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Preview Oswestry & Border Chronicle, January 11, 2018

THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018 WWW.OSWESTRYCHRONICLE.COM 70P WHERE SOLD KNIFE ANGEL PLEA 999 Tributes paid to victims of horror motorway smash TO CITY’S MAYOR TRIBUTEShavebeenpaidtoapopular landlady who was killed alongside her friendinamotorwaycrash. Barbara Joneshadbeenthelandlady ofTheWellingtonpubinWelshpoolfor manyyears.Shewasthebackseatpassen- geralongwithherfriendChristineEvans whentheVauxhallcartheyweretravelling inwasincollisionwithaMercedesvan. TheaccidenthappenedontheM42in WarwickshireintheearlyhoursofFriday morning.Bothwomenwerepronounced ReportbyJonnyDrury deadatthescene. Thumbs-up for art exhibition Thedriverofthecar,MsJones’spartner BOSSESatOswestry’sBritishIronworkCentrethisweek GarethIsaac,andhisfrontseatpassenger GrahamDavies,escapedwithminorinju- madearenewedpleatoLondonMayorSadiqKhantoal- ries.Allfourwereonthewaytoanairport lowtheirKnifeAngelsculpturetobeinstalledinTrafalgar togoonholidaywhenthevanwasincolli- sionwiththebackofthecar. Square. Followingthecrash,atabout3.20am, ThefreshcallcomesafterstabbingincidentsinShropshireandfatal the37-year-oldvandriver,fromBirming- ham,wasarrestedonsuspicionofbeing knifeattacksinLondonovertheNewYearperiod. undertheinfluenceofdrugs.Hewasre- FourpeoplewerestabbedinShrewsburyandoneinTelfordwhiletherewerefour leasedunderinvestigation. peoplekilledinLondonoverNewYear.TheKnifeAngel,builtbysculptorAlfieBradley, Thetownhasbeenleftinshockatthe wasconstructedoutofbladesfrompolice deathsandtributeshavebeenpaidtoboth forcesacrossthecountrytohighlightknife of the victims. County Councillor Phil crimeintheUK. Pritchard, who knew both victims, said Centre chairman Clive Knowles has theywerewellknownandwellrespected beenpushingforthesculpturetobeplaced inWelshpool. onthefourthplinthinTrafalgarSquareto lCommunity–SeePage4 givetheartworknationalprominence. TheplanswereknockedbackinAugust TRAGEDY byLondonMayorSadiqKhanwhosaid theplinthwasreservedforcontemporary Inquest on young worksofartcommissionedandselectedby theFourthPlinthCommissioningGroup. ButMrKnowleshasthisweekmadea farmer to be held TheKnifeAngelattheBritishIronworkCentre renewedpleatoMrKhantore-consider hisstanceafterthelatestbloodshedinthe Church plans country’sstreets.Hehasemailedthemay- THEinquestonayoungfarmerwhodied or’sofficetorenewtherequesttohavethe atlastyear’sRoyalWelshShowwilltake sculptureinLondon. placeinWelshpooltomorrow(Friday). new £1 million MrKnowlessaid:“Thelastweekjust JamesCorfieldfromMontgomerywas showshowbigofaproblemknifecrime 19whenhewentmissingattheshowin isforthiscountry,andstreetviolenceas BuilthWells. building in town awhole. HisbodywasfoundintheRiverWyeon “TheattacksinLondonandinShrop- Sunday,July30.Aninquestwasopened shireshow the problem there is, and I and adjourned at Aberdare Coroner’s wanttomakearenewedcalltoMrKhan CourtinAugust. lPioLHnAocNphSeurhCcahhvuefarbccehileinthyarfseovrleaOaulsnewdchefsoetdrrayt.hneewpl£a1nmsitlo- thoa“prApef-etcneoerndsw.idhearthhisapppoesniteiodninaftLeornwdhoantlhaasst ToTwhneHinalqluteosmtowrriollwraetsu1m0aema.tWelshpool buildthecommunityfacilityinthecentreof week,andthefactforcesinLondongave thetown. themostknivestothecampaign,itshould INSIDE Churchleaderssaythatafterservingthe beinLondonandinTrafalgarSquareto pLeaobpulrenoufmODswrievsetrthyefyoraroevleorok5i0ngyetaoruspfdroatme haOveththeremciotisetsimapcraocst.s”the UK have ex- Royal honour for pressedadesiretotaketheKnifeAngel theirbuilding. ifLondoncontinuestodeclineandcreator Theyplantomovetoamoreaccessiblelo- MrBradleyalsosaidhewouldliketosee loyal organist cationonEnglishWallsnexttoCentralCar itinManchester. Parkinthetowncentre. Aplinthisbeingmadeforthesculpture EvaBredsdorff,curatoratPowyslandMuseuminWelshpool,withaMickeyMousesculpture Theysaythatthenewbuildingwillenable tositonattheironworkcentreandthis HopeChurchtoexpandtheactivitiesitruns weekMrKnowleswenttoWestMerciaPo- Heisthefirstlivingartisttohaveamuseumdedi- LoganandpartnerMichaelDaviesvisitedthe forthecommunityandprovidemuchneed liceheadquarterstopickupmoreknives catedtohim. Marchesonmanyoccasionsandinthelate1980s facilitiesforotherorganisations. tohelpmaketheplinth.Heexplainedthe NowAndrewLoganhasanexhibitionofhiswork theydecidedtopresentAndrew’sworkoutsideof Pastor Derek Hughes said: “We really ironwork centre will be the permanent runninguntilMarch6atthePowyslandMuseum London–andchoseBerriewnearWelshpool.The wanttomakeadifferenceinOswestryand homefortheKnifeAngelinthefuture inWelshpool. villagebecamehometothenation’sfirstmuseum relocatingourbuildingwillreallyhelpusdo anditwouldneedaproperlymadeplinth. TheMagicofAndrewLoganexhibitionfeatures dedicatedtoalivingartistandwasopenedin1991. that. Meanwhile,MrKnowleshasrevealed someofhismostfamouswork. Eva Bredsdorff, Powysland Museum’s senior “Thisnewfacilitywillbeagreatassetfor heistore-submitaretrospectiveplanning Inthe1970s,Loganbecameakeyfigureonthe curator,hasbeenmentortotheAndrewLogan Oswestry.” applicationforhisvisitorattraction.The LondonartscenealongsideDavidHockneyand MuseumofSculptureinBerriewforanumberof Thenewbuildingisexpectedtocostat firmhaswithdrawnitscurrentapplication VivienneWestwood. years. least£1million.Thelast12monthshasseen andistomeetcouncilofficersonMonday HehostedinfluentialeventsincludingtheAl- Themuseumisopen11amto1pmand2pmto HopeChurchextendtheamountofcommu- todiscussawayahead. ternativeMissWorldandtheValentine’sDayBall 5pmonweekdays,exceptWednesdays,and11am PAGE10 nityworkitdoes. lCrime–SeePage6 whentheSexPistolsplayedtheirfirstgig. to2pmonSaturdays. EXPERTKNOWLEDGE ● SUPERSERVICE ● COMPETITIVEPRICES ● PROFESSIONALINSTALLATION GREAT SALE www.bjselectrical.co.uk Youcanviewonlineorvisitusat: BJ'SELECTRICAL SAVINGS FREE Unit28MochdreInd.Estate, UNIT3028M,MarOkCeHtSDtRreEeItN,DUSTRIALESTA1T6EB,NeErrWieTwOSWtrNeet, LOCALDELIVERY* Newtown,PowysSY164LE NSTeYewl1:0t6o1w46L8nE6,P6o2w55y5s0SEYm16ai2l:[email protected],oPmowysSY217SQ INSTORETODAY 01686625550 0We1b6si8te:6ww6w2.b5jsele5ct5ric0al.co.uk01938553880 ....Let’sMakeLifeEasy. *TermsandConditionsapply.SoldasssaaannnaaagggeeennntttooofffEEEuuurrrooonnniiicccsssLLLiiimmmiiittteeeddd.AAAllllllrrriiiggghhhtttsssrrreeessseeerrrvvveeeddd.AAAlllllloooffffffeeerrrsssaaarrreeesssuuubbbjjjeeecccttttttoooaaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbiiillliiitttyyywwwhhhiiillleeessstttoooccckkkssslllaaasssttt.DDDeeellliiivvveeerrryyy&&&IIInnnssstttaaallllllaaatttiiiooonnnccchhhaaarrrgggeeesss mayapplyExclusionsandRadiusApply.Pricescorrectattimeofprintbutcanbesubjecttochange.Seeinstoreforfulldetails.Imagesforillustrationpurposesonly. CopyrightEuronics2017.E&OENovember2017.Savingcomparedtoahigherpricechargedfor28daysinthelastsixmonthsunlessotherwisestated. OVER 700 STORES NATIONWIDE VISIT US IN-STORE OR ONLINE AT EURONICS.CO.UK New music festival aims to 2 8 1 20 CONTACT US 1, set ‘onesie’ world record 1 y ar u Associate Editor: Iain St John: n a 01691 668094 ay, J nReewposr@toesr:w Seuset rAyucshtrionn: i0c1le6.9c1o .6u6k8099 d [email protected] s ur Reporter: Jonny Drury 01691 668098 Report by Jonny Drury h [email protected] Plea to keep youth activities going in villages e T Sdapvoert.:c Dooapveer C@oshorpoeprs: h0i1r9e5st2a 2r.4c1o4.u7k5 A NEW festival starting this year cl Photographic: 01691 668094 is attempting to break a Guin- ni Regional advertising sales manager: ness World Record and raise o Alison Jukes: 01743 283330 money for a local charity. hr [email protected] Fieldbounce Music Festival will C Advertising supervisor: take place on May 5 at Park Hall near r Beverley Thompson: 01691 668092 Oswestry with headline acts Scouting de [email protected] for Girls, Danny Howard and Dappy r Sales representatives: already announced. & Bo Ccoonnnnoorr. hHaarrrriiss@: s0h1r6o9p1s h6i6re8s0t9a0r.co.uk areAH o ohtwhoeesvrt eeorvf,e otnhtthes e aorc rragocastnss i tsaherere so ananer-tedi calioypo afketisentdig,v aatlos. ry Ggaarryy. tTssaanngg@:s 0h1r6o9p1sh 6ir6e8s0t9a1r.co.uk mwoarkled hreecaodrldin, ebsy t hhaemvinsegl vtehse bmy obsrte aamkionugn at st Distribution: 01902 319537 of people dressed in zebra costumes in one e [email protected] place. w 14 Salop Road, Oswestry Festival organiser Shawn Melusi was s inspired by the Kendal Calling Festival in O SY11 2NU 2013 which had the most amount of Super- men in one place at the same time. www.oswestrychronicle.com He said it will add something a little extra to the festival and raise money for charity at the same time. THE CHRONICLE’S He said: “We saw it had been done before and thought it might be something a little bit different and good fun. CODE OF PRACTICE “Kendal Calling did it to raise money for charity and we are doing the same, for Hope House. “Beforehand we will be selling zebra one- The Chronicle’s policy is to correct errors as soon as we can. sies and other outfits to raise money and in total we hope to raise £10,000. Please contact us if you are unhappy with the accuracy of any “Then people who come will be able to story. The Chronicle adheres to the Editors’ Code of Practice, donate, and for every person wearing one which can be seen at www.ipso.co.uk on the day, we will donate £5 to the char- We are regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organi- ity.” Plans are gathering pace for the fes- sation (Ipso). Complaints about stories should be referred firstly tival, with talks on-going with acts for the to us at [email protected] or by post to Iain St line-up. Danny Bell and Harry Pritchard, front, from the TNS Foundation, with youngsters at Gobowen Scout Hut John, Associate Editor, Oswestry & Border Chronicle, 14 Salop A dance competition is now set to take ORGANISERS of under-threat youth activ- But rural joint committees will receive have received fantastic feedback for our cRoonatadc,H tO Iapslwtsooen sa Httr ocyu,o SsmeYp,1 l2a10i n2-2tNs3@U H. iIopfl sbwooe.rc nco,a .Lunokn noodtr o rbenya EcpCho1 saNt ra 2et sJIopDlsuot,i ocn/o, pscsapolalmHeeccseeei a dhasli ataad vintedehsa: ,ebl “aeffoTenelsndhlto iigMwnvoagiornls ,d g Ma a atlrenohelndue gg sNwo iw ieehn’iwavtghs e Y wlaaeanneaul nrlna.,o rcutehinace ckdfeoe dart irptyri eSohsgh rafraovomrep csmshhpiielrosdek.r eCenno uionnf cvitilhl lieas gpiemlsa pnaonrroitnuagnn dtco eO csouwft ettshhtee- tanhroeeTta hhG.ionosbge o uwanfedfneec,r tS etthd Me i pnarrcotluipndosse aa ylnsod.u Wthe sgtroonu Rpsh yinn p4im0r“o0pWv ocirhseti iaolwdnnarc,en ewn to htafo inac dch r o yenwolavuatinsniv gcaee ptl yttee hosnepmd lceaeo dlllua nasbtmcy iy loae uolamnfr .tto hosetf a few acts. We are in talks with other peo- budget that it gives to local joint commit- A consultation on the plans closed last funding in providing much-needed activities ple and want to get a big act sorted for the tees for youth activities from £234,959 to week. for children and young people growing up in older members of the crowds that will be £135,000 and the number of committees Holiday activities for families in rural areas who aren’t necessarily able to there. We have also launched a deal that if benefitting from 18 to just six – Shrews- Gobowen, St Martins, Weston Rhyn are get in to the market towns to access what you’ve got a ticket by February 15 you can bury getting £45,000 and Oswestry, Mar- run by the TNS Foundation, with funding they have to offer.” Last week the founda- win a free holiday, tickets for various big ket Drayton, Bridgnorth, Ludlow and support by Shropshire Council and others. tion held indoor activity days in Gobowen, events and a host of other things.” Whitchurch £18,000. Gill Jones from the foundation said: “We St Martins and Weston Rhyn. Prices Start From Only £99,950 •Partexchangescheme available •Allhomesarebrand new with a 10 year warranty •Theparkisasecure gated site with CCTV 4 •Wehave4show We sell park homes for the homes available for viewing and ready for Shopping in Shrewsbury? over 50s retired and semi retired immediate occupation Viewings can be arranged Call us for a FAST taxi back to Oswestry! by calling 01938 580768 or 07773336633 OVER 140 LOCAL CARS People are welcome to turn up to look around without appointments Call 01743 441144 Now! Web: www.m-d.co.uk Email: [email protected] Address: Tavern Park, Forden, Near Welshpool SY21 8NN Attraction withdraws Baby unit NEWS IN BRIEF 3 opens up Gardening club O s w its doors planning application to hear a talk e s t r TREFONEN Garden Club starts its y 2018 programme with a meeting on & once again Thursday next week. B The meeting starts at 7.30pm. o There will be a talk by Jim Almond r entitled A Shropshire Birder’s Year. d e noOntohfnioS goTw sWMhpth atareEo feec fnSdo lusodpiTnicsaec RuiyHkntYr ,nelo e’adhes Ssa spoa tstiu f .twmttsaehelear,ede th a kewaa rtatdene ef miOotktenypesrl wno ymrd uera sonebrtnoiyertpt cy ohea vnshOue easorrdesf-- ROAspe sepwcoTetrOistv tbUeryy Rp ShIlSauaTnesn Awinuiagsttht tiadrnapracpwtliiconan at i orennt erfooa-rr Eleanor leaves her mark on region aerssrtaehhernkasgOir r ideuonaresiplgnn t apseaBdgrhrln. liae iryniTcrssd oeeteheuni bronreps-isn ggr dm s adbFaeareevlteydormeeb e.gdntcrbn h ouiemeniw.arsrugars se kp’yk.fb r oaeT 4oran .pmh fnnaaaedliugsyls cae egislS sna a whlratuydrotw noie hnwcbnpihges--. r Chronicle bfreoTinmhg e c8 slpoemsrev dioc bnee wcSaauusns tdee aomyf psutoanrfatfiirlni lgy8 aicsmlsou seoesnd. ittrseB sohsiatsveees. raetv tehaele Bd rtihtiesyh wIreornew inovrkit eCde nto- aru mTarheyen 1tai5no.nnu oafl qguarizd enniginhgt –– w iist ho nh aFredbly- Thu Monday this week. withdraw their current retrospective Spiritual group rs stcailcolWTk sNhunoeHrem esSSs eh. wnTra erswbu ossdtobu ku(eSer yadt T oa tHnsodh) oTgsarievtild-efto etrbhrdmie rH tl ahostts eapasfittf- piasplsaAupn elcin crwiaunitclglii oa bolne f m fihbceeeyeldrt is nSw.ghi trohon pc ostuhhneir cleiol noCgffi-orcuuiannlncsi ilno’ngs to meet up again day, Jan Oaottsh SSweaarerT samtHhri y,dJ a wawpmioefelrioe elgs eooidsnfe fu,ed nhr feeiotdar. d aa n obfy i mrintihcd owantiv faeernny-- Mhitshotoeu n bsAdui5nai,lgy dw .ti Tnhagsha stes , uh pabal amvsnecin utbtilenepedgtnu ta rwbpeupo ipl lyiatce aroaktnri,os t anhan gefdoo s r.iw tteoa uroerff-- MC(TeELhnMoutcrrBaes ldE wmaRyielS)ld. imuomef e tC Oaasrgwoaleiinnst ert yHh iasr Steplveireyin twiunialgll uary 11 isbeeinrrCtvcaheicmi.nepsg a rsiegemrnveairicnse sba, ata ttrthelie nu ugr ngtiiont ,g ei nnmsculourtdhe ienarlgsl mrpBeueicAbnstsflo itiKrseo hrnnoe eofad dw t ivhlnebies sy Du,i aresSolca hneiimdrmwo obpptrehaskrceh, ty ic cr eshewnt aaetiCtrrreemeom, u aiCennnnclv iitaivl,tn, ee c ddwoa mdnatidos-- a9tptTTmehhn aeedn cmtdoh seedte o mtiosinre £seg3 t oi.rp5nue0gnn..s a ftr 7opmm 7..30pm to , 2018 to make use of the unit. withdraw the current application and re- The meeting takes place at the They are battling proposals by submit a fresh application. Cambrian Room in the Memorial Hall health bosses to only have births ei- The statement described the initial ap- in Oswestry. ther in Shrewsbury or Telford or at plication as “lacking in detail” and “con- Call 07891 084071 for more details. home. fusing”. Drugs are seized Health bosses have suggested the The application has attracted hundreds mtraidnwsfiofer mleedd u ninitt oa ta O “smwaetsetrrny ictoyu hldu bb”e sohf oleutltde rns ootf hsuapvpeo brte ebnu td cervietilcosp seady wthiteh soiutet by police officers offering a wide range of services in- planning permission. cluding pre and post-natal care but Clive Knowles said the centre was now not births. in limbo. He said: “We were expecting the EIGHT sachets of drugs were seized A public consultation will be held application to go before Shropshire Council in a Mid Wales town, police officers before any decision is taken. in November with an officer recommenda- have said. Dressmaking help tpiroonc etoss g hraans tb peeenrm diesrsaioilne.d N aonwd esvuedrdyetnhliyn gth ies seiOzeffid cae rqsu afrnotmity Dofy fderdu-gPso fwroyms Pa opliecre- up in the air. We are in limbo. I hope things Emergency services were called to an overturned trailer on the Chirk bypass near Oswestry son in Welshpool on New Year’s Day, DacbnoleReuTxt Ertahs tSw ee SLsvec MleoraksuinAt.ny lKi msloI Nny£an 6Ga0eg c Wcfhoo eeruVd ri1nls’0leeas ssgsd ee aas rHyshei oae nlvaalevs fn araliionlnmaldg- ifwwmacnresieeagr ““lt elnp WWhb w ebteeweiedoe lt Kui cihaaetaornhn bvrmpid eiesolfot , eaueo u a n twaucAr ntltr feetnhhai r8nagmehia5rgge acef-hi lustvol.r yit fteporw fiu nrobpcrhon ueeuffiegr sotnfls ir eosn O torwSeia nnstshefw hifs Mrt h eaeoita arospchtetvnesiar ehnvdvyt eeait a rrsrryo ee,yum.n . snac eutnosehc ndthae--, obstttSrrrhnoTeeaDir OearidtlrescheeRi hraervMe an eocrnArd lvoods5 euEm s /rsAeeltMa.e su4tkacoir8inda nn3O opeg reWsod ddwn arob elinaitevsnht stiatnjr,eu e y ghrrrS. ecyiihgpdo rhp nwoi dSnbphihrgsteiihr ndooiu ngrppaees- ftnorwrhofeio aeTMtrmp dhlhreols o eyat awat o.cr odreood i sbrasbe ketdtecs o tb awawunlusoaree s csaeaiko rnn cn etoO grdK m est.n dwehpo ieleswceisrkrttaue irsnwlpyy t fa awiebynolel lnodrehc edKok a lmeienondfndet-. tsiswndCnooaeaoeg nfbn ue he orc.onnaireuscv sr.sireu ole ’Tprarrseevrd ipi miseoco rncer orli vStmotasyisndr a eoesoindfs dn a tfwdfimrgooreeeresne rrwtns,,el tys hdSaa coatlhilwto deer :mnamvo “r,epa Waeflrsikd ohnrhe oeite rodaeinetf--- ttpNtdhoaoieswieAETsnwc tn ihfoi tg ono evwYharfg efictete ar e asce2res uertsarad saemfcot prisohnodoe.t e n. mctSthwt see ea tavdo hnesp fe rC ew mnirlfna oshSadsoridtsctnirv eee Aei jsedpun atduose.irtw ada ulr ad “g reiHstrrn oe wa cspttotehhpenrdyeee- and a Thursday morning. “We feel that it is only the vexatious few The crash happened on the ex- A large tree fell in the grounds of “We then look to open roads as in Welshpool for possession with in- For more details or to book a place, that led us to this point.” posed section of road that crosses Dolerw Park in Newtown, close to soon as we can, again on a priority tent to supply Class A drugs.” contact tutor Sarah Thursfield on He said the business now has three the River Ceiriog, part of the Chirk the offices of Powys County Council. basis by dealing with A, B and major The officer also confirmed a quan- (01691) 839286 or through www.sa- months to decide on its future course and bypass. Teams from Shropshire, Telford link roads first, then the more rural tity of cash was seized following a rahthursfield.com to submit a new planning application. Trees fell onto roads in a number and Powys councils sent teams out network.” house search. WALES’ LARGEST INDEPENDENT FURNITURE RETAILER HUGE REDUCTIONS Across The Store FREE DELIVERY IN ENGLAND AND WALES OPEN UNTIL 8PM WWWiiinnnttteeerrr THURSDAY SSSAAALLLEEE Tel: 01686 414000 Theultimatecomfort atunmissableprices Llanidloes, Powys, SY18 6ES just off A470 Cafe www.hafrenfurnishers.co.uk Community grieves tragic road deaths 4 8 1 PEOPLE have spoken of their grief along with her friend Christine County Councillor Phil Pritchard, has hit the town and a community 0 2 at the tragic death of a popular Evans when the Vauxhall car they who knew both victims, said they where everyone knows everyone. 1, landlady who was killed alongside were travelling in was in collision were well known and well respected My thoughts and condolences just 1 her friend in a motorway crash. with a Mercedes van. The accident in Welshpool. go out to them and their families.” y Barbara Jones had been the happened on the M42 in Warwick- He said: “It is such as terrible Another county councillor, Gra- ar JollyGardenloyaltypoints landlady of The Wellington pub in shire in the early hours of Friday thing to have happened, it is ex- ham Breeze, said: “This is devastat- u n Welshpool for many years. morning. Both women were pro- tremely sad for the community. ing news for Welshpool and has cast Ja Collectloyaltypointswith MTributes –u Barbarar Joneds Shee was rthe ba ck saeat pascsengerc nouunced deasd at thee scened. t“It ise ever sol sadl for sWelshp ool,c it a rdark sohadow owver the townn.” y, everyonlineorder da (100points=£10voucher) s ur OPENINGTIMES: h T Monday17:00-23:00 e WednTeusedsadyay17C:l0o0se-d23:00 cl Thursday17:00-23:00 court of ‘revenge killing’ ni Friday17:00-23:00 o Saturday17:00-23:00 hr Sunday17:00-22:00 C r JollyGarden,SmithfieldStreet, e Oswestry,SY112EG d or www.jollygarden.co.uk 01691654569 B & DIGITAL MEDIA Report by Deborah Hardiman Bungalow hit by severe blaze y tr A KITCHEN worker has told a jury of the moment he claims two men s e attacked a businessman in a revenge killing. w AERIAL//SATELLITE//CCTV Satnam Singh Blugher, who owned Tony’s Diner at Halfway House between Shrews- s bury and Welshpool, was found with stab wounds at the premises on June 26 last year. O TEL 01597258205 More than £47,000 in cash was also taken. Belkar Singh, who is accused of murdering MOBILE 07767807112 the grandfather, told a jury at Stafford Crown Court that he was not responsible for his EMAIL peteratoffi[email protected] boss’s death. He said two men had come into the restaurant and attacked the 67-year- Suspect facing old, also known as Mr B. He said two Indian OFFICE peteratoffi[email protected] men entered the diner after it had closed for the night. Areliablecompany, Singh said that when Mr Blugher saw the aprofessional robbery claim men, he asked them, “how did you come in here?”. The defendant said: “The bigger company,afair man replied, ‘those people who you had killed, we’ve come to sort it out. My boss pricecompany. A 24-year-old man has appeared before said, ‘what people have I had killed?’ So the magistrates charged with an attempted shorter man who was standing behind my YOURLOCAL robbery. boss picked up a chapati pan and hit my Simon Paul Jones, of Montgomery, was boss on the back of the head. My boss fell AREAAERIAL arrested in Welshpool on Tuesday evening on his knees with his hands in front of him last week. on the floor. ANDSATELLITE He was further charged with two counts “He got up quite quickly. The bigger man of assault and criminal damage in relation picked up a knife first then the other man INSTALLER to an incident at the Spar store in Mont- picked up a different knife. My boss put his gomery. right hand up to defend himself. They were Firefighters tackle the blaze at the bungalow. Photo: @Welshpoolfire. ANDREPAIRERS He appeared before Wrexham Magis- attacking violently.” A SEVERE fire badly damaged a bungalow Firefighters had to fight through a raging trates Court on Friday, where he confirmed He told the jury the shorter of the two al- near Oswestry. storm to reach the site. his details, but no pleas were given in the leged attackers was referred to by the name The fire at the property in the Sychtyn Crews were faced with trees across the case. of ‘Raja’. He said they had hit him before area near Trefonen happened at around road and even a mini landslide. Officers from Dyfed-Powys Police and emptying Mr B’s pockets of cash and going 3.15pm on Thursday last week, with a host Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service re- West Mercia Police responded to 999 calls upstairs to find the rest of his money. of fire crews from around Shropshire and vealed that the alarm was only raised be- in Montgomery on Tuesday at around 7pm. Singh, 58, of Booth Street, Handsworth, over the border in Powys being called in. cause smoke detectors fitted by the service Magistrates sent the matter to the crown in Birmingham, was employed to wash Six teams attended and some of the roof 18 months ago, alerted neighbours.The court, and Jones will appear before Mold dishes and clean at the roadside diner. on the bungalow collapsed, as well as the occupants were not at home when the fire Crown Court on February 2. The trial continues. chimney. There were no injuries. broke out. A caring, P.W. Powell compassionate and discreet service from a family business since 1840 Theperfectblendoftraditional AgriculturalEngineers Indiancookingservedwith Shropshirehospitality. Spend £30 and recieve SALES SERVICE REPAIR a £5 discount* *Expires28thFeb2018 SpecialistsinRestorationand 42BeatriceStreet, SundaytoThursday Oswestry 5.30-11pm FridaytoSaturday StockistsofanExtensiveRangeof Tel:01691659880 5.30-Midnight MasseyFerguson35 AERIAL For help and advice contact and135Parts SATELLITE SOLUTIONS Cil Road, Berriew, Powys Installation & Maintenance of The Miracle AlsoQTPandSPAREXEngine Digital Aerials, Satellite Dishes & Digital Systems 01686640900/07885641594 Prayer PartsWheelsPanels Call Brian for a free quote with no obligation [email protected] 01691 690680 | 07944 990 197 Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention Unit 1, Mochdre Industrial Estate, Newtown, Powys SY16 4LE favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. ALL LEADING BRANDS IN STOCK Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own Cars, Vans, 4 X 4, Agricultural & Commercial Tyres favour not mine. 01686 624 862 Amen • Tyres to suit all budgets • Brakes • Servicing Say this prayer three www.newtown-tyres.co.uk times a day for three days. Never known to fail. • Tracking • Shocks • Batteries • Exhausts Promise to publish this prayer. MP. Business plan could lever in 5 O s w £1.5 million to help town e s t r y & B o r d e r Report by Sue Austin College helps out organisation C h OSWESTRY could lever in more than £1.5 million of extra funding ro to improve the town if its businesses agreed to a levy on their rates n through the creation of a Business Improvement District. ic The Oswestry BID group has revealed that it is looking for a 1.75 per cent le levy from businesses that pay £12,000 rates or over each year. T Businesses in the heart of the town and the commercial areas including the industrial h u Cafe closure estate will be balloted on February 22 to see rs if they are in favour of the move. d An official launch of the Oswestry BID ay ‘is the end patr oNpoosratlh aSnhdr boupssihnieress Cpolallne gwe ilol nt aTkue epsldaacye , Ja next week. n In its portfolio, chairman of Oswestry ua BID, Ian Follington, says the £1.5 million ry of an era’ ibnuvseinstemsse-nletd o pveror gfirvaem ymeea rosf winovueldst cmreenatte t ao 11 tackle issues identified by the business com- , 2 munity. The priorities for the project, part 0 of a national initiative, include effectively 18 developing and promoting the strengths A CAFE with a history stretching back to and characteristics of Oswestry to prospec- the 1950s has closed and will be converted tive visitors and business investors. into a coffee chain. It aims to support the growth and devel- The Pinewood Cafe in Broad Street in opment of existing local businesses and at- Welshpool closed on December 30 for the tract start-ups, young businesses and new last time, with the loss of 15 jobs. investment which complements and builds In October, the owners announced they upon Oswestry’s existing strengths. would be closing before Larentia, a Lon- BID says it wants Oswestry to be “A don-based firm which runs Costa Coffee Great Place To Be” – building on its herit- shops across the UK, confirmed it would be age to further develop a vibrant and enrich- taking control of the building. ing environment where visitors, workers The popular cafe has a long history that and residents want to be. goes back to the 1950s when it was known It will also look at better transport links The college’s Vicky Brayne, Beverly Parry, Corrina Cadman, Tony Evans and Sarah as The Blue Cafe and run by sisters Mary and signage for visitors, workers, residents Easthope present a cheque to Bryony Pickering from Chalk and Margaret Foulkes. and businesses. OSWESTRY’S North Shropshire College ings company Liquid Paint Factory, as well County Councillor Graham Breeze has Mr Follington said: “The investment we has made a donation to the not for profit as the Hermon Chapel Arts Centre based on described the cafe as an institution in the are seeking from businesses in the BID social enterprise Chalk, funded by proceeds Chapel Street in Oswestry. town. Councillor Breeze said: “It really is area would be used to attract and retain ad- from their staff’s Christmas meal. The final total donated from both of the the end of an era for Welshpool. The Pine- ditional investment in Oswestry as well as A dedicated team of organisers put to- college events was £220. wood Cafe, or the Blue Cafe as it was origi- providing a direct return to BID members gether a Christmas raffle and a quiz was Vicky Brayne, quality officer at the col- nally known, was an institution in the town by improving the trading environment for organised by Tony Evans, receptionist and lege, said: “We are delighted to be support- and part of growing up for generations of existing businesses. invigilator at the college. ing such a great cause. It is great to give Welshpool families.” “This is a realistic plan with realistic tar- Chalk, based in Leg Street, Oswestry, something back to the community which Councillor Breeze said it was sad to see gets at a realistic cost. It is our chance to stocks re-upholstered and upcycled furni- has shown great support for the college, the cafe go but hoped jobs would be re- come together and put Oswestry on the na- ture as well as collectables, textiles, and and we hope that our donation will help tained by the opening of Costa Coffee. tional stage.” A survey was taken last year gifts, and relies on a network of dedicated Chalk to continue with its fabulous work He added: “It is sad to see the cafe closing of the town’s businesses and Mr Follington volunteers to run social projects to help in the town and surrounding areas.” For and long-serving staff possibly losing their said developing Oswestry’s branding and tackle isolation and poverty. more information about events at the col- jobs. It is to be hoped many will be retained identity was highlighted as a priority along The organisation also works in partner- lege, as well as the new part-time courses, by Costa when the premises reopens.” with attracting new businesses. ship with the printing, coatings and finish- visit www.nsc.ac.uk or call (01691) 688000. E L N A O S W O N Features & Comment 6 8 01 BREEZE WORKING 2 1, ABOUT TOWN FOR YOU 1 y ar u an Don’t get me wrong I’m no fan It’s that time of year again. J of Piers Morgan but he got my Time to think about our hopes for y, week off to a great start on Mon- the New Year. And I don’t mean a day morning when he lambasted health, happiness for all, and d s Brexit remainer Lord Adonis live world peace, which we all want. ur on Good Morning Britain over his I mean those things that might h campaign for a second referen- just fall within my sphere of in- e T duMmo.rgan and I had a difference flinuveonlvceem –e wnth.ere I have an actual cl of opinion at a Society of Editors Firstly there is Brexit. The UK roni Dwcoaanirl fyec rMreimnircreoesr mcaaonnvdey rhyaeeg aewr soe afn gta olole nog vetedor ‘PNolice are doeterminewd to tackle khnife crimeerPolicee investig ate tihe knsife atta cks iin them county Omswestry’s Knifue Angel hnas been beacked by police Eeisnv lseeurayrv iniMnggP t thhheea tsEe rUam ipsn a oMrtn a twroc hhpi c2lah0y 1w 9ine. h lose his editor’s chair at the Mir- leave are in the good interests of C ror over the issue – only to resur- the UK and the EU. Mrs May will r rect his career as an outspoken be able to count on my support, e TV pundit. He still annoys me on if not on other MPs who prefer rd a daily basis but having voted for to put political opportunism first. o Brexit I couldn’t help but back Secondly, I hope for decisions B his stance against the Lord’s on implementing reform of NHS & campaign for a second referen- from knife crime now’ secondary care available to the ry dlouwme di nto w dheiccihd et hoen wpuhbetlihce ri st haely- pWeaolepsle –o f bSasherodp sohnir es eapnadr aMtinidg t leave the European Union once emergency care (Shrewsbury) s e the terms and conditions are from planned care (Telford). The w made clear. Morgan let fly in his decisions on reform have al- s usual manner and got plenty of ready been made and the two O support from former UKIP lead- Clinical Commissioning Groups er Nigel Farage. I’m right behind in Shropshire and the Powys Lo- the both of them. A referendum cal Health Board are waiting to is a referendum – there’s no go- embark on a statutory 12-week ing back. Rightly or wrongly the MARK ANDREWS reports stabbing in Shrewsbury. Declan Graves, public consultation. I hope for country voted to get out of Eu- 20, of Liverpool, was jailed for life after spades to be in the ground dur- rope as quickly as possible. Only on the worrying use of stabbing 16-year-old Michael Warham ing the 2018 summer. time will tell whether that was through the heart during a gang dispute Thirdly, I hope that National the right or wrong decision. But knives in violent attacks in in Wayford Close, Meole Brace, in 2016. Grid will cancel the Mid Wales seurerenldyu wme ocnacne’t whea vken aonwo wthheer trheef-r Shropshire recently haTnhdeed c ianm apta Tigenlf osradw’s aMbaoluint s2g0a0te b ploaldicees Cheolndn, escutisopne Pndroejdec tl,ik we hiac hS iwt hoards the full terms and conditions of station and 60 more at Shrewsbury. of Damocles over the heads of leaving suit us all? Morgan quite FIVE stabbings in Shropshire Mr Harding says when the three sep- the people of Montgomeryshire. rightly drew up the analogy of in 24 hours – statistics like this arate incidents flared up on New Year’s While we can be grateful that the not being happy with Arsenal’s Day police were swiftly on the scene to massive 400Kw power line and FA Cup defeat to Nottingham were once thought to be the deal with the problem, containing the landscape-wrecking monstrous Forest and jested that he should preserve of big cities. trouble and making arrests. He says steel pylons from North Shrop- campaign for a replay. You can’t But the events that marked the extra officers were on patrol over the shire to Cefn Coch has not gone have another go just because start of 2018 have shown that no Christmas period to keep the public safe ahead, we know it has not been things didn’t go your way, that’s part of Britain is immune from knife during the celebrations. cancelled. I am writing to Chair- noWt thheet hweary y loifue wagorrekes .or not, the crime which costs hundreds of lives StTudhiee sC seanytsr eth faotr p Colricimineg aanlodn eJ uiss tuicne- mhiman t oS diro Pjuestet rt hGate. rshon to ask people of the UK have spoken. every year. likely to be the answer to reducing knife Fourthly, the Chancellor has End of. Now let’s deal with the While the wave of knife violence that crime. In 2009, the charity carried out a announced there is to be a Mid repercussions. swept the county in the new year is un- comprehensive review of gun and knife Wales ‘Growth Deal’. Excellent .... doubtedly terrible for those involved, crime strategies, on behalf of the then news. But it needs a transform- Best news of the week came Supt Tom Harding of West Mercia Police Children’s Commissioner for England, ative project to kick start it. How in revelations that traffic lights points out that knife crime is falling in Albert Aynesley-Green. about a new road from Welsh- and filter lanes are at last to be the county. It claimed that a “zero tolerance” ap- pool to the English border to re- installed at Oswestry’s number “We know that there has been around Superintendent Joanne Bull of Gwent Police is backing the Knife Angel proach to weapon possession was inef- place the hopelessly inadequate one accident blackspot at the a 20 per cent reduction in violent crime fective and that more work was needed A458 that currently exists? Maesbury Road junction. But with injuries in Telford and Shropshire would not carry knives if they really it was for your own protection or you to change attitudes among young people. Fifthly, let us consider the why has it taken so long? for the last 28 days compared with the thought through the consequences of were carrying it for someone else. The report said merely seeking to farming industry in Mid Wales. Drivers have died at this junc- same period in 2016,” he says. their actions. “Getting a criminal record could disarm offenders, without looking at We realise there is going to be tion and barely a week goes by “We have demonstrated and offered as- And he says that even if you are not affect your whole life; future job pros- the insecurities which led them to carry significant change in the support without incidents causing seri- surance to the public that we do not and the one brandishing the weapon, hang- pects, going to college or university, weapons, was tackling the symptoms regime, the industry depends ous injury and much damage. will not tolerate knife crime and we will ing around with somebody who does travelling abroad – and possession of a rather than the cause. The fight against on, whether the UK is in the EU Yet it has taken years for road continue to tackle violent criminality and can have life-changing consequences. knife can carry a prison sentence of up knife crime has been taken on by the or out. There must be a prop- bosses to recognise how dan- keep our counties safe.” “If someone is injured or killed by a to four years. British Ironwork Centre near Oswestry. erly funded woodland scheme gerous the junction really is. The strong message will reassure many knife in your presence, even if you’re “It’s your choice to carry a weapon A Knife Angel sculpture has been cre- and a positive attitude towards Work should start in the summer. Shropshire residents after the county not the one using the weapon, you too and you are putting your future in dan- ated from knives given to the company diversification. And one other And the good news continues was rocked by the incidents of knife could be prosecuted,” he says. ger.” by police forces throughout the country. thing. I hope the new Parliamen- with an announcement that more crime over the the New Year period. “You could be sent to prison for mur- In September last year, West Mercia Police bosses have backed the initia- tary constituency boundaries improvements are to be made at Two people were injured in violence der in what is referred to as ‘joint en- Police held a knife-surrender campaign tive with some top officers even visiting planned for approval next year the Mile End roundabout. Over outside Shrewsbury’s Buttermarket terprise’.” – the force is keen to stress that this the site to write their own messages of are not approved. I hope to see £4 million was spent on this pro- nightclub on New Year’s Day. He points out that saying a weapon was not an amnesty – which saw 265 peace on the blades. the proposal scrapped altogeth- ject and in my opinion it is now Hours later another two men suffered is for your own protection will make no knives and three swords handed in at Bosses at the firm are campaigning er. Montgomeryshire has been more dangerous than ever with wounds in Hereford Road in the town. difference should you be arrested. Shropshire’s two main police stations. for the Knife Angel to be installed on in existence for many centuries. drivers struggling to know which Meanwhile, a 51-year-old man was in- He said: “If you are caught carrying The surrender, part of a national the fourth plinth of Trafalgar Square to Long let it continue. lane they should be in. Another jured in a stabbing in Telford. a knife you will be arrested and pros- campaign called Operation Sceptre, give the artwork and its peace message Glyn Davies no-brainer. Mr Harding believes many people ecuted, regardless of whether you say was launched in the wake of a fatal national prominence. Montgomeryshire MP OWPERNEXIHNAMEW The Newest Models NGSODOEPOT at the Lowest Prices! N! P & G VEHICLE REPAIRS CargotecIndustrialPark,Elson,EllesmereSY129JW TYRES EEXXHHAAUUSSTTSS BBAATTTTEERRIIEESS Everythingwedois drivenbyyou. DIAGNOSTICS With over 12,000 vehicles in stock we will have the right vehicle for you. SERVICING Vans, Tippers, Lutons, Minibuses, 4x4’s, Motorhomes and a large variety of cars Our Price Promise REPAIRS We will match a price At Day’s Rental, we are so confident that we are delivering value for money, MOT you find elsewhere* we Promise to match any offer subject to written proof of offer* Unit 1, Sundorne Trade Park, Featherbed Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NS AIRCONDITIONINGSERVICEFROM£40 daysrental.co.uk/quote 01691 622849 0800 3897626 www.pandgvehiclerepairs.co.uk * Terms and conditions apply. The competitive quote from another reputable rental dealership must be provided and verified. Competitor’s product must be identical to ours, and offered on the same terms. Not to be used in conjuction with any other offer. Letters 7 ✓ CruisetheDanubetoVienna&Budapest New housing needs new infrastructure We need to ExperienceawonderrfffulscenicjourneytravellingalongtheDanubeanddipinandoutofthe fascinatinghistoryandcultureofsomeofthemostbeautifulcitiesinthehearrtttofEurope.From O thepretttttycityofPassauontheAustrianbordertotheHungariancapitalofBudapest,cruisein s comforrtttandstyleaboardtheMSSerenity.GazeattheflawlessbeautyoftheWachauValley,lose w really think if yourselfinthewaltzesandwhirlsofVienna,explorebeautifulBudapestthe‘PearloftheDanube’ e s HOUSING crisis? It seems that almost are not in the business to provide a public are blighted by traffic lights which are de- MSSerenityRiverCruiseBoat tr epvroerpyo sdaal yo wr es roemaed adbeovuelto epimtheenrt aa pplparnonviendg. tsherisv ipciel.l aIgte s oeef mthse tchoautn Strhyrsoipdseh, iwreit ehmoubtr caocnes- ocluatr eodf ptoe abke asmnda rstim, bpulty wtuhrinch r dedef wy iatnhy n lootghic- Brexit is such Fmroemalsh–ertdhiesrtein’sctacnlaareirtaabnoductrtehaismschoiplouthrsatonextuhdeeosuststyidlee,atnodthyeetpothlieshaetdmionsteprhioerrseaisndweaxrmquiasnitde y & hWahviec ha,l rfeoard my ep,a csrseeadt tehs et h2e0 3il6l utsairogne tt.hat we sriedseoruirncge st,h we haidcdhi twioen aarle p ardevsissuerde sa rpel aaclreeda odny tinhge nonu manbeyr o otfh heor mapesp rinovaochlv erdo,a idt. iWs phaatteenvtelyr fsroiemnedlyq.uiTehtetrime’seianlsyoouprleonwtynocfomsppaacney.tAoccgoamthmerodwaittihonfriisensdpslitaonvdercthhareteodveerckdsr,inwkhsicohraerenjoayll Bo It is sad to see green fields disappear, struggling against overspend on decreasing obvious that we are talking a minimum of accessiblebyaliffttt. r bstuatt iesstpicesc itaol lsyu wpphoernt tthheisr ef rise nnzeyv eorf aanctyi vrietayl. bmuedngte, tIs s. eIen n aol ls itghni so fp irnocfruesaiosend oifn fdreavsetrloupc-- tohnees ec avre hpiecrle sn ewwil l hmouaksee, aatn ldeathsta tt weoa cjhou or-f a great idea T✓heAhllobteeldSroeormviscehsavinecTlVusde✓; Hotelbar✓ HotelLift✓ HotelEntertainment der dwOehnsoeir cpea efnroc roe nipvlreyo fiaco td ngecemlunadenread it,t i obisna s,t ehadef t uedrpe voaenlll o ttphheeeriyrs tyteuorruiee ,ss e aaenr dpo eutanhkda thS oihsur rbe wlqasutbaeunurteylsy a oannpd pt hTaeree lmfnotar diwn. h Waerne- neCWysHe psRetrbI Sud arByyR. OWN I AM becoming convinced that Brexit is a ✓YouArllTToruarveClobsytEInxeccluudtievseOwen’sSelectCoach✓ReturnChannelCrossings✓2Overnight Chr 70th anniversary of hospital fire approaches vveoFrteyidr bs fatoldyr ,iB dorenealxy.i t3 i7n p aenr acdenvits oofr yt hree feelreecntodruamte. HwAcoitctheolmBsemwdi,othBdarBetieaodkn,fadBsurteri&ankg3fatChsoteu&Crsr3ueiCsEoevuewrnsiietnhgEFvMuelnelaiHnlosgtRM&eetCuaolrsnldOJBuouutwfrfneaetrdyB✓rJeoauMkrfnSaesSyte,✓rLeun1nitcOyh:veFarunnldligB4ho-taCHrodoutresle onic The decision to abide by the result was EveningMealsFollowedbyTea/Coffee✓CruiseAmenities,Itinerary&SightseeingExcursions le taagkeennd ab ya nthde w giotvhe rnnom thenout gtoh tf ueritthheerr iftosr o twhne aEsveSrtyaNteidgh✓toTfrathnespCorrutisPero✓vidGeudidfeodrETxocuurrosfioMnselwkhAebrbeeyNe✓ceVssieanrnya✓wMithusGicuaidleEdntCeirttyaTinomurenton Th people who voted to remain in the EU or ✓GuidedTourofSchönbrunnPalace✓BudapestwithCoachCityTourAccompaniedby u for young people not eligible to vote in the aLocalGuide✓BudapestbyNightIncludingFolkloreShowwithMusicandaGlassof rs referendum. Schnapps✓PusztaHorseShow✓GuidedTourofBratislava✓FreeTimeinDürnstein d Those who voted to leave, did so on ✓DriveAlongtheRhineValley ay the basis of lies; remember Farage, Gove, Supplements , J tBJhorehe xnNistHo bnSu aesnm wdb iPltahaz to£en3l e5pd0i c amtcurirloleisdos n iin tp. ferro wnte eokf tfhoer SPainngolrearmooamDescukppClaebminen£t2£33075MiddleDeckCabin£115 anua Perhaps another reason for the leave 11DAYS 18th–28thAugust £1425 ry vote was a vote by some sections of the 1 electorate against austerity, but austerity www.owenstravel.co.uk 1 was a choice made by our government and , 2 nothing to do with the EU. Now it appears 0 1 Moscow may have had a hand in Brexit 8 propaganda, at least on social media. I await further revelations with interest! Brexit negotiations appear to be in chaos. OSWESTRY 01691652126 David Davies said on 25 June 2017, “We’ve NEWTOWN 01686626576 got 50, nearly 60 sector analyses already WHITCHURCH 01948662361 d“Iotn ies, ”n woth itlhset ocnas 7e Nthoavte m58b esre c2t0o1ra7l hiem spaaicdt, FRAEVEAIMLAAIBLLINEG WSHRREEXWHSABMURY 0011794738737300000013 assessments exist.” If they don’t exist then the government have been grossly incom- High Lea House petent in charging ahead with Brexit not January 27 will mark the 70th anniversary of the great fire which destroyed much of Shropshire Orthopaedic Hospital at Go- having done impact assessments and if they do exist presumably they are so bad that boHwaepnp. iTlyh tehreer cea wnenroet nboe cmaasnuya lntioews. wThheo preicmtuerme bise rf riot,m b utht ep eGrehoafpfs C thhaerslees c Chioldllreecnt ipoinc thuerledd a at fttheer tNhaetiiro rneaslc Luieb raarrey sotfi lWl aarloeusn.d. theN goowv ewren mareen tt odldon t’ht ewrea nist tthoe bme rae lveoatsee din. Residential Home EU ought to pay LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Punishment has to parliament if a Brexit deal is reached. Good news, it first appears, but then if MPs re- ject the deal we will crash out of the EU us for access to fit the crime to regardless of the consequences. Where is POST EMAIL the democracy in that scenario? No wonder nearly 500 amendments have been tabled RatedGoodby the UK’s market Readers’ Letters, tackle offending for the Brexit Bill. CQCinspectors. The Chronicle, iain.stjohn@ CHRISTINE JENKINS 14 Salop Road, shropshirestar.co.uk Shrewsbury timPnhRi eEalI lnvpiMoedenEno u.p tpMlhepa iiontnf igw sB totrehnirte’ at TB ibnhre eei rnxeeni ttso hadu eiMgv bhoaa rfyccok eri, s btb ihsyltle a cmtbaob.v £iinn40gg adLdeOrtetseswrses s astnrhydot, h SuteeYld l1re i1bpg e2hhN otb Untroiee cfn oaunnmddeb MnesrU.e TS lheTet ti neEcrdsliu.todre r neasemreve, s Itmph oRaeIlEnni tfynCrici oEghicahNaentvnTeset nL sbiYpnhe egoewo uniapnl tdmlcce rh aceehioamdans veaes eid iTd n efbV orae r pce rirnldeiof sgaektr.toi atlIralm iecbndkmeg sl ei.aet nohvndee Tyohuarn kk iynodun efossr Good Quality Care It will come with ties, contracts and Please sign up to death penalty for perpetrators of acid at- shackles. tacks. This would be a deterrent. •FriendlyandHomely comBuint gw fhroemre? a ll of a sudden is that money horse care petition In previous decades and centuries pun- I TRAVELLED by train on December 7, it The armed forces, schools, police and ishments for crimes, even minor ones, was the 21.25 from Shrewsbury to Gobow- •SetinBeautifulGardens NHS are in crisis. were too severe. Unfortunately, we have en. is YTavehate itylha nbeeylee a.dr em boerien mg toonledy t.hat no more cash IthFe ayn my aoyf byeo uinrt erereasdteerds tcoa rken oawbo tuhta ht oervseersy, gs2oo6fn:t1e 0w taho ioenn f T adrhe teah lNien eogwt wh Keitrihn w goa fJyfae amnndedes r aVsr.e eIr nsni ooIwsna titahohoe daAIy .a hmu ag eD tohgasn Tkr uyostu v fiorlustnltye etor itth we acso an tloronlg- •Establishedforover30years The UK taxpayers’ cash should not be year 50,000 horses are driven across Eu- Prophet said: “Let grace (favour) be shown ler at Burgess cabs in Oswestry who kindly used to meet the financial demands of the rope for days on end with few rest stops to the wicked, yet he will not learn right- and quickly got me a lift with a gentleman •Visitorsarealwayswelcome EU divorce bill. and little food and water, eventually to be eousness.” who was also travelling home. All local We should only pay what we genuinely slaughtered. The leniency of sentencing these days and cabs were all booked up. I was about to be owe, even if it means walking away without The World Horse Welfare Charity is try- the resultant repeat offending shows Isaiah stranded! a deal. ing to persuade the European Commission knew what he was talking about. The Bible Secondly to the gentleman who sat in the LlanfordaRise,OswestrySY111SY How much will the EU pay us to have to introduce a maximum journey time of speaks of an eye for an eye (Deuteronomy front seat and who paid the fare when I of- Oswestry 01691 654090 access to our market? Or do the likes of nine to 12 hours. Please sign their petition 19:21) regarding punishments. This should fered my share. Germany, Spain, Italy, France and co not (it is under the campaign section of their not be taken literally but it does mean a Kindness is around. want to sell us their goods ? website). punishment should fit the crime. Thank you so much. B ELLIS CLAIRE NORRIS MR J CLIFT TRISHA ANNE Leominster Oswestry Shrewsbury Dogs Trust BRIGHTS 4 CharnwoodC-Four £6F9rom8 DIRECTEstablishedSinceBUY Ladies Fashion BLINDS 1988 WoodBurningStove CLOSING incVAT QualityMadetoMeasure VerticalBlinds/ ROLLERBLINDS WOODENBLINDS rollerblinds CONSERVATORY VERTICALBLINDS Fittedfrom DOWN BLINDS ROMANBLINDS £199 VENETIAN PLEATED Shropshire’straditionalfuneraldirectorson BLINDS BLINDS SALE thebanksoftheRiverSevern PerfectFitBlinds VELUX Shrewsbury’soriginalfamilyfuneraldirec- FREEMEASURING ValueforMoney torsareasmuchpartofthelocalheritage ANDFITTINGSERVICE FASTLocalService astheRiverSevern. PPRROOFFEESSSSIIOONNAALLCCAARRPPEETTCCLLEEAANNIINNGG NOW 70% Fromourofficesandawardwinning gardensonthebanksoftheRiver MADETOMEASUREANDREADYMADECURTAINS REDUCTIONS SevernatColeham,Pughshave •Stoves•Fireplaces•RangeCookers•Gas&ElectricFires providedahighlypersonaland MONTGOMERY FABRICS professionalfuneralservicetofamiliesat Realfireheatingfrom 01691772153 theirtimeofneedforover120years. www.directblindsshropshire.co.uk Mon-Fri10am-3.45pm FREEDELIVERY 01691 670257 133LongdenColeham, ClosedSaturdays ShrewsburySY37DN www.saxonhomecare.co.uk www.easy(cid:191)tblinds.co.uk T:01691622286 24hourtel:01743344646 [email protected] Gledrid,NearOswestryLL145DG ForDomestic&CommercialPremises 7-9MarketStreet,Ellesmere pughsfuneraldirectors.com 6OswaldRoad,OswestrySY111RE *6000sqftshowroom*30minsfromShrewsbury&Chester*Open7daysaweek Council tax bills set to Funding is 8 NEWS IN BRIEF available to 8 Fundraisers hit 1 0 1, 2 the right note go up by six per cent groups from 1 y ar MEMBERS of Whittington and bonfire night nu Oswestry Young Farmers have been a raising money for charities. y, J thBe ectluwbe ewne r2e0 o uatn dfo r4 t0h rmeee mnibgehrtss ionf da the run-up to Christmas singing car- APPLICATIONS are now being invit- s ols and raising money for their three ed for grants from Oswestry’s bonfire ur chosen charities for 2017/2018, Shrop- By Dominic Robertson and fireworks community funding & Border Chronicle Th bpsCbtrytsfmErahahieureanioriAeeanienlnsyrgnav nreesec£,ineis fiddneog s8y.ac sRt ruag2f e Efri rosul4f.rdFo aelrfm oiry:m oustc yam s“ umomnrol tWtlel udhhlt thaSmea, hnee e ucan eg aeF gtnpch m leaotafaelpdodah urqboo tmr ronMulheur–meklrtae r tesin,t de esld reih nre enLadlvesor ai gieii,cg ,fsnsn i mrmh bhintdygncfuratgaol esgisyrut smb n.f i eaA”tbswotu a ioir Ditmleert r syimm s o acec o hAnavacawaunnrrim nnceeioeos’hldyystf--ll pCsfbtpmttrahieereooeOTTcreoiat nnkm bhh csUrltg.eeuleeoien Nrs crAme5t ieoiCr.t s. ponssi9eIosfI. tr s9 Lmf oeiii w nldu p 3uflobet–e.Tslaur9 ryttatela9ir id -xdcoia lm penm prltsne,meio iplowttnr lhr hio sh ieoecneisstn Secle crthpn dnerh p ttsetitoroas ahio£ iluuxcslae7 pune bs p5par,sdtr.l r4u eeui hec5yfit rpnei ehin r at ncaeifloa nyrrflyer n ,doe3i ancteimai.sye1x-str Tree recycle scheme boostdVicatAtathiy wr eSoccseSerohna lienhlirpyi cinl’,r aefdy su goo oa crnh prp hHletsweac hlnhoesoseea’ nisvsmnbtrhop etoehetrair eecoatCyHvdnoesc eos pto CCurmoipibancnrhheaeie crprs hek.MiHieinlssai ntctoom smmog urtibohnd saaacnertaes sreoe d aCntwynotrce henrietfrneaooieaelgerrrs--- aanptbslepfiinaocsn uerronrhc tTTEoe tdrsegoadec wc hahustmiboem hvcouoeepetRlahee ri ehlpderstsnto k .eyosfse hoet sro rterco waeo oa fetaoeurldf m nbaorvv yttl t clc heeo t ihachiarnhtscCeno ehl h a ie lt yug nteelmuc hOoie rnv gonbceacwaese.cmlt oirnwnunirneom lm ttbtn ae fc sac nssmtoou.fonOit,fdsuo nruu dot stnyninnts hwrt hdt yigicbeohseti i ao ys fldsefffn n utor ofidierifiBorsnnservy mrdaoaeacea eiwrtl tnhd dliiid astdooaottie nnhhnnervatrkddgoeeesss- ry put in spotlight mBaonrde fBo rh Bomaneds .D properties, and £58.68 for OsDwuersitnrgy. the first few weeks of to Othvee ra ctthuea lla psrto 2fi9t sy feraorms othf eth eev eenvte.nt est PeStehrr oNpusthtiirneg sCaoidu:n “cWil eL deoa ndoetr wCaonutn tcoi lpluort tbheee nm roenctyhc,l inthge thcoen ttrreaecsto ar t hiatss uint eedx cteos lso coaf l£ g8o0o,d0 0c0a uhsaess .been distrib- w COLLEGE students in Oswestry re- Council Tax up at all, but the reality of life depot on the Mile Oak Industrial Applications are now invited for s cently enjoyed a visit from staff from is we have huge pressure on adult social Estate. funds available from the 2017 bonfire O a leading dairy products firm. care and children’s social services and it Last year, more than 4,000 and fireworks evening. North Shropshire College maths costs real money to sort the problems out. real trees were recycled by Applicants must be based, and the and English students were visited by “We need the money so we can provide Shropshire residents both at the activity to be funded, must be fo- Arla Foods representatives. a decent social services system for some of kerbside and at one of the five cussed on Oswestry itself. Grants will the most vulnerable people in Shropshire.” household recycling centres in not fund staffing or administrative The firm’s staff demonstrated the Councillor Nutting said the ambition Shropshire in Oswestry, Shrews- costs and the organisation must have importance of maths and English was for the tax rise in the following year, bury, Craven Arms, Whitchurch a bank or building society account. skills in the workplace. 2019/20, to come down to 3.99 per cent. and Bridgnorth. Funding will be given to initiatives The company, which produces The authority is only be able to increase Lynsey Kilvert, area fund- which improve quality of life, pro- well-known brands such as Skyr and Council Tax to 5.99 per cent because of raiser for Hope House Chil- mote and increase participation and Anchor, has a large packing facility changes to government policy. The increase dren’s Hospice, thanked Veolia volunteering, support the use of local based not far from the college on the would be made up of 2.99 per cent for the and said: “Everyone at Hope facilities, support the purchase of Maesbury Road Industrial Estate in council, as permitted by government, added House is delighted that Veolia equipment or fund educational visits Oswestry. together with three per cent, to pay solely will be making a donation to or activities. Tammy Huxley, training and de- for the costs of providing adult social care. help us continue the vital sup- Application forms are available velopment manager at Arla Foods The government has increased the amount port we provide to seriously ill from Oswestry Town Council and the Oswestry, gave presentations to the councils are allowed to raise for their own children and their families and closing date for return is January 31. students which taught them more services without calling a referendum from to families and children in the Normally no grant will exceed £500 about Arla and how the company 1.99 per cent to 2.99 per cent. Councils are community who have suffered to ensure that the widest possible ben- operates, including the importance also permitted to combine that increase the sudden death of a child or efit from the overall fund is achieved. placed on English and maths skills at with a six per cent increase, split over three With some of the trees already dropped off are Lynsey Kilvert from Hope someone close to them in trau- For further information contact the the company. years for adult social care. House and Carl Hodgkiss, a site operative for Veolia in Oswestry matic circumstances.” town council on (01691) 680222. BANBURY’S BBUUYYDDIIRREECCTTFFRROOMMTTHHEEMMAANNUUFFAACCTTUURREERRSS CELEBRATING AH941188_2018-01-08_Oswestry&BorderChronicle_18x4(1)_JustGoRT Oswestry&BorderCYhronicoleurweeklynewspaper BIGGEST SASAVVEEUUPPTTOO OVER 41YEARS inassociationwith EVER 5500%% OF QUALITY OONN(cid:7)A‘A(cid:8)’RRAATETDED MANUFACTURING WWIINNDDOWOSWS Eastbourne&Brighton Newquay&theCreamofCornwall CCLLBAAUYSSDSSIRIIECCCTFOORORRMAATHNNEMGGANEEURRFAIICEETUSSRERfSrom ££1100,,999955 from ++VVAATT FFIITTTTEEDDIINNCCLLUUDDIINNGGBBAASSEEAANNDDWWAALLLLSS ((LLiimmiitteeddTTrraaddeeOOffffeerr)) UU3U3U3P3P545PP5450TT%0%TT%%%OO%OOOOOOOFFOFFFFFFFFFF EUEU33P5P5XXT%AT%AOOTOVTOVFFARAFRFIILALAAABDBDLLIIESESCCFFOOOOUURRNNTT UU33PP55TT%%OOOOFFFF BQCBQCOORRUUMMIIAATTLLIIPPSSIITTOOHHYYSSMMIITTEEAADDDDEEOOOORRSS vSvSiiHsHsiitOtOooWWuurrssHHhhooOOwwMMrroooEoEmmSS F£F£RROO55MM8855iinncc VVAATT U3U3P53P530T%0T%%O%OOOOFOFFFFFFF UU33P5P353T0%T0%O%O%OOOFOFFFFFFF (cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15)11FFR0R0(cid:37)(cid:37)EEYYEEEEAAFFRRIITTTTGGIIUUNNAAGGRRAANNTTEEEE Eastbourne & Brighton N&tehweCqreuaamyofCornwall BBlFlaFaccRkRkEEEEGGQQrreeeeUnUnOOTTRARAeeddTTIIOONNBBlluueeOONNGAGAWWhhLLiiUUtteOeOLGLGBBPPOOLLUUAATTuuFFPGPGrrDDqaqaAuNsAuNsttooOeOeiillsRsReeRRUBUBPPAARRAAAAUUGDGDDDaarrNNPePerCrCkykyRRRREEKKTTYYOOEEAAPPTDTD’’eebbSSEEbbUUGGOOlleeCCEETTGGRRFFrrooeelleeyyAAnnNNGGEE DfroempaOrtsiwnegstMryonday5Mar fDroempaOrtsiwnegstMryonday5Mar TTTRNACTRNUSAAOCNUAOENDEPDTODPDTEOHEADHTWEDTNWEOWNOIWGHOOIGHOORNORRNSLOREDSS4EMDSA4MOAEETO5DEETI5DEOWIPRORWPSRR%RESW%RIEWCINVCCNTVCDEETDEEISRAISRA•SASATCTTCTOIOISOUOUNNNNATTFFLLLUEUSSHH•SSAASSSAHHWLWEIINNDDOOWWSS •••••••••••••••••••FPFGCGSBPSBPFPFGCGSARATOARAIOUTOARIOAR--AETSAFETSPFRRNPNRRNNOCNIBOCIBCAOCAROSRSIRLCILLCLHGAHEGAEEEEDOEDDHDHSRSESRSECCDOODIOVIDVDDDDADDDAAAOAOMOAOOOONEOONENONTTOORSNRNOOODOODOOOOORRTRTRRRRRPRSPRSSSIISSSSSAISIOAIIOEEEELLSFSSFSFDFDIITOTOSSOORRSS ••••••••••••••TCGFPPRCCTCGFPPRCCSUULLOIELLIEOOOOOOAALLAAAAPPLLLRERENNNNNNLLNNLLNNUDDAASSSASSSABBSNTSNGGEEEEEERCRCUUIRRRIRRRDIEDEOOOEENNIIVVVVVVRMRMLRLRNOOGGAAAAAADDAAOOEESFFTTTTTTWAWAIINNOONNOOOOOO-PPTTNNFFTGGRRRRRRPPSSOYYYYIILLSSEE((IIOESESCRCRGGRROOAAHRRVVTTOOOPPIIIICC))FFOOTSSEE/NNSS PriER4EcanenesttieutgbIrrhtnnoatucscinrolDnmuaeBcedBhnetatsrsta.ot.vmh.eeleEnaigsthBtseachHotel, PriR4EEcnxenecttieuugrIrrhtnnsaticsocinonlDmusaBcedtBhonetatPsrotaa.ntd.vh.essetlooPmwee,nCtnihirgeahrHltesostteolw,Nne&wFqaulamyouth SALE •SALE •SALE ••SOURNANROGEORMIESS STOOLOUCTOIOLNDS?-TOOHOT/ ExcursiontoBrighton •ORANGERIES TOOCOLD? SEES EOEUORU RWWEBESBISTITEE FFOORR FFUURRTTHHEERRS PSEPCEICAILAOLF OFEFRFSERS SEE OUR WEBSITE FOR FURTHER SPECIAL OFFERS www.bwwawn.bbanubruyrywwiinndodwos.cwo.usk.co.uk www.banburywindows.co.uk QQUUAALLIITTYY PPRROODDUUCCTTSS AATT AAFFFOFORRDDAABLBEL PERPICREICSES 5byDCaoysach £16o0nly 5byDCaoysach £17on5ly BBBAAANNNBBBUUURRRYYY SHREWSBURY SHRTEeWlS:B 0UR1Y743 344858 aCvoaaiclahbpilaitcyk.EagrreohrsolaidnadyosmarisessiounbjseecxtctoepJtuesdt.GPori!cHeoslsidhaoywsntearrmespaenrpdecrosnodni,tbioansesdwohnicthwaorpeeboapseledsohnartihnegBaodnbdl/etdwCinoraocohmH.oSliindgalyeGsuropuppleTmraednitnsgapCphlayr.ter.Toursofferedsubjectto Tel: 01743 344858 OpHeneinagt hhoguras:t eMso,n -SShatr1 9eawms-5bp0umr y S uSn%Y 110 a4mB-B4pm Forortombooreokin,fpolermasaeticoanll:03332 341 875 QuoteJGRT All savings are based on pOrevpioeusn pirnicges ahto oHuurre hsae:atdMh ogfofiacntee -bsrSa,anScthh 9druearwinmgs bD-eu5cerpmymbSerY (cid:15)2101S64u. BPnhBo1to0graapmhs -ar4e pfomr illustration purposes only orvisitonlineat:justgoholidays.com/RT 0m3in3unteusmpbaecrksaagreesfroetehewriwthisineisntcalnudsiavredratesapply. Reassurances given over Halting of NEWS IN BRIEF 9 waste work History group O s w leads to loss NHS winter pressures to meet again e s t r of 10 jobs OArScWhaEeSoTloRgYy aGnrdo uBpo,r dwerh iHchis towrays an4d0 y & years old in December, will begin an- B other year of activities this week. o AwNas teen avnirdo nremcyecnltianlg cchoallreicttyi ownsil,l csatuosp- wwdiAldl uystpnhe woarka sa o nlnidk w ec ohblaeletfo ctrthoee rL vAaikllwlea ygVney oHrfn uLwglyha neast- rder ingC tahee Ploossst ,o fb 1a0s ejdob isn. Welshpool, is Report by Sue Austin Raffle at library was a big success a gTrhoue pt amlke ettainkge st opmlaocrer oawt 7(F.3r0idpamy) .i n Ch waceaomn ocldrlphe klaacoetrtyr iiosost.ny n dI esnai sp nataohdcbirn elose tpods wasc s iaeatMnn li dttoe tnhndotait gs5seao r,c0dmpa0vrre0airrs niPeyet sdoath wghoieuyradestt ttPhhAaoTtpI EaoeNpdTeirSca tHiaoorness p biateat iln Oagsr ewr epeasrostrcsyeu erOedrd-- A CHRISTMAS coffee morning tSobphroutireoigel lid eMnCitna.oe lgrtD v hpouioolfrlrd aiatinghstgeiteo otnCVhf hyceLour ldnmarenwcmmhwy io dsHDldsiitayaoinlmonl n,ea, dnCLo dfaai v s ttesthhelreee-- ronicle prCophearitri eosf. the charity’s trustees John isnpgit ea sw phlaatn tnheedy mthaisy mhaovnet hre –a dd oe-r aant Gd ofbuonwdreani sCineng trraafl flLei bwraarsy h aenldd rieMs ro fH puhgohtoess.’ s talk will feature some Th Harrington said: “It has been an ex- heard about the NHS response Hub. of these, together with some taken by u gistnrere eo“mPnwA oel ttowlhhyuy eords u i vsfgaefiahrnlcvu udiwel ct eSe ays hn ehrtdaoaor vp dtfesroeh amrbdi rueeaese n,c.n duw safetobo rlmh eat ehvtroees tsaoccNr awoelsewisn. stt heeemr cpeorrugenesdtsr lyua rswete swr eoe ebnke aitn hnga aat tdtirvouinsseatdsl aoflthuneeL.sd li lybei brsdartoaarnyrbya lci tsauehndsmt dop emlronizectearsss l h,b tafourd sit eihgnneeed nssrse aeorfs-f- DV6A6yaF1rvl7noide9rw 3Rym.r oEowtsrlteaa ntdaede.s t,sa ail sla tcnodhn atagiecetn t(v 0fo1er6 9ths1e) rsday, Ja rvfdaeeelcrclyy.i sc Tihloahanbirs.ld e A h fmsao sraa ultbeesodr ati aurodl ssd o tewofc tieadr suevo setrtortey eca sldno,i sdfitfie b cwoauuallerst tmtoho ecn satinhcck ieenls ton rpodanet-riue rtnogt esfn.r et ep urpoc ceadpuarceist yt hfoirs iSAntrvaBtonhulsuvs rieSnsdu e opsifesn Oer sstst hwoaeren esdr tao rffoy flr,S egtt ah iMnen icaCslrauott-diionoepsnd,, target caravans nuary 1 recycling centre in Trewern, but fi- This was requested as part of a raft of Post Office and the pharmacy 1 nancially we had no choice. measures from the National Emergency at Gobowen as well as Derwen CARAVAN owners are advised to be , 2 “We hope to be able to continue Pressures Panel. College. extra vigilant and review their secu- 0 tooff emrienegt toruarin cihnag raitnadb leem opbljoeycmtivenest toof ciaBliustt tcheen torret htohpaate ddioce sh onspoitt afle aist uar es paen- linTe-huepy ofa pllr izceosn wtrhibicuht wede ret op uat brirteya fko-lilnosw iinn gth ae nWuemlsbhepro oolf aartetae.mpted 18 itktheaoCtb sailenee dwsPioosomarsktde v hioanatns hlt eeaara gl rowenndai gnyi ng hi nidts hitfsuoear tbjyuoi rbloiesft. y ”cm haaanrrd-- eeinmmgBee etrrovgg eeefrunnlneccyyyct Taidodeanmpb aaeirsrst nsnmiaoocenrlnmes,t, a dsaloi.nr ewdc itdlolo rbe soe fnc noount rttsianinkuge- upsoepmPr fseoettro e rogref r Fawtbahasues l ikondns ot nhhfraeao tnrmiaodf n tflSsoet a.ptnor esA sSennunt- tteeamrkI,pte btniyus it nd ndugoa ettm h ttaeohig roea uc hagmarhsaat vbj oaetrnheinsat y tfc oamoruf ust ehocdhew. nwweianrss- environmental action. and deputy chief executive, said: “It is very Jones, a library volunteer. Despite the current trading activi- much business as usual and we would like A library spokeswoman said There is no information as to where ties stopping, the charity will continue to reassure any patients booked in for pro- there were opportunities for the incidents specifically took place, to exist while the trustees investigate cedures this month that it is our expecta- volunteering at the library and and whether caravan parks were tar- new ways to deliver their charitable tion that those will go ahead as planned. community hub. geted or those parked on private prop- objectives with the revised budget. “That is not to say that we are not doing She said: “If you live in the erty, but police have been out and Mr Harrington added about the job all we can to support the wider local health Gobowen area, have some time about offering advice in the Welsh- losses: “We would really like to thank economy. on your hands and would like to pool area. “We have been visiting all of our staff, customers and suppli- “We have made a number of beds availa- help out at Gobowen Central Li- the caravanning community to raise ers over the years for their support ble on our care of the elderly ward to sup- brary and Hub, why not join our awareness about the crimes and are and the significant contribution they port our colleagues at The Shrewsbury and friendly team of volunteers?” advising owners to ensure that their have made to our social enterprise.” Telford Hospital NHS Trust, and we are She added: “If you are in- caravans are secure and valuables are The charity had to cut 17 jobs ear- considering other measures we can take. terested, pop into the library, removed whilst out of use over the lier this year after kerbside recycling “The wider NHS is under a lot of pres- call (01691) 653388 or email winter period,” said a police spokes- collections were taken back in-house sure right now, and we want to do all we gobowen.library@shropshire. person. “Consider property marking by Powys County Council. can to help.” Peter Faulks from Stans Superstore and Ann Jones, a library volunteer gov.uk” valuables, and ensure locks are in good order.” BOREHOLES & E M2ERG4ENC Y For all Drainage Issues Call Metro Rod HOUR E PRIVATE WATER • Emergency Blockage RESPO N S Clearance • Drain Liningg • High Pressure Water Jetting • Pre-Planned Maintenance • Electro-Mechanical cleaning • Colour CCTV Drain Surveys • Tanker Jetting • Root Removal • Septic Tanks • Metro Vac Gutter Cleaning DRILLING BOREHOLES Tel: 07970 925790 - 07827 240404 or 01938 554050 ON SITE PUMP SERVICING www.metrorod.co.uk/mid-wales-shropshire CALL WB+AD MORGAN NOW… Tanker 0800 542 7613 Services FREEPHONE LARGESCALEDRAINAGEPROBLEMSAREPROJECT MANAGEDBYLOCALMETRORODSERVICECENTRES USINGTANKERJETTERSANDCOMBINATIONUNITS [email protected] ●SepticTankEmptying ●Commercial ●SepticTanksand HazardousWaste SoakawaysInstalled ●Interceptors “Keep your water ●Repairs ●Domestic safe & clean” Tel: 07970 925790 - 07827 240404 or 01938 554050 EM2ER4GEN C www.metrorod.co.uk/mid-wales-shropshire RHOUR Y ESPONSE Welshpool 10 Nominations are needed 8 Gas pipes 1 NEWS IN BRIEF 0 2 11, Refugees get upgrade to y ar u an bike training for community awards resume says J y, da firm boss s AGROUPofrefugeesfromwar-torn ur SyriaandnowresettledinMidWales h havereceivedbicycletraining. T Theyreceivedcycletrainingthanks e tothepoliceandPowysCountyCoun- COMMUNITIES in Mid Wales and hronicl ccTmwyihilect.emlheTbtthtehrreraaesiitnnrwouiinnfoleggtsohtrwoeogfaa1gtnsr8hioseoSuaryprtgriooaiawanndnasinswreptehedrfdeounvaghifedoteeeuelspdrt. RAepToOrWtbNyScuoeuAnucsiltinis calling for Royal honour for loyal organist Elvet oWopffaeTrgstpahtsosesoUpsfcitiopbSilmelhietsrpi.eoadspnissychroiuinrspettiunaioprunegersbaaedisitinsngWguwapalaglelrrsnaodel&dde C cycling. nominationsfor itsannual com- metalgaspipestonewplasticones er CouncillorLiamFitzpatrick,cabi- munityawards. HE’Sturning90thisweekbut ninexatp1r4ojyeecatrtsh.atwillcontinueforthe d netmemberforhighways,said:“The The awards began in Welshpool in that doesn’t stop organist El- Programme director, Rob Long, westry&Bor Datstrhrkoaaeiwlidilnrssoistnaaaogfdaebrhtaeybacsdosawmdpievrellipolcsvieaai.rfstd”eelreyedcaystrchnsleeiinsmtpgnswvwotaihtlhueernakbdotelnye 2wotcthoot0hwmaDTh0noneou8mwrbg4,cusb0ino.vnreupeeCidtneclyttooechhpiragleeklwneiiusarRihsnrotniadsnibvoumsegewnirnegbttscevhRheeeoeeoen2lrkbu0oipiw0nennrs8gseot.osaarnenwkrnoiaslmtyaroediidftdnso:w,atmh“thiitTooeohhnslrpeaees vmchTMpheoarurMAtuoseslRrln,irybccdRisshecitReihef.nacovniachnrceerahrdphCryhaslidhaesrSsidyuslwuiisrfntna,ceoogdshtvfira,1remteyor7nhcsem-eaeeeyioateevofriaMhenrsriWgages-aaorreBlvlntodlitroscc.hihanaetet--l,, gasiiitohnnsoanfrogdiamdedhgims£v:eaeksi2ams“seedtEneumaepphvtnaiiiepowladlfrmlealiisylbomeeltinuyrnosicevsleoiaiaiktencvnnrheseeetdeewsrispnpsyapereiufooptwseuewhae.peadseWetegnorkrtgaedha.ban’2draTuws0deetsh3aflii48s2rinnosu0m0,ewv0p,psae0ikpsfrnsn0oemoltd0ygsr-- Os POWYSCountyCouncilhaslandeda ifnoratainonaswbaeridngwAitphrtihle18c.losingdatefornom- iYseharE’smHpoirneouMrsedliaslt.intheNew gweonrekrcaatino,nastttoimceosm,bee.dWiserukpntoivweaonudr prestigiousstandardforitseffortsin “TheawardsarepresentedonMayor’s “IstartedwhenIwas17,”he Iwouldliketothankpeoplefortheir providinginclusivesportingopportu- Sunday,June3,inaceremonyinthetown said.“Thewomanwhowasthe supportlastyearandtheircontinued nitiesthroughoutthecounty. hall.Thosewhocanbenominatedfora organistatthetimewashaving patienceandunderstandingthisyear DisabilitySportWaleshasawarded communityawardincludeanyonewhohas difficulty keeping up so I was aswedoouressentialwork.” the council’s Sport Development carriedoutgoodworkswithintheareaof askedtofillin.I’mnotaspecial MrLongsaidpeoplewouldbenoti- Team the insport Development Welshpooltown.Theydonothavetolivein playeroranythingbuttheykept fiedinadvancebeforeworkiscarried Bronzestandard. Welshpoolandcanbeanyage.Theperson meon. outincommunities.Headded:“Our The insport development pro- orgroupmayhavecompletedagooddeed “I’veenjoyedthe73yearsand corebusinessatWales&WestUtil- gramme is part of Disability Sport asaone-offormayhavedoneserviceover havenoplansonstoppingany- itiesisthesafeandsecuretranspor- Wales’sbroaderinsportproject. manyyears.” timesoon.I’llkeepgoingaslong tationofgasacrossourdistribution The project aims to support the Eachwinnerwillgetacertificateand asIcan.” networkthroughoutWalesandthe physical activity, sport and leisure havetheirnameplacedonthecommunity MrRichards,aformerfarm southwestofEngland. sectorsindeliveryinclusivelyofdis- awardsboardinthetownhall.MrRob- worker,wenttoSundayschool “Withagasnetworkofmorethan abledpeople. insonsaidthatthepersonshouldnotbe atTrelystan,marriedhiswife 35,000kmofmains,wetransportgas Councillor Rachel Powell, cabi- makeawaretheyarebeingnominatedun- Lillia there and had all four tothehomesandbusinessesof2.5 netmemberforsportsdevelopment, lesshecontactedthem.“Themattermust ofhischildrenbaptisedatthe millionconsumersacrossageography said:“Iwouldliketocongratulateour remainconfidentialuntilaftertheawards church.Hehasservedalongside coveringasixthoftheUK,servinga SportsDevelopmentTeamforachiev- ceremony.Iftheinformationisleakedthe 10vicarsandplayedinchurch populationofmorethansevenmillion ing the insport Development pro- awardwillnotbepresented,”hesaid. servicesforfiveBishopsofHer- people.Weappreciateourworkcan gramme’sbronzestandardonbehalf Call(01938)553142formoredetailsor eford.Heisduetocelebratehis haveanimpactonthecommunities ofthecouncil.” [email protected] OrganistElvetRichardshasbeenawardedaBritishEmpireMedal 90thbirthdaytoday(Thursday). weserve.” IS YOUR CONSERVATORY GGGOOO TOO HOT IN SUMMER AND TOO COLD IN THE WINTER? 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