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Orlando and The 20th Anniversary Family Cafe! PDF

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WWeellccoommee ttoo OOrrllaannddoo aanndd TThhee 2200tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy FFaammiillyy CCaaffee!! Dear Family Café Attendees, their experiences of chasing their dreams, and challenging assumptions about people with Since our beginning 20 years disabilities. ago, The Family Café has relied on The Family Café Planning Committee to help In addition to our series of keynotes, The make sure The Annual Family Café reflects Annual Family Café will once again include The the values, needs, and concerns of Floridians Annual Governor’s Summit on Disabilities. The with disabilities. The Planning Committee is Family Café has always encouraged Floridians comprised of self-advocates, family members, with disabilities and their families to develop fellow non-profits and state agency partners. relationships with their elected representatives It plays a central role in planning every aspect and get involved in the policy making process. of The Annual Family Café, and making sure The Governor’s Summit on Disabilities creates the event provides you and your family with a space to make that happen, with Governor an opportunity for Collaboration, Advocacy, Scott, incoming Senate President Bill Galvano, Friendship and Empowerment in a family- and state agency representatives sharing their centered environment! vision for Floridians with disabilities, and hearing directly from attendees about their needs and We have done our best to put together an concerns. We hope you take advantage of this exciting, engaging event this year, and we think opportunity! you will be impressed with the wide array of information and activities we’ve assembled. Our When you’re not in a session, enjoying agenda of breakout sessions features some a keynote, or taking part in the Governor’s 200 sessions. Many of them are organized Summit, please take some time to visit the into “tracks” by subject area. They include dozens of booths in our Exhibit Hall, which Military Families, Smart Money, Mental Health, includes a wide array of organizations, including Employment, Disaster Preparedness, Advocacy, a host of self-advocate owned and operated Youth, Recreation, Birth to Age Five, and our Micro-Enterprises. We also encourage you newest addition, Assistive Technology. To help to enjoy the adaptive recreation activities you navigate the tracked sessions, we’ve added provided by our friends at the Florida Disabled a new “track index” in the front of the program, Outdoors Association, visit the FAAST Assistive that lists every session in a given track and tells Technology Room, and watch the great self- you what page to turn to to find its description. advocate performances throughout the weekend. No matter what type of disability you experience, It’s been our great pleasure and honor to what stage of life you’re in, or what disability create the truly unique space for people with topic interests you, you are sure to find sessions disabilities and their families that The Annual that speak to your needs. Family Café represents for the past two decades, We also have a series of keynotes that and we are so very pleased that you are on address essential topics in the disability hand to celebrate our 20th anniversary with us. community. On Friday, we will kick things off with We sincerely hope that your participation in The author Steve Browne. He will share his story of 20th Anniversary Family Café leaves you feeling the journey he has taken as a parent of a child informed, educated and empowered. As always, with cerebral palsy, which he shares in his book please let us know if there is anything we can do How To Raise A Rocket Scientist for Fun and to serve you better! Profit. Next up will be athlete, self-advocate and Yours, activist Mia Ives-Rublee. She will discuss her work with the Women’s March Disability Caucus, and the process of connecting the disability and social justice communities. On Sunday, the final keynote will feature self-advocate Micah Fowler, star of the ABC Network sitcom Speechless. The Family Cafe Planning Committee ! Micah and his sister Kelsey will talk about ww ! ! OO PP 2 The 20th Anniversary Family cafe w wh ha a m m ! ! The 20th Anniversary Family cafe 3 B BO OO OMM ! ! 4 The 20th Anniversary Family cafe !! pp ii zz GRDoICveKrI nSoCVrOTIT SION OF EMSTEATRE OGF EFLNORCIDAY MANAGEMENT (cid:45)(cid:88)(cid:81)(cid:72)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:27) WESLEYD iMreAcUtoLr Dear Family Café Participants, SFyAinmlohaoetFcuteetritmtaetonlhirponemoTd lrsr eesssfgenevihhn tAbaaru: ofaoelmdeeDiF/agtayaetnstsp/Ahgrdtelxbhstle,imeed rps eopivyei petnesaotnn rdn, ,orlhieiiwe tsrg ytsnicrlgidawhbn .deiwat ri eeFf.eyi okaiveaetli ohrwmeona ssalila’Enn ntsotnomasF rocnit pic, ttkvir fhpal sc yhlhFd saiaaimaew,oeltdaelr l . ean abnoc eorp rDearnietdTi dylmgatt wvdirdloe soxtEnai a ihhigh sabppos idp.yF wfniMlr eteeoan yuph ilot ePl Dpnioa nymor s it’toau CApsslmahrogrekaietrdrreveretea inr a etlamoed r aiiwtpue nrrvthesnf arrdie.ttéananaatosimaoinopua oomi raiclnfnayrcepmraodtue n.nhgeyyc susfserllnva doe a e s .sts o slnaFitc sbyt ravh nheoiPiruftesnmesioafl oeesoi nn e Erlup tttleumae g aeeaehaua t rrm dak cnawia gtilaeengimnndieilvtao sreoanyrs ceiifge ividmtansfeosi rnmpeg h hne miCgey irono po t vta msmwemVh e faegnfrnnaevo w vaneaoaafaer adesleafétaugtcpwbly knhd tte u dt ceriatyeaosFeudaeoiswodaniua mbn rsu rlu Mnn t tto.easatelieoaceetFopeee f rudtass ym sdeaiiiplpt r bdndrnok h niatgr,bapneoteeedei iger heafenFao Fof ritrtroda sdoee gyttn ggnuolrplseei osaoro rtesc estroo pmusrm ar Dr uamty niwsftr hinhpnaFdhd.a saeoich eihoosreytraltatrttpciOheoeeeyinaasowhe r o caqiepr l r etsviunsu it inu, psorusae adpte ,gy re e ro trrr fe nrrarrh oroth.e iediesrue erhseasdn eu.uoplYent krpotgaec a ga i tu adgeoseoSoar, matlfc nie trgiimsfd uxnorov rssape ditaesd.huoreassanrth oned e ,r diIpirs urtss ianpns bc nyif r nirnirth btftlgite oiso hyoe aa r htegieaa d onhgouptatrnlhidst hed s.ss mru ouasz asiiymeetc d sss ar n lyoN cattyarbmial hptar rtt.eiuah aniedtoeucs aoryoI uafrneelad tmoi ecaul sesnlecwr hnmdpn kudcltF’enh,erpdsaooaa , ese sll c rr r pIftowtrvar g oiF eeo akernpreaeoanielvew au ist arcRd.cnrttdhtinpo yomr delotci c auae ichoapangamea oeoigdngyounlorehe stnsyuewi.eeiyhmrss ett ss srsihd s pe.isCglata hfda eepertnaWaiaraaglbyiae , l lrpe rmf dtgt el fa tt,ieeesstaraéhi tir oilcash s yllonna ao aywi ian w.bopencdldts gls giyu aen i etaltteh alrtrse hii y nnnurea g sr lelt Wesley Maul Director DIVTaIlSl2a5Ih5Oa5sN sSe hHeu,mE FaArLd D 3O2Qa3kU9 9BAl-v2Rd1T00ERS www.TFello:8ri5d0a-8D1i5s-a4s0t0e0r.org STATE OLrOl2aG7nI0dS2oT ,DI CFiSrLe Rc3tE2oS8rsP0 9OR-N5oSw6E3 1CENTER The 20th Anniversary Family cafe 5 222222 000000 111111 888888 SSSSSS pppppp oooooo nnnnnn ssssss oooooo rrrrrr ssssss !!!!!! SSSPPPOOONNNSSSOOORRRSSS ABLE United CareerSource Florida, Inc. Disability Rights Florida Florida Agency for Health Care Administration Florida Agency for Persons with Disabilities Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST) Florida Department of Children and Families, Substance Abuse Mental Health Program Florida Department of Education Florida Department of Education/Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Department of Health Publix Super Markets Charities Volunteer Florida WellCare Health Plans, Inc. & Staywell, a WellCare Company The Family Café wishes to thank the following organizations for their participation in The Family Café Planning Committee CareerSource Florida Disability Rights Florida The Family Café Board of Directors The Family Café Delegates Florida Alliance for Assistive Services and Technology (FAAST) Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Florida Department of Education Florida Department of Education, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Department of Health Florida Disabled Outdoors Association Florida Youth Council MPower Consulting U.S. Military 7-Dippity 666 TTThhheee 222000ttthhh AAAnnnnnniiivvveeerrrsssaaarrryyy FFFaaammmiiilllyyy cccaaafffeee hhhhhhhhoooooooollllllllyyyyyyyy eeeeeeeexxxxxxxxhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbiiiiiiiittttttttoooooooorrrrrrrrssssssss,,,,,,,, bbbbbbbbaaaaaaaattttttttmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnnnn !!!!!!!! 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CCCaaalllmmmooossseeeppptttiiinnneee,,, IIInnnccc... wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv AAbbiilliittyy MMeeddiiccaall SSuuppppllyy,, IInncc.. CCaallmmoosseeppttiinnee,, IInncc.. 11992233 WW CCooppaannss RRooaadd 111666666000222 BBBuuurrrkkkeee LLLaaannneee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CChhiillddrreenn’’ss 11992233 WW CCooppaannss RRooaadd 1166660022 BBuurrkkee LLaannee DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CChhiillddrreenn’’ss PPoommppaannoo BBeeaacchh,, FFLL 3333006644 HHHuuunnntttiiinnngggtttooonnn BBBeeeaaaccchhh,,, CCCAAA 999222666444777 MMeeddiiccaall SSeerrvviicceess,, EEaarrllyy SStteeppss PPrrooggrraamm PPoommppaannoo BBeeaacchh,, FFLL 3333006644 HHuunnttiinnggttoonn BBeeaacchh,, CCAA 9922664477 MMeeddiiccaall SSeerrvviicceess,, EEaarrllyy SStteeppss PPrrooggrraamm ((995544)) 557722--77660033 (((777111444))) 888444000---333444000555 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 ((995544)) 557722--77660033 ((771144)) 884400--33440055 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 ssccootttt@@aabbiilliittyymmeeddiiccaallssuuppppllyy..bbiizz kkkiiimmm@@@cccaaalllmmmooossseeeppptttiiinnneee...cccooommm TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 ssccootttt@@aabbiilliittyymmeeddiiccaallssuuppppllyy..bbiizz kkiimm@@ccaallmmoosseeppttiinnee..ccoomm TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 wwwwww..aabbiilliittyymmeeddiiccaallssuuppppllyy..nneett wwwwwwwww...cccaaalllmmmooossseeeppptttiiinnneee...cccooommm ((885500)) 224455--44667700 wwwwww..aabbiilliittyymmeeddiiccaallssuuppppllyy..nneett wwwwww..ccaallmmoosseeppttiinnee..ccoomm ((885500)) 224455--44667700 mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv AABBLLEE UUnniitteedd CCCaaarrreppeeer DDSoiieeummrc AAe ccFaalddoeerimmdayy/ Department mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv AABBLLEE UUnniitteedd CCaarrppee DDiieemm AAccaaddeemmyy wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv PP..OO.. 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MMyyeerrss,, FFLL 3333990077 mmeellaanniiee..eetttteerrss@@aappddccaarreess..oorrgg M((22i33a99m)) i,44 F1155L-- 3773441007003 DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CChhrroonniicc DDiisseeaassee mmeellaanniiee..eetttteerrss@@aappddccaarreess..oorrgg ((223399)) 441155--77440000 DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CChhrroonniicc DDiisseeaassee wwwwww..aappddccaarreess..oorrgg (mm3ee0gg5@@) 9cc7rr1nn-flfl1oo2rr3iidd0aa..ccoomm PPrreevveennttiioonn wwwwww..aappddccaarreess..oorrgg mmeegg@@ccrrnnflfloorriiddaa..ccoomm PPrreevveennttiioonn lwwtowwrrwwe..scc@rrnncflfldooarriiiddnaate..ccnoosmmivelearning.com 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 AAnnnn’’ss AAnnggeellss wwwwww..ccrrnnflfloorriiddaa..ccoomm 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 AAnnnn’’ss AAnnggeellss www.carpediemacademy.org TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 PP..OO.. BBooxx 22660077 CCoonndduuccttiivvee EEdduuccaattiioonn CCeenntteerr TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 PP..OO.. BBooxx 22660077 CCoonndduuccttiivvee EEdduuccaattiioonn CCeenntteerr ((885500)) 224455--44667700 WWiinntteerr HHaavveenn,, FFLL 3333888833 Cooffo OOmrrmllaaunnnddiooty Resource Network ((885500)) 224455--44667700 WWiinntteerr HHaavveenn,, FFLL 3333888833 ooff OOrrllaannddoo mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv ((886633)) 996677--22557755 o9933f 11F lSSoooriuudttahh SSeemmoorraann BBoouulleevvaarrdd,, SSuuiittee 222200 mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv ((886633)) 996677--22557755 993311 SSoouutthh SSeemmoorraann BBoouulleevvaarrdd,, SSuuiittee 222200 wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv aannnnssiittsskkii@@ttaammppaabbaayyrrrr..ccoomm 1WW2ii7nn5ttee1rr WPPaaorrrkkld,, FFPLLla 33z22a77 L99a22n e wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv aannnnssiittsskkii@@ttaammppaabbaayyrrrr..ccoomm WWiinntteerr PPaarrkk,, FFLL 3322779922 F((44t.00 M77))y 66e77rs11,-- 44F66L88 3773 907 DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CCMMSS PPllaann aanndd BBeeaacchh aanndd TTrraaiill MMoobbiilliittyy ((440077)) 667711--44668877 DDeeppaarrttmmeenntt ooff HHeeaalltthh,, CCMMSS PPllaann aanndd BBeeaacchh aanndd TTrraaiill MMoobbiilliittyy (kk2pp3ee9rree) zz4@@15cc-ee7cc4oo0..0oorrgg SSppeecciiaallttyy PPrrooggrraammss 44553377 PPrriimmee TTeerrrraaccee kkppeerreezz@@cceeccoo..oorrgg SSppeecciiaallttyy PPrrooggrraammss 44553377 PPrriimmee TTeerrrraaccee [email protected] 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 NNoorrtthh PPoorrtt,, FFLL 3344228866 wwwwww..cceeccoo..oorrgg 44005522 BBaalldd CCyypprreessss WWaayy,, BBiinn AA--0066 NNoorrtthh PPoorrtt,, FFLL 3344228866 www.crnflorida.com TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 ((888888)) 997766--22552255 CCuussttoomm MMoobbiilliittyy TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322339999 ((888888)) 997766--22552255 CCuussttoomm MMoobbiilliittyy ((885500)) 224455--44667700 ccjjeetteerr@@ttrraacckkeeddmmoobbiilliittyy..uuss C7711o99n99d uBBcrryytiaavnne DDEaadiirruyyc RRatooioaaddn Center ((885500)) 224455--44667700 ccjjeetteerr@@ttrraacckkeeddmmoobbiilliittyy..uuss 77119999 BBrryyaann DDaaiirryy RRooaadd mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv wwwwww..ttrraacckkeeddmmoobbiilliittyy..uuss oLLaaf rrOggrool,,a FFnLLd o33 33777777 mmaarrccyy..hhaajjdduukkiieewwiicczz@@flflhheeaalltthh..ggoovv wwwwww..ttrraacckkeeddmmoobbiilliittyy..uuss LLaarrggoo,, FFLL 3333777777 wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv 9((77322177 S)) o55u33t99h-- 88S11e11m99 oran Boulevard, Suite 220 wwwwww..flfloorriiddaahheeaalltthh..ggoovv BBeeddss BByy GGeeoorrggee ((772277)) 553399--88111199 BBeeddss BByy GGeeoorrggee Wppjjooin@@teccr uuPssattoorkmm, --FmmLoo 3bb2iill7iittyy9..2cc oomm DDiissaabbiilliittyy RRiigghhttss FFlloorriiddaa 11004455 NNoorrtthh NNaappppaanneeee SSttrreeeett ppjjoo@@ccuussttoomm--mmoobbiilliittyy..ccoomm DDiissaabbiilliittyy RRiigghhttss FFlloorriiddaa 11004455 NNoorrtthh NNaappppaanneeee SSttrreeeett (ww4ww07ww).. cc6uu7ss1ttoo-4mm6--8mm7oobbiilliittyy..ccoomm 22447733 CCaarree DDrriivvee,, SSuuiittee 220000 EEllkkhhaarrtt,, IINN 4466551144 wwwwww..ccuussttoomm--mmoobbiilliittyy..ccoomm 22447733 CCaarree DDrriivvee,, SSuuiittee 220000 EEllkkhhaarrtt,, IINN 4466551144 [email protected] TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322331100 ((887777)) 228866--11999944 TTaallllaahhaasssseeee,, FFLL 3322331100 ((887777)) 228866--11999944 www.ceco.org ((880000)) 334422--00882233 mmaarrkk@@bbeeddssbbyyggeeoorrggee..ccoomm ((880000)) 334422--00882233 mmaarrkk@@bbeeddssbbyyggeeoorrggee..ccoomm ppaauullaarr@@ddiissaabbiilliittyyrriigghhttssflfloorriiddaa..oorrgg wwwwww..bbeeddssbbyyggeeoorrggee..ccoomm Custom Mobility ppaauullaarr@@ddiissaabbiilliittyyrriigghhttssflfloorriiddaa..oorrgg wwwwww..bbeeddssbbyyggeeoorrggee..ccoomm wwwwww..ddiissaabbiilliittyyrriigghhttssflfloorriiddaa..oorrgg 7199 Bryan Dairy Road wwwwww..ddiissaabbiilliittyyrriigghhttssflfloorriiddaa..oorrgg Largo, FL 33777 (727) 539-8119 TThhee 2200tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy FFaammiillyy ccaaffee 77 [email protected] TThhee 2200tthh AAnnnniivveerrssaarryy FFaammiillyy ccaaffee 77 www.custom-mobility.com exhibitors Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Florida Coordinating Council for the Florida State Foster Adoptive 3555 Maguire Boulevard, Suite 205 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Parent Association Orlando, FL 32803 4052 Bald Cypress way Bin A-18 21731 SW 97 Ct. (407)897-2725 Tallahassee, FL 32399 Cutler Bay, FL 33190 [email protected] (850) 245-4948 (305)213-6627 www.rehabworks.org [email protected] [email protected] www.fccdhh.org www.floridafapa.org Elevate Young Professionals 8020 Highland Road Florida Department of Education Office of Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network Baton Rouge, LA 70808 Independent Education & Parental Choice 2574 Seagate Drive, Suite 100 (601)441-1558 325 West Gaines Street Suite 1044 Tallahahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] Tallahassee, FL 32399 (850)410-0656 www.elevateyp.com (850) 245-0899 [email protected] [email protected] www.myfwc.com/fishing Evergreen Life Services/ www.floridaschoolchoice.org HEAVENDROPT.org Gatorland 12467 62nd Street N Florida Dept of Education ESE 14501 South Orange Blossom Trail Largo, FL 33773 325 West Gaines Orlando, FL 32837 (727)519-3058 Tallahassee, FL 32399 (407)855-5496 [email protected] (850) 245-0916 [email protected] www.heavendropt.org [email protected] www.gatorland.com Expo Enterprise Inc. Florida Disabled Outdoors Association Guardian Trust 3560 Polaris Avenue #27 2475 Apalachee Parkway, Suite 205 901 Chestnut Street, Suite C Las Vegas, NV 89103 Tallahahassee, FL 32301 Clearwater, FL 33756 (702)272-2666 (850) 201-2944 (727)210-1185 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.fdoa.org www.Guardiantrusts.org Family Care Council Florida P.O. Box 300100 Florida Division of Blind Services, DOE Hawaiian Moon Fern Park, FL 32730 325 West Gaines Street, 321 South Missouri Avenue (941)922-9647 Turlington Building, Suite 1114 Clearwater, FL 33756 [email protected] Tallahahassee, FL 32399 (727)709-1424 www.fccflorida.org (850) 245-0390 [email protected] [email protected] www.aloecream.biz Family Support Village www.dbs.fldoe.org 1850 San Marco Road Suite-A Innovation In Motion Marco Island, FL 34145 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation 201 Growth Parkway (239)272-2739 Commission - Archery Angola, IN 46703 [email protected] 7325 NE 170th Avenue (260)668-0142 www.familysupportvillage.com Silver Springs, FL 34488 [email protected] (352) 625-2804 www.mobility-usa.com Florida Developmental Disabilities Council [email protected] 124 Marriott Drive Suite 203 Florida Autism Center www.myfwc.com/hunting Tallahassee, FL 32301 175 Middle Street Suite 1201 (850)414-9217 Florida Inclusion Network (FIN) Lake Mary, FL 32746 [email protected] 4820 -B Kerry Forest Parkway (917)497-4446 www.fddc.org Tallahassee, FL 32309 [email protected] (850) 414-7593 flautism.com FDLRS Administration Project [email protected] 3841 Reid Street LessonPix, Inc. www.floridainclusionnetwork.com Palatka, FL 32177 35246 US Highway 19 N #139 (386)312-2265 Florida Military Family Special Needs Palm Harbor, FL 34684 [email protected] Network (727)232-3779 www.fdlrs.org 172 NE Twylite Terrace [email protected] Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983 lessonpix.com Florida’s Centers for Autism and (772) 342-7665 Related Disabilities (CARD) Life Worth Leading/ Handicapped [email protected] UF Jax Card 6271 SCUBA Association St. Augustine Road, Suite-1 Florida SAND P.O.Box 12861 Jacksonville, FL 32217 21991 Longleaf Trail Drive Tallahassee, FL 32317 (904)633-0760 Estero, FL 34135 (850)321-8222 [email protected] (352) 224-0223 [email protected] www.hscj.ufl.edu/pediatrics/autism [email protected] www.gabrielleconsulting.com flsand.org Lincoln Heritage Insurance Company 2762 Southwest 85 Avenue Miramar, FL 33025 (786)252-2148 8 The 20th Anniversary Family cafe [email protected] Medgomics Pyramid, Inc. Special Olympics Florida 426 N San Gabriel Avenue 2700 South Blairstone Road 1915 Don Wickhan Drive Azusa, CA 91702 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Clermont, FL 34711 (626)804-3645 (850) 528-4259 (352)243-9536 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.medgomics.com wwwpyramidinc.com www.specialolympicsflorida.org Mobility Works Quest Management Group, Inc Special Olympics Florida/ Dental Screening 7444 Narcoossee Road Unit 406 500 East Colonial Drive Orlando, 1915 Don Wickhan Drive Orlando, FL 32822 FL 32803 Clermont, FL 34711 (484)318-0951 (407) 218-4300 (352)243-9536 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.mobilityworks.com www.questvillage.org www.specialolympicsflorida.org Nathaniel’s Hope Spectrum Research Group 2300 Jetport Drive Rare Patient Voice 3925 S Nova Road, Suite 4 Orlando, FL 32809 711 Hampton Lane Port Orange, FL 32127 (407)857-8224 Towson, MD 21286 (386)957-5600 [email protected] (321)527-6542 [email protected] www.nathanielshope.org [email protected] www.neuralbalance.com rarepatientvoice.com New Horizons Service Dogs, Inc. Springbrook Behavioral Health 1590 Laurel Park Court Removing the Barriers Initiative One Havenwood Lane Orange City, FL 32763 2803 Club Circle Travelers Rest, SC 29690 (386)456-0408 Lake Wales, FL 33898 (727)459-6627 [email protected] (863)632-1924 [email protected] www.newhorizonsservicedogs.org [email protected] www.springbrookbehavioral.com removingthebarriers.com Noah’s Ark of Central Florida Staywell Health Plan 500 Inspiration Drive RHA Health Services Salem Homes of Florida 200 W Waters Avenue Lakeland, FL 33805 2837 NW 41st St., Suite 310 Tampa, FL 33604 (863)687-0804 Gainesville, FL 32606 (813)220-6026 [email protected] (352)372-0130 [email protected] www.noahsarkflorida.org [email protected] www.wellcare.com Rhahealthservices.org North Florida Office of Public Guardian, Inc. Step Up For Students 1425 East Piedmont Drive, Suite 201-B RMTC-D/HH, FAVI, FIMC 1901 Ulmerton Road, #180 Tallahassee, FL 32308 207 San Marco Avenue Clearwater, FL 33762 (850)487-4609 Saint Augustine, FL 32086 (904)352-2250 [email protected] (904)827-2731 [email protected] [email protected] www.stepupforstudents.org Nova Southeastern University College www.rmtcdhh.org of Dental Medicine Sunshine Health 1750 NE 167th Street SEDNET (Multiagency Network for Students 70 South Keller Road Miami, FL 33162 with Emotional and Behavioral Disabilities) Orlando, FL 32810 (203)240-9504 140 7th Avenue South, SVB 112 (321)704-3677 [email protected] St. Petersburg, FL 33701 [email protected] (727)873-4661 www.sunshinehealth.com Orange County Supervisor of Elections [email protected] P.O. Box 562001 The Café TA Center sednetfl.info Orlando, FL 32856 820 East Park Avenue, Suite F-100 (407)254-6558 Social Security Administration Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] 5520 Gatlin Avenue, Suite 101 (850)244-4670 www.ocfelections.com Orlando, FL 32812 [email protected] (866)964-0019 www.familycafe.net Park Shore Pharmacon [email protected] 600 Ansin Boulevard The Family Café www.ssa.gov Hallandale Beach, FL 33021 820 East Park Avenue, Suite F-100 (954)874-4646 Special Needs Lawyers, P.A. Tallahassee, FL 32301 [email protected] 901 Chestnut Street (850)244-4670 www.parkshoredrug.com Clearwater, FL 33756 [email protected] (727)443-7898 www.familycafe.net Project 10: Transition Education Network [email protected] USFSP 140 7th Avenue South, SVB 101 specialneedslawyers.com St. Petersburg, FL 33701 (772)873-4654 [email protected] www.project10.info The 20th Anniversary Family cafe 9 exhibitors The Florida Youth Council All Around Wedding Ceremonies By Jenn Florida Service Dogs, Inc. 820 East Park Avenue, Suite F-100 13055 South West 79th Circle P.O. Box 14810 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Ocala, FL 34473 Jacksonville, FL 32238 (850)244-4670 (352) 446-2001 (904) 704-9591 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.familycafe.net www.facebook.com/ www.floridaservicedogs.org allaroundweddingceromoniesbyjenn/ Therap Services Gardens of Life 562 Watertown Boulevard AVON P.O. Box 11206 Watebury, CT 6708 6502 North 22nd Street Orlando, FL 32803 (386)846-9688 Tampa, FL 33610 (407) 310-7818 [email protected] (813) 748-4704 [email protected] www.therapservices.net [email protected] Geovina Fashions www.youravon.com/pjacksonwilliams TPSID Grant-University of Central Florida 189 Dairy Road 4000 Central Florida Boulevard Chance 2 Dance, Inc. Auburndale, FL 33823 Ferrell Commons, FC, Room 155 820 W. Charing Cross Circle (863) 551-1387 Orlando, FL 32816 Lake Mary, FL 32746 [email protected] (407)823-1099 (407) 588-9589 facebook.com/geovinafashions [email protected] [email protected] Henderson Haven, Inc. www.fcihe.com www.chance2dancefl.org 772 Foxridge Center Drive United States Tennis Association Child Advocacy Artist George Orange Park, FL 32065 10000 USTA Boulevard 3750 Silver Bluff Boulevard #307 (904) 264-2522 Olando, FL 32827 Orange Park, FL 32065 [email protected] (407)718-6343 (904) 521-4059 www.hendersonhaven.org [email protected] [email protected] Hugs of Florida, Inc. www.ustaflorida.com www.gemartstudio.com P.O.Box 1537 VSA Florida Cute Kitties Largo, FL 33779 4202 E Fowler Avenue, EDUID5 1739 Atrium Drive (727) 851-6705 Tampa, FL 33620 Sun City Center, FL 33573 [email protected] (813)974-07115 (813) 789-1208 www.hugsflorida.org [email protected] [email protected] Jacob’s Ladder usafl.org www.cutekitties4u.com 5190 Jumper Street Volunteer Florida Dannielle’s Art Cocoa, FL 32927 3800 Esplanade Way, Suite 180 898 Cotton Bay Drive E #2208 (321) 631-4262 Tallahassee, FL 32311 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 [email protected] (850)414-7400 (945) 600-5330 www.journeytojacobsladder.com [email protected] [email protected] JC Empowerment www.volunteer.com DTKM Design 3956 Town Center Boulevard, #170 Woodbury Health Products 553 Harrison Ave. Orlando, FL 32837 2323 North State Street Orange Park, FL 32065 (407) 855-1565 Bunnell, FL 32110 (904) 272-4851 [email protected] (800)777-1111 [email protected] www.janetperezeckles.com [email protected] www.dtkmdesign.etsy.com Jeremy Brimer woodburyproducts.com Edify Essential Oils 4510 Argyle Lane 10525 Beneva Drive Tallahassee, FL 32309 Tampa, FL 33647 (863) 640-2144 Micro-Enterprises (813)326-5939 [email protected] [email protected] Jewels By Peaches/Eleana Lopez Advance My Baby www.mydoterra.com/edify 406 South Scott Avenue 4108 Brooke Drive F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Down Syndrome West Florida Sanford, FL 32871 Valrico, FL 33594 5913 Grand Loneoak Lane (321) 228-9772 (813)601-2067 Lithia, FL 33547 [email protected] [email protected] (813)245-2782 www.jewelsbypeaches.com www.advancemybaby.com [email protected] Joshua’s Journey ALECS www.friendssupport.org 9809 Southwest 57 Street P.O. Box 11206 Cooper City, FL 33328 Orlando, FL 32803 (786) 302-0255 (407)310-7818 [email protected] [email protected] www.etsy.com/joshuasjourney 10 The 20th Anniversary Family cafe

Part of ensuring that Floridians are prepared is to build relationships with all. Floridians. 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. registration open, Registration Desk .. One recipe is for a smoothie, and one is for a Paleo-type snack ball.
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