS1ibtlil't~. ltiJn· ~I n: •ll•f,ltl forMulation ol :he t..•~\ "''• d<''.t~r lf(lhfn lt1t dn 4l1W'<.>!J!t'f<'•V•, dE'S Lerne"s thfUt.•'lh 16th~ f1no1 building s:01gti d1,1r'& dM ~Ut;ll f'.o 1<,! f',np Verbundenhe l zorn ll.i,l(h· t>lll'f'l, fl•l' 1hn bll ht,.lt pr"9l. t .. A•;'.olfl'f•n c ..r MOg!ich· Cf ttn von d\'1' A"''J"'.>"n\IPI'~.o"'g bis hin z .. dl"' lcldet'l """"'""' $!.w1of~-"·~~ nv.. . t'-'.'Owo:.lll\,Ot1oSt:ce s 4-~lf'ltt'of~ld 10':~~- ..o !c.:r:Otstht-"T\ :<j(h'Yfl .nl ""'\,MOOCltot..-l'd~thf'.O"~'A-cC.an'} .. Atlq~C..hl:fll>ln¥0n~o!..S!'"¥1t-.~~ 0 :0\rf-~~ ro...., y hQ. Oto'rO dM\. ,..s ta."?- o· P'Oil'(.b rs, -ro.v ie 'H\Oib~t"J.~(rr· ··~lll'Sicr:_I.E' "'.,..~ r.tc•. . c..allon """''"~a.~e--ai" .n -$ 'Se¥(. gere~ \~ -.cttundf-:~o=:S.kk-'".c~Cc('"~ "Of lrl"~ "'t-.·v•poro,or.a '"..J9ti. ~wr~ :t"'te ~·,. l'lgtn v•"dwfi<..ht·•• v.cl ~e. .. Se<n \\'t"~ l)t td!Hti>O 1rotn flW\,'ft,M fQ-11 .... CO'<! f"'"'"l '10 <:'"' tl(' ITIU~,•~ 4'f"IQ'!'C"' und .., el"oJt>Q.d-JI3tr. e. .f de• crt.OW) 'k'">~•]l'l\, h.~ !n:.ors Ytt no prt"'*' "''~ \1lt't'l' niCh 8 <tcm, o~UI..II•J'I' "'9Pnes •MGte·alt ;:urUr.k of ' c.ar.•C\II.ar txpl\-..:. •'t f<Y"'IIIAtlon dcminate :1"11.., 9'~•·~,: k Oo~fflg. .~ •n 8ilder, k.on·Q · >ef1 motd.m ge· o·oc.l.NJ} tlo"' ''~'~9 l"t \VItf "I? a r.p r.: "9 ')\>f "hi!- s:4rch U'l"'mtl~tn llt"n!.l'<", IIM(r.pn d.Pn tundus aJS., a~~ dl.'l'l <'• for l""ttJO"'r) ·~ • <. ,.,,:.-., ~: !YOCO:S> a«i\·:~wd <.\h<'•· <.·u~. .w fl ~thllt&locl'l tr'indet O,•!Jt~ holt N wltl•end de-s w,,,,:,, ,,\I'd .n • mt"ns ol dti.'<.Milll h,<; own ideas. In £mwtrlr, ~i:on Vm·R•Id das einen Sf'9i:5tfl'bl<:n A,fi· Slfid!t's Olli(llliW (,)l>•.qn ll"d dtwelopment :ot<.\c;<.':o n .~!1 :.l1ufl fn1mulltn und ohrr- ul~ ll' l<:utJ('f YNn d..?. ftich:ung 1}10!•(1!:. Afi~AI'ICJ l:otll 1:ead y<.~t~t.ltll SU(Qf'S The U'lltd'l .vtst D11:t SVI.hl'f'l M<l'l S•ld!'"~ in \'ie -nem c., u.Xh~J!'­ ;or tht r!Qhl II'<.'' ll•tll.l•~l t-Aptession n;;ry o;:II('Qp f¢r;, o.(" o!•r·!H l•ro:t&. Ott l'.i" (.Jbl'~'P' ;;.rvnr, d<'r e g=ren Idee~ :•11ot o r.n,. P-Int, o- t·.~n uu :.<,•wtll :">-~nes sirr .. t.lne dlt!'lt Ot..Siy Po-.~::.''~ •''" tOn\ """" t 1\."'t ·..t.t-. •W'"Oen d't"'..e r '•'iorr.: gE'faP.· •, .,.,. vOII'IfW'IW•flhq..,.t•'<'}ol V:. ~. ··<.Jf-.:t•'t"'.nr:k-nllf'lthe-&0' ltld"1 ..,..lhl>:vtP o.....,,..,.dv. ." fflll)):"l fg.,i)Cni'1,Jlh :.o~»dii~-sane.rpre.;.$100c/:htsc::t ·wa·-100. t11A-t1~ "'~doe-t~-e~K.an..t"'9CMt~ \cnW'dl."'tW.t'WQI''- 1 :.1:.11)1"11J..p).l~(.orr.r:Jed~ Mf'l)ol· · .. ,....., ftO") t"'$· w;o:h :-:; f.c-~. t""~ ..._-~ ~CU'"d ..... Arb:·~ ~ "". . h-.;~ ~~ ~~ (r.(l. ~,Mid PA' l('k Dfby ~ l(.(tt" y,(h w.:r:-., J'!d'( 6 s~ M•~•a ,J\J "c."t~"SCh.aft:-- ~~ ~ Alll:'-.•t'loi(1' • ~ p.Jr.l(u/..V.! 0:9"fia-tG:,~ Su:a!s.:. ,,,~tlql tX>rt>-:.hlv. ... f~:..-:.tr:l!t;Sir. . ten s~A-1· Pf0Jf('t p.l"t'".4r-st\ pi >VIth ',o.;r':9 (::lilf,.'tC)Ufo'\ •~ot1() .ofr.c't" o1 tlrU~;I< d•fttr Zuwm~¥enc.•oe-t. lum e ~ nd t"~ Plf1 <'f· Jf~ )UC.U. ~.: .. WO'\ on :he des•gn, erthE"" If'! :he \<h-.ft ul!~ '"*' 1hn.' tutt•J.-c:g, zuer~t r t Fr•U M .. ·•. Gtntt• )ttiUf! or Of'lf' of ~l'lf' b'-''"h nff,rM 1'1 /l.tt~rl•Ch <,i,,mr: m1t kol,o·d Somr-ere• _n::tl•arnck J.>h~ <:ptlr~· '"'' lttf v• Cr.>'Qo:;'" I l,\ -:nhl, Ah·M .q,•r Lvx 1,n.hcr-; r!rr S ;;qwar: Geige• Abtf fuch kq•Hoar:nerschaften mi• IU"Q!'Il V Urtx">•· tt " OW> Sl,•d c·-. ).tfeng:h th~t he is able :o e'"'tr~..st lfln'l rltf!o f'•n :tll'llt'l.l h~vfnJ "•"~h q~ow:.~uncl~"fn Wettl.-e· I)IOjtct11nd ~alkJ to p.a--t--ers a,..c <:o!IMgu~. .:'ttld c.-•.o h' w~'~'b. qnt\•1...t1r '~'~ de1 G-:nter StraS= o::lff 1n f'IOMl Mr lhr-· I<J't l•'''lh.:'"<~. qvn.ll'l"~m n l!'ll.'dire:.tion hl'W<mb BUfOUI'~!Iit""" 1n Viir<h"'"· f:('rl•l'l :JtiL•t KQin W(.'I~C!Ol'<lf In his own 'lo'O'" r.• neecs ihe :e!!dba'k fr:-JM otl'>!'!rs, f•o'n b~ l<tn (""'(l!\ro v.hl>(,t!l ;,II WI l·o~·nni~Ctptt'1., h·~~~!thed tde"il~ t~ 1:' tmo \l~•rll"'i. '>l:i•k.,. F't<>:<"kl<' llllt.l All'll• !.>1...,., ~·nen Thtn, ,~, 1n OUjS•dr. !'te can reac: !O hts o.vr. 1dM\ P,lf'nt'"' und 1/ tlr-be,:ern anzu ...e rtr::-<=n ...n ::t Sl!" tr~!1 , ·~ wu• r'l•w lQ tid tl(: ll•l-n t..·t...._""f lhfough re-w tt,..._.nl Qf'O<.a,o,d <.:f"t '1!"1\.'•"<.m • ··•bcdt.'-:.lth~"J;(.';ilth· s~tW"<tJ ur-.g:ul( 1trn : ... o.,e;w-eAtbertDt:_cletdlf'A:.t~>.oO· .l"'()+r~:."'UnQMI1...,..,. c.-:, -~·ll"'~ OCt~ O::o Stc-Ct '(QI'Wid.o·s c·e bcte:fabc'oE!alon Pf"\00-- 1lllA'!'W'n ~•rnmt ~ a:_c· ·:::.,:,.·-e·~ M)'Ol!'llfdl~,m,.. . -~.""",. ic;Jf- -"!!'~ M:tr..-:'..wtCI:tt: w~r:-·OHr.eid.::~AA~ '"' to 1 pi,KI' ¥wJ :b peope T""e p&sces ~r.-a~e t:e- dfotl- ...,.~~\"Q"St-e .~yo--~¥e"'' ro\'ff"'\ < .., •1d COW''lt No, .'lrf> ~~ and l.at'd-.t~ unchlfllt4..,tt:• ,....!Sl.u:!-~ ~"·f-f:'-f'!W, .,.....~ ''"-"C"f'Ud on t-Il) ·r~ if:,,.,._ Paris. Mos.:;:,.-,·, a.:c-.e I u 1 b..ti!U)l~<l"ld:t>Pfo,fer.~tlA~(.S frl)"tt Ono S'tdlt1 Ubt7!lJ9w~g.!f'l t-as~eovor .1 ~,;, .f "'""' til tt~t Jli..K.n 1'\f (_1\lt~ <cre~ions c; eo.-ery-d.o,· archi· nM tf-i'!t\,ai'IQttl I'Jit.lt.•t"Cf.'l~.r och~o.. .· Erle-oen So!l(h?$iSf ttc~urt, t~•CQ.o-..1vlnt<O<oofhou..,..~.'tnd .~nd•.nr.•·~ I.,,, Stilk '" Ortt ..l "'d ihre Me--schen ge!:lundP'". orr~ . c!Lt~ I ·n•..,rf l~~.,~l"lo "<;wo·o;~.ten:redawa:;sonMlmch. •n,,.r 'lo Nit· 1'1• ..,, ht•tt <.kn Pok."f· Gr~6~tadt und Lund b.t'lo l"optUOdlC t.M:11~0t'l$ br:lugh:<iOO.. tbyhl~.¥"11'>'11~ )o(.t"o\'oJflk¥11 h ~•nd Orte und Landschaften. d1e e-.. auf ~fo1· ~. .., ' <•l•h •• hu• pt)')"'())' · ·1'-Xt' w'"'~" tt.":>UI: r.;l h•~ largo nf~ Kt>~PnNif'bl h-'11, W<>ll. P.lf•Svxt MO'>k.oJu, ·10·, ~rn P'O)fUS ,. ~hf l?aOl, l1rst "'18erlin,l,;,t,;ra!so rlarrourgnntl h, t•n, ,,1,1~ • ,l~lth lrn.:lie-"1 u -d cer lv1i::!et: 'N:ste,.. i\Tif-rt• V•,.~'~M lowr .tfld <"(lll!l'ry OlliJ St<•u.llc--,l'(.'\1') to !'IO'•'t' k.u Von dort " ~"'~'"' ~~ d~ r "<ltti:.kt• e"'f.'' "u~,:,qbthcn cmor~lt»l)' bt~vlttrr these Vicrlds, a'"d is Kl...all:r a: t'.OME' Ar1.l11:~· :ur. cJ•" F.1rb-9'"e't von -!aus.:m _l')::llo;":t".ct-a:·pn "'!Y.llh two ·A· IS hOt•~ ,lnU btO,.oQI,l UIJ 1r1 V :X'f~l,t.~ll"'' ':<lt m I IICh t ..• .Kl O~nn <o ntl f--.. d<l" Oc••· '<C'IIIf'' Sth,,!tl'·'), v·c~t t•~' ~'II ~. .b ufb of Munich) ~ s p:•.;n:s were fariY'- 'J•'»CfiZ(,'I •rumr.,·~r •mrer .v~r Mun&en w-a• _- d s· ,.r 1o 'or.1 .." <>"1l"tC:.prO'niJ·l'-:.l<ln Mt:1'w$ $ chlbt>r :e·v.E!'tSIP dur:-h..,...ll'lfo -;;; ~<.:f- I .,l..,lo-lllt"'t ~ 00"'0 tot.vtoml .tlt~·,e•. ~t-.in.. . ·al bac<g'C.~c a•d·l'-'e vnci ""~1't11t11.: 't«h c: ... "l~ !>E'ine ;ro6e"l P'-o_-:l"1.c ~u iot lll\tlf'l9 "" •1 .v.rh • lP (0 ...t ·y~"i••. 1aor1. < otf'80tt~t-:....ers:.r.ch£ie · .Sj:ia:e-rauct'ln;.c• vn.. ._. (IWlfltT""""' .,.,"''i'fehl\mot-~~i"Y'l tug~IN>n .. "'t "'' .t'. SfoMI )M"''9Q~:.l•.and":t'a."""r~..MIO~.-.M Sa« \nd ..M'Id- ansc-l!!lle"'d ~O'i. .,~, Ono ~C'tfll,'l'l- ~t- t•~.hi$oe-E'":"an~-~'~ ~ ~~~ done."'• v.~ttr. r..t in beide-: ~-:hr· •rw:OY··as•ng.,.·n~ •. ,rhrhf-"I«Y~tnrhf'ofb-.. ,..,.,.,..,NH.l.M Gebcren~.ordau~~.,;;ch:..po,..-p; /1, ~11:«. ICJ.M. moll'od~cl.r~i$F'«t::"c:ttlf'<ul"l!!· N-of f'lf1l'lft ll't -. o,:,nl.k.hen Voror: ">'0"'1 M•J"· l<~t rt Mun.ch A tet'!<'lt. O!'f'd, b;.r "01 M' ~. ch~ Olt £1~t'"li>Hit3en CO"t :men He: ,.,~It' m t·~ f 1r Jll.,.r,;rt 1lfv tt-,c- 1,.,.,., b«o~eswsortoflot·"et :-a•ia• an k '" /('•' ('l('n .,.,.un":.(t, WL"<.k:1:. i.'t."1:'11\ ~ 3..1uer ru '•\'tr bttnch o'"tct. ol-t<ula·'/ "the car~ deo;1gn ~rag.-~ oft dtfl dtr w•n~- b e,bende"" !e!U9 !um LJ,c C"HI Of•A ' fl'O •t nu)•,tl .. ·N\II>:Jt.'f n ocmb\.Y";.Qf L··e t>;>,ll"l to~ .. eup "t!"''9"t o.r..... ~l\111 t'ltldPt~ s.c- 'oCY a 'tnt rvs r'lo('(W· o:l~tollttwll6t\.n'hfo':..r~erc.o"'~hec nO•OJ~'t':u­ ~~·:MI!'ttVIAit' IWldfoo'HS.C'IIC·ffl. dooW'Id9 .41-\:'"<WM 9t'f\...,..,~.)("'fltf·An" \c'hon,u. f'Od,if.- n•wo,rf')llf~.\'11tht~3efeuc-a·: i/9"'fOt.'flcQ. 1\f' ~t••otOf'lf', ·~o~athr:lughhr\.~ pt't"- :uYtf~""->c.,_O.;sSutoec-'"e:~<:. . "'.lf'l V'!I'.,tl"'lo10hovt5«k•~ld ~dacbth ...l \.bfo. £"11!,._.,_..f(nunc:f8.:t..Fr:"'bi)::."!'l ~.ith ~Mcme-tMne-.u=~ b.,._~,-~~ --.et"P.....-E'I'o .fo ~E"'t\~fte,~zu. NIChtoen.tU~es ~<1..-::"'''et\.onc:to\r.-....k~' St ..l l'lr,..-tn ~ ''-' ''"""~mt' Sproc""'e rrut una·~ch ed· 0':10 \~•cl ot nw.l •'\ t~ll b.~ ~ wtu(.h Qt" 'I h.r.,- Ql'le chin O•.uUtn g bt Und cor'" r;: ~r M.. ~ O.P. G•uul.l w~•blt 1\..--oxtoon. '•rmly ..110 dov.n in th~t:u a ~.;:'JJ:oP. For lt"l•)'d-'1·"''' \llr,-.1~ · ·~ G·o~mr-·<ltik.ccer-..JbMeUt -a e thll tN'.or'l, on h <o cw.·~ arrh•le<I,..'C!-, h(' rl'SOSb" hrCI!I.l ')1'\llo.lwo•, tn dtr ~cr. d•e tni'/> ;.1~ ~'''"'~~!'-"" ·~~':!<; :>t tmtl Uuwn, orKO"'ctwed no~Cfls o• structur~ .and f,_."ctO" ~l,o(.h rt~tl <.('!111.'1 PI:•: .on n,~;.h <lUBe•) vettritt l)lrt ( .. .lilly "'lhf> 1-'I'Q('r f>'Oit(lS ln:ttN<:I ht 1"!,1kl'~ U)C u ' \.'lt.•tW.'II(\o •n;m w · v.~r'j'day ar<hite..:tur=. :ransposing lhtm 11'Cm tl'lf!lf ()rig nal (()011'-.d !OICI fi i)(~N, "I 111'( \.l'l f ,l '¥111!," >•lu.,ton Ono s~~d t .,,O~r01ut Geb: .. c:n, c.: nur ~lnf' mnqllch~ lh••• o~pt"~)dC/1 o~l:.;:r •nllude!> tr.e reJectO:On 01 cre::ing 'TI· r1,11 '''1M ll.tbt"n IJ(!(: C.C:.e (,;, '(.h •loll;' lj'POQ9.;! ie!>tsChret· ;l-Q!Ur"1 budd,..~ out of •mfY.Jrt~"'l •ull(~ ()r"'S A1·•·• o.tll, ,., ben So \•fZICh~tt e• tn se "~r eigene. . Arch.:M-1 •. ' gr-rlrlt' ~ ,..,~ tf>t ICKrn w~>t.r you heard a p:1.c_.ar IK::1.."e )t'I~Ofo&MCo~-I•~YJr..-.i.)l(.hCIMC'fUbet~er:en t~~'~'~~""•·•·,. "'s ~pt;,.:-~ )0.. .. ad yo.. ft~...t <U',, n,.. T~,;u~-., Sa:r~en:.'le-..t!H~-~,...N' ~.~ 11,r1~~ oi"Cntt..l~., ·<.-teo..:·alto--:c"~..gws.g· ~. t.ltonr-J~ .u;; .......,... .. .AJ~d ;.,;l;t.,t ..mel i~ ·o 'ht ~gor-s.. 0:-.c ~c'<'! i concf"tn • f'l"aLX'h .ibe'UI!;tM"'Aflo"t1"' ... '"sp\.-;~-lu:san'-fl'lhi"'g mor.-rtwonr•.o~oltr~t- -C)!>C.lr~....,.i:foo~~ewnu &.'w.tn'oiO"Wltfrf'""'dHH ..~ . llet•<.'lltt~V'Pd«:n~~u:secepo.i-_<;c:.l O.CWH.Itt~J~ftt:.tk-'¥~c-tmtein..Y.'C"t"?-hri.· (XC(. ... wtwh twll'l r. ·\· r.il) ~ <lnd .#lev. 1.6 to l)()f"'ft\ lU o\'IC,llgf-~ ~ AIM•N n""- t'tl ~.t~·r!C.lkh, ~ uttll"tn' hque-'ldy:her!'s.aa.sp.:.·t,..nbuildlng<; 30 W•l C4' •>I b nn;ht ''0"" Seoeu:ung in v.as f.J• e- -em to'fv.Hf!lh.\1 wh.rt. •·w~•l. k.Kpl_, ,)"'(j :h\lt v.t11ch ~.as !IJoJm rn~n t "fn bew"de,en V<Yf'~ hi':r~ ,,-:'l, ...< m ..< . (0'1'1" to:>e «;:;,_.wd i.i norma Thes:.anda.-d.:s.at.onof ... d.r.. \.'f\t<· M-11 kVf~t C>oc~. IVr uns.er Lebe- \'>:illefcht ~~~- ,,g ~o1cl ·.-.-oil ogthiOtiiJh '\Orot'(Y''J 'l."<.hm:." o~nd o~C'):hct<. 1lf"tdtndtn Eri'<;"<SS! goebeon :iH" ~ull'IM ("ISl nQt·n:. '> ""Y chll''" t to a••ercorre Ot>o Steidl~·s way of Redo·,,! 11'!<) rurht 111 '('ri -YIJUIO'J'(' v,fcr,lul es Ouo Steidle us•nSJ uruclufH, f!leMeonr., and bu1ld,,f:' !y,X'\. f•om m..- ~itlmthr onk.o~mt ist~s Sch.a••en\'on SeC "Q.JOQ!'" rllfo •l·••ly •"tlnll.'<.lo.ltt of 'l.''ng \"dwork. "9· '!i'teWilf h~ e;wes n61UII f AVIS ll'ld ll'lCO'"~ISI('(I(~\ " 1"~ wf'.hi" Of for) Ill .. OurC"IHUiktl'itSau:enu -dl(on. .• e~ti::ln£"" dPrt!<>n••~'ur'l<)­ t,>(Ju~ ~:> lht 'lli.'I'IV lo· i.Y.)~~ib!~cl'l<!n($e~and di"•oeiM1 -. ,• • lun\ •'nf'1\.l ,., ... Vf'fh~lll•n .,:,:Jl"N(.)nnt worden, 'A>ekhe~ ~trprttt~•ons- ht p.wes the wkf for ·•"'9 rh~"~ dot HI\IMr bt•b~n ~ann, sie oenutu~n laSt. Hau•,g g1b1 f>{ M 0.-...r hll" <: """'"""ffl fll't"'l' :)C<"l <. ''S e :.:r!>Wer~tai'IC · I• lt't s only bfN~hed 'nt:) buildong\ w~J!>fl·hr-,•<tff .,.,..n,n. ct-.rn ~,~nd drm. •'Yiin socl1 be den :au:en, de., •oerha 1fo"' !hH"'IIoH<Y'(tplof .. . :;Y>Q..:Qal:.;:rin::ludl>t"'e WOiidoi !Unn"""lb~1~ndog~ "w CoP<.Pikc"~·· l(l'\o! HOrn II."" l\<OI'l6f'd V1tf vt-"''"'- lJ'oe ren=wed cO'TIIng :o;.=:hf.f o• 11.,.. des~ und A·bfi·c-~ r-t ·~:;e--!-~~ :Khn•· "'9.....-.dWO'Vf\g ..,.,.,.lf'llflll: 4N•"'U'Utii,'),:'T'Il'<JII'!>t"'.Jttf'lt teNort ... ~ ~..x~M s:.and.a~$ k~ rur ,( .... !( ~ ~~¥~~~10Cs.<;~_;;~ dl.f0'00(.1~~1 bt~dlf.-.cllllltiK;t'l '~))pl.'(.ll;,~ l't'~ liJ'IdMtr..oS:+ct.Stn.&r. .• !-'l l:of'ITM"P...t'dl~ of Wut'J.II"t. tOt"~ ttnSm.C'XIO and CIY""•" ~lkr ..~ t-cn~' tcltUfdEs~ctT-ef'ISt..-cMiir­ li»l'" MOlt 9f'N'Itl '11. ......, tiC' Jn,'rll.'..-d 110 oil p,Yt<. .. tlr 'MS ~f"'A'fndtt. lnd('f"' tf '."o'!Of~ und llroQI"Jt" ~ lvnc.ucn. bv~ OOf!" tnw;- to re=a t:) s:css.~.; &ang~ :en tn \l'lnC'I"' (n•v. .. ~~~ c .. o~f~:,. e ne ret; -c.~;: Ve•:"'C::C· 11'1 ~ 1. hov.•. .f 'l'. not wh~ b-•1 the- k ""¢ c OPt"' 'l(."::ol fVQ und Mt"'"ddl.l>lg<!t lruu!Ooert, :)Jlhn! <i'rd. .l 'l'\ lf't:•'ll· >\'tiiC.h l)l;tmot) w :c!.JIIy loge intercha"'9: o• .ses a p wral· tJ dPn\'o't<l ff o• fT'INn•ng~ os ~he a,_ nc: arh•:ft~nnK\ II Teock -..1t'tltctt\1ffo,\~ i.·~~..x;-ntie-r:ft-­ S:t\ICt..i--n '"' lM!ttj' ... llot<or<Mn c• an ;;;:;rrtl'tt. ..· co1 bt.At f""'-·~'<"'dt-1'5cvffdf.\•,•,·~~.G · :foe-\'velt ., .lll~<.11¥f'\,putC.'l)f•th(~" Stwnuresio'hog de'~' ~•t..t-1 ~ Dot' emeulf: ~-·~~~·lf'l9 OM a·en.r.1o-ertPY bul«k.MSea '-'Nhots:tvl:ut•. ... .n e<tff>C't' ~ '"-' .\(I('IIM .!..d'l ema,o~ Swd- whdHAfiOid~'tsO' fO'I• ~.::r. 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"B•w•o""'l><Jt•·n,~,,.,.n .. -.t das TheMaeiner Ar<.h!ldthn <:IM' ,..,!bm'ttiund C'"4n Gt.•).tl,•n o..th Anqt'ho:P "(lr i'ie Se-- nu~lCI Ot.·•vt•lnlhlllf' KAUtl'<" sind nicht nu· '-'•'otnth~u'~( ..,,,.lt"'Pht AI~ S~ru~tUftr"l d't' otn•t dl'ltiFf'mt:_c.• Q ..a li:a· :•n dt') '•'•\•t.••• ht••l'lha t!n C'tto Sieidle$ A•c.-· l~klur f\C' w wh to ~n dol). fu It •Oil.•IKI<;rl'lf> l:laue-, ~en f'lf1eA'(. l~o~~~~.tdiW~n ~l.S:C'-.::Artt•t-.1 .. .nOif~-s.t"l!o»ttT)IPI:I1('<'111"'<l"'·"*"·.3YI :-eA.tthi let lUI ..ut dfoif !t.ucN NCtl de~ XK'.ZI~I•"!"! ~ A. F "*""

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