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Prlce £1 50 Free to pr|soners FUR REVULUTIUN RY ANIIRCHISM Anarch|s & sex Class struggle |n Chma _. ...;_=;-;J.y...“..-='_l.|."&-...;-:'-u..- Th Ard iti d el Po o I 0 -.-.v-.'1'--.l-'n-='-=.1"1.:-.f-|-|=_.'-I---4:1-._-~. . =u---,:..v.v:=1.|--...---1.9.-.-.=.-.._u.r--.1w:_'=.--__=--__:.=~||._|-_.-'--;U..v..1=1‘-.--__~.---..=._|--1..:......-.|=..-......-...-.. . .0'=_5,".».-11.-.==.__-..-,;-r:..-._..,.~-..:--_-;-.‘._._~--.-:.v:;;:r\~4._.'._,J_..__-.._._-..;-.''rJZ.-.;..;.-g.u._;-5._=..._..."-. — :'_---.-3 H;-=__-;__~,--_..'_..~.. =-__,-._.-_,;. __ -..-.=:;.;,____,.5..=-".7 ,3;. _,.’.'_,;_g1_'fT_{.;';_.\. . _ . ._..,,,.. -- ' ..p . .i=.i=-‘:-=;#.i.='.‘- ~._ 1._-- .. . . - _1-' .-._=_:_1:..-;.;;r!.;,:.1.!-_:.-__;-'_--_-|-;., .__. . _,_a. _,. ',. -. ...' ‘-_.'_."-=.-_.'.;.-=_-=».=.=__-=.'.-..- \._ . -I--=‘..-... ~=, = |__ V.“ _v _ _ V _ : : _-_..-.-...- ..- —-.<,.-run. 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"'"' \:.-_- ‘r-.--'-<.=;'=-¢.'.'.z..-.-.1.-<.-~';.'=';:..f=¢.'.=' afe free diverse consensual ISSUE59 MAGAZINE F THE ANA CI-IIST FED R 1 I‘ ’ '* ,1 ./' if cf’ F ANARCHIST FEDERATION Safe, free, diverse Er consensual: sex 3 an anarchist Organise! is the magazine of the Anarchist Federation (AF) and the Anarchist China 12 Federation Ireland. Organise! is published in order to develop anarchist communist ideas. It aims to provide a clear anarchist viewpoint on contemporary issues and initiate debate on ideas not normally covered by agitational papers. We aim to produce Organise! three times a year. To meet this target we positively solicit contributions from our readers. We aim to print any article that furthers the Within the Anarchist views on sex can range from the idea that ‘anything goes’ between objectives of anarchist communism. If you'd like to write something for us, but are consenting adults, to the more traditional approaches of what constitutes free unsurewhether to do so, why not get in touch first? broader love between individuals. One thing these diverse opinions do have in common, Even articles that are 100% in agreement with our Aims and Principles can leave however, is the idea of sexual freedom and the opposition to sexual exploitation. much open to debate. As always, the articles in this issue do not necessarily represent anarchist Nevertheless, being pro sexual freedom and anti sexual exploitation is open to the collective viewpoint of the AF. We hope that their publication will produce wide interpretation and can encompass diverse, and sometimes conflicting, responses from readers and spur the debate on. movement, analyses from one anarchist to the next. The next issue of Organise! will be out in late Feb 2003. Within certain historic anarchist traditions (as well as within the left), there All contributions for Organise! should be sent to: AF, c/o 84b Whitechapel High Organise! back attitudes to has often been a significant strand of ‘puritanism' towards sex and any activities Street, London E1 7QX. It would help if all articles could be either typed or on disk deemed generally frivolous. issues (PC or MAC format). Alternatively, articles can be emailed directly to the editors at: sex and We all know the story about Emma Goldman dancing all night with the blokes [email protected]. at an anarchist social event, then being chastised for behaviour not befitting a Back issues of Organise! are still available from the London address. They sexuality tend revolutionary (we know about her subsequent outrage too). We also know that Anarchist Federation contacts: cost 20p each plus SAE. some sections of the anarchist movement in the Spanish revolution have been Issue 19: The Poll Tax Rebellion to be pretty accused of similar puritanism, and the idea that anarchist and communist London (and all other areas): AF, c/o 84b Whitechapel High St, Issue 27: LA Riots; Yugoslavia; Malcolm revolutionaries should somehow live their lives like ascetic monks or nuns still, in London E1 7QX X Birmingham: AF, PO Box 3241, Saltley, Birmingham B8 3DP Issue 29: Debate on the unions; Italian varied. some quarters, continues to this day. workers organise Leicester: 73 Humberstone Gate, Leicester LE1 1WB. The novels of 19th century anarchist writers like Octave Mirbeau were classed Issue 37: Pornography; Booze, cigs and E-mail: [email protected] as pornography by the literary establishment of the time. The dope; Moral panics Manchester: PO Box 127, Oldham OL4 3FE. Diary of a Chambermaid portrayed the sexual habits of the Issue 40: Work, work, work; Art as a E-mail: [email protected] bourgeoisie in such a way that Jean Grave commented, “What weapon Merseyside: PO Box closed, contact through London Group Issue 46: Lorenzo Kom'Boa Ervin; " filth and decay there is under the pretty surface of our society”. Syndicalism South East: AF, PO Box 375, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey GU21 ZXL To be fair, Mirbeau's proletarian anti-heroine, Celestine, was Issue 48: French unemployed; Haile Tyneside: PO Box 1TA, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE99 1TA8 certainly no sexual saint either, but the emphasis on the so- Selassie; Revolutionary unions? Wales/Cymru: PO Box 7, Pontypool, Gwent NP4 8YB called sexual ‘perversity’ and ‘depravity’ of the rich at play Issue 50: GM Foods; Who owns the land; Scotland/Alba: AE PO Box 248, Aberdeen AB25 1JE, Scotland/Alba. War in Kosovo; Ireland - the ‘peace’ clearly implies the notion that sexual waywardness is in some E-mail: [email protected] process. way bourgeois. This is really not that dissimilar from the old Issue 51: War in Kosovo; Roots of our Anarchist Federation Ireland: Anarchist Federation (Ireland), PO Box 505 Belfast Militant Tendency (now the Socialist Party) telling us a few movement; Land and freedom; East BT12 6BQ. Phone: 07951 079719. E-mail: [email protected] years back that homosexuality was nothing but a bourgeois Timor Issue 52: Mass direct action; East Timor; disease. Websites Youth resistance to the Nazis; Workplace notes Anarchist Federation: www.afed.org.uk Victorian values Issue 54: Civil war in Colombia; Humans Leicester AF: www.geocities.com/leicester_af/org.html and animals; Giving up activism; dissent Added to this, is the enduring effect of certain elements within Manchester AF: wvvw.geocities.com/anarchist_federation Issue 55: Land and ecology; Kropotkin the women's liberation movement, which led many feminists and tribal society; Mental health AF Ireland: www.afireland.cjb.net and their male supporters to adopt ‘puritanical’ attitudes Issue 56: Anti-capitalism; Riots in ..~=.» AF Scotland/Alba: http://flag.blackened.net/af/alba Oldham; Anarchist culture towards sex and sexuality, and to embrace censorship against ...,"*6'¢l"'-1-1-sif-~.*__<-1,.-2'=..+r'.j-.'»_'!.Y~.*'=.,‘r.:?"_'._“~3i_;'-_z"-¥“.5"-'*!=*»,i==°_--“=-.-"-»i"~="-'_--5.2_1_?r-H'1,"‘.-_~i-ii-"=?.'_.*-:‘"._"‘-_*.~-.._*'»"-="_~.':P-'4~0_:--..v-'.-"_.',-_"-'.-,.-‘"_""='Fi'-i1*.’-_;*.-_"_“i'‘-wi-_'-’i¢t"'-*“‘.-,,_.;_-"'=-"--~vE-_<=..=_-'»lI-"--""-.-1'~;-;."*i""~if...;'"’,=I“;.&.-_-'".,=>_+.-'-..-;._~-.»._"-..-".-‘-"'-.-_,'..“--_...*J'_;s~}-'.3_<-#*,_?f-'.1=_I-1"<-_"-_-r;,-‘-.--~,-_F€*==i$5'~.~'.--.'*.-1~---‘.t_i:---='=_-=_‘,*-e-’-.fI.-\*{.1-r..,=_-=--'.~ .=\'v._ -.-_..':_--.."|'-:_--.".f.,_,~',:.-_-._,-'-.-»_._-~...~=-.-._--_;..._~---',--:-1_.-;-~-:’-~-.--..'.»-.>-.--_--.-_.i-.+-s_~-..r-~.--.:.-_.::-"-.~a_-_-w'-"'.--_="'-.:'--'-~'-.-_'--1'-.,'-.--'-.+':~.-"_'--"-.-'._-.'.--_."»'-.-'z-.;.=»..;':--.'-1-.--'-"=="-=:---»1.-=~L;=-.‘--.=--=!s<.~=.=-»_:»='=.-=':4l§-:,>==-=-:4=.=;.-»;--"a,-1'-_--.'--w--e.~,-_-.-,;,---.-~,-.-,_--';,.,-, .~, -.-_-1'.-I=‘=E:,-_rr=i='--,--.-,-.'.-; - . Issue 57: The war against terror; Class pornography and all kinds of erotica. e~¢,..r,,.,»Jfa-;£s,.,r.eL, -JPea'at=s;,;..g;?is--J . 4@~,1a gr..a.t-.:g.". .,i,~,.,_\é.=.,;;i.\,~i.»;:~“c.~;5,}g~1~@’1~w;;;~,~Ee,,;M~F.. y _"_rfier.. __ ,;,M;g%L.~_....-W -‘(Q-Fr . Lf.gi , .twat?it.,.P_?,¢.r, .,,_.~,...,.T,\y1M? 1»-,,;..?-.,g,;.2e..§~*,?,,_h; .t.,.~- . =..,;,J,.i_?{,{._..,,_.,,_£;:;§,*:;,i.,‘;&,;...-$5?‘-.¢,??;;;5.,f.‘,.,-A war in Argentina; ADD; Primitivism --P-1" "- I » ---- I .- :,?,§:%~ Without doubt, many positive things came out of feminism _- ». I "ii . is vii’ “‘“~ *1?“ ’ we ~.¢,$“*,z* * “"5" were». is ii.‘ xi’ + tafif” ’ '=';."1’' .G ’la?I *‘ ""1,,.'_" ' ’ ""’1"'*1";-"'"ey;~@-'r<.’" ' "'1' " ' /-i"n.F,_' ‘‘'F.Q}.i-T‘‘F ~ '-I“ibfi'-*=:-.-,.:- "5'-*’ hqirgl ‘?‘*~ g ~.?q‘. 1"‘? 591$, wk ‘vi-,;_ ,.-3, "I ft‘-' '.H;-2%"! .*-..L__F_!j-I£2§|..-;"I“" i*’Y-.-",*2;.?IJ!»fi‘.'i‘5'‘-§‘;--i=1r."._".!;I;,,f‘l-ifig-f’y=fln;r-,5"..-.-»5; .;'1 Issue 58: Argentina: what next?; The 2? ' Ir" a~' Fr 1'... . _ .'~" "§. !- - . ' '-F ’.. .-. Q? . if2' - . -.1 _ --1:,. .- -- ,-I .- --.-. - -' '-'-*-- '- - -' ... --.--.."-1‘- '- 1 .. '- ."-;‘:.--;'=' -..-3' -2'52‘. '-'-4».-‘-'-.-'..‘ .*'- .'-'~£.r-.- "-'-'11: -'~-.-."-_.' .'. J.--" - r - ". .“i -' .‘.-I ' and the women's movement in general, yet a major downside ii*.g’.§5‘i’“_'-w='${§._59;fl§.i5§i,.,iti!EFr.>1’,.§§,‘a;'_~";}f",r'§i1‘!+\ri“=-‘_",fi:.f§5g¥=e‘§&‘5‘j=_1_ii;=;@§z:,1_fi; €.1%-f’~§.3‘ §i.*. _-\-_[-‘-u1-;.-'=1 .*“F.1era-'¢zl;§1§“,‘_3’§§;t3i'..1=’,.R,;*r'.;','F,’§r.2;;.,-‘="-*.=.*'-'’-----r,. 9%@-. .’*-.,-.,..--"'3 -671$.-:3-Q5--=--. 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"-@'- in .;'.-"3’'-=2'-."""'I-.r4.;-?"i‘r§-£5’’8I. and Anarchism; The Yellow House; Peace .i..- §*§ré’i§1#-.%a.._J’~$.' 3.W. £."_' -%-ra‘_“-' .%_ e.-i,_§§. .I#. %-,$_~s§§. f%5§ '- §$3 b._*;_;:-..__-’_e -’",a=y,§%;5.- .. $1-3f," s1'53it 1-. .Q’ Q1, _,|""§'l’B' 5"? . ef%$ raas fi%g@fif §;§5;;,-..;_;s §;,§%§% .. éea f.as réggfit exploitative towards women (admittedly based on the very real ,’.,‘.'-'.- " .=~»- ..-'2‘,2’-_'~ -‘ii’ . --. -"" " '*'--1' - -. '" ‘ " ' ’ ' " '-."'-" ""-:- ' - ~ $5?-'-.-_.' __ “"' . 1» - '- .. ' ' .~ .'-.-'- _.-[‘1;'-_~_,~- in Northern Ireland? ;'..I;,-"I -, L -é“£1 ~._5i;,-i_ii._i-.r;1<i:;a--t.,_is":5:=~a__§’ig,$g§,'@,1%'y§??£i€ij§t?-'-_ -'7 3 ..i-I§;:"»,-- .~.». F f‘ _ ;e»-a. Eiga fiflm:'-§~,'§1W%=,?,I:fi*:ii'fi_r“" 'M§E'.i%ii‘! i"5fini”5§" H fig "J1: !"~ aie*iea’eirr$W*r»iii'a‘i'§~wei.e=» .-. - emQ?’..= ~efies.‘er - ar~ae‘Iii""t_' “iii ‘r . s-5...?‘-i" i ._ . .. . , 112- - . -- *- $51» .,,, ,., ,, i My reigég ifs;er§€r, _';_1,;_ ery.a_,' % fact that many men do actually behave in this way for much or waxsiit§5i:§§i., efifi eaa% wkwgfem-g i *?“ ‘1.*.§$I?Q.‘ 5;.-:?':-E3'-*:‘i:‘+a-1.»-.*~5=,,., W’s%ge.e"_e5;;e'..,1 Alternatively send us a fiver and we'll , 2? i gr -. at -8,E,¢',-_:¥'5‘; isit ".-- "- ---v ~ <4“ r .-' - *'~ -=1 _- - . . at least some of the time), whereas women were always seen as : iiIa. wig i ~ <~ ii ., it r~ at A -.-. ._ - .<‘ ~. =--.=='..a' ._ - .-,._-' - - .- send you one of everything, plus t-. g-’-F4-"-., "=-.-- '-:3.» 1" .-$5 .' -.;'.- '*-..-,-'-- - +-'-..i'-" ',\',-'-'_-.f17'fl':""4..' .,-.'. ii ~. r .. ., :-'._~'s_M-_».i-f -.1"ea»ea*...- . ..r .‘ if a .1 e‘ 1+-‘ ,. e » ,.t.iH-'. .5 , 1ii-<i."".'....i"-r.1*.3-,-1:a‘. .-‘r-»..-1a-'»r:e- mi‘: j.j:'~¢§ H? 1; - ~~ . e ' '~ figa-r-e@§%¥$ : -- "?~“'9-a ~ .- . Q-"--' whatever else we can find lying around. I victims of male domination and oppression. For some feminists I-'."il*-‘fl’ -'-'-'1'-"’ ’*i‘*‘*@e= '-1---Q‘0‘if'-,_;.a_:'@.*.-'-.\.- <--. ‘.-L "- .. ’--. .3.-_-_{ .-' r 1.1’-'--'.-1-.-.. are "‘r P4’-‘r . 5 -1- " --‘I .-1-- -I = .. --'-.’- --'-- --‘.¥r5§,*-.- r. I-''-'--."-.“..’-'.-..'=.-F-' P“ -h; . -ggfgflig,-J15?- ._ .‘.;~I-5;. ,$ e!@?g§?é%%és . ‘-. éfig ;§",a%§5@'-5; $ w%a .%{§ ~’-'?.'~. -..-_-H,.,._. .. .._-4_--,_ _,»_ l_. _-;g.agIL‘ -+'r}' *1:-.,__‘.->.~_¢.'£ 4,1,... _ rjf-F ' _ '1; l. ,..-._..-..- . ii . *1.-'__ ' -__. '.'|l§'__‘’,;-_.._r@_i_1!§;.~..' '-:;a";- ' 3, ..1_"_ isy.-_.f,l’_.,_., - !‘,_:;.-,, t-._I-J-"-v'_-1-'=» _.-_._,-'-_'§- _ ,,-'__-"---_-;-,._.__'-.-_ I ‘~_ .._,;-',_ ~=.-. , - I-..;_-_._.:__§_(.,:,.‘,_|I§!:.. 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'F§_._~.=‘='5r=,;_. -.=\_.;,_.-.-f ~13§,.._ ‘E’-I} re. 1;, '21-iii _.‘-v.'_H'.-A‘-_Q'12»*|.'\'3':“:".1'%E‘-‘-‘1-‘5,'\2§'-‘:.>:1 n=.-_r'.r... 1 iifie1..-“ii'a-’ ‘J?-‘.117it.',*.'~iL;,,§ "--1.-'_.-r; =-.-J.-I= @ '1.-..1,-'-R» _‘_"-.-_- ;-._-}j._,;-'- .-.-__§-j"-§...".1,_-.;*-,:=;-,_--:-> there followed from this view a giant leap of faith, in which it =_.-.-__.;.;_:-_'_’, fin --L ,3;J._a53r:'- -we ‘-~.- __4u.-Q; - fr.» ,g:Q§.p-. ~52, --A" 1-X.r; - -.»-1:45;:-2r‘*é-__:'§'P-;.}-,|;?- a -31;."*"5'n1,- Ir; 79---_-1%. -- --qt-E1. 5%; __ ils -,-1 ---1.-,:,g~ ;_.-1 "5-.-#1 =-.,- ?;- -I’ “.',"4t -___ , at _-.--_.__-_-J_.-_.,-,3,--_-_ _-_.._ -. -if .__-v_- _.-.--_-_.___ '».'_. ‘F.-‘,__J;'_.-,-,,' _'r'.-,?"__.’-f -_r.-J-, *i"%§“*§@”a*‘§§%".#i'Z§?%";“i§i'i,§r§*?'i2i§§‘§i”£§"3=ii Ia We 15?’‘ 5$:.‘5iii’ §»%§‘~*§§7W*?é.€4?*,%?§§i ~*g"3”fi”n%%~ i?@§’.§it *” §3% §- ages .27- 5 a ..< a“’*@=l=.='-s ‘fig?’ gt -Hg, ‘ii’ sassy: ,. fie; i if Aasgatgsi an are +¢Z§,’r~.<, 1'-454,1 1%aswse Iian “"*~7i’-a“'z.a,, .5’ a - -';-'»-1’i-a=%.‘~'.IF -- -~' gms‘gr. w,-Qit-51,--,¢§§§§,i5'-r .,, "- - --, _._ ,, ~ wJ-e,,§~;-gfiiFig’l ‘--‘ ~. -;,,.£.~.‘file. - -S~-fi6.r1~*-.-_,-,1 _- '- - = I ,,.€~- ._ .";£19,--~ 1», .;-.,._._’ -_ ;.-. _-; .- Second Best of Subversion, with ar|.icles ., :5? "-...I'7-i--‘ * n% QI§ I_-.._ -' _~ .;- we ,7? ', ~- Pa er!’ .e-‘Fig? "-if _._ lea l:r,r;%‘§&'-=1zi.,'- -.;.;-1’ '.~! *.-. asE-e li ‘ was alleged that all men were either actual or at least potential » wfia -- ti? gFr ,g'‘»"§“**~‘a* '2-“ifi'»'";~RigM,sa'1te /"‘ -" afl$1i"g:-l'. "'-1$5-,”? F, "“*5‘ '-‘*"~;, §@,g;{_g&"1-.1.‘§i.'r~=ieiirgl ,5;:’§"& % “Z:..,-,,"7:,;.'a.,-;~.=7,-”“”.¢1,-=‘»J=vL=""*¥e',§?5@@‘q?;,I.i“,,€€e""a‘n3.-'“se”"e"’=**,gi.‘.':;-" J‘' vieti-3 .a"i.%§£i*” '."-I. i” *.%=.%r-a-itat from the now-defunct paper, .S'ubv¢.-rsion. . ._ . _ . . . .,,s,._ . . . ., in Ar as - .1 * -‘ r .!___*_,=r -£ , ' .>if," .l..‘- : ,3? HI. ,\— "Ui», ‘f _, "P J ' ' it-"'~, ' 1,_.»',_'.- ""a"te’s """' sexual abusers of women, while women, on the other hand, ..-,._._.;,.__,_,»é.;-..._._,~g€_=1:,,HIri‘;§~;.rir,,;§,3~.;;s‘g’r,,»e¢i;..§zt'riMg3,.ii 2M ve:*i’*~@'*‘.§=‘§yr r§ama.§'3~!-Wig§er.,et;f._§..@~.r:;,.€.,.?.-“fi‘a.i»..,..». :1:.»;§.i.*:f§’rI::»>6';>;»as:.miigi;iiIgrrii-.iiieiag We.,F*g.,a;~§;€1%;¢.;?;;.(é.i;g.r’§.,.§,i§ie1,.;; E, ., ,1. r W it §.;,,,% if *_ +r~*.._;fi\ They are free from our Manchester fig.’ r-_7; _ ,3'.;3-., gig. 1,. _-_atV ’1,.1}_;:_-__‘L- I;_i’__ v_,_1___.1__1_,._,,4“-é _' Q)’ .~_:5_9._‘-'i;;\1:'|_. ,_...__-'1,, qt, '_-._,._"=_1-_F,;.;‘_,-_'_:__‘-_1._.:E~_5* ,!'_=_.§. . 4 __‘ .N_ ____.>,| .:_.__,,;. _‘g'_-i-gs-_;_ _If-J.r "_-_‘:w.v_e’;-..iti“ {,'_'.'_ Z-'.i_,:;-~as .-‘er. fiéfi‘ . .-. $11‘ ., E.1.-.§3_=a.s;.$_‘-P-§»?.:_91,_-fa:.; 1 =\', N ;"1 1 _? -¢. FEt I_H._ x-‘ in-. if.” 1, 1..I _.. .3,1,i~* __ ,, a~.fl ,1 »E.1‘; J ‘E.’ ,,r--x W5e5' 1 -.,L.,r'1 = were seen as fundamentally saintly and almost asexual beings I. -A -v A if address. 3 2 FEATURE FEATURE open to corruption by men; and those exploited victims — seems to me to be safety rules of ‘no physical contact’ comes down to is morality. What's educated, and the high clergy. But women who, by doing things like one built on a form of conservatism or between dancers and spectators and if really at issue here is that people use during the French revolution, greater actively going out, picking up and liberalism, crypto-religious moralism, you don't mind being gawped at by their bodies in a sexual manner for free sexual expression and the fucking blokes (or even entering into with a large helping of sensationalistic some bloke or blokes, then the money money. “And only a really, really distribution of pornography really relationships with ‘the enemy’), were media mythology thrown in for good isn't that bad and pays a lot better exploited person would do that, came to the fore. In other words, it in fact merely living as the dupes of measure. But only a smattering of this than most other working class jobs. It's wouldn't they? Or someone became freely available to us plebs as men and their patriarchal system. view is based on the actual reality of also the kind of job where you can psychologically damaged... sexually well. I remember reading about the Subsequently, this ‘asexual exploitee' sex work or the sex industry, which, in come and go as you please and the abused as a child... a helpless dupe... early days of the Portuguese revolution view of women holds much in truth, is extremely broad and multi- hours can often be quite flexible. True, someone on the side of the enemy... of 1974, when the fascist dictatorship common with the bog standard faceted. Yes, sections of it are employers usually discriminate by only Well, how can any self-respecting had just fallen and all the forbidden religious ‘woman as madonna or horrendously exploitative, sometimes employing women deemed woman allow herself to be objectified literature was suddenly becoming whore’ mythology and contains more tantamount to real (non-wage) slavery, stereotypically ‘attractive’ or ‘sexy’ and in such a way?" freely available, so one could find than a hint of good old ‘Victorian and being little more than a means for by having an upper age limit - on the Well I'm sorry to say this, but it's as works by Bakunin, Kropotkin, Marx values’. Sadly, even the occasional commercial interests big and small, basis of that being what brings in the if some of us haven't really moved on and Lenin sitting alongside an anarchist still clings to some of this legitimate and illegal, to coin it in. paying punters. from Queen Victoria's day and sex is assortment of porno mags! patronising moral baggage. But I'd say that (certainly in this So as anarchist communists, our still the big taboo it always was. Sex And historically, it's also no Under capitalism, everything and country) many sections of the sex attitude to a lap—dancing club should for sale, sex as a commodity, sex in coincidence, that when the reaction everyone is a commodity, we all have industry are no more, no less be pretty much on a similar basis to public, sex in print and on film, off- begins to reassert itself, both Bakunin our market price. And whether by exploitative than any other capitalist our attitude to a cinema or a foundry beat, bizarre, kinky, fetishistic, and the sex magazines are the first to > selling our labour power as workers, concern and other sections still are or a supermarket — in other words, it's wayward sex, missionary style sex, in go under the proverbial counter. or by buying things necessary (and about as unexploitative as you can get about business as usual. But, of course, fact any kind of sex at all in a public Neither is it a coincidence, that with under the Obscene Publications some things not so necessary) as under capitalism. it isn't that simple, is it? Why do arena is the issue. pornography and so called ‘illicit sex’ Act. While some of the material consumers, we all exist as part and So to generalise about the sex people get so up in arms about these People who choose to attack the is illegal and severely punished under classed as hard-core can be decidedly parcel of the commodity system, of industry too much leads to a very clubs that they want to campaign to local lap-dancing club but not their some of the most repressive (and dodgy, and even dangerous, it's also no world capitalism. limited and naive understanding of it shut them down more than they do the local petrol station do so because of incidentally anti-women) regimes in surprise that some of the more A Sex then, is no different and is and says nothing about actual local rag trade sweat shop that pays personal morality/moralism about sex. the world. interesting, non-mainstream, least something that is not only marketable conditions there. ‘illegal’ workers a quid fifty an hour for Sex makes it a moral issue because if ...if pornography stereotypical and sexually diverse but aggressively marketed under P Now I tend to think of lap-dancing a 12 hour day? Is it because in the i we were just talking about a simple erotic material finds itself put neatly were the food of capitalism (as we all know, sex sells). clubs as, well... crap. But in the socio- former a woman has the audacity to economic relationship, then it really is under this heading. However, when sex is bought and sold economic scheme of things, within dance naked or semi-naked for a few as humdrum as the next industry. But love, this would be Anarcho-sex with bread and — whether via pornography, j capitalism, I'd put them in the above hours for a half-decent wage? Or is it we're not, are we? So, when certain butter! prostitution, etc - the left, pro- ‘no more, no less’ category of the because the campaigners don't want to anarchists single out the lap-dancing a Big Mac... censorship feminists and some system's exploitative industries. In have (admittedly not very) naughty club or the adult bookshop, they're not Having said all this, pornography (good anarchists have a tendency to see this lap—dancing clubs, there are usually goings on behind closed doors in their basing their actions on a class analysis, That's not to say pornography is a and bad) is of course just more trade as somehow worse than many strict neighbourhood? but on what they think is morally good wonderful liberating thing in itself. It spectacle; something to be used by the other forms of capitalist exploitation. And why are people much less or bad for the rest of us (which isn't. The vast majority of pornography passive (usually) observer. Sex and inclined to bother about campaigning actually brings into question their (particularly the soft-core variety sexuality, however, are not passive, but Lapping it up against the local rag trade sweat shop? interpretation of anarchism). This produced by the big corporate media things we do, things we actively As an example, a lap—dancing club Is it because it's ‘just a bunch of elevation of their opposition to the sex empires) is absolutely dreadful, participate in. Which leads me to the recently opened up in Nottingham foreigners’ working there and they industry is a personal moral choice, reflecting very sexist capitalistic question, can there be such a thing as and a campaign was promptly actually don't give a shit about but it's got absolutely nothing to do values and only seems geared to an anarchist view of sex or even an organised to shut it down. Now, I refugees working long hours, in with either a revolutionary class appeal to the dreariest most sexually- anarchist sexuality? don't know whether anarchists awful conditions with little or analysis or with anarchism itself. repressed conformist male. Hence, if The fact that certain readers may were actually involved in this no health and safety regulatjpn, pornography were the food of love, profoundly disagree with some of the Revolutionary skin flicks campaign, but I do know that and getting paid piss poor this would be a Big Mac. points raised in this article means it's some anarchists see such a money? Is it because working in Another disturbing thing about pro- It's interesting to note that such very tempting to answer no. campaign as a worthy cause. the rag trade is at least ‘honest censorship ideology is its (possibly soft-core trash is quite freely available Also some comrades may argue that I understand the arguments of toil’ where no one has to get their wilful) ignorance of sexual openness as in any newsagent or high street WH it's all just a diversion from the real the pro-censorship feminists. kit off? Or are people just OK about a liberating even revolutionary force. Smiths; it is actively promoted by struggles against capitalism and the However, the view that pornography having those kinds of seedy things It's no coincidence that during many mainstream media and distribution bread and butter class issues. (and in this case lap-dancing) in some going on behind closed doors in their revolutionary episodes, pornography networks and is seen by the Yet I don't think that an anarchist way incites men to commit violence or neighbourhood? and erotica have played a significant establishment as acceptable and view of sex and sexuality is in any way rape against women is very dubious. Now when talking about what I call role in popular revolutionary culture. pandered to by some of the most a diversion. Also, the simplistic overview of this middle bracket of ‘no more no Sexual images created for pleasure conservative of institutions. On the Moreover, I believe it's not that far pornography and the sex industry in _ less’ exploitative sections of the sex have of course been around for A other hand, hard-core pornography is away from the so called ‘bread and I general — which is seen as a place industry (e.g. lap-dancing clubs), I get millennia but usually they were only seen as dangerous, subversive and is butter’ class issues as some comrades where the women involved are super- the sneaking suspicion that what it all accessible to the well-off, the usually a police matter to be dealt might think. 5 4 FEATURE FEATURE Food, drink, a roof over our heads delegate... or maybe a little ‘mass Hopefully anarchism is about sexual Intervi0ew wiI t an anarc 19 st and sex are all basic human needs. action’ would appeal? freedom, openness, honesty and I I OK, the lack of sex doesn't generally Sex, of course, can often reflect equality. And when I say this, I'm not kill you (as is the case with social realities, but it doesn't have to talking about everyone devising rota starvation), but being sex-starved can and can be totally unrelated to systems to see whose turn it is to go seriously fuck you up mentally. Having anything we know or have on top. The honesty is when people said this, many adults do participate in experienced. Anyway, let's face it, sex are truly and non-judgementally in a fairly regular sexual activity and of doesn't always work too well on the position to sexually express course sometimes it's all very good, rational and philosophical level (except themselves without fear of being while at other times it's not at all in articles such as this). And people do labelled a pervert, a deviant or a poof. For two Years Mistress Organise!: There's a popularly-held they were allowed to even look at me. enjoyable. Added to this, the fact that all sorts of inexplicable, weird and And when people are really being belief, also prevalent among the left And, if they displeased me, they more open and diverse sexualities are wacky things when they're in their sexually honest, some weird shit can I/911115 I/VHS‘ a and some anarchists, that anyone cleaned my bathroom out with a vigorously repressed not only by the purely sexual mode. This may involve start to happen. And that, in its own professional (particularly female) who works in the toothbrush! There was never any sex involved in family, church, state, the education things like playing out sexual power way, can be quite revolutionary. sex industry, is in some way a victim dominatrix in central and has been forced into that the ‘sessions’. The sexual energy from system, peer group pressure, the mass exchange fantasies, fetishism, the client is derived from the playing media and of course capitalism in transgendered activities, etc. Often, situation. How realistic is this view? London. She's also an general, but also by some of those the reasons we like doing the things Mistress Venus: I think it's very and reversal of power roles, from a anarchist communist. important to make distinctions form of humiliation and degradation who adhere to apparently more that we do cannot actually be progressive ideologies; rebels, radicals, explained, nor would we necessarily between workers in different areas of absent from their ‘normal’ daily lives. So, we at Organise! That's not to say, however, that I leftists, anarchists and communists. want to explain them either (just in ‘the sex industry’. The role played by a Consequently, although not exactly case it makes something we find really thought we'd take the girl working the streets is very didn't, at times, feel used, or stop and starving, I'd guess that much of the exciting, suddenly seem mundane). different from the role (as that's question just exactly what I was doing. opportunity to ask her world's adult population is at least Nor does that mean it's unhealthy exactly what it is) played by a In fact, at times, it served to reinforce sexually malnourished or sexual tastes or activities we are a few questions about professional dominatrix. Speaking from ideas I'd previously held about the undernourished (which can lead to indulging in (or want to indulge in). personal experience, my decision to exploitation of women by men, this. problems such as lack of self Unfortunately, psychiatry has work as a dominatrix was purely my particularly, in the case of a confidence, depression and other traditionally offered medication and own choice and was something I dominatrix, sometimes very rich and mental illnesses, alcoholism, drug the asylum for any wayward and wanted to do. It was an extension of powerful men! ' addiction, suicide). So I'd say this ‘bizarre’ sexual tendencies in people having spent years going to fetish To my ‘clients’, situation is something definitely worth (particularly in working class people), clubs and performing as a fetish addressing by revolutionaries. and bourgeois society at large and its model. I knew the scene, the roles I was the media likes to label such divergent played and exactly what was involved. Deviancy embodiment of people as ‘perverts’. I had no illusions about it and I was in There's also the problematic view It's important that we never fall no way coerced into it.I kept my day their desires. which I mentioned earlier, that any into this line of thinking. If job (working in a shop), worked when I sexual waywardness (usually labelled revolutionary anarchists were ever to wanted to and unlike many, had no ‘deviance’, ‘depravity’ or ‘perversion') start denouncing anyone with a ‘non- monetary pressures I was forced into Ultimately, I stopped though. I is in some way a product of capitalism, mainstream' sexual orientation or supporting. chose to give it up. I wasn't interested a bourgeois trait. If this is the case, preference, it would be a total disaster I must admit that the approach I in, or enraptured by, the money it will sex in an anarchist society only be not only for anarchism as a philosophy, took was a very practical one: I only brought in (and these guys would pay the kind which is firmly rooted in but also for our class and for future ever worked with at least one other up to E120 an hour, E30 extra to be anarcho-communist social reality? Or humanity. For me, the revolutionary dominatrix, who worked as my ‘maid’. pissed on!). It was something I chose more bluntly, does this mean that any anarchist attitude to sex and sexuality And sometimes a male colleague to enter, and chose to leave; a choice possible future anarchist communist has to encompass the belief that stayed within the building and helped many ‘sex workers’ don't always have! society would be relatively ‘kink free’? sexual activities and relations should set up the ‘sessions’. Sessions were 0: You say your ‘clients’ worshipped I, for one, sincerely hope not. A sexual be safe, free, diverse and consensual; pre-arranged, with the ‘client’ and you when you were in your dominatrix future like that, sort of reminds me of acknowledging that people are queer, myself both discussing our own limits role, and you also talk about having the childhood view of the Christian bi or hetero, ranging from the and expectations, though obviously not power and control over them. How ‘Heaven’, where you have to sit on a monogamous to the polyamourous, all sex workers are afforded this level does that role fit in with you being an cloud all day playing a harp. And, from the disinterested asexual to the of co-ordination and support! anarchist? quite rightly, Hell always seemed rampant polysexual, and from the There's a very different attitude MV: During a domination session both much more appealing to me. Hmmm... softest vanilla to the hardest edge from the ‘client’ towards a dominatrix, parties are consenting adults who unless you're into sexual fantasies playing SM—er. At the end of the day, if compared to that towards a girl on the choose to perform their particular role based on the socially just and it's a safe and mutually consensual streets, I think. To my ‘clients’, I was — whether it be the role of the master, egalitarian cummings and goings activity (however weird it may seem) the embodiment of their desires. They the all-powerful oppressor, or that of between the workers’ assembly and all parties involved enjoy worshipped everything about me, and the weak, oppressed slave -— and member and the mandated local themselves, then what's the big deal? I had the power to control whether 7 6 FEATURE backyard ‘separatist’ attitudes so prevalent choose their own limits. The session is amount of interest in fetishes such as between workers, both within the an escape from reality; a performance body adornment and modification same branch of work or within where the clients enter the realm of (tattoos, piercings, scarification etc). different branches. Once this is their imagination, and briefly live out And when it dawns on me that I am This article sets out some of the main problems faced by sex workers in their achieved, and we all begin to realise fetishes that are scorned in this making a living by someone ultimately relationship with the State, and concludes with a brief interview with Jenn that our strength and support will society. controlling what I am doing with my stem from our working together, then Clamen of the International Union of Sex Workers. The roles we play mirror the power- body, the element of how much choice we will be stepping closer to self- based capitalistic society we live in I have over my body and life has to be You're self-employed, running a legal government and organisation, as today, a society of greed, oppression questioned. There is a feeling of small business on a tight budget and opposed to resorting to being and subversion, a society of force, having been exploited, felt by nearly want to advertise your services. For represented by a body so influenced silence and pain. This is in no way everyone who has to work hard in this most, a card in the local shop window by, and affiliated to, the Labour Party! representative of the lifestyle I choose society, which is based on inequality or phone box might be just the ticket. By improving communication between to live in as an anarchist, a society and division. I've felt it whether I was But not if you're a sex worker, it the various workers and branches, and based on equality, respect and self- working in a shop or in an office, or as seems. achieving the de-stigmatisation of the government. a cleaner, which were my previous industry by society, we can begin to Domination is a game, the adult’s professions, but the feeling of having Clamp down co-operate with one another to create version of what children call ‘playing’. your own body exploited is a much Though prostitution is legal, soliciting a united body offering, for example, It's not real and, for me personally, it more raw one, a much more personal on the streets isn't. Until the Criminal advice and information, and giving does not reflect elements of my one, that does leave you feeling Justice Er Police Act came into force in emotional and practical support for personality. I enjoy the sessions as a ‘naked’. 2001, the prostitute’s tactic of people, both already within the performer, as an experimenter and as example, religion, violence, There is a big difference when advertising sex by putting cards in industry, and entering it. an exhibitionist... It's the attention I exploitation and inequality. The role of money becomes involved. I spent years if caught, face heavy fines, up to phone boxes was legal too - not We need to abolish all forms of crave. The thrill of power and control the dominatrix temporarily reclaims going to fetish clubs, where all the £1,000, or 28 days in jail. anymore. It's estimated that 13m control that are so common within the is a novelty in a game, not something some of this power and hands it back ‘games’ and activities are done by One operation in the area covered cards are distributed across Britain sex industry, and abolish the different that I desire to be present in my ‘real to the woman; one might almost say it choice with willing participants, by right-wing Westminster Council each year and in 2001 BT removed levels of power; we need to work as life’. I think it is very important, in a is the man who becomes the exploited everyone enjoying the role they (all-part of its family-friendly tourist 150,000 from phone boxes in central one so that we are all informed, safe, society based on freedom, that people However, I do consider the ‘sex played. But when the exchange of strategy) led to 60 card boys being London alone — though it didn't stop supported and united, as opposed to should be able to express themselves industry’ as being one of the very money becomes involved, the element charged, though none of the women schoolboys swapping cards in working alone through force or need, and their fetishes and fantasies freely vehicles used by men and society to of choice is gone and the realms of were. As Jenn Clamen says: “The real playgrounds when the Pokemon craze in sometimes dangerous conditions. and in a safe environment (providing exploit women, an arena where ‘body fascism’ open up. If people are agenda is not getting rid of the cards, died down! Apart from the waste of Sex work, in one form or another, will all parties are consenting), whether women use their bodies as an object going to pay for services, they expect but getting rid of the women. money, carding is now attracting always be around, it always has been, those fetishes involve being whipped for sale. And being a dominatrix is still you to look a certain way! Prohibition is unlikely to drive sex severe penalties as the police and local and it's certainly not in any danger of as a naughty school-kid or dressing up making a living using the ‘being’ and Hence the feelings of exploitation workers into convents but harassment councils clamp down.The police pose disappearing - whether we live in a as a nurse! body as an object, regardless of who creep into the normally pleasurable will force them underground where as clients and get the addresses of capitalist society or even in a wields the so-called ‘power’ for the areas of your life. there is less access to support people selling sex. They are visited, moneyless anarchist society. O: Earlier, you mentioned that your duration of the session (or who holds networks and where they risk more warned, often the landlord is informed. Sex work takes a myriad of different work sometimes reinforced issues the whipl). 0: We've seen the positive initiative violence." With most landlords afraid of being forms and is entered, used and left for around the exploitation of women by Often, yes, I was left feeling as of the setting up of the International charged with abetting prostitution, a myriad of different reasons. It's just men. Did you feel you were more though I had been exploited, possibly Union of Sex Workers in this country. Interview such a warning usually ends in that in one of these societies workers exploited than you might have been in more so than if I had a more But, more recently, however, at least Organisel: When was the union eviction. The woman (and it usually is within it will continue to be exploited, other kinds of work? ‘conventionally acceptable’ or ‘normal’ in London, they've affiliated to the formed, what are its main policies, a woman, sometimes with children) is misrepresented and scorned by that MV: During a domination session, the job. Regardless of the fact that I GMB. Now, obviously, the AF would how many members does it have and moved on again and again. Their very society itself, and in the other one traditional, stereotypical gender roles enjoyed the role play and enjoyed the see this move towards mainstream what do they see as the main benefits livelihoods are lost as it takes time to we will have the power, ability and are usually reversed. During the escapism, the costume and grandeur trade unionism as retrogressive. Bu[;a»s of membership? re-build your client base. Immigration motivation to both be ourselves and sessions the female dominatrix of the part, I still felt as though my someone who's worked in a job Jenn: The IUSW was formed in 2000 officials often accompany police, and govern ourselves! becomes the power holder, taking body had been used by another person generally identified as being part of and now has 100 members. It has women working illegally are issued a control over the male. This is a as something they had control over, the sex industry, what do you think is recently affiliated to the GMB and its deportation order and dumped at the mirroring of the patriarchal society we simply by the fact that they were the potential for better self- Sex Work Er Fantasy Branch has 40 nearest airport. Sometimes the only inhabit today; where males paying for the session, paying for me organisation among sex workers? members. way they can raise the airfare is to traditionally have the ‘best’ jobs, the to dress up in a certain way and MV: I think there's huge scope for The main demands of the IUSW are: head back into town and go back on higher wages, the positions of power behave in a certain way at a certain potential, just as there is between decriminalisation of all aspects of sex the streets. If they have been in society and the home; and where time (even though we could say the workers within any industry. What it work involving consenting adults; the trafficked (smuggled into the country) the male is seen as the all- ‘ same about a number of roles we play needs, however, is for various right to form and join professional they may still owe the traffickers their authoritative figure in control. in our life!). obstacles to be overcome both by associations or unions; zero tolerance’ fare and be in immediate danger here Throughout the world, history is told I believe the body is the last aspect ourselves and by society, and for of coercion, violence, sexual abuse, and in their home countries. Cards at through the eyes of the male, and of our lives we have any control over. barriers to be broken down, for child labour, rape and racism; legal flats are confiscated and the card boys, women are repressed through, for This explains the large and growing example the barriers created by the 8 9 FEATURE FEATURE support for sex workers who want to work because of the lack of proper will demand the girl see a particular most are confident and self-assured. Decriminalising an area where sex .ij._'};,._.;-;. ,.~_-..--.'-;:_.;,-.,;-._-,--...-.-__---,._--..-._---__.-,-.,;.--.;._--,..-a,.-_.-»_:;¢.;-.,_.,-;;-;:.;:,_..-.;t_;---._--_'--;3_:.,:.;-.;,;y:.;-,»-...--__--,...'-=_,-..--,.-~-1g:.',,-_.-_:--.-*..---_-.-:,_-,-.-.,:-_..--.,-',.-'_-r-;,=-.:.,;-__--...-7_;-:.t-,-.-_-»..--__--.,-_-.-_-_---..-__--,.~1;.,-.;'_.-__--':.,~...--_,.--.;1‘:,5-=.-._~-;.--',.--;_.'-..---_.--.--:5_:--,».~';._|'-;¢..:-=-.=~., :-'.-:-= . . .. ._ . .*_--.-_-'.1.~-';_':;-.-,.'.-_-=.1=~-_--:'.--._;--.."~~.~‘._':--§=.,.,=~.-,-a»;.--.,--.-*».-'_==:.=-,--'-.~,-_=-.-_'.----'1.".--,5'..-;--':.,- ..... _-_.-,._._.;-_.;-5,;_;_-,:5::_-,-._-_:;_-.-_-{.;_:.~.:_-,.:,;.-_;.-.~_-5a,._:;|.=_-,,-_-:_-_-:-_-_.j;_-.'y;,I_:,_-_;_;=.~_-_.',-_-=_-_-_.-_-_:.-,.,-_-;;_-;_-_.,-,.-;_-.-,~.-.1-_;_-I-.~_»,.;-._-_-'.-y-.1;,|1=;‘_.-._-':,(..-_-‘..~_-_.',-,:,-_-'.-_y.~_-;-,-=.-_-~'.--.',-:.',-:;-'.-,;;_=.r-_-.-,r.'.~_-.'.-;;5:_-_-._-.;_.'.-.--.,".;-_.';_-'..;-.'.-_.‘ '-_-,~;,.-_-,..-_-,.1._».-,-..-_-.'.-,-.~-,' sue those who exploit their labour; the laws. Sex workers are exposed to a lot client she may not want to see, or _. := .- - .-=:-'=. ."-;- But in general, it's the law that gets workers can work, shower, and see -_ =‘..-..-'.--'..-=.-=,~..--.,-..--..-.-........-..--..--.1...--.=-.=..',..--.=-.€-..r-..'i =-= . ..--‘..-...--.,--.--.-..--€--.--.,--";--...i.-._,.*-..--.... ...- ....--.-...» -. . ,. . __V "-'1 .':.---:1-': '-‘.-'-2-'4:-'-'.=‘-=:=...-e'-'.-' ‘-.--'.1.-'-'.--E.~-'.=-.-.-=.1 := -‘-=':.:.---'.-.-"H:--.'-‘=.= 1'=.=-=9 right to travel across national of violence from punters and pimps, if perform certain services like oral sex h . I i.f -"5 ii E' ‘' . .=.:~:-:-.-=:-. "”."" '=" '-' -'1' you down. punters is another. Residents need to . -----. -- ‘ . . -it .: ?’ :-. -' 1;:-TI.>'%IE;§:EI¥:i:1E.E:'1;1?:?;5:5iii: .. _ #':.- .-' . .. , 1 ._ -1 . ,3f='=;.. 1-"i-5-LI-i-:1';'?i'I-}?i'i-;Iiii=i-i-i-I r -.i,-_._.-__.,___f,T,;.;.;;‘§,;_{#_..%_£-=. .r__-.-‘-2..-,-'1',-__._.,~r_-‘lg.-;;._-_;_ _-Q1,-.!,-.__:l::_-;3:lr,.;._-.i.|‘#i.T‘._, -:.;-_r.5-’_-:15,,-,-.-‘:5\.!E-;:.;$_.|_-,-,:r.1,-a";,1.--F1-:.|,-rfii,-.;:;fr-‘E;..1%b.;;-rzi-..--...-'.1.--'."<:’.-=;',-.-=’:.-“,-,-'.,-,-'..--;=-"‘1;.-=.-,-P-1-~'-'-;",’,-_:_.-_ boundaries and obtain work permits they have a pimp, because there are without a condom. However, the =-.---.-»:.-.,-----.-..---.-!:;.---..--".--:-;-5:.;,.:'--':;;:.---.-.~-.-.'-.-'.‘-.'--'-.;;_--:'.'--§"==-l."-'.f-:---‘.-2'-.--'.‘"*-.-H-i-t'-!=.-'-;.-.'..1..--.---'1-‘=-=.---''..--'1-'."t.-I-‘E'=.1=.--''.-1.*---’.;,'..--=-.‘-..'--.-:'-:--.='.-='.-'.:.f : -.--''-:-'~--*-t--'.'.--'.'-=:==-'F:'i--'.' -.-‘---.'--!--.1--'-.--'-..~‘.1-,-.-'Qr: .:--‘-!.:---'-.-..--"-.--..--=-1-:.--’ -_:=-.1- - acknowledge sex workers as residents =-I.--.-‘..1-'!’-.'.£=§..=.-.-;:-’.-‘.1::-11¢-'5'.-*.'='-'.-'.,'.=.;r'-‘-:-- .'.-;;'.=-’.=.-i-;-'.'.".’-&-.'‘=1-<14'i=.'=+'.’:r3-':',-=-'.=:1?; -i'.= !_-.:.--.-;.',-_-:,-~";-;".|-,¢.-,;r,..1-;":,.q--.,_-..3---.:-?-;-:..§--:q--4i"';-;2-.;-""§..-,"=-,'-..':.-.='-.1-‘..15-;.-1 ,‘..-‘-..'l.}w..-7,1:--'_:-,.».1.=-f..,*.-..,,.,: '-_.1..:.-2'1;,{..=g-._--:.=_.-.i- - I-._..L,.._..,-..*.--,=-.-..,;-..;-:,lr:,-._}._-,..-;;.'--1--;;.,-...-,.1-,;J-..1.,,....‘-;,J..,.,r .,5.,.._.:...-.~-...,... -...1....-F. ._:_--;.:-;,-L___-_.-.,;_-'_.,--..;-._,1-..-r.~,-..t,*r',.--..;-_=_.-*--...,t¢--..-_.-_.,,-=.__»-,...'_,t;.i.-%.':_.i.-_~.._.i_-.»,..'i,----i._;f“l_:a_---Jr---._,fn,|~\-»',...-..-....1:-...’-1.-1.;£r‘d-";._-‘;.,.-.-.--'..1.-_;..*,_.-.-_-. -__-?X1-,_.,;:.--_r...-,».: .-1~1.'..-_-q1.-;r..,.'-_-=g..._-a,.-1le.-_-.r*:-_1.:.*',--»-.~-,*-:1;_--.'-,---..2_',-;3..~_1-5-,_1,---'1,---.-.l5-'..-_,r..‘_.-..'-_;.:,\,;.'_.-|.1r__i-’1-.’-1I.I.I.-11_-.1',-.'-.,-*'.--"-2--5.‘».-,1.-'=1._:9-_1’_.‘-._$1_-'1.|.‘..,,---:._.--=..-.,r--__,---_".-.'_-.*‘.1,-_,4_..;,._':.=_'r,;_r-...-;-.-,.':.;.'.-1,.- wherever we live; clean and safe no laws to protect them. If raped or answer to this dilemma is simple, ,M-,-J;,-._-.-=.1== .---..-1-- --|-' 'r-,-J .--_ - ' -,-r-' .. -1E,’- -F" -'- r'.t_-'.=*..-'=_'.--_=.=_=...--_.--._‘..-*.1.1-,'.:;_=:-'==,-r=,-r'.= 0: Some people argue that street and come to an understanding ;.1 sj.M~.=.- .1? aa- places to work; the right to choose assaulted, proving it is difficult move to another sex working job. If a ..-.‘.-.'..,‘..=..-;'-.'=--'..'.';-I£.--'?_-.2r_-}'1..'e-3.-@.:“-.':-5.?--'.’'-:5",}»r?-._.¢i=.~:.§@.=;*‘j-5=€'-1''=.!'-1§.-1"5--?"p5::4£1=r1é‘=i-_.-5.’5r,-’-i-f*i--él'‘~ii‘f'i--.‘l.?1~g!’§r'.:'-§$.-E-!1*L-aL’i~§=.\.i.:rer-:siI;5E-W"2I.Y.Q1‘1..-:i.i.w.a.s .it}-1r=1..4--_e..#a~.-=_js.--¢17.=-s.-?‘.§.-§:i.i€'E'#¢5=%:§'§-.fi¥.-~=.a1t.-!’=.i.;"t-E=''==.2-§.:..1;-r1..-et.1.',=?I.»-ri..§-.»r'~K_-*iF_r-.-é.'‘.=,.-§'.--'.1.r;-i.t={-*.--;_;‘=,i,r-.;.e_§--rs'-r.---..F-=-1‘...5~5-%¢,;,s-.:_--=-.-';...§-~'.:-‘~Q.''{-..'-~._=-’.':=.-.*_,.:--.fi':..--='a''.-.;l--|j':i:=--_'.;.-r-.--.‘-‘i-ii"t’-F-.‘--fi'.i~e=.?_-:.*-..*-*:F11.»..--'-,-i-'"f--i=t2~---i.'#--;.;’[email protected]_.-5.‘1..'.:--. =.~."-.?a=t1-'._s:fi-w-_.=e.itj-=i.-=,-‘-r'-.s¢:.§a-.''=-'.=1>.=,;.‘;.i».~'-.=...t=.t.---.--'.=.'-§':..=-,-.'.,.'-.=-.,-.;.-='._2=.--11.=-:e--5'..=11-=-1-_'-1I-:.'=1.-";;--:!’.-;.+::t;-~g,r-'-..15-'-I:*-.5-'-.."-a‘,.=-;i'_-.=--':5.-=.',-i--.5.,»'= prostitution attracts kerb crawlers who together about safety in the =-‘.--'-_-'=-.=;'.-'.=-..,-I.-»_,--»;E'.--.,,-'-2=;-*_’:.--._-§-‘..-|.1’,1§.-;_-.;,-f_'=.{j.-,g;.-y-.-_.I--»4r-7'=,-,_'.--'I.I-;'.-_-'-.-.i-'t-"._._-=;i:._..-.,--_1-_-'-.;1_...---§-‘‘:-:J_¢-.x''.»--,_"'¥'---_:.-.§=.;»-=_'.:.'--1'.:-,''--...:».r,-.''_3-.-‘--'}y-_--$,-‘=-.1-,=-_-,.1jf..--_.’~-.-"¢,--:.1..|1,-'._-=..-._41-y--r‘.r-._..--‘_,-1""-:1=1i’n.1s-;_.-_--n,u.;-,r:-a,-t;-'.--._.==..1.,--5;.1-_.-!2‘-135%:5--“.;...q..-jQt.-,,--:f1r,5-';-',.}'=...---,'-...1-_2.--,-.-.,'..-¢-'-.,E-.';..'.=--_'....-1,--E..-..5*-::',i.---5..:-;_1:-.5._,‘-r.-~1_.:.:--..,-..‘..--._-...-|';1I_.--.'-.'-.,,'=s..:..1.-'r.,;=.,....=,--'.'..-.-j--I9'-."-.3.;--1,1-*;.-'i-;-‘-_14:!_.'1--._---3-._'.-:.*;§'".=-.---5='1:,.’.-=1_._‘==.1'-{,--‘;.'-2..--’5---:*x.i--.'|--:_..-1-_I"-:_=-v~5:Ié-‘.''..-'_.--.'-1-,-:.‘--.1':--.‘1,.-.1_.2-'-.‘?.r---_'-.=*1::'5=.2'P5;--‘.i%2t1-.1_-' ... .:,1-'.==.1;;.v;t1..i-r-.G¢'.-g:..-'.'5;;-I-=;.e$=2'.=.1;§;;;¢t3jfi:§4\é1ia.-';’,;;@c*.w»;g?-iv->e.=.r-¥.-'.'.i-ti:-?==.=-"-;:r»>;-'.%.'.-r=’3.=.=1’=.-.~'-.-1-I:-I-W-=:.v,='i<'-.-'i1=g$=;'.=.12.=.1==.=-in-:-v-zi-..-2..-5;;-?;:=.1,i:.-2*.~.-2.'--='.=43-.-..;.-=-i--'=-.*r;='.=an.-:»i;=i-'-.-I--is-}'~'.'-1:‘.Est .1 _.- ., .-'r.-': _ whether to work on our own or co- because generally the population woman wants control over her --.-=."--:_-.1-.'-=-;=,--.1.=..f1--2,--:-.-'1..~-.2,-.-..r'..:---_:1.=,'|-.-.'~-.-.--.:.'1..-_---':-=:..,-..=.---»,fi-,_.5,t._-‘-.,41.;-1-'-.:,;1--_._:-'--.I..,3.~~'_-.!-.-.-;.,---1,a...-:_r»-'~...'.~-'f1_--.'*.-"-.'.,:-.,.[..-.-'.--7'1'-.:l-P.y_',--.J||p,-1-'..,,..,r‘.,.\.-,’_I4...-'.a.l'-K.-P_5-..-~.;t:,.:-W]:is'.;-.J--u..''.-.’-f_".'..'-.-1_$,_-'1.-’;.r5._~'.;~_-‘1K,.--..-‘'-_-5‘-..=‘_=i.1-._:-1':-_1:-e-“1:c",-,.-',£.'-_--I5_,.-"__:-.-.,=1:’2,-;._,-,-..e;.1;-'-;.-."L..---.,[1---r-..-~-...'_-..-»-''..:_.'--,;'.:.’;;-2,*:.-‘1.=-.?;=--.._-',-1',-..:?'--.',,.#-:-_*--..'~:_1_-'..5.-5!l.;-’;,--,:'-.--,‘-:"--.,._-;Y<,.1-,i':,.1'!<.'-:.:-‘H£._.-,>F,!.'-.,-.\-.,'¢_1.'.1-..-‘-?,---u..-,-.=_,-,.---,'r'--'-..:‘~.:--.."-.'-‘-'.-.-.-'5,'12.§..’r.-..---?-"’'.--".-_.,:.---~.''1._-=.."~-...‘:-L-is..,.'f1_---.-",...~-.—j.-.'-..'1.,-.-.';.-;..-_.‘_-'....i1,.-..'.r-.-~-:.-j.-1'.~!..,;--2I,_'-;.-,')-,._-j--'=--..,=.'_-.a.1-,_.?~-D.'..'_.1i.-:.--j.-1'.-'-.-'_».-';.L-‘_~-'...-, accost women not interested in selling neighbourhood. _-.-_-.-,-.'-;:;;.-,-_=.- =-'- .-_-L.'. -' '' 1'1 _-‘.2-‘r, .-‘ .- 1. -,2.;'.-1‘: -, .. .- , ,-;-..*'..¢-_'.=-.f, . , ' --' ,~_=.~' ._" ' '..-- f--._'..-:.--_1.‘1-:_1 .-- .,- .-.-;'=:_-r.-=:,-_-',','.'.'.¢'.-;:,_';_:-:|,:=_.~_._.-.',-5:‘;--_:r,--:-_-.,,-.1., aw-séi .--:.---.-.-.-?.r,1,-.=,-_.._,.'_.;.g.-.-: .-.,r.. ...». ....-i--',:_._.,.,,,. ..-..-‘...-..-, __.,.-,. .'_1I ..-'.'.-.__._,,.._-.--'.'._',.,. ,.-_.._:,,._.,_.:_.5:‘-"1'.‘-"£1|,1;:,=|.':;,-'-'_{:‘1)'=l‘|';E-*1},i_':,-F.-I-.',1:n'::' operatively with other sex workers; thinks it's part of the job: many business, she will seize it. --.._--.-1._-..-.--:-..-';--:.-==-€.=..-1'".-...=-..._.--,-...-.2:'-»:-.1--' Qs.-:1 F :.- .-‘.1 -.-.-'---;.------~-;;r------ ---.-'-,--.;--1-r1~ ..- -- --- ----- sex and are perceived as a menace to r-;-1-'.i-=.-I=;=.-1i-i1'.=:-.- . .1 .1-'1 ‘-ii!""1-' ”-‘.' .51?'-$1.-z.-. . .-.,t'.a‘ '1t < 1-'-{'1-2-‘ ' i.1‘."".,' ... .- .-' '-i'.i -.’ ' :.- .. . r _- ' ~ :1 '-‘ F.t---;-1.-:1. ii’ -L.-.'.-' '- - '--...." i i.fifi .-.. -'' .1 .. .- .' -.. . .- P.- -- ...-.-_.-5z.:-?-,f-_.F---_:-..1i-’i..-:1A-_..;;--'._1--.-;.-.'-..'!_'-’:if,-.-.-.,s..1:;i':.=_s-.t--=.-;:fir-§;;:_=.-_'.=2_.=-,--_..',1-t-,.--..-17.:-&,-..1lv,-=,=a-.-?_?.‘t-'t_z-L.1-j.._,p_H1_;-.1-:.=.1’.’,§.1.3'?-5-'.'.*-..a..--,=._--,1._--.-:5-,..-1.,-.'y.-'..='.,-.~_.-='..=*_=~0._-‘;m:.‘'*p1i5?-‘-1--'.5-.--lq"g-..-.--'M.-=.,,--’.:.-5_->.’-:1.*1?'1’?+1.-.,,~=.:--I--21:5."-..'}-I.-’=.,1,5=,1,1..5-3-i,.--.1=!,--‘.-.1'-J.-.-.55-,'_-.-''..*’.-£y=?I--"a-'m.-'!»-".=.-';_ .-,_1;§:,-jg]-'5,-'_-’."F;_l£{:;’.F_r;;}_,-‘:.-I-‘:;:=5,:_:I{., 5'_:_=__.-_v,~.;._____.,;-¥.-;1:-.,-'-_.,,-z-'__=_§.'-'5::if.1'-;I1-‘.;:.-5{§.:g;,i=;;_;_._'.-‘.~_1;.=_-;.,]-;.;,q.=.-' J--_.-;-'35.3.-.;§,=.551.-_-.;.-:.-{-':.-'=_='=:'_3;-‘j.;-'-=,.-=_r.-‘ _.'.;-;.=.-_.;.-j '5.-3}'s,;.a§;j-;i§.'.-j-'_--3_-.15.-;-1. the absolute right to say no; access to women who work on the street will children. The trade seems to attract 0: What change in the status of sex ',-"-',.',-1-,'--‘_..--L,-1._‘“.--_--'.,--''_.”‘-.._1.'. '.._'..;7._L‘..._'-_-., 5-‘.*_-Q'1i_''T,1~;-"_':!_-*_*-.:,-,-..-''i,1,.-__'-1‘!,-f.‘._5-''.-‘.;'-_.'.\'-’';._'-"-..-:'1J.,.;'1i-!.‘.-§'-..-‘.iu-‘F-_.*'fI.-"--‘;..‘..---‘.-'s!-".Y....---'1a...“--';.b'.>-.!,,'.:',.r-,'---'.,"J.".EI:.-'.1=._‘-lu:-.'.--’.-'-1-;..‘:.I-'--.‘-."-r-1':-.'-i-'[email protected]'-.-".4-.|-"-irF.-1--..i-=‘.--r-l'.‘._:-1-~-I.._51-.M--.-1._‘---2'r--_'-..:'*,.-’.;1-'.-'."'|'.11.1‘-.-C=--;._"-nI’?--,---"-'3-."?:--i--',‘Hw._--'I.---._f.-.-'Ii,=}-_.-._".'.;v]‘-.-_5:..,‘Eg-'1-'-':'ir‘._.--'-_..-1=1.,---'‘,--‘--:.‘t.l-,L1:-*._-i:-..-'-='-..i.---.--.-"».-.'-,-...:--_'1--.-_'.,1'.,"'-..'';.,'-:=.I_"..--*.-.I..._--'..-;‘r.;-.-‘:=-.~-51-.-----::.--~'--‘-I'»-"r .'-'_=:'_'_-=.:-}§jr.'{:-."=:-§_'':-'~.'{.=-"i'.'-,,-l''-,.$-._1-%-.,--’.-,'1".*--5r-1-;.’-__..;-.__r-----..?-'-1‘_-v_."--._-5.---.:,-;-._-f;:.::''11..,--_._h,--_.?.-_.-=.-ji.-»5j=.'..--|‘,,-»’._.l-..-.__=--_':-~=I-a-i_=_-;!*_1‘-=I,:-,g1.;-..'~-1'1_.3.-5-__"-,,3-.;-'f.-r1,';-a3'-__..5-'I4:.--Lr;,'._.1-{_:.-P-'-=§x:.=';_.i='|'_rh.',.§-_-.-$.4.-j-.='=-'."§-;;-,_'.'=u=;;;.--,'._---'-._!.1-~'-'--'1;;5-'=,~_,=.--;_1-r-‘",.-1.~'.1--=I_,r-_:¢.‘;:=J-.--_;r.=1.;=.1'.r-\_=-.',,--r_’.|-..--1_-.*1.~-..l-.--=_1.=!--="*-'-14X;-{E[_r=,_-._v.''§-..-,l»i._--:.--"._;-‘1.I=-1‘‘,.-'_.-_11-.:-."''.._'_-?'.:'_=-,_.1-_-.,‘;-_‘::-’_rg.,-_-._1"-.2--'-;Y_.-11_'-.-."'j..1,}._s,.-i-=54;==1r.-'---,.-i'=,~'.;£'--;';1'_.-§.-:-r.‘-_5.fl',=-_=.-',_:-’--j. _ __ --,-_.-.__.-=_..-.-.'.._.'.1.1-_r.',-.‘.1-.,_=_..-.-_.-..-,.-_‘__-_._.-_1_-..1_-_-'.,;.-_-y._-,-.5..;-_;=,;,-,1-_.-=,,-:_x.=.-...-.--.-...-;-um,-.=.,-,3-,;.-=--':._.-.,-_-,-.,-=_|'.-,-,=.-...-','.-.'_:-t_-,1),.-:.-;_-'_-.-,r-{-‘W;-1.‘.-§;.;:E5,'_.;'-.,-_:._,..-.-_-'.-.-j1,-'5.-';.,';.1:.;'.'.-_-;.-.-,1..,-:.;. training — our jobs require very special tell you that this is exactly what police O: I/Wiat is the general attitude of ':.':..=-‘.-.-‘-"*1-.=.r’-25‘.-1-'r.-.5'=-=-‘1---'§"7.-='-'-.-2;‘;-.-"‘-"I.-'-.--'-..I;-"-*-.1-v:-2-.--'1=1€-!=--1---=.*.¢-=-.--'-=="'~~=.=!-‘=-.-.=-f-1.-.-"-l'= - '.-R-.-'-i-'-'1.-'*:.-‘:=='.~.'-1'.':;r!"-v=-.-’:--'i!---'==.l=.-='-.1r---‘£.'=J"“’==.=.--'=':.'-'-.-'-'.--'-'.-.»-&“-‘-.-'-|"=5'=.=r.-.-'-€==.-.- -'-.--'.-.-‘.~.- crime — especially drug-related crime — workers and society's attitudes to sex I -" -'=.-'-.1 :"r-'-‘. |" 6 .- "' _, _ . ‘F’-"'1-|5_.f'._5:_1,__ "_ Eit.}.%.;.-1_-_..;.-52%;;_g:_{t.|?,‘,,=.4j.:;_,.=F:_|..;a ', 3" ‘.:1_-_1_.-,1|,-_;..£i-'_3I1I-I _ _,. _X ‘ H,-I, . . _ I._,_8‘ ‘I;1.," 1-:;,'3§-'_-‘-'_',-'-_'.f5;:55.;.}':;-' . - - _ -,_-. :.--’- _._-j.-,--_:-.:_-,._.' .:-_."_-..'..% f,-,.‘_, ..I ‘.-15$;-:--; .- . .-'. W- ._-.--,_‘.--.".--_ ,r_.'-_ .-- - ' a.-:-_.',-_._<__"_.,_-j.-__.~_;,-_-__ __. . skills and professional standards; called to the scene will say. A lot of officialdom - police, social workers, . and can be a nuisance, affecting the workers would you like to see? access to health clinics where we do women are forced to work local councils and so on? -,._.3-.,~,-1--.-_r~:.__-.1..-J.;-.;'r_..'.-_».~_J.1.-'--'.--,{=-.-.;":;-_.=-1,\’-'-.-.-=-.-.--.1.-,‘---..'."{_1=,'r-:,!.,-_-.-,-a-.'-.;..1-.-.».--.-.--':.-'_1-.;_'.-:.,-'-.-.-1.--,-.-.'..-,.--.1.-;a.4.==,-‘..-5.',-_-'.-_-'.-91:5:._-.-,--'-.-._-?.--‘-.~:-;-'-.,'-=..'---.==-‘-.2=-_:.--=.'-»-.-,»_..-,-r_.---'--‘.1--‘.1-‘-1-'-,1;-:1‘ .. .-.--._--.-»r.--..--'»:‘.-,.-.=-:==-.:.--;-:_.--=-.'.--'.t-».-!-'"-'.-:-»-.----..--H.=--'..-1.-.'-.-.--.--.-- - -- whole neighbourhood. Are sex workers Jenn: Society, and especially -'=.-'-'-'="1.-'r.',-'.';',':=;''-fi'.e-'‘-:‘=5-‘vi’-‘.*'r.'-‘=='.';=‘-'2"-"r.==1€-'.'.--'.'.-‘»'.-Z'.-.-'-' 4".' »'-.-'-':.-2'-'=.’- -'.'-‘_-':"r'".l,'.'.-".--‘.1-'-'."-'.-I-'=F-'-';Z':;':.{.'.~'-‘-‘":'-2".1"'-Y''1.} .-x'-'25"‘.1.-'.’.=i.‘-'- "I."-1!--'»'I-‘-' _"""' -- ' .-"" " " -'‘ .- -i--I-1-;I:_.;I-..__ ,’,i "-1.;1.' ,--;.' '" -:.;-.;-:-I521-;;-1-_ ' , ,_:I- -. .;I-1*.-=2: 1 ';:-, _ __.jf .- not feel stigmatised; re-training underground because they must Jenn: The general attitude is that sex . " ’ " ' to blame for this and should they ply Government, needs to pay attention to ' i:-=-:1:-:3-I-IE1I'If1E._.-.-_§.3i'iI§I§;3;iE13137;.-ii~11-,»1-f3;I1.-j3=I51I"~5153?’i-115-33I152:!"'1iijfI,;f5?iiI3i1¥'1'I_i§§.3;iII?7ii-1:-i?1f3.:1§-"ffL}?:TI‘i'§;§lI;YIil_§'3:i3i;i'ii?3';I-‘j3I-I:'3I‘-3‘5::?3,I'I'.-TI§-l3:.TI=-!-‘j-.3Iii"1.-:I;I§1T;._§i3-53-:?;?Ii;1:i!:1fi;l=f§i[l-.El:.3'3§:" ,_._._ -.,.._..__ ,.,.. . .1 -' ,_. . . . _...,... ,, - _-._. r - __.,-...-. - . , . . ,-. ,. .1 ,_... -I- - programmes for sex workers who want remain out of sight so as not to get a work is a pest. Most councils will deny their trade indoors? what is going on in the world, the fact - . , . .. ....1_. .',.1,._J.3,.1"__. .1|.,r. ..'....,.\.*‘r,1.'. ..*__ . 1'. ...:-.. ' . ’,'.,... .1 " . .-'.-_."' - - »' ' ' . .1'»'- '1"‘-.-' "'_-'.'... .'" . . ._ ,1 to leave the industry; an end to social fine for soliciting. This puts them in that it exists in their area (very typical Jenn: No. Street sex workers are not that London is laden with sex and sex _ .-__-_._-_-._-_..,,fl._._-,1_..,._-.,|,._|..,.,-._|g.___..,.,F;.,--.,,..;.__-_.-_._?;_.;_.,,-_.__._._-.._-.,-._ _ .., . .....-._-!'._-.._.,..._.;,_-.,-_. _ -._.._ - .. ...f_- _. - . attitudes which stigmatise those who more danger, as they are not always of posh suburban areas). At the same I to blame for drugs or menacing work, that there is a demand for it. are or have been sex workers. familiar with the working area and the time they are beginning to use anti- punters. Many street workers are That people need to feel protected. It ._. _ _. punters in that area. social behaviour orders (introduced homeless and can't trade indoors. I would help if the double standard that 0: What are the main benefits of originally to deal with ‘neighbours have been to residents’ meetings most Britons have about sex was membership? from hell’) against street women — if where this is suggested, but it's dumped, that the stereotypes of Jenn: The main benefits of breached they face up to five years in ridiculous: where would they go? sleazy, broke sex workers was membership are that being part of a jail. A lot of the police and general They don't have homes. The main forgotten or changed for good. collective group that is ostracised and public think it should be problem with street sex work (aside generally doesn't get to enjoy all of the decriminalised but still maintain a ‘not from complaints about mere visibility) 0: What are the means by which this benefits of a free society, gives power on my doorstep’ attitude. There are a is condoms and syringes around parks could come about? A and confidence to people in the sex lot of people in favour of a ‘red-light and schools. This is why needle Jenn: Decriminalisation of all aspects trade. Being part of the GMB has the district’ where sex work would be exchanges and sex work projects exist, of adult sex work involving consenting usual practical benefits: discounted ‘contained’: fair enough, at least they to help people dispose of them safely. adults. Accepting‘ sex work as a A A travel insurance, free legal advice, are aiming for a decriminalised area. The councils also have to train rubbish profession and a choice. Legislation compensation for injuries at work collectors to handle these things (with needs to be changed. (although this only applies to people O: And the Government? gloves, sterilizing equipment etc). working in wholly ‘legal’ aspects of Jenn: The Government will not make Safety is the biggest issue in street sex An anarchist view the trade i.e. massage parlours or any efforts to change the law; this is work but I wouldn't blame the women dance clubs). O: To what extent are sex workers the main problem. The current laws themselves for a lack of it. The social As anarchists we may have an inkling able to control their transactions with themselves are the real problem, the context around street sex work does of some of the problems sex workers . . "-" .'--. -- .- .- . .- . -- .--- 0: I/Waat are the main forms of clients and their employers (if any)? nuisance. I think there is a general -, __ . not allow for a dialogue between face. We too lead double lives and .- - -. -.'1_-'..,r.C-T - .-,- _-.. ;, _ ..- . ‘:_ - -'.--_. _._. .1._ . ,-,~ _ . - __ =_-.--j-'‘--_-,1-.-_'=-'.'-.,._'--''..--.---;_'-':;_:5..--'_.'-.-=-.{':-..1.--'-.-'.'-.-5--'..-'.'r--'=,'.:;'--;.'-,1j:'5.-_-..:,--",>r".‘-;i't.,:-',--'':.':,'=-'_:==.‘-:,--"_=.'.--'f=-;-_"-='.-.,’-:.--’.='.--.‘-.';'-."'-'.--".'-‘:,..1-.---.'--.'-'-;'-.--.-''r:-:.:-"--=1.:»..-~;-".-'". " -.-1 2-;=..''-':1=-".. 1- . -' .=- '.- .' -'.. .1 . 1. .- ." .,. __.,.,_.._._._..,-,.,_..-4..‘.,._....., .,.,.,......... .,.., .1,,. 1 ....1,. .. .. ..- .. . ..... .. - - - -- - - _-_- .--_.--.--..--.1>-.-w~.1. .--.--.-.- -.u -...----. .1 , M _ discrimination faced by sex workers? Jenn: Sex Workers are usually in attitude that if the law made more residents and working women. often find ourselves arrested for doing _'._ _1.".__.;'._--".~'-.-‘--1;‘-‘._1.-‘.-_.--'.-_-'_'..-’-'__§_.',-':,.'I‘-".==f1,~,:;.‘-';;. ~5,-I1“.-1;‘''.'-‘,;1_,,-_,.1_..;-__--_:..'E5'.'E:.',:'-vs_:‘.1__,,|.__ -'_-,j-,_-_.=__-'-_-;-__.-_.M-.-.-‘_-."--_.>__;'_:_-i.‘=--‘.,.'.-_-'._-,-.'---‘1_.-" '.I\__I.--_-;.._-;-",-_._'-r__--,_.':-.'--.,-.‘-_.'.~~-I.'-Iy;.<_.3..‘ _--:. |-_I__,,y-..-_-'.'-__,-. -__;._ *§ - --.-.--.-.=-.~-.'.--.1--.- _..=---»1.-.--.‘.----.--.»=-.1--.=:-1 Jenn: Because the law around sex control of the transaction. For women sense, there wouldn't be so many things that up to a moment before ' - work is so contradictory and who work in flats, it's a simple problems. In the meantime, while the 0: What are the IUSW’s proposals for were entirely legal! Though there's .- -. ‘.~.- . -' . .-I -1' _"= 1- .'.=}.-I151 '- 3'11’-‘I-'.-.=. ‘.- Z-‘-'2':-*:.i="' ‘. -'Q " . ' ' " .""i " ' "‘ ‘K " A *1;-;=.-'. ' "' 1- .- -' ' |,,---.'.-,.-- .--'_~_._.'_-_.--_==_-=.,'.,'.'.-,-'.-_-,':;--_:=.__..-....-,-_,--.-..,-,.'-.-.._-,--.u..---,--'..-,_-.-._.'-.-.--._2-...--_;_-.-.,-..',-_-..;;_..-..,,-:_.__-..1.-_-_-.-..- .-,-.1.-._'___:,_-._--.-.‘.-_-._.'-__-.-_'.‘,-_-.,---._J-.,--‘~-'.~,_.-_-,-._ . .. -'.-.':-;,‘,-__r.~_._:'--.-r.- -'.-;-'.~j"-'.'.,'..=-'_-’-'.-_»".-'.1_-_-'.--"-‘-;-_-'.',-.-,-' - ---'--_-- ,-__- -_'. - ambiguous, it is very difficult to transaction. There is usually a maid, laws don't make sense, people think addressing these issues ofperceived not as much demand for our politics as .-I---.-I1-.':--.="r.-.Q'- '1’ Q. i.--u-.r.- =.'."- -’-' if'1' - ii-. .-' . ' -..-'-.;- .--' .-... 1 .-: -' ' - -..- .> ..= ..='.':=i.- - - . ;'. -’Q-.- .- --.-_--:,-..-_-._-_._-.'__-V.,-.-;..-_-:=_..,_:-,-.~,-.;-_=_::__:,-_-._ ,-_.,-_-.-.'._-'.--‘.._-.,-:_-_:1=_ .3.-,-_-1. --'1-;.»_ —, 5.1_-_:_=_.'_._,-_-,->.-_-'--.--_'-;,.-,:=_- _. ;_ -_r.-_-_,._1,--;;_-_.»_-.,~_,-,--._~'.-_-1-.-,-.1-_-2,-_=.-_-_[-._ 1 ’ - y”._:I_r:_,|,|_.|___.|,_:-__._I,i_;I_:_.;..1_,.-_j=:,:,2--.':..-.;,_rr.=:,“_|;‘.E1E;‘;;|._]{-r.v{.-_.',£-_r.,-h'*_,-.,-5.j:-.-_7.-;':-.'qE'-M.'.3=5,-.5.'-..3-1.-.I,}-rr,:.;,-..-:.-,..-,-:.-_-.13_:...":1‘_;.u.;_';j,_3I1l.|..:;;,,.:1_.,..,-_,-_H,~.,.:-;._-..1_,-_;.__£-4.1.1;1..11611_:-_,,1¢=_;_r.._-___}:A.-,5,=%,,.,.;.-_‘;..__-r.;y,,.r-;;._,.__-I&--J_-,1r5;~||.__-‘._._.--¢,_..-h.|1_,__._;r__.:.‘_ .-1,,_.-:.,---r--.:.1|-,_-- _ ' a I J‘ ensure that sex workers can be safe who answers the phone and keeps the that visible sex work (I stress visible ,,.. '. " 1 .,-'!';j-,- '. ' tyy,_*,q;& -,, _ ._.j-‘-,-'.' - t=.-:-¢!'.- a_ , .,-'.-.=_.-'..' ‘ ‘ ._ ; . .. and actual nuisance, crime and safety? there seems to be for sex, more’s the r..-.-=.—-.:--'.--'~1'='-" if' ..-,F '- "'-5-":. r-. -.%'-..--._.'- .-.-' .1-, ':-..é1:,.-';1'-‘ -'‘ -'.--.3';_:-: ,'_=.-_-_.- ,-_.'-',,' -5- '.~ --'' ’- ‘ - ,--'.---';-'‘F ‘E = - ;. -;».': . -' _'-;'._-,..-_-.-.-"--' . ’_."':'_\-"‘.'".-I,'"-’-.-"-.’.-"._'?..1.5.-",-.‘3-'.",i1"."-'""‘fl'.-.|w,l:'..-9-‘'--.=.--"1"" "' n"il"-1*""'.'."-."'.’'a1"1-'-,‘"*'---.'."~---.'..,,'.-'.--.-'..‘2;‘-'--'‘a.-.'-.-"-‘.1'.~-'.'.,-'1...'*:"-'.'-'1"-_1*"-.-..-'-.-..--.'.1~'.-;.'-."..'I".''.-.-*._..'-._-1-1."-.";-..---',1,-I '."".--1r..-.1..-"-*‘-".-"-.'--.:'-.--.--: ; ' '2' " - '.5-;=.-'.'-zfiit-:>i%'J.1*flifi-?-'1.-1-'=i$i?:£i-".<!Fl5-i-.i'miiti"-.111-rt-5-1'-ii-.-’@s:?{i#.@I-‘6it5iiiif1-31.~5"'=?2E.'?fii‘bI~'I-I-2-3if§§'=.ii=2i11'1-I<1i1iI*§'§@.?1ir.'=.i-=$.'3t;-jr-21.1%"Z-it-‘i-It-Iii-1-"-?'=':j.‘._+.=.+<i-:3-11%-I-‘f.'-‘if.-..,-.I-I-1--' and healthy in their jobs. This in itself money, and a working girl. The punter because a lot of it is indoors) is a pest Jenn: The anti-kerb crawling pity! -_.._-__-"._;-'__"-__._--.,_-_.;._-,.-__'....:,,’_,r~.y,.i-,yW-é-.,.a;,ér.-1.-.$5_.5-.5_.-1‘_-.L;.,0¢._._5..,.w,-,1s,'.£_1._r_:1_t.,_ir.._.,_'+__.;._E_.-,£r,-r=t1--'_$.1.,.'_1:..=[-¢._.§'I-Ii_fI_'.i_"_?-,!.:::I%-_f;_.'§_i.;.;_--_;§,;..._:.-i.,|_r.'.-,,|-_._‘_r%Hg1...,._;_-k.._.;-.._X-_.t,$_::.Tjfl-_‘=_-f..-;:-.s:.~"A_=;,=_.,r-§_s.-_31_._&_-_-.55._.‘.;_-.=::€'i..-;.:.,§.-.._._1-_&.'-1°.,7-1,r-_'-.,v,;r,_-;._.'=-;-'_1._..,-,§.-,.‘‘.=.__;_...,_»-.-L-_...._-.i;,T-.._~._-,$-.¢;._.£.4--F;.~..-:_.._-*+,.-..-|-..,-;..-:.5-_.._-.,r-_-,._._....,_1;_-,_.'_-_.._1_”5.-3.._<._:-..;.1'.~..é'-..§1'-,i..-_¢.,-_-,._-._-_.-,_.-.._.,;-.,-p.f-:..-|,=§_:§_5}_?_9?_,;1-_F5'5,_,._:_-i;’._5._.:.(._.:,|.;_.,-I_..9..-V_,_,__£_I_._|;,',-__-_..‘ ..=._..:'.-:~;:=Z-'.;-:- =1 . 1‘ ‘=1'3?‘..l.l‘..-.-1.‘-ii‘ 1'’~ ' it .- ' - - " . .-1 .. . .- . .--.-. . . . . r - . .. . : =2-..=-.1-.'='.-.-='.-,.- --.----.---..;-- - - -. -. . .- .. -..4-:~.1.- -1-ll.-.-----.:-._----'.-I--. -..- .-.-1-.- ..'.--.1."—.-.-.1.-..1.-.,»..- .-'.-r-:r-----.--.'----.-=--'.--.1.<1--rl.'-.‘-"-.- is discrimination. The Government has comes in, requests a service, woman — even though many of the people campaign being mounted currently in 0 We also recognise the truth that 1" .1,-|.-.Ful1l. ._,-.,i.F.1..i.:’r~éI‘i.,;J‘;‘-.|,);fJ‘f.''rl',1Q’,1,|:f,_Q.;-;,.1.r,|.‘1“-_.;'-.Y-|..|'.|._|:.1,.,_,,..-r-.‘,-1",’).I-.-‘,1,-,-.-n__-.’-.m-;{5-,-.¢,.,-r..-.1,--.|,-.-;.1,_|.1),-J1.-'1\. .J-.-. ..-.|_ ;,-.--.1;-.1’?--.--.--- -.-1 :--=1"-.1-1.-=-;-:1-1-2 r.If'-‘i-“;‘.'-* - . ..-. ---1.1.‘.-.--1'..-‘-'-'"'-"~’'|=e' =.’ -_1' .‘-.- ,'-1-f.f--11.-3j11-;3;.';';-".1'-~I-.=, _.-.-1.‘.-1-1.?‘ '=_.'1'f'--'-‘*.1.-‘.-'-'=-=1¢-r-'-'1-. " - "'-;‘-1rI-_-]1j:f,~'-'_|‘|';_il,-}:.1.5I‘.-P‘1'-fixIf-}-I-:53-'-'.';‘-'5-|:';_.i.’_?.'_'_1.-,-j.'.'1-;.',1F,“-']~'_'.'.'?_..'_"'.',.;.-I-1-'.1]{.'J1'.'," -T . .-i Q? ,w.i- -_ L, 9. - _ '.. Q . I_-.;jig 5lg . 2. N,5,.;.__;.1§;,_;.fig-,._-._j, ,-._,.r._.‘r,._._ ‘.1n';r -’ri‘ {‘n"'-‘1:"“r F‘*'\I‘r,-’r 11.’-ii "W1 'r’:’.'1' '-"'w.“*" .- "’.’x"-'7“ .1 ' J ‘ ‘ set up the law to feign approval of sex gives a price, money is exchanged — with this attitude are punters I ‘_, ,1.-1 .,t some areas is not a safe or effective collective organisation brings strength -' ."-' J " ' ‘tcl.f-;l”-1‘.-.*t-.,1’.'-':.'¢-*.-'..-'.-t?. .l ." ' * ."‘ -.-.=-1--.:.»":,-.5-.-=.;,-_ --,=-.1.'I 9*.- --" .1--- 1-'1$,.1 -. . ' .-_ ~ 5' - .-.--. Q _qr .'-.Q ' _. _._.':=,§.-‘.1.-' .-'.-_ r.'- K -' --_-'fig‘_I.' '1, '-.- Q ' .2.-.--.~.. .-.. -,r . -_;-. .-I ..-.‘ .3 . .... .--1. .'-.': .-'a",.= .- r,,;,,._.__..-__-;.1,wm.-.-.-'y “.1 If ,1; ..;.=-,-.-.-.;1-,_..,:....;.;,,;.-=1(.~=,.1.-.-.-.-.-_-11.; work, by making it ‘legal’. However, simple. Where a woman has a pimp, a themselves. .1’ I ' way of targeting punters or sex and confidence. Some lessons have I-‘-1:"1-I-'y':_-.-I-','!=_|':‘"=;_r.. 1_.-,-‘,=_-1'-'.=.=-',i=;i1,-'.-.-'-1,’,-‘-}_.;,,.-flit;'-E-1.-'_5_;’'-'2?-‘$5,-_=.’_=_-‘.7.’-,-'.-f-j-‘A;-‘-'3-’.’§_r§.5{:':‘E,-.-5.-.-"31-9,3, T-.'f’1f"='I-'-_: '.-;-'.F.-1*I13'."|'.1-'-'.--2;. , '.‘-':'.;_._-'-1-3'."£.--'q~_ __.- _. .',=_=,-;.i£ -__.=1-_~,-j.-.1.-E34,-;.;-1.1»' “ ' 1 H,-I-*.'-‘. .1' '.-.’=1.-_;', -_' _ ':-lg_.---53'5..$" yr‘1'.- _i '_:'--j-' = i:_g- .- ::.7|4.:_-:.:,~-' -.1 .1. _ ;._- .',I‘;.1_._.' »_-'!@ _.,-I 1., _I-._ .1, ,F.;-. .,.'-;-1-5; .I,,.-.;-'f§_§r;_,.;._ ..,,:,_..,..,._ ._ ._.__.,T-.1-I-j:=,-1;.-F,.,-:-'-I-'1-fig?-5-it--"I-I1""';1'I-.; none of the activities around sex work lot of her money goes over to him or -','.-'.;',':.l_-'-.?r.-,--‘$1’-'.I:.1l}r-,--'-‘I-'-.1:-.-':-1--.'=5'2-'.!;=.= '.-:',\'.-,';.-.1,-.,i€-‘-.1?‘-'-'-'-M5:-.-.-'-'--t-,1’?.-.--'.-»'.'.1-;-q'.--‘..-'-'=='::-'-.-.-.-r.1.-;.-.-;-'-1':-‘,-.§..‘;._-_.;:~?t.-'=,'-'1l,i-;=_.=.-Z--1.-.3-'.-.-.'... workers; it makes sex work more been well learnt. We would certainly _-:.I-‘-.II1--_II---.I'---i‘-II-:-1-I.’i1-i:;..1___.~3._,_-..5-:_.--‘,,--?1..',..-_1=,.1g...--'_:=_:-_'.,1--.,'-.f-.1''.a1§.--11.’5'?..'--_''-:‘’7fi---.‘I-;-‘-l._ii'..."iu’;-."'a-,"'(.--°.fi1u.-i_".-.-.'.-_._;.1u,’.-1*'$fi1i‘:'“‘i--.',E.=-----".5.'v-.-_‘f--'-..-»_F-.-,,.W_.-4--..&»1.5/'..---,f,;-.;‘.*.-.,.T,,_,-,-,-E..-'_-.‘_.2.-_.1’!--';1.':'-"F;‘..J-17.--'_-‘.,:-_'.‘..=-_‘-.1j;-',-:’_.-.‘1,r-_;_,rr.=.‘|1:_.;_-_.,_y-'.._',__--=._'.--_'-..-,*--.'l,.]1{-.g-‘.-‘A,_--r"''1,J=".--r,.:..'.-é.'‘,---.i-.v-_:.,1.,'’:-.-1..'=..-_11_5-..--I._j,-.--__:11.i.'-.--“-’_r..!--1-."-.._'-_1.-|.r.‘1.--,.*1-.1'..1,'-=..'":-"''‘;..»--_'-;---;F_,j=_...;--.-.?-;7-.._--r_'.:..---._-:'.-L-1-_F-.;-;'.'v~.'.,.-=."=-';.-1;.-'j_::-::"-1'.=_-.?,.'-.-~1'..~-='~§-.:'§r.fi-'-W.'..:--Ir'"-£:-".s-'1',_"-3.’,--.‘.%F‘.'..--i"-i--'r'.--=-'.-'.-."'..='_3..._'--11_.'--Z.-j'=ii-{.;F'.-i-};;.---'1-;'1~..=-.3-§':.-j--.'j2'.,1e_-j.-.,-1-'-.1I.;-;-ry-_-1..-F-.-.-:-.2_:.-.,;-:-.~-=-1;,»,-".;.I;---.1;-;3.--i.1.'--.}[.t.5=-‘_1.--;';,,..1-;--_-;'.-j__-..;,--.-g_''t-'-;. (including living off the money earned) her, resulting in a lack of control. With O: What are the main other ways by dangerous by pushing the women support the formation of more IUSW -'-.'-'=.‘;.1='e.,=.f;fi.'..'fi-''.aI'5=:i'.l'*>w’l.~!.‘-}'i.¢-3'.1'':-'"--'‘--'i{-1it’3iP:&e'-..i'E-l.:-:i'f3{..-"’11If.t1-3>-.‘=-J3.'_-‘":Q“§'1i1a"-‘’..*-T''--'.,i1¢>'-'a-£'1"§-i'}-',"4§i-%P'--."-'13-:T151i-'“:l1.l=1.F-fi"2=i-&t'‘'&.-?S.'£i'1F.?§-.‘'’5:-'¢53‘§’Zi.'-1?‘ii"-#'"-1'E-='..‘'.--'.3F-].'-2“-1’-‘,--v'.i*--:'‘-l1’-"i‘-¢.'-.-11-.1'.--5=.5-",’1i‘Q.-".--’.‘f.-1.’--.''?5‘£-;"9'5.:''§."’i-‘'-.-%':.'.1ii'.=‘.=-',§-.‘[email protected].==-5‘-*5..=-‘..=--.1‘.-‘--‘':-?'1=!-=li-'=I=-=..-1,i'5.-§-e.;.5--1.---‘-H.--'.if-’.-".-‘F.’-'».-".1-'15i--2ti'1t-’?'!‘-".-.~ ";_-'.1-..1:,-*.-.-=’..---".:.--!.--.--;'.-I-'-'=.;.=.='.---1.{-".11=--;-1'.=-.--.-’.1,.-- I in-_.:,..._ L.-_’.if: m.-, _g-.- _.-g-;_._,.1_Q.I».__.-g-.1i1-.*3.-;.- - _.-__,..:';.-I;,-T-_H_._ _.lg-U‘. .-,‘,;1:gr.1,.-_-_J-:3.>...:--.-.'.1-..';5?.1"-..-.1___._;_P5,_,.i:;31.-_-..-.-..-- ;'.>- -.1~ .~- '._=..--.- =tr;,_..;.-i-;-5.55;..>.;;;.-.-;;.-;-;31-; MI;-Ew- , L’;-':{,-¢==’-==;$e,'E§34i;;-'§,L'=-{i,_,;;!yg.=',§-..,*-.=j.*,-,;§:;-.-§),";,.*l_»-,..;;§g=$;-}-2,‘.-_.,.35,-3;-.;-.;§;=.-.3£w.--..;.-j-.-.-..31-aw.-.4.-.-,,;,~.-,1..,,..-,-itfly?-;-a-*.-_-_.;y_.-P;-.1......-.5?-,j,§....-..t<-..|;.-E;-,-,r;,§'.-r.'!-.-'-!.;:',1.i?.-.-q--r,--j{-.1.--'q,:_1-:.:=§.-,5.éri'I;:'§9. -..- is legal. This too is discrimination. On regards to services, however, most which sex workers are controlled by lI-.-.?*...l'.==,--Tj-',-.'--''-5',-’1.'',-{‘-T.-.-’'..''-.'-.'-347._.-:-"'‘1r'?-_5-‘-1-1Y.-'i-'-’- "'=-lP'-.1-.'1;-'..-‘'-''.f-.‘lJ'f'-.“'.".{.-I"-5."‘.- ..""-,.-'-.-L'.~"_"=‘'..'-‘_'-'-".--..‘-_'--‘I._1-,-i-'.'."_"’1-'"-."--'¢'-'1'5';!H‘‘-r"'_.l‘--"\.‘'-'.‘'._~-''c!’="=3l'.*'J '_-*7-'i.‘-4:3’ "‘."'-I‘-'.-’=:-="-.‘“.i'-.I-_.-.-'-'-.’-'-'".-7'-"-='-2'.1'--'"..',"-‘'1''.r-"."_'-'-'_-''-;':""J'‘F,!"'IE"r.'!-'_:--1''-'1-'55-'.'5"i,-1-'..\“?="'‘I-|'‘.§.1’-]'-.'-g-''.-''-,‘':.‘'.-'',-{'-'';.’.'--j"-{'1_-.-*'11-‘.-1“,='-.'-.I--'1‘--''--‘"=1?.IE-_"-"'51.-F'=.‘--'-"‘J-,"-_-'--'-'f-.-I.-.j--'"-''-. further underground and into working branches and are glad to see that sex -.3.-j.j.-.1-;.-.-;_-1-;.-.-‘e .3,,r,- --'.’=4-.._-.'- --,3.-' 13'. -.--‘ '. . .- '-;“' -‘e --y‘-.5.5 . .-." -‘- --.- -\-_ '-',-,;.‘.1__ _',;-' _ _ _._»,-1.~.-3: ,_. ' _:.|;¢_.;,je,.;_;;..;.;i-1.-11%;!-'3. -;;;- - .-.‘; .-$1fir -iii,-f =5" =. Z». 1 E1 J'§T1.‘1ii!l1 . .;’-'5i*1.',T$ .-1-‘ ?j{;!.:;ZI-it-1--3-;.-;i.5-_.j.-;;:-;->-? fifi .-'_--15:1-.-r,.- -= = .-- .-'’.-'-._.";?. '._-.--'-'='-." 9-. .. -.-'-:" "'3’..-'-'.~". =--' -'-.~" .. .'I1-.-.--"--'1 a more practical level, sex work is not women determine what services they society? areas they are not familiar with. With workers recognise the limitations of J,'_,f,.-31!__-¥_.1,fl-- . :,l _,._.'. i -.|»'-I,-.'_|:.~,3;::.-‘_|:f,'_1'|:";i.',.KI:__ I . - ' 5. - ,-_r :_- H ;'.=_-yr',I7 r._ 5- _j:_.-,1,.-mfg_,:@§-‘.j-j:'."::_=;’.'_;.L.§,-_-1.35,-;g.3-:.:_-_[.f_:_.;_:_.--_-;-j..- 191 -"J"-’".'‘fl ' ..' 1' '~~.=i*.-' 1- 1- -' ..- '- '.»'.1wl"-.‘c-. '-’.- in-1'-'.-;i1i.=.-' '. "-;-;-'-:I11.1-it-'-I-‘".-i.;:§-r'-;-"-. is "*1" 1-". iiti’?!-'51;-’ "‘ . -1.1 ii “".1f't-..- #5 ‘' ‘-1'-‘.I-='~-'.':*'-.‘‘1.-'.-i'-%....'-r.-.i-'.--' -".-i"=.--'-----.1? '..r--'.-.._-"-1.-'...»._':*. .=_.-:_*-.-".-1*._:-'-.- '-,-‘ .-=~.''-.=--.*’1.'-7 ."-*."1?"=’ri-‘J1-‘'*-"’*i-'=i=.5‘=s..-‘-..1-‘-.-‘tr’-‘sa.t-.r? 1?' -.-:.1'.".-'-1»='.-‘ 1 -'\’.$ ’ -. "-" considered a real job, so people who offer, and how they offer them, bar Jenn: The lack of structure in the law regards to punters approaching women trade union membership! Where we '.'I-f='.'I=j.*i=._I-f.__.‘..-if.='.ir.-‘-1.-'1=,'_:_-'.1'=‘'M.-\"-i -9'.,-,11.1:‘.-.._'_,.'"'"-L‘"rj.1,;._I__i.i.‘,i:-;;.-=_E:.'|§‘.'-,‘#-'v.’.=-f'_f'_".fl,'1._1;'.?_-\'_”1.'-'i.1-'?.j,i-'-.;.—1;.y;E5:?'1i:,r-I--'-§‘_.'q-_a,{t.'-.-'1.£.9’;¢-11,-'-f;F,r.’-"-{".r72-.‘-",%*%.’F~'i‘*i'.>_j1-7_‘i.."-1,‘*-'._;,j..;_r'',.--;=.-‘j.¢§€_».;:f_1,.--:,,§-;§-.1‘£;{1;.-'..'i’1_I_2;;-..;.;1.~'._Z'1.‘E-_..!_‘.I‘=I-_',’..g*'-.;g'-.:'-:-.i''i5§”.*_,‘ -'7‘;;-;,r,.1.-'1_..'._;,g:- I-.-:l.'?:=:I;i-:7 *"i':..-I"“i1"-1“FaF?’-1- *' ‘1' “KnrI’¥“ I" '- it "- "i 1!iii» .1 '13--ur7,,'l-‘J-',yr‘ (Pl ,~ fig» §*? 1; /3.; -ea ....-V - sex work cannot enjoy the benefits of none. If people are new to the controls the lives of sex workers. They .-.1-1-.1.-.".'-¢__’.-"-1.7.Q‘....--"._"3-.,‘.H'-.'.7’':.;,r-.-'.1-.91.;--_-i;~-.:-%.w.-';i‘~*--'1-.*',1..':fi:¢'-#2’4i-..":_=,:.-_-"’.1.~._.--".-7-".-F,‘-.'.’- ~'-1.'_.-*.'.-.-..‘...--f4."=_..‘§,."--:_.-_--.-.,'i.<-.-,"i‘sr"-5",,<’5..-I--'m-'1.-l’§_:'*7'..M.1-_1..i.‘.--'-..!ft.i.-.=z_F-.‘-;N-,-.-‘1-$5i-<'.-.--'.’-1_--:!---_.-.-.-l'."t.“+'’2=51.-1-‘‘1.&-.,-".="-‘Y‘c--'.--,.."‘1,.*-.?.:~';,¥”.'.-=...--’I_ii-‘-'.1§'.t-i-_'-1-=5.1.£@.*;=';.*-"' who aren't sex workers, there is differ perhaps is in expecting any '- .-.,-_-J.'-;_.-I-"'.'--=.,.~'-.--.J.1.-’.--';-,-_.,"1-,":;1-..'-1.1..‘--,':-‘yr.,.-."'--.,._ .--'r1,.'-.1'-.--1---.'y-,'..?-''...'--.-1,*=..-".-1-.'--f-':l.-.'_.-.:"-4.--.'.-J,-’‘:--' . .',>r‘..-.-,J1..l‘--.-':,r-.1.-,:--‘--.:-,-.‘-1-''-.-'‘.-.i-!r¢:-r.ir..=w~-‘».1'.,-'.-'11-.*-'- -5.'...--_--,11.-.--.e'-.r--1--'.-"1-'.=~-t---.t-.r.1‘.P-.."'1.I-.‘.-I.--"H.--'.1-Q.»-..3'.~?-.--.,'.-»»-.-‘--''-4--.1"'-'.51--P.""-".'-4f-.=----,*.-.--,--I.=-.=-..*--'E-'.-'.f.--r-.-'--'1..-‘‘-.1..-'. -----.1.-_-j.'.-'_[:_;_,j.-,-‘,.§.- '-1'1-:;..1-,r.*'.-1-Q." '.--' '.'-“.~ 1.1! =¢.1-j.- _..1=,1,_--'.;.»"-'.-'.'_:‘;'__~.‘ . .'.--.1-1:.‘-.-,‘|-. ;','J-"1-*._.1,- _.- . yr,-1-‘.-_-‘.-'-‘f-“=';.1.-'-iI.'|r"'rc.-1'."-'~'_,’5x_‘,5 _,_ .-'~'- ,~g;.'_§._.J3;.'_j.;=_-_:,Qejg;;.‘.-'; -"-:1-2-ti.-z-I-:>> * .- - -.-;§ -.- we .- ..- "I-'>’.--’-1 g ‘..- .- -‘ 4' . . .-. . . , .;,- ~' 4.”-'-' 1-1. '-‘P _ _. “-=. *.'~ ’ -' '., '-.' - 1 "-‘ - Q izfiif.§€£i§-I-f-‘.€;I-;§<%-5-‘ii-I'T";'§i-j."?.:I€-. __.:.;.- ».=.-)1-. . working in a ‘real’ job i.e. industry, it obviously takes time for cannot go public. They must live danger because some punters can get change in attitude from Government -">'--=..--'.-=".1=.-=.-.1,-Q;-.;1v1-1g1.1g-'‘.J'-.§,'1!1,=.;5.j'.--'-:;-“‘:@.‘§';§.,-l'..-=.-3-9 .--'-:1..--==-.,'==-!!.5L-fi-g1.-;r?.--';..-P-1=.---3''-..-"1"’1*----r.'-1-r.-'-..:-’.-1-.-'r--.,*--'.,----=:.-'.=-f..=|.'Y§.-.~.,--,--"--.I5=i.--1i-=-.-i-2t-.i2-."".1?-f-.‘-iO,.~.,':F.=-:..=’-,-="--?=:.‘.-'.-f,1.,--,--I=.-"115.._-;,l.w;r=_.;t-.--.§='.-'--;-"'1*---‘.',E--'-,."'<-;:-11.1-,'”--..-i;''.-'.;~1'1-,'",'--'‘.='.1-j1-r--.-;@3:.:1-'-.-1'=-K";-.>_;11-.!'1';~.-.‘-.-'-.15--.-1.---:----.1--'-'~I-1-,.. .§.-,»_.;.__._.-;.;.;.-".;,,3; " ‘I j_ '1.-,3 ,1,.-31%| .-. -.f,;.;:;-,. .- , 1 ;.- .| .- gfi .;g=j.1_-;-Q.’ - ,5 -‘ :-;._I-:-_ . If-A I . I __ I Hll; kl -. ' *-1.-:1 . compensation if hurt, health benefits, them to devise their own working double lives. They must always be on .- rude and intimidating. A designated or that legislation will do anything H:.,_.2.-q__ -,-5',-_ .__|.'_,{,.-_.;,.;|,_-'r____... .‘_=_._‘-,|,,:,.-_,_; _.. -.':;,_=.:,1_=.-,1.__g.,' :I___-_'._-.._.-___:.:,‘._,_..;_-_,__,__.-,_‘.,...T.-(._.-_~i,‘..._!,f__._.L..-..__._‘.._._,-,-.__-r..,>_|‘y;‘_._._.__-__._‘__v_.~__.2.,___,__.:..1__,- ;_,|:-‘_ 5,_._.’,.,:_._‘._.._..A,-_-._._.‘,,_._1_,,._._._,_,__c:g._-.3,:;} _.,__|_.,r,,.,1-,_.._.,=i_,_,,.v..j;A‘__._.-,_,._,:...,»r._ -. . -"-i-".-I-;.-:-:I-'-;< :-1.,-1 L . '-ti-1-"=-1"‘ -. -.-" - ' -'1-- --;-' . ; 11- - - '-" --s -- ' 0. =j='.'.-i-’.i=.- "."1’ ’ " "I "" -if-‘.-,.-".’ -:-:- . ' -;'.- -' .- -’-1»-- : ' -- _-.,.__-=_-_-'.1_-::__.,--.-,5-.-_-.:,_1_r.,-_-._--_-f.'.-_-.*-;:_1_-_-:,-y.,-_-:,-;.;-":;=-_-.-,.-,-251.,_--,1_-:,-,r,-.--_-.-_§,-;.-.-;.-__:|‘-r,-.'-;.-_‘.-;.'-;';,;_-.;..--_..--.-;_1:_-.,|..-_-:.._-_..g--;:_-;_..-_-.'_-.,-_._.,-_.f-_._.,-=--,.-,.1,-_._-r1,'._--,;‘..__a_-_-,-_-.-,‘-_;,_-_._-..-__..-,-_.1,|.__.-_r_.,-_.- etc. regime, so they may not be in as much guard because of a lack of safety. They __'_.-,-'.-'.'_.-,-,,-1_.._..1_f.._;;.:?,"_;__.-,-,=._'=..',-_._{:;;.':_.,.=§,;,__-__'_u;-_I_:,’r-_1.‘.r_,.--{1._..-f-r..J.‘-,,-1,-’:-3?-:_'-,_--_n.-.:'F-5'l..'_-_-i.-1-_;..r_-:._.','.|-:.*;.:_;|._-..'-:§.‘.f_-1.-.'_--.E.,-_,-'.'.|.y"._-,.'‘.-_-'.:"!':.-‘.7'.-__..',.-.,-.'..',_.-.'..--_1-.-.:,.-..1,-_..-.1,.~-_..-!-1.-_...-1..,-5-_.'.1=,=;,":_-_-1-_:_-.'-.’--_J.'.-"Z-|,1.-.,_.-.,{.-1.,-._...-...l_.|1;-..--.9-,'.._..5-.1‘.-__.-1,..;_':-,'-._:.-,--_.--.-_.--1._.-.V.-_-.;. ‘-.. working area may solve that problem. more than increase control and lessen -.':'.:_-'-,-,'.-,=; "_-,".-='.--2';i,-‘.2’-I=--'.'.-.t',--*:-'.'.=-‘.*;'-'.--';:!'€.'5=:,?=;",‘=-;1.-I"F-‘.1.-'r.'i'-'-'-‘E-1'55-:'.'»";',=.'.-‘F;-";§‘15:','-'.--‘-'-'-"‘*-~;‘":_=';'-‘.1‘J.-"r-'-".‘=\';ii‘==,-".-'-'.'-'-'.1j~'=.-'-"1'-"“-'!'{T'Z-'3-:',~'-'.",'-';‘J=‘r.',=r.~'~'.'.{-‘-1':"f;'r=--‘.-'-' 11'-:-.'.=- '., -'I1'-‘--':.-j-‘.-,-';":'-' "='_-'.-,--.-_:-'-"_-'.-_-=if_-="_“-_‘i::"-,:"=“'=:_"‘,.i-'1:-_-.:.1'f-'1'-:"i-‘I.‘_-.'5,"-,:_-i'f.-_'.-"'_'.-.--_=’.=---,-.'.g’5=:.?-;"-'i‘'I}-I‘‘i--I_-.'_-'-'..',-ji-I-'-‘I-'-"‘'--.'.“'‘1..-_-1.'.-j-w':-.i,n:I'"_-..-_Q-.-'.-_*-.--1"-"',‘'.:-*,‘:r''=:'', "‘ -‘-5 "=15 .1.--.-1.-"'§'5-2‘,‘-'.‘-,-IaD‘ ..-1:“-'5-:_"-‘-I‘.--3j-"".-15,-.'-'I_-*.-_-".'-I"'1--_' -'-"'I--'-.-_-'.1f-I"- " control as they would like to be. In must suffer with the stigma attached Educating residents and council perceived public nuisance while doing ,*._..-,-.5_,_!_._=-_._.-_-_._.-,._.,,_{._-,._-.,,.-_..._.;;..,._..-_-==,-=1,r,|,.-_--!-..-=,=,..._-_.1_._.-1..*.-_... 1_=, ._*-f .___, _-,-_-_* .. - .-. --‘ _ - '- " ,--.-,-._-‘.1.-.-.,-..--._. ,-__.._-._:.-.._-.1..__-.;':_.-_--':;-'>"=='.'.-';_r=_-..- O: Is sex work dangerous? some massage parlours and escort to sex working. They are not -I.-_'_.|_-_.:_-_._.-_-_.,-_-,_._.§:.',-_-:.-_-j.;-51.‘,-_.-_-.;__:‘.;.'.-_._.:.-_-I.-__.__;_._.:.;-f.-;-.553-_-_;_ y-r_.'.__‘_._;|.‘._,!._.;-__- __-__' members so that they do not need to nothing to curb those who exploit or '. .*__-,_-:,,.[-.1.-;._-_=._5'-:;-'.-_',-;3: Jenn: There is a lot of danger in sex agencies, and even flats, the owner controlled as other people can be: feel against the women is one way. harm sex workers. 10 11 ll -u FEATURE FEATURE i in China of industries that whole regions were nearby Liaoyang, where large based around — 75% unemployment is industrial disputes are common. In not uncommon in many towns. March this year, workers from six So, having identified the state's different companies co-operated on a plans, what resistance is the working scheme to protest about benefit and class putting up to these frontal wage arrears. They blocked the main Ever since the The first steps towards definitively starting the process of integrating China attacks on their living conditions? The roads and chanted, “We are the appear finally to have been taken, with China's December 2001 entry into the official strike statistics show that the working class!" Soon, workers from signing of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). number of declared strikes rose from another 14 companies joined the We can safely assume that this would not have occurred had not both parties 8,150 in 1992 to 120,000 in 1999, all protest; again the overwhelming Treaty of Nanking in seen benefits to making this move - on the one hand access to untapped markets illegal. Undoubtedly these figures are majority were middle-aged or nearing 1842, the most and vast reserves of cheap labour, on the other a chance to build up modern too low as they fail to record retirement. A steel worker in his 50s, poverty, prepared to put up with technologies and infra-structure and solve a few social problems. undeclared or wildcat strikes, and the in a statement that could have been intensive exploitation out fear of the advanced sections of But this decision has also opened up a space for a resurgence of mass class blocking of roads and railway lines that made by an Argentinean piquetero, (very real) consequences of not doing struggle that did not exist prior to the restructuring of the last few decades. This have become increasingly common claimed that they must use militant so. capital have sought opening follows from two separate but complementary dynamics: the destruction tactics. tactics, as “We have no other hope The private security guards, who to integrate China of the old state-owned and centrally-planned heavy industries of the north east, The ‘rustbelt’ areas of the northeast now". are notorious for their bullying and the introduction of foreign capital to the coastal areas and the south. have seen the largest amount of open In March 2001, 2,000 miners in the behaviour, manhandled workers in the into the world class struggle since 1949, prompting northern city of Datong barricaded queue at the canteen, 800 workers Restructuring the commander of the People's Armed roads and fought the police, as they then walked out in protest, only to be market. The restructuring process began in the 1970s with the dismantling of the huge Police, the main anti-riot force, to say protested over lay-offs and pay attacked by security with iron bars. collective farms, the development of small-scale household plots and the gradual police must prepare for an increase in reductions. Ten thousand miners also Photographs of the clashes published introduction of competitive markets. In the 1990s these family farms had largely ‘mass incidents’. The most visible occupied the centre of Fushun, in the Yangcheng Evening News been pushed aside by the growth of large-scale agri-business and the parallel rise struggle has been that at Daqing blocking roads and railways (again, a showed blood trails around the factory of rural wage labour. This also led to the creation of around 200 million Oilfield where 50,000 workers have tactic that is often used in Argentina). grounds. The remainder of the 15,000 unemployed, landless peasants and a fall in the standard of living in the rural besieged the management offices for This form of protest has also been workers then turned on the guards, inland areas — current estimates put rural income at half that of the urban coastal months in a redundancy and benefits used in Wuhan, Sichuan and Sheyang. who were only rescued by the areas. With entry to the WTO and consequent international competition, this dispute, clashing with paramilitary In Lanzhou, 5,000 taxi drivers intervention of the paramilitary police. number is expected to rise even further, as the China Daily remarked, “The police and overturning cars. The attempted to storm the Government Three days of rioting followed, with all country is facing a serious oversupply of labour with the number of people * shrinking oil industry is seething with offices in protest at increases in fines the factory windows being smashed, coming into the labour market reaching an unprecedented peak". conflict elsewhere as well. Disputes and licences — 3,000 police were company cars and police trucks being In scenes reminiscent of the enclosures associated with early industrialisation, over severance terms led to large needed to save the party officials. torched. A Guangzhou labour these dispossessed workers have no option but to move to the newly-developing protests at the Huabei field in Hebei Sheyang workers took a more direct correspondent remarked, “There is urban areas, to take up sweat-shop labour for the many new factories that Province and the Songjiang field in approach in the Sheda Toy Factory, nothing unusual now about labour have sprung up following the easing of restrictions on foreign Jilin Province. taking hostage the factory owner and protest in Guangdong, but these investment, and state sanctioned tax and human rights his wife. They were held for 20 days events are unprecedented". Ten million jobs a exemptions. Often working 12 hours a day, seven days a until back pay they had been promised There has also been a spate of boss- week — and with no legal rights because many of them are was forthcoming. Importantly, the killings, particularly in Hubei province year are being lost, ‘illegals’, having flouted the state's internal passport police refused to intervene, as, in their in central China, another of the ~ system to reach the cities — these are the workers that and this is expected own words, they “did not wish to ‘rustbelt' provinces. Children are now ‘the new China’ of 7% annual growth is being built provoke the workers". said to play a game called ‘Kill the to continue on. The various ‘Zones’ the state has set up Maybe they could have passed this Boss’ in which they re-enact managers’ (economic, high-tech, finance and trade, export advice on to their brothers in Shuikou deaths, pretending to stab and throttle processing, etc) are in fact statements to foreign 3 These workers are symbols of the city, Guangdong province, where each other. investors of the Chinese state's willingness to solve ‘old China’. Most of them are middle- workers from the privately-owned Linking struggle its rural problems by allowing these people to be aged or nearing retirement, many of Nanxuan Wool Textile Factory fought ruthlessly exploited. Unsurprisingly, the workers are them had been on the xiagang system. running battles with police and So what are the chances of these none too happy with this situation. That is, they were on the company company security guards for three disputes breaking out of their isolation The second phase was to deal with the old, books, did no work but were paid a days running in June this year. and linking up with other autonomous inefficient areas of the state-controlled economy. This living wage. That has now gone, and This is a significant development as working class actions? Unsurprisingly, basically entailed privatisation, mass sackings, the with cuts in pensions and heating it represents one of the first (reported the vastness of China is helping the lifting of the state monopoly on trade and the phasing allowances, these people are at least) fights against the new state to keep these struggles cordoned out of ‘cradle to grave’ social security. Ten million jobs a understandably worried how this will foreign-owned companies, rather than off from each other, as is the state year are being lost, and this is expected to continue as affect them as there is little chance of the defensive battles being fought out news and broadcasting monopoly -- previously ring-fenced areas such as telecoms and banking are finding new work — hence the in the old state-run centres. The something which the Government has .»,.u~w"" opened up. A ‘rust belt’ has developed in the old industrial militancy of their actions. workers here were the classic, newly- been very keen to safeguard recently, heartland of the northeast, which has seen the collapse of huge swathes This is mirrored in the protests in arrived to the city escapees from rural allowing satellite channels to broadcast 1 3 12 Ii FEATURE FEATURE Ardi ti d e1 Popolo only approved material and restricting going to reach its full development in worthwhile area to invest in — a news coverage. the years to come. rapidly developing and Any wider link-up, leading to a The question of the elderly is very technologically-advanced China will be sustained period of struggle, is going rapidly evolving into a class issue. The used as stick to beat other workers to have to develop counter-information elderly population is presently 130 with. The threat of shifting work to networks, such as those that sprung million, but is expected to more than one of the new ‘economic zones’ will How the people's By the end of World War I, the working leagues’ assisted the formation of up in the Stalinist states. News of the double in the next generation, and offer bosses the opportunity to class in Italy were in a state of strong unions of day labourers. militias fought back dispersed disputes, how the state this, combined with the effects of the introduce measures designed to revolutionary ferment. Not yet ready However, 1919 also marked the reacted, what tactics were successful ‘one child’ birth control policy (fewer increase the already-monstrous for the conquest of power themselves, initial signs of capital defending itself against Italy’s or useless etc need to be circulated young adults to look after parents) is productivity levels. Flexibility, workers and peasants by 1918 had against the growing onslaught. A I and developed by those in struggle. leading to serious battles to safeguard casualisation, new organisations of fascists. won a variety of concessions from the meeting of industrialists and Permanent links will depend on how pensions and related health schemes work with constant supervision, so state: an improvement of wages, the landowners at Genoa in April sealed successful each sector (new industry or now before conditions get any worse. that not a second of the day is not eight-hour day, and a recognition of the first stages of the ‘holy alliance’ old) can be in supporting the others; spent working, are all already being collective contracts. against the rise of labour power. From The question of the this is the key question at the minute. introduced against fierce resistance — By 1919, however, a new radicalism this meeting were drawn up plans for Isolated disputes can be dealt with all under the cover of competition had descended upon the labour the formation, in the following year, of elderly is very easily — bloodily or peacefully. What with cheap labour zones meaning movement. In that year alone, there both the General Federation of rapidly evolving into will really worry the state and foster there is little choice. were 1,663 strikes across the Industry and the General Federation of working class confidence, is when peninsula, while in August the newly- Agriculture, which together worked a class issue. Not ‘stealing our jobs’ struggles break out in one area and formed shop stewards’ movement in out a precise strategy for the are followed by solidarity actions in The answer is not to oppose Chinese Turin (the forerunner of the workers’ dismantling of the labour unions and another. This can be seen in the trouble in workers and accuse them of ‘stealing councils) underlined the growth of a the nascent councils. the old industrial heartlands; the our jobs’, but to recognise that we are new vibrant militancy that drew its Alone, however, the industrialists Limited struggle? (ex)workers are trying to protect all part of a global working class, and strength from the autonomous capacity and landowners could not undertake It is noticeable though, that the older themselves before the state that our needs are one and the same, of workers to organise themselves the struggle against the labour workers are fighting for things like restructuring worsens conditions any and that by linking our struggles and along libertarian lines and which had movement. The workers themselves more generous redundancy packages further. We should recognise that this raising them to an international level “the potential objective of preparing had to be cowed into submission, had or guarantees for pensions or other is a class struggle even if it doesn't (as capital has already done), we can men, organisations and ideas, in a to have their spirit -of revolt broken on social security issues such as heating appear in the usual forms. What's effectively block capital's plans, which continuous pre-revolutionary control the very streets they walked and the allowances and lower rents — more, this is one of the few issues that can in turn allow us to develop the ’ operation, so that they are ready to fields they sowed. For this, capital essentially things to soften the blows concerns the whole of geographic space to articulate a positive replace employer authority in the turned to the armed thuggery of of the remainder of their life - whilst China, and might possibly help the expression of these collective needs, enterprise and impose a new discipline fascism, and its biggest thug of all: the workers in the newer industries emergence of the counter-information directly and a higher level than the on social life".1 Benito Mussolini. are looking for higher wages and fewer networks mentioned above. nation state, and so more effectively. In the countryside, the peasantry Formation of the fascist squads working hours. The former could We should not be complacent about One thing is clear though: class opened up a second front against the possibly be characterised as a limited the role that China is being given in struggle continues in China, and the state by’ occupying the land that had Immediately following the end of the struggle, as one that will pass as China the class struggle in the other state's plans are only serving to been promised them before the war. war, there was a veritable flowering of continues to integrate further into the countries either. At the minute, the further advance the antagonism. What The Visochi decree of September 1919 anti-labour leagues: Mussolini's world market, and the latter as a stability and developed infra-structure happens next depends on how far the merely validated the co-operatives that Combat Fasci, the Anti-Bolshevik struggle that is open-ended and only of the West continues to make it a workers are prepared to act in each had already been set up while the ‘red League, Fasci for Social Education, other's defence and, outside of any Umus, Italy Redeemed, etc. At the -=-;.=,-'.'._..ji-.=j-..-._'=._,_._---_---.---=.';I1.-4-_I-;;5---=.I.-:..2.;--=-.:_2._-----.|y=-.:-"1,-.'-;_,...1‘--'-;.;i;I,=-._---L--.''..---‘'I._,'-1=~.-.-.5=.rI_,'.-;-!,'4.--."‘-'£'_;..=!-i-..,=:-:-__3..-=---:I-=-,,.'-..=-Q---_‘-,-‘..'3-==,--"~'_-.-.~:;=---_'.-5,=.--§r-,-,=-.--.'..s,_|-,-'=_'.:.,'¢.---;-_;;.._,:,:----.=;.,5.;.-:.,=.;.;E,--,.-,.'';;3.-,---_,._.---1s,-_l:..-_:;-~-.,1-'I.;-.J-_--..1_;-.!-;-_:._;,5--.5_:;_.';):_--;.‘,.-.;,.-.,_-.5_;|---=-I-..J-|.--,,.;-.*--_l::_-.-:_-.,--,-j;--.';=---.,._,_:'~.-;--,-_-,_-r{--.-.:~-.;-=-;:-=_r-.-.._--3_-._,'1:_-.-'.--_--_---,..;_='-_.:.5--.---,=3"_.;-_-_,.-.=E;-;-,;-;,_..;.;-_--=;;----.§--r.'._,_r5.-==.;--.;._-,-_:_,'.j.-=,:-.-,=,'-:-v|j-'-.-:=_'‘._;-e=.-=,.3'--3s’.,1.=-f'=f,.--:-',.,-§.-'f5'..,'gi';,_;;_,-‘.=:--.,---*_-'.;-.-¢-|:_;.=-'.':.-._.-u,_;-.-:,--_;_i,._---.__’--....-~;-,=:.-_.-;_j----_,I_:-_-:---,..=..-.r-~‘-~;.=;--.;_|.-_.,-.---.1_-.-'-:,-=-~----..-_-..-;._.---.-;-4M-,_,--;-_,I=--;--,..:-.',3--1:-_;r\r_-\...:'-'_--"--;.I.--5_.-:.--¢";-'=--_I-5'.-:.-|.;_._‘.L;---.:-;--'-_,,.'-|=.-=-.,-_-''-.,,;----~j;.._=;_';.=-'--::s;=-.._-_-_--;-.,;_f‘'-:--,;:.1-_'|_1;,.-,-;_‘_._5:---.--_--§___j--.-»=_-=‘_..i:.;i:--,--__-__.--_--I‘-..-,:..3--~'--.,;..;-_._1.--,-,.-|_--'.1;:.,-=,-,-:;.-r{-;.;-,--=-:_'..-;-_.,-.._.t~';;--.;,-_-2-.-..\.f:.-.:;-_;--:_-:_-.,--'.,-.=r..-_----.--_.;.__.--.-.--..n-,,-~;;:3,_y--;-.,.-I-f;:_.~qr-~,I---.;_1_...,.--,--I-‘;.=-.-..-t-,.,.--;..-3._---.:.-,._:.-_.-,‘:_.;;;._.,.,--_.;=-1--;--=;'-:J__-";_-_,,ri_-.;-~.,'::.~_-E_--_..-;-'.-;;~_--.'j__:_-.----_|;.;'1..---.,----..-;J__'~;_~y_.-,--"=-_-..,,_.g-j-";.-...'--_;‘-..._-.\,:.-"~--;;._--_,.-,,---:-_~,..,_»."--.,-\,y-=.;-..-.;:,,--;4.--5_..-5:--.-..-9_r-~_;.1-,--.~,I-.--;-;..,:~.~'-,_-_.~._~r;;,-.-_-.~..'.--.;-'-_:3;."--.‘,3.--.:-.;._,---~-._:_..--_.-'...-.-..-_'.--,I|=;.-E;-_'.-_-..,',,~-,.---___l.--:'-----.--;'..‘..-::..-;,|;-__.-._.'w~.-~-'\_.-_.;..-;.._--_-:.|.-,_----";.--;_-’_-_.r.,--~--:'_..r,-i.._--,'.-_..;,---u__'.'.--.~---..~'...---'._-.';y.-;|..Y---,..;'';--:-'_,.-.r--,."__|:,,--.--_-qr;.,J-*--.:c-'-»§-_-:l!=-:_--.-''-r-;..''.=.:w.-.-;,‘~=.'\.-‘.$...-_~i-'-\-,-_-_-_-..4-1-:|',.!..--_--_.._-=,-----2:._=.'._.~--"'-.1,.;__-.-.-.-'..-_---'-,,-.,--'':,.--;-.,',-_.=w-}-:;_.'._-.;_'a>-_.-:-=;-,,‘-...-"-.-.:_-"=."-fi..-:--''_;=-;.=;-..¢'~_-_=F-~.-'-;..‘--.'__.'~,-'_|=.-:.-.._-'=-I-‘-..-‘,;..~.';-__'---:',,-:"7_-~-‘':.,---_._-.._.<--,_'--,-_.-,.-;-._e.-__--;--|;..':_.7-_--1..‘,..-]-3..,,._-.--_-_,.-;---:-_\;-..,=--;..,--:~_-,..-.;-._:,--,,-.--.-_.,;.-_-;,-._.-.';-.-.-=.;;-.-=;,-_--_...1$-,_.;-=-._..>-:{-5_-_,..-|-,.,:;-.-__;-..=..,--‘;.-.-._-,..,~--.--_:-=_r.-~,,.----_--.,_:.,..-;--.--;.:-;,--,;.,-_,:,-‘..-.-'-.:..,_--;,-:--...--..-;.J;_-:-;-.-".,.;,--._---:_---.1-..-.-=_.---[,-.=..:,-..v__---1....j-:--:,-:5.--..,..[-'-:f<-’-.-..-.-\.-._,-3-----?,4_;-,;--fl..=.--,,'_,:;--;_--..-,.-----,.'_-:|-._,.=_-.----=..--;-¢,.,-l.-_;,:x-_;:.---_¢..-.-:=i.'Y.:-r-;-..t-,--r_:-,=-'..,i._,-i;:-'.-'.--.-;'-._9._---=---:a._|r--_.,----r'-,..-~--._-.._.l-';-.*.'_--..}.-,,'-'.:-',---:-.3.;.-_,-':..-§_-'-.-...;._]~--'_:--,.-.j---}.,;'-t-_.-;:,5._-g------'.-...:.':¢..--1--;-.5.__,...------__---_':.-._.,.;--,=---.--.-".-:;..._;.-r-.--_.-,.:-:=-.-_,--.--'-....-;-2;-,;.;.-5----..;.....;;;_.--_'-<-:--_::..-_-¢=.1---"|-5.;...:5..--.,:.1.5.:-----_.".=--._5-;-.--'.-',--_._-.---...'.f:-'1a.---_.;_.---:,.'=-.;,-_-=:_-----.._'-..:---=,.:-'---,..'---5'---:.r...-'‘-|-_'..-,.-.=-*'__;-7----_.--=.,-J.--'-5..-'-._.-._3-"-'-.;.{,-;---':,',-.-''j'-,-:.x-!--i.-',.;':5-_:.;-"5..--..-;.-_€".§-.-.,.-'_.,-?..-.,_{-----..'..'---I,.---.'-.'-.-,-----'-_.-.'._'-._-2....--_.__..'._-''_--3':J.-._‘-----..-.I_---'-'..5.:".'__==;-=-7._.i.1,$-._--__-'=-:'-.|_'_‘_{.-''-=-r''-.-|".'-.-i~‘-5:{'=-.¢-....-------u,''-,..*=-'._:-_."-._-;-‘,‘---:.':-Q-},'-..'.-:-{.-f'..- .,__ state or official organs, on what forms same time, members of the Arditi, the " =__ 4.-;.;_ - --'.-_- I:.-__-.--__-'_-__=.-=.-,1.-,1,-':,\_-'.-_-‘:_-', . ,_r-'- ‘._ _.__._,-_r..:._$.,. . _..,_._:__5,.'.T_g;r_._,___:_.-,{:::. .--,. ._;,,._'-i2 :' .0-_-._._,-,|_._.* .I-,_:‘|‘:.J_ _,.?-'_._-|_’.<_'-_'.-_'.¢'.-..:<.,'-_’._~.--_'-_;_!.____y_fi ' ..,_-r=._». 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'.-‘--'.-'-.'-'a- 1, ",1 u n‘ -'. .,.’,‘I1,s_i_{:.,’ 5,, ~J_|J4_r-"l"Jf¢“'\‘ x, Jllélfll J ,,..~ p.i,»_, I4,‘-i;,. ,‘ Ir, 5.1.11-1,11» 1 J-1 . -‘,1-",1;-; ,,=- ,1. . , ,, -' ".1 .1, |_, |..>,, _, , ,1» 3 ' '5‘:-’-‘l-. " - '.. . '. L_ .=, .-" 1 ' 5 -B . ‘ . ' . 1' '. . ’-" ' 5*. -‘E-f"'“" " '- -.-='-§'-"~:"-" ‘_- "- -'-' ‘ ' -'I5'?"~"='='.':-'- 3"'- the anti-labour movement. _ _____ ,- . . ,..,,-._, .. P.0H,--__i.|,=_._..--,,.;.-_J._Q,_.,.;.~_-_.-_.~=,..--,=,,;5,-,=--,1.-,-5s..-,=..-=;-.-s...--u2--1.,:5_:-.;_;-,-'.-.~_-.'1:.'..‘,-2.,--...-==.-;-,@5--',;-;'-:-§i,=-;.,--.Y=.-u'==-:‘.r.;-,,#-..:-=¢-.-'-‘.~¢~-52;.:--'.=i=.-F.---.=;i.-,1~,-' ' ' ' J W 2' Ir ‘J .-' '- 1. -i_.,;i;:;1I-;:I-' 2’. :§ 1-" - 11- ,._,;-’ ,- 1 $ 2-" ,_."]7'Z{=fI"§=j jg _- .. _I;-j.-__ rm. 1-,_IjI-311-i:..~ "j’jii.-:-‘.- |j- ., -.- '1; -1; 1-; '1-3 i" § §;I§'i"j-.- ’-j."' .i -I-31 j_ ;-, _=j;;.5I-I,.-1;--2-5:-5'-1;I;;,-5Igj-;.;I- This movement mostly comprised -" .1 ,. '- 5 = r. : -' =: is -#1:‘ -' '-‘- ' ’ -' ’--- -'1‘-_1|-Q-‘;ri- --',1--- ‘I-- --.1--,---:----,1‘,-|-_-v- -.'--'--- --I--.'-,:---/;h~ -,v-‘I--‘-'-‘--n*-----_-- -.1}.-,--~'-'-a.---‘1-------r---3--.,---,-.- --.----II-.~_-.-~_.--_-- .----_,n_-,|,----,.-l.-~-1~.-,-.fa._...----'r..~,-,;-,,_'.-_---_'~..--_'-:.-'..~-_-?._=;§-_.,-|.;:~_:._:{:|_-:.-i.5_:__:.i,_,:E.:_.-.5,:I:'_§-,,__:,_;.$.;?_.'_--_,.;-;-v_;|;._i,‘,,_,,_._3-_.,:_.,_.-'._._-_3.:_;1;i..‘51..-:1:-3;|.5-_I_5,5_.-_--,1)‘.___:_._.:_.-_._..-:-..5-_y_.£._._-.;_-_.,;::-::,._,:__-3{_-__.|.;.:-:-.5-.’-_;__;_-_.:,_.:_::_._._:_...__?-:-:-_,;_:,;__E|_=.,3_--__.-_.-_._I.;-_._,;_.:-._-_.;:-;5_-;r_,_3.__-_-,_,-__..|-,.-L;;;;;3=_-.,_-,__,_-_._;_-.|.:-_._-;;5;,;|,:_=._1-_.‘_ '. - _ . . _._.-3 1+:-1--; ._» -_ »;. .5 i .-_- ' _. , '.-'j:;.=,=j.1.¢ -. ,_-i;.-:-:-;l -I-j.=,=_: .. =-' =,‘ '- .. I-' ;. -' _. the middle or lower middle class. -'=i-:2-3'1-""?I'I-'-'I=I-.$1 " vi -. M § '- 5 j- '=.-'"'* sv -1- '-'.= 2 -I-:-;i-:1-' -'1’ ‘ --' '-'.=_:j;".-I-, ;_ -'- -: - -_ '. -1-" w - .- -' -I - 1-..- ._ _._ - - -- - _- ; '-'_ _ _ 3 -1-'=.» - .-:.-.-r,-'- = ’ 2- -.' »- --:<-.->-.-_ ll?‘ . "- --- "._»=--Fa.t if " 1- {~ - W '’-. 9 . " "-. . - .- *~: ,- 1, 1! -_.' -"'v.-. __e.. :- § - -.A 5 1- . -'== -.5§-155"1"--''_~.:==.'',-. , .=‘_Ii 1», I. .' =- ',._:=. re;-1-1'"-".:' _ In.‘ _-.=-.:_-.3 -3' _. $-'»-.»..- Ex-officers and NCOs, white collar = _- I-.-he-_ , . , I. . -.,.., . ,. .; ..,._ . .. , . . --.,-....» . .- '-2.. ---.- :.:-.'-.'I|.'- :-.'--'_'_._.__|-':'.-I.--‘_-.'-.".','v."'|'.'<'-11-'_-I__>';:--.'-r.'-:;-t;>'"_-J:-\‘_-r-:3->_-v-'1-’_-1.:,--.'_-‘.-_--:--';__--'.---'.---'~-'_--'.*--'-:_-.':-'-;r;.-'.--|‘.--'. ."-'.'--'--:--rf.*u'.'1‘:'.-- -':-|'--‘.5-'.=?f"-‘-:'-'!’--=.7-.-i-':-'-‘-.'-"»‘!'i:¢:-'-‘:-'--.‘-'-'.'-'-‘.‘-'.-'-“-'1'-".1 :'_r_.,‘.3-_-5,-:_-5%.,_.j.:_-_.:,-5;_;|;5__-|{_-_._5-_.-_--5_{;5_-_;;5'-5.-;_.;_-_.-I-ii--.-5;|;_=;j:5:{'51-I555.-,r_:_|_.;.;»_.j:,:_-_{:;_.;;-5-_-',;__=5_»j.;-,-_.-;;'=-;'_'_;:_.:_&-j.;;'.-5i.»fq_-_-_5_-_.-;_{:_:.'.-5.‘.-,-2-_»'_';;':_'_ ==_' 5;,-_-; .--'.-,;'.--'-';'_‘;_"'-_:_;j_-_-1.-_-_.__-_.-_-_-;;_.'-_- '_;'_;'_= workers, students and the self- ree ee eee ee ceeeeeeeeeeeeee employed all allied themselves to the iaeeevetieanaeavteaivvansveer ;w fascist cause in the towns, while in the countryside the sons of tenant farmers, small landowners and estate managers leeeateensvetaseseeeevteee eeiexeeee were willing recruits in the war against the perceived Red Menace. The police 14 15 FEATURE FEATURE In Livorno, when a working class Even silence, even cowardice, are BNP; the only language the fascists These sections were quickly set up dell ’umana redenzion./Questa eterna and the army both actively encouraged district (Borgo dei Cappucini) came sometimes heroic." understand. We need to avoid the path the fascists, urging ex-officers to join in all parts of the country, either as giovinezza/si rinnova nella fede/ per under attack by the fascists, the whole The communists went one step of reformism advocated by the new creations, or as part of already un popolo che chiede/uguaglianza e and train the squads, lending them neighbourhood mobilised against further by forming their own pure recruiting agents of reformist parties vehicles and weapons, even allowing existing groups like the Communist liberta. " them, routing them from the town. In ‘class conscious’ squadrons thus like the SWP and destroy, once and for Party of Italy (PCdI — Partito “We curb the violence/of the criminals to enrol in them with the April, when the fascists launched an decimating the movement further. all, the nationalist myth that mercenary fascists/Everyone armed on promise of benefits and immunity. Comunista d’Italia), the paramilitary assault on one of the union centres According to Gramsci, “the scapegoats our ethnic communities Arditi Rossi in Trieste, the Children of the cavalry/of human redemption/This Arms permits, refused to workers and (Camero del Lavoro), the workers held tactic. . .corresponded to the need to and which has allowed the likes of No-One (Figli di Nessuno) in Genova eternal youth/is renewed in the peasants, were freely handed over to strike action on the 14th and prevent the party membership being British Home Secretary, David faith/for the people who demand the fascist squadrons, while munitions and Vercelli, or the Proletarian League surrounded the fascist squad, only for controlled by a leadership that was not Blunkett, and Irish Minister of Justice, (Lega Proletaria — linked to the PSI). equality and freedom. ” from the state arsenals gave the the army to rush to the fascists’ the party leadership". Quite soon, only John O’ Donaghue, to hoodwink large Blackshirts an immense military Overall, at least 144 sections had been The fascist offensive defence. By July, the working class 50 sections of 6000 members sections of the working class into the advantage over their enemies. set up by the end of summer 1921, had greeted their own armed militia — remained, supported both by the belief the root of their socio-economic Ultimately, by November 1921, the with a total of about 20,000 members. The Italian anarchist, Errico Malatesta, the Arditi del Popolo. Unione Sindicale Italiana (USI) and the woes lies elsewhere. To do this, we various hit squads were welded The largest sections were the 12 Lazio commenting on the massive factory Unione Anarchica Italiana (UAI). need to tie the fascists’ agenda to that together into a military organisation sections with about 3,300 members, occupations in northern Italy in Arditi del Popolo in action A number of these sections went of the state which supports it, and get known as the Principi, with a hierarchy followed by Tuscany, 18 sections, with September 1920 which involved The AdP first saw action in Piombino into action again in September in across the message that fascism will a total of 3,000 members. Other 600,000 workers, predicted, “If we do of sections, cohorts, legions and a on 19 July 19, when they attacked a Piombino when the fascists, who had only ever be destroyed once the state regions were as follows: not carry on to the end, we will pay special uniform. fascist meeting place and rounded up burned down the offices of the PSI is smashed. Only a society run along with tears of blood for the fears we The Arditi del Popolo Region Squads (s) Members the fascists inside. When the Royal (the same organisation that had sold the principles of anarcho-communism now instil in the bourgeoisie”... His battalions (b) Guard tried to intervene, they too them out a month before), were can ever hope to achieve this. words were to be prophetic, as both To compensate for the shortcomings of Umbria 1 6s 2,000 were forced to surrender. The AdP intercepted by an anarchist patrol and the PSI and CGL, instead of expanding the Socialist Party (PSI - Partito 1 Williams L. Proletarian Order 1975 Marche 1 2s 1,000 held the streets for a few days before forced to flee. Piombino was soon to the struggle from the factories into the Socialista Italiana) and the main trade 2 Rossi, A. The Birth of Fascism 1938 Lombardy 1 7s 2,1 00 the sheer size of police numbers become the nerve centre of the community, collaborated with the state union, the CGL (see below), militants Tre Venezie 1 5s 2,200 Thanks to Nestor McNab, for his help forced them to withdraw. defence against fascism, defending to return the workers to their jobs. It of various tendencies, anarcho- Emilia Romagna 18s 1,400 with translation ofparts of this article. In Sarzana, they went to the aid of itself against a further fascist was from this moment onwards that syndicalists, left socialists, communists Liguria 4b 1 , 1 00 the local population that had managed onslaught in April 1922, before finally the state moved on the offensive and and republicans formed, in June 1921, Piedmont 8b 1,300 - to capture one the fascists’ most succumbing after one and a half days Mussolini's ‘revolutionary action’ a people's militia, the Arditi del Popolo Sicily 7s 600 important leaders, Renato Ticci. When of fierce fighting, when the fascists, squads were supplied with enough (AdP), to take the fight to the fascists. Campania 7s 500 a squad of 500 fascists attempted to aided by the Royal Guard, were able to arms to take to the streets. While politically diverse, the AdP Apulia 6s 500 rescue Ticci, the AdP were there to capture the offices of the USI. Until the formation of the AdP, the was a predominantly working class Sardinia 2s 1 50 force the fascists into the countryside. In July 1922, the reformist general fascists had things mostly their own organisation. Workers were enlisted Abruzzo 1s 200 Twenty fascists (probably more) were strike to defend ‘civil liberties and the way. Starting off with an attack on the from factories, farms, railways, Calabria 1 s 200 killed and their squadron leader constitution’ marked the final disaster town hall in Bologna, the fascist shipyards, building sites, ports and commented: “The squad, so long for the labour movement, as the work The AdP very quickly built up its squads swept through the countryside public transport. Some sections of the accustomed to defeating an enemy stoppages were not, and could not be, like a scythe, undertaking ‘punitive middle class also got involved, own cultural identity with individual who nearly always ran away, or accompanied by aggressive direct including students, office workers and sections proudly flaunting their own expeditions’ against the ‘red’ villages. offered feeble resistance, could not, action. The fascists simply ran public logos and images of war. While the Following their success there, they other professional types. and did not know how to defend services with scabs and made began attacking the cities. Labour Structurally, the AdP was run along AdP as a whole was easily themselves." themselves masters of the streets. recognisable by a skull surrounded by unions, the offices of co-operatives military lines with battalions, With the strike’s collapse, the fascists a laurel wreath with a dagger in its and leftist papers were destroyed in G companies and squads. Squads were Sell out mustered their forces to deal with the teeth, and the motto ‘A Noi’ (To us), Trieste, Modena, and Florence within made up of 10 members and a group However, just as the AdP was building last remaining outposts of resistance, leader. Four squads made up a the Directorate’s logo was a dagger the first few months of 1921. As Rossi up the momentum on the streets, they one of which, Livorno, succumbed to a surrounded by an oak and laurel writes, they had “an immense company with a company commander were betrayed by the PSI who were force of 2,000 squadristi. wreath. The ivetavecchia meanwhile advantage over the labour movement and three companies made up a more interested in signing a pact of in its facilities for transportation and didn't leave much to the imagination battalion with its own battalion Conclusion non-aggression with the fascists; this commander. Cycle squads were used to when choosing their banner — an axe concentration... The fascists are at a time when the fascists were at So what lessons can we today learn generally without ties. . .they can live maintain links between the general smashing the fasces symbol! Although their most vulnerable. Socialist from the Arditi del Popolo’? First of all, command and the workforce at large. they did not have, nor want, their own anywhere... The workers, on the militants were forced by their we need to learn the benefits of In spite of its structure, the AdP uniform, the average AdP member contrary, are bound to their homes... leadership to withdraw from the AdP, organisation. Like the AdP, we need to This system gives the enemy every remained elastic enough to form a preferred to dress in black sweaters, while the CGL union ordered its form local anti-fascist groups, advantage: that of the offensive over rapid reaction force in response to dark-grey trousers, with a red flower members to leave the organisation. operating autonomously in their own in their buttonholes. Their songs were the defensive, and that of mobile fascist threats. AdP behaviour was One union leader, Matteotti, areas, but gelled together in a national direct and confrontational as they warfare over a war of position."2 dictated by whatever political group confirmed the sell out in the union network. These groups should not However, by March 1921, there held sway in a particular locale, themselves were: paper Battaglia Sindicale: “Stay at refrain from applying militant direct “Rintuzziamo la violenza/del fascismo were growing signs of working class although most sections were allowed home: do not respond to provocations. action tactics against the likes of the mercenario./Tutti in armi!sul calvario/ defence structures being put in place. virtual autonomy over their actions. 17 16 FEATURE PRISONERS I complex theme park Any study of the The American state holds two million people in prison on any given day — four times the number in 1980 — because there's money in it. This represents the It's the rich Prince Albert wanted to build a fairy majority, the surplus population, the prison industrial highest per capita incarceration rate in the history of the world. In 1995 alone, tale castle in this wild and mysterious poor, the hungry and the powerless on 150 new US prisons were built and filled. complex in America what gets the land. He managed to persuade the the road to extinction. That road is The prison industrial complex is rapidly becoming an essential component of Government to pay for his folly and his lined with media images and dreams quickly reveals that the US economy. More than five million people are behind bars, on parole, holiday home was built. The cost of of wealth and satisfaction just out of pleasure, the probation, or under other supervision by the criminal justice system. The forces with a financial labour for the enterprise was reach, so we walk on without influence of the prison industrial complex penetrates deep into the political and pleasingly low; with starvation and wondering where we're headed. .o¥' poor what gets interest in a big social life of America. Legislators pass harsh sentencing laws virtually written by eviction rampant throughout the area, Unless Tommy Sheridan can turn shadowy prison corporations — like the Corrections Corporation of America — who prison population people were willing to work eight Scotland into the Cuba of the North, or the blame... endlessly lobby for tough laws and the privatisation of prisons. The prison guards’ hours a day for a pound and a half of until the Nats can persuade Europe to have helped to cause union sponsors candidates who support tough laws and the economic exploitation meal. Meanwhile, the fantastically rich give them a ‘Setting up an of prisoners in the name of rehabilitation. Police departments base part of their Duke and Duchess of Sutherland were Independent State’ grant, we're and perpetuate the budgeting on the proceeds from drug-related arrests. Thousands of people go to Scotland the Nation is a relatively hosting a fundraising visit at Dunrobin headed along extinction alley. prison boom. R prison, or stay there longer, in the pursuit of profit. recent idea, much the same as all Castle for Harriet Beecher Stowe, We might alter the path, break Some commentators point to the disproportionate imprisonment of blacks and other nations. The formation of this author of Uncle Tom ’s Cabin. Beecher through the images and myths and Latinos and declare prisons a modern form of slavery: this is a similar criticism to entity has taken place without the will Stowe's visit was a coup for the join with our fellow workers, learners, that of the Black Panther Party, who argue that racial minorities in America are an or consent of the majority of people fashionable Duchess who led the upper long-minded ones around the globe internal colony, a pool of downtrodden, second-class citizens valued only for the who live within the constructed class craze in Britain for the and begin to find means of working, low-wage labour they supply. borders. emancipation of American slaves. learning, thinking and sharing At the beginning of the 19th Nobody mentioned the irony that the together as free individuals with our Prisons are big business century, the area known as the l - Duke was currently evicting and own visions and dreams to guide us, Prisons are becoming big business in four ways. Firstly, state correctional Highlands Er Islands was considered to starving thousands of his tenants and our own and shared experiences departments are turning their prisons into factories. Secondly, corporations are contain people who were a species whose lives in many ways were just as and flexibilities to get us there. forming partnerships with prison authorities to provide goods and services for apart from the industrious citizens of unbearable as the lives of plantation Think about it. Where would you their customers. Thirdly, prisoners are increasingly seen as acaptive market Edinburgh, Glasgow and the slaves in America. like to live: a consumerist theme park (literally) that can be exploited as consumers. Lastly, the prison regime is agriculturally productive areas of the The dismissal, abuse and where you serve an assigned role, or a increasingly being colonised by the corporations, as justice is privatised. Central Belt, the North East and the exploitation of the people who live in safe, peaceful, infinitely varied and lowlands. The lairds, clan chiefs and Scotland continues today. We exist in a beautiful planet where you live as you Back to the farm landlords of the peripheral areas had theme park for the rich and famous — choose, a valued autonomous The industrialisation of the prison system is increasingly common. One example is by this time thrown in their lot with from Madonna to Al Fayed. Our individual? the California Prison Industry Authority, set up in 1983. A semi-autonomous state the politically and economically recently bestowed parliament is just as agency, the PIA uses inmate labour to manufacture a wide variety of products powerful based in Glasgow, London answerable to the UK Treasury, the that are sold to state agencies such as the Department of Corrections (CDC), the and Edinburgh, thus breaking the Labour Party and their business Department of Motor Vehicles, state hospitals and California State University. symbolic links they held with their cronies as any other Government llin About 7,000 prisoners, in 23 of California's 30 prisons, sand and upholster tenants as part of the same clan. department, despite their smug furniture, grind eyeglass lenses, and sew shirts and jeans. Inmate workers In the days of their forebears, of glorying in giving the elderly the basic Yiir Tim butcher beef and make hamburgers at the PIA’s meat processing plants. The PIA’s Culloden and Glencoe, they had been minimum they ought to expect in any labour costs are extremely low the foot-soldiers of plundering ‘civilised’ society. The Nationalists up (obviously) and the PIA is not chieftains who needed cash to adopt here would still be as much a part of a required to pay holiday pay or provide the sophisticated and luxurious habits corrupt and destructive global system for industrial injuries, sick leave, of. the ruling class in more ‘advanced’ of capital. Meanwhile, the Socialists health insurance or other benefits. areas. Industrialisation and agronomic have a prescriptive Bible interpreted The PIA pays rent to the Department agricultural rationalisation meant that through the Word of Marx via uy l of Corrections for factory and the people of the Highlands and demagogues and polit-pin-ups whose warehouse space at prices well below Islands became either surplus to views are stone writ LAW ' 7' .' ’i%:"_-t * - market rates and the PIA pays no The political system in which all our requirements or fodder for the armies, local, state or federal income taxes. factories and mines that made and ‘democratic’ choices are placed is y , r L State agencies are required by law to protected the wealth of Empire. merely the servant and social architect 1 1 buy from the PIA and abuse of this During the height of the Potato of capitalism. This economic fait S monopoly is endemic. Famine (1846-55), stirred by the accompli, this Darwinian proof of 9 -...-‘R-‘ 1 ' " H V } The PIA claims that inmates learn romanticisation of the Highlands, profit, survival of the fittest, puts the 8 , , y y . 18 19

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