Origin of Homochirality of Amino Acids Rafida Nossoni Feb 25th, 2009 “ gggg{{{{xxxx zzzzÄÄÄÄÉÉÉÉääääxxxx ÉÉÉÉyyyy ÉÉÉÉÇÇÇÇxxxx {{{{ttttÇÇÇÇwwww vvvvttttÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÇÉÉÉÉàààà uuuuxxxx ââââááááxxxxwwww ÉÉÉÉÇÇÇÇ àààà{{{{xxxx ÉÉÉÉàààà{{{{xxxxÜÜÜÜÊÊÊÊ \ÅÅtÇâxÄ ^tÇà ;DJEG@DKCG< Discovery of Chirality Introduced in 1884 Discovered in 1848 by Lord Kelvin by Lewis Pasteur What is Chirality ? Point Chirality Atropisomerism Axial Chiraly Helicity Clayden, J; Greeves , N; Warren. S; Worthers . P. Organic Chemistry. Oxford University Press Thalidomide Tragedy O O H H O O N N HN NH O O O O R-Thalidomide S-Thalidomide (sleep inducing) (teratogenic) http://globalphilosophy.blogspot.com/2008/04/thalidomide-was-one-of-greatest-cases.html Amino Acids Chirality Clayden, J; Greeves , N; Warren. S; Worthers . P. Organic Chemistry. Oxford University Press Homochirality (cid:1) Homochirality is a term to describe a group of molecules that possess the same sense of chirality. Cohen, J. European Review, 2005, 13, 49–59. Biological Homochirality Enzyme DNA RNA Cohen, J. European Review, 2005, 13, 49–59 Outline (cid:1) Origin of life Physical suggestion (cid:2) (cid:1) RNA World hypothesis Origin of D-ribose (cid:2) (cid:1) Synthesis of protein in biological systems (cid:1) Two Different methods to approach homochirality Model on the mineral surface (cid:2) Minihelix as a progenitor of tRNA (cid:2) Outline (cid:1) Origin of life Physical suggestion (cid:2) (cid:1) RNA World hypothesis Origin of D-ribose (cid:2) (cid:1) Synthesis of protein in biological systems (cid:1) Two Different methods to approach homochirality Model on the mineral surface (cid:2) Minihelix as a progenitor of tRNA (cid:2)