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Other Axis and Allied Armored Fighting Vehicles PDF

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0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 000 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 O~ 00 ~ 00 0 0 .lelOI FEET I 1:35 scale 0 5 10 15 20 GEORGE BRADFORD T A X I S & A LI ARMO D FIGHTI G V Ie s GEORGE BRADFORD T K L K o 1155703455 4 CON ENTS pyri ht© 200 by eorg Bradford IT LY H -Ni I, Typ 1, P 7 overdesign byWendyA. Reynolds Lan ia 1ZM (1917) rm r d ar 7 H -Ni II, Typ 1, P Print din the nit d tat sof m riea V L I Tank tt H -Ni III, Typ P 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I MIll 9 M dium Tank -11 M dium Tank, yp , hi- u 40 lR T OJT! ank tt 12 L 5/c with 01 thurn 20mm H RY M13/40 M dium Tank l4-15 M aba rm r d ar 41 L6/40 ightTank 16 40M Turan I M dium T nk 42 ut blinda B41 Arm r d ar 17-18 M~ 1di ILightTank m v nt da7511 P 19-20 40M Nimrod ank 44 arro ommand M41 21 8M 1di IIa Li htTank 45 m v nt 22-23 4 M nnyi II P 46 m v nt 24-25 41MTuran II M dium ank 47 iat udat 665 MAP 26 Turan III M dium ank 4 Libraryof ongres ataloging-in-Publication Data ar 27 Bradford, org. th rAxi and Jli darmor dfighting v hiel s/ or Bradf rd. m v ot da105/25 P 28-29 ROM I p. em.- (WorldWar11 V plans) In Iud. bibliographical r ~ fences. utoblinda Lin ut ar 30 R-l Tank tt 4 I B -I :978-0-8117- 455-4 P40 M dium Tank R-2 k da Li htTank 50 1 B -10: 0- 117- 455-2 I.Armor d~ hiel s,Military-Drawings. 2. anks(Military sei T MT-60 P 51 n.ee)-O~awlng. .World War, 19 9-1 45- quipm ntand.up- pit . I. Ill. J P N MR-2 P 52 446.5.B68264200 62 .7'4750 04 Je22 Tank tt ,Typ 97, -K 2 20070366 4 Tank tt ,Typ 94, K FR N E M dium Tank, Typ -B 34 M chn id rP16 Half- rack 5 Li htTank, Typ 95, Kyu 35 R nau1t tt 54 H -Ro, Typ 8, P 3 Lorraine 1 3 L P 55 3 1.r 1• diurn ank 56 TR LI M LightTank 57 A ntin JM dium Tank MD Panhard 17 B rm r d ar 58 3 c rpion M dium ank M R35 I Li htTank 59 Ding rm red ar IN RODUCTION MD Panhard 178 rmor d ar 60 M - 5 M dium Tank 6J POL D Renault R- 5 LightTank 62 7PTractor 7 H t hki.sH- 9 LightTank 63 w .34 rmor d ar 8 7Tpdw Twin urr tLight ank 8 NAD 7TP LightTank 90 kink, 220mm Quad ank 64-65 K w.20mmTank tt 9\ Ram I rut r tank 6 Or us wz.29 rmor d ar 92 r d ar 67 TK- R c nTank tt 9 -J5Arm r dTru k 6 JOTP ruis rank 94 n pia Ram II ruis rTank 6 rizzly I rTank 70 BELGI M Ram Kan ar P 71 I B2 P4.7mm 95 Badg r lam throw r 72 T13B P4.7mm 96 ton I P 7 15 Li ht ank 97 74 ZE HO LOV KI ord Lyn ut ar 75 Tv.4 9 xarmor d ar 76 LT vz.35 99 xton II P 77 LV. 100 h vro\ t T 7 P - 0 a/car 101 Windsor arn r 79 P Kpfw. (t) n 102 o TH RI M-H Mk.IArmor d ar 80 Bibliography 10 di play 4-vi w plan, but with M-H Mk.n rm r d ar 1 Ba'j Tank ompon nts 104 ,w w r abl to how fi M-H Mk.IIl rmor d ar 82 Yari u M d lin cal s hart 105 M-H Mk.lY rm r d ar 8 cl 5 4 OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles Abm ANSALDO ITALY (Lancia 1ZM, 1917) DOD (Autoblindamitragliatrice Ansaldo) 00· SCALE CONVERSIONS REDU ING 1:35 to 1:4 al =7 01£ 0 1:35 to 1:76 al =4601£ 1: 5 to 1:72 al =4901£ 1:35 t 1:87 al =4101£ ) 1:48 to 1:76 cal =630/0 1:48 t 1:72 al =6601£ 1:4 t 1: 7 al =5501£ 000 1:72 to 1:76 al =9501£ ENLARGING 1:35 t 1:32 cal =10901£ - ) 1: 5 t 1:16 al =21 01£ 1:4 t 1:35 al =13 01£ 1:35 scale 1:48 t 1:32 cal =15001£ 1:4 t I:16 al = 0001£ o 5 10 15 20 1:72 t 1:35 cal =20701£ TheLancia1ZMwasoneofthebestItalianarmored 1:72 to 1:4 al = 15001£ carsofWorldWarI,anditsperformancewas exceptionalforthetimeperiod.Itwasbasedonthe 1:72 t 1:16 al =45001£ 1915Ansaldo1Ztruckchassis,andmountedtwo 8mmSt.EtienneModel 1917machinegunsinthe largeturretandathirdintherear. ItwaspoweredbyaLancia35hp.,4940cc., 4-cylinder,water-cooledpetrolengine,andcould "L:j" achievearoadspeedof37mphandarangeof270 miles. Thecrewconsistedofsixmen:commander, o 0 0 0 0 0 driver,mechanic/driverandthreemachinegunners. 00 0 AfterWorldWarIendedtheLanciaAbmarmored o 0 carsperformedsecuritytasksontheYugoslavborder. OthersweresenttoLibyawithvariousupgradingfor desertservice,andlatertoEthiopiain1929. In January1937a1ZMunitwassenttofightinSpain, andotherswereshippedtoChina. Itwassorugged thatitcouldstillbefoundinuseinItaliancoloniesat theopeningofWorldWarII. OtherAxis &Allied Armored FightingVehicles 7 60th r Axis &Allied Armored FightingVehicles Ve oee L3/33 (C.V. L3·33/11 serie) fitted with two 8mm Fiat model 14/35 MGs AformationofItalianL3/33tankettesonthemoveintheWesternDesert,1940. 1:35 scale FEET o 5 10 15 20 AustraliantroopsexaminecapturedItalianM11139mediumtanksafterthebattle. OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles 9 8 OtherAxis &Allied Armored FightingVehicles Carro Armato M11/39 Ansaldo Medium Tank with 37mm sponson-mounted main gun and dual turret-mounted Breda machine guns FEET 1:35 scale o 5 10 15 20 AgroupofcapturedItalianM11/39mediumtanksandan M13/40attheback,whichwereusedbythe 6thAustralianCavalryforthedefenseofTobrukinApril1941. Carro Armato Mll/39 r-1 1 ~~] FEET 10 15 20 10 OtherAxis & Allied Armored FightingVehicles OtherAxis& Allied Armored FightingVehicles 11 rro Armato Carro Armato L35/c (C.V. 33/11 serie) L35/L.F. fitted with the Swiss "Solothurn" S18-1100 20mm anti-tank gun (Ianciafiamme) C.V. 33/11 series fitted with flamethrower equipment Asearlyas 1928the Italianauthoritiesbegantoshow an interestinasmalltwo-mantankette.Twenty-five Carden Loyd Mk.VItanketteswere purchasedfrom the British in 1929,andan Ansaldo/Fiatversion was designed.Thiswasdesignatedas"Carroarmatoda accompagnamentoperlafanteria"standingforinfantry supporttank.Aftertrials in 1931 and anumberof modifications, itwasacceptedasthe"Carroarmato veloceALSALDO", andfull production began in 1933. The newvehiclewasnowstandardized astheC.v. 33series I,andmountedasingleair-cooled6.5mm Fiat type AV machinegun.Thisseriesisrecognized byits armamentandaprominenttracktension rollerassem bly.In 1935theC.v.33series IIappearedmountingtwin 8mm Fiat1935machineguns. Itnowalsofeaturedthe simplerreartension roller, andrevised armorplate anglesonthe rearofthecrewcompartment.The riveted superstructureappearsmainlyonthelaterC.v.35 modelsstarting in 1936. Aconfusing numberofupgradealterationsfollowed, until manyoftheearliermodelswere retrofittedto series II orthe latestproduction C.v.35standards.From thatpointontheywereallusuallyreferredtoastheC.v. 35.Then in 1938thedesignation L3-35becamethe standard, andfinallyjustL35. 1:35 scale FEET o 5 10 15 20 o 5 10 15 20 After initialtrialsin 1931 andanumberofmodifications,thissmalltankettewasacceptedas the"CarroarmatoveloceALSALDO", andfull productionbegan in 1933. The newvehicle wasnowstandardizedastheC.v.33series I,and mountedasingle air-cooled6.5mm FiattypeAVmachinegun.Thisseriesisrecognized byitsarmamentanda prominenttracktension rollerassembly.In 1935the C.v.33series IIappearedmountingtwin 8mm Fiat 1935machineguns.Itnowalsofeatured thesimplerreartension roller, and revised armorplateanglesonthe rearofthecrewcompartment. The riveted superstructureappears mainlyonthe laterC.v.35modelsstarting in 1936. Aconfusing numberofupgradealterationsfollowed, until manyoftheearliermodelswere retrofittedtoseries /I orthe latestproduction C.v.35standards. Fromthatpointontheywere all usuallyreferredtoasthe C.v.35.Then in 1938thedesignation L3-35becamethe standard, andeventuallytheywerejustreferredtoasthe L35. The interestingfield modificationshown herefeaturesthe20mm"Solothurn"anti-tankgunfitted toaC.v.33series II radio modelandlocallydesignatedas L35/c. In 1941,when itwas realized Oneofthe morecommon variantsonthischassis wasthe thatthe MGarmamentwasnowineffective,asmall numberofvehicleswerecustomized with flamethrowerversion.Thismountedasingle8cal.MG this20mmgun in an attempttogivethe L35 (C.v.33) somemuch neededfirepower.The besidealongflamethrowerbarrel.Theorginal design modificationutilizedthesamepartsand supportsasthe monoarmed earlyC.V.33,thus incorporatedaself-containedcontaineronthe reardeckfor maintainingtheoriginallineofsightandfire.Ammunitionstowagewasalsothesame, sofew theflame liquid.However,asecondversiontowingthetrailer changes hadtobemade. offluid behind seemstohadbetteracceptance. The Thefewon record were modified inthefield and sawaction in NorthAfrica.Theywere self-containedversioncarriedonly60liters, whilethetrailer mainlyusedforcoveringfire inthefinal battlesofthefirstBritishcounteroffensivesof1941. versioncarried 500liters.They hadafire range of60yards, Duringlateroperationstheywereallwithdrawn fromfrontline serviceandseveralwere later andapparentlywere usedboth in Africaand onthe Russian captured bythe BritishonthehighgroundaboveBardia.The largestoragebinson each side front. ofthe radio version housedthe Marellibatteries. 12 OtherAxis &Allied Armored FightingVehicles OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles 13 Carro Armato M13/40 o 5 10 15 20 AclearfrontviewoftheItalianM13/40mediumtankondisplayinEnglandattheBovingtonTankMuseum,showingtherivetdetail andthetwin Breda8mmmachinegunsandtheirbowmount. 00 0 000 0 0 cc 00 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0000 ArearviewofoneoftheM13/40sthatwereondisplayattheWorthingtonTankMuseum atCanadianForcesBaseBorden. OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles 15 14 OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles a rmato L6/40 Autoblinda AB41 0 North African Campaign Upperportionof sidedoorsopenindependently. FEET 1:35 scale Shownwiththelow-profiletread Pirelli"Libia"tires. o 5 10 15 20 1:35 scale o 5 10 15 20 Recessedheadlamps shownwiththe armoredcoverinthe openposition. SideView FrontView Carro Armato L6/40 LF Lanciafiamme ThisvariantoftheL6/40hadthe20mm gunreplacedwithaflameprojector, ina revisedmantlet. 16 OtherAxis&Allied Armored FightingVehicles OtherAxis &Allied Armored FightingVehicles 17

Filled with fine-scale drawings of Australian, Belgian, Canadian, Czech, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Romanian, and South African armored vehicles, including:Centauro Tank Destroyer (Italy)TKS Light Reconnaissance Tank (Poland)Ram «Kangaroo» Personnel Carrier (Canada)Renault R-35
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