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Developments in Crop Science Volume 1 Oil Palm Research, edited by R.H.V. Corley, JJ. Hardon and B.J. Wood Volume 2 Application of Mutation Breeding Methods in the Improvement of Vegetatively Propagated Crops, by C. Broertjes and A.M. van Harten Volume 3 Wheat Studies, by H. Kihara Volume 4 The Biology and Control of Weeds in Sugarcane, by S.Y. Peng Volume 5 Plant Tissue Culture: Theory and Practice, by S.S. Bhojwani and M.K. Razdan Volume 6 Trace Elements in Plants, by M. Ya. Shkolnik Volume 7 Biology of Rice, edited by S. Tsunoda and N. Takahashi Volume 8 Processes and Control of Plant Senescence, edited by Y.Y. Leshem, A.H. Halevy and Ch. Frenkel Volume 9 Taigu Male Sterile Wheat, by Deng Yang Zheng Volume 10 Cultivating Edible Fungi, edited by P.J. Wuest, DJ. Royse and R.B. Beelman Volume 11 Sugar Improvement through Breeding, edited by DJ. Heinz Volume 12 Applied Mutation Breeding for Vegetatively Propagated Crops, by C.C. Broertjes and A.M. van Harten Volume 13 Yield Formation in the Main Field Crops, by J. Petr, V. Cern# and L. Hruska Volume 14 Origin of Cultivated Rice, by H.I. Oka Developments in Crop Science 14 Origin of Cultivated Rice H.I.Oka Honorary Fellow, National Institute of Genetics, Misima, 411 Japan JAPAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES PRESS Tokyo ELSEVIER Amsterdam—Oxford—New York—Tokyo 1988 Copublished by JAPAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES PRESS, Tokyo and ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, Amsterdam exclusive sales rights in Japan JAPAN SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES PRESS 6-2-10 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 for the U.S.A, and Canada ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York, NY 10017 for the rest of the world ELSEVIER SCIENCE PUBLISHERS 25 Sara Burgerhartstraat P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands ISBN 0-444-98919-6 (Vol. 14) ISBN 0-444-41617-X (Series) ISBN 4-7622-1544-9 (Japan) Copyright © 1988 by Japan Scientific Societies Press All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, retrieval system, or any other means, without the written permission of JSSP (except in the case of brief quotation for criticism or review) Supported in part by The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture under Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result. Printed in Japan Flowers of the common wild rice, Oryza rufipogon. An Indian perennial type with long anthers and extruding black stigmas. Gathering the grain of wild rice, Oryza breviligulata, by two methods, one bundling the panicles to keep grain from shedding (above), and the other sweeping the panicles with a basket (below). At Tom Marefinn, Chad, late October 1977. Preface There was no crop plant when man lived on gathering and hunting. The manner in which the food crops we now rely on were created has long been a question to us. A food crop like rice must be a product of evolution- ary processes which took place in ancestral wild plants many thousands of years ago when man came into contact with the plants. The origin of culti- vated rice is a subject of integrated study involving different disciplines of biology and the social sciences. Cause-effect relationships that are predict- able and past events that cannot be repeated are both involved in this subject. My intention in drafting this book is to review the present status of our knowledge on the origin of cultivated rice, but it is beyond my ability to cover the whole range of sciences related to this subject. I place emphasis on the review of findings in the genetics and ecology of wild and cultivated rices, particularly on those recently reported by my colleagues. I also attempt to briefly review archaeological literature relative to the subject. A part of the text includes information given in my lecture on evolutionary genetics in rice which I gave at the Wuhan University, China, in 1984. In retrospect, it was 30 years ago that I was engaged in a research project on "the origin of cultivated rice" under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. I now realize that our knowledge on this subject has increased greatly during the ensuing period, but many new questions have also arisen. I have been working with Dr. Hiroko Morishima for these years. Much of her new and still unpublished data are included in this book with her approval. She has also helped me by critically reading the manuscript. It was under her auspice that I started writing the book early this year, and its completion would not have been possible without her cooperation. I am also grateful to my colleagues in Japan and Taiwan whose names appear in the text for their cooperation. I want to mention particularly the cooperation of the late Dr. Wen-Tsai Chang, who died following a traffic accident in northern Cameroon on 14 December 1963 while we were travelling together. I express my sincere thanks to Dr. Robert F. Chandler of the Rocke- feller Foundation for his generous support of our work and encouragment. VI The late Dr. Sterling Wortman was also very supportive, as was the late Dr. Hitoshi Kihara who provided ingenious leadership in the early days of our work. I am indebted to the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan for the offer of a grant-in-aid for this publication. September 1987 Hiko-Ichi Oka Misima, Japan Synopsis Among various findings relative to the origin of cultivated rice and questions remaining unanswered as presented in this book, the major ones are briefly summarized for special consideration by the reader. 1. There are two cultivated rice species, Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima. There is sufficient circumstantial evidence for the origin of O. sativa from O. rufipogon in Asia and that of O. glaberrima from O. breviligulata in Africa. The Asian common wild rice, O. rufipogon, shows a perennial-annual con- tinuum. Its intermediate perennial-annual populations seem most likely to be the progenitor of O. sativa (Chapters 1 and 2). 2. The variation between perennial and annual types of O. rufipogon concerns the so-called K vs. r strategy and is related to variations in many life-history traits. The perennial types grow in deep swamps which remain moist throughout the year, but the annual types occur in temporary swamps which are parched in the dry season. The perennial types have higher out- crossing rate than the annual types. Perenniality is correlated negatively with reproductive effort and positively with pollinating effort. The negative cor- relation found between pollinating effort and selfing rate suggests that the allocation of resources to male function and to female function is adjusted by selfing rate which is selected toward an optimum under a given habitat con- dition (Chapter 3). 3. When introduced into a semi-natural habitat, the persistence of perennial populations largely depended on their competitive interaction with a perennial grass, Leersia hexandra, which had a largely overlapping niche. Annual populations seemed to require a more specialized niche as their seeds did not germinate unless a vacant site was offered. This was probably •due to an allelopathic effect of covering plants (Chapter 3). 4. The Asian common wild rice, O. rufipogon, possesses more alleles at different isozyme loci and is more polymorphic than O. sativa cultivars. Annual types generally showed less gene diversity within populations but .greater gene differentiation among populations than perennial types, as influenced presumably by their different breeding systems (Chapter 4). vii viii 5. In wild-rice populations composed of patches or demes, the sub- populations showed differential gene frequencies. When they were under different water regimes or different degrees of habitat disturbance, they tended to differentiate in adaptive strategy (Chapter 4). 6. Isozyme alleles and fitness characters tended to be associated in a certain manner, not only among naturally occurring genotypes, but in hybrid populations also. There might be an internal mechanism causing so-called gametic disequilibrium (Chapter 4). 7. Domesticated plants differ from wild ones in many life-history traits. The process of domestication may be considered to have depended on differ- entiation-hybridization cycles, as suggested by studies of hybrid swarms (Chapter 5). 8. Harvesting and seeding by man has caused selection for domesticated types. A low seed-shedding rate and other characters of domesticates were associated with high selfing rate in hybrid populations (Chapter 5). 9. Weed rices are of two categories, one with both wild and cultivated rices, and the other occurring in areas where no wild rice is found. These weed rices receive pollen flow from cultivars and vary widely in life-history traits (Chapter 5). 10. The genetic diversity of O. sativa cultivars is most prevalent in the area extending over Assam, Bangladesh, Burma, Thailand, Laos, and Yunnan, China. Land race populations with great gene diversity are also found (Chapter 5). 11. Whether the actual site of rice domestication was one or many is questioned. Archaeological evidence suggests that rice culture occurred in northern India, Thailand and eastern China around 7,000 B.P. Rice domes- tication was probably a diffused process in both space and time, although opinions remain divided (Chapter 6). 12. The earliest rice grains excavated in China are regarded as mixtures of Hsien (Indica) and Keng (Japonica) types when judged by their outward appearance. Such early domesticates were probably not completely differ- entiated into the two types (Chapter 6). 13. Cultivars of O. sativa are divisible into these two types called Indica and Japonica or Hsien and Keng, which differ in many characters and some isozyme alleles. The two types can be classified by association patterns of certain diagnostic characters but not by any single character or gene. Various atypical or intermediate cultivars are found in the hilly areas of tropical Asia (Chapter 7). 14. Fi-sterility relationships are too complicated to allow classification of the parental varieties into two types. Many O. rufipogon strains produce Synopsis ix fertile F hybrids with cultivars which are inter-sterile. This trend is also 1 found in some of the land races of tropical Asia (Chapter 7). 15. The dynamics of Indica-Japonica differentiation remain largely unknown. The wild progenitors, populations of O. rufipogon, are not differ- entiated into the Indica and Japonica types, but show a latent tendency to be differentiated, particularly in Chinese genotypes. The perennial and annual types tended to be related to the Japonica-like and Indica-like genotypes, respectively, although what this means remains unknown. Weed rices are differentiated incompletely into the two types. Crossing experiments with cultivars of typically Indica and Japonica types showed that an Indian wild- rice strain was potentially capable of evolving both types. The intermediate wild-cultivated strains collected from Jeypore Tract, India, suggested that the differentiation occurred gradually with domestication (Chapter 7). 16. Among land races of tropical Asia, those grown on upland fields were similar in some respects to the Japonica type. Plants of some upland land-race populations showed a tendency to be differentiated into the two types (Chapter 7). 17. In the progeny of Indica-Japonica hybrids, genes derived from the Indica parent tended to increase more than those from the Japonica parent. The tendency of hybrid-derived plants to restore the parental Indica and Japonica gene combinations was also detected in independent genes and some diagnostic characters. In hybrids, genes tend to be associated in a cer- tain manner across independent loci. This can be partly elucidated by the presence of many sets of duplicate or complementary genes for gametophytic and sporophytic sterilities, and seems to suggest an internal mechanism of genetic differentiation, which could be a complementary system of adaptive gene blocks (Chapter 7). 18. The two cultivated rice species and their wild relatives have the A genome in common and their hybrids show no significant disturbances in chromosome pairing. But they possess almost all kinds of reproductive barriers known among flowering plants, i.e., crossing barrier due to inviability of young F zygotes, F weakness, ¥ sterility, and hybrid breakdown in- x x x cluding F sterility and F weakness. None of these barriers is absolute in 2 2 effect and they often overlap in the same cross-combination (Chapter 8). 19. For F sterility, four different models of gene action were set up x and were compared with the results of experiments, in part of which isogenic lines each carrying a sterility gene were used. The data for F sterility between x O. sativa cultivars largely fitted the first model, which assumes that gametes with a double-recessive combination of duplicate gametophytic sterility genes are aborted during development. Pollen grains with a double dominant com-

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