This document c0nsists of 198 pages. ~opJ?#of 300 eopies. Series A. AiRCRAFT REACTOR ENGINEERING DlVlSlON A. P. Froas sad A. W. Savslaineri May 19% DATE ISSUED OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Operated by UNlQN CARBSDE NUCLEAR COMPANY A Division of Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation Post Office BOX X Oak Ridge, Tennessee This document contains Reai'rkted Dote as defined in the Atomie Energy Aet of 1954. Its transmittal or the disclosure of its contents in any rnenner PO an unoufharized pet5on is prohibited. lMTERNAL DISTRISUTIQN 1. A. A. AbcsttieElo 47. W. K. Ergen 2. R. 6. Affel 48. 8. E. Ferguson 3. J. C. Amos 49. J. Foster 4. B. B. Bechulis 50. A. P. Fraas 5. C. J. Barton 51. J. H. Frye 6. 5. E. Beofle 52. W. T. Furgerson 7. M. Bender 53. B. L. Gray 8. H. W. Bertini 54. R. J. Gray 9. D. s. BiIlington 55. €3. %. Greenstreet w. 10. F. F. Blankenship 56. R. Grimes 11. E. P. BBizard 57. A. G. Grindell 12. A. L. Bock 58. 8. L. Heestond w. 13. C. J. Borkowski 59. Heltsn 14. w. F. Bsudreeu E. E. Hoffman 15. 6. E. Boyd 61. H. w. Hoffman 16. M. A. Bredig 62. A. Hollcsender 17. E. b. Breeding 63. L. B. Holland 18. R. 8. Briggs $4. A. s. Householder 19. W. E. Browning 65. 4. T. Howe 26. F. w. Bruce 64. T. L. Hudssfl 21. A. D. Callihan 47. W. H. Jordan 22. B. W. Cardwell 48. G.W . Keilholtz 23. W. S. Carlsmith 69. C. P. Keim 24. L. P. Carpenter 70. I=. t. Melfer 25. C. E. Center (K-25) 71. M. T. Kelley 26. R. A. Charpie 72. F. Kertesz 27. R. B. Clarke 73. b. J. Keyes 28. c. E. Clifford 74. E. M. King 29. W. G. Cob$ 75. M. E. Lackey 30. 9. A. Gonlin 74. J. A. Cane 31. d. H. Coobs sa. E. M. Lees 2.W . B. Cottrell 78. R. B. Lindauer 33. D. B. Cowen 79. W. S. Livingston 34. G. A. Cristy $8. R. N. Lyon 35. S. J. Cromer $1. F. c. Maienschein 36. w. s. Crouse 82. W. B. Manly 37. F. L. Culler 83. E. W. Mann 38. c. w, Cvnningharn 84. L. A. Mann 39. R. Curry $5. w. B. McDonald 40. S. M. Decamp $6. W. E. MsPherson 41. J. H, BeVan $7. F. W. McQuilkin 42. t. M. Boney $8. W. V. Meghreblion 43. D. A. Douglas 89. R. P. Mitfod 44. E. R. Bytko 98. A. J. Miller 45. W. K. Eister 91. R. E. Moore 46. b. B. Ernlef (K-25) 92. d. 6. Morgan ... 83. K. Z. Morgan 123.- A. L. Southern 94. J. P. Murray (Y-12) 124. W. J. Stelzman 95. M. L. Nelson 125. E. Storto 96. G, J. Nessle 126. c. DeS usan0 97. R. F. Newton $29. J. A. Swartout 98. 8. B. Oliver 128. A. Taboada 99. w. R. Osborn 129. E. H. TayloP IQO L. G. 0verholser laoR. . E. Thoma 0 101. P. patsiarea 131. D. B. Ytauger 182. R. W. Peelfe 132. E. R. Van Artsdalen 103. A. M. Perry 133. E. V'i ncens e. 164. J. Pigg 134. C. S. Walker 105. H. F. Poppendisk 13%. D. 8. Ward 106. P. M. Reyliq 136. G. M. Watson 109. A. E. Rich 837, A. M. Weinberg 108. M. P. Robinson 138. J. C. White 109. 6. Samuel5 139. 6. D. Whitman 'I 18. H. w. Savage '148. E. P. Wigner (csnsultant) 111. A. W. Sawlainen 141. G. 6. Williams 112. R. B. Schultheiss 842. J. c. Wilson 113. w. b. Scott 143. c. E. WinteFS 114. E. 8. Shipley 844. M e M. YaFQSk 115. A. Simon 145. J. Zasler 116. 8. Sismen 146. c. D. Zerby 197. d. Sites 147-156. 698NL - Y-12 Technical Library 118. M. J. Skinner Document Reference Section 119. G. M. Slaughter 157-189. Laboratory Records Department 128. 6. P. Smith 190. Laboratory Records, QRNL R. C. '125. P. G. Smith '191-193. Central Research Library 122. A. H. Sneil '194. AF Plant Representative, Baltimore 195. AF Piant Rep~esentative,B urbonk 196, AF Plant Representative, Marietta 197-199. AF Plant Representative, Santa Monica 200-261. AF Plant Representative, Seattle 202. kF Plant Representative, Wood-Ridge 203. Air Research and Development Command (RDGN) 384. Air Technical lntelligence Center 205 Air University Library 206. Allison Division 207-209. ANP Project Office, Fort Worth 280. Argonne National Laboratory 211. Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Sandia 212. Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, Washington 213. Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, R&D 214-219. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 220. Bureau of Aeronautics ... ILI 221. Bureau of Aeronautics General Representative 222. Chieago Operations Office 223. Chicago Patent Group 224. Chief of Naval Research 225. Convoir-General Dynamics Corporation 226-229. General Electric Company (ANPD) 238 Hartford Area Office D 231. Headquarters, Air Foree Special Weapons Center 232. Idaho Operotions Office 233. Lockland Area Office 234. Los Alarnos Scientific Laboratory 235. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Cleveland 236. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington 23%. Naval Air Development and Material Center 238. Navel Research Laboratory 239. North American Aviation, lnc. (Aerophysics Division) 240 Nuclear Development Corporation of Ameriea a 241 * Office of the Chief of Naval Operations @$-361) 242. Patent Branch, Washington 243-267. Pmtt & Whitney Aircraft Division (Fox Project) 268. Sandie Corporation 269. School of Aviation Medicine 270. USAF Project RAND 271. University of &a1 ifornia Radiation Laboratory, Livermore 272-289. Wright Air Development Center (WC6SB-3) 288 - 298 e Te_c_h nic.a l Information Service Extension, oak Ridge 30. Division of Research and Bevelopment, AEC, OR0 ,w.. .. .. ,... > jr iv ...w ’ .... / FOREWORD The Aircraft Reactor Test (ART) program was launched early in 1954. The reasoning and experiments that led first to the choice of the circulatlngl-dluo~ide-fraelr eactor concept and then to the reflector-moderated reactor configuration have been presented in previous documents. These inciude e presentation by W. C. Baiant to the USAF Advisory Csm- snittee, outlining the objective and status of the ORNL-ANP Progmm (QRNL report CF-53-2-126),s ummaries of the preliminary design work on the Aircraft Reactor Experi- ment (ARE) (ORB\(b-1234) and the operation of the ARE (ORNb-lW)# and a compre- hensive summery of OWNL-ANP aircraft power plant designs up to May 1954 (ORNL-172pD. The preliminary layout of the ART and facility was given in the ART hazards repd fORNL-8875) and in the ANP Project Quarterly Progress Report for the Period Endmg December 10, 1354 (oBs\I!--1816). The information compiled in this design report is intended to present a fairly detailed picture of the ART design as of its approaching completion. It is expected that the design CIS defined in this report wilS be changed somewhat as information is derived from component test experience, further analytical work, or fabricationat problems. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Most of the material presented here has appeared previously in quarterly progress reportsl special ARE and ART reports, or ART design memorandums and date sheets. The work of all members of the ANP staff is therefore represented here, and their contri- butions are thus acknowledged. V EGRET PART I DESIGN CRlTERlA .......................................................... 3 Mi B itory Requirements ..................................................... ..' ...... _..... ....... ...... ............... 3 ~ ~ ~ Weaetor Design Criteria .............................. ...................................................... 3 The Circulating-Fuel Reflector-Moderated Reactor ........~..........I.. ...... ........................... 4 ~ PART BI THE ART ASSEMBLY ........ ....................................................................................... 9 The Reactor Assembly ................... ..... .......................... 9 ~ ~ Reactor Dimensions ................................................................................... ............................... 9 Ref1e Ctor-MQderatQI' ....... ..... ..... . .... .. ....... . .. .. ... ... .... ...... .. .... .... .... ~.. ... ....... ~...... ~ ... ... ...... ... .... ..... ... .. .. .... ..... ....~ .._ 25 ~ Fuel system ........... ~....... ................................... ............ .. . . . . . . 25 ~ Core Hydrodynami cs .......... ......... .......................... .......... ...~... ................... ................... ...................... ..... 25 ~ ~ ~ I ~ Pumps and Expansion Tank ...... .........'....... ........ ................................... 29 ~ ~ ~ Fi 11-and-Drain System (Including Enricher) ................................................................ 32 Sampling System ..... ................................ ............L......... .......................................... ............ ................... 35 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Fuel Recovery System ........... .............................. ... ............................. 35 ~ Heat Exchanger and Heat Dumps ............... ................................................ ..... ........... ,........... ....._,..... 35 ~ ~ ~ Off-Gas System ..................................................... ......... .................................. 38 Aircraft-Type Shield ........................ ....~.. ... ................. ..f. ........ ......... ......................I ......... ............ ......... .... 36 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Controls and Instrumentation ............................................................. '~. 46 Auxi lisry Systems ............ '.. ............... ......... ...... ................................ 41 ~ ~ ~ ....................... ..................... . ................ .......................................... ......... ....~... ......... 41 ~ ~ ' .........i............~............i........ 4% .. .. . . . 42 Fuel and Sodium Pump Lubricating and Cooling Oil Systems .............................................................. 42 Process Water System ....................................... 42 The Facility ................... ...................... ................... ...................... ...................... 43 ~ ~ ~ The Building .......... ....................................................... 43 The React~rA ssem 43 The Shielding Expe 47 PART Ill DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT STUD1 ES 51 Fuel Development ................................................................................................................. .......... ............~ . 51 ~ Structural Material ................. .............................................. 52 Corrosion of Structural Materials ........... ...... ......... .... ......... ....~... ......................... 52 ~ ~ Radiation Effects on Strueturai Materials ......................................................... ...... _.....~... ... ......... ........... 55 ~ ~ StrueturaJ Design Analyses .......................................................................................................................... 56 The Reactor ............................................ ................................ ........................................................... 56 Auxi I iary Components .......... ............... . .. . . . .. 61 ~ vi i Radiation Heating on the ART Equatorial Plene in the Vicinity of the Fuel-to-NaK Heat Exchanger ...................................................................................................................... 64 Radiation Heating in Various Regions of the North Head ........................................................................ 67 Beto- and Gamma-Ray Activity in the Fuel-Expansion Chamber and the Off-Gss System .................. 6% PART IV ENG/NEERING TEST UNIT ............................................................................. ................ ....... 75 Specific Test Qbiectives ....................... ....... .......................................................... 75 Warmup and Shakedown Testing ............................................................................................. 76 Operating Tests ............................................................. 76 Reactor Assembly .... ..... ......... ................................................................................... 76 Reactor Disassembly ...................................................................................................................................... 8% PART V CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATIBN .............................................................. 85 Plans for In~taIlati~ofn the ART ....... .................................................................................... 85 Operation of the ART ................................................. 85 Filling and Heating .................................................................................................................................... 85 Enriching to Critical .. 86 bow-Power-level Experiments ....... 87 QperCItioR st Power ............. .................................................................................................................. $8 Plans fer Disassembly ....................... 88 PART VI STATUP OF DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................ 99 APPENDIX A FLOW DIAGRAMS .............................................................................................................................................. 107 APPENDIX 5 PHOTOGRAPHS OF REACTOR MODELS AND STAGES IN THE CONSTRUCTION QF THE ART FAClLlTj’ .............................................................................................................................................. 137 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................ 173 ... VIII ...=... ..... . > . $ Figure Me. Page 1 Vertical Section Through Reactor Assembly 10 2 Horizontal Section Through Fuel Pump-Expansion Tank Region 16 3 Horizontal Section Through Sodium Pumps 17 4 Vertical Section Through Lead-Water Shield 18 5 Effect of Reactor Dimensions on Concentration sf U235i n ~ues 19 6 Effect of Reactor Dimensions and External FU~VIo lume on bote1 L J ’ ~ ~ 20 t n ves tmen t 7 Effect 5%R eactor Dimensions on Outside Peak-to-Average Power-Density 21 RatiQ in Core of Reflector-Moderated Reactor 8 Effect of Reactor Dimensions on Percentage of Fissions Caused by 21 Thermal Neutrons 9 Partioily Assembled Island Showing the tower Half of the lnconel Core 28 Shell and the Upper kdf of the Beryllium Reflector for the Htgh- Temperature Critical Assembly Outer Core Shell and Partially Assembled Beryllium Reflector of the 23 High-Temperature Critical Assembly 11 CompEeted High-Temperature Critical Assembly of the Reflecror-Moder- 24 ate$ Circulating-Fuel Reactor 12 COR? LQyQUt 27 13 Diagram of Core Flow System Showing Relations Between the Inlet 29 Headers, Inlet Guide Vanes, and Core 14 Section Through Fuel Pump-Expansion Tank Region Showing Xenon- 33 Removal System of the Fuel Pump 15 Schematic Diagram of Fuel Fill-and-Drain System, Including Enriches 34 16 Fuel Fill-and-Drain Tank Cooling System 35 17 Model of Main Fuel-to-NaK Heat E~changerC hannel 37 18 Prototype ART NaK-ta-Air Radiator 38 19 Plan of the ART Building 44 m Section of the ART Building 45 21 Reactor Assembly Cell 46 22 ART Shielding Experiment Facility 48 23 Pressure Load Distributions at Full Power 58 24 Conditions for Thermal @ye!i ng Tests of One-Fourth-Scale Model of 6Q ART Core Shell in Comparison with ART Thermal-Cycling Conditions 25 ART Support Structure 62 26 Movement of Reactor Due ta Expansion of NQK tines 62 27 Layout of NaK Piping in Reactor Cell 63 <,-- 28 NaK-to-Air Radiator, NaK Pump, and NaK Piping External to Cell 64 29 65 ix Figure No. Titie Page 30 Gamma-Ray Heating in he Vicinity of 64 on the Equatorial Plane of the ART 31 Heating in Copper-Boron Layer by Alpha Particles born the B”((n,Cr)Li7 48 Reaction 32 Configuration of ART North Head Showing Members Referred to in 69 Table 9 33 Total Power and Power Density in the Gas Space of the ART as a 70 Funetion of the Gas Volume and the Helium Flow Rete for B Fuel Flow Rate of 22 gpm 34 Power Density in the Off-Gas bine as a Function of Time and Gas 71 Volume in the Expansion Tank for a Fuel Flow Rate of 22 gpm 35 North-Head Welderbil ity Model Showing Lower Deek and Peripheral Ring, 78 Step 1 36 North-Head Weidability Model, Step 2 78 37 North-Head Weldability Model, Step 3 79 38 North-Head Weldability Model, Step 4 79 39 North-Head Weldabil ity Model, Step 5 80 40 Narth-Head Weldability M~del,S tep 6 80 41 North-Head Weldability Model, Showing Ai=i~thetV- iew of Step 4 8’1 APPENDIX A FLOW Diagram 1 Fuel Fif I-and-Drain, Enriching, Sampling, and Recovery Systems 2 Sodium System 3 Off-Gas System 4 Cel I Pumps Hydraul is Drive Systems 5 Reactsr Pumps Lube Oil System 6 Main, Auxiliary, and Special NaK Systems 7 NaK Pumps Lube Oil System 8 Process Air System 9 Pieiium System 10 Nitrogen System ’I1 Compressed Air System 12 Process water System APPENDIX B Figure No. Title Page B. 1 -B.Q Photographs st Reactor Models 139- 144 B.7-B.33 Photographs of Stas? in the Construction of the ART Facility 145-171 \.A9 ’” . b.... X .- .