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de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 15 Editors Ο. H. Kegel, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg V. P. Maslov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow W. D. Neumann, The University of Melbourne, Parkville R.O.Wells, Jr., Rice University, Houston de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics 1 The Analytical and Topological Theory of Semigroups, Κ. H. Hofmann, J. D. Lawson, J. S. Pym fEds.) 2 Combinatorial Homotopy and 4-Dimensional Complexes, H. J. Baues 3 The Stefan Problem, A. M. Meirmanov 4 Finite Soluble Groups, K. Doerk, T. O. Hawkes 5 The Riemann Zeta-Function, A. A. Karatsuba, S.M. Voronin 6 Contact Geometry and Linear Differential Equations, V. R. Nazaikinskii, V. E. Shatalov, B. Yu. Sternin 7 Infinite Dimensional Lie Superalgebras, Yu. A. Bahturin, A. A. Mikhalev, V. M. Petrogradsky, Μ. V. Zaicev 8 Nilpotent Groups and their Automorphisms, Ε. I. Khukhro 9 Invariant Distances and Metrics in Complex Analysis, M. Jarnicki, P. Pflug 10 The Link Invariants of the Chern-Simons Field Theory, E.Guadagnini 11 Global Affine Differential Geometry of Hypersurfaces, A.-M. Li, U. Simon, G. Zhao 12 Moduli Spaces of Abelian Surfaces: Compactification, Degenerations, and Theta Functions, K. Hulek, C. Kahn, S. H. Weintraub 13 Elliptic Problems in Domains with Piecewise Smooth Boundaries, S. A. Na- zarov, B. A. Plamenevsky 14 Subgroup Lattices of Groups, R.Schmidt Orthogonal Decompositions and Integral Lattices by Alexei I. Kostrikin Pham Huu Tiep W DE Walter de Gruyter · Berlin · New York 1994 Authors Pham Huu Tiep Alexei I. Kostrikin Hanoi Institute of Mathematics Department of Mathematics P.O. Box 631 MEHMAT 10000 Hanoi, Vietnam Moscow State University Present address: 119899 Moscow GSP-1, Russia Institute for Experimental Mathematics University of Essen Ellernstraße 29 D-45326 Essen, Germany 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11H31, 17Bxx, 20Bxx, 20Cxx, 20Dxx, 94Bxx Keywords: Orthogonal decompositions, Euclidean lattices, finite groups, Lie algebras © Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kostrikin, A. I. (AlekscT Ivanovich) Orthogonal decompositions and integral lattices / by A. I. Kostrikin, Pham Huu Tiep. p. cm. — (De Gruytcr expositions in mathematics ; 15) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 3-11-013783-6 1. Lie algebras. 2. Orthogonal decomposition. 3. Lattice theory. I. Pham Huu Tiep, 1963- . II. Title. III. Series. QA252.3.K67 1994 512'.55-dc20 94-16850 CIP Die Deutsche Bibliothek — Cataloging-in-Publication Data Kostrikin, Alekscj I.: Orthogonal decompositions and integral lattices / by Aleksei I. Kostrikin, Pham Huu Tiep. — Berlin ; New York : de Gruytcr, 1994 (De Gruyter expositions in mathematics ; 15) ISBN 3-11-013783-6 NE: Tiep, Pham Huu:; GT (Ο Copyright 1994 by Walter de Gruytcr & Co., D-10785 Berlin. All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Germany. Typeset with LATp.X: D. L. Lewis, Berlin. Printing: Gerikc GmbH, Berlin. Binding: Lüderitz & Bauer GmbH, Berlin. Cover design: Thomas Bonnie, Hamburg. Preface The present book is the result of investigations carried out by algebraists at Moscow University over the last fifteen years. It is written for mathematicians interested in Lie algebras and groups, finite groups, Euclidean integral lattices, combinatorics and finite geometries. The authors have used material available to all, and have attempted to widen as far as possible the range of familiar ideas, thus making the object of Euclidean lattices in complex simple Lie algebras even more attractive. It is worth mentioning that orthogonal decompositions of Lie algebras have not been investigated before now, for purely accidental reasons. However, automor- phism groups of the integral lattices associated with them could not be investigated properly until finite group theory had reached an appropriate stage of development. No special theoretical preparation is required for reading and understanding the first two chapters of the book, though the material of these chapters enables the reader to form rather a clear notion of the subject-matter. The subsequent chapters are intended for the reader who is familiar with the basics of the theories of Lie algebras, Lie groups and finite groups, and is more-or-less acquainted with integral Euclidean lattices. As a rule, undergraduates receive such information from special courses delivered at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow University. In any case, it is essential to have in mind a small collection of classic books on the above-mentioned themes: [SSL], [SAG], [Gor 1], [Ser 1] and [CoS 7], Our teaching experience shows that the material of Part I and some chapters from Part II can be used as a basis for special courses on Lie algebras and finite groups. The material on integral lattices enrich the lecture course to a considerable extent. The interest of the audience and the readers grows, due to the great number of concrete unsolved problems on orthogonal decompositions and lattice geometry. In connection with integral lattice theory, we mention here a comprehensive book [CoS 7] and an interesting survey [Pie 3], where one can find much information contiguous with our book. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of the many people from whose insights, assistance and encouragement we have profited greatly. First of all we wish to express our thanks to Igor Kostrikin and Victor Ufnarovskii, who were among the first to investigate orthogonal decompositions, and whose enthusiasm has promoted the popularisation of this new research area. Their impetus was kept vi Preface up by the concerted efforts of K. S. Abdukhalikov, A. I. Bondal, V. P. Burichenko and D. N. Ivanov, to whom the authors are sincerely grateful. We are particularly indebted to D. N. Ivanov and K. S. Abdukhalikov: Chapter 7 is based on the results of D. N. Ivanov's C. Sc. Thesis, and the first five paragraphs of Chapter 10 are taken from K. S. Abdukhalikov's C. Sc. Thesis. Some brilliant ideas came from A. I. Bondal and V. P. Burichenko. We would like to thank Α. V. Alekseevskii, Α. V. Borovik, S. V. Shpektorov, K. Tchakerian, A. D. Tchanyshev and Β. B. Venkov, who have made contributions to progress in this area of mathematics. A significant part of the book has drawn upon the Doctor of Sciences Thesis of the second author. We are indebted to our colleagues W. Hesselink, P. E. Smith and J. G. Thompson for a number of valuable ideas mentioned in the book. Our sincere thanks go to Walter de Gruyter & Co, and especially to Prof. Otto H. Kegel, for the opportunity of publishing our book. We would also like to express our gratitude to Prof. James Wiegold for his efforts in improving the English. We are grateful to Professor W. M. Kantor for many valuable comments. The authors wish to state that the writing of the book and its publication were greatly promoted by the creative atmosphere in the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow University. The present work is partially supported by the Russian Federation Science Com- mittee's Foundation Grant # and the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Investigations Grant # 93-011-1543. The final preparation of this book was com- pleted when the second author stayed in Germany as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow. He wishes to express his sincere gratitude to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and to Prof. Dr. G. O. Michler for their generous hospitality and support. A. I. Kostrikin Pham Huu Tiep Table of Contents Preface ν Introduction 1 Part I: Orthogonal decompositions of complex simple Lie algebras 11 Chapter 1 Type A 13 n 1.1 Standard construction of ODs for Lie algebras of type Ap»>- \ 13 1.2 Symplectic spreads and ./-decompositions 17 1.3 Automorphism groups of /-decompositions 25 1.4 The uniqueness problem for ODs of Lie algebras of type A,„ η < 4.... 31 1.5 The uniqueness problem for orthogonal pairs of subalgebras 37 1.6 A connection with Hecke algebras 49 Commentary 51 Chapter 2 The types B , C and D 56 n n n 2.1 Type C„ 56 2.2 Partitions of complete graphs and ^-decompositions of Lie algebras of types B and D„: automorphism groups 64 n 2.3 Partitions of complete graphs and Ε-decompositions of Lie algebras of types B and D : admissible partitions 68 n n 2.4 Classification of the irreducible ^-decompositions of the Lie algebra of type D„ 76 Commentary 81 Chapter 3 Jordan subgroups and orthogonal decompositions 84 3.1 General construction of TODs 84 3.2 Root orthogonal decompositions (RODs) 88 3.3 Multiplicative orthogonal decompositions (MODs) 93 Commentary 103 viii Table of Contents Chapter 4 Irreducible orthogonal decompositions of Lie algebras with special Coxeter number 107 4.1 The irreducibility condition and the finiteness theorem 107 4.2 General outline of the arguments 110 4.3 Regular automorphisms of prime order and Jordan subgroups 113 4.4 h + 1 = r. the P-case 122 4.5 h + I = r: classification of IODs 125 4.6 A characterization of the multiplicative orthogonal decompositions of the Lie algebra of type D4 131 4.7 The non-existence of IODs for Lie algebras of types C and D 136 p p Commentary 139 Chapter 5 Classification of irreducible orthogonal decompositions of complex simple Lie algebras of type A 141 n 5.1 The S-case 142 5.2 The P-case. I. Generic position 144 5.3 The P-case. II. Affine obstruction 152 5.4 The P-case. III. Completion of the proof 158 Commentary 160 Chapter 6 Classification of irreducible orthogonal decompositions of complex simple Lie algebras of type B 162 n 6.1 The monomiality of G = Aut(£>) 163 6.2 Every IOD is an ^-decomposition 168 6.3 Study of f-decompositions 176 Commentary 186 Chapter 7 Orthogonal decompositions of semisimple associative algebras 187 7.1 Definitions and examples 187 7.2 The divisibility conjecture 190 7.3 A construction of ODs 195 Commentary 198 Table of Contents ix Part II: Integral lattices and their automorphism groups 199 Chapter 8 Invariant lattices of type Gi and the finite simple G2(3) 203 8.1 Preliminaries 203 8.2 Invariant lattices in £ 208 8.3 Automorphism groups 216 Commentary 229 Chapter 9 Invariant lattices, the Leech lattice and even unimodular analogues of it in Lie algebras of type A _i 231 p 9.1 Preliminary results 232 9.2 Classification of indivisible invariant lattices 241 9.3 Metric properties of invariant lattices 248 9.4 The duality picture 253 9.5 Study of unimodular invariant lattices 259 9.6 Automorphism groups of projections of invariant lattices 264 9.7 On the automorphism groups of invariant lattices of type 273 Commentary 282 Chapter 10 Invariant lattices of type Ay-ι 285 10.1 Preliminaries 285 10.2 Classification of projections of invariant sublattices to a Cartan subalgebra 293 10.3 The structure of the SL (</)-module VR/pVR 301 2 10.4 The structure of the SL {q)-module YR/q2VR 309 2 10.5 A series of unimodular invariant lattices 320 10.6 Reduction theorem: statement of results 326 10.7 Invariant lattices of type A„: the imprimitive case 329 10.8 Invariant lattices of type A„: the primitive case 339 Commentary 353 Chapter 11 The types /?2"·-ι and D^n 355 11.1 Preliminaries 356 11.2 Possible configurations of root systems 361 11.3 Automorphism groups of lattices: the classes 1Z\ and 7ΖΊ 366 11.4 Lattices of nonroot-type: the case Bj 383 11.5 Lattices of nonroot-type: the case £> 391 4 χ Table of Contents 11.6 Z-forms of Lie algebras of types G2, #3 and D4 403 Commentary 408 Chapter 12 Invariant lattices of types F4 and E(>, and the finite simple groups 1-4(3), Ω (3), Fi 409 7 21 12.1 On invariant lattices of type F4 410 12.2 Invariant lattices of type E(,: the imprimitive case 411 12.3 Character computation 419 12.4 Invariant lattices of type E^. the primitive case 432 Commentary 439 Chapter 13 Invariant lattices of type Εχ and the finite simple groups F3, ^(5) 440 13.1 The Thompson-Smith lattice 440 13.2 Statement of results 443 13.3 The imprimitive case 445 13.4 The primitive case 452 13.5 The representations of SL^(q) of degree (q — 1 ){qi — l)/2 455 Commentary 469 Chapter 14 Other lattice constructions 471 14.1 A Moufang loop, the Dickson form, and a lattice related to Ωγ(3) 471 14.2 The Steinberg module for SL2(q) and related lattices 479 14.3 The Weil representations of finite symplectic groups and the Gow-Gross lattices 483 14.4 The basic spin representations of the alternating groups, the Barnes-Wall lattices, and the Gow lattices 487 14.5 Globally irreducible representations and some Mordell-Weil lattices.... 493 Commentary 504 Appendix 505 Bibliography 511 Notation 526 Author Index 529 Subject Index 531

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