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Editoriala nd ProductionT eam: THE FAMILYH ANDYMAN ElisaB ernickD, onnaB ierbachS,t evenC harbonneaRuo, xieF ilipkowski, Editori n ChiefK enC ollier ieff GortonT, ravisL arsohR, ickM uscoplaPt,e ggyM cDermott, MaryS chwendeBr,o bU ngarG, aryW entzB, ruceW iebe, ProjectE ditor BrettM artin MarciaW rightR oep.ke AssociateE ditor MaryF lanagan DesignD irectorS araK oehler Photographya nd tllustrations: TomF enengaS,u sanJ essenB,r uceK iefferM, ikeK rivitD, onM annes, AdministrativeM anagerA liceG arrett RamonM orenoS,h awnN ielsenF,r ankR ohrbaclhll ,E ugenTeh ompson, LeadD esignerB eckyP fluger BillZ uehlke PageL ayoutT eresaM arrone Textp, hotographayn di llustrationfso r OrgonizeYourWhoHloeu sea re ProductionM anagerj udy Rodriguez basedo n articlesp reviouslryu ni n TheF amilyH ondymanm agazine PublisherR ickS traface (2915C ommerDsr .S, uite7 00E, aganM, N5 5121, thefamilyhandyman.cFoomri n).f ormatioonn a dvertisining TheF omilyH andymanm agazinec,a ll( 212)8 50-7226. Publishebdy H omeS ervicPeu blications,lnc. OrganizeYourWhoHleo useis publishedb y the ReaderD'si gest A subsidiaroyf T heR eaderD'si gesAt ssociation,Inc. Associatiolnn,c .@ 200T9h eR eaderDt igesAt ssociatioInn,c ., PleasantviNlleY,1 0570A.I Ir ightsr eserved.Tvhoislu mem ayn otb e reproduceind wholeo r in partw ithoutw rittenp ermissiofrno mt he THE READER'SD IGESTA SSOCIATIONIN, C. PublisheRr.e aderD'si gesat ndt he Pegasulso goa rer egisteretdra de- Presidenta nd ChiefE xecutiveO fficer MaryG .B erner markso fT heR eaderD'si gesAt ssociatioInn,c .ThFe ami[H andymainsa PresidentH, ome& Gardena nd Health& WellnessA lyceC .A lston registeretdra demarok f RDP ublicationIsn,c . PresidentN, orth AmericanC onsumerM arketing DawnM .Z ier A Notet o Our Readers: ViceP residenqN orth AmericanC onsumerM arketingC araS chlanger Alld o-it-yoursealcft ivitieisn volvea degreeo f riskS. killsm, aterialtso,o ls CirculationD irector LaurieL evasseur ands itec onditionvsa ryw idelyA. lthoughth ee ditorsh avem adee very effortt o ensurea ccuractyh, e readerre mainsre sponsibfleo r the selec- tiona ndu seo f toolsm, ateriaalsn dm ethodsA.l wayos beyl ocacl odes andl awsf,o llowm anufacturienrs tructionasn do bservsea fetyp recau- tions. PRINTEINDT HEU NITESDT ATEOSFA MERICA Your online source for do-it-yourself projects,t ips and more! lmagineh avingm oret han thr frmlly Hrndymrn MrOuthc 650d o-it-yourselfp rojects, repairs and technique articlesa t your fingertips. At thefamilyhandyman.comy ou can tTFREE NfWfhnCrl srsnupntr r ril.r.rull aad[rr 9O,r search our rich archive of stories. N[tlllrrrtorr YourO nllnes ourcof or do-lt'yourselpf roJectst,lp s and moro Adverlter t00r{d.rlnhil Editor's Picks: You'll find everything -limf,imEtft rlofoi i rpodirt If[ mReetl€nlntlsnngwe anlcl ceo.nstructlon, Inloct solutlonra nd mower oo, from bookcase plans on BRuetiladin Ain Cg oWnaclrlete Block F oln I tolkl brn b .ouno.lrrha06. to appliancer epair, U*#;h ilp{r.bp phob| $of, youi sw b Dulld! uall hrl slll rtrnd b. dacartat, kitchen and bath ffi R6rdt dc remodelingt o aq.# lawn and garden 1", projects. Each Defeat Pesky Insects @ smrrt |'rholar b .bp c yrr! Ind article offers expert advice, hRosrandath dvrtdail. Elaoalrt[h0 bUlro B trrD.s l iAt nhdrW n !sh6 b u-At mtlout Eiro$la complete information and step-by- Have a Hint? Em.[ nr0|J3m 0[ step how-to photos. ' Crr,l(in!{f 14r v,r s rrr ura rt yodl eal ll00l '\r,lrrcrrlx, loll.rv ' i;;!{r .r i;rll TuneU p YourL awnM ower . Tl tl ltrokilr,'rr Moiil mllngrrnoa lr qllcl !r!d a|ty s,l!r ourd tlllrd tlow.b halo,N o BONUS ARTICLES macnan|g|r|r r.|lafta nardadl R!8d tde Discover in-depth coverage of topics like garages torage and organization tffiffiffi kitchen and bath remodeling SU,W,O energy efficiency Baramant paintinga nd wood finishing walcmtoof na wl{ bam.n|, c?*lad boxrod yard and garden projects till!, m[de{r. end mdd Jrd mdt,.....,... Auto repair and maintenance *.:o.r*-n""r' Docor'tlva Conclttc Colodrd rrcdrr d ||l comilc ddn|ng. rafutacl|re Saomantal RotslnlnE Wdl3 O.rbn. endmfi, Bdld &t.ldng t Fn Sirnllne wdl! w.B..dm#.dFp. or9a,[l!,ffi Tableo f contents h1 yf;fti( ,',,, p.6o'- ; OrganizeY our OrganizeY our Kitchen Bath & Laundry Room How to Hang Anything OrganizeY our OrganizeY our OrganizeY our Bedroom& Closets Office& Media Room Garage f { -# *;r^, yf\ T{' eiat -T_ _ _tt/fI r.tro - OrganizeY our Workshopi lrage Outdoor Space Subscbrie t odayto HHfiUyman our companio€-nf lewsletter arsta drlreesssb,,, &a,, h quc Fh+ cddad m'[3 r. Arr lo hre"a .: Hmfa nfd'iSmioono"onst o#d€ "kFdr*l4 ril,T-"*' tt*jRlqu :o EiMtstralirlleiits . ra b ggooq.'ggrieainoo ',mlbaoT fI fgi|:t*!dl$- ld.!e,eId 1ilrd g mlt C{hfdt:rFbgy -b 3hogMd .E h ll.y ou| &!!99, .a.radcrc di L!!..a **cCdd h*ll!ll hh ehhl nyysuu e rh*so ieh,o.'ed,li tdn a'dibdo yihtnlrg. *'r "",n"r. . lffimM br6 tdisLy Od kosd(6. Bdd a hhch h @ ilffi . Slnd. M dyb ffiMd 6k. Bdd t h F d.ir ld t .. fs td .. .Auffdd,c 6a Mootil. !s ec lFo&leUlldclr!l !d!Et-r! g! lrdf oarHlb . he!qs$d $ro p.y r r opf fi lbr. -;;;1 ffi"#* to6 * s* hr?l kr e m rdcb b lrts vq' n vqr ffi 1636 i'ltiglienql' sddd(shdrdk'pl6twbueM. .'. U::11'Pj;;';9' n9'Tr*", mgwil hEcFtbd aak:dtE'mlm. . * blnbrE 6qmiEHffigt.hdt*,F dF*ft tE* t|I thF.hr6.hdtdtff.i| !h. b.i6 . Rd* t$r . 0r$6 uP .l . t|d e Btllcbgils&d dr Rlhkidllfl&![. ld LEk .nd H' . Bu9d0gdH d frfrit ffi cd!il*|r! rtyto*hth EckB tnffl dUr4.lt dc6. Grdw€dz' T@llntrsmffiats|golDtBffituhhnh{rald ia*:*,.rt# .. ftfli6 slpr,r*| mi!*|.d l!9. ffi ffi ! e!eelr[!L&s ardd yhyLr!!. rtl|.rrt a,* idltrppy }b*|!yrl @* ffi'lt"i"tffi"* - @mrmnifidil tii'l$J,il' ry" '.t;11"-.'Jg.3133flsff roc 'd k doe"* ;; bsfo€ 0'r{ ccoto bt ld+ h db dinE , Oic} icc b s tn Justg o to thefam i t yhan dyman .com entery oure -maita ddressa t thet opo f the pagea ndc tickt hea rrowb utton. That'sa [[t herei s to it! You'[[g et: O Linkst o greatD IYa rticles O Lotsm oreh ints& tips O Sneakp reviewso f upcomingis sues O Correctionasn dc tarifications O Seasonar[e mindersa ndm ore! )rganve r vour kitdhen 6 7 space-savitnipgs f or sma[k[ itchens 9 Add-onk itchens torage 18 Undersinskto rage 22 9 waysto ctearth e clutter 26 K'itchecna binerto llouts 32 Above-cabinsehte lving 35 Easy-to-buikl.ndif eb lock 36 0penk itchens helves 37 Thymes avesr picer ack 38 Famitym essagcee nter 42 Quickk itchens torageid eas Tspace-snagvi tlpS fors malkl itchens lsingle'bowls ink Blind-corner cabinets olution Blind-cornecra binetsa rec abinetso n insidec ornersth at are accessibflreo mo nlyo ned oor.B lind-cornecar binetisn kitchens makei t hardt o reacha nythingth atg etss hovedto the back. Mostk itchend esignerwsi ll try to plans pacefo ra lazyS usan basec abineitn steado f a blindc ornerT. heseh aver otating shelvetsh at provideg ooda ccestso the contentsB. uth ome- ownerss tuckw itha blind-cornecra bineat ndn ol azyS usanh ave a fewo ptionsw orthe xploring. Duringa kitchenre modecl,o nsideinr stallinag s ingle-bowsiln k Therea rea numbero f ingenioussl iding-shemlfe chanisms insteado f a standard-sizdeo uble-bowIln. steado f two small thatm ovet he contentws ithinr eachb, ut most,liketh e Knape& bowlst,h erew illb e onel argeo ne.lt 'lla lsoa llowa smallesri nk Vogtm odelB BCT(s howna) rer athere xpensiv(e5 SOtOo 5600). basea nds ave6 in.o f cabineat ndc ounters paceth at couldb e Howevear, u nitb yL eeV alleyc ostsa boutS 1 7 0.l t canb ei nstalled putt o betteru se.ThKe ohleAr lcott( K-6573-5lUes; sth an5 1,000) in existingb lind-cornecra binettsh at are3 5-1/2to 39-1/2 in. sink( shownis) o nee xample.Teaumpa 25-ins.i ngle-bowsiln ki n longO. rdero neo nlinea t leevalley.coomr c allL eeV alleya t (S00) a 30-inb. asec abinewt itha ne xtra-narro(w18 -ind.)i shwashteor 871-815O8.r derp artN o.1 2K33.1(0d ooro n rights ide)o r gaina footo f extrac abinest pace. 12K33.2(l0e ft). Half-moon-shapsehde lvetsh ats wiveal ndp ullo ut area less expensivoep tionf or blindc ornersT.h eyo nlyu tilizea bout6 0 percenot f the spaceb, ut providee asya ccestso the contents. Theyc anb ei nstalleidn existingb lind-cornecra binets. 6 oRGANTZYEou RK trcHEN Cabinet-depth refrigerators Standard-deptrhe frigeratorsst icko ut 6 to 8 in. in front of kitchenc abinetsr,o bbingv aluablef loor spacea ndc rowdingp assageways.Whdeens igninga new kitchenc, onsiderb uyinga shallow-depthre frig- erator.l t'll maket he kitchens eemm uch more spa- cious,a nd dependingo n the floor plan,m ay even gainc abinets pacea crossfr om the refrigeratoCr.a bi- net-depthr efrigeratorcso sta little more,a bout $1 ,500fo r the leaste xpensivev ersionsb,u t the extra costi se asyt o justifyb ecauseit providese xtras pace. Recessinag standard-deptrhe frigeratoirn to the studw all isa notherw ayt o increases pace( fora gain of about 4 in.).l t requiresc utting out one or two studsa nd addinga headero vert he openingf or Maket he mosto f every support.Thims aya lsor equirer elocatingth e outleti f inchw ith rollouts it'sl ocatedd irectlyb ehindt he refrigerator. Basec abinetsh avet ons of room,b ut it'sh ardt o reacht he back.A nd even then it'sh ardt o seew hat'sb ackt here.R ollouts helvesa rea greats olution. New cabinetsa re availablew ith rolloutsa lreadyi nstalledo, r they can be easilya ddedt o existingc abinetsT. herea re many options.F actory-made unitsf or do-it-yourseilnf stallationco st5 30t o 5400. Tall,n arrowr olloutsa re perfectf or thoses kinnyc abinetsth at aren or- mallyr elegatedto cookies heets.Thesreo lloutsa reg reatf or soda,c anned goodso r spicesS. tockr ollouth ardwareth at supportsa wide selectiono f wireb asketsis a lsoa vailable. No roomf or an island? Trya cart instead Kitcheins landasr em orep opulatrh ane verb, utb ecausaet least 36i n.a lla rounda ni slandis n eedefdo rw alkingsp aceth, ey just don'tf it in mosts mallk itchensA. rollingk itchenc art offersm any of the same benefitso f an islanda ndi sm orev ersatileM. ovei t intot he centeor ft hek itchenfo rf ood prepo, r usei t asa buffqt tablew heng uestsa rrive. Thenj ust roll it out of the way wheni t'sn o longern eeded.Inn ew kitchens,leaavs ep otu ndetrh ec oun- tertopf ort hec art.C ommercially madec artsa rea vailabwlei thc utting boardto pss, helveasn dh ookso nt he sidesfo r utensilsT.h eJ ohnB oos CucinEa legant(em odeNl o.C UCE50) shownr etailsfo r 5800b, ut simpler cartsc osta sl ittlea sS 1 00C. heck Photoc ourtesy kitchencarts.cfoomra samplinogf of John Boos thev arietay vailable. 7 SPACE.SAVINGT IPS FOR SMALL KITCHENS Pantryc abinet Add undercabinet ,1 ,,,"i n a closet lights Movings omeo f the bulkieor r seldom-useitde mso ut of the kitchena ndi ntoa nearbyp antryc anf reeu pa loto f spaceL.o ok around.Themrea yb ee xtras pacein a nearbyc loseot r hallway wherep antrys helvews ouldf it.A pantryc ouldb e ass implea s adjustabsleh elveosn w alls tandardosra moree laboratbeu ilt-in cabineOt. rderc losept artsl iket hoses hownh ereo nlinea t easyclosets.com. Irr I.ilII nl tilr f- fiilI ffi Goodli ghtingh elpsb ym akingth eb estu seo ft hek itchensp ace. Dimlyl it or shadowcyo untertopasr eh ardt o worka t.A dding undercabinleigt htsis a greawt ayt o maketh ec ountertopmso re usefulwhilme akinga smalkl itchenfe ell arger. It'se asyto wiref or undercabinleigt htsw itht he resto f the wiringd uringa kitchenre modeBl.u ta ddingth emt o ane xisting kitchenr equireas littlem orei ngenuityO. therwisefi,s hw ires throught he basemenct,r awlspacoer attica ndp ullt hem throughth es tuds pacetso eachli ghtf ixtureA. sa lastr esortb,u y plug-in-typuen dercabinleigt hts. *i n Opens helveasn dg lass-frocnat binetcsa nh elpa arl' smalkl itchenlo oka ndf eelt argetrh ani t reallyis . ORGANIZYEO URK ITCHEN

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