UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Harold L. Ickes, Secretary GEOLOGICAL SURVEY W. C. Mendcnhall, Director Professional Paper 179 ORIGIN OF THE COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE DUCKTOWN TYPE IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION BY CLARENCE S. ROSS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1935 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. - - Price'45 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS Page (cid:9)Page Abstract. . _____.__-___________-___-___._____..___. 1 Genetic history of the copper-bearing veins of the south Introduction ____---__-_--____-___-___-___-____-__- 2 ern Appalachian region Continued. Scope and object of report. _____________________ 2 High-temperature silicate stage._________________ 27 Acknowledgments -_.____-_______--_____._______ 2 Pyroxenes. ..-.________---_____-------__-__ 27 Bibliography __________________________________ 3 Epidote group-_____-----_-_-------_------- 28 Methods of study. ____--__--__-_-_-_--_____-______- 7 Gahnite__-_.__.._.____..._....___ 28 Field work_ _ __________________________________ 7 Amphiboles. __-_..__.___-_-_-___-______---- 28 Laboratory studies. ____________________________ 8 Biotite-__________..-____-___--___-___ 29 Criteria for the determination of mineral sequence. 8 Garnet. ____.____....________.___ 30 Enclosure of one mineral in another________- 9 Barite.___....___________________ 31 Preservation of antecedent mineral and rock Accessory minerals-__________-__---_--_-_-_ 31 structures _______________________________ 10 Secondary hydrotherrnal minerals_-____--___--_-_ 31 Relation of vein minerals to rock structure. .__ 10 Chlorite. __-__--____...-______._..... 31 Filling of open spaces.. _____________________ 11 Talc... -__-- ___ -----'- -- 32 Unreplaced angular fragments. _ _____________ 11 Carbonate stage.__.____________-_______-__---_ 33 Physical properties _ _ _____________________ 11 Origin of carbonates._-________-__------------ 34 Euhedral form _____________________________ 12 Stratigraphic position of ore bodies...._____-_ 35 Shear planes the site for replacement. ________ 12 Structural relations_____________--__-__-_-_ 35 Zoning of minerals___----_------___-------- 12 Replacement of schist and gneiss by sulphides. 36 Suites of minerals of unlike origin.... ________ 13 Vein calcite and its relation to quartz._______ 36 Hounding, embayment, and isolated crystal Replacement of plagioclase by calcite.._______ 37 remnants _______________________________ 13 Hydrotherrnal vein minerals cut by calcite vein- Conclusions _______________________________ 14 lets_.--.-_..-.--___---__-__-.__.--_ 37 Examples of mineral relations ___________________ 14 Character of the carbonates_--__--_----_--__ 38 Location and geomorphic relations.. _____-__--.-_- 17 Calcite in other ore deposits of the region-.__ 38 General geology of the southern Appalachian region.... 18 Conclusions. _________________________ 38 Archean rocks. _ _______________________________ 18 Postcalcite silicates._______________________ 38 Carolina gneiss ____________________________ 18 Sulphides. _ -_.______.___-_______--.__..__ 39 Roan gneiss. ______________________________ 20 Postsulphide minerals. _____________________ 40 Granites. __----___---.-._ -___-___-_,.-____- 20 Cavity coatings. _______________________ 40 Cranberry granite. _ .______-.__-__-_____ 20 Magnetite. __________________________ 40 Cambrian rocks -..._-______.-_---_-______._..__ 20 Supergene minerals..-._____________________ 40 Hiwassee slate --___--______--___-_-_______- 20 General outline of genetic history _____________ 40 Great Smoky conglomerate ----___-____-____- 21 Factors controlling deposition of vein minerals._._ 42 N antahala slate. . __________________________ 21 Mineral replacement.__________.:--_________ .42 Tusquitee quartzite. ____---_-__-___--.__._. 21 Faulting and fracturing._____________________ 43 Carboniferous intrusive rocks________ ____________ 21 Pressure of solutions.______________________ 44 Granite. __________--_______-____----_____- 21 Chemistry and physics of vein formation..._________ 44 Pseudodiorite __ _----_--------___-_______ 21 Physical differences between magmas and hydro- Character. .__ _________________________ 21 thermal solutions.________-__-_----__-___ 45 Origin ________________________________ 21 Source of heat energy in vein-forming materials. 45 Relation to regional metamorphism______ 22 Magmas. _ ________________________________ 46 Pegmatites _ _____________________________ 22 Hydrothermal solutions.___________________ 46 Relation to regional metamorphism. ___.._ 22 Vapors ---_.___--__-.___-__-___-_-_----___ 47 Age of pegmatites as shown by the lead- Physical condition of magmatic emanations. _...-_ 48 uranium ratio -__-_________-_-.____..- 22 Development of pressure in a magma residuum.___ 49 General structure of the Appalachian province.... 22 Concentration of alkalies in the magma residuum. _ 49 Types of structure. ______-_-____.______..___ 22 Volatile constituents of magmas_________________ 50 22 Source and character of vein-forming materials._______ 50 Faults. . __________________________________ 23 Dissolved solid constituents_____-_-_,__--__---__ 51 Metamorphism ____________________________ 23 Aplite-pegmatite stage__-___-___---_-._____ 51 Earth movements. ___ ______________________ 23 Quartz stage_-_----____-________-_---.__-_ 51 Geologic age of the ore bodies. __________________ 23 High-temperature ferromagnesian stage... _ _ _ _ 51 Genetic history of the copper-bearing veins of the south Carbonate stage.__________________________ 54 ern Appalachian region.. _____________________ 24 Sulphide stage..__-_________--__---______._ 55 Country rocks. _ _______________________________ 24 Postsulphide stage.._____________._ ________ 57 Aplite-pegmatite stage. _ _----------- .---.____ 24 Volatile constituents.__________________________ 57 Quartz stage. __----__.---_-__._-___.._________ 26 . Aplite-pegmatite stage..._----------._-_-_. 57 IV CONTENTS Pag« (cid:9)Page Source and character of vein-forming materials Con. Local descriptions Continued. Volatile constitutents Continued. Gossan Lead of Virginia Continued. Quartz stage. ___.-__--__--_ _______________ 58 Paragenesis of the Gossan Lead ore bodies..._. 84 High-temperature ferromagnesian stage _______ 58 Peachbottom vein, North Carolina..--___________ 85 Carbonate stage. ______------_--___-_______ 59 Elk Knob vein, North Carolina________.._..____-__ 87 Sulphide stage--__----__--------_-_-_-_____ 59 Otto vein, North Carolina.__-_-____--.-__.__--. 87 Postsulphide stage. _ _______________________ 60 Cullowhee vein, North Carolina.._._______-_.___. 89 Summary of character of vein-forming solutions ... 60 Wayhutta vein, North Carolina.. ________________ 90 Mineralogy. ______________________________________ 62 Savannah vein, North Carolina.___-_____..____-- 91 Plagioclase__ . ____:._____---_-_-_-_-____________ 62 Fontana vein, North Carolina.__-_..--_--________ 92 Pyroxenes. . ___--___-__---_----_-___-_--_______ 63 Copper deposits of the Ducktowu district, Tennessee 94 Epidote group.----.--.--- --------__-__-___-___ 63 History of mining development._____________ 94 Garnets __._______ ______-___-_-_-______________ 63 Location and topography.___________________ 95 Gahnite. _______._--___--_--------_-_-.__-____ 64 General geology.___________________ ______ 96 Amphiboles ___________--_-_--_--__________-.__ 64 Mines of the Ducktown district.._____ 1 ____.._ 96 65 Burra Burra_.---_________________._.._. 96 66 London..________-______-__-----__-___ 97 Carbonates- ___________--__--__-_-_-_--______- 66 East Tennessee._________.._-___.___-___ 97 Local descriptions.._______--------------_-_-___-_-_- 67 Ocoee._______________________________ 97 Copper vein at Ore Knob, N.C______. ___________ 67 Isabella and Eureka.__.______...________ 97 Location __________-_-_J_-_________________ 67 Mary.._____________________________ 97 History of the mine- _ ____-_________'________ 68 Other mines_-__-_---..___....---_-____-__ 97 Results of previous work_______________ ____ 68 Vein paragenesis______________..____________ 97 General geology and geomorphology _________ 70 Feldspar-quartz stage __________________ 98 Vein paragenesis_____--__--__-__-__________ 70 Stage of high-temperature ferromagnesian Gossan __'l ____________________________ 70 minerals.___________________________ 98 Supergene sulphides_______ ____________:. 70 Secondary minerals.___________________ 99 Hypogene vein mirierals____._--______._____ 70 Calcite stage_____._-_-_-__--_--_...._-_- 99 General relations. ____ _ _______________ 70 Postcalcite silicate stage___-_-_______-_- 100 Wall rock____--_---_--_---___-_ _______ 71 Sulphide stage-_-_-___--__-__--__------ 100 Aplite-pegmatite stage. ________________ 71 Character of Ducktown ores_____.___________ 100 Vein-quartz stage______________________ 72 Alabama pyrrhotite deposits____________________ 101 Stage of high-temperature ferromagnesian Sulphide-bearing zones in gneiss, North Carolina_'._ 102 minerals ____________________________ , Sulphides on Bryson-Franklin road--_-__-_-_- 102 Stage of vein carbonates- _______________ Sulphides near Bryson____________________ 103 Stage of postcalcite silicates _____________ Nickel-bearing pyrrhotite vein in Floyd County, Va._ 103 Sulphide stage_---_---___--_-__-___-___ Location and topography.__________________ 103 Stage of late thermal minerals___________ Geologic relations......... ___-________--- 103 Secondary mmerals__-__________________ Rocks associated with the veins._._-______--- 103 Mineral relations. _____________________ Sulphides- ________________._-_--_____--_ 104 Gossan Lead of Virginia, _______________________ Copperfield or Ely mine, Vermont.______________ 105 Location and topography____-_-_-___-_-____ Location and occurrence of deposits. _________ 105 History _ _________________________________ Studies of the ores______________________._. 105 Geology. __:_-_-_-_------ ----------------- Paragenesis of the pyrrhotite vein.___________ 105 Monarat mines_-_______-_--__-_---________ Ore deposits not of the Ducktown type.__________ 106 Location _._____._____-___-_-_-___..-___ Virgilina, Virginia-North Carolina.-__-__-_--- 106 Ore bodies. __-_ _ ---____._-___._-_.__ Arsenic veins, Craigford, Ala__-____0_-__-___- 107 Aplite and pegmatite stage ______________ Iron mine, Cranberry, N.C.--___-___________ 107 Quartz stage___-_----____.._-_--__-____ Location..___________-___-____-____--- 108 High-temperature ferromagnesian stage __ Orebody_______.____.______ 108 Secondary minerals___-___-________-____ Paragenesis-__________________________ 109 Carbonate stage. _______-_-_---_-__-___ Sudbury, Ontario... _______--__--_______ 112 Stage of postcarbonate silicates. ._ _______ Replacement of silicate minerals in other Stage of sulphides __ -_---__.___-____._ regions.____________________________ 114 Cranberry mines. ________-_-_____--__---_-_ Fen area, Norway..._--____-_---_--.__- 114 Betty Baker mine...-----------------..---- Timiskaming district, Ontario___________ 114 Grayson County sulphide zone. _____________ Index...._____________________.____.. 163 ILLUSTRATIONS PLATE 1. Relations between quartz and feldspar._______________________________________________________________ 118 2. Specimens from Cullowhee, N.C., showing relations between quartz and plagioclase---__---.._-__-_--___--_- 119 . 3; Specimens from Ore Knob, N.C., showing fracturing in quartz and albite_._____--_--__-___.______-__---_-- 120 4. Replacement of pegmatite and aplite by ferromagnesian minerals._____.___-___-____--__--_-------__-._--- 121 (cid:9)Page PLATE 5. Replacement of pegmatiter-_-_-----------___----_-_---____--_--_--_-----_-------_-----_--_:.--------- 122 6. Specimens from Savannah, N.C., showing replacement of muscovite. -_-_-_____-_-_-___-_-___-_-__-____.__ 123 7. Replacement of plagioclase by biotite.________________________________________________________________ 124 8. A, Plagioclase from Fontana, N.C., inclosed in replacing chlorite; B, Sheared quartz with veinlets of sulphides from Ore Knob, N.C.; C, Actinolite with replacing zoisite from Mary mine,Ducktown,Tenn.; D, Amphibole from Isabella mine, Ducktown, Tenn., with cores of actinolite and rims of hornblende_--_---__-___-_--___------ 125 9. Replacement of quartz schist by silicates.----.._________________________________________________________ 126 10. Habit of different types of amphiboles.___-___--_--___-_-___-----__-_._____---________________________ 127 11. Relation of amphiboles to biotite, chlorite, and talc.____________________________________________________ 128 12. Relations of actinolite from Monarat, Gossan Lead, Va___.__.__________________________________________ 129 13. Relations of talc to biotite and chlorite__---_-----__-_-___---_----_--_.__--____-..._____-____________ 130 14. Pleochroic halos around zircon crystals.__.__________.__________________________________________________ 131 15. Replacement of quartz and albite by calcite, Ore Knob, N.C----______-_____-___----__-__________________ 132 16. Replacement of plagioclase and quartz by carbonates.__-______----_-_____-__---_-_-_______._______-____ 133 17. Replacement of vein quartz by calcite-_______________________________________________________________ 134 18. Replacement of quartz by calcite_.____________-_-___.________________________________________________ 135 19. Replacement of quartz and plagioclase by calcite-___--______________-_________._____________.__________ 136 20. Replacement of quartz by calcite________________________ ___________________________________________ 137 21. Replacement of quartz by calcite--___________-_-_--_-_-_-______--_________---________________________ 138 22. Replacement of quartz by calcite and ankerite._-----_________-_-_.__-_---_-_---_-_____.._.______________ 139 23. Replacement of plagioclase and quartz by ankerite and calcite, Copperfield, Vt.,___________________________ 140 24. Replacement of ferromagnesian minerals and quartz by carbonates.______________________________________ 141 25. Replacement of vein minerals by calcite-__.-__-------_.-_-__-_-_---_______.__________--_________._____. 142 26. Replacement by calcite._____________________________________________________________________________ 143 27. Relations between quartz and carbonates...___________________________________________________________ 144 28. Replacement of high-temperature vein minerals by calcite._____-___-_-_________-________________________ 145 29. Relations of barite and calcite to quartz and plagioclase at Peachbottom, N.C.._-_-_______-________________ 146 30. Carbonate and sulphide veinlets in older minerals.___------___----_--_---___--__-___________.__________ 147 31. Relations of carbonates._____-_--_--___-______-___-__-___-__---__-_-__________-____-________________ 148 32. Replacement of calcite by sulphides.____-____---_-_-_____-_----_-----_____-.._____-__________________ 149 33. Relations of sulphides to gangue minerals..____----_-_-----___-----_-_-____---..--_-_-______-___________ 150 34. Character of sulphides.__--__------_-_______-__-_-__-__________________ ___________________.L_________ 151 35. Replacement of schist by sulphides..-.--- .____-_---___-___-__-_--___-___-___-___________________.__._ 152 36. Relations of ore minerals to gangue..----___-__-----_----__--_-_--_--_-_-__-----_______________________ 153 37. Relations of sulphides in specimens from Fontana, N.C.._______________________________________________ 154 38. Relations of magnetite to sulphides in the Isabella mine, Ducktown, Tenn.________________________________ 155 39. Relations of sulphides from Burra Burra mine, Ducktown, Tenn_________________________________________ 156 40. Relations of chalcocite and other sulphides at Fontana, N.C....__--------_____---__-_____-.______________ 157 41. Relations of sulphides..-__..--__-----__-_--_----_-_____---_--_--_--_-____--_----_______.____________ 158 42. Relations of ohalcocite to other ore minerals, Betty Baker mine, Gossan Lead, Va...._-_____________________ 159 43. Relations of sulphides at Betty Baker mine, Gossan Lead, Va..__________________________________________ 160 44. A, B, Violarite replacing pentlandite from Floyd County nickel mine, Va.; C, Sulphide veinlets cutting igneous ' rock, Floyd Count}' nickel mine, Va.; D, Pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite showing subgraphic intergrowth, Betty Baker mine, Va._________________________________________________________________________________ 161 FIGURE 1. Outline map showing the distribution of ore bodies described in this paper and related ore bodies._--__.______ 17 2. Geologic section of rocks of pre-Cambrian and Cambrian age associated with the ore deposits of the southern Appalachian region._____-_-__-________-__-_-__-_______-__--_---_-___._-_---______________________ 19 3. Distribution of oxides in the different vein-forming stages.--___ -____-__-_-_-___--__--.______-___________ 40 4. Map showing the mines of southwestern Virginia and northwestern North Carolina.___-__-_.______.___.____ 68 5. Vertical section through a quartz vein in the James River gold belt, Virginia.-._-_-----_-_________________ 93 INSERT Page Mineral sequence at Ore Knob, N. C.__________________________________________________________________________ 76 ORIGIN OF THE COPPER DEPOSITS OF THE DUCKTOWN TYPE IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION By CLARENCE S. Ross ABSTRACT one deposit siderite, drusy quartz, and hisingerite were- deposited in open cavities and are later than all other minerals, A group of copper-bearing pyrrhotite veins of the Ducktown and in a vein in the Ducktown district magnetite followed type extends from southwestern Virginia to eastern Ala sulphides. bama. Similar deposits occur near Ely, Vt, and continue into It is concluded that the carbonates, including the calcite at Quebec, and other types of ore bodies that are genetically Ducktown, do not represent partly replaced limestone lenses related to these are widely distributed in the southern Appala but are hydrothermally deposited vein material. Veins that chian region. contain the same type of ores and the same type of calcite The pyrrhotite veins here described are in the Blue Ridge occur in rocks of widely differing geologic age and even in and Great Smoky Mountain region, where they cut highly metamorphosed igneous rocks. Most of the veins follow folded and metamorphosed rocks of different kinds and ages. the structure of the country rock approximately, but many Some veins are in the Carolina gneiss, an early pre-Cambrian depart from strict conformity in important details. The Ore rock that is composed of profoundly metamorphosed igneous Knob vein, which contains abundant calcite that is identical and sedimentary materials; some are in the Roan gneiss, a with that at Ducktown, cuts sharply across the structure of later highly metamorphosed gabbroic intrusive, also of early the schist. The formation of veins of the Ducktown type has pre-Cambrian age; others are in the Great Smoky conglom not been dependent upon the presence of calcite, for all veins erate, a metamorphosed sedimentary rock which has been have been formed in part and some entirely by direct replace assigned to the early Cambrian but which may be pre-Cam ment of schist, metamorphosed gabbro, and pegmatite. Car brian ; and one cuts a pegmatic mass that is believed to have bonates are not older than vein minerals but have replaced been intruded during the Appalachian revolution at the end of schists, feldspar, quartz, and ferromagnesian minerals. Cal the Carboniferous period. cite fills veins in aplite at Ore Knob, and shear planes in quartz Most of the veins of the Ducktown type follow the strike at Ducktown. Carbonates are also abundant in a wide variety of the country rock, but a few cut across it. Some of them of mineral deposits in the southern Appalachian region, and can be traced for long distances for example, the mineral many of these are in plutonic or volcanic rocks where lime ized zone known as the Gossan Lead of Virginia can be stone lenses are precluded. It is therefore evident that the traced for about 17 miles. All the deposits are character carbonates in veins of the Ducktown type in the southern Ap ized by abundant pyrrhotite, with small but variable pro palachian region have been deposited by hydrothermal solu portions of chalcopyrite and sphalerite and a very little tions and have had a genetic history similar to that of the galena; pyrite may be abundant or almost absent. The most other vein minerals. conspicuous gangue minerals are amphiboles, but quartz, cal- The different vein-forming stages seem to have been initiated cite, biotite, and in some mines plagioclase are abundant. by movements within the vein that produced faulting, shearing, Less abundant gangue minerals are garnets, epidote or zoisite, and brecciation. This allowed the introduction of hot active pyroxenes, spinels, talc, and chlorite. solutions, which deposited the material held in solution and The veins have been formed by a series of distinct genetic gradually sealed the channels of ingress. A renewal of move stages, and each stage is characterized by a distinct group of ments that permitted a new surge of solutions was the cause minerals. The minerals of each succeeding stage have re of each successive stage of vein formation. placed those of preceding stages, and this relation gives the Several types of ore deposits other than the pyrrhotite veins clue to relative age. The stages have not affected all the have been studied, and the veins of the Ducktown type are veins equally, and in some veins a stage may be partly or compared with these and with ore deposits described by others. wholly unrepresented. This comparison indicates that many of the genetic stages The veins were no doubt derived from some differentiating that have been recognized in the copper-bearing .pyrrhotite magma, but no parent igneous rock has been identified in veins are present in a wide variety of ore bodies in the south the region. The first recognizable event in vein formation ern Appalachian region. was the intrusion of a feldspathic magma that crystallized into The geologic age of the copper-bearing veins of the southern an aplitic rock or less commonly into a pegmatite. This was Appalachian region is not exactly determinable, but it-is evi followed by the introduction of vein quartz, and that by a dent that they were formed at less than profound depths stage which is characterized by a large group of ferro and after the major orogenic movements that produced the magnesian materials. In most of the veins this was succeeded schistosity of the rocks of the region. These movements are by a carbonate stage in which calcite was the dominant believed to have marked the Appalachian revolution, at the mineral, but dolomite is present in one deposit, and ankerite end of- the Paleozoic era. The ores are younger than some has replaced calcite in another. A small group of silicates of the pegmatites of the region, and other pegmatites of the followed and replaced carbonates, and sulphides followed and same type and believed to be of the same age are shown by replaced carbonates, quartz, feldspars, ferromagnesian min their radioactive minerals to be of very late Paleozoic age. It erals, and schist. The introduction of sulphides was the last therefore seems probable that the copper veins are at least as vein-forming episode in most of the veins, but in at least late as the end of the Paleozoic. 1 COPPER DEPOSITS OF DUCKTOWN TYPE IN SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION The physicochemical laws that appear to have controlled the most forgotten by geologists contributed to the min development of the copper-bearing pyrrhotite veins are re eral production of the day. In the early fifties of viewed, and their genetic history is traced in the light of the past century the Gossan Lead of southwestern these laws. Virginia was a notable source of black copper ores, The feldspar of aplite and pegmatite and the quartz of quartz veins represent material that was expelled from the parent and in the seventies and eighties Ore Knob, in north magma when these materials had become concentrated through western North Carolina, produced copper from the the early crystallization of ferromagnesian minerals and calcic primary ores after the exhaustion of the secondary feldspars. ores that led to its development. The success of these The materials that formed the ferromagnesian minerals were mines inspired much interest in copper mining in the restored to the silica-alkali-rich residuum, being derived from earlier crystallized pyrogenic minerals by a process of replace region. Copper veins at many localities were pros ment, re-solution, or base exchange. The calcium, magnesium, pected, and at some of these smelters were built and and ferrous iron of the carbonates probably had a similar briefly operated. source. The copper-bearing pyrrhotite veins of the south Sulphides probably segregated "as an immiscible sulphide ern Appalachian region all occur in a province that fraction but remained dispersed in interspaces between the crystals of the partly solidified silica fraction of the parent has had a similar geologic history throughout.; they magma. Here they were in immediate contact with the vola contain almost identical ores and gangue minerals; tile substances which had become concentrated through the they have been formed by similar geologic processes; crystallization- of-anhydrous minerals. They were dissolved and the sequence of genetic events has been nearly the by--these' concentrated volatile substances and transported to same. Therefore any theory of genesis that applies the vein, where they were redeposited. ' - The character, the concentration, and the various reactions to one of these deposits must apply to all. Other ore of. the volatile substances that formed the solvents and trans deposits of the region besides the copper veins show porting agents for the vein materials are little understood. a closely related geologic history, and although this They have left a very imperfect geologic record, and experi paper is primarily a study of the copper deposits of mental data are largely lacking. Ore deposits will not be the Ducktown type, these genetically related veins properly understood until the phase relations of vein minerals and various solvents have been determined. will be briefly compared with those of the Ducktown type. INTRODUCTION ACKNOWLEDGMENTS SCOPE AND OBJECT OF REPORT The writer wishes to acknowledge the help and This paper on the copper-bearing pyrrhotite de courteous treatment that has been given by the offi posits of the Ducktown type and allied bodies in the cials of the mines visited and the men operating these southern Appalachian region of the United States has mines. At the same time this study has been in been prepared with two main objects in view. The progress W. T. Schaller has been engaged in a study first has been the study of an interesting group of ore oi: the origin of pegmatites. Many of the processes deposits, with the purpose of reconstructing the ge he has recognized play a part in the development of netic history of the veins. This study has revealed ore veins, and the earlier stages in vein formation in a connected and nearly continuous series of events, veins of the Ducktown type have been found to be which extends from the intrusion of a- hypabyssal identical with the later stages in the development of magma to the feeble reactions of the latest hydrother- pegmatites. Thus the work of Mr. Schaller and the mal emanations that are believed to have been derived advice he has given have been a very great help in from a parent magma. This genetic history includes the study of ore veins. M. N. Short, of the United the later magma and the hydrothermal stages of min States Geological Survey, has cooperated in the eral formation, which together constitute the later studies of the sulphides and has prepared many of parts of the story of magmatic differentiation that the photomicrographs which show the relations of is, we have here a group of intermediate processes that sulphides. The late Dr. Thomas L. Watson, State appear to be transitional between those giving rise to geologist of Virginia, had long been interested in the typical igneous rocks and those that commonly result Gossan Lead of Virginia and related deposits and at in ore deposits. The second and possibly not the less the time of his death was planning to make a study important object of this paper has been an attempt to of these deposits. The writer had several delightful make the maximum use of petrologic methods in con conferences with Dr. Watson, in which specimens nection with field studies in the investigation of an from Ore Knob, N.C., were compared with those ore deposit and to test the power of these methods to from the Gossan Lead. The genesis of these veins help solve the problems of vein genesis. was discussed, and Dr. Watson in general concurred The mines of Ducktown, Tenn., and Fontana, N.C., in the writer's conclusions about paragenesis. In the are the only important copper producers in the eastern preparation of the final sections of this paper on the United States at present, but in times past other mines physicochemical processes of vein formation the of the southern Appalachian region that are now al v/riter has received very valuable assistance from BIBLIOGRAPHY N. L. Bowen, George Tunell, and George W. Morey, rocks, with especial emphasis on the effects of sinking of the Geophysical Laboratory, and from members of . crystals. The phase relations controlling assimilation of rocks of various types are considered. The effects of vola the United States Geological Survey. tile substances on differentiation and the mode of develop ment of extreme rock types are considered. BIBLIOGRAPHY The Fen area of Telemark, Norway: Am. Jour. Sci., Alien, E. T., Chemical aspects of volcanism, with a collection 5th ser., vol. 8, pp. 1-11, 1924. The carbonate rocks of the of analyses of volcanic gases: Franklin Inst. Jour., vol. 193, Fen area, Norway: Idem, vol. 12, pp. 499-502, 1926. A pp. 20-80, 1922. Water is shown to be the most important detailed study of the relations and genesis of calcite, dolo of volcanic gases. The chemical relations are considered, mite, and siderite in an igneous rock. Concludes that they and a compiled table of gas analyses is given. are secondary. and Zies, E. G., A chemical study of the fuinaroles of The melting phenomena of the plagioclase feldspars: the Katmal region: Nat. Geog. Soc. Contributed Tech. Am. Jour. Sci., 4th ser., vol. 35, pp. 577-596, 1913. A study Papers, Katmai series, no. 2, pp. 77-155, 1923. A report of the phase relations between the various members of the on the methods of collecting and analyzing volcanic gases; plagioclase series and the melts from which they crystallize. the temperatures of these gases; their character and The later, stages of the evolution of igneous rocks: amount. Jour. Geology, vol. 23, Suppl. to no. S, 1915. The crystal Anstecl, D. T., On the copper lodes of Ducktown in eastern settling control of the differentiation of igneous rocks is Tennessee: Geol. Soc. London Quart. Jour., vol. 13, pp. 245- discussed in detail. 254, 1S57. A description of mines in operation in 1855. The behavior of inclusions in igneous magmas: Jour. Includes a sketch of part of the district and two cross Geology, vol. 30, Suppl. to no. 6, pp. 513-570, 1922. A study sections. Contains valuable observations on the distribution of the relations that control the reactions between magmas of the secondary ores. Notes a relation between the rich and various types of rock included in them. ores and the present topography. Plats quartz veins not The reaction principle in petrogenesis: Jour. Geology, visible today. Gives analyses of the rich ore and concludes vol. 30, pp. 177-198, 1922. A study of the part played in that it is a mixture of iron and copper sulphides, with some the development of an igneous rock by reactions between copper oxide. Ansted holds the opinion that the iron oxide early products of crystallization and the residual magma. and black copper ore are later than the pyrrhotite but Crystallization-differentiation in silicate liquids: Am. states that "the present veins could never by any possi Jour. Sci., 4th ser., vol. 39, pp. 175-191, 1915. Experiments bility decompose into the present gossan and beds of ore." on crystal sinking and crystal floating in melts are de Bastin, E. S., Large pyrrhotite bodies in Maine: Eug. and scribed, and the effect of such floating or sinking on the Miu. Jour., vol. 104, pp. 758-759, 1917. differentiation of igneous rocks is discussed. Graton, L. C., Lindgren, Waldemar, Newhouse, W. H., Geologic thermonietry, in Laboratory investigation of Schwartz, G. M., and Short, M. N., Criteria of age relations ores, pp. 172-179, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1928. of minerals, with especial reference to polished sections .of The various methods of determining the temperature of for ores: Econ. Geology, vol. 26, pp. 561-610, 1931. mation of minerals and rocks are considered in detail, and Bayley, W. S., A magnetite marble ore at Lansiug, N.C.: the different criteria are evaluated. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. Jour., vol. 37, pp. 138-152, 1922. Boyd, C. R., The utilization of the iron and copper sulphides Describes, the occurrence of magnetite in association with of Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Am. Inst. Min. marble and the probable mode of origin. Eng. Trans., vol. 14, pp. 81-84, 1885. Discusses in a general The magnetite ores of North .Carolina and Tennessee: way the distribution of these ores at Ore Knob, Ashe County, U.S. Geol. .Survey Bull. .735, pp. 209-270, 1922. A descrip N.C., and suggests possible methods for handling them. tion of the magnetite deposits and a discussion of their The mineral wealth of southwestern Virginia: Ain. origin. Inst. Miu. Eng. Trans., vol. 5, pp. 81-92, 1876; vol. 8, pp. Magnetic iron ores of east Tennessee and western 338-344, 1880. Describes the mineral resources of Ashe, North Carolina: North Carolina Geol. and Econ. Survey Alleghany, and Watauga Counties, N.C., including the Ore Bull. 32, 1923. Describes the various types of iron ore and Knob and Elk Knob copper mines. the mines of western North Carolina and east Tennessee, Mineral resources of Ashe and Alleghany Counties, with n detailed description of the ores of the Cranberry N.C.: Resources of Southwest Virginia, 3d eel., pp. 311-320, area and their petrology. Discusses briefly the origin of New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1881. Describes the physical these ores. features of these counties and outlines rock formation, copper The magnetitic ores of North Carolina their origin: veins, and magnetic ore veins. Describes Ore Knob, Elk Econ. Geology, vol. 16, pp. 142-152, 1921. A detailed descrip Knob, and Peachbottom mines. tion of the magnetite ores of North Carolina, with especial Brush, G. J., Am. Jour. Sci., 2d ser., vol. 28, p. 129, 1859. Dis reference to those of the Cranberry area. Concludes that cusses the mineralogy of the Ducktown ores and concludes the ores were brought in with .the pegmatite-forming ma that " ducktownite", so called by Shepjird, is not a species terial, and that limestone lenses did not play a part in but is probably a mixture of pyrite and copper glance. their formation. States chemical analyses to support this view. Regards Becker, G. F., Gold fields of the southern Appalachians: U.S. " lepiclochlore " as a mixture of chlorite and mica. Geol. Survey 16th Ann. Kept.,, pt. 3, pp. 251-331, 1895. Gives Butler, B. S., Some relations between oxygen minerals and the history of gold mining in the South, outlines the gen sulphur minerals in ore deposits: Econ. Geology, vol. 22, pp. eral geology of the region, and describes numbers of mines. 233-245, 1927. A study of some of the chemical problems A list of mines and their gangue minerals is given. A involved in the formation of primary ores and especially bibliography of gold mining in the region is given. the factors that control the state of oxidization. Bowen, N. L., The evolution of igneous rocks, Princeton Uni and Burbank, W. S., Relation of electrode potentials of versity Press, 1928. A presentation of the author's theories some elements to the formation of hypogene mineral de of the factors controlling the differentiation of igneous posits : Am. liist. Min. and Met. Eng. Tech. Pub. 166, 1929. G3S33 34 2 COPPER DEPOSITS OF DTJCKTOWN TYPE IN SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN REGION A study of the relation of the order of formation of min sonian Inst. Ann. Rept, 1913, pp. 275-3051, 1914. Discusses erals to their electric potential and the state of their oxi the part in volcanic activity played by water and other dation. gases. Clark, J. D., and Menaul, P. L., The role of colloidal migration Daly, R. A., The geology of Pigeon Point, Minn.: Am. Jour. in ore deposits: Econ. Geology, vol. 11, pp. 37^1, 1916. Sci., 4th ser., vol. 43, pp. 423-448, 1917. Contains a dis Describes experiments which indicate that sulphides may cussion of the origin of the red rock associated with the be transported in colloidal solution, with an excess of hydro Duluth gabbro. gen sulphide. On the escape of this gas they will be de Dresser, .J. A., On the copper-bearing volcanic rocks in the posited. eastern townships of the Province of Quebec: Canadian Clarke, F. W., and Washington, H. S:, The composition of the Min. Inst. Jour., vol. 5, pp. 81-86, 1902; A new area of earth's crust: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 127, 1924. copper-bearing rocks in the eastern townships of the Prov . Conclusions from compiled analyses as to the distribution ince of Quebec: Idem, vol. 7, pp. 397-400, 1904. A very of the various elements in the average rock of the earth's brief description of the occurrence of copper in eastern crust, followed by figures for the composition of the rocks Quebec. of the different regions of the world. Egleston, T., Investigations on the Ore Knob copper processes: Coleman, A. P., The nickel industry, with special reference to Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 10, pp. 25-26, 1881. A very the Sudbury region: Canada Mines Branch 22d Ann. Kept, good description of the Ore Knob mine and its geologic pt. 1, 1913. An outline description of the nickel mines of the relations. Gives a discussion of the secondary ores and world, with a detailed description of the Sudbury region clearly recognizes the process of enrichment. and the individual mines. The mining and smelting methods Emmons, W. H., and Laney, F. B., Preliminary report on the are also described. mineral deposits of Ducktown, Tenn.: U.S. Geol. Survey Cooke, H. C., Character and origin of the ore deposits Argo Bull. 470, pp. 151-172, 1911. A brief summary of the naut gold mine, Gauthier Township, Timiskaming District, geology of the Ducktown district. Ontario: Canada Geol. Survey Summary Kept., 1923, pt. Cl, Geology and ore deposits of the Ducktown min 1924. A study of an interesting ore deposit, in which the ing district, Tenn.: U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 139, 1926. paragenesis of the ore and gangue minerals have been A detailed study of the geology of the Ducktown district. worked out with unusual detail. Gives- descriptions of the various mines and the structural Currey, R. O., A sketch of the geology of Tennessee, with Saf- relations of the ore deposits. Concludes that the ore bodies ford's geological map: Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. Scl., are the result of replacement of limestone lenses. vol. 4, pp. 193-208, 257-272, 321-336, 385-^00, 1856; vol. 5, Fenner, C. N., The Katmai magmatic province: Jour. Geology, pp. 1-16, 77-83, 160-168, 246-262, 308-327, 1857; reprinted, vol. 34, no. 7, pt. 2, pp. 673-772, 1926. A detailed descrip x, 128 pp., Knoxville, 1857. tion of the province, with petrographic description of the History of the discovery and the progress of the min rocks. Considers various methods of magma differentia ing of copper at Ducktown, in A sketch of the geology of tion, with especial emphasis on the effects of gases. Tennessee, pp. 70-84, Knoxville, 1857. Foreman, Fred, Hydrothennal experiments on solubility, A geological visit to the Floyd-Carroll-Grayson County hydrolysis, and oxidation of sulphides: Econ. Geology, vol. plateau of the Blue Ridge, Virginia, Knoxville, Tenn., Beck- 24, pp. 811-837, 1929. Describes experiments which show ell, Haws & Co., 1859. Reprinted in The Virginias, vol. 1, that the solubility of pyrite, pyrrhotite, and chalcopyrite is pp. 62-64, 70-71, 74-77, '80-81, 95, 1880. Describes the extremely small. The presence of sodium carbonate and region of the Gossan lead and the individual mines, and sulphide appreciably increase the solubility, but the pres gives observations on the occurrence of the different kinds ence of hydrogen sulphide does not. of ores. Also a brief description of the Peachbottom mine. Freeman, Horace, The genesis of sulphide ores: Eng. and Min. and Proctor, C. A., Copper district of Tennessee, Georgia, Jour.-Press, vol. 120, pp. 973-975, 1925. Describes experi North Carolina, and Virginia its history, geography, geol ogy, and mining interests: Southern Jour. Med. and Phys. ments that lead to the conclusion that double sulphides of Sci., vol. 3, pp. 38-44, Knoxville, 1855. Contains informa the metallic elements and of alkalies have a low fusion tion relating to the Ducktown district, much of which had point and may play a part in the deposition of the sulphide been previously published by Safford. ores. Day, A. L., Some causes of volcanic activity: Franklin Inst. Genth, F. A., Contributions to geology: Am. Jour. Sci., 2d Ann. Address, pp. 3-24, Philadelphia, 1924. (See also Pos ser., vol. 33, p. 194, 1862. Gives several analyses of Duck- sible causes of the volcanic activity at Lassen Peak: Frank town ores, presumably galena, partly replaced by chalcocite lin Inst. Jour., vol. 194, pp. 569-582, 1922.) A study of and argentite. volcanic activity, based partly on Lassen Peak and partly The minerals of North Carolina: U.S. Geol. Survey on experiments, leads to the conclusion that the water and Bull. 74, p. 23, 1891. A compilation of the known minerals other gases that are in solution in a magma are concen of North Carolina with brief descriptions and analyses of trated during crystallization. Great pressure may be de many specimens. veloped if the cooling magma is under a cover, and the Gillson, J. L., Origin of the Vermont talc deposits, with a dis explosive escape of these gases may explain many features cussion of the formation of talc in general. Econ. Geology, of volcanic eruptions. vol. 22, pp. 246-287, 1927. A detailed study of the origin and Alien, E. T., The volcanic activity and hot springs of talc in Vermont. Considers the minerals from which of Lassen Peak: Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 360, pp. talc is derived and the mineral changes undergone. 1-186, 1925. Describes the volcanic activity at Lassen Peak, Goldschmidt, V.M., The distribution of the chemical elements: the chemical and physical relations, the hot springs of the Nature [England], vol. 124, pp. 15-17, 1929. Considers the region, and the part the water and gases play in volcanic distribution of the elements in the earth's crust, and con activity. cludes that there is a sulphide shell between the silicate and and Shepherd, E. S., Water and volcanic activity: iron shells. This is probably the source of the sulphide ore Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 24, pp. 573-606, 1913; Smith- deposits. BIBLIOGRAPHY Graton, L. C., Reconnaissance of some gold and tin deposits and microscopic studies of thin sections of the ores. Gives of the southern Appalachians, with notes on the Dahlonega detailed descriptions of gossan iron ores, of the ores of the mines' by Waldemar Lindgren: U.S. Geol. Survey Bull. 293, chalcocite zone, and of the low-grade pyrrhotite ores, and 1006. Describes the general geology and the rocks of the notes on the occurrence and genesis of the minerals of the Kings Mountain area in North and South 'Carolina, also ores of each class. the individual tin mines and prospects. In the section on Kerr, W. C., and Hanna, G. B., Ores of North Carolina: the Dahlonega region the minerals and origin are briefly Geology of North Carolina, vol. 2, ch. 2, 1888. Gives a brief described. description of the Ore Knob, Savannah, Wayhutta, Cul- U.S. Geol. Survey Mineral Resources, 1906, p. 403, 1907. lowhee and other mines in the western part of the State. Describes briefly the mining operations and mineral pro Lacroix,. A., Etude mine'ralogique des produits silicates de duction of Ducktown for 1906, with notes on the geology Irruption clu Ve"suve (avril 1906) : du Mus. hist. nat. Nouv. of the region. archives, 4th ser., vol. 9, fasc. 1, 1907. A very careful study Holmes, Arthur, Ore-lead and rock-lead and the origin of of the inclusions of various types of foreign rock in the lavas certain ore deposits: Nature [England], vol. 124, pp. 477- of Vesuvius, and the alteration developed by the action of 478, 1929. A consideration of the atomic weights of lead the lava and its contained gases. from various sources leads to the conclusion that ore lead LaForge, Laurence, and Phaleri, W. C., U.S. Geol. Survey Geol. does not have a radioactive source, and hence ore lead and Atlas, Ellijay folio (no. 187), 1913. The area described and probably other metals cannot be derived from igneous rocks mapped includes a portion of the Ducktown district. The but 'must come from a sulphide shell of the earth's crust. rocks and types of geologic structure are similar. The text and Lawson, R.W., Factors involved in the calculation includes extensive discussions of the areal geology and struc of the ages of radioactive minerals: Am. Jour. Sci., 5th ture, geomorphology, geologic history, and mineral resources ser., vol. 13, pp. 327-344, 1927. Discusses the criteria for of a region contiguous to the Ducktown district. This folio determining the .age of rocks by radioactive disintegration and the Nantahala folio by Arthur Keith give the results and gives a list of rocks whose age has been determined. of most extensive studies of the stratigraphy, geomorphology, Gives atomic weight corrections for the uraninite of North and areal and structural geology of the southern Appala Carolina and gives the corrected age as 239 million years, chians. and the geological age as late Paleozoic, probably late Laney, F. B., Preliminary report of geological survey of the Carboniferous. Eagle Creek and a portion of the Hazel Creek watersheds Hulin, 0. D., Metallization from basic magmas: California (manuscript), North Carolina Geol. Survey, 1906. A com Univ. Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 233-274, 1929. mercial report on the area. Discusses reasons for believing that ore deposits are com The Gold Hill mining district of North Carolina: North monly derived from two distinct magmas, one " basic " and Carolina Geol. and Econ. Survey Bull. 21, 1910. A careful one " acid." The minerals that may be expected from each description of the district and its mines and ores. are listed. The geology and ore deposits of the Virgilina district Hunt, T. S., The Ore Knob copper mine and some related of Virginia and North Carolina: Virginia Geol. Survey deposits: Am. Inst. Min. Bng. Trang., vol. 2, p. 123, 1874. Bull. 14, 1917; North Carolina Geol. Survey Bull. 26, 1917. Contains a brief but highly suggestive paper on the origin A description of the geology of the district, with a careful of the Ducktown ores and the changes due to weathering. study of the genetic history. The relations of the sulphide The lodes are regarded as fissure veins, not lenticular are described in detail. masses. Notes that pyrrhotite will react with copper Lewis, J. V., Copper deposits of New Jersey: Econ. Geology, sulphate, precipitating copper sulphide. vol. 2, pp. 242-257, 1907. Describes the copper deposits On the copper deposits of the Blue Ridge: Am. Jour. and their relations to intrusive rocks. Concludes that they Sci., 3d ser., vol. 6, pp. 305-308, 1873. Contains valuable were formed by solutions of magmatic origin derived from notes on the mineralogy of the Ducktown ore deposits and the underlying Palisades trap. states that the black copper is a sulphide of secondary Lieber, 0. M., The copper veins of the South: Mining Mag., origin deposited by sulphate mine waters, some of which vol. 7, pp. 367, 1856. Discusses the occurrence and origin carry as much as 0.1 percent of copper. of the copper deposits of the southern Appalachian region. Jackson, C. T., Report on the copper mine of the North Lindgren, Waldemar, Metasomatic processes in fissure veins: Carolina Copper Co.: Mining Mag., vol. 1, pp. 44-47, 1853. Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 30, pp. 578-692, 1901. A Describes briefly the mine, the course of the vein, and the study of the changes in rocks contiguous to ore-bearing fis future of the mine. sures. A collection of data relating to the alteration of Keith, Arthur, Outlines of Appalachian structure: Geol. Soc. rocks near fissures, and an effort to indicate the active America Bull., vol. 34, pp. 309-338, 19J3. A detailed dis processes and classify veins accordingly. cussion of Appalachian structure and its bearing on theories Locke, Augustus, The formation of certain ore bodies by of mountain-making. mineralization stoping: Econ. Geology, vol. 21, pp. 431-458, U.S. Geol. Survey* Gaol. Atlas, Cranberry folio (no. 90), 1926. Describes deposits that lead to the belief that the 1903; Asheville folio (no. 116), 1904; Greeneville folio ore bodies are developed where partial solution of the rocks (no. 118), 1905; Mount Mitchell folio (no. 124), 1905; Nan- has caused a caving in (stoping) of the country rock. tahala folio (no. 143), 1907; Roan Mountain folio (no. 151), McCallie, S. W., The Ducktown copper-mining district: Eng. 1907. and Min. Jour., vol. 74, pp. 439-441, 1902. Notes on the early and Sterrett, D. B., Tin resources of the Kings Moun history of the district. tain district, North Carolina and South Carolina: U.S. Geol. March, W. J., A, sketch of the mines and copper region of Survey Bull. 660, pp. 123-146, 1918. Describes the general southwestern Virginia: Mining Mag., vol. 9, pp. 217-220, geology of the region and the individual tin mines. 1857. Describes in some detail the rich secondary ores of Kemp, J. F., The deposits of copper ores at Ducktown, Tenn.: the Gossan lead of Carroll County, Va. Black ores are Am. Inst. Min. Eng. Trans., vol. 31, p. 244, 1902. An most abundant, but red oxide, silicate, carbonate, and na exceedingly suggestive paper based on field examination tive copper are found. The better grades of ore ran 35