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ORIENTALI§M -- Edward W. Said -- Vintage Books A DivisioofRn a ndomH ouse NewY ork FirsVti ntgaeB ookEsd itiOocnt,o b1e9r7 9 Copyright® 1')7 $ byE dwarWd. Said All fights reseruvneddeI rn ternaatnidPo anna-lA merican CopyriCgohntv entPiuobnlsi.s hientd h Uen itSelda tes byR andom HouIsne.c,. N ewY orka,n di nC anada byR andomH ousoefC anadLai miteTdor,o not. Originpaulbllyi sbhyPe adn thBeooonk s,D iAv isoifo n RandoHmo useI,n ci.,nN ovemb1e9r7 8. LibraorfyC ongress Colai/noP guibnlgi co/ion Da/a SaiEdd,w arWd Orientahsm. Includes biblioregferreapncehsia cnadil n dex. I. Asai- Foreinog pinioOnc,c ident2a.Nl e.a r East-Foroepiignni oOnc,c iendtla. 3.A sia-Study andt ecahing. 4.N eaEra st-Staunddy teaching. 5. Imperialsim. 6.E asatn dW est.l .T iUe. DS12.S2149 799 50'.077'92- 10497 ISBN0 -394-74067-X Manufactiuntr heUedn itSetda toefAs m erica CoveJre: an-Uon GeTrhoeS mnea,k eC harme(r detail), courteosfyt hSet erlainndFgr ancCilnaer k ArtIn stitute, WilliamstMowans,s achusetts. Since hitsc opyrightp agec annaoctc ommodaaJttlbe e permissaicoknnso wledgtmheenaytr tseo, b ef ound ont he following twopa ges. Gratefauclk nowledgmiesnm ta de1 0 thef ollowifnogrp ermissitoorn e print previoupsulbyl ishmeadte rail: GeorgeA llen & Unwin,L td.E:x cerpftrso mS ubje0c/tt sh eD ay:B einag Se"'cl0/i Sopnte chts andW ritibnygG se orge NathaniCeulr ron. GeorgeA lle&n U nwin,L td.E:x cerpftrso mR evolutiinIo hneM iddle East andO lheCra .S'teu diperso,c eed0i/na g sse mineadri,t ebdy P .J .V atikiotis. AmericaJenw ishC ommitteeE:x cerptfsr om" TheR eturno f Islam" by BernarLde wisi,n C ommentaryv,o l6. 1,n o.1 (Janua1ry9 76)R.ep rinted fromC ommcmarbyy permissiCoonp.y righ@t 1976b y theA merican JewisCho mmittee. BasicB ooks,I nc.E:x cerptfsr om" Renan'Psh ilologiLcaablo ratorbyy" EdwarWd. Saiidn,A rtP,o litaincdWs i,l ElJ;' sial),ls HOolfLl iaorn Terli lling, editebdy Q uentiAnn dersoenta !C.o pyrig©h t1 971by BasiBco oksI,n c. The BodleHye ad andM cIntos&h Otis,I nc.: ExcerptFs lafruohme rr in Egypr, translaatneded d itebdy F rancisS teegmullReerp.r intbeyd p ermis­ sioonf F ranciSst eegmulalnedrT he BodleHye ad. JonathaCna pe, Ltd.a,n dT he LetterosfT . EL.a wrencTer ustE:x cerpt fromT heL errerso fT .E .Lo. wrence ,e ditebdy DavidG arnet.t JonathCaan pel,. tdT.h,e S evenP illaTrrsu sta,n dD oubleda&y C o.,i nc.; Excerpftr omT heS evePni lloafrW si sdomA; T riumpbhyT .E .l .awrence. Copyrig1h9t2 61,9 3b5y D oubleda&y C o.,I nc. Doubleda&y C o.,I nc.a,n dA . P.W ntt& Sons,L td: Excerpftr omV erse byR udyarKdi pling. TheG eorgRieav ieEwx;ce rptsf rom" Qrientaliwshmi,c"ho riginaalplpye ared inT heG eorgiRae vie(wSp rin1g9 77C)o.p yrig©h 1t9 77b yt heU niversity ofG eorgia. Harpe&r Row, PublisheIrnsc,.E :x cerpftr omII poemb yB orneir( }862), quoteidn D e Lesse0p/sS libeyz C harleBse atty. MaemillaCon.,-L &o ndona ndB asingstoke: EfxrceormMp otdse rn EgYp,t vol2., b y EvelyBna rinLgo,r dC romer. MacmillaPnu blishiCnog. ,I nc.E:x cerpftr om" Propagandbay" H arold Lasswell, in TilEen cydopediao ft heS ociaS!c ienceesdit,e d by EdwinR .A . Seligmavno,l1 .2 ( }934). MacmillaPnu blishCion. g• Inc.a,n dA . P.W att& SonsL,t d.E.:� cerpftr om '"Byzanlium" by WillYiaemat ,s BiunTt hlee Cr ollecred PoemsC.o pyright J93b3y l'IacmillPaunb lishCion.g, I nc.r,e newe1d9 61b yB erthGae orgie Yeats. The New YorkT imesC ompany;E xcerptfsr om" Arabsi,s lama,n dt he Dogmaso ft heW est"b y EdwardW . Saidi,nT heN ew York TimesB ook Reveiw, Octobe3r1 ,1 976C.o pyrig©ht 1976b y The New YorkT imes CompanyR.e prinlbeyd p ermission. NorthwesteUrnni versiPrteyss : Excerpftr om" TheA rab Portrayed" by EdwardW . Said,i nT he Arah-IsCroaneflrio nt0a/tJ iunoen 1 967A:n Arab Perspecetdiitvdee b,y I brahim Abu-Lughod.C opyright@ 1970b y North_ westernU niversity Press. Prentice-HIanlcl.E,:x cerptf romT heP ersibaynA se schylutsr,a nslated by AnthonJy. P odleck. Copyrig©h t1 97b0y P rentice-Hall,I nc. v TheR oyaAls iatSociice tyG,r eaBtr itaainndI relanEdx;c erfprotm "Louis Massign(o1ll8 82-196i2nl) o.u"rn a0l/ t heR oyaAls iatic Society (1962). UniversoifCt ayl ifoPrrneisaEs x:c erpftrso mM odern IslamT:h eS earcJho r Cui/urIadle ntbiytG yu stavvoen G runebaumC.o pyrig©h 1t9 62b yt he Regenotfst heU niversofi Ctayl ifornia. UniversoiftC yh icagPor essE:x cerptfsro m Modern TreinndI ss labmy H.A .R .G ibb. · - FOR lANET AND IBRAIDM Contents Acknoewdlgments xi Introduct1i on Chapte1r The Scopeo fO rientalism I.K nowingO rtihenet a3l1 III.m aginGaetoigvrea apnhdy RIetpsr esetnitoans: OrientalktihnOegr iental4 9 Ul. Projec7t3s IV. Crisi9s2 Chapte2r OrientaSltirsutc tuarnedsR estructures I.R edraFwrno ntRieedresfi,nI esds uSeesc,u larized Religion11 3 n. SilvedseSt arcaeyn Edrn esRte DaRna:t ional AnthropoalnodPg hyi loloLgaibcoarla to1r2y3 Ill. ORreiseindtaeannlSdc ceh olaTrhseh ip: RequiremoefLn etxsi cograanpdIh mya gina""t i1o4n9 IVP.i lgarnidPm isl griBmraigteaisns,Fdh r ench 166 Chapte3r OrientaINioswm I.L ateanntdM anifOersite ntal2i0s1m IT. StylEex,p ertViissei,Oo rni:te anlisWmo'rsl delsisn 226 IIIM.o dernA nglo-FOrreinecnht ianFl uilslmFe lsotw er 255 IVT.h eL atePshta se 284 Notes 329 Index 351 Acknowledgments I haveb eerne adianbogu tO rientafloiras mn umbeorf y ears, butm osotf t hibso owka sw rittdeunr i1n9g7 5-19w7h6i,c Ihs pent asa Felloawtt heC entefro rA dvancSetdu diyn t heB ehavioral SciencSetsa,n foCradl.i fornIinat .h iusn iquaen dg eneroiunss ti· tutiiotwn a,s m y goofdo rtunnoeto nltyo h avbee nefitatgedr eeably froms evercaoll leagbuuetas l,s for omt heh elopf J oanW arm­ brunn, ChriJsa nHKeai tehl,s mePireers,tC ount learn,dt hec en­ terd'isr ecGtaorrd,n Leirn dzTehye.J isotff riencdosl,l eagauneds , studewnhtosr eado,rl istetnoep,da rtosrt hew holoef t himsa nu­ scriipssot lonags t oe mbarrmaes,sa ndn owt haitth asfi nally appearaesda bookp,e rhaepvse nt hemN.e vertheIl sehsosu ld mentiwoint ghr atittuhdeae l wayhse lpfeunlc ourageomfJe natn et andI brahAibmu -LughNodo,a mC homsky,R oagnedOr w enw,h o follotwheidps r ojfercotmi tbse ginntioni gtc so nclusion. Likewise I mustg ratefauclklnyo wletdhgehe e lpfaunldc ritiicnatle roefs t thec olleagfureise,n adnsd,s tudenitnvs a riopulsa cewsh ose questiaonndsd iscussshiaornp etnheedt excto nsiderAanbdlrye. SchifafnridJn e annMeo rtoonf P antheBoono kwse rei deaplu b­ lishaenrdc opye ditroers,p ectainvdem layd,et heo rde(aflo trh e authoart,l easotf)p reparinmga ntuhsec rainpi tn strucatnidv e genuinienltye llpirgoecnets s. MSaarihidea lmpe mde a greadte al withhe rr eseaornct hh ee arlmyo demh istoorfOy r ientailnisstti ­ tutioAnpsa.r t ftrhoamtt h,o ughhe,rl ovisnugp porreta lmlayd e mucho ft hew orko nt hibso okn oto nleyn joyabbultpoe s sible. New York E.W .S. Septembere-rO19 c7t7ob xi Theyc annorte prestehnetm seltvheesmy;u stb er epee· sented. -KarlM arxT, heE ighteBernutmha ire ofL ouiBso naparte TheE asist a career. -BenjamiDni sraeTlain,c red ... Introduction I On a vistiotB eirduutr itnhge t erricbilvewi alr o f1 975�1976 a Frencjho urnalwirsottr ee gretfouflt lhyeg uttdeodw ntowanc ea tha"ti hta do ncsee emedt obe lontg o. ..t heO rieonftC hateau­ brianadn dN ervalH.e" wla sr ighatb outth ep lacoef,c ourse, especiaslolf ya ra sa Europeawna sc oncerneTdh.e O rienwta s almosat E uropeainn ventainodnh ,a db eens incaen tiquai ptlya ce ofr omanceex,o tbieci ngs, hamuenmtoirniagen sdl andscarpee­s, markabelxep erieNnocwei st.w asd isappeairnia n sge;n sieth ad happenedi,tt si mew aso verP.e rhaiptss eemedi rreletvhaantt Orienttahlesm selvesso mheatdh iatns gt akient hep rocestsh,a t eveinn t het imoef C hateaubrainadNn edr vaOlr ienthaaldls i ved theraen,dt hanto wi tw ast hewyh ow erseu ffertihnemg a;i nt hing fort heE uropevains iwtaosra Europeraenp resentoaftt hieo n Orieanntd i tcso ntempofraatrbeyo, t ohf w hichha da privileged communsailg nificfaontrch eje o urnalainsdht i Fsr encrhe aders. Americawnisln lo tf eelq uitteh es amea boutth eO rienwth,i ch fotrh emi sm uchm orel iketloby e a ssocivaetredydi fferewnittlhy theF arE as(t Chinaan dJ a2anm.a inlyU)n.l ikteh eA mericans, thFer encahn dt hBer itish-slotes hsGe e rmanRsu.s siaSnpsa,n ish, PortuguIetsael,i aanndSs w,i ss-hahvaeda lontgr adiotfiw ohna t Is hablelc alliOnrgi entaa/ wiasymo f.c omintgot ermwsi tthh e Orientth aits baosnet dh eO rienstp'esc ipalla cien E uropean Westeernx perieTnhceOe r.i einstn oto nlayd jacteonE tu ropiet; isa lstoh pel acoefE urope'gsr eataensdrt i chaensdto ldescto lonies, thes ourocfei tcsi vilizaantdil oannsg uaigtecssu ,l tucroanlt estant, ando neo fi tdsee pest andm ostr ecurriimnagg eosft heO ther. In addititohneO, r iehnats h elpteodd efinEeu rope( ort heW est) 1

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