also develops skills oforgani- ONE OF THE central themes of an- sation and propaganda. A re- archism is that people should have cent clear example of this is the freedom and the means to take to be found in the thousands full control of their lives. Both indi- vidually and collectively anarchists of local anti-poll tax groups <v which sprang up around the have developed an approach to country. Starting from human emancipation. This has come 1) r i scratch, ordinary people cre- to be called direct action and takes ated effective local direct ac- many forms. Anarchists believe that tion groups which dealt a there is a strong correlation between fatal blow to the poll tax. means and ends and this means free- Even when struggles end dom is not something that can be in defeat, they can indicate granted to us by politicians. We have what methods and tactics to act for ourselves if we want a bet- should not be used in the fu- ter world. ture. However, it is the tradi- The belief in self emancipation arises tional organisations of the from a deep distrust of politicians, states- r \ working class which are men, bureaucrats and others who would most likely to fail. For claim the right and expertise to run so- example, the trade unions ciety. Anarchists are cynical of such .9 I . - -u"=.-*-'.‘\- 1‘- which are run by tired and people whether they are on the right or 1. ' » ..§~. cynical hacks invariablyhold left of the political spectrum. The absurd back and limit the struggle. socialist position which advocates for revolutionary society within the present The characterisation of the National example, capturing posts within the state one. When workers occupy and control Union of Mineworkers as "lions lead by system inevitably ends up with people factories, they are demonstrating their donkeys" is not far from the truth for that being at best imprisoned by the system, or claim and power over it. The factory com- more likely, with them being transformed and other trade unions. mittees which sprang up in Russiain 1917 by the system itself. Parliament has One ofthe beauties of doing-it-yourself before the Bolshevik counter revolution tamed every fiery MP that has remained is that it is an extremely flexible approach showed that workers had the ability and which can be used effectively on an indi- for any prolonged period oftime within its inclination to take over production. walls. vidual, group, or mass level. The isolated Direct action essentially means taking anarchist, for example, can and should Experiment spread the anarchist message, whether by control of our own lives and action to cre- leaflets, stickers, local newsheet, posters ate a better world without the mediation In many uprisings, the masses them- etc. It would be wrong, however to fetish- of political parties and other organisa- selves have taken over the task of main- tions that would act on our behalf. As ise the individual act. taining order in the face of counter revol- On the collective level people can or- anarchists have pointed out for gener- utionary sabotage and terror. In fact the ganise much more effectively, having ations, even the most well-intentioned of whole process of revolution is like one larger resources and numbers to be able leaders and organisations become cor- huge school of self-emancipation and ex- to act on a wider scale. Mass strikes, occu- rupted by power. The sociologist Robert periment. pations, riots and other militant forms of Michels went so far as to speak ofan "iron There have been in the twentieth cen- revolt are dramatic examples of what is law of oligarchy" which he argued, over- tury dramatic examples of working class possible given the imagination, motiva- comes the most democratic of repre- people rejecting their own forms of politi- tion and militancy of workers in struggle. sentative organisations. The only realistic cal organisation in favour of their own Less obvious acts include working to rule, way to bring about a better world is to do political assemblies. The soviets ofRussia go slows, and sabotage. it ourselves. - in 1905 and 1917 and in Hungary in 1956 A form of direct action which has Anarchists then reject authoritarian, immediately come to mind. However, and caused some controversy in the ranks of bureaucratic and representative institu- this is crucial, action in itself is not tions as being opposed to our interests. anarchism is "propaganda by the deed", enough. There has to be a political aware- being distinguished from "propaganda by ness and consciousness if self-organisa- the word". This has involved political as- Goals tion is not to be subverted by the authori- sassinations, bombing, etc and was ac- tarians. The soviets in 1917 became intox- . Direct action though, has a more posi- claimed by late nineteenth century an- icated by the radical sounding propagan- tive character. It enables the oppressed archists, including for a brief period, Kro- da ofthe Bolsheviks and transformed into and exploited to gain a self-realisation of potkin. Usually, such acts were carried willing tools of their enemies, the state of their value and helps bring about self out by individuals or small groups who socialists. A similar development took were isolated from the mass movement. empowerment. Setting and achieving place in Germany a year later, though this Assassination of Kings and politicians goals actually increases the awareness time it was the right-wing Social Demo- may have been dramatic but were univer- and self confidence of those in struggle — cratic Party that side tracked the revol- sally counter-productive in that they pro- it is a liberating process in itself. The ution. vided the state with a counter-revolution- oppressed, when they engage in struggle Despite these and other difficulties, ary propaganda weapon and an excuse for develop and discover qualities that they there is still no doubt that only direct repression. never dreamed they possessed. And, since action by the oppressed can lead to libera- Sometimes, direct action takes forms the struggle is under the control of those tion. Freedom has to be taken — and by which herald new revolutionary forms of directly involved, rather than under out- us in each and every aspect of our lives. organisation, embryonic examples of post side agents, like union full time agents, it 20 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 ORGANISE! The Provos SUBSCRIBE: What they said about Organise! ORGANISE! IS THE national magazine of the Anarchist Com- "The CNT will compromise everything except our Or- andthe munist Federation (ACF). Organise! is a quarterly theoretical ganise! subscriptions" journal publishedin order to develop anarchist communist ideas. Durruti It aims to give a clear anarchist viewpoint on contemporary "We agree with our mate" issues, and initiate debates on areas not normally covered by The Friends ofDurruti agitational journals. "Woof" building All articles in the magazine are by ACF members unless The dog ofDurruti signed. Some reflect ACF policy and others open u'p debate in "That’ll be £3 please" undiscussed areas, helping us to develop our ideas further. The Organise! editors Please feel welcome to contribute articles to Organise! — as Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I I O I I I I I O I Q O O I I I O O I O O I O long as they don’t conflict with our Aims and Principles we will Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . publish them. (Letters, of course, need not agree with our A&Ps WOl' 9l'S I I O I I I I Q I I O O O I I I I I I I O I I O at all.) I I O I I I I O O O O I I O O I I O O I O I O I I I I C I I I I I I I I I I O O O O I O O I I O O The next issue will be out in early July. The deadlines are 1st I enclose £3 for a four-issue sub, or £6 for a four issue June for features and reviews, and 8th June for letters and news. supporting sub). Add 25% for overseas subs or institutions. All contributions for the next issue should be sent to: Return form to: ACF, c/o 84b Whitechapel High Street, THE PROVISIONAL IRA lieve that such workers are ACF, c/0 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX London E1 7QX "executed" eight building shot because they are Protes- workers in January be- tants and that the Provos’ Help Organise! to grow cause they were involved stated reasons are not the real Who We Are in building for the security onesl forces. This action further THE ANARCHIST COMMUN- illustrates the nature of Bombs and ballots WE FEEL THAT Organise! has for papers and Press Fund money IST Federation is an organisation an important role to play in the authoritarian nationalist (payable to ACF) to London. of class struggle anarchists. Its growth of revolutionary activity Organise! Back Issues Back politics, bereft of any class The political wing of the structure is based on groups and and ideas in these exciting times. issues ofOrganise! (from issue 14 struggle perspective. Provisionals, Sinn Fein, is individual members. We have We know from rising sales that to issue 25 inclusive) are still The Anarchist Communist talking about a solution to the members in the following areas:- many ofour readers feel the same. available, from the London group Federation is, of course, op- partition of Ireland by either Aylesbury But we need your support to address, as are a few copies of its posed to collaboration with the the Common Market or the Chesterfield help keep the furnace burning. forerunner Virus. They cost 40p & Chester-le-Street forces of law and order and United Nations. They hope Sell Organise! Although our sae each and include: Coventry with the occupying British that the coming of the single sales are rising, we need to keep ' Organise! 19:. Poll tax and PRESS FUND Derry Army in Northern Ireland. It European market can some- boosting circulation, so try and prison riots; Mandela myth; Hexham opposes any material aid or how dissolve the borders. They take a bundle to sell to friends or ecology and class. Grantham workmates. By selling Organise! ' Organise! 20: Class struggle in collaboration with imperial- show blindness to the fact that TI-IE PRESS FUND exists so you Leeds you can help our ideas to reach Ireland; Romania; poll tax up- ism wherever it happens to be. these institutions are capital- can contribute to the everyday London more and more people. date. This does not mean that the ist institutions, not some "fair- running and production costs of Manchester Write for Organise! You can ' Organise! 21: Gulfwar; Russia answer is to slaughter mem- minded" body standing above Organise! Merthyr Tydfil help to make Organise! yours by in crisis; Brixton. bers of the working class, be class interests. The espousal Money is always needed for Middlesborough writing letters and articles. ' Organise! 22: Recession; poll printing, postage, layout materi- Newcastle they Protestant or Catholic. ofthese views shows the grow- Feedback Organise! will im- tax; warfare state; Commune; als and a host ofother things. We Nottingham Workers have to be appealed ing gap between the "soldiers" prove through a two-way process Asia. also want to see Organise! pro- Oxford to on their class interests, and of the IRA and the "politi- ofcriticism and feedback, and will ' Organise! 23: Iraq Interview; duced more frequently, with more Portsmouth this is not achieved by blowing cians" of Sinn Fein. better reflect the reality of Greens; ANC; pits; police pages and a greater print run. Rugeley struggle through readers com- ' Organise! 24: New World them up, but through consist- Gerry Adams and Martin Money is also needed to finance Saffron Walden municating with us. Please write Order; Children; BCCI; Clause ent argument and propagan- McGuinness are already dis- pamphlets. Sheffield with ideas. 25. , da. tancing themselves from the Thanks to all those who con- The ACF promotes the build- Please send all feedback, con- ' Organise! 25: Columbus; SWP; As the Irish anarchist armed activity of the IRA and other-an all-Ireland exploita- And in the South... tributed to the Press Fund this ing of a strong and active an- tributions for Organise!, requests Filipino lnterveiw; Freedom. issue: archist movement in Britain and group Workers’ Solidarity Adams talks about "a need to tion through the EEC, rather £100, East London; £17.50, internationally and has contact Movement said recently in end all acts of violence". They than through direct British The Workers’ Party of the WANT TO JOIN THE ACF? Sheffield; £50, East London; £5, with like-minded anarchists over- their paper: "It is undeniable are not yet ready to condemn domination. The Republicans Republic was a political con- Bristol; £5, Central London; seas. write to: ACF, c!o 84b White- that such an appeal would armed action, indeed they have successfully channelled tinuation of the Official IRA WANT TO FIND OUT MORE? £7.50, Stoke. chapel High St, London E1 7QX have been ignored by most. hope to use the armed activity and controlled disaffection in which gave up armed struggle However in areas such as of the IRA as a bargaining the Catholic working class back in the early 70s, and I agree with the ACF’s Aims and Principles and I would Making progress! tal text of anarchist communism Newry, Derry and Strabane counter. But there is a grow- North. A change in circum- which was a horrific amalgam like to join the organisation —just out! Describes how andy/by there was a very good chance ing feeling that they could win stances could mean that this of Stalinism and Republican- Q I I I I O I I I I O O O I I I I O O I I O O O I a revolutionary anarchist com- that it would have been more Sinn Fein seats if armed disaffection could spill out of ism. Its recent disintegration I would like more information about the Anarchist WE HAVE REPRINTED a num- munist organisation is necessary. Communist Federation . . . heeded if worked for... We struggle came to an end. The the narrow confines of Repub- at its February conference ber of our ACE pamphlets "due to ln the pipeline areFortress Eu- I I . I I I I . . . I I I O Q I I . . I I . I I I I must also look at the objective contradictions in the Provi- licanism and take in the work- points to the continuing crises public demand". rope, about the bosses’ plans for I am particularily interested in the Anarchist Communist result of the threats and kill- sional strategy ofwaging their ing class of the South. But for within the Stalinist parties Making Progress describes Euro-capitalism; Ecology and An- Federation’s views on . . . . how and whythe ACF was formed, archist Communism; and a re- ings. It does not matter a lot struggle through the ballot this to be possible an active and within Republicanism. I . . . O I I . Q Q I . I . O Q I . I . O I . I I I and the continuing evolution of vised edition of our out of print what the intentions ofthe Pro- box and the Armalite is com- revolutionary movement The Workers’ Party in- I I O O O I O I I O O I I O I Q I O I I I O O O I I I O I I I O I I O O O I I O Q I I I I I C I I our ideas and practice. A "begin- pamphletAnarchism -—As We See vos are, the fact is that killing ing to a head. Bordering on the needs to be built throughout herited the enmity between ners guide" to the ACF! 30p and It. Bulk orders please for these labourers and other workers absurd Ireland. At the same time a the Provisional and Official I I I I O O O Q O I O I I I O O Q O O I I I O I I I O O I I O O I I I O I I I O O O O I I I O I 1 an SAE from our national address. pamphlets to national address. drives Protestants into the The illusions that the Sinn movement of solidarity needs wings of the IRA, and saw the Name: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Manifesto of Libertarian This ambitious publishing ven- arms of bigots like Paisley. It Fein leaders have in the EEC to be created in Britain, one Provisionals as the main I O O I I D O I O U I I I I C C I I I I I I O O I Q Communism by Georges Fontenis ture costs mucho dosh. We know Address: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is not enough to denounce lead them to hope that they that is not the backyard of one enemy. It welcomed the Com- is a key text ofanarchist commun- that you, dear reader, appreciate I I . O I . I I I I O Q . C I O C I . . I . . I O I such workers as supporters of can use the end ofIRAmilitary of the leftist groups or a meek mon Market as progressive ism. Though flawed, the best fea- how important it is to get our ideas imperialism — the question is activity as a persuader to end lapdog of the Provisionals. and cheered multinational in- I O O I Q O I I C C O O O O O O O O I I I I O O O O O Q O I I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 U O O tures need to be incorporated into over in this period so that the vestment in Ireland. modern revolutionary libertarian movement can grow and be effec- how to win them away from the partition of Ireland. Even This solidarity does not exist, Please tick/fill in as appropriate and return to: theory and practice. 60p + SAE. tive. Any financial contribution, that. Death threats certainly if this were to happen, one and it is partly because it does Two years ago, the leader ACF c/o 84b Whitechapel High St, London E1 7QX The Role of the Revolutionary small or large, would be greatly cannot do it. Whether we like form of capitalist not eldst that the Provos have of the Workers’ Party, Proan- Organisation. Another fundamen- appreciated. it or not many Protestants be- would be mchnnpd hr an- been able to retain their hold. sias de Rossa, indicated how 2 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 3 III \ missability of market rela- far it had gone down the road membership with him into a lay judgement in 1988 in the fact I have done more practi- tions, especially in agricul- to dropping any pretence ofde- new Social-Democratic Party, Supreme Court made it un- cal work than any other Irish ture. Essentially, as Lenin ad- fending class struggle politics whilst a rump, including many lawful to aid a woman trying politician to stop Irish women mitted, the NEP was a capitu- when he said: "If the Irish in the North, is all that re- to obtain an abortion — in going for abortion". lation to market capitalism, people want a market econ- mains of the Workers’ Party. other words any information And what about the Provi- albeit with a bureaucratic rul- omy mediated by the price This marks a further stage in on abortion facilities is illegal sionals? They have consist- ing class which preserved and mechanism, then the Workers’ the collapse of the old Repub- and can bring a jail sentence. ently refused to take a posi- extended its own privileges. Party will not stand in their lican and Stalinist politics and tion on abortion, anxious as Political cynicism reached way". the pressing need to create a Infiltration they are not to alienate the new heights during the period The de Rossa faction revolutionary libertarian Catholic Church too much and of NEP. Politicians preached wanted to drop all talk of class movement throughout Ire- A number of reactionary the sensibilities of many the language of Marxism struggle and to cut their links land. Catholic organisations have Catholic workers. Instead of whilst practising oppression. infiltrated the civil service and taking a stand they sit on the with the Official IRA. This was So, when Stalin finally turned the professions and they have fence refusing to attack reac- opposed by a faction led by Ca- Abortion upon the most able practition- thal Goulding, former chief of a rabid anti-abortion stance. tionary ideas. ers of NEP, the Kulaks,better staffofthe IRA, Sean Garland, The Appeal Court in the Among them are Opus Dei and There are a number of off peasants, he did so in the former Party General Secre- Republic was forced to back the Knights of Columbanus. groups and individuals, in- name of class struggle and so- tary, and Des O’Hagan, a lead- down over its decision not to Both these groups have ex- cluding anarchists, ready to cialism. Incidentally, it was ing light in Belfast. This fac- allow a 14 year old girl, preg- pressed admiration in the past take a stand on abortion and not only the better off peas- tion is still tied to Stalinism nant after being raped, to go to for Mussolini, Franco and Sa- to challenge the State and the ants who were slaughtered in and still linked to the Official Britain for an abortion. This lazar. Such admiration can Church by refusing to be the period up to the declara- IRA, which whilst it has was not due to moral indigna- also be found among leading gagged, and by distributing tion of "socialism" in 1936 but ceased armed activity many tion in the bosses’ media but members ofthe Society for the information on abortion ser- also the broad mass of the years ago maintains its struc- because of large mobilisations Protection of the Unborn vices. Creating a revolution- working population. tures and weaponry and sup- against the decision. Child, like Dr. Mary Lucey. ary movement in Ireland in- "Socialism" in its Stalinist ports the dismal Party policies An estimated 7,000 women, And so-called liberals like the cludes taking a stand against l form had come into being. In on wage restraint and support according to unofficial figures, President, Mary Robinson are the Catholic Church, breaking l its essentials it combined na- for the Common Market. travel to Britain every year to as equally anti-abortion. Ro- the working class from reac- tionalism ("socialism in one The resultant split in the obtain abortions. Abortion has binson said during the tionary religious ideas and country") with dictatorship Workers’ Party means that de been officially banned in Ire- presidential campaign that "I uniting both the Protestant carried out through a single Rossa has taken 90% of the land since 1861, and the Fin- don’t support abortion, and in and Catholic working class. party, a command economy regulated by long term plans I 1 '" _ 1 i l l 1 and economic centralisation based upon state ownership. Looking in the coffin: Mozambique, Algeria, etc not ward country could achieve came aware as early as the Monstrous be able to do the same? "take-ofi" ie achieve self-suffi- 1950s of the inadequacies of The reality of the Soviet ciency, industrialisation, a de- the Soviet model but were in- Despite the monstrous na- miracle was somewhat differ- cent system system of health capable of substituting liber- collapse of the Soviet Union ture of the new system the so- ent. Soviet science, technology care and selfrespect. tarian alternatives as befits viet economy made dramatic and industry were consistent- ruling classes. progress. In the 1930s output ly behind the capitalist USA. Cocktail The apparent stability of increased enormously — the Rational planning was sup- the Soviet economic system country became indus- posed to be far superior to the So, national liberationists became questioned in the trialised. The USSR experi- market yet the USSR could adopted some ofthe ideas, lan- 1960s and 70s. Compared to IT IS TYPICAL ofthe West- however, global implications ist model. Lenin was honest ants by a high handed party enced dramatic economic not build a decent motor car, guage, methods and advice of many market economies the ern press to see the col- beyond the acclaimed victory enough at times to admit that dictatorship (nourishing sen- growth, particularly in respect computer or machine tool. the Soviet leaders. The cock- USSR seemed to offer high lapse of the Soviet system of capitalism in the metropoli- state capitalism was all that timental, though fraudulent to heavy industry, coal mining Consumer goods were in short tail finally adopted by each and sustained economic as a primarily ideological tan countries. The command Russia was capable .of achiev- revolutionary language). War etc. In respect of consumer supply, shoddy and without movement varied but essen- growth. and economic vindication economy provided a model ing in the short run after the Communism equalled the products however, the variety, whilst food supplies tially reflected, with modifica- However, by the 1980s, the of capitalism and liberal- which was more or less imi- October 1917 coup. True he police state, the banning of all achievements throughout the were of a generally very poor tions, aspects of the soviet system was reaching the democracy (sic). tated by third world: oligar- was perfectly capable of lying commerce, including the sell- period of "state socialism" up quality. The Soviet achieve- model. The Indian ruling limits of viability and growth The bankruptcy ofthe com- chies on a very wide scale. Sta- when it suited his propaganda ing of vegetables to the starv- to the collapse of Gorbachev ment was a mirage. class, went in for the cen- rates diminished with each mand economy/state capital- linists, pseudo — stalinists needs as his (apparently) ing workers and the regiment- were extremely limited. Agri- Nevertheless for social-na- tralised command economy for plan. It took Gorbachev to ism of Eastern Europe has, and many so called national democratic analysis enclosed ing of the population under culture from 1929 to 1989 var- tionalists the USSR seemed to heavy industry as far as was tackle the crisis which he liberation movements outside in "The State and Revolution" Bolshevik control. Trotsky, in- ied from the inefficient at best provide the model for econ- compatible with overall mar- feared would overcome the of the Bolshevik tradition saw showed. He was equally ca- toxicated with power and his "Boris Yeltsingot Russia for to the downright catastrophic. omic take-off. So, for four de- ket capitalism. Hence, huge whole system. As we know he in the Soviet system a model of pable of crude propagandism own rhetoric, advocatedfthe Christmas and it fell apart The command planned econ- cades, "revolutionaries" from steel mills, nuclear plants etc. failed and the Soviet system is development which would lift as is evident in his view that most extreme form of this dic- by Boxing Day" omy appeared to work for sev- the 3rd World made their way Those truer to the soviet no more. them from dependent poverty "electrification plus soviets" tatorship. Trotskyists who eral decades. In the post war to Moscow for education and model mouthed the slogans of to real independence, develop- equals socialism. On a practi- whine on about Trotsky the period the USSR gained the training. Pakistanis, Indians, Stalinism, imposed one party Collapse 4 ment and industrialisation. cal level early soviet economic democrat/workers’ tribune status of armed super power, Iraqis, Angolans, Cubans and rule, strict currency controls Thus countries which were policy boiled down to "War should read his "Terrorism had apparently stunning indeed representatives from and the ideological trappings Today, no one except dyed most unsuited to Stalino-Mar- Communism" and then "New and Communism" to evaluate achievements in space re- all Third World countries of "socialism" such as the red in the wool Stalinists see any xist economic analyses set Economic Policy". his real views about workers search and provided a compre- made the journey to the new flag. The sight ofhugebanners virtue in the soviet example. forth with their own variants power. hensive (if backward) educa- Mecca to see how things were bearing the icons of Marx and It has collapsed and with it of the command economy and Apologies The abandonment of War tional and welfare system. It to be done. True, the USSR Lenin in Ethiopia ultimately has disappeared third world all which (following the Soviet Communism following the was these achievements could not compete with the showed the absurdity of this emulation — except of course precedent) went with it. When War Communism, Leninist Tenth Party Congress and the which mesmerised would-be West in producing consumer approach. The collapse of the for the dinosaurs of Cuba, the USSR collapsed, so, by and apologists never tire of telling Kronstadt revolt led to the im- revolutionaries in the colonial goods but from the third world USSR in the late 1980s finally North Korea and (perhaps) large, did their projects col- us , was a necessity, forced position ofthe "New Economic countries. If the former peas- "revolutionaries" viewpoint revealed the nakedness of the China, who, under the domi- lapse also. upon the Bolsheviks by the Policy". Essentially,‘this com- E 0 0 ant dominated USSR could this did not matter. What Soviet model. nation of ancient Stalinists The USSR tried a variety of needs of the civil war. In re- bined strong Communist con- achieve "socialism" why counted was the USSR ap- Some, like the Yugoslav are reinventing the New economic programmes before ality it was a policy forced trol and the destruction of all .¢*"",.---, should not Cambodia, China, peared to show how a back- and Chinese Stalinists be- Economic Policy. _ _ _ _ --._ - --:. Jp- finally settling for the Stalin- upon the workers and peas- political freedom with the per- 4 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 5 Introduction to the US green would involve citizens meet- Eugene, Oregon last summer. they should stay in the Greens ject’s anti-presidential elec- ing to discuss issues, then From the review of the meet- and work with them to develop tion boycott, but they do have sending delegates to a larger ing it seems that the YGs have a revolutionary consciousness a bizarre ideology. Confederal body, who have mandated po- shrunk in number with many and agenda. This faction Municipalism puts forward sitions from the base. .." Fortu- activists going off into differ- wants the name changed to the nonsensical idea that the anarchists nately in practice the Youth ent projects, eg Love and Rage the Autonomous Green Net- local state is good but that the Greens seem to avoid electo- or the LGN. There also seems work. The Youth Greens have national state is bad; this ralism and emphasise extra- to be a realisation that to con- not yet split. The issue will be needs to be repudiated as parliamentary activity. tinue they must change their debated again at this year’s merely another face of the title, both to allow it to become conference. But I hope they do same old leftist garbage. mixed age and to clarify their split. For the sake of theoreti- We’ve had enough leftist Militant MURRAY BOOKCHIN IS an important contem- position to the Greens. But cal clarity the anarchist states to know they all "stink porary thinker, founder of the Social Ecology Their ideas on Revolution- there are two main factions on Greens need to break from the the same. ary Dual Power are influenced this. The first want to ditch stifling confines of the official The following are the most movement. Latterly his ideas have shifted from :\/I, by the German Autonomists the word Greens as well. They Green movement. And to get up to date addresses for these green anarchist-communism to the radical lib- and include both militant see "...that the Greens are away from any trot hangers groups: eralism of Confederal Municipalism — "a belief SE THE I street demonstrations and hopelessly middle class and on. Left Green Network, POB \ in taking state power at a local level and using f'V\f:'_v‘\ gases Peovibili \ "...working in communities to will never be more than mild 366, Iowa City, IA 52244. that power to transform society from the bot- establish counter-institutions mannered reformers..." They Bizarre Left Green Notes, 825 East or ’—_TF-"-F‘-I )( /’ with a goal of creating a dual correctly view the Greens as Roosevelt, #178, Lombard, IL, tom up" Here is a report from an ACF member L._, power in opposition to capital being tied to statist and electo- The Left Green Network’s 60148. \ currently in America. and the state. Such projects ral strategies that have no re- seemingly progressive and Regeneration, WD Press, l include community cafes, res- levance to the revolutionary radical ideas are being used as POB 24115, St Louis, MO t U / taurants, bookstores, squats project. This faction wants to a cover to drag anti-authorita- 63130. / " In the United States and party, some see themselves as . J f’’ P I-ii-1 and community gardens. change the name to the Eco- rians into the electoral circus. Free Society/Youth Canada there are two main co- autonomous. t- .<__ ____,_, ’ The most recent Youth logical Anarchist Network. It is bizarre that they have Greens, POB 7293, Minnea- "3 ordinating groupings of the Green conference was in The other faction argues that joined the Love and Rage pro- polis MN 55407. Bookchinist current: the Left Dominant Green Network and the Youth -_--"""_'J Greens. A dominant idea within the IS LIFESTYLISM ENOUGH? The Left Green Network former is confederal munici- has existed for about three palism. They really believe I years and has about 300 that their town councillors \__.:'.-a--I "members". They have a ma- will be accountable and recall- gazine called Left Green Notes able to local people. LIFESTYLISM IS THE theory that Vivisection or the Arms Trade; Similarly The fundamental flaw oflifestylism as —A Magazine ofRadical Eco- The Youth Greens are a lowing in the tradition of the On the state, "...We do not major social change will only come they favour small shops and co- opera- a political theory is its individualistic logy which is printed about younger and more radical off- Paris Commune, the Spanish believe that the present sys- about through people as individuals tives ("small is beautiful") to supermar- basis. As anarchist communists we see every two months. The latest I shoot from the Greens. They Anarchists of the late 1800’s tem can be reformed. It is changing the way that they live and kets and hierarchical businesses. individual freedom as vital but the guar- have is issue 10. They also are more anarchistic. For and early 1900’s, May ’68 partly for this reason that we relate to other individuals. Through environmental concern they buy antee offreedom of the individual is free- have a theoretical bulletin example they are against the France, and the thoughts of reject the authority of the I am examining and criticising life- green products that claim to be ecologi- dom of the collective. called Regeneration, and a 24 electoral politics of the Green Hegel, Marx, Kropotkin, The state, and seek an entire re- stylism as a political philosophy, rather cally friendly, and try to re-cycle what We live in a class society which is or- page draft programme. The Party and are close to the Love Frankfurt School, Feminism, structuring of society — al- than its content. It is vital for revolution- they use (paper, cans, bottles etc). ganised for the wealth and power of an network was initiated in the and Rage newspaper network. the New Left, the Situation- though some of us think that aries to examine and change the way that Pacifists are opposed to violence, par- elite, the Ruling Class (Bosses, Land- North East (or New England) They have been going about ists and Social Ecology...". the state may play a role in a they live — for example to tackle racism ticularly the existence ofthe military and lords, Judges, Politicians, Top Military, quarter of the United States four years and have already Their six political principles period of transition to a sta- and sexism in themselves and others; the criminal waste of the arms trade. Police and Civil Servants). The majority most especially from Vermont had five continental conferen- adopted at their first con- teless society..." Note their those who don’t speak with a corpse in Peaceful methods are the means to an of people —- the Working Class -— have no where Murray Bookchin’s In- ces. They are probably very ference in May ’89 were "1) principles do not include anti- their mouths. The point is that on its own end; a peaceful society. All behaviour is real choice about how they live. They are stitute for Social Ecology is studentbased since all their Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual statism. It is probable that this is not enough. subject to individual choice. So, for forced to do boring, useless (and un- based. The ISE is part of a meetings have taken place on Liberation; 2) Social Ecofem- there is a trotskyite minority example, police on pickets and demon- healthy) work for a boss, the drudgery of college at which Bookchin is a college campuses, and some- inism; 3) Anti-Capitalism; 4) within the Youth Greens Theory strations should be treated as individuals full-time housework and childcare, or the professor. Many of the older times their theory is quite aca- Oppositional politics; 5) Revol- blocking this. It also shows in who "can be nice to you if you’re nice to poverty and harassment of "living" on LGN activists seem to have demic. The YG and the LGN utionary Dual Power and the refusal to attack Lenin- Lifestylism is an individualistic the- them". For a number of pacifists all vi- welfare benefits. come out of the anti-nuclear have a separate history and Radical Municipalism; and 6) ism, "...The question of Youth ory: society is made up ofindividuals who olence is equally bad (whether committed The people who decide what is pro- struggles of the seventies, and identity, but most Youth Democratic Decentralism." Green relation to democratic- have real choices about how they live; for by oppressors or oppressed) — so it was duced and how, are not workers or consu- have since either or taught Greens are also members of centralist cadre group is still example whether they do waged work or wrong for pickets to defend themselves at mers but those who own the means of studied at the ISE. the Left Greens. The have Class an open one and there are now not (and what job they do), whether they Orgreave. Similarly, some pacifists argue production (land, factories etc) — bosses The Left Green Network published one issue of their three counter- proposals inex- live communally, pay the rent, squat etc. against using peaceful force — for and landlords. Their sole motivation is has yearly continental con- own magazine Free Society, in- On Anti-Capitalism they istence." If enough people make the right moral or example a non-violent workplace occupa- profit i.e. domination and exploitation. ferences and in between re- cluded in which was a discus- state, "...we define Green as Their confusion on the ethical choices and act upon them, reform tion — because it is violent to impose your Organised consumer campaigns can have gional conferences. There are sion on whether they should explicitly anti-capitalist. Both issue of the state carries over or major social change will occur. will on other people. an effect, ifallied to workers’ action —e.g. six regions; NE, SE, NE, SW, change their name to the "au- historical experience and the- into their rejection of the na- Many people look critically at what boycotting production of goods during a Midwest and Far West. The tonomous greens" or to the oretical analysis indicate that tional electoral system. Pres- food they buy and eat, for reasons of Collective action strike. conference I went to was the "eco-anarchist network". capitalism and ecology cannot umably they, like the Left health, ecology, animal liberation and so- What is needed is local and national first regional conference ofthe Together with the LGN they coexist. The profit motive in- Green Network, see the local cial justice. They boycott "Third World" Campaigning against "bad companies" organisation and collective direct action Farwest LGN. The LGN is run produced a magazine called herent in capitalism does not electoral system and the local cash crops such as tea, coffee and sugar in implies that there are good companies. ending in the working class seizing the by a co- ordinating council Ecology, Anarchism and allow for truly effective eco- state as somehow distinct favour of "non-exploiting" home produce, The reality is that production for profit means of production and creating struc- which includes two delegates Green Politics as a one offfor a logical regulations or environ- from the national one. They buy free- range, organic wholefoods inevitably means the domination and ex- tures where everyone has a direct say from each region, two from the big student ecology con- mental protection. The state, "...We advocate govern- rather than food that is factory ploitation of people, useless unhealthy about all aspects ofsociety (historically — Youth Greens and two from ference. The Youth Greens priority is profit, not the land ment based upon direct farmed/chemically treated — refined or production and the domination of nature workplace and neighbourhood councils, the "people of colour" Caucus. have called for and taken part or the people. As Greens we democracy, whenever possible adulterated, adopt vegetarian or vegan and hence pollution and destruction. Big street committees etc). Only in such a The LGN has a strange rela- in radical Earth Day actions will not compromise with capi- and accountable repre- diets rather than meat or dairy ones. companies are only worse than small ones classless society — Anarchist Commun- tionship with the Green Party, each year. talism..." Nowhere in their sentation when direct democ- In the wider areas ofconsumption, life- because they are bigger. In a class society ism — will we have production for use in many left greens seeing them- Politically the Youth writings is there any discus- racy is not possible. An ac- stylists boycott "bad" companies con- worker/consumer co-ops are only a milder a world human community which also is selves as the left-wing of that Greens see themselves as "fol- sion or even mention ofclass!!! countable representation nected with things such as Apartheid, form of exploitation. in harmony with nature. 6 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 7 cialist Worker’s Party even set up a D REVOLUTIO WO E women’s magazine, Women’s Voice, as a way to attract women into their organisa- tion. Marxists also had to come up with a theory of women’s oppression which did not alter their fundamental materialist children. They were mainly responsible theory. Women going out to work and This article does not attempt to be the definitive statement on for taking care of the house and raising being united with their male counterparts anarchism and women’s liberation nor does it claim to be a the children, whether they worked or not. in the workplace was the answer. Once in Most people, including political activists, the workplace women could be organised comprehensive analysis of the women’s movement in recent took this situation for granted. If women with men and together they would fight years. It is, instead, an effort to give an anarchist-communist did have the time to get involved in politi- for a revolution which would automat- perspective on these issues. The Editors welcome other con- cal organisations (usually this meant they ically end the exploitation of the working tributions to a debate that is often ignored by anarchist groups. were single and childless) it was often as class. Since women were members of the wives or girlfriends who made the tea and working class, their oppression would end did the typing. When the politically active as well. Women, of course, had to fight hard to men became fathers it was the women have their concerns taken seriously along- who stayed home with the children so that side the general demands for working the men could continue their political ac- Question of power class emancipation. The Birth Control tivity. ANARCHISM IS ONE ofthe few political Movement in the early 20th century is a Socialist feministschallenged this sim- ideologies that can take on board, at least good example. Birth control was absolute- plistic, materialist view, questioning in theory, the issues that have been raised ly vital if women were to become involved whether working class women’s interests Times change by the women’s movement. This is be- politically but many organisations includ- were totally the same as working class cause anarchism is not just against econ- ing the Industrial Workers of the World In the 1960s more women started going men and whether the ending of economic omic exploitation but also oppression and (IWW) did not take it at all seriously. This out to work. The service/office sector ofthe exploitation would end an oppression that hierarchy. was one ofthe first struggles where revol- economy was expanding and both work- was also ideological. Anarchist and liber- Marxists see an economic system as utionary women realised that they could ing and middle class women were re- tarian organisations agreed with much of the source of all oppression and therefore not count on others in their class and had cruited into these jobs. More women went the socialist feminist critique. argue that the demise of such a system to organise independently. on to higher education, including working In addition, anarchists, as mentioned will end the oppression of women. An- class women as the number of places in- above, did not feel threatened by autono- archists, on the other hand, recognise that creased. Young women therefore had mous movements and welcomed the at- power and hierarchy have an ideological Recent history more freedom and participated in the tack the feminists made on the traditional as well as a material basis. The communal fashion, music, political scene of the way of organising in left groups — based ownership of the means of production is The 1960s saw the re-emergence of mass "Swinging Sixties". They soon became on hierarchy and democratic centralism. not a sufficient condition for an anarchist political activity and the growth of new aware that even in the new climate, they Probably most important for anarchists communist society. It is also necessary to political organisations, anarchist in- were still treated as inferiors. The youth was that the women’s movement raised destroy power whether that be state cluded. In all these movements and or- subcultures such as the Mods and Rockers the issue of power, questioning the view power or personal power. Anarchism also ganisations women were clearly less were fashioned by men and women could that the problem of power would disap- recognises the importance of autonomy ie prominent than men. It was still a time tag along only as appendages of these pear with the end of economic exploita- people organising themselves. While when most women got married and had men. tion, something that anarchists had dis- Marxists/Leninists see the all-embracing Within the emerging political move- cussed at great length. Therefore, while party as the dominant force in any move- ments, women were beginning to get fed the marxists were busy trying to control COURTSHIP ment for change, anarchists accept that up of making the tea and taking a back the movement, incorporate it or denounce there will be a number of different move- seat as men dominated the discussions it, on the whole, the anarchists supported ments and groups who are working and decision-making. Birth control and it. together for a revolution on a more equal abortion became key issues for women This does not mean however that an- basis. Therefore, anarchism does not see and, as in other periods, they were not archist men were non-sexist or that an- // the existence ofwomen’s organisations as taken seriously by the organisations. archists, both men and women, didn’t a threat or as a problem. Rather it is the Women, again, felt the need to organise have their criticisms ofthe movement, but political ideas and practice that is import- (i independently. They had been fighting that they saw the movement as something ant. > against the exploitation of the working positive. -:2 ‘ class and for the freedom of Third World E l —\- peoples but their own oppression was never recognised. Now was the time to do Decline of the movement something about it. The Women’s Libera- tion Movement was born. ,, .- It is important to recognise the con- Women’s liberation? -1-pi .--ii tribution that the women’s movement of History .-5,. the Sixties and Seventies made to politi- learn from others and recognise their con- composition of the women’s movement Anarchism, like other political cur- cal ideas and practice and to the thinking tribution, but at the same time we have was very similar to all political organisa- rents, emerged out of a working class of ordinary, non-political women today. our own ideas and analysis to offer. tions and is therefore not a problem only Anarchism and the new movement which was almost totally domi- i-iii’ The issue of women’s freedom and for the women’s movement. The move- women’s movement nated by men. It was no different from the equality is discussed and fought for in ment was able to get ideas out to many other currents of the time in the sense of different ways on all levels of society. The Ghetto working class women, often indirectly, The women’s movement had an enor- ignoring the issue of women’s oppression. availability of abortion and birth control but never really succeeded in involving mous impact on the political movement. However, anarchism seems to have had a and the acceptance of at least the idea The movement was dominated by pol- these women directly in political activity It was the existence of this autonomous number of key women activists in its that women go out to work and that itically active, educated women. To put on a permanent basis. Partly this was movement that forced all political organi- ranks such as Emma Goldman, Lucy Par- housework and childcare should be forward this as a problem, is not the same because the movement as a whole didn’t sations, including anarchist ones, to con- sons, Louise Michel and Voltairine de shared mean that young women today do as saying that the movement was domi- have the will nor the strategy to get out of Cleyre. Why this is the case is not clear, "To make marriage possible many young sider the oppression of women as a politi- not face the same enormous obstacles nated by "middle class feminists" as many the politico ghetto but also because of the but perhaps it was because the theory and wives still continue to work. Under such cal issue. Political groups tried desperate- faced by women 20/30 years ago. on the left would say in their attacks on real material difficulties that working general practice ofanarchism, which chal- circumstances they must plan as simple ly to take advantage of the heightened Still, it is important to also examine the women’s movement. Many of the ac- class women, who were more likely to be lenged authoritarianism and demanded and restful a domestic routine as they can. political activity amongst women — with the problems of the movement. As an- tivists were from the working class but married and have children than those freedom, was more conducive for women Otherwise the double task ofrunning home articles in their papers and public meet- archist communists we are willing to had gone on to higher education. The class who had gone on to college, have in get- ings devoted to rape,abortion etc. The So- activists. and ofiice will be too great a strain." 8 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 Organise-' N°- 25 ADI‘-J11" 1992 9 ting out to meetings and becoming politi- a "women’s movement". At the same time, mother struggling to survive are a long A CULTURE OF RESISTANCE cally active. and perhaps as a result of the decline of way from the experience of many women The issues around which women or- the women’s movement, the issue of in political organisations who may not ganised, such as abortion, rape and do- women’s oppression has ceased to be at even see themselves as oppressed. They’d mestic violence and equal pay are import- the top ofthe agenda ofpolitical organisa- rather just get on as a member of the IN TI-[E SECOND halfofthe 20th cen- to critically analyse what we see. We build confidence in the self activity of the ant. But once limited gains had been tions. It is as if the problem has been group or organisation, fighting on a range tury revolutionaries, especially of should be prepared to point out that while working class but this doesn’t mean we made, e.g. Abortion Act, Equal Pay Act, solved or is not serious enough to warrant ofissues rather than worrying about sex- the marxist and academic variety, there can be positive elements in, for should suppress our views and criticisms. much of the energy went out of the move- much concern. ism, especially as interest in sexism gets have often sought to explain the ab- example, rioting — the refusal of restric- Those within the anarchist movement 1‘. ment. The movement as a whole lacked them the put down label of "middle class sence of the revolutionary event in tive everyday pattems of behaviour, the who think this approach patronising or 1 direction and broke up into different feminist". Western society by arguing that the challenge to consumerism in looting, con- vanguardist are arguing for pure sponta- groups often doing work on a local level. Anarchism and women’s individual has become so perfectly fidence in confronting the police —- there neity, i.e. the working class are capable of The movement would only re-emerged as liberation today moulded to fit the needs of capital can exist negative aspects such as division carrying out the revolution without the Q_=‘-:°-' a whole when there was an attempt to Hidden that he or she has become incapable of the community into rioting youth and need ofrevolutionaries and their ideas. If limit abortion. There was no link made The anarchist movement was also in of independent thought or action. an older, non-participating, generation this is the case why bother with an an- with the need for a general transforma- decline during the break-up of the Sexism is an issue which is often hid- Education, the nuclear family, sexual often disapproving of their actions. archist movement at all? Ifthis is the case tion of society. women’s movement. They were therefore den away within the family or as part ofa repression, advertising, popular Ourrole should notbe that ofuncritical then why is resistance bought off with subtle ideological oppression which can- not able to draw women in to the move- music, town planning, ideology, etc, cheerleaders ofany working class act with reformist solutions instead of developing ment by offering a generalised perspec- not be fought in an obvious way. The fight are used as means of social control to some oppositional aspect. We want to along revolutionary lines? Fletormist tendencies tive that meant women did not have to is often against individual acts of sexism keep the individual pacified, dis- choose between class and fighting their and cannot be organised around like the tracted and obedient. The domination of the movement by own oppression. poll taxis. Before, there was the abortion While there are elements of truth in political-educated women meant that re- It wasn’t until the early eighties that issue but today there does not appear to this theory, they are true only up to a forms could be made that would satisfy national Anarchist organisations began be any national issue to get stuck into, point. We are all shaped to some extent by them, especially as they were getting to re-emerge and so far there is no evi- especially in a period when all struggles the culture we live in, but we are not older, looking forjobs and wanting a more dence that they are concerned about sex- are defensive. Many ofthe issues that are simply empty shells to be filled with what- comfortable lifestyle. This was of course ism. The attitude expressed is very simi- concrete, like nursery facilities, affect ever society may throw at us. Individuals also a tendency amongst male revolution- lar to that of Marxist/Leninist organisa- women with children and is therefore not are capable of critical thought in relation aries. Both women and men joined the tions in the sense that fighting sexism is an issue that concerns people in the an- to their own experiences and conditions, Labour Party, shed their revolutionary a diversion from the class struggle which archist movement as most of the women and of acting in ways which are an ex- past and managed to get good jobs on the goes on either in the workplace or the are childless and the men, if they have pression ofresistance to these conditions. GLC, local government and in industry streets. Their analysis also echoes that of children, do not usually take prime re- and the concerns shifted to winning re- Marxist/Leninists in the assumption that sponsibility for childcare. forms within the system. This tendency women’s oppression is essentially the re- Another difficulty is that fighting sex- Resistance had always been there within the move- sult of an economic system and and that ism is not as clear-cut as fighting a boss. ment but came to the forefront as the the ideology ofsexism will disappear once It may involve attacking people who are For example, in recent years the police wider political movement went into de- the bosses have gone. Women within the also allies. Women often shy away from have become increasingly concerned that cline. Anarchist organisations usually share this, particularly in a period when there they are no longer seen as the "friendly this analysis and are concerned to dis- is no general movement to get support bobby on the beat". As a result of public tance themselves from the "middle class from. awareness and experience of deaths in Practice feminist" label which is thrown at anyone police custody, fabricated evidence and who even raises the issue ofsexism. Fight- brutality at demos, the police are now The practice ofthe women’s movement ing sexism lacks street cred and one can Way forward likely to be viewed at worst with suspicion was also a problem and contributed to its score more points by attacking feminists and at best with hatred. decline. The attempt to be "non-hierarchi- themselves. There is no serious attempt Whatever the reason for the lack of Another example. The campaign of cal" may have avoided the authoritarian- to highlight the real problems that women concern, it is vital that the situation non-payment against the poll tax was, ism of Leninist organisations but led in- face. It is as if sexism can only happen to changes. An anarchist communist society and is, one of the largest acts of civil stead to the "tyranny of structureless- middle class women and is therefore not can only come about with the ending ofall disobedience by the working class ever ness". With no organised structure the worth discussing. So why has women’s oppression. We cannot assume that sex- seen in Britain. Millions refused to pay a leadership ofthe movement was based on oppression taken a back seat within a ism will wither away anymore than the tax they saw to be unfair, that benefited friendship groups and informal networks movement that in theory has so much to state will. It must be smashed and this the rich while making the poor worse off , which made it difficult for new women to offer women? involves organisation. From the evidence despite the fact that non-payment was get involved and participate equally. The of previous periods, fighting sexism will condemned by Labour and that the trade movement was not able to avoid hierar- take a back seat until women organise l unions failed to support the movement. chies, they were just well-hidden. Less important themselves and force the issue to the fore- These and other acts of resistance are There was a sharpening ofpolitical dif- ground of political debate and activity. In carried out largely by elements within the 5 ferences within the women’s movement as We see a woman Prime Minister and other words, we need another women’s \,_-I working class who are neither politicised ll there were less clear-cut issues to unite women struggling to become corporation movement. However, unlike the preyious nor consciously revolutionary. Simulta- around. Those who were in Marxist politi- executives and the whole idea of women’s ones, the political content and practice of neously there exists a small movement of cal organisations came under attack with liberation seem like a badjoke. With other this movement must be fundamentally class struggle anarchists consciously op- the weakening of the movement and had more obvious issues like the Poll Tax and different. We need a movement ofworking posed to capitalism and the state and com- to choose sides: the Party (and by defini- the Gulf War, strictly "women’s issues" class women (in the broadest sense of the mitted to its overthrow. tion, the class) or the women’s movement. seem less important or perhaps less easy term class) which seeks a revolutionary The link between these two groups are The more reformist elements found care- to identify. transformation of society. This does not tenuous. If we are to create a working ers for themselves within the Labour Within political circles, women’s op- mean that women will only be active in a class movement capable of smashing the movement umbrella (e.g. Hilary Wain- pression is less obvious than it was even women’s movement alongside a broader power of the state these links have to be wright), arguing for people to put "press- a decade ago. In the anarchist/politico political movement. We also need women strengthened. Without them working ure on the Labour Party" and to fight for ghetto it is often difficult to see the real fully integrated as equal participants into class resistance will be bought off with "municipal socialism". Some women, bit- problems that many women face. This is anarchist political organisations that are reformist solutions while an isolated an- ter from the years of battle and the at- partly because women in political organi- themselves fighting for women’s libera- archist movement will fall into stagnation tacks of political men, decided to retreat sations are usually young and do not have tion. We need both so that women’s op- and disillusionment. How do we build into separatism. Others, continued to children. They have more freedom to par- pression will be fought effectively but not these links and what can we learn from I l l work on particular issues e.g. battered ticipate as equals in the anarchist move- in isolation. The working class will then each other? wives, abortion. All ofthese factors meant ment. The oppression ofa married woman be truly united and capable ofcreating an As anarchists, we can only learn if we that it is no longer possible to talk about with a couple ofkids and ajob or the single anarchist communist society. look with open eyes and are then prepared Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 11 10 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 4-0 I KING Local solidarity group have formed class struggle anarchist organisations as enviromnent" conumerism. This is a re- DEClSlOl\ plants and animals and provided oppor- around the country attempting to build on well as those new to anarchist ideas. This sponse to the threat of an ecologically tunities for even greater profit making. aware population arriving at the conclu- the success oflocal anti-poll tax groups in means members ofnational organisations The engineering ofplants and animals involving larger sections of the com- are not limited to contact only with other sion that the interests of capitalism are is now a rapidly growing branch of members but are able to share their ideas fundamentally at odds with those of life munity in class struggle activity. The ad- science. Species are designed for maxi- vantages ofthese groups is in their ability and encourage and develop the activity of on this planet. We should take advantage are a vegetarian. You’ve got to decide mum efficiency and profitability, produc- ONE OF THE most difficult issues of current environmental concems and to involve people with varying degrees of non-members. In this way we can begin to ing models like "animals without legs" or that will have to be dealt with in a which you hate least — and this process political awareness, experience and com- cross the the divide between resistant ele- argue that capitalism must be tran- "chickens without feathers". A university future society is how decisions will is called democracy. Even if you do find mitment. Their disadvantages are that ments within the class and conscious rev- scended, and that anarchism, based on scientist is quoted in the New Scientist as be made. It is not something to be someone to vote for who you think you they are, by their nature, limited to a olutionaries. From the most committed production for need not profit, decentrali- agree with, they either have no chance of dismissed lightly with, "We'll sort it saying "I believe it’s completely feasible to local perspective, and that the synthesis and experienced revolutionary to the least sation and a harmonious, not antagonis- out when the time comes" or swept winning because the ruling class-control- specifically design an animal for a ham- approach can make it difiicult to establish experienced individual willing to help tic, relationship to nature, is a viable al- led media machine is against them or if burger". under the carpet with a glib,"the wor- a unified approach towards strategy and with leafletting, organic links are made. ternative. kers themselves will make the deci- they do win, the system within which they The farming ofwild species taken from Using these approaches we can hope to goals. operate makes it impossible for them to Third World countries contributes bil- sions". In fact, we must begin to con- build a culture of resistance which chal- This is why we need national and in- Propaganda make any important changes. Therefore, lions of dollars annually to the US econ- front the issue head on because "after lenges the idea ofsociety as merely a mass ternational organisations uniting groups the revolution" could be too late and democracy is nothing but a convenient only’for which it gives nothing in return. and individuals, on a federative basis, ar- We must be aware ofthe issues around of atomised individuals. To make such a vague platitudes give us no help at vehicle for the ruling class to carry on Yet once the stolen raw materials have guing for anarchist communism. Class which elements ofresistance are focused. culture a living and dynamic movement making the decisions whilst making the been manipulated in the laboratories of all. struggle anarchism can only move beyond These are the system’s weak points, the our realm of propaganda will need to be And there will be decisions that need working class think that they are. A rev- the West, they can be patented as "intel- the margins ofsociety ifit has, and is seen points ofleast resistance where we should broadened to make use of radio and tele- to be made: What should we produce, olution would get rid of such a system. lectual property", for which royalties to have, clear aims and principles around push hardest. Our propaganda must deal vision broadcasting, films, music, cafes, must be paid from countries forced to base what kind of houses should be built, how which it can operate in a unified, coherent with areas of struggle in which the class community centres etc, allowing ran- their economies on the production of cash can we preserve the environment, what way. Without this clarity and coherence is already involved at some level, and aim archism to reach out of the ghetto to the crops for corporate capitalism. should happen to people who can’t co- Leninist alternative we have little to offer the working class. to push that struggle further placing it working class. operate with other people and even should Already, much modern agriculture in- Newcomers to anarchist ideas are un- within the concept of a total critique of In this way anarchism can become part volves farming seedless varieties. This we produce meat. Since everyone needs to The problem, however, remains. The likely to have the confidence to join a capitalism. ofa living experience, creating the shared be involved in this decision-making, it current system is at least efficient in that means that crops must be bought anew national organisation straight away. This For example, capitalism is currently identity, confidence and solidarity within could become a very time-consuming pro- decisions get made without us having to each year instead of being simply re- is where the local/solidarity group is most engaged in the recuperation of environ- the class that we need to bring down the planted. However, powerful lobbies, such cess. What time we save by not having to useful. It can involve members ofnational mental concern into "doingyour bit for the old world and build the new. as the Intellectual Property Coalition, work so much may be taken up with end- , -----cmmi I“ want even seeded varieties under patent less rounds of meetings. It’s almost mm-mi enough to make you prefer capitalism! _ _ I-ii77' ___ 7 mum ' ' . I 1 l m to be "protected" from resowing, and far- fl mers forced to pay royalties on each We must believe that the process of f INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IS generation of crops. revolution itself will help create new The IPC feels thatiexisting patenting structures ofdecision-making that are be- laws are too limited and should be ex- yond the grasp ofour currently capitalist- ~iliilii!ii:i- I iisi-P tended with royalties increased. They infected minds. However, it is still import- \\f§l|l" THEFT want to see Third World countries ant to have thought about a few principles 4\\\l||§l i prevented from adapting imported and ideas so that we will not be totally \\‘\'I!\"I"IiI l\§&i‘\\\f\l..}ll:i "\"\\"vll\‘\i\“\l‘ii:ili. ‘\“t\\\\\\l\\‘:-iIi'- "properties" (although ofcourse it’s OKfor unprepared. Some of these should be ap- Emu them to manipulate the raw materials plied in any case in our organisations and I BIOTECHNOLOGY IS THE manipu- slaughtered, or traded as slaves to work The new science of genetics, estab- they stole before selling them back). The struggles at the moment. lation of living matter by humans to the plantations. All this served to increase lished at the start ofthis century, enabled IPC want these measures backed and en- ~§ satisfy their needs for food and me- the power and wealth of the rich nations the huge multi-national companies that forced by GATT. If that fails they propose Charade of the West while forcing the colonised control the cash-crop monocultures of the the use of trade threats and sanctions. sea dicine. It is an ancient practice in- world into a position of dependence and Third World, to scientifically manipulate To begin, itis easier to discuss what we cluding crop rotation, crossbreeding and the use of yeasts in brewing and causing ecological imbalance in which species. The consequences of this were A common treasury don’t want ie the system we have at the baking, for example. However, bio- numerous plant and animal species were that these corporate giants genetically en- moment. For the most part, people aren’t technology in a technically advanced lost forever. gineered "super breeds" to be grown in Biotechnology under capitalism takeS even aware of decisions being made. The capitalist country is no longer a tool vast monocultures, further endangering evolution into its own hands using th6 whole structure of society has already to sustain and enhance human exist- Genetics the diversity of ancient natural varieties logic of profitability as its guide. It makeS been decided. The fact that a few people Tear it down s and species. Only a few centuries ago life equivalent to property, threatenin own most of everything and the fact that ence, but a method of creating and r give up our time to make them. But, of In the current period of neo-colonial- 5,000 plants were used as food, today ag- the stability, diversity and spontaneity o we have to go out to work for them is not exploiting poverty in under-de- <1 course, the decisions don’t benefit us. veloped countries, causing im- ism, where domination is maintained in- riculture uses 150. These monocultures, the ecology of our planet that has evolve an issue we are allowed to discuss. When h Marxist/Leninists have an alternative measurable and irreversible damage directly with the connivance of West- working against the basic ecological prin- over millions of years. It erodes the ric an issue does appear before us, such as the i to the ecology of the planet and mak- ciple of diversity, are prone to pests and variety of species available to us and our Poll Tax, the decision is still which kind of which is theoretically both efficient and of diseases. Farmers then have to treat freedom to decide how we interact with tax, not whether we pay any tax at all. benefit to the working class. Arevolution- ing vast profits for multi-national I companies. "1 these crops with chemical pesticides, her- them. It forces millions into dependence, And even then it took a very vocal and ary party takes power and sets up a "wor- _ 41. r bicides and fertilisers, purchased from, poverty and starvation through the use o mass movement to defeat the Poll Tax, kers’ state". This state can then take re- and manufactured by, the same com- their land for cash'crops for export, land despite it being obvious from the begin- sponsibility for making decisions. How- Plunder panies — ICI, Ciba-Giegy, etc -— respon- that they could use to feed themselves. ning that the majority of people were ever, as the Soviet experience shows, a The use of biotechnology as an instru- \r\{* sible for the vulnerable crops, causing fur- We anarchist communists see through against the tax. A small group of people revolutionary party and a "workers’ state" L‘ 1-:-I ment of domination and exploitation has -I ther poverty, dependence and damage to the Green veneer, we see that capitalism make the decisions and only rarely, when will seldom make decisions that benefit 4 -1- I’, its historical roots in the West’s great J --. _-a-_ the environment. is the enemy of our environment, our au- forced through mass action, make a deci- the workers. The state takes on an ident- 4-»? plunder of the rest of the world in the ,‘ 3*.r;at tonomy, our freedom. We work for its sion which is vaguely in line with what ity of its own and decides what is in the .._r~. 'f-,. Y‘ if _.;\.<‘<I.'=.._o‘. \-- ‘1,- period of colonialism. The colonialists re- . _ 1:r\t'_‘,A:‘I~\-_‘'\ I"7"1..i'.-}..-‘i,-‘.'\:. _ -- I 2 Life patenting downfall. people want. interests ofthe people, whether the people /9"_\\\ The ruling class does not overtly make like it or not. Ask the Kronstadt sailors, garded all in their path — land, plants, ‘_\~\.\\ animals and humans — as their property: II-_ ._ r/1" . In 1980 the US Supreme Court ruled You poor take courage all the decisions on its own. It goes shot for demanding that the working class i I ll .'. have more say in the running of society. commodities and tools for the accumula- that genetically engineered organisms You rich take care through a massive charade to get people tion of wealth and power. could be patented, and in 1987 the US This land was made a common to think that it is they, the people, who are Thus, the workers’ state solution must Plant species, such as tea and cotton, friendly local elites in under-developed Patent Ofiicer ruled that all forms of life treasury making the decisions and that the govern- also be rejected. We turn now to the an- were sought out, transported around the countries and the threat of sanctions, bio- -— excluding humans — were patentable. For everyone to share ment is their servant. This charade is archist solution: working people them- world and and grown as vast monocul- technology is used as a means of perfect- These rulings spurred the multi-national called an election. We are presented with selves will directly make the decisions. tures on plantations. The native cultures ing and extending the domination ofwest- companies on to even greater experimen- The World Turned Upside Down a choice which is similar to having to There will be no state, workers’ or other- wise, which will make decisions in the were decimated — cleared from the land, ern capitalism. tation with the genetic engineering of Leon Rgssglsgn choose between ham and beef when you Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 13 12 Organise! N0. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 1| REVIEWS Anarchist communism does not mean THE -SITUATION asmnuos “"5 °”- "“ °F" F0“ that no one can use economic power, as areturn to a primitive society. Though A 8TRo~a LEADER. A °R"‘"‘ the ruling class does today, to influence simplified, society will still be highly com- decisions. Everyone must be educated to plex and not everyone will be able to un- the point where they are politically aware derstand every aspect of it. Therefore, and feel confident about expressing their f \ .' I there will be a need for some specialisa- ‘ flint min. - views. People must have the necessary tion; some people will know more than information on which to base their deci- '; ..--'1. ’ . /d"@'"1 .é’“ others about certain things e.g. a technol- sions. If some people manage to monopo- ogy, a craft, a language or a musical in- ... , l ‘ ‘Q I cl!‘ lise information than they may be able to s 1 L. ‘I - strument. This knowledge will in some '. manipulate decisions to benefit them- ways give people power over each other. selves. ___.€i..i._ We must ensure that this does not lead to No matter how perfect the decision- the development of an elite. People’s ex- name ofthe workingclass. Instead, people sumerism, there is only a limited amount making structure, if people do not have pertise must be freely available to all and will participate in the decision-making left over, necessitating choices to be made the ability and willingness to participate there should be a willingness to share process, without leaders or experts domi- about what to do with it. A revolution fully and on an equal basis then the struc- knowledge and skills and to help people. nating. This sounds fine, but what does it would free vast amounts of resources so tures mean nothing and a new elite could How we ensure that this is the case and actually mean in practice? How will it that we would have to make less decisions develop. that certain experts don’t become more extremely simple, racism. The line taken work, especially in what we hope will be a about what we want to produce and con- The prohlbltlon of hemp important and thus more powerful than was thus: by always referring to the drug world-wide revolution? sume. If people want to build one kind of Problems others is an issue that needs to be ad- Following from the article on drugs in cannabis it was possible to associate it as We have now come full circle, back to house and others want to build another, dressed. issue no.25 of Organise!, I would like to a new foreign drug and to dissociate it the original problem that confronted us. we can do both; we don’t have to spend This has been a mere outline of the The other type of power, charismatic bring to readers attention the book The with hemp. The users of marijuana were Anarchist communism has a number of time discussing which we prefer. The possibilities for decision- making in an power, has an even greater mystique Emperor’s New Clothes, by H.E.M.P. (or always black men and always dangerous. principles and practical ideas to offer. main concern will be the environmental anarchist society. Much more consider- about it. It is not necessarily used deliber- Help End Marijuana Prohibition.) As far The drug was supposed to cause "reefer impact of our decisions. ation needs tobe given to the issues raised ately by the holder. The problem is that as I know this American book isn’t avail- madness" in which crazed black men both for the future society and for our some people are more willing to listen to able in this country, but can easily be would rape white women. This story was Councils ll BIRD TIIAT LIWS Slllill R0'l"l'II EGGS current struggles and organisation. There and follow certain individuals rather than bought in Amsterdam. simple and stupid but it worked and to are several problem areas that need to be IS LOIG OUERDIIE FOR EXTINCTION respecting everyone equally. To keep this The basic thesis of this book is that the this day most people don’t know hemp and Everyone should belong to and attend looked into more fully. from happening, mass meetings and as- plant hemp was made prohibitively ex- cannabis are the same plant. It is interes- meetings ofa council. This neighbourhood Having equal access to information is semblies should be avoided as these are pensive by state regulation in the USA in ting to note the similarity in media fiction or workplace council must be small necessary for equal participation in deci- fertile ground for demagogues and their 1937, notfor the reasons given at the time, between this and the "mugging" scare in enough for people to be able to discuss and sion-making. However, it is unclear who sheep. Instead, decision-making units ie that hemp is the cannabis plant and seventies Britain. listen to others. They should not be "mass will collect together information and how should be kept as small as practically they wanted to stop drugs, but for the meetings" as these give rise to demagogic we will decide what information needs to possible so that they are "user-friendly". commercial reasoning of certain big capi- Left Wing Communism in Britain 1917- speeches rather than serious discussion I-""L"—"-~*-"I be distributed. At the moment it is the m\_i- "'_"'*—"""“-—\ .'_-_-.'I.‘~_‘:-Y-Z‘ _-m.______r_____ In addition, everyone should be encour- talists. Essentially media sensationalism 21. Bob Jones. Pirate Press. 1.50 which involves everyone. These small mass media who decide what is news- -—-Q'“~;:--*__~ "‘l1u> aged to develop the skills of speaking in a against the drug cannabis was used as an This pamphlet deals with an import- units would elect delegates to a larger :"-7--_-_"_'_-'_-_.___'T-_--— worthy and apart from our own experi- i4v°" :__'L__I.....__.__. @AQ meeting and arguing their point of view. extremely effective cover to ban a plant ant phase in British revolutionary poli- local council who would send mandated ence and contacts this is the only way to Q This training should begin now, not wait that was threatening established capital- tics, a phase where a general move to- delegates to regional and national coun- find out what’s going on in the world. until charismatic individuals start domi- ist interests. wards anti-parliamentarianism was sab- cils. Hopefully many decisions can be Needless to say, in a capitalist society we nating. The plant hemp has always been used otaged by Bolshevik policy through the taken at a local level without the need to cannotrely on the press to tell us the truth for three main reasons. In order ofimport- Communist International that it control- have discussed them at higher levels. nor inform us of what we would like to Councils ance, as a fibre, as a food and as a drug. led, and the imposition of the typical van- However there will tillbe a number of No leaders know about. Therefore, for the future so- The hemp fibre was historically used to guard model of organisation — the cen- issues that will need regional, national or ciety we need to consider how people can Finally, the issue of the workplace/lo- make rope and sails during the sailing tralised, disciplined party. even international co-ordination. One of the main problems of Leninist get the information they need and want cality divide must be considered. In this ship era. It became so strategically im- As the pamphlet says: "To be a com-- ideology and practice is their mainten- without being bombarded with unwanted society, many people’s lives are distinctly portant that the French invasion of Rus- munist prior to 1920, even 1921 was to be ance of a permanent leadership. Both in trivia. divided between work and home/leisure sia in the early 19th century was essen- anti-parliamentarian. Only after 1921 Conditions the Soviet Union and in Leninist Parties time. Therefore, when we talk of having tially designed to stop Russian hemp from was the prefix "anti-parliamentary" elsewhere, a leadership remains in place councils, it’s difficult to say whether they being sold to the British. The British as a needed". This was true of both anarchists For this federated system to work, for an extended period of time. Similarly, Minorities should be workplace or neighbourhood maritime power were reliant on hemp and marxists, apart from sections of the there are a number of conditions that in bourgeois democracies, a governmentis based. In a future society it’s difficult to ropes and sails to keep their fleet afloat. British Socialist Party and the Inde- have to be met. Firstly, the number of elected and remains in power for several Though we assume that people will be say which would be more convenient and Hemp though had a greater potential pendent Labour Party. Ideas of direct ac- decisions that have to be made by the new years. This type of system ensures the different than they are now and that there effective. Clearly, the workplace for deci- in the 20th century. It was found that tion and anti-parliamentary agitation, society must be reduced. Most decisions continuation of an elite, with people cut will be a willingness to co-operate and sions pertaining to production, but people paper could be produced more easily from the importance of class struggle, and of should be kept entirely at a local level. At offfrom decision-making. In an anarchist work together, there may still be times are notjust workers. We will have to make hemp than from timber. Four times less workers’ committees and councils seizing the moment, society seems incredibly communist society, there should be no when it’s impossible to make a decision decisions about the areas in which we live chemical was needed in the production the means of production and distribution complex and it’s difficult to imagine how such leadership. Within the councils, at that’s agreeable to everyone. It will then we could run a society without having to as well as wider social and political issues. process. Combined with this discovery were shared by both anarchists and mar- all levels, delegates are directly controlled be necessary to vote, leaving a dissatisfied This article has hopefully raised a was the increasing level of agricultural xists alike. This is not to ignore the many make an endless number of decisions. by the people who have chosen them. minority. The question ofhow to deal with number of fundamental issues that need technology which would have made hemp differences that existed between them. Many decisions that arise under capital- Delegates must vote as they are man- this minority is a difficult one. Will they to be taken seriously by the anarchist a commercially viable crop in the USA. ism are made by a bureaucracy that is dated and are accountable in all respects. be forced to comply with the majority de- movement. It is very easy to see what is designed to regulate the lives ofthe work- Delegates must be rotated so that a new cision? Will they be able to opt out and go This threatened the interests ofthe US Lenin wrong with the current system. Most timber and paper barons, who already ing class eg. the police, the courts, tax leadership cannot develop. These dele- their own way? For example, what if the working class people would agree with our office, social security, with the top making gates can also be recalled if they do not majority decide to ban the eating of meat had much capital invested in the produc- All this was to change with the imposi- decisions about those on the bottom. All express the wish of the people. or the taking of drugs? Would the mi- criticisms of capitalism. A much more dif- tion of paper from timber. They- joined tion of Lenin’s line, which insisted that these type of decisions would become un- ficult task is to convince the working class forces with the US chemical giant Du Pont "British communists should participate in nority be allowed to go off and raise their necessary as there would be less need for that a better society is a real, workable which also stood to loose from any change. parliamentary action". As his acolyte own cows or grow their own marijuana? possibility — not just a figment of our regulation. People would be free to live A media hate campaign was begun by the Page Arnot was to argue at the Commun- Equality An anarchist communist society will their own lives in voluntary co-operation imagination which we "believe in" similar- biggest of the US paper barons W R ist Unity Convention in 1920 "we were all mean the end of power based on money, with others. Another type of decision There must be three types of equality race and sex. Ending these types ofpower ly to religious people who have "faith" in Hearst against the drug marijuana. On sick of the Labour Party, but that didn’t made under capitalism results from the ifthe councils are going to operate accord- will involve a very hard struggle. How- God. the back of this media scare Du Pont con- mean that revolutionaries should leave limitation of resources. Because so much ing to anarchist communist principles: ever, there may remain two more intan- The Editors of Organise! welcome con- trolled senators and congress men pushed the Labour Party." This point of view was wealth is in the hands of a few and the tributions to this discussion of the future through a sudden law putting a prohibi- argued by the British Socialist Party, equality of income, education and infor- gible types of power that may be even earth’s resources are wasted in militar- mation. Everyone must have equal access more difficult to get rid of: expert power society. The next issue will look further at tively high tax on hemp. which was affiliated to the Labour Party ism, bureaucracy and advertising-fed con- to the resources and products of society so and charismatic power. the Economics ofAnarchist Communism. The base of the media hysteria was and continued to argue for affiliation. Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 15 14 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 ;| l But there were growing ment rather than points of which was to "keep alive the Battle of Cable Street, when defiance. The police are not espe- political units destroyed by the We’ve been flooded with letters so cannot in- cially interested in chasing Spanish conquerors were, if any- numbers of BSP members ar- controversy". hopes of libertarian commun- 250,000 people mobilised clude everyone. We promise to put them in next around trying to serve warrants thing, even worse than what re- ism for the next thirty years". against Mosley, they showed guing against this line, and in and arrest people. placed them (e.g. the Aztec Em- issue. Keep on writing! how much they were tied to revolutionary -circles it was Struggle I would also suggest there is pile). Communists should recog- Out of the Ghetto. Joe Jacobs. the Labour Party by amongst seen that the Labour Party little point in wasting money on nise that all cultures are based on Phoenix Press. £9 other things calling for the could play no part in the revol- After the formation of the for mutual aid as well as a poten- solicitors, since they seldom seem oppressive social relations and Mutual ald Joe Jacobs was along "general reviving of the East utionary process because it Communist Party of Great tial for domination. In the article to improve the result. This is an that the revolution will need to was not socialist and it had Britain in 1920, it was ordered standing member of the Com- London Labour Party organi- Dear Organise! I intended to demonstrate that important correction to the infor- create a new, revolutionary cul- positively hindered any devel- to unite with other revolution- munist Party, being expelled sations from their present Crucial gaps and simplistic mutual aid does have a biological mation in your article. ture and sweep away the "muck of opment towards socialism. ary groups. In the following in 1938, again rejoining in the complacency and stagna- links spoiled "Mutual Aid & Evol- basis as many people seem una- T.(Nottingham) ages". This article appears to ac- cept the legitimacy ofthe indigen- This "common sense" line of negotiations most of these 50s, and ending his days as a tion.." When Jacobs continued ution" (Organise! 25 p9). It’s im- ware of this. ous cultures and, among other argument was now described groups gave up their support member of the libertarian so- to oppose this line he was portant not to confuse individual The best solution to the prison- N8ll0l'l8l llb6l'8tl0l'I? things, ofthe indigenous religions as "naive" or "emotional" by for anti-parliamentarianism cialist group Solidarity and fi- pushed out of the Party. co-operation with social soli- ers dilemma "Tit for Tat" was Dear Comrades, and of the Inca royal family! darity. Biological evolution rarely found by a process of evolution as nally as a spontaneous reject- supporters of the Communist without a struggle. As the works on populations or societies it was able to out compete any This letter has been written in Expressing different view- International line. As one pamphlet notes: "Ifthere were ing all forms of revolutionary Flag the spirit ofcomradely debate by a points in one’s publications is of (as. §1'0p0tkin wrongly believed) alternative strategy. It is not organisation. anti-parliamentarian noted any doubts you could ration- buf via blood and kinship lines. therefore based on animals or group which has a close relation- course a good thing, but there are ironically: "I do like this word alise these away by fondly im- What is important about In his book Our Flag Stays So, Kropotkin’s version of mutual people somehow evolvingin afully ship with the ACF, particularly in limits! — articles such as this naive. It clinches the argu- agining you could work for a this book is its accounts ofhow Red, Phil Piratin, a leading aid as biologically evolved is basi- conscious way. It was simply the Manchester where we have been would never in a million years ap- ment. All logic falls before it. change in policy from inside fascism was countered in the East London Communist, cally romantic naturalism, how- most effective strategy so evol- engaged in joint revolutionary ac- pear in Subversion. Anti- parliamentarians are so the CPGB and/or Comintern... East End of London. Unfortu- talks about how the fight ever well-intentioned. Human bi- ution would inevitably favourthis tivity for some time. We hope the letter provokes Indeed, for the last few years some discussion on what is an im- nately, throughout the book against fascism was success- ology clearly gives a potential for strategy being adopted. "naive" in the face of... thee In most cases intelligent we have consideredthe ACF’s poli- portant issue. Such discussion is fully combated through the or- mutual aid, and a potential for I deliberately excluded any revolutionary parliamenta- tics, more than almost any other an absolutely essential part ofthe domination. Similarly, the mention of kin selection from the ganisation of rent strikes rians". prisoner’s dilemma game tells us article as I was looking at co-oper- group around, to be in close accord process of development of all ofus which broke Mosley’s in- Prior to the imposition of with our own. as a revolutionary movement. little about the biological basis of ation between unrelated individ- fluence amongst sections of the Leninist line there had However, from time to time Yours in Comradeship, co-operation as such, unless uals. Kin selection is an entirely been increased questioning of the poor who had been open to some of the old leftist crap that SUBVERSION, human evolution operates at the different matter as co-operating Parliament. Members of the fascist ideas. The sad truth is level of conscious rational choice with people you are related to is we'd hoped the ACF had left be- Dept 10, 1 Newton St., Socialist Labour Party started that these two lines, physical and decision-making (it doesn’t). obviously beneficial as far as evol- hind raises its head in the odd Manchester, MI IHW confrontation with the fas- A less romantic view is that in ution is concerned. I concentrated article in Organise! This letter is a to question its attitude to par- criticism of two such examples in Author ofPhilippines article's cists, and the development of early human groups evolution on co-operation between unre- liament, some, leaving to join through kin-selection built soli- lated individuals as the mechan- Organise! 25. We hope you will reply: Yes, there is validity in working class militancy were the anarchists. daristic links through enhanced ism by which this naturally occurs print it in Organise! so that the your criticism. The Cordillera artificially polarised. But the maximum number of people can People’s Alliance is made up of and finely-textured emotional is much less obvious than for kin rigid structure of the Com- bonds. This was made possible by selection. be involved in the discussion. grassroots worker and community people simply rejected their there is very little analysis or munist Party and the policies Unite the delayed physical development In writing the article I did not The two articles are the one on groups and churches etc — a own revolutionary traditions questioning of how the Com- of Stalin at that time for a of human infants, which allowed use any of Kropotkin’s "nine- the Philippines and the one on "broad front". Its ideologyis leftist: A new non-sectarian at- and experience for the sake of munist Party behaved. For in- front with social- democratic the human brain much more time teenth century idealism and natu- 1492. national liberation, etc. We should mosphere emerged to the a collective delusion- loyalty to stance Jacobs’ reaction to the organisations, ensured that to grow in complexity (believe it or ralism". I used late 20th century The Philippines article is a have made the interview more point where there were at- the Party". Moscow show trials was one of there was no synthesis of the not humans can be described as selfish gene theory. Kropotkin sympathetic interview with a challenging and given more em- tempts to unite dissident SLP So confirmed anti-par- "it took some swallowing but two positions, which were physically retarded chimpanzees was mentioned in the introduction member ofwhat is clearly a leftist phasis and length to the Organise! — with whom we share over 99% because as you say "the work of (i.e. bourgeois) organisation —the comment. branches with London an- liamentarians like Whitehead somehow I was able to swallow both correct but incomplete of our genetics). So cognitive and previous generations of an- Cordillera People's Alliance. To However, opposing "political archists around the Spur and were to vote overwhelmingly along with many others". Even without each other. emotional complexity will have in- archists can show us where to focus on only the most glaring and economic colonialism" can Freedom papers in 1919. This in favour of parliamentary ac- when he was expelled from the Jacobs did fight for mobili- creased hugely at the same stage look". points, the CPA is (as the article only be done tlu-ough the class resulted in the Communist tion at the Cardiff Conference CP he continued to speak fa- sation against the fascists, but ofhuman evolution. The resulting I may have over simplified in says) a member of a "coalition of struggle; it is statism and national League which was however to of the Communist Party. He vourably about it and sell their thought that he could remain flexibility enabled our feeling of tryingto make what I thought was Nationalist and Democratic or- liberation that says language and disappear without trace to- justified this by saying that paper. Only in later years did a loyal Party member, and empathy and co-operation to be a difficult concept easy to under- ganisations" and is involved in op- culture are synonymous with reli- wards the end ofthe year. The theoretical differences were he move away from Stalinism. could not conceive of life out- progressively distanced from just stand and, in trying to show that posing "foreign control". The gion and the state. It is vital that formation of the League did insignificant compared to "loy- However, none of this is made side of the Party. Apart from close kin, potentially to apply to nature is not entirely based on ACF’s Aims and Principles quite revolutionaries find practical rightly oppose the ideology of na- ways of supporting grassroots any humans. domination, gone too far in over not pass without debate be- alty to the world revolution". very clear in the pages of this the useful sections in his book This kind of perspective has emphasising the co-operative as- tional liberation (point no. 4) but struggles by workers, peasants tween a member of the Stock- Others like the anarchist book, which is really a ver- on the problems of fighting the advantage of allowing human pects of nature. there's little point in stating this and indigenous people. Leninism port Workers’ Anarchist Henry Sara were to take this batim recollection of his years fascism, the tragedy of how history to not be seen as deter- As to links between human on the inside back page if it’s con- and Maoism are still strong in Af- Group and a member of the path. Within a few years many as a young Communist in the many sincere working class mined by our biology, whilst indi- evolution and social solidarity tradicted by what’s printed on the rica and Asia as altematives to Stepney branch of the Com- had left the Party, some, like East End. militants were used and how cating how the basis for our these are of course tenuous and other pages. (This same point no.4 Western Capitalism. munist League over commun- Sara, ending up as founders of seriously the cause was sabot- human potential did evolve. It fits difficult to prove, whether based also contains this phrase about op- It is important to critically sup- ist dictatorship and economic British Trotskyism, others Mosley aged by the Party is revealed ourintuitive knowledge thatchar- on co-operation between unre- posing "political and economic co- port Native Peoples’ struggles for determinism. At a Conference like Whitehead, joining La- here. acteristics such as mutual aid and lated individuals or kin selection. lonialism" which, on the face of it, a number ofreasons: opposition to of London Anarchists it was bour and becoming virulently He was one of those in the solidarity are matters of our guts appears to directly contradict the genocide (and we have much to argued by some that the "anti- anti-Communist Party. Party who believed that the Anarchist Year Book 1992. £2, at least as much as our minds. It POII I3! opposition to national liberation learn from their ecological and also hints at a more satisfactory earlier in the same paragraph - communitarian aspects), and as parliamentary attitude of Fascists had to be countered available from AK Press, 3 materialism than the Marxists Comrades, perhaps in your reply you could the best way of preserving rain Balmoral Place, Stirling FK8 many Socialists and Commun- physically on the streets, and Lack have been able to come up with — Having read the piece about explain exactly what you mean forest and "wilderness" areas. A 3rd Scotland. ists was greatly due to our pro- the most important pages deal one which can take account ofour the poll tax I feel I must reply. It what you mean by this). global class analysis and practise Contains some useful lists paganda in the past, and good As Jones notes, one of the with their disagreements with biological and passionate exist- reads like a leaflet that Militant The Philippines article also ap- is needed which links class of organisations, magazines results would undoubtedly fol- reasons all this took place was the District Party Committee ence as well as parts of us which might have produced as it ignores peared to give support to the New struggle, ecological action andNa- low if we worked with them. the lack of any critical infor- about this matter. When Mos- and publishers. Particularly merely produce, use and exchange the advice coming from many in- People’s Army, which is the mili- tive Peoples’ struggles. The Anti Steps therefore are to be taken mation on Lenin and the Rus- ley’s Blackshirts prepared to interesting are two articles resources, objects and money. dependent groups which is not to tary wing ofthe Communist Party Nuclear Movement will illustrate towards holding a conference sian Revolution, and the ped- march through the Jewish from the Economic League Such a materialism can’t be turn up for committals. Any war- ofthe Philippines! The footnote at this. Much Uranium mining and (bosses’ spy organisation) on achieved using a mixture of nine- rant they issue is initially a civil the end of the article about how nuclear waste dumping and all with the Communist League dling of "unity at all costs". areas of East London in 1936, teenth century idealism and natu- matter and they have to actually the ACF opposes all governments nuclear bomb "testing" (sic) has British anarchism. These ar- to consider ajoint plan ofcam- The potential for a united the CP had called a demo in ralism, even though the work of serve it on you. There are hun- hardly makes up for all this. been on indigenous land. The Anti ticles are inaccurate but at the paign". This conference took anti-parliamentarian com- Trafalgar Square in solidarity previous generations of an- dreds ofwarrants out in Notts and The 1492 article also adopts a Nuclear Movement for the most same time amusing and inter- place and included dispute munist movement had been with the Spanish Republic. In- archists can show us where to only one person has been picked stance which is soft on the "na- part refused to oppose all the nu- esting. They see the move- over the nature of any dicta- dealt ahammer-blow by Lenin stead ofcancelling it, they pro- look. up by the police. When you ac- tional liberation" approach. It clear chain (eg. for years CND ment as "vibrant" and ob- torship of the proletariat. It and the Comintern. Out of the posed to continue, and up to TJ, Newcastle upon Tyne tually turn up you can still make seems to assume that all evil maintained that the siamese was, however "very fiiendly in wreckage emerged the tiny the last moment dragged their viously have fears that it can offers etc. stemmed from the Spaniards and twins of nuclear power and nu- tone, the desire on both sides Anti-Parliamentary Com- heels on physical opposition to grow and gain influence. Let’s Author’s reply: I agree that Importantly it sabotages them that the indigenous cultures were clear weapon were separate and being to find points of agree- munist Federation in 1921 the fascists. Even after the prove them right. human biologr gives a potential further, increases confidence and all wonderful. In fact, many ofthe refused to oppose nuclear power). 16 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 Organise! No. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 17 7 "' Ies P and prmcl I Author of 1492 article's reply: tion unemployment trebled, real It is obvious that the whole link capitalism". This was not a gain How the Subversion comrade can earnings fell and a whole range of between capitalism and homopho- for gays and lesbians, but a sign of deduce that the 1492 article sup- anti-working class measures were bia is not nearly as clearly defined the defeat of the gay liberation ports the Inca royal family and developed, for example the Social as the writer believes and it is movement, just as the women’s national liberation is beyond my Contract and the five per cent disappointing that an anarchist movement was incorporated into 1 comprehension. It stated as a mat- wage norm. Monetarism in this journal should reproduce the con- the GLC, the Labour Party and ter of fact that many ofthe revolts country was pioneered by the Cal- fusion and the cliches one would Communist party. Ofcourse some 1. The Anarchist Communist real class differences and 7. Unions by their very nature 8. Genuine liberation canonly inPeru were carried out under the laghan administration and it was expect in a dull lefty paper. capitalists invested in this new Federation is an organisation achieve little for them. Full cannot become vehicles for come about throughtherevol- of revolutionary class emancipation cannot be the revolutionary transfor- utionary self-activity of the pseudo legitimacy of neo-Incas. they who started the cuts in wel- Finally we are told that: "Les- "pink capitalism". For example struggle anarchists. We aim achieved without the aboli- mation of society. They have working class ona mass scale. The fact that the article mentions fare services at the behest of the bian and Gay liberation has to be London Hosts, —- a division ofthe Sendero Luminoso’s use ofthe res- International Monetary Fund. linked to the general onslaught on multinational Grand Metropoli- for the abolition of all hier- tion of capitalism. to be accepted by capitalism An anarchist communist so- archy, and work for the cre- 4. We are opposed to the ideo- in order to function and so ciety means not only co-oper- toration of an Inca golden age And you expect this lot under Kin- capitalism and taken out of the tan — put £118,000 into the ationofaworld-wide classless logy of national liberation cannot play a part on its over- ation between equals, but ac- should have been indication nock who have dropped every- ghetto and away from the leaders launch of Bromptons, a bar and society: anarchist commun- movements which claims that throw. Trades unions divide tive involvement in the shap- enough of how manipulative such thing but the merest nuance of ofthe gay alternative society". restaurant in Earls Court in 1984. ism. there is some common inter- the working class (between ing and creating of that so- approaches are. socialist rhetoric (and rhetoric it Ifthe author is sneering at the The manager of Bromptons, Peter 2. Capitalism is based on the est between native bosses and employed and unemployed, ciety during and after the rev- The Incaic system was of always was, never practice) to im- gay scene in this reference to a Booth, was amongst those who ar- exploitation of the working the working class in face of trade and craft, skilled and olution. course oppressive, being based prove conditions for the working ghetto I would argue that many of gued that gays must go beyond class by the ruling class. But foreign domination. We do unskilled, etc). Evensyndical- In times of upheaval and upon divine kingship and a per- class? When a patient has cancer us who face prejudice and dis- campaigns and political rights to inequality and exploitation support working class ist unions are constrained by struggle, people will need to verted and exploitative form ofthe you don’t give them aspirin! crimination due to the effects of develop a gay business sector. are also expressed in terms of struggles against racism, the fundamental nature of create their own revolution- ancient Peruvian system of reci- homophobia fmd the evolution of When the recession was hitting race, gender, sexuality, genocide, ethnocide and pol- unionism. The unionhastobe ary organisations controlled procity. However, anyone with the the Scene part ofour way of defm- the economy, it was realised that health, ability and age, and in itical and economic colonial- able to control its member- by everyone in them. These slightest knowledge of the subject Gay Llberatlon ing our sexuality and therefore a new market sectorcouldbe fruit- these ways one section of the ism. We oppose the creation of ship in order to make deals autonomous organisations will know that the Incaic system, part of our our liberation. Cer- fully targeted. Bromptons and an- working class oppresses an- any new ruling class. We re- with management. Their aim, will be outside the control of oppressive as it was, was child's Dear Organise! tainly there are faults with the other club, the Clone Zone, were other. This divides us, causing ject all forms of nationalism, through negotiation, is to political parties, and within play compared with the system As a gay man and a one time Scene, especially commercialism able to make a turnover of half a a lack of class unity in as this only serves to redefine achieve a fairer form of ex- them we will learn many im- imposed by the Spaniards. anarchist, I was glad to see that and Ageism, but don’t underesti- million pounds a year. Capitalism struggle that benefits the rul- divisions in the international ploitation of the workforce. portant lessons of self-activ- The article does not support Organise! had covered the issue of mate its appeal. (Before anyone quickly spikes the guns ofany sub- ing class. working class. The working The interests of leaders and ity. national liberation of any sort. Lesbian and Gay liberation but starts about the pink pound I versive threatto itselfby co-opting Oppressed groups are streng- class has no country and na- representatives will always 9. As anarchists we organise Though ofcourse we are very criti- sorry, the article -- "The Moral should add that I have no other it and opening it to the forces ofthe thened by autonomous action tional boundaries must be be different to ours. The boss in all areas of life to try to cal of imperialism and colonial- Crusade Continues" was a big let money besides income support). market and consumerism. Pink which challenges social and eliminated. We seek to build class is our enemy, and while advance the revolutionary ism. Perhaps the Subversion com- down. Besides why do the vast majority capitalism is tolerated, is indeed a economic power relation- an anarchist international to we must fight forbettercondi- process. We believe a strong rades feel we are too "leftist" by Firstly the writer (one year ofgay men prefer to go to the local valuable market, but it is margi- ships. To achieve our goal we work with other libertarian tions from it, we have to re- anarchist organisation is attacking what the Spaniards did late) highlightsthe dangers ofSec- gay club rather than to anarchist nalised and not incorporated into must relinquish power over revolutionaries throughout alise that reforms we may necessary to help us to this in the Americas. I can’t see where tion 25 ofthe Criminal Justice Bill meetings? (That would make a mainstream capitalist ideology. each other on a personal as the world. achieve today may be taken end. there is the slightest hint that na- (criminalising "procuring, in- more interesting article). Some key symptoms in the well as a political level. 5. As well as exploiting and away tomorrow. Our ultimate Unlike other so-called social- tional liberation is OK or even decency and soliciting" amongst The author refers to the "domi- counter attack against the revol- 3. We believe that fighting oppressing the majority of aim must be the complete ists or communists we do not mentioned. The Subversion com- consenting gay men) and the at- nation of the leaders of the gay utionary movements that had de- racism and sexism is as im- people, Capitalism threatens abolition of wage slavery. want power or control for our rade seems to be finding weak- tack on Lesbian parents evident in alternative society" eh? None of veloped in the sixties and seven- portant as other aspects ofthe the world through war and Working within the unions organisation. We recognise nesses and flaws which exist only Paragraph 16 of the Children's these leaders are named, do they ties were selfish hedonism, world class struggle. Anarchist- the destruction of the envi- can never achieve this. How- that the revolution can only in his imagination. Act. The writer does not mention exist? Certainly particular indi- weary nihilism, in opposition to a communism cannot be ronment. ever, we do not argue for be carried out directly by the that in December 1990 a group of viduals such as Ian McKellan, need to radically change the achieved while sexism and 6. It is not possible to abolish people to leave unions until working class. However, the 15 gay men were sentenced for DerekJarman, and Peter Tatchell world. This is seen throughout so- racism still exist. In order to Capitalism without a revol- they are made irrelevant by revolution must be preceded VOIG L8bOUf DUI? taking part in sado-masochistic have little cliques of followers in ciety, and certainly affected the be effective in their struggle ution, which will arise out of the revolutionary event. The by organisations able to con- sex acts which they had all con- Londonbutthey are not important gay movement. Why the vast ma- against their oppression both class conflict. The ruling class union is a common point of vince people of the anarchist Dear Organise! sented to. Is the issue of s/m sex up here (Sheffield). Also it is fair jority ofgay men preferto go to the within society and within the must be completely over- departure for many workers. communist alternative and In your article "Labouring (gay or straight) too difficult for to mention that these individuals local gay club rather than to an- working class, women and thrown to achieve anarchist Rank and file initiatives may method. Under lllusions", you criticise the sensitive anarchists to deal with? are doing more than most class archist meetings is in part due to black people may at times communism. Because the rul- strengthen us in the battle for We participate in struggle as SWP for advocating a vote for La- Secondly the writer claims: struggle anarchists to fight homo- general demobilisation., and in need to organise inde- ing class will not relinquish anarchist-communism. anarchist communists, and bour "without illusions" and you "with the rise of christianity in phobia. part due to revolutionary groups pendently. However, this power without the use of What's important is that we organise on a federative basis. state that "such a vote will do no Western Europe came condemna- An article looking at the Gay not taking gay liberation serious- should be as working class armed force, this revolution organise ourselves collective- We reject sectarianism and good at all". While I understand tion but it was not until the rise of Scene and the way that the Right ly. But there are groups like Pink women and black people as will be a time of violence as ly, arguingfor workers to con- work for a united revolution- the ideological reasons behind an capitalism that it (homosexuality) has captured the imagination and Brick and the Lesbian and Gay cross-class movements hide well as liberation. trol struggles themselves. ary anarchist movement. Anarchist refusal to vote, it seems was singled out as a particular the opinions of a number of gay Freedom Movement willing to link to me that a victory for Labour will form of sexuality that was outside men, and the way that radical gay liberation to the destruction of do some good in that it would less- the norm." ideas can still appear alien to a capitalism. Y cally and nationally in order to working class people, to assist S! en the relentless attacks by the This is hard to follow. Is s/he section of the population who ex- The domination ofthe "leaders be efficiently involved in cam- the class as a whole to destroy Conservatives on the living stand- saying that before the rise of capi- perience a great deal of oppress- of the gay alternative society"? paigns and struggles, to co-or- the present system and build ards of working people and the talism - whenever the writer ion, would be more interesting. Yes, people like Tatchell etc, but dinate and support each other, a free and equal society run National Health Service etc. wants to date it —- homosexuality M.S. cl0 Conviction, PO Box also the multitude ofgayentrepre- and to be a real, visible alter- through mass decision mak- While obviously no substitute for was condemned without being sin- 552, Sheffield, S1 3FP neurs who run the clubs, travel So, the Tories won and mono- revolutionary action, if putting a gled out as being "outside the firms and publishing houses. (Amin, Nyerere), or home rule native to the cynical manouev- ing. _ chrome Major was elected, or cross on a voting form can improve norm"? In Britain and Western Editor's reply: Organise! has not Finally the issue of sado-ma- for Ireland, Scotland etc. Or rings of the Trots. We urge ALL who agree was it Labore and Kinnockio? conditions for all of us, then why Europe court records are hard to given enough attention in the past sochistic acts. People’s sexual the Greens could try "environ- Such an organisation with our aims and principles Either way the Working Class not do it? fmd before the last couple of cen- to the social movements, to the preferences and how they express mentally-friendly" capitalism would get known through ef- tojoin us — and let’s get stuck Yours Sincerely, turies but as far as we can tell questions of for example, women’s them are their concerns —- as long lost, and Class Society and the (greater participation and a fective propaganda and ac- in! L.B.(Bristol) homosexual men were persecuted liberation, gay liberation and as they do not interfere with the State grind on: homelessness, radical gloss a la Ken Living- tion, and develop by the laws against sodomy. There black nationalism. We are at- rights and freedom ofothers. This starvation and poverty in a stone’s GLC). Or the Trots its ideas through Editors’reply: Butyes, that’s the is a good chance that homophobia tempting to get to grips with this isthe libertarianview on sado-ma- world of plenty, the "choice" of could give us Socialism (So- debate and ex- whole point.Voting for Labour can (fear and prejudice directed problem. sochism and other sexual prac- 1 useless, boring waged work, cialist bosses, socialist wage perience. This is i not improve conditions forus. Just against homosexuals) existed be- Replying to several points tices. We welcome readers’ letters 1;";- the drudgery of (full-time) labour etc). All of these are the organisation look at the history ofthe last thirty fore the rise of industrial capital- raisedbyyour letter. Yes, ofcourse on this. years. We saw the Wilson Labour ism. homophobia existed before the housework and childcare or merely different ways of run- we are trying to living on welfare benefits, ning Class Society. government replacing the Tories. Thirdly the author ofthe piece rise of capitalism. What capital- build. *'"'...-"-'-"' At this time the economy was be- claims that capitalism condemns ism did was to incorporate and Fundamental principles of com- racism, sexism and environ- The ACF ginning to falter. Unemployment homosexuality but at the same institutionalise homophobia with- munist production and distribu- mental destruction. No All change works towards a doubled under Wilson and welfare time attacks "pink capitalism" in its ideology, and to strengthen tion change social revolution -"’/ spending was cut back more than which is puzzling. Significantly its defence of the nuclear family. An English translation of this Maybe it would be better if Without an organised na- not to seize under the Tories. There were the the writer makes no mention of We never denied in the article that guide to communist society has at there were many more women tional movement, anarchist power for itself, anti-working class "In Place Of the fact that many revolutionaries homophobia was around before last been produced and is avail- bosses, councillors, MPs and ideas will remain margi- In but participating Strife" proposals and an at- with a commitment to overthrow- capitalism! able for £20 (558 pages) direct premiers (Thatcher, Golda nalised. We need to organise in a revolution- tempted wage freeze. Then under ingcapitalism were (and some still One of the phenomena of the from M. Scott, 21b Eastlake Road, Meir, Aquino) or black leaders in anarchist groups both lo- ..I-.F‘..-:7’ the 1974-79 Labour administra- are) anti-homosexual liberation. last ten years was the rise of"pink London SE5 9QJ. ary process as - 13 Qrganisej N0_ 26 AP,-_Jun 1992 Organise! N0. 26 Apr-Jun 1992 19