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Ornithological survey of ten Uganda forest reserves 18 April - 29 November 1991 PDF

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Preview Ornithological survey of ten Uganda forest reserves 18 April - 29 November 1991

EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 163 Larusfuscus LesserBlack-backed GullN: c. 450 Lake Munyanyange, QENP, 1 1 Jan (DEP). Gelochelidon nilotica Gull-billed Tern N: c. 650 Lake Munyanyange, QENP 11 Jan (DEP). Coracias garrulus Eurasian Roller D: 1 Entebbe 30 Mar (JFW). Apus apus Eurasian Swift N: marked passage over Namulonge 22-27 Sep, with a max of200-300 on 27 Sep (LDCF), 200-300 nearJinja 13 Oct (DEP). Delichon urbicaHouseMartinM: 3 oversummeringnearEntebbe8Jun, feedingwith Angola Swallows Hirundo angolensis (DEP). Ficedula albicollis Collared Flycatcher R: 1 immature Namulonge 29 Sep (LDCF). Lanius minor Lesser Grey Shrike D: 1 immature Namulonge 9 Oct (LDCF). Kenya: Afrotropical back record Sarothrura boehmi Streaky-breasted Pygmy Crake S(B): 1 calling from edge of reeds at Hyaena Dam, Nairobi NP, 16 Jun 1989 (CR). Ornithological survey of ten Uganda Forest Reserves 18 April-29 November 1991 I. S. Francis and Nicola Penford Key to columns 1. Budongo Forest 18 Apr-4 May, 2. Kasyoha-Kitomi Forest 12-28 May, 3. Itwara Forest 11-17 Jun, 4. Semliki Forest 26-29 Jun, 5. Impenetrable (= Bwindi) Forest 7- 11 Jul, 6. Rwenzori Forest 18-26 Jun, 12-21 Jul, 7. Kalinzu Forest 22-26 Jul, 8. Sango Bay Forest 2-7 Aug, 9. South Busoga Forest 8-12Aug, 10. Mafuga Plantation Forest (north ofthe Impenetrable) 26-29 Nov True Forest species in bold type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hooded Vulture Neophron monachus / Harrier Hawk Polyboroides radiatus / / Great SparrowhawkAccipitermelanoleucus / / / / / Western Little SparrowhawkA. erythropus Mountain Buzzard Buteo tachardus / / Ayres' Hawk Eagle Hieraaetus dubius Long-crested Eagle Lophaetus occipitalis / / / Crowned Eagle Stephanoaetus coronatus / / / / Cuckoo HawkAviceda cuculoides Contd 164 EastAfrican Bird Report 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bat HawkMacheiramphus alcinus / Forest Francolin Francolinus lathami Nahan's Francolin F. nahani Handsome Francolin F. nobilis / / Scaly Francolin F. squamatus / / Crested Guineafowl Guttera edouardi / / / / Buff-spotted Pygmy Crake Sarothrura elegans / White-spotted Pygmy Crake S. pulchra Lemon DoveAplopelia larvata / White-naped Pigeon Columba albinucha Olive Pigeon C. arquatrix / / / Western Bronze-naped Pigeon C. malherbii / / / Afep Pigeon C. unicincta / / / / / • Ring-necked Dove Streptopelia capicola / Red-eyed Dove S. semitorquata / / / / / / / / Blue-spotted Wood Dove Turturafer / / / / / / Tambourine Dove T. tympanistria / / / / / / / / / Green Pigeon Treron australis / / / / / / Red-headed LovebirdAgapornispullaria Black-collared LovebirdA. swinderniana Grey ParrotPsittacus erithacus / / / Great Blue Turaco Corythaeola cristata / / / / / / / Ross's Turaco Musophaga rossae / / / / / / Rwenzori Turaco Tauracojohnstoni / White-crested Turaco T. leucolophus / Black-billed Turaco T. schuetti / / / / / / / / Dusky Long-tailed Cuckoo Cercococcyx mechowi / / / / / / Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo C. montanus / / / Olive Long-tailed Cuckoo C. olivinus / / / Emerald Cuckoo Chrysococcyx cupreus / / / / / / / / / / Klaas' Cuckoo C. klaas / / / / / / / / Levaillant's Cuckoo Clamator levaillantii / / Black Cuckoo Cuculus clamosus / / / / / / Red-chested CuckoO C. solitarius / / / / / / / / / / Yellowbill Ceuthmocares aereus / / / / / / / / Senegal Coucal Centropus senegalensis / / / / African Wood Owl Ciccaba woodfordii / / / / / / / / / Red-chested Owlet Glaucidium tephronotum Montane Nightjar Caprimulguspoliocephalus / / / Scarce Swift Schoutedenapus myoptilus / / / Cassin's Spinetail Neafrapus cassini / Sabine's SpinetailRhaphidura sabini / / / Mottle-throated Spinetail Telacanthura ussheri / / Narina's TrogonApaloderma narina / / / / / / / White-bellied KingfisherAlcedo leucogaster Shining-blue KingfisherA. quadribrachys / / Contd EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 165 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Chocolate-backed Kingfisher Halcyon badia / / Chestnut-bellied KingfisherH. leucocephala Blue-breasted KingfisherH. malimbica / / / / / / DwarfKingfisherIspidina lecontei / Pygmy Kingfisher /. picta / / / / / White-throated Bee-eater Merops albicollis / / / Eurasian Bee-eater M. apiaster Black Bee-eaterM. gularis / / / Cinnamon-chested Bee-eaterM. oreobates / / / Broad-billed Roller Eurystomus glaucurus / Blue-throated RollerE. gularis / / / / White-headed Wood HoopoePhoeniculus bollei / / / White-thighed Hornbill Bycanistes cylindricus / White-tailed Hornbill B.fistulator Black and White Casqued Hornbill B. subcylindricus • / / / / / / / Black-wattled Hornbill Ceratogymnaatrata / Crowned Hornbill Tockus alboterminatus / / / / / / / / Red-billed DwarfHornbill T. camurus / Pied Hornbill T.fasciatus / / Yellow-spotted BarbetBuccanodon duchaillui / / / • / / / Grey-throated Barbet Gymnobucco bonapartei / / / / / Double-toothed BarbetLybius bidentatus Hairy-breasted BarbetL. hirsutus / / / / / / / / / Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird Pogoniulus bilineatus / • / / / / / / / / Western Green Tinkerbird P. coryphaeus • Speckled Tinkerbird P. scolopaceus / / / / / / / Yellow-throated Tinkerbird P. subsulphureus / / / / Yellow-billed Barbet Trachylaemuspurpuratus / / / / / / / / Thick-billed Honeyguide Indicatorconirostris Least Honeyguide /. exilis / / Lesser Honeyguide /. minor / Scaly-throated Honeyguide /. variegatus / Cassin's Honeybird Prodotiscus insignis Little Spotted Woodpecker Campethera cailliautii Brown-eared Woodpecker C. caroli / / Buff-spotted Woodpecker C. nivosa / Fine-banded Woodpecker C. tullbergi / / Grey WoodpeckerMesopicos goertae Olive WoodpeckerM. griseocephalus / Yellow-crested WoodpeckerM. xantholophus / / Bearded Woodpecker Thripias namaquus African Broadbill Smithornis capensis / / / / / Red-sided Broadbill 5. rufolateralis African PittaPitta angolensis Green-breasted PittaP. reichenowi White-headed Roughwing Psalidoprocne albiceps / / / / / Contd 166 EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Black Roughwing P. pristoptera / / / / / / Drongo Dicrurus adsimilis / / / / Square-tailed Drongo D. ludwigii Western Black-headed Oriole Oriolus brachyrhynchus/ / / / / / Black-headed Oriole 0. larvatus / / Montane Oriole O.percivali / • / White-belliedTit Parus albiventris / Stripe-breasted TitP.fasciiventer / / / Dusky TitP.funereus / / BlackTit P. leucomelas / African Hill BabblerAlcippe abyssinica / / / Grey-chested IUadopsis Kakamegapoliothorax Scaly-breasted IUadopsis Trichastoma albipectus / / / / / / • Brown IUadopsis T.fulvescens / / / / / / / Mountain IUadopsis T.pyrrhopterum / Pale-breasted IUadopsis T. rufipennis / / Black Cuckoo Shrike Campephagaflava / / Petit's Cuckoo Shrike C.petiti / / Purple-throated Cuckoo Shrike C. quiscalina / Grey Cuckoo Shrike Coracina caesia / / / Cameroon Sombre GreenbulAndropadus curvirosifris / / / / / / Slender-billed GreenbulA. gracilirostris / / / Little Grey GreenbulA. gracilis / / / Yellow-whiskered GreenbulA. latirostris / / / / / / / / / Mountain GreenbulA. tephrolaemus / / / Little GreenbulA. virens / / / / / / / / Honeyguide Greenbul Baeopogon indicator / / / / / / Green-tailed Bristlebill Bleda eximia Bristlebill B. syndactyla / / / / / / / Yellow-throated Leaflove Chlorocichlaflavicollis Joyful Greenbul C. laetissima / / / Red-tailed Greenbul Crinigercalurus / / / / Spotted Greenbul Ixonotus guttatus / / NicatorNicatorchloris / / / / / / / White-throated Greenbul Phyllastrephus albigulans/ / / Toro Olive Greenbul P. baumanni / Yellow-streaked Greenbul P.flavostriatus / / Icterine Greenbul P. icterinus / / Olive Mountain Greenbul P. placidus Xavier's Greenbul P. xavieri / Common Bulbul Pycnonotus barbatus / / / / / / / / / Fire-crested AletheAlethe diademata / / / Brown-chested AletheA. poliocephala / / / / / / Red-throated AletheA. poliophrys / Brown-backed Scrub Robin Cercotrichas hartlaubi / / / Blue-shouldered Robin Chat Cossypha cyanocampi'er / / / / EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 167 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 White-browed Robin Chat C, heuglini Red-capped robin Chat C. natalensis / / / Snowy-headed Robin Chat C. niveicapilla / / Archer's Robin Chat Dryocichloiaes archeri / / White-tailedAnt ThrushNeocossyphuspoensis / / / Red-tailedAnt ThrushN. rufus / White-starred Forest Robin Pogonocichla stellata / / / EquatorialAkalatSheppardia aequatorialis / / / Akalat5. cyornithopsis / Forest Robin Stiphrornis erythrothorax / / / / Rufous Thrush Stizorhinafraseri / / / / / / Black-eared Ground Thrush Turdus camaronensis / AfricanThrush T. pelios / / / Abyssinian GroundThrush T. piaggiae / MaskedApalisApalis binotata / / / / GreyApalisA. cinerea / / / Black-throatedApalisA.jacksoni / / / / Black-cappedApalisA. nigriceps / / Chestnut-throatedApalisA. porphyrolaema / / / Buff-throatedApalisA. rufogularis / / / / / / / / / CollaredApalisA. ruwenzori / / • Black-faced Rufous Warbler Bathmocercus cerviniventris / / / / / / / / Evergreen Forest WarblerBradypterus barratti Cinnamon Bracken WarblerB. cinnamomeus / • Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brachyura / / / / / / / / / • Olive-green Camaroptera C. chloronota / / / / / / / Yellow-browed Camaroptera C. supercilliaris / Mountain Yellow Warbler Chloropeta similis / / Chubb's Cisticola Cisticola chubbi / / / Grey-capped WarblerEminia lepida Brown-crowned EremomelaEremomela badiceps / / Green HyliaHyliaprasina / / / / / / / Yellow-bellied HyliotaHyliotaflavigaster Grey Longbill Macrosphenus concolor / Yellow LongbillM.flavicans Uganda Woodland WarblerPhylloscopus budongoensis Red-faced Woodland WarblerP. laetus / / / Wood WarblerP. sibilatrix Willow WarblerP. trochilus / BrownWoodland WarblerP. umbrovirens / Banded PriniaPrinia bairdii / / ; White-chinned PriniaP. leucopogon / / / / / / Tawny-flanked PriniaP. subflava Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla / White-browed Crombec Sylvietta leucophrys / Contd 168 EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Green Crombec S. virens / / / / / / Sooty FlycatcherArtomyiasfuliginosa Forest FlycatcherFraseria ocreata / / Yellow-eyed Black FlycatcherMelaenornis ardesiacci / White-eyed Slaty FlycatcherM. chocolatina / / / Dusky FlycatcherMuscicapa adusta / / / / / / / Ashy FlycatcherM. caerulescens / / / Cassin's Grey FlycatcherM. cassini / / Dusky Blue FlycatcherM. comitata Grey-throated FlycatcherM. griseigularis / Yellow-footed FlycatcherM. sethsmithi / Lead-coloured FlycatcherMyioparusplumbeus / Rwenzori Batis Batis diops / / / Black and White Flycatcher Bias musicus / / / / / Shrike FlycatcherMegabyasflammulata / / / / / / / Jameson's Wattle-eye Platysteira blissetti / / / / / Chestnut Wattle-eye P. castanea / / / / / / Yellow-bellied Wattle-eye P. concreta / Wattle-eye P. cyanea / / / Black-throated Wattle-eye P. peltata White-tailed Blue FlycatcherErannornis albicauda / Blue Flycatcher E. longicauda / / Chestnut-capped FlycatcherErythrocercus mccalh Red-bellied Paradise Flycatcher Terpsiphone rufiventer / / / / Paradise Flycatcher T. viridis / / / / / / White-tailed Crested Flycatcher Trochocercus albonotatus / / Crested Flycatcher T. cyanomelas Dusky Crested Flycatcher T. nigromitratus / / / Blue-headed Crested Flycatcher T. nitens Mountain Wagtail Motacilla clara / / / Pink-footed PuffbackDryoscopus angolensis / Northern PuffbackD. gambensis / / Tropical Boubou Laniariusferrugineus / Fiilleborn's Black Boubou L.fuelleborni / Sooty Boubou L. leucorhynchus Liihder's Bush Shrike L. luehderi / / / Grey-green Bush Shrike Malaconotus bocagei / / Doherty's Bush Shrike M. dohertyi / / Lagden's Bush Shrike M. lagdeni / Many-coloured Bush Shrike M. multicolor / / Mackinnon's Shrike Lanius mackinnoni / / / / / Violet-backed Starling Cinnyricinclus leucogaster / / / Sharpe's Starling C. sharpii / / Contd EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 169 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Purple-headed Glossy Starling Lamprotornispurpureiceps / / / / / Splendid Glossy Starling L. splendidus / / / / / • / Chestnut-winged Starling Onychognathusfulgidus Waller's Chestnut-winged Starling 0. walleri / / / / Narrow-tailed StarlingPoeoptera lugubris / / / / Stuhlmann's StarlingP. stuhlmanni / Collared SunbirdAnthreptes collaris / / / / / / / / Grey-headed SunbirdA.fraseri / Green SunbirdA. rectirostris / / / Blue-headed SunbirdNectarinia alinae / / Little Purple-banded SunbirdN. bifasciata Orange-tufted SunbirdN. bouvieri Olive-bellied Sunbird N. chloropygia / / / / / / Copper SunbirdN. cuprea / / Blue-throated Brown Sunbird N. cyanolaema / / / / / Malachite SunbirdN.famosa / Bronze Sunbird N. kilimensis / / / / / Olive SunbirdN. olivacea / / / / / / / / / Northern Double-collared SunbirdN. preussi / / / Purple-breasted SunbirdN. purpureiventris / / / Regal Sunbird N. regia / / / Golden-winged Sunbird N. reichenowi Green-throated SunbirdN. rubescens / / / / Little Green Sunbird N. seimundi / / Superb Sunbird N. superba / Variable Sunbird N. venusta / / / Green-headed SunbirdN. verticalis / / / Yellow White-eye Zosterops senegalensis / / / / / GrosbeakWeaverAmblyospiza albifrons / / / / / / Crested MalimbeMalimbus malimbicus / / Red-headed Malimbe M. rubricollis / / / / / Strange WeaverPloceus alienus / / • Stuhlmann's WeaverP. baglafechtstuhlmanni / / / Dark-backed WeaverP. bicolor Northern Brown-throated WeaverP. castanops Brown-capped WeaverP. insignis / / / Black-billed WeaverP. melanogaster / / Vieillot's BlackWeaverP. nigerrimus / / / / / / / SpectacledWeaverP ocularis Slender-billedWeaverP. pelzelni CompactWeaverP. superciliosus / Yellow-mantled WeaverP. tricolor / / / Weyns' Weaver P. weynsi BrownTwinspot Clytospiza monteiri / Dusky Crimson-wing Cryptospizajacksoni / / / Contd 170 EastAfrican BirdReport 1991 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Red-faced Crimson-wing C. reichenovii / Abyssinian Crimson-wing C. salvadorii / / Shelley's Crimson-wing C. shelleyi / Yellow-bellied Waxbill Estrilda melanotis / / Black-crowned Waxbill E. nonnula / / / / / Green-backed TwinspotMandingoa nitidula / / / White-collared Olive-back Nesocharis ansorgei / Grey-headed Olive-backN. capistrata Chestnut-breasted Negrofinch Nigrita bicolor Grey-headed Negrofinch N. canicapilla / / / / / / / White-breasted Negrofinch N.fusconota / / / / Red-frontedAntpecker Parmoptila woodhousei / Black-bellied Seed-crackerPyrenestes ostrinus Red-headed Bluebill Spermophaga ruficapilla / / / • / Thick-billed Seed-eaterSerinus burtoni y / / Yellow-crowned Canary S. canicollis / / List of observers Kenya M. Lissimore Tanzania G. C. Backhurst F. Ng'weno A. L. Archer L. A. Bennun M. Ogola E. A. de Leyser R. Bishop I. S. C. Parker B. W. Finch M. A. C. Coverdale D. J. Pearson D. C. Mover J. R. P. Cumberlege N. Redman (Bird Quest) D. K. Richards J. Dawson D. K. Richards D. A. Turner N. Dymond (Cygnus Tours) P. Roberts T. Stevenson J. H. Fanshawe I. Robertson (Bird Quest) B. W. Finch S. Rooke (Sunbird Tours) Uganda D. Fisher (Sunbird Tours) P. Squelch C. Dranzoa A. D. Forbes-Watson T. Stevenson L D. C. Fishpool P. Frere S. Thomsett A. D. Forbes-Watson D. Hasselquist D. A. Turner J. Miskell R. N. Hobbs N. Wilson D. E. Pomeroy KWWG (Kenya Wetlands D. E. Wolf(VictorEmanuel J. F. Walsh Working Group) Nature Tours) P. Lack J. Wood

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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.