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OTEXA: Enhancing the Competitiveness of the US Textile & Apparel Industry PDF

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OTEXA: Enhancing the CCoommppeettiittiivveenneessss ooff tthhee UU..SS.. Textile & Apparel Industry October 21, 2010 Office of Textiles & Apparel IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall TTrraaddee AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Textiles & Apparel (OTEXA) Orgganization Deputy Assistant Secretary Kim Glas Office Director Janet Heinzen Western Hemisphere Eastern Hemisphere Export Promotion Supervisor -Sergio Botero Supervisor -Maria D'Andrea Coordinator–Kim-Bang NNguyen Free Trade Agreements Free Trade Agreements Negotiations Negotiations Trade Events Implementation Implementation Export Counseling Customs Issues Customs Issues Match-making Market Access Market Access Seminars Domestic Industry Concerns DDoommeessttiicc IInndduussttrryy CCoonncceerrnnss CCoommppaannyy vviissiittss FForeiign IInddustry IIssues Foreign Industry Issues Market Research Statutory Programs Legislation/Berry Grants OTEXA Mission Statement To develop programs and ssttrraatteeggiieess ttoo iimmpprroovvee tthhee competitiveness of the U.S. tteexxttiillee, aappppaarreell, ffoooottwweeaarr, and travel goods industries 3 OTEXA’s Responsibilities & Duties • Compile industry data • Research and analysis • AAssssiisstt iinn ttrraaddee nneeggoottiiaattiioonnss • Formulate and execute U.S. textile and aappppaarreell ttrraaddee ppoolliiccyy • Promote U.S. textile and apparel companiies att iintternattiionall ttradde eventts • Work to improve exports of U.S. textiles and apparel companies in overseas markets 4 Committee for the Implementation of Textile Aggreements ((CITA)) Interagency committee chaired by the Department of Commerce, includes USTR, State, Treasury, LLaabboorr – Established in 1972 – Implement textile and apparel provisions of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and pprreeffeerreennccee pprrooggrraammss – Administer textile and apparel safeguard actions (FTAs) 5 Industry Advice: Essential to Formulating U.S. Textile & Apparel Trade Policy Formal industry advice on U.S. trade ppoolliiccyy mmaatttteerrss rreellaatteedd ttoo tteexxttiilleess,, apparel, footwear, and travel goods trade matters is received from: – The Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Textiles and CCllootthhiinngg ((IITTAACC 1133)) – The Industry Trade Advisory Committee on Distribution SSeervicceess ((ITACC 55)) 6 Profile of the U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry • The textile and apparel industry is one of the largest employers in tthhee mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg sseeccttoorr, wwiitthh 442211,880000 wwoorrkkeerrss iinn 22000099 - 33.55%% ooff the U.S. manufacturing workforce. • TThhere are approxiimattelly 17,900 ttexttiille andd apparell esttabblliishhmentts in the United States. • There are 252,200 textile industry employees and 169,600 apparel industry employees. • The textile industry is located primarily in Southeastern states, while the apparel industry is concentrated in California, New York and North Carolina. 7 Industry Profile, continued • In 2008, textile and apparel industries worldwide generated $$6612 bbiilllliion ((UUSSDD)) iin worlldd exports andd accountedd ffor a 4%% share in global merchandise exports. • The U.S. textile and apparel industry generated $16.9 billion in exports in 2008, which represented 2.8% of total world exports of textiles and apparel. • In 2009, the total combined value of U.S. textile and apparel shipments was $62.8 billion ($47.2 billion in textile industry shipments, $15.6 billion in apparel industry shipments). • In 20099,, the U.S. earned $$99 billion in Customs revenue on imports of textile and apparel products. 8 Yesterday and Today’s Textiles: 100 Years of Proggress 11991100 22001100 You’ve come a longg wayy, babyy! 9 A Day In The Life of Theodore Textiles ● Fire resistant, anti-microbial mattress and mattress pad . . . ● Allergy-resistant pillow . . . ● Dresses in wind resistant, stain resistant, water repellent, wrinkle free clothes . . . 10

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