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Origin and Early Evolution of Angiosperms Douglas E. Soltis,a Charles D. Bell,b Sangtae Kim,c and Pamela S. Soltisd aDepartmentofBotany,UniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,Florida,USA bDepartmentofBiologicalSciences,UniversityofNewOrleans, NewOrleans,Louisiana,USA cNationalInstituteofBiologicalResources,Incheon,Korea dFloridaMuseumofNaturalHistory,UniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,Florida,USA Contributionsfrompaleobotany,phylogenetics,genomics,developmentalbiology,and developmental genetics have yielded tremendous insight into Darwin’s “abominable mystery”—the origin and rapid diversification of the angiosperms. Analyses of mor- phological and molecular data reveal a revised “anthophyte clade” consisting of the fossilsglossopterids,Pentoxylon,Bennettitales,andCaytoniaassistertoangiosperms. Molecular estimates of the age of crown group angiosperms have converged on 140– 180millionyearsago(Ma),olderthantheoldestfossils(132Ma),suggestingthatolder fossilsremaintobediscovered.Whetherthefirstangiospermswereforestshrubs(dark- and-disturbedhypothesis)oraquaticherbs(wet-and-wildhypothesis)remainsunclear. Thenear-basalphylogeneticpositionofNymphaeales(waterlilies),whichmayinclude the well-known fossil Archaefructus, certainly indicates that the aquatic habit arose early.Afterinitial,early“experiments,”angiospermsradiatedrapidly(≤5millionyears [Myr]),yieldingthefivelineagesofMesangiospermae(magnoliidsandChloranthaceae assisterstoacladeofmonocotsandeudicots+Ceratophyllaceae).Thisradiationul- timatelyproducedapproximately97%ofallangiospermspecies.Updatedestimatesof divergencetimesacrosstheangiospermsconductedusingnonparametricratesmooth- ing,withoneormultiplefossils,wereolderthanpreviousreports,whereasestimates usingPATHd8weretypicallyyounger.Virtuallyallangiospermgenomesshowevidence ofwhole-genomeduplication,indicatingthatpolyploidymayhavebeenanimportant catalystinangiospermevolution.Althoughthefloweristhecentralfeatureofthean- giosperms,itsoriginandsubsequentdiversificationremainmajorquestions.Variation inspatialexpressionoffloralregulatorsmaycontrolmajordifferencesinfloralmor- phologybetweenbasalangiospermsandeudicotmodels. Keywords: phylogeny;divergence;floralevolution;genomeevolution Introduction as “an abominable mystery” in a well-known quotation taken from a letter to J.D. Hooker. Angiosperms represent one of the greatest Throughcontributionsfrompaleobotany,phy- terrestrial radiations. The oldest fossils date logenetics,classicaldevelopmentalbiology,and from the early Cretaceous (Friis et al. 2006), modern developmental genetics (evo–devo), 130–136 million years ago (Ma), followed by tremendous progress has recently been made a rise to ecological dominance in many habi- in elucidating the origin and diversification of tats before the end of the Cretaceous. Dar- theangiosperms.Weattempttosynthesizeand win referred to the origin of the angiosperms summarizemanyoftheserecentdevelopments, noting their importance to the rapidly chang- ing angiosperm paradigm. We also provide a Addressforcorrespondence:DouglasE.Soltis,DepartmentofBotany, UniversityofFlorida,Gainesville,[email protected]fl.edu possibleroadmapforfutureresearch. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci.1133:3–25(2008).(cid:2)C 2008NewYorkAcademyofSciences. doi:10.1196/annals.1438.005 3 4 AnnalsoftheNewYorkAcademyofSciences Fossils 1999; Soltis et al. 1999a; Chaw et al. 2000; Magallo´n & Sanderson 2002; Burleigh & Paleobotany has at least three crucial roles Mathews 2004). Furthermore, there are no to play in resolving the origin and early diver- known fossils representing unequivocal stem sification of the flowering plants and address- group angiosperms (i.e., angiosperms that ing the following questions: (1) What lineage clearly attach below the basal node leading to isancestraltotheangiosperms?(2)Whatwere Amborella,Nymphaeales,andallotherlivingan- the first angiosperms, and how have charac- giosperms).Hence,determiningtheclosestrel- tersevolved?Fossildiscoveriesandtheanalysis ativesofangiospermsisamajorchallenge. of existing data have made significant contri- The demise of the anthophyte hypothesis butions to our understanding of the possible profoundly altered views of angiosperm ori- ancestorsoffloweringplants(seemostrecently gins; accompanying this demise is a need for Friis et al. 2007), as well as to the early diversi- alternatives. If no extant gymnosperm is sis- fication of angiosperms. (3) When did the ma- ter to angiosperms, what fossil lineages, if any, jor clades of angiosperms diversify, on the ba- are closely related to flowering plants? Doyle sis of fossil calibrations and molecular-based (2001) and Soltis et al. (2005) conducted a se- methods? ries of analyses of morphological and molec- ular data sets involving extant taxa, as well as fossils,toreassesstheclosestrelativesofthean- Ancestors of Flowering Plants giosperms. These analyses yielded similar re- The closest relatives of angiosperms remain sultsandrevealedarevised“anthophyteclade.” amystery.Phylogeneticanalysisofmorpholog- In this clade Caytonia is sister to angiosperms, ical features conducted in the 1980s suggested followed by Bennettitales, Pentoxylon, and glos- that Gnetales were the closest living relatives sopterids(Fig.1).Hence,fossilssuchasCaytonia of angiosperms (e.g., Crane 1985; Doyle & andBennettitalesmaybetheclosestrelativesof Donoghue 1986). Cladistic analyses of extant angiosperms (Fig. 1). However, the recent dis- and fossil taxa recovered a clade of Bennet- coverythatgnetophytesandBennettitalesshare titales, Pentoxylon, Gnetales, and angiosperms features (Friis et al. 2007) suggests that further (Crane1985;Doyle&Donoghue1986).Doyle attention be given to circumscribing and eval- and Donoghue (1986) named this clade the uating a revised anthophyte clade. Although “anthophytes”inreferencetotheflowerlikere- these analyses are useful, one of the biggest productive structures in all members. The an- remaining challenges facing evolutionary bi- thophyte hypothesis, that angiosperms belong ologists is ascertaining the fossil lineages that to this clade and are possibly sister to the gne- represent the closest relatives of angiosperms. tophytes, concomitantly had a profound effect DoCaytonialesandBennettitalesactuallyrep- on views of the evolution of the angiosperms. resent these lineages? Are there key fossil links Forexample,acceptanceoftheanthophytehy- thatremaintobediscovered? pothesisstimulatedthereinterpretationofchar- acter evolution (Frohlich 1999; Donoghue & The Earliest Angiosperms: Fossils Doyle2000),includingtheoriginofthecarpel anddoublefertilization(Friedman1994;Doyle There are two highly divergent views on 1998). the general habit of the earliest angiosperms: Molecular phylogenetic studies, however, woody and terrestrial or herbaceous and later revealed that Gnetales are not the sister aquatic. This has actually been a longstand- grouptotheangiospermsbutthatextantgym- ing debate (reviewed in Soltis et al. 2005). The nosperms form a clade, with Gnetales most hypothesis that the earliest angiosperms were likely associated with conifers (e.g., Qiu et al. woodyissupportedbythefactthatmostbasal Soltisetal.:OriginandEarlyEvolutionofAngiosperms 5 knownfossilangiospermswereaquatic.Archae- fructusrepresentsperhapstheoldest,mostcom- plete angiosperm fossil (Sun et al. 2002); it is estimated to be approximately 115–125 mil- lionyears(Myr)old.Onthebasisofmorphol- ogy, it clearly was aquatic. The phylogenetic placement of the fossil Archaefructus as sister to all extant angiosperms (Sun et al. 2002), plus the near-basal phylogenetic position of extant Nymphaeales (water lilies, below), lends sup- port to the view that the aquatic habit arose earlyinangiospermsandthatperhapstheear- liestangiospermswereaquatic.However,later analyses (e.g., Friis et al. 2003) questioned the placement of Archaefructus as sister to all ex- tant angiosperms; some analyses of Friis et al. placed Archaefructus with water lilies. The re- cent discovery that Hydatellaceae are part of the water lily clade (Saarela et al. 2007), and hence a new branch near the base of the an- giosperms, greatly increases the morphologi- caldiversityencompassedbytheNymphaeales clade. This finding raised the possibility that Nymphaeales were once much more diverse, and could have encompassed Archaefructus, as wellasothernow-extinctlineages(Doyle,sub- mitted). Hence, it now seems prudent to keep Figure 1. Revised views of the phylogeny of an open mind regarding the placement of Ar- seed plants showing putative closest relatives of an- chaefructus—it represents well the difficulty in giospermsobtainedbyusingboththemorphological matrixofDoyle(1996)andmoleculardata(reviewed placingfossillineagesthataremorphologically inSoltisetal.2005).Arevised“anthophyte”cladeis distinct,withnoclearsynapomorphieswithex- depicted.(A)TreemodifiedfromSoltisetal.(2005), tanttaxa. inwhichmoleculardataforseedplantsarecombined Another early angiosperm fossil (unnamed) with the morphological matrix of Doyle (1996). (B) wasconsideredapossiblewaterlilyrelativeby TreemodifiedfromDoyle(2001),inwhichamolec- ular constraint is used, placing Gnetales with other Friis et al. (2001). This fossil is dated at ap- extantgymnosperms. proximately 125–115 Myr old and was used as evidence to support the antiquity of the angiosperms are woody, and all gymnosperms Nymphaeales lineage. This putative ancient are woody, as are the fossil lineages that are water lily fossil is therefore extremely im- consideredmostcloselyrelatedtoangiosperms portant in discussions of the diversification (e.g.,Caytoniales,Bennettitales;seeearlierdis- of Nymphaeales, as well as the angiosperms. cussion). Amborella, the sister to all other living A phylogenetic analysis, using the morpho- angiosperms,iswoody,asaremembersofAus- logical data set of Les et al. (1999) for ex- trobaileyales, another early-branching lineage tant Nymphaeales, placed the fossil as sister oflivingangiosperms. to Nymphaeales; synapomorphies with extant An aquatic origin of angiosperms is sup- Nymphaeales included a syncarpous gynoe- ported by the fact that several of the earliest cium,aperigynousorepigynousperianth,and 6 AnnalsoftheNewYorkAcademyofSciences a central protrusion of the floral apex be- been the enormous progress made in eluci- tweenthecarpels.However,neitherofthelast dating angiosperm evolutionary history (re- two characters is found consistently through- viewed in Judd & Olmstead 2004; Soltis & out Nymphaeales (Friis et al. 2001). The un- Soltis 2004; Soltis et al. 2005). We provide a named fossil exhibits features shared by both summarytreeofourcurrentunderstandingof Nymphaeales and Illicium (Austrobaileyales) angiospermrelationships(Fig.2).Phylogenetic (Friisetal.2001;Gandolfoetal.2004;Yooetal. analyses based on an ever-increasing number 2005)andoccursinasitewithabundantfossil of gene sequences have clearly and unequiv- seeds attributed to Illiciales (Friis et al. 2001). ocally established the first branches of extant The recent molecular analyses and dating ex- angiosperm diversity. Many studies have re- perimentsofYooetal.(2005)raisethepossibility vealedstrongsupportforthesisterrelationship that the unnamed fossil of Friis et al. may have of Amborellaceae, followed by Nymphaeales, actuallybeenpartofanancientassemblagethat and then Austrobaileyales to all other extant included Nymphaeales and Austrobaileyales. angiosperms (Mathews & Donoghue 1999, That is, the unnamed fossil probably occupies 2000; Parkinson et al. 1999; Qiu et al. 1999, adeeperplaceontheangiospermtreethanthe 2000, 2005; Soltis et al. 1999b, 2000, 2004; branch leading to water lilies. Endress (2008) Barkman et al. 2000; Graham & Olmstead recently reached the same conclusion on the 2000;Grahametal.2000;Soltisetal.2000;Za- basisofareexaminationofthemorphologyof nisetal.2002,2003;Borschetal.2003;Hiluetal. Microvictoria (Gandolfo et al. 2004)—the fossil 2003; Kim et al. 2004; Stefanovic´ et al. 2004; differs in key features from extant genera of Leebens-Macketal.2005;Stefanovic´etal.2005; Nymphaeaceae. Jansen et al. 2007; Moore et al. 2007). In most ThisunnamedfossilofFriisetal.(2001)and analyses, the monotypic Amborella is followed Archaefructus certainly indicate that the aquatic bythewaterliliesorNymphaeales(whichcom- habitaroseearlyinangiospermevolution.This priseNymphaeaceae)andCabombaceae(APG view is further supported by the near-basal II2003)andHydatellaceae(Saarelaetal.2007); placementofNymphaeales(waterlilies)inphy- althoughafewinvestigationsplacedAmborel- logenies of extant taxa. However, there are laceae plus Nymphaeales as sister to all other undoubtedly earlier, as yet undiscovered, an- angiosperms(reviewedinSoltisetal.2005),re- giospermfossils.Inthisregard,molecularesti- centanalysesinvolvingcompleteornearlycom- mates for the age of the angiosperms are con- plete plastid genome sequences have placed verging;mostrecentestimatesareintherange Amborella alone as sister to all other extant an- of 140–180 Ma (Bell et al. 2005), suggesting giosperms (e.g., Jansen et al. 2007; Moore et al. anageforfloweringplantsthatissubstantially 2007).Althoughthisnowappearstobethefa- olderthanthedateof132Maonthebasisofthe vored topology, it should be confirmed using knownfossilrecord.Thesemolecularestimates nuclearsequencedata. suggest, in fact, that the earliest angiosperms An exciting recent molecular finding is the mayhaveariseninthelateJurassic,ratherthan placement of Hydatella (Hydatellaceae) in the the early Cretaceous, and that the oldest an- Nymphaeales clade (Saarela et al. 2007). Hy- giospermfossilsarestillundiscovered. datellaceae had been placed in the monocots (Poales), but molecular data revealed instead that the family is part of the early-diverging Phylogenetics angiospermcladeNymphaealeswithhighsup- port values. Hence, this is a dramatic phylo- Resolving the Big Picture genetic shift. This result is important in that it One of most exciting recent developments greatlyexpandsthemorphologicaldiversityen- in the study of angiosperm evolution has compassed by the Nymphaeales. For example, Soltisetal.:OriginandEarlyEvolutionofAngiosperms 7 Figure2. Summarytopologyofcurrentviewofdeep-levelangiospermrelationships.This topology is based on the analyses of the three-gene, 567-taxon data set (Soltisetal.2000, 2007a) with modifications based on the recent analyses of nearly complete plastid genome datasets(Jansenetal.2007;Mooreetal.2007). Rudalletal.(2007)proposedthatthemostplau- After Amborella and Nymphaeales, an Aus- sibleinterpretationofthereproductive unitsis trobaileyales clade of Illiciaceae, Austrobailey- that each such unit represents an aggregation aceae, and Trimeniaceae is the subsequent of reduced, unisexual, apetalous flowers; this sister group to all remaining angiosperms. type is different from flowers of Nymphaeales Whereas these basalmost branches are well (Rudall et al. 2007). However, Hydatella has supported and resolved, relationships among ascidiate carpel development, consistent with the remaining major lineages of angiosperms placementinNymphaeales.Theplacementof havebeenunclearanddifficulttoresolve,with Hydatella within Nymphaeales raises the pos- three-, five-, nine-, and even 11-gene data sets sibility that this clade was once far more di- (see references above). These remaining an- versemorphologicallyandincreasestheplausi- giosperms,orMesangiospermae(Cantinoetal. bilitythatthemorphologyofArchaefructuscould 2007),aremagnoliids,Chloranthaceae,mono- be encompassed by this clade, as originally cots, Ceratophyllaceae, and eudicots. Analy- proposed by Friis et al. (2003; see also Doyle, ses ofmultigenedatasetswith adequatetaxon submitted). sampling haveprovided strong support for the 8 AnnalsoftheNewYorkAcademyofSciences monophyly of each of these clades of an- lion years); therefore, resolving relationships giosperms. However, different analyses have amongthesecladeshasbeendifficult. depictedvariousrelationshipsamongthesefive Recent analyses (e.g., Moore et al. 2007; clades,withonlyweaksupport. Jansen et al. 2007; Jian et al., 2008) demon- In contrast to earlier studies, recent anal- strate that with enough sequence data (20,000 yses based on complete or nearly complete or more base pairs), the remaining, problem- plastid genome sequences appear to resolve atic,deep-levelproblemsinthefloweringplants relationships among these five lineages of can also be resolved. Especially promising Mesangiospermae.AfterthegradeofAmborella, are analyses involving complete sequencing of Nymphaeales, and Austrobaileyales, Chloran- the plastid genome (e.g., Jansen et al. 2007; thaceaeandmagnoliidsmayformacladethat Moore et al. 2007), particularly given the cur- is sister to a large clade of monocots and Cer- renteaseofcompleteplastidgenomesequenc- atophyllaceaepluseudicots(Mooreetal.2007) ing with new sequencing technologies (e.g., (Fig. 2). The clade of monocots as sister to Moore et al. 2006). An alternative method theeudicot+Ceratophyllumcladeisstronglysup- that is promising, and much less costly, is the ported (Moore et al. 2007). Jansen et al. (2007) completesequencingoftheslowlyevolvingin- alsofoundtheserelationships,exceptthattheir vertedrepeatoftheplastidgenome(Jianetal., initial analysis did not include Ceratophyllum. 2008), which is readily accomplished in most The first three living branches were relatively angiosperm groups by using the polymerase easy to recover in phylogenetic analyses, a re- chainreaction–basedASAP(amplification,se- sult reported in some of the initial multigene quencing and annotation of plastomes; Dhin- analysesofangiosperms(e.g.,Soltisetal.1999, gra&Folta2005)method. 2000; Qiu et al. 1999; Parkinson et al. 1999; Mathews & Donoghue 1999, 2000). These re- Implications of Phylogeny for the sults suggested a more gradual diversification Earliest Angiosperms process (or greater extinction) at the base of the angiosperm tree. However, after some ini- A well-resolved phylogeny for extant an- tial early “experiments” in angiospermy, the giosperms has been used as a framework in angiospermsrapidlyradiated,yieldingthefive an effort to reconstruct the habit, as well as lineages of Mesangiospermae. This is an ex- other morphological features, of the earliest citing example of an important molecular in- flowering plants (APG II 2003; Soltis et al. sightintoDarwin’s“abominablemystery.”The 2005). As noted, Amborella, which is sister to fossil record certainly supports the presence all other extant angiosperms, is woody, as of many diverse lineages early in angiosperm are Austrobaileyales. Anatomical and physio- evolution (e.g., Friis et al. 1994, 1999, 2000, logical features of Amborella (which lacks ves- 2001), but phylogenetic analyses of extant an- selelements)andAustrobaileyales(whichhave giosperms indicate that the radiation respon- “primitive” vessel elements considered inter- sible for nearly all extant angiosperm diversity mediatebetweentracheidsandvesselelements) was not associated with the origin of the an- (Carlquist & Schneider 2001, 2002) prompted giosperms but occurred after the diversifica- the hypothesis that the earliest angiosperms tionofAmborella,Nymphaeales,andAustrobai- were understory shrubs, perhaps without ves- leyales (Mathews & Donoghue 1999; Soltis sel elements, andwith lower transpiration and etal.1999b).ThecladescomposingtheMesan- stem water movement than is typical of most giospermae (monocots, Ceratophyllaceae, eu- extant angiosperms (Feild et al. 2000, 2003, dicots,Chloranthaceae,andmagnoliids)repre- 2004). Such plants occupied habitats referred sentthe“bigbang”ofangiospermevolution— to as “dark and disturbed” and prompted they diversified rapidly (within only a few mil- the hypothesis that the first angiosperms were Soltisetal.:OriginandEarlyEvolutionofAngiosperms 9 understory shrubs living in partially shaded estimatesofbetween140and180Ma(Sander- habitatsthatdependedoncanopydisturbance son et al. 2004; Bell et al. 2005; Moore et al. to open up new sites for colonization. Out- 2007). This apparent convergence in age esti- groupcomparisonsfavorawoodyhabitforthe mation is probably due to the increased num- first angiosperms. All other “anthophytes” are ber of characters used, as well as the use of woody; this includes extant gymnosperms, as new “relaxed clock” methods that allow rates well as those fossils typically considered close to vary across the tree (e.g., penalized likeli- relativesofangiosperms(e.g.,Caytoniales,Ben- hood, PATHd8, and Bayesian methods). Also, nettitales). recent studies have used multiple fossils as ei- However, the strictly aquatic water lily lin- ther calibrations or maximum and minimum eage (Nymphaeales) follows Amborella as the ageconstraints. subsequent sister to all other flowering plants. Todate,themostcomprehensivedivergence As a result of the near-basal placement of time analysis for the angiosperms, for taxon Nymphaeaceae, the habit of the first flower- sampling,isthatofWikstro¨metal.(2001).The ing plants is reconstructed as equivocal on the results from Wikstro¨m et al. (2001) have subse- basis of analyses of extant taxa (Soltis et al. quentlybeenusedasatemporalframeworkfor 2005). Nonetheless, the early appearance of many ecological studies (e.g., Slingsby & Ver- thewaterlilylineage,togetherwiththediscov- boom 2006; Vamosi et al. 2006; Edwards et al. ery that some of the oldest angiosperm fossils 2007; Webb et al. 2007), as well as “external” are aquatic (e.g., Archaefructus), reinforced the calibration points for subsequent divergence hypothesis that the earliest angiosperms may time analyses of groups that may lack reliable have been aquatic—that is, “wet and wild” fossils (e.g., Crayn et al. 2006; Park et al. 2006). (D. Dilcher, pers. comm.; see Coiffard et al. Although a landmark study, the analysis of 2007). Wikstro¨metal.sufferedinseveralmethodolog- icalwaysthatwereunavoidableatthetimebe- cause the necessary analytical tools were lack- ing, namely, reliance on one calibration point Molecular Data and Divergence and the use of nonparametric rate smoothing Times (NPRS;amethodthathasbeenshowntobea biasedestimatorofcladeages). Dating Origin of the Angiosperms Here we have reanalyzed the data set used In an attempt to estimate the timing of an- by Wikstro¨m et al. by using multiple calibra- giosperm origins, various authors have used a tion points and age constraints (21 total; Ta- variety of different molecular data sets and es- ble 1) and a tree topology (Fig. 3) inferred timation procedures. Although the oldest an- from a recent Bayesian analysis (Soltis et al. giospermfossilsdateto132Ma,moleculares- 2007). To make our results as comparable as timates have been somewhat older. Molecular possible to those of Wikstro¨m et al. (2001), we estimateshavedatedangiospermoriginstothe usedtheirfossilcalibrationpointasafixedage LowerJurassic(175–200Ma;Sanderson1997; inallanalysesandinferredagesbyusingNPRS. Sanderson&Doyle2001;Wikstro¨metal.2001; We also used PATHd8 (Britton et al. 2007), Belletal.2005;Magallo´n&Sanderson2005),to a recently proposed relaxed-clock method to theTriassic(200–250Ma;Sanderson&Doyle estimate divergence times across angiosperms. 2001; Magallo´n & Sanderson 2005), or even LikeWikstro¨metal.(2001),wecalculatearange the Paleozoic (300 or 350 Ma; e.g., Ramshaw ofagesonthebasisofbranchlengthestimates etal.1972;Martinetal.1989).However,inre- from parsimony and maximum likelihood. centyears,studiesestimatingtheageofcrown Under the maximum likelihood criterion, groupangiospermsappeartobeconvergingon a general-time-reversible model of sequence 10 AnnalsoftheNewYorkAcademyofSciences TABLE 1. MultipleCalibrationPointsandAgeConstraintsUsedinDivergenceTimeEstimations Organismgroup Age(Myr) MRCAaof: Altingia(Altingiaceae) 88.5–90.4 AltingiaandPaeonia Hamamelidaceae 84–86 DaphniphyllumandItea Cercidiphyllaceae 65–71 CercidiphyllumandCrassula Divisestylus(Iteaceae) 89.5–93.5 RibesandItea Ailanthus(Simaroubaceae/Rutaceae/Meliaceae) 50 AilanthusandSwietenia Burseraceae/Anacardiaceae 50 BurseraandSchinus Parbombacaceoxylon(Malvaless.l.) 65.5–70.6 ThymeaandBombax Bedelia(Fagales) 84 CucumisandCarya Paleoclusia(Clusia/Hypericum) 89–90 DicellaandMesua Illiciospermum(Illiciales) 89–99 IlliciumandSchisandra Diplodipelta 36 ValerianaandDipsacus AngiospermCrownGroup 131.8(min) AmborellaandValeriana Eudicots(crowngroup) 125 RanunculusandValeriana Virginianthus(Calycanthaceae) 98–113 CalycanthusandIdiospermum Unnamed(Chloranthaceae) 98–113 HedyosmumandChloranthus Perisyncolporites(Malpighiales) 49 DicellaandMalpighia Pseudosalix(Malpighiales) 48 IdesiaandPopulus Cornales 86 CornusandNyssa Platanaceae 98–113 PlatanusandPlacospermum Buxaceae 98–113 DidymelesandBuxus Bignoniaceae 49.4 CatalpaandVerbena Bignoniaceae 35 CatalpaandCampsis aMRCA,mostrecentcommonancestor. evolution was used. To accommodate among- these values. However, the difference at any site rate variation, we used a discrete gamma specificnodewasgreaterthan10Myrforonly ((cid:1)) distribution with four rate categories and three of the nodes. One explanation for the accountedfortheproportionofinvariablesites differences is that many of the minimum age (I)inthesubstitutionmodel(Fig.3). constraintsusedinourstudy(sevenof20)were The results of these analyses for some of older than the ages inferred by Wikstro¨m et al. the major early angiosperm groups are sum- (2001),pushingagesfurtherbackintimefrom marized in Table 2. In almost all cases, our theseconstrainednodes. NPRSdates,witheitheroneormultiplefossils, Althoughthereappearstobeaconvergence wereolderthanthoseofWikstro¨metal.(2001), in the age estimates for angiosperms across potentially because we are using a slightly different studies, new data (whether molecu- differenttreetopology(Soltisetal.2007a),Like- lar or fossil), along with new estimation meth- wise,acrossthenodesexaminedhere,PATHd8 ods, will help to further refine our ideas of providedyoungerageestimatesundereachfos- the age and time frame of angiosperm ori- siltreatment. ginsanddiversification.Withtheinterestinus- The mean absolute difference across all inglargeangiospermphylogeniestoinvestigate nodes using these methods was approximately questions concerning ecology and compara- 5 Myr, with nearly all differences being older tive biology, along with the continual refine- in the multiple-calibration analysis than the mentinrelationshipsamongmajorangiosperm single-calibration analysis. This finding is po- lineages, a new estimate of the ages of the tentiallysignificantgiventhattheaverageboot- major clades is much needed and should be strap estimate of standard errors was less than pursued. Soltisetal.:OriginandEarlyEvolutionofAngiosperms 11 Figure 3. Divergence time estimates for major clades of angiosperms from a reanalysis of the three- gene, 567-taxon data set by using multiple calibration points and methods (see text). Dates corresponding tonumberednodesaregiveninTable1. Extant Members of “Old” Lineages Eocene to early Oligocene (41.1–67.7 Ma), Represent Recent Diversifications and the two extant genera of Cabombaceae diverged during the Miocene (19.9–65.6 Ma). The divergence time estimates of Yoo TheseresultsindicatethatextantNymphaeales et al. (2005) suggest that crown group diversifiedrelativelyrecently,whereasthestem Nymphaeales date to the Eocene (44.6– lineage to Nymphaeales is old, on the ba- 67.9 Ma); Nymphaeaceae and Cabom- sis of a fossil attributed to Nymphaeales from baceae split at that point. Extant genera of the Early Cretaceous (125–115 Ma; Friis et al. Nymphaeaceae began to diversify in the late 2001). Although the Friis et al. fossil and a 12 AnnalsoftheNewYorkAcademyofSciences TABLE 2. EstimatedCladeAges(Myr) Cladeno.a Clade Wikstrometal.b NPRSe PATHd8c NPRSd PATHd8d 1 Angiosperms 158–179 166–187 152–171 165–188 164–173 2 153–171 159–179 132–155 161–180 149–158 3 147–165 151–172 127–142 154–174 138–146 4 —e 145–167 125–135 148–170 132–140 5 — 147–165 126–136 150–168 131–140 6 122–132 140–159 45–50 145–162 98 7 127–134 135–153 39–41 139–156 98 8 108–113 118–144 37–39 118–146 98 9 140–155 144–157 123–131 146–160 131–136 10 Eudicots 131–147 135–149 110–119 136–152 125 11 130–144 131–146 108–118 132–149 123–124 12 128–140 130–144 107–117 131–148 122–123 13 124–137 124–139 102–110 125–142 110–116 14 123–135 124–136 100–106 125–139 107–113 15 116–127 118–129 89–95 119–132 96–103 16 114–124 116–124 84–90 117–128 93–96 17 104–111 106–113 84–90 109–117 92–95 18 106–114 107–113 72–77 110–117 86 19 — 104–109 71–76 107–113 79–81 20 102–112 91–104 69–75 96–108 79–80 21 114–125 115–126 86–92 120–130 96–100 22 111–121 113–123 85–89 116–126 94–97 23 108–117 106–120 85–89 109–124 93–97 24 100–109 97–110 84 101–113 87–89 aCladenumbersrefertonumberednodesinFigure3. bWikstrometal.datesaregivenintheirSupplementalData,availableonline.Becausewetriedtoestimatetheage oftheroot,butwithconstraintsasnoted,itispossiblethatarangeofsolutionsmightexist.Foreachanalysis,wefixed twoages:(1)theageoftherootnode(mostrecentcommonancestorofseedplants)at310Myrand(2)theageofthe mostrecentcommonancestorofCucurbitalesandFagalesat84Myr. cBasedonsinglefixedcalibrationofthemostrecentcommonancestorofCucurbitalesandFagalesat84Myr. dBasedon20minimumageconstraintsinadditiontosinglefixedcalibrationofthemostrecentcommonancestor ofCucurbitalesandFagalesat84Myr. eNodenotcompatiblewithtreeused. fossil attributed to Nymphaeaceae from the tures resembling those of Hedyosmum from the middle Cretaceous (90 Ma; Gandolfo et al. Barremian–Aptian boundary, approximately 2004) may be best placed deeper in the an- 125 Ma (see Friis et al. 1994, 1999; Friis 1997; giosperms, there is a distinct gap between the Doyleetal.2003;Eklundetal.2004).However, origin of Nymphaeales and its diversification divergence time estimates based on molecular intomodernlineages. data indicate that the extant genera of Chlo- TheseresultsforNymphaealesindicatingre- ranthaceaearerelativelyyoung(i.e.,60–29Ma centdiversificationinanancientlineageagree for Hedyosmum, 22–11 Ma for Chloranthus, and withsimilarfindingsforthebasalangiosperms 18–9MaforAscarina;Zhang&Renner2003). Chloranthaceae (Zhang & Renner 2003) and Similar results have been obtained for Illi- Illicium (Illiciaceae; Morris et al. 2007). The cium (Illiciaceae). Morris et al. (2007) estimated fossil record indicates clearly that Chloran- divergencetimeswithinIlliciumbyusingpenal- thaceaerepresentoneoftheoldestangiosperm izedlikelihoodandmultiplecalibrationpoints. lineages, with unequivocal reproductive struc- TheIlliciumcrowngroupappearstohavearisen

The near-basal phylogenetic position of Nymphaeales (water lilies), which may include the well-known fossil Archaefructus, certainly indicates that the aquatic habit
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