O R I G I N A L Response to RFP # 2012-02 For Financial Advisor Services for the City of North Miami Beach Due Date: February 1, 2012 Time: 2:00PM P U B L I C R E S O U R C E S A D V I S O R Y G R O U P Tab A TITLE PAGE RESPONSE TO RFP NO. 12-02 FOR FINANCIAL ADVISOR SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA DUE DATE: February 1, 2012 TIME: 2:00PM Submitted by: PUBLIC RESOURCES ADVISORY GROUP 100 Second Avenue South, Suite 903 St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Telephone: (727) 822-3339 Contact Person: Marianne F. Edmonds Tab B Public Resources Advisory Group TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB A. Title Page ........................................................................................................................1 B. Table of Contents ............................................................................................................2 C. Cover Letter and Executive Summary ...........................................................................3 D. Firm Overview ...............................................................................................................5 E. Personnel and References ..............................................................................................10 F. Long-term Strategic Financial Planning Experience ...................................................18 G. Tax-Exempt New Money and Derivative Product Experience ....................................22 H. Taxable Financing Experience .......................................................................................26 I. Advance and Current Refunding Experience ..............................................................28 J. Market and Pricing Information .....................................................................................30 K. Disciplinary Action .......................................................................................................35 L. Cost Proposal and Reimbursement for “Out-of-Pocket” Expenses .............................36 M. Acknowledgements .......................................................................................................38 Appendix A City of St. Petersburg Occupational License Appendix B Evidence of Legal Entity in the State of Florida Appendix C PRAG’s Florida Transactions (Past Three Years) Appendix D PRAG’s National Transactions (Past Three Years) Financial Advisor Services Proposal to the City of North Miami Beach Tab C 100 SECOND AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 903 ST. PETERSBURG, FLORIDA 33701 TEL: (727) 822-3339 | FAX: (727) 822-3502 PUBLIC RESOURCES ADVISORY GROUP January 31, 2012 Brian K. O’Connor, CPO 17011 NE 19th Avenue Room 315 North Miami Beach, Florida 33162 Dear Mr. O’Connor: Public Resources Advisory Group, Inc. (“PRAG”) is pleased to submit this proposal to serve as financial advisor to the City of North Miami Beach. We are confident that we have the experience, expertise and communication skills to serve the City as financial advisor and are eager to demonstrate this ability to you. As a national firm with Florida based professionals PRAG has the experience and expertise needed to meet the City’s scope of services. PRAG is an independent financial advisory firm whose sole business is to provide advisory services to governmental clients. While our client base includes many of the nation’s largest municipal issuers, our Florida practice is devoted to the needs of Florida’s local governments, and our responsiveness to the needs of our clients can be confirmed with our references. PRAG’s Florida based, senior professionals have the experience, knowledge and leadership skills to add value to and assist the City’s team as it addresses the financial challenges facing local government. Municipal finance is our only business and has been since our founding in 1985. Scope of Work As described in the Description of Services / Scope of Services, the City is looking to its financial advisor to be involved in all facets of the debt management process. There would be ongoing tasks and tasks related specifically to the issuance process. At present, there are two major components to the City’s debt portfolio, each of which must be addressed on a separate basis: • General Obligation Debt: The City has been active in refinancing its outstanding General Obligation debt. The City has successfully refinanced the Florida Municipal Loan Council, Series 2000 B bonds in 2011 and has recently received proposals for the refinancing of the Series 2002 A bonds. • Water Utility System Debt: The City’s Florida Municipal Loan Counsel, Series 2002 B Water Utilities bonds will be callable on August 1, 2012. By refinancing these bonds, the City will be able to realize significant savings both on a present value basis as well as in annual cash flow. Additionally, there are other smaller components of the City’s debt which PRAG will also assist the City in managing: • Sales Tax Debt: The Series 2003B bonds supported by a one-half cent sales tax can be refinanced on a current basis starting in 2013 and will likely provide significant savings to the City. • State Revolving Fund Loans: Since 2009, the City has participated in the State’s Revolving Loan Program. While the amounts borrowed do date have been small, these loans represent an extremely low cost way for the City to fund its wastewater pollution control facilities and public water systems. • CRA Note: The North Miami Beach Community Redevelopment Agency has issued approximately $8 million in taxable and tax-exempt notes for the redevelopment area. The terms of the two loans are through 2027 and may be refinanced or restructured in the future. In the past the City has funded its borrowing needs through the Florida Municipal Loan Council. In the current market, the City has been able to sell bonds both through the Council as well as through direct purchase by banks. PRAG views this time as an opportunity for the City to proactively examine both its needs and objectives for any prospective borrowings on a long-term basis in order to best manage how it goes about structuring its new borrowings. For a highly rated issuer such as the City, it is important to minimize its borrowing costs while retaining the maximum amount of flexibility going forward. INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISORS PRRAG’s Strengtths as Financial Advisor Finnancing Experrience: Publicc Resources AAdvisory Grouup (“PRAG”) iis a national, iindependent ffiinancial advisory firm; our onlyy business is providing finnancial advisoory services too government clients. We hhave a long rresume of expperience with natiional and Florrida based clieents, which is detailed in thiis proposal. WWe believe thaat this proposaal demonstratees that PRAG has the experiencce, commitmennt and techniccal expertise too serve as Finaancial Advisorr to the City oof North Miammi. Quaantitative andd Analytical EExpertise: Our business moodel focuses oon serving clieents with an oongoing need for financial advvisory servicess, and we assiign senior proofessionals to each client. WWe use sophisticated financcial and analyttic models in ordder to provide oour clients witth the analysiss necessary to make informeed decisions. Creedit Strategy and Experiennce: One of PRAG’s signnificant strenggths is our kknowledge off municipal crredit. PRAG maiintains a frequuent dialogue on behalf of oour issuer clieents with key rrating analystss to keep bothh sides abreastt of the latest devvelopments. WWe have contacct with rating agencies on aan almost dailyy basis. We hhave developedd our understaanding of the creddit rating agenncy process thhrough our work with issuerrs over multiplle economic ccycles. Our expertise and exxperience can direectly benefit tthe City in formulating a ccredit approachh for each off its projects iin order to achhieve the highhest possible ratings and thus, the lowest cosst of financingg. Maarket Knowleddge: PRAG’s professional staff is awarre of daily mmarket develoopments. We have access to the latest ecoonomic data annd capital maarket activity ffrom real-timee information sources. In aaddition, as a result of our work for the larggest and most frequent issuers in the munnicipal markeet, we are taskked with the reeview of the llatest products and market oppportunities. Ouur market information is timmely, accurate and independeent. Expperienced andd Responsive Finance Teaam: PRAG wiill provide thee City with soophisticated ffinancial advissory services fromm an experienced professiional team. OOur St. Peterssburg based tteam will be managed by Marianne Eddmonds. Ms. Edmmonds, a Sennior Managingg Director andd partner at PPRAG, has thhirty years off public finannce experiencee in Florida. Thoomas Huestis, Senior Manaaging Directorr and PRAG ppartner, will sserve as Co-Prroject Manageer and will bee available to assiist with all asppects of the enngagement thus ensuring thhat senior proffessional adviice will alwayys be availablee to the City. Ms. Edmonds and Mr. Huestis will be assisted by Paul Soober who will pprovide Projecct and Technical Support. MMs. Edmonds is aauthorized to mmake represenntations on behhalf of PRAGG. In addition, other PRAG pprofessionals on the team ssuch as credit specialist Claire CCohen and priicing specialisst Monika Connley will be avvailable as neeeded to meet thhe City’s needds. Commmitment of Resources: WWe have revieewed the scoppe of work ffoor this engagement and arre committed to providing timmely service annd performingg the work in accordance wwith the termss of this propoosal. We knoww that the commmitment of apppropriate resouurces is essenttial to our ability to offer ggood financial advice to clieents. In order to meet this ccommitment, PRAAG’s operatinng philosophyy is to providee the highest leevel of coveraage using expperienced senior-level profeessionals. We are mindful of ennsuring that the full resourcees of the firm aare brought too each of our cclient engagemments. PRRAG Qualificaations PRAAG has all off the qualificaations necessaary to provide financial advvisory servicess to the City. This proposaal details our expperience and exxpertise in Floorida public finnance. We havve also attemppted to demonnstrate two othher attributes tthat we know are important to the City. Thee first is integrity - we takee pride in ourr reputation foor honest, proffessional, unbiased advice. Seccond is our coommunication skills, and whhich we hope are demonstrrated by the cclarity of this proposal. If yyou have any queestions, pleasee call me at ((727) 822-33339, or e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you in advannce for your connsideration. Sincereely, PUBLIIC RESOURCCES ADVISORRY GROUP, INC. lsl Maarianne F. EEdmonds Mariannne F. Edmondds Seniorr Managing Dirrector INDDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVISORS Tab D Public Resources Advisory Group D. Firm Overview Independent, Unbiased Advice. PRAG does not have any financial advisory engagements that would interfere Firm Overview. PRAG is a nationally recognized with our ability to provide independent and unbiased independent financial, investment and swap advisory firm advice to the City of North Miami Beach. In addition, as organized as a subchapter-S corporation and wholly- an independent financial advisor not affiliated in any way owned and managed by its employees. Founded in 1985 with a broker/dealer, PRAG does not engage in any form to provide independent and comprehensive financing of underwriting, trading, marketing, or investing in tax- support to state and local governments, authorities and exempt securities, nor does it act as an investment agencies, PRAG has served only governmental entities manager for government funds. This restriction eliminates throughout its more than 25-year history. Our success has the possibility that a conflict can ever exist within our been built on a solid history of high-quality independent organization between marketing and financial advisory advice, responsive service, the commitment of services and ensures that we will always act in the best experienced personnel and unblemished integrity. interest of the City. PRAG’s only business is providing independent financial and investment advisory services to municipal clients. Commitment to the Municipal Bond Industry. The firm is registered under the Investment Adviser’s Act Municipal finance is PRAG’s sole business—our of 1940. commitment is unmatched. As evidenced by the table below, PRAG has been one of the nation’s top three In 2005, PRAG acquired independent financial advisory financial advisors in each of the past ten years. We firm, Marianne Edmonds, Inc. (MEI), and opened maintain this market share by utilizing a higher PRAG’s Florida office. This acquisition allowed PRAG concentration of senior personnel than our competitors. to better serve our Florida clients, which at the time Our use of experienced, senior personnel ensures that included the Cities of Orlando and Jacksonville, Broward each client receives the highest possible level of service. County and the State Division of Bond Finance. The acquisition also expanded the range of services provided PRAG Financial Advisory Rankings to MEI’s Florida clients. We continue to grow our client (2001 to 2010) base by providing superior and attentive service to our Total Long-Term Market clients. Our professionals are drawn from diverse Year Municipal Issues Rank Share backgrounds, including issuers, advisors, credit analysts 2001 $19.7 billion 2 6.9 and underwriters of municipal debt which has allowed us 2002 $33.9 billion 1 9.5 to build a team with deep knowledge of the capital 2003 $37.1 billion 2 9.8 markets, unmatched quantitative skills and an in-depth 2004 $24.8 billion 2 6.9 appreciation of the unique challenges of governmental 2005 $21.9 billion 2 5.4 entities. 2006 $18.5 billion 3 4.8 Firm Organization. PRAG is headquartered in New 2007 $27.3 billion 3 6.4 York City and has fully staffed offices in Florida, 2008 $20.3 billion 3 7.5 Pennsylvania and California. We assign senior personnel 2009 $42.5 billion 2 13.5 on all engagements; over 80% of our professional staff 2010 $31.1 billion 2 9.4 have worked in public finance for at least 10 years. Total: $277.1 billion Firm Size and Locations. As PRAG serves as financial advisor to only municipal governments, 100% of our Experience and Expertise. PRAG is a full-service professionals are dedicated to public finance. Today, financial advisory firm with experience and expertise in a PRAG has 27 public finance professionals located across broad range of services pertinent to municipal entities. the country in five offices. Our public finance The following table lists some of the primary services we professionals are supported nationwide by a team of provide in our capacity as financial advisors as well as the experienced support personnel. types of transactions on which we have advised. Office Location Total Staff Advisors (cid:131) New York, NY 24 13 (cid:131) Philadelphia, PA 3 2 (cid:131) St. Petersburg, FL 3 2 (cid:131) Los Angeles, CA 6 3 (cid:131) Oakland, CA 1 1 Financial Advisory Services Proposal to the City of North Miami Beach 5