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Originalna mješavina kave 1882 je najprestižnija, sastavljena od odabira najbolje kave Arabica ... PDF

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Preview Originalna mješavina kave 1882 je najprestižnija, sastavljena od odabira najbolje kave Arabica ...

Originalna mješavina kave 1882 je najprestižnija, sastavljena od odabira najbolje kave Arabica podrijetlom iz Južne Amerike i Centralne Afrike. Srednje pečena zrna kave rezultiraju delikatnom, aromatičnom mješavinom, s naznakom voća i meda, što kavi daje izgled lješnjaka i naznaku čokoladnog okusa, kao i gustu konzistentnu jantarno obojenu kremu. The original coffee blend dating to 1882. is the most prestigious one and is made solely out of the best Coffea Arabica from South America and Central Africa. These medium roast coffea beans result in a delicate yet aromatic blend with hints of fruit and honey which give it a hazelnut appearance and a bit of a chocolate taste as well as a thick, amber coloured cream. Topli napitci | Hot drinks Kava | Coffee Šalica | Cup Espresso 13,00 Espresso Macchiato 14,00 Macchiato Kava sa šlagom (mala) 14,00 Coffee with cream (small) Kava bez kofeina 14,00 Espresso Decaffeinato Kava bez kofeina macchiato 15,00 Macchiato Decaffeinato Kava bez kofeina sa šlagom (mala) 15,00 Coffee with cream Decaffeinato (small) Kava sa šlagom (velika) 16,00 Coffee with cream (large) Cappuccino 16,00 Cappuccino Kava sa mlijekom 16,00 Coffee with milk Bijela kava 18,00 White coffee Kava bez kofeina s mlijekom 18,00 Coffee with milk Decaffeinato Kava bez kofeina sa šlagom(velika) 18,00 Coffee with cream Decaffeinato (large) Cappuccino bez kofeina 18,00 Cappuccino Decaffeinato Matcha latte 18,00 Bijela kava bez kofeina 19,00 White coffee Decaffeinato Topli napitci | Hot drinks Nescafé Šalica | Cup Nescafé Classic 18,00 Nescafé Classic Nescafé Čokolada 18,00 Nescafé Chocolate Nescafé Vanilija 18,00 Nescafé Vanilla Nescafé Irish 18,00 Nescafé Irish Nescafé Lješnjak 18,00 Nescafé Hazelnut Kakao | Cocoa Kakao 19,00 Cocoa Topla čokolada | Hot chocolate Ristorra tamna čokolada / bijela čokolada 24,00 Ristorra dark chocolate / white chocolate Dodaci | Accessories Med 4,00 Honey Mlijeko 0,10 6,00 Milk Šlag 0,10 6,00 Cream Plateanum čaj | Plateanum tea Šalica | Cup Invitea — organic green tea 25,00 Poziv na sjajan užitak sa odličnim zelenim i bijelim čajem. An invitation for an exquisite pleasure with noble green and white tea. 80°C — 2 - 4 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Tearili — flavoured green tea 25,00 Zeleni čaj sa odličnom kompozicijom okusa jabuke i kruške. Green tea with an exceptional flavour composition of apple and pear. 80°C — 2 - 4 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Celebritea — black tea 25,00 Pravo zadovoljstvo - aromatični Assam čaj sa pravom vanilijom. Neodoljivo! | A real pleasure treat - an aromatic Assam tea refined with real vanilla. Irresistible! 100°C — 2 - 4 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Chamomile 25,00 Biljni čaj s čistom kamilicom. | Herbal tea with pure chamomile. 80°C — 5 - 7 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml English classicum — black organic tea 25,00 Slavimo britansku kulturu mješavinom najfinijeg indijskog crnog čaja - klasika s modernom režijom. | A celebration of British tea culture with a blend of finest Indian black teas - a classic in a modern staging. 100°C — 2 - 4 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Plateanum čaj | Plateanum tea Šalica | Cup Rooibos tabula — Flavoured herbal infusion 25,00 Rooibos sa đumbirom, jabukom i rozim paprom. Rooibos reloaded with ginger, apple and pink pepper. 100°C — 5 - 10 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Intensium — fruit tea 25,00 Voćna infuzija sa intezivnim rezultatom koji nastaje od jabuke, kruške, goji bobica i medene dinje. | A fruit infusion with an exceptional intensity resulting from the taste of apple, pear, goji berries and honey dew melon. 100°C — 5 - 10 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Ruby mentha — Flavoured herbal tea 25,00 Aromatizirani biljni čaj Ruby sa jagodom i mentom. Prilično drugačiji! Ruby quite different - with fresh mint and luscious strawberry. 100°C — 5 - 10 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Equilibrium — Flavoured fruit infusion 25,00 Aromatični balans voća, smokve i ruže vode Vas u kompleksnost ove infuzije. | The balance of fruits, figs and roses lead to the aromatic complexity of this infusion. 100°C — 5 - 10 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Matcha — green tea 25,00 100% - tni prah zelenog čaja, premium kvalitete i organskog uzgoja. Premium quality & organic certified 100% matcha powder. 100°C — 5 - 10 min — 2 žličice za 300 ml | 2 tea spoons for 300 ml Svježe cijeđeni sokovi | Handcrafted natural juices Vrijeme je za dozu vitamina i energije uz potpuno organske Time sokove bez aditiva It's Time for doze of energy with completley organic and sugar free Time juices 0,20 Forest Sky 25,00 Mješoviti sok od ananasa, naranče, maline i svježeg soka od limuna. Lovely Cucumber 25,00 Mješoviti sok na bazi jabuke sa dodacima đumbira, krastavaca, mente i ananasa. Unusual Garden 25,00 Mješoviti sok na bazi naranče sa dodacima svježe paprike, limuna i tajlandskog bosiljka. Limunada Time 25,00 Limunda s esencijom timijana i medom. Naranča Time 25,00 Cijeđena naranča sa dodatkom šumskih malina. Ledeni čaj | Ice tea Home made Ice Tea 24,00 Po izboru Plateaunum čajeva. Optionally Plateanum Teas. Voćni smooties | Fruit smoothies BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE 0,30 28,00 Smoothie na bazi mlijeka i maline, uz dodatak žitarica. Milk and raspberry smoothie with oatmeal. Bezalkoholna pića | Soft drinks Gazirani sokovi | Sodas Tomas Henry Tonic 0,20 30,00 Tonic 1724 0,20 35,00 Tomas Henry Elderflower Tonic 0,20 30,00 Tomas Henry Bitter Lemon 0,20 30,00 Tomas Henry Spicy Ginger 0,20 30,00 Tomas Henry Mystic Mango 0,20 30,00 Windspiel Tonic 0,20 35,00 Double Dutch Tonic 0,20 30,00 Fever Tree Bitter Lemon 0,20 30,00 Fever Tree Ginger 0,20 30,00 Fever Tree Tonic 0,20 30,00 Monaco Green Tonic 0,23 30,00 Monaco Golden Tonic 0,23 30,00 Le Tribute Tonic 0,25 35,00 Coca Cola 0,25 21,00 Coca Cola Zero 0,25 21,00 Prirodna voda | Natural water Jana 0,33 16,00 Jana 0,75 30,00 Artesian Vanguard 0,822 60,00 Gazirana voda | Sparkling water Jamnica 0,25 15,00 Jamnica 0,50 30,00 Artesian Vanguard spark 0,822 60,00 Energetska pića | Energy drinks Red bull 0,25 35,00 Red bull Sugar Free 0,25 35,00 Žestoka pića | Spirits, liquers Gin 0,03 Hendrick’s 30,00 The most unique gin in the world is distilled in a special way while its final taste points out the fresh taste of cucumber and the scent of rose, which are the two main ingredients of this gin. Le Tribute Gin 40,00 Gin with a light citrus note featuring lime, lemon and grapefruit combined in orange with a sweet and citrus scent. Bombay 30,00 Gin specific taste and unique treatment with 10 different plants from around the world. Master's Gin 30,00 One of the best gin's in the world with a base of blueberries, coriander and cardamas, lemon and bitter and bitter orange. Geranium 30,00 Lightly sweet with a citrus note and the taste of needleful fruit. Beefeater 24 35,00 Gin with a refreshing and harmonious aroma and a specific distillate of Mediterranean fruit. Saffron Gin 35,00 Gin containing 9 fresh botanical plants, highlighted by spruce, coriander and saffron that gives it a brilliant note. Gold Gin 40,00 Special gin with a base of mandarin, almond, ginger and coriander gives the perfect citrus and refreshing note. Williams GB Gin 40,00 Gin made from unusual apple varieties with the addition of hops, spruces and basil and more secretive ingredients. Žestoka pića | Spirits, liquers Gin 0,03 Aviation Gin 40,00 Gin with a full body flavor and a distinctive flavor of botanical distillate. Le Gin C.Drouin 40,00 Gin made from 30 kinds of apple with the addition of ginger, vanilla, cinnamon and almonds give the smooth and spicy body of this gin. Bloom Premium 40,00 A unique gin with a variety of herbs with light snacks and notes of chamomile and lemon. Caorunn Gin 40,00 Scottish gin with original spices highlighted by blueberries and apples. Hawthrons gin 40,00 The gin itself is made with 100% English wheat spirit and a secret recipe of 10 botanicals, including nutmeg from Sri Lanka and cassia bark from Indonesia. Gin Mare 40,00 Basil from Italy, thessaly from Greece, Turkish rosemary and olive and lemon from Spain are just some of the ingredients that make up this multi-award-winning gin with Mediterranean flavor. Martin Miller 40,00 Specific gin with light citrus notes produced in combination with distillate with the purest source of water on earth. Old English Gin 45,00 The taste and the scent of the world's best gin makes 11 kinds of different spices, creating pleasant and complex smells of blueberry and lemon juice. Plymouth Gin 45,00 A distinctly different and mild taste with a slight earthy feeling of gin in a combination of citrus and coriander. Tanquery No. Ten 45,00 Dry fresh gin with a rich spice flavor that creates fresh taste and dryness. Roby Marton 45,00 Very complex gin of excellent texture and dry with a note of blueberry and ginger juniper followed by citrus notes at the end. Žestoka pića | Spirits, liquers Gin 0,03 Williams Chase Elegant 45,00 A specific gin with smells, hops and baskets with carefully selected sources of pure water. Ferdinands 45,00 Gin with carefully selected rizling grapes from Zilken's estate make this gin specific. G'Wine France Floraison 45,00 Gin made with fruity distillate with a pronounced taste of green lime giving a refreshing sour note. G'Wine France Nouaison 45,00 Distilled in a specific way with fresh plants, most of which is the grape flower. Sipsmith 45,00 It consists of 10 carefully selected plants combined with the extremely fresh water that gives the citrus freshness. The Botanist Islay 50,00 Gin that is specific that includes 9 classic plants for gin and 22 wildly native plants for Islay, thus forming a very characteristic floral gin. The Botanical's Premium 50,00 Opened with a unique distillate of orange flowers expressing freshness and sweetness. Columbian Black 55,00 Lays in oak barrels and has notes of berry fruit. Columbian White 55,00 Lying in oak barrels is a lighter and lighter taste. Monkey 47 55,00 Distilled into 47 regional citrus-smelling plants and pines after rain. Monkey 47 Sloe 60,00 Gin macerated in berry fruit with light and fruity flavor. Windspiel 70,00 Unique gin with a combination of spruce, lemon, ginger, coriander and lavender. Windspiel Reserva 95,00 The gin that lays in old oak barrels with a combination of sparkling taste, coriander and lavender with a taste of wood creates a unique flavor.

najbolje kave Arabica podrijetlom iz Južne Amerike i Centralne Afrike. Srednje pečena zrna kave .. Partagas No.2. 119,50. Montecristo Eagle Tubos.
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