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Origin of the transient unpulsed radio emission from the PSR B1259-63 binary system PDF

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Preview Origin of the transient unpulsed radio emission from the PSR B1259-63 binary system

ORIGIN OF THE TRANSIENT UNPULSED RADIO EMISSION FROM THE PSR B1259 63 BINARY SYSTEM − Lewis Ball1, Andrew Melatos2, Simon Johnston1 & Olaf Skjæraasen1,3 1 Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; [email protected] 9 2 Miller Fellow, Department of Astronomy, 601 Campbell Hall, University of California, Berkeley CA 94720 USA 9 3 Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1029 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway 9 1 n Astrophysical Journal Letters, in press a Original: 4 May 1998. Revised: 29 June 1998, 10 December 1998 J 1 Subject headings: binaries: eclipsing – circumstellar matter – stars: emission-line, Be – 2 radio continuum: stars – pulsars: individual: PSR B1259 63 − 1 v 5 8 2 1 ABSTRACT 0 9 We discuss the interpretation of transient, unpulsed radio emission detected from the 9 / unique pulsar/Be-star binary system PSR B1259 63. Extensive monitoring of the 1994 h − and 1997 periastron passages has shown that the source flares over a 100-day interval p - aroundperiastron, varyingontime-scalesasshortasadayandpeakingat60mJy( 100 o ∼ r times the apastron flux density) at 1.4 GHz. Interpreting the emission as synchrotron t s radiation, we show that (i) the observed variations in flux density are too large to be a : caused by the shock interaction between the pulsar wind and an isotropic, radiatively v driven, Be-star wind, and (ii) the radio emitting electrons do not originate from the i X pulsar wind. We argue instead that the radio electrons originate from the circumstellar r diskoftheBestarandareaccelerated attwo epochs, onebeforeandoneafterperiastron, a when the pulsar passes through the disk. A simple model incorporating two epochs of impulsive acceleration followed by synchrotron cooling reproduces the essential features oftheradiolight curve andspectrum andisconsistent withthesystem geometry inferred from pulsed radio data. 1 1. Introduction the data so far obtained from this system are insuffi- cient to constraina model of the physics at this level The binary pulsar PSR B1259 63 is in a highly of detail. Here we propose a simple model for the ra- − eccentric (e 0.87), 3.5-yr orbit around a 10th mag- dio light curves which reproduces the main features ∼ nitudeB2estar,SS2883,ofradiusR∗ 6R⊙ (John- of the data and identifies the essential physics. ∼ stonetal.1992,1994). The systemisuniquebecause PSR B1259 63 is the only radio pulsar orbiting a 2. Observations − main-sequence companion with a circumstellar disk. Observations of the Hα emission line show that op- Two periastron passages of PSR B1259 63 have − tically emitting material in the Be-star disk extends beenobservedindetail,thefirston1994Jan9andthe to at least 20 R∗ (Johnston et al. 1994), and pulsar secondon1997May29. Unpulsedradioemissionwas timing data suggest that the disk is steeply inclined detected at frequencies between 0.84 and 8.4 GHz, to the plane of the binary orbit (Wex et al. 1998). as described by Johnston et al. (1999). Figure 4 of The pulsar’s orbital radius at periastron is 23 R∗. thatpapershowstheradiolightcurveatfivefrequen- Melatos,Johnston&Melrose(1995)proposedawind- ciesduringthe 1997periastronpassage(the observed diskmodelofthe systemtoexplainorbitalvariations 1.4 GHz light curve is reproducedhere in Figure 1b). ofthefluxdensity,polarisation,rotationmeasureand Emission appeared suddenly at 22; prior to this T − dispersion measure of the pulsed emission near pe- the 3-σ upper limit on the unpulsed emissionis <0.5 ∼ riastron (Johnston et al. 1996). In the model, the mJyatfrequenciesbetween1.4and8.4GHz. Forthe eclipse of the pulsed emission between 20 and nextfewdays,rapidvariationsweresuperimposedon T − +16 (where denotes the epoch of periastron) is an overall increase in the flux density S at all fre- T T attributed to free-free absorption in the disk. quencies, peaking at S 30 mJy at 1.4 GHz near ∼ X-ray observations of PSR B1259 63 reveal sig- 8. There followeda relativelyslow decline before nificant (unpulsed) emission through−out the orbit, Tthe−flux densityagainbeganincreasingaround +8, T with the flux density at periastron 10 times higher peaking a secondtime near +18,with S 60mJy than at apastron (Hirayama et al.∼1996). Modeling at 1.4 GHz. The flux densiTty then decline∼d steeply suggests that the X-rays are synchrotron radiation untilaround +30,whentherateofdecayslowedto T from relativistic pulsar wind leptons accelerated at roughlythatobservedafterthe firstpeak near 8. T − the shock between the pulsar wind and Be-star out- This slower decline continued until the last observa- flow (Tavani & Arons 1997). tionson +47. The1994dataaresimilarandshowed T detectable emission until +100. We discuss the origin of the transient, unpulsed T radio emission detected from PSR B1259 63 from Atmosttimestheradiofrequencyspectrumiswell 22until +100(Johnstonetal.1999). −Theradio fitted by a power law S ν−α of spectral index eTm−ission, likTe the X-rays, is likely to be synchrotron α 0.5, consistent with sy∝nchrotron radiation from ≈ radiation produced by the shock interaction between relativistic electrons. Importantly, there is evidence thepulsarwindandBe-staroutflow. However,wear- in both the 1994 and 1997 data that the spectrum guethatthe interactionbetweenthe pulsarwindand steepens after periastron (Figure 5 of Johnston et al. an isotropic, radiatively driven, Be-star wind cannot 1999). There is no compelling evidence for free-free explain the magnitude and rapidity of the variations absorption at any epoch between 22 and +47 T − T in the radio light curve. Furthermore, we show that (Johnston et al. 1999), even at periastron when the the radio emitting electrons, unlike the X-ray elec- pulsedemissionistotallyeclipsedbytheBe-stardisk. trons, do not originate from the pulsar wind. We thereforesuggestthattheunpulsedradioemissionre- 3. Origin of the radiating electrons sults fromthe accelerationofelectrons in the Be-star The relativistic pulsar wind is enclosed within a disk. Thepulsar–diskencounterislikelytoresultina bubble asitploughsthroughthe materialaroundthe strongly time-dependent, magnetized, hydrodynami- Be star. Momentum flux balance between the pul- cal interaction forming a cometary pulsar wind neb- sarwind and Be-staroutflow determines the size and ula surrounded by a shock front where acceleration shape of the bubble, and particles are shock acceler- ofparticles is followedby a combinationofadiabatic, atedattheboundarybetweenthetwoflows(Melatos, synchrotron and inverse Compton cooling. However, Johnston & Melrose 1995). 2 The Be-star outflow consists of a radiation-driven scale as their values at the contact surface apex, one polar wind and a more dense equatorial disk re- obtains l D, n D−2 and B D−1, implying sponsible for the bulk of the mass loss (Dougherty S D−1/2∝forα=∝0.5(irrespective∝ofwhetherthera- ∝ 1994). Both components are often characterised as diatingelectronsoriginatefromthepulsarwindorBe- simple power laws in radial distance r , with num- star polar wind). Since D varies by a factor of 15 s ∼ ber density and speed given by ns = n0(R∗/rs)ξ and aroundtheorbit,thisargumentimpliesthatS should vs = v0(rs/R∗)ξ−2, where ξ = 2 corresponds to a be 4timeshigheratperiastronthanatapastron— ∼ constant speed and ξ = 4 corresponds to constant consistentwiththesparseX-raydata,butfarsmaller ram pressure. If the outflow is highly conducting so than the 1.4 GHz radio variation from S<0.5 mJy ∼ thatthemagneticfieldisfrozenintotheplasma,then at apastron to S 60 mJy near periastron. Fur- simple models imply B r1−ξ for 2 ξ 3. The thermore, in the in∼terval near periastron, the above s ∝ s ≤ ≤ polar wind is generally thought to reach a terminal scaling yields S( 27) S( )/√3 20 mJy, yet speed v 1000 kms−1 within a few stellar radii at 27 there isTn−o dete∼ctableTunpuls∼ed radioemis- w ∼ T − (e.g. Friend & McGregor 1984);we therefore approx- sionatanyfrequency. We concludethatthe emission imate it as a constant speed outflow with ξ = 2. cannotbeattributedsolelytotheinteractionbetween w In contrast, the disk density falls off rapidly with ra- the pulsar wind and Be-star polar wind. dius, as rotating material gradually accelerates out- ward; one typically has ξ <4, v 5 kms−1 and 3.2. Disk or pulsar electrons? — d∼ d0 a half opening angle of σ 5 15∼◦ (Waters, Cot´e Lorentz factor d ∼ − & Lamers 1987). The disk and wind number densi- The pulsar orbit is eccentric and steeply inclined ties are related by n /n =(v /v )(M˙ /M˙ )(1 sinσ )/sinσ . For dσ0 =w010◦ thwis idm0pliesd a dwensit−y with respect to the Be-star disk, so the pulsar wind d d d interacts strongly with the disk near periastron, po- ratio of n /n 103(M˙ /M˙ ). Typical values onf M˙ ∼4 21d×001180wm−08−3∼M. ⊙yr−1 dandwM˙d/M˙w ∼ 10 yield tinevnetisatlilgyatgeenwehreatthinegrtuhneprualdseiadtrinagdieoleecmtriossnisonin. tWhiesnscoew- d0 ∼ × nario originate from the pulsar wind or the disk. 3.1. Flux scaling for polar wind interaction The magnetic field in the emission region is the sum of the contribution from the pulsar, B (L) = p Ifthe spin-downluminosityofthe pulsar,E˙p,goes 1.5 10−3R∗/L tesla (estimated from P, P˙ and the entirely into the relativistic wind then the ram pres- assu×mption B r−1 in the pulsar wind), and the sure at a distance r from the pulsar is E˙ /(4πcr2). p ∝ p p p p contributionfromtheBestar. ThefieldintheBe-star The ram pressure of the Be-star polar wind is polarwindsatisfiesBs(D L)∼<10−2R∗/(D L)tesla m n (r )v (r )2. The contact discontinuity between − − p s s s s (see Barker 1987 for an upper limit on surface fields the two flows has its apex at the point where the of Be stars), while estimates of the field in the disk ram pressures balance, provided the magnetic pres- are so uncertain as to be of little value. For L<D/2, ∼ sures can be ignored. This point is denoted by one finds B 10−4 T at D 50R∗ when the ra- r =D r =L where D is the pulsar-Be star sepa- ∼ ∼ p s dio peaks occur, and hence B (L) B (D L). − p s ration, L/D=√η/(1+√η) and η =E˙p/(M˙wcvw) is ThisvalueofB isconsistentwiththat∼obtained−inde- the ratio ofthe momentumflux inthe pulsarwindto pendentlyfromsynchrotronequipartitionarguments, thatintheBe-starpolarwind. TheratioL/D iscon- which yield B 10−4 T for S(1 GHz) 50 mJy stant over the pulsar orbit, although D and L both andα=0.5,ass∼uming a sourcedistance of∼1.5kpc, a vary. spherical source of radius 25R∗. Now suppose that the unpulsed radio flux is asso- TheLorentzfactorrequiredtoproducesynchrotron ciated with the shock interaction between the pulsar emissionat1GHzinsuchafieldisγ 50(rp/50R∗)1/2 windandBe-starpolarwind. Synchrotrontheoryim- — five orders of magnitude lower∼than the likely plies that the flux density scales as Lorentzfactorγ 106ofunacceleratedleptonsinthe ∼ S nl3Bα+1ν−α (1) pulsar wind (Kennel & Coroniti 1984; Arons & Gal- ∝ lant 1994). We conclude that the pulsar-wind elec- where n is the number density of radiating electrons, trons are too energetic to be responsible for the un- l is the source size and B is the magnetic field. As- pulsed radio emission observed. On the other hand, suming l L and that the other source parameters ∝ 3 non-relativisticelectronsfromtheBe-stardiskand/or andonceafterwards( +13atD2 33R∗). We pos- T ≈ polar wind could certainly be accelerated to the rel- tulate that the radiating electrons are created dur- atively modest energy required at shock(s) produced ing time intervals T and T at the two disk cross- 1 2 by the interaction between the pulsar wind and Be- ings, when the shock interaction between the pulsar stardisk(e.g.Kirk1994)asthey areinbinariescom- wind and the disk (and hence electron acceleration) prising early-type stars (Eichler & Usov 1993). is at its peak, and nowhere else. T and T are some- 1 2 whatgreaterthantheorbitalcrossingtimeofthedisk 3.3. Disk or pulsar electrons? — ( 3days with σ = 5◦ according to Johnston et al. d ∼ Number density 1999) because the pulsar wind interacts appreciably with the disk surface for a few days before the pulsar The number density of radiating electrons can be enters and after it leaves. estimated straightforwardly for an assumed source size and magnetic field, since from synchrotron the- The two resulting electron populations are as- ory n Sl−3B−3/2. The source size l is at least sumed to evolve with time purely under the ac- ∝ tion of synchrotron losses. The loss times at the the standoff distance L, otherwise synchrotron self- absorption would cause a detectable low-frequency two crossings are given in terms of constants b1,2 = C(B2 /2µ ), where B is the local magnetic field, turnover below 1 GHz (Johnston et al. 1999). If the 1,2 0 1,2 emissionresultsfromtheinteractionbetweenthepul- C = 32πre2/(9m2ec3), and re is the classical elec- sarwindandBe-stardisk, thenthe sourceis likelyto tron radius. The number densities per unit energy N (ε,t) then obey be some kind of sheath around the contact disconti- 1,2 nuity, extending downstream in a cometary tail. A ∂N (ε,t) ∂ spherical sheath with thickness xL, where x is a nu- 1,2 =b1,2 [ε2N1,2(ε,t)]+Q1,2(ε,t), (2) ∂t ∂ε merical factor less than 1, yields n x−11010 m−3 ∼ for the parameters used above. where Q1,2(ε,t), the injection rate at eachdisk cross- The number density of the pulsar wind can be es- ing, is a powerlaw inenergy during the times T1 and timated straightforwardly from the spindown lumi- T2 and zero otherwise. Note that the evolution of nosity E˙ = 8.3 1028 W and wind Lorentz factor the accelerated electrons depends only on conditions p γ 106, yielding×n (r )=E˙ /4πγm c3r2 and hence at the acceleration site; it is unrelated to the subse- np∼(L) 2 104 m−p3 fpor L p25R∗. Tehispis at least5 quent orbital position of the pulsar. Emission from ∼ × ∼ the first disk crossing persists as the pulsar rounds ordersofmagnitudesmallerthanthe estimatednum- theBestar(behindthedisk)andisstillpresentwhen ber density required to produce the observed radio the pulsar re-enters the disk after periastron, so the fluxdensity. Whiletheestimatesclearlyallowconsid- observed emission is the sum of that from the two erable latitude, and a shock may compress the wind electron populations. by a factor of order 10, it is very difficult to argue away this discrepancy. We conclude that the pulsar- The lack of evidence of a low-frequency spectral wind electrons are too few in number to be respon- turnover implies that there is little absorption of the sible for the unpulsed radio emission observed. On unpulsed radio emission (Johnston et al. 1999), even the otherhand,evenifthe numberdensity ofthe Be- when the pulsar is at periastron and is obscured be- star disk falls off as steeply as n r−4, one finds hind the dense Be-star disk. This strongly suggests nd(25R∗) 1013 m−3, and acceledra∝tionsof just 10−3 that the radio-emitting electrons are left behind by ∼ of the electrons in the disk can account for the ob- the pulsar in a ram-pressure-confined bubble at the served emission. point where the pulsar crosses the disk, and that therefore their radio emission is not obscured by the 4. Model of the radio light curve bulk of the disk (Ball et al. 1998). We therefore ig- and spectrum nore propagationeffects on the radio emission. The proposed model does not include the effects Johnston et al. (1999) and Wex et al. (1998) have of adiabatic expansion in the evolution of N (ε,t). 1,2 arguedthattheBe-stardiskisinclinedwithrespectto Melatos, Johnston & Melrose (1995) showed that the orbitalplaneinsuchawaythatthe pulsarpasses when the pulsar is deep within the Be-star disk, the throughthedisktwiceineachorbit,oncebeforeperi- momentum flux in the pulsar wind is insufficient to astron(crossingthediskaround 18atD1 40R∗) disrupt the disk and so the pulsar wind is contained T− ≈ 4 within a bubble. It follows that in a model which as- observed emission at a given frequency ν originates sumesthatthebubbleofradiatingelectronsisspheri- from electrons with characteristic energies ε and ε 1 2 cal,thesourcedoesnotexpandandsoadiabaticlosses atthetwoaccelerationsites. Sinceν B ε2 itfol- ∝ 1,2 1,2 do not occur. Electrons accelerated during each disk lows that in general ε = ε . The total number den- 1 2 6 crossing are advected away from the shock apex in sity per unit energyofelectrons emitting characteris- a cometary backflow (Melatos, Johnston & Melrose tically at ν is then N (ε ,t)+N (ε ,t). When adia- 1 1 2 2 1995),buttheobservedrateofdeclineoftheunpulsed baticlosses(andthereforeexpansion)areneglectedit radio emission indicates that the resulting adiabatic followsfrom(1)thatthethattheemittedfluxdensity losses must occur on a timescale of a week or longer. is proportionalto the number density of electronsra- In this Letter we show that a model involving only diating at ν. The solid line in Figure 1a is the model injection during the pulsar disk crossings and syn- flux density F(ν) obtained in this way, plotted in ar- chrotron losses is in qualitative agreement with the bitrary units as a function of time. The curve is ob- observations. tained by solving equation (2) for T = T = 10d, 1 2 Inverse Compton losses may be important in this 1/(b1ε1) =72d, 1/(b2ε2)= 9d, and source functions system(Tavani&Arons1997;Kirk,Ball&Skjæraasen of the form Q1,2(ε,t) (ε/ε0)−a (εmin ε εmax, ∝ ≤ ≪ 1999). At the energiesofthe radio-emittingelectrons a = 2.2). The dashed curve shows the model flux theselosseshavethesameformassynchrotronlosses, density for a frequency ν′ = 1.44ν. Since the pul- and so the evolution of the electron spectrum will saris closer to the Be starduring the post-periastron still be described by an equation of the form of (2). disk crossing than during the pre-periastron cross- Outside of the disk the energy density of target pho- ing, ram pressure balance implies L2 < L1; however, tons from the Be star is comparable to the energy the choice L1/L2 = 4 (= B2/B1) in Figure 1a is density in the magnetic field at the shock between purely illustrative because we have no precise knowl- the pulsar wind and the Be-star wind (Kirk, Ball & edge of the geometry of the pulsar-disk interaction. Skjæraasen 1999), in which case the inverse Comp- The synchrotron-loss times 1/(b1,2ε1,2) are roughly ton and synchrotron loss rates would be compara- the values expected for B 10−4T and ν 1GHz; ∼ ∼ ble. However, the density of target photons available the injection intervals T1,2 are roughly twice the pul- to radio-emitting electrons originating in the disk is sar disk crossing times; the relative magnitudes of likely to be low because of screening by the disk (Ta- Q1 and Q2 are chosen arbitrarily to be similar. The vani & Arons 1997), and so inverse Compton losses curves are approximately piecewise-linear, a charac- arelikelytobelessimportantthansynchrotronlosses teristic of solutions to equation (2) for a 2. The ≈ in the model for the radio emission proposed here. proposedmodelreproducesmanyoftheessentialfea- turesofthe lightcurvesinFigure4ofJohnstonetal. (1999), from which the 1.4 GHz light curve is repro- duced in Figure 1b. In particular, the flux density is higher after +12 because it is the sum of the con- T tributions from two accelerated electronpopulations. The following features of the light curves in Fig- ures 1a and 1b should be noted. (i) The first rise is associated with the pre-periastron disk crossing and lasts fora time T ,because the synchrotron-losstime 1 1/(b ε ) is much greater than T . (ii) The gradual 1 1 1 decayafter 8,whichcontinuesuntil +54(solid T − T curve), occurs because the number of electrons per Fig. 1.— (a) Model flux density F(ν) in arbitrary unit time cooling down to energy ε from ε > ε units as a function of time (solid line), and at a fre- 1 1 quency ν′ = 1.44ν (dashed line). (b) Observed flux is slightly smaller than the number with energy ε1 cooling to lower energies. (Exact balance occurs for densityfromPSRB1259 63at1.4GHz(fromFigure − a = 2.) (iii) The second rise is associated with 4 of Johnston et al. 1999). the post-periastron disk crossing and lasts for the synchrotron-loss time 1/(b ε ), because T is larger Assuming that the synchrotron emissivity can be 2 2 2 than1/(b ε ). (iv)Theplateauattheprincipalmax- approximated by a delta-function in frequency, the 2 2 5 imum lasts for a time T 1/(b ε ) = 1d, which observed at 21 in 1997. We speculate that this 2 2 2 − T − is brief because the injection and loss times for the feature is the result of the pulsar nebula splashing post-periastron disk crossing have been chosen to be into the Be-star disk. Such effects are more likely to almostequal. [cf.(ii)](v)Followingthisbriefplateau, haveobservableconsequencesthefirsttimethepulsar N (ε ,t) decreases to zero overa time 1/(b ε ) equal enters the disk because the system geometry is such 2 2 2 2 to the rise time in (iii). Since N (ε ,t) decreases to thatwehaveanunobscuredviewofthepre-periastron 2 2 zero relatively rapidly, its contribution drops below impact(seeFigure6ofJohnstonetal.1999),butnot that of the more slowly decaying N (ε ,t) and the of the post-periastronimpact. 1 1 subsequent evolution is therefore an extension of (ii). Note that the pre-periastron rise time (i) is deter- 5. Conclusions mined by injection (which lasts longer than the loss We havearguedthatthe transient,unpulsedradio time),whereasthepost-periastronrisetime(iii)isde- emission from the binary system PSR B1259 63 is termined by the loss time (which is shorter than the − synchrotronemissionassociatedwiththeshockinter- second injection episode). These rise times happen actionoftherelativisticpulsarwindandthedensecir- to be similar because we chose parameters such that cumstellardiskoftheBestar. Theradiatingelectrons T 1/(b ε ). 1 2 2 ∼ originate from the disk, not a spherically-symmetric The changing separation of the solid and dashed pulsar wind with the parameters required to model curves in Figure 1a indicates that the effective spec- the X-ray data. tral index a of the composite electron distribution is not constant. By crudely relating a to α (S ν−α) We havepresentedasimple physicalmodelfor the ∝ evolution of the unpulsed radio emission, based on via α = (a 1)/2, we predict that the spectrum: (i) − impulsive acceleration of electrons followed by syn- has α 0.7 and does not change significantly from ∼ chrotronlosses,which reproduces the salient features switch-on at 18 until the short plateau around T − of the radio light curves and spectra observed during +20;(ii) thensteepensmarkedlywith αincreasing T the 1994 and 1997 periastron passages. The model to 1.1 before flattening again to 0.7 at +30; ∼ ∼ T alsomakesatestable predictionofarapidfrequency- (iii) steepens smoothly thereafter as the emission at dependent decay in the radio flux severalweeks after higher frequencies decays more rapidly. The model the principal flux density peak, to be searched for behavior is broadly in accord with the data, which during observations of the next periastronpassage in reveal a systematic steepening of the spectrum with October 2000. the spectralindex changingby 0.4 between +15 ∼ T and +30(Figure5ofJohnstonetal.1999),followed T by a less pronounced flattening. O.S. would like to thank the Norwegian Research The model makes a clear, testable prediction. We Council for support of this work through a postgrad- see from Figure 1a that the slow decay after the first uate grant, and the RCfTA, University of Sydney for disk crossing (which continues well past the second generalsupport. A.M. gratefully acknowledgesfinan- disk crossing to the end of the observation period cial support from the Miller Institute for Basic Re- +47)endssharply;themodelfluxdensitydecreases search in Science through a Miller Fellowship. T to zero over a time comparable to the initial rise, T = 10d, instead of maintaining its very gradual 1 downwardslope all the way to zero. Although obser- vations extending to +100 were made at 0.84 GHz T following the 1994 periastron, these single-frequency data are inconclusive as to the existence of such a feature. Itwillbepossibletotestthispredictiondur- ingthenextperiastronpassage;thefrequencydepen- dence ofthe onsetofthisrapiddecline shouldalsobe observable. Themodelmakesnoattempttoexplainthe short- esttimescalevariationsintheradioemission. Partic- ularly puzzling is the flat spectrum ‘blip’ which was 6 REFERENCES Ball,L.,Melatos,A.,Johnston,S.,&Skjæraasen,O., 1998,MemoriedellaSocieta’AstronomicaItaliana, in press Dougherty, S. M., Waters, L. B. F. M., Burki, G., Cot´e,J.,Cramer,N., vanKerkwijk,M.H.,&Tay- lor, A. R., 1994, A&A, 290, 609 Eichler, D., & Usov, V. V., 1993, ApJ, 402, 271 Friend, D. B., & MacGregor, K. B., 1984, ApJ, 282, 591 Gallant, Y. 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