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Otala punctata (OF Muller, 1774) (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy PDF

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Preview Otala punctata (OF Muller, 1774) (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy

1 © SociedadEspañoladeMalacologla Iberas, 29 (1): 39-46, 2011 Otala punctata (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy Otalapunctata (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) en Italia Willy DE MATTIA* and Francesco MASCIA**1 Recibidoel2-X-2010.Aceptadoel24-III-201 ABSTRACT A living population of Otala punctata (O.F. Müller, 1774) has been found for the first time ¡n Sardinia, Italy. In the island the species was previously recorded by several authors, but only finding badly preserved shells, often considered of doubtful origin. An anatomical and conchological description is given, and a comparison with other populations of the species and O. lactea (Müller, 1774) from the W-Med¡térranean región is carried out. The species distribution is limited to a Coastal sector of NW-Sardinia characterized by Mediter- ranean maquis and rural environments. Conservation status of the population is discussed, and its presumable origin from the Iberian península through active human transportation is proposed. RESUMEN Una población viva de Otala punctata (O.F. Müller, 1774) se ha encontrado por primera vez en Cerdeña, Italia. Existen citas anteriores por parte de varios autores, pero sólo basadas en conchas mal conservadas y a menudo de procedencia dudosa. Se hace una descripción anatómica y conquiliológica, y se compara con otras poblaciones de la espe- cie y con O. lactea (Müller, 1774) de la región W-Mediterráneo. La distribución de la especie se limita a un sector costero del noroeste de Cerdeña, un medio rural caracteri- zado por matorral mediterráneo. Se examina el estado de conservación de la población y se sugiere su presumible origen desde de la península Ibérica a través de transporte antrópico. INTRODUCTION In Italy O. punctata was recorded for served shells only and no living speci- the first time (as Archelix apalopena men was ever found. Paulucci (1886) (Bourguignat, 1867))by Malatestaand reported O. lactea (Müller, 1774) from Settepassi (1954) from Alghero (N-W the Tuscan Archipelago (Argentarola Sardinia). Its presence in the same area island). This record, based on a single, has been confirmed later by Carrada, badly preserved shell, could be referred Parisi and Sacchi (1967). Significantly, to O. punctata, but Eobania vermiculata both papers reported finding badly pre- (O.F. Müller, 1774) cannot be excluded *ViadiMonteSanGiovanni 8,I34147Muggia,Italy;[email protected] **ViaOresteSalomone32, I 09030Elmas, Italy;[email protected] 1 Correspondingauthor 39 Iberus, 29 (1), 2011 (Giusti, 1976; Bodon, Favilli, Giusti 2009). The aim of this work is to clarify andManganelli, 1995). theStatusofOtalapunctatainSardinia. O. punctata has a Western-Mediter- ranean distribution. Itis found innorth- west Algeria, eastern Spain and the MATERIALAND METHODS Baleares, south-western France and Malta (Falkner, 1990; Clanzig and The snails were killed in water and Bertrand, 2001; Falkner, Ripken, and then fixed in 75% ethanol. Bodies were Falkner, 2002; Barbaraand Schembri, isolatedfromtheshellandthendissected 2008). The species is widely raised in underanopticalmicroscope.Anatomical heliciculture and thus presen! also in details were drawn using a camera North and South America, and South lucida. Empty shells were measured Africa (Herbert and Sirgel, 2001; (n=20 for each population). The material Cowie, Dillon, Robinson and Smith, iskeptinthecollectionsoftheAuthors. RESULTS Otala punctata (O.F. Müller, 1774) — Materialexamined [dsp, dissectedspecimen(s)]. Italy:Sardinia,Alghero,SorgenteLuCantar, 40°32' 18"N8o19'30"E,30malt.,07.ii.2008,3dsp.F.Mascialeg.;Sardinia,Alghero,CalaBona, 20malt.,40°32'40"N8°19'20"E,07.ii.2008,2dsp.F.Mascialeg.;Malta:Mosta,80malt.,35°54' 34" N 14°25' 05" E, 17. i. 2010, 2 dsp, N. Barbaraleg. Spain, Málaga, ElTarajal,30malt., 36° 70' 20"N4o50'23"E, 12.xi.2008,2dsp.,J.S.Torresleg. Shell (Figs 9-10): The protoconch is Sometimes the main bands abruptly dark violet-brown to dark brown. The fade becoming barely visible and the teleoconch is thick and robust, globose shell becomes almost uniformly creamy to subglobose, conical above and convex in colour. The polished external surface below. There are up to 5 main, dark shows irregular, fine growth lines and brown to light brown, variably wide very fine, dense spiral lines. The spire is bands, which are fused with a superim- conical and not much raised with 4-5 posed pattern of whitish reticulation. regularly growing whorls. The last (Rightpage) Figures 1-3. Otalapunctata (O.F. Müller, 1774). Italy: Sardinia,Alghero, SorgenteLu Cantar. 1, 3: genitalia (ovotestis excluded); 2: inner walls ofatrium and penis. Abbreviations, A: atrium; AG: albumen gland; BC: bursa copulatrix; BCD: diverticulum ofthe bursa copulatrix; BW: body wall; CLS: crest-like structure; DBC: duct ofthe bursa copulatrix; DG: digitiform glands; DP: distal penis; DS: dartsac; dsp: dissectedspecimen[sj; DV: distalvagina; E: epiphallus; F: flagellum; FHD: First hermaphrodite duct; FO: free oviduct; G: glans or penial papilla; PP: proximal penis; PPP: pseudo-penial papilla; PR: penial retractor muscle; PSP: pilaster-shaped pleat; PV: proximal vagina; PW: penial wall; TLS tongue-like structure; UOS: uterine ovisper- miduct;VD: vasdeferens. (Páginaderecha)Figuras 1-3. Otalapunctata (O.F.Müller, 1774). Italia: Cerdeña,Alghero, Sorgente Lu Cantar. 1, 3: órganosgenitals (ovotestisexeludo);2:paredesinternasdelatrioydelpene. Abreviatu- ras, A: atrio;AG:glándula delalbumen ; BC: bursa copulatrix; BCD: divertículo de la bursa copula- trix; BW:pareddelcuerpo; CLS: estructura enforma de cresta; DBC: conduto de la bursa copulatrix; DG:glándulas digitiformes; DP:penedistal; DS: saco deldardo; DV: vagina distal; E: epifalo; F: flagelo; FHD:primerconducto hermafrodita; FO: oviducto libre; G:glans opapilapenial; PP:pene proximal; PPP: papillapseudo-penial; PR: músculo retractorpenial; PSP:pliegueenforma depilas- tra; PV: vaginaproximal; PW:pareddelpene; TLSestructura linguiforme; UOS: oviespermiducto uterino; VD: vasdeferens. 40 DeMattiaAND Mascla.: Otalapunctata (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy BW^ A DV mm 2 DS PP. 41 Iberus, 29 (1), 2011 Figures 4-6. Otalapunctata (O.F. Müller, 1774). 4: Spain, Málaga, El Tarajal, genitalia (ovotestis excluded); 5, 6: Malta, Mosta; 5: genitalia (ovotestisexcluded); 6: innerwallsofatriumandpenis. Figures 4-6. Otala punctata (O.F.Müller, 1774). 4: España, Málaga, El Tarajal, genitalia (ovotestis excluido);5, 6:Malta, Mosta;5:genitalia (ovotestisexcluido); 6:paredesinternasdelatrioydelpene. 42 DeMATTIAAND MASCIA: Otalapunctata (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy Figure7. Otalalactea(Müller, 1774). Spain,Menorca,Mahon, genitalia(ovotestisexcluded). Figura7. Otalalactea(Müller, 1774). España,Menorca,Mahón, órganosgenitales(ovotestisexcluido). whorlisverylarge (70% ofshellheight), copulatory (5-7 mm) duct divides into a well rounded and markedly descending diverticulum ofbursa copulatrix and a where approaching the aperture. The duct ofbursa copulatrix. Diverticulum sutures are moderately deep and the and duct have almost the same length. umbilicus is closed. The aperture is The bursa copulatrix is usually oval or markedly oblique and oval. The peris- round. The vagina enters the atrium toma is interrupted, thick and reflected side by side with the penis. A moder- and is whitish in colour. A columellar ately short (8-10 mm) penial flagellum tooth, more or less evident, is often arises where the vas deferens enters the present. The columellarpartofaperture, penial complex. A rather short epiphal- palatum and parietum are always dark lus (6-8-mm) enters the penis (8-10 mm) brownincolour. where the penial retractor meets the Diagnostic characters ofgenitalia (Figs penial wall. The penis has a proximal 1-6): Proximal part of the vagina with widened portion (almost twice as long two digitiform glands. Each gland con- as the distal) and enveloped in a thin sists of a short base which bifurcates penialsheath. Theshortpenial papillais into three or four main branches. Each surrounded by a solid and longpseudo- main branch gives rise to numerous penialpapillawithagroovedsurface. long digitiform appendices. A single, Dimensions of Sardinian specimens: mm verylarge dart-sacenters aboutmidway Shell diameter: 29 ± 1.7 (range: TI - along the vagina. The dart-sac contains 32 mm) Shell height: 18 ± 1.1 mm a single, straight long dart with four (range: 16-20 mm) (average valué ± lateral wings and a spear-like head; it standarddeviation). opensinto thevagina with a tongue-like Anatomical and conchologicalinves- structure.Alongtheinnerwallofvagina tigation allowed to easily distinguish there is a huge pilaster-shaped pleat Otala punctata from O. lactea (Müller, which reaches the large crest-like struc- 1774) and Eobania vermiculata. Otala ture in the atrium. A moderately short lactea has asmaller shell (average diam- 43 Iberus, 29 (1), 2011 Figure8. DistributionofOtalapunctata(Müller, 1774) inSardinia, Italy. Figura8. Distribuciónde Otalapunctata (Müller, 1774) enCerdeña, Italia. eter of 20 mm) and the inner part of the Southern rocky shore area of the town aperture (peristome, parietum and (Fig. 8), from sea level to 40 meters in palatum) is uniformly dark brown in altitude. Population cover an area of colour (Fig. 11). E.vermiculata has a spire approximately0.4km2. Inthe same area, somewhatmore elongated and the inner the population density of Eobania ver- partofthe aperture is uniformly creamy miculata (O.F. Müller, 1774) and Cornu white in colour (Bodon et al., 1995). aspersum (O.F. Müller, 1774) is markedly Eobania vermiculata and O. ladea can be higherthanthatofO. punctata. This area easily distinguished from O. punctata by belongs to the Mediterranean upper the anatomy of the genitalia. Eobania thermomediterranean thermotype (Bac- vermiculata has a much longer flagellum CHETTA, BAGELLA, BlONDI, FARRIS AND and vagina, while the free oviduct is Filigheddu, 2009). Geologically the area markedly shorter. The diverticulum of is characterized by marine and conti- the bursa copulatrix is 6-10 times longer nental Quaternary deposits (Barca, than the duct of bursa copulatrix. On Carmignani, Oggiano, Pertusat, Sal- the distal penis, a slender false penial VADORI, CONTI, ELTRUDIS, FUNEDDAAND papillais present, which originates from Pasci, 1996) and is mainly covered by the penial wall and does not surround Mediterranean Coastal maquis, belong- the penial papilla. Otala ladea can be ing to the western-Sardinian, calcicole, distinguished mainly in virtue of the thermomediterranean Chamaerops much longer epiphallus and penial fla- humilis-Juniperetum turbinatae (Bac- gellum (Fig. 7). CHETTA ETAL., 2009; BlONDI, FlLIGHEDDU The present investigation allows us and Farris, 2001; Blasi, Angius and to confirm the presence of O. pundata in Bacchetta, 2009). Mediterranean Italy. The species occurs exclusively in Coastal maquis alternates with rural the Southern surroundings of the town landscape principally represented by ofAlghero (Sassari, Sardinia), along the grazingfieldsandcultivated lands. 44 DeMattiaAND MASCIA: Otalapunctata (Stylommatophora: Helicidae) in Italy Figures. 9-11. Shells ofOtalaspp. 9-10, Otalapunctata (O.F. Müller, 1774). 9: Sardinia,Alghero, Sorgente Lu Cantar; 10: Spain, Málaga, El Tarajal; 11: Otala lactea (Müller, 1774), Spain, Menorca, Mahon. Figures. 9-11. Shells ofOtala spp. 9-10, Otala punctata (O.F. Müller, 1774). 9: Cerdeña, Alghero, Sorgente Lu Cantar; 10: España, Málaga, El Tarajal; 11: Otala lactea (Müller, 1774), España, Menorca,Mahón. DISCUSSION Most probably O. punctata is not autochthonous to Sardinia. The intro- Carrada etal. (1967) stressed the duction of O. punctata could be referred presence of fossil shells of O. punctata in to the Aragonese occupation during the travertinesfromAlgherobutthishasnot 14th. The traditional local denomination beenconfirmed.Preliminaryfieldresearch of this species, which is "Caragol revealed that in the surroundings of español" (Spanish snail), could support Alghero,quaternarydepositsdonotshow thehypothesis. Nowadays snail farming the presence of O. punctata. Baldino, is a common practice in Sardinia, but Carenti,Grassi,Orgolesu,Secchiand not in the surroundings ofAlghero. In Wilkens (2008) and Wilkens (2004) did the island O. punctata and O. lactea were notcitethespeciesfromthearchaeologi- commonly used for heliciculture in the cal sites of north-western Sardinia. Also past,butlessfrequentlyatpresent. Paulucci (1882) did no mentions for O. The population of O. punctata shows punctatainSardinia. a very low density of specimens which 45 Iberus, 29 (1), 2011 couldbereferredtoitsalienorigin.Prob- investigations are actually inprogress in ablyafeedingcompetitionoccurswiththe ordertoclarifytheoriginoftheSardinian nativesyntopicHelicidaespecies,suchas populationofO. punctata. Cantareusapertus(Born,1778),Cornuasper- sión (O.F. Müller, 1774) and Eobania ver- AKNOWLEDGEMENTS miculata (O.F. Müller, 1774). Moreover, becauseofitsculinaryinterest,thespecies isfrequentlycollectedbypeople.Thevery The Authors are grateful to N. limiteddistributionofO.punctataisaclear Barbara, P. Schembri (Zabbar, Malta) riskfactor. Destruction ofhabitatby city and J.S. Torres (Málaga, Spain) for pro- expansión,mostlyrelatedtotourismfacil- viding alcohol-preserved material and ity developmentand collectingas afood E. Zallot (Monster, Holland) for advice item represent the main threats. Further and critical comments. 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