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Organic Allium Production ATTRA A Publication of ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service (cid:127) 1-800-346-9140 (cid:127) www.attra.ncat.org By Katherine Adam Alliums are a cool-season crop grown in most regions of the U.S. This publication addresses commercial NCAT Agriculture culinary alliums, except garlic. A brief history of the onion is presented and some of the major variet- Specialist ies, growing regions, and types of bulbs are presented. Marketing and economic considerations of the © 2006 NCAT varieties of dehydrator and fresh bulb onions are also discussed. Production and processing issues are briefl y reviewed, as are crops such as shallots and leeks. Soils, climate, and planting considerations are also discussed. Weed management and an overview of major pests and their control are also presented. Post-harvest handling and storage issues are mentioned along with a brief review of current research. References and resources follow the narrative. Contents Introduction .............. 1 Marketing and Economics .................. 3 Production Budgets ....................... 4 Other Types of Bulb Onion Crops................ 6 Are Onion Crops Alternative? ................ 8 Soil Fertility and Climate ...................... 10 Planting Systems .... 10 Irrigation ................... 11 vegetables. The dry onions fi rst brought Introduction Control of Weeds, to this country by settlers were northern Insect Pests, and Alliums are biennial monocots that are culti- European types adapted to the temperate Diseases .................... 11 vated as annuals, a cool-season crop requir- climate found throughout the Northeast. Insect Pest ing temperatures of at least 55 degrees Varieties from warmer regions of the Med- Management ........... 14 Fahrenheit to emerge from seed. Optimum iterranean eventually made their way to Disease Management ........... 15 leaf growth rates occur at temperatures of the southeastern United States. In particu- 68 degrees Fahrenheit to 77 degrees F. lar, varieties from Spain and Italy would Harvest/Postharvest Handling/Storage .. 17 Alliums include various bulbing and non- become important to the Vidalia onion Research ................... 18 bulbing species, used for both culinary and industry. The fi rst of these varieties came References ............... 18 ornamental purposes. This publication through Bermuda and were thus referred Further Resources .. 19 covers culinary alliums (except for noncom- to as Bermuda onions. mercial types), with the exception of garlic. Yellow Granex, the standard for Vidalia See the ATTRA publication Organic Garlic onions, has its origin from Early Grano. Production. For an exhaustive discussion of ATTRA—National Sustainable The variety Early Grano 502 resulted in Agriculture Information Service alliums worldwide, including ornamentals, the Texas Early Grano 951C, which became is managed by the National Cen- see Rabinovitch and Currah. (1) ter for Appropriate Technology one of the parents for Yellow Granex hybrid. (NCAT) and is funded under a The other parent, YB986, was selected grant from the United States History Department of Agriculture’s from Excel, which in turn was derived from Rural Business-Cooperative Ser- Onions (Allium cepa) are now thought to White Bermuda. These are short-day, sweet vice. Visit the NCAT Web site (www.ncat.org/agri. have originated in southwest Asia, but a onions that formed the basis of the Vidalia html) for more informa- wild progenitor has yet to be found. (1) industry, beginning in 1931. Dry onions tion on our sustainable agriculture projects. (cid:47)(cid:36)(cid:34)(cid:53) The onion is one of the oldest cultivated from northern European parentage are now referred to as “American” types. Those Latest fi gures on the value of onion crops deriving from southern Europe, via the in Oregon are $74 million for 2004; Caribbean, are called “European” types. onions now rank tenth among Oregon crops. (2) Federal crop profi les have been Onions are classified as dry (bulb) or published for onion production in several green. Bulb onion varieties are generally states—including California, Colorado, classifi ed by day-length (short, intermedi- New Mexico, Washington, Oregon, New ate, long), market use (fresh bulb, dehy- Related ATTRA York, Wisconsin, Georgia, Texas, and Ohio drator bulb, or storage type), and bulb Publications (green onions). Some states have recently color within the fresh market class. Sweet begun to focus on becoming onion-pro- Resource Guide to onion types are most commonly marketed ducing areas—especially sweet onions, Organic and as fresh bulbs. In general, short day-length for which there appears to be a growing Sustainable onions are suitable for warm climates; market. Wide year-to-year fl uctuations in Vegetable long day-length onions for those north- Production onion acreage in the U.S. appear in USDA ern regions that grow onions. Intermedi- Economic Research Service reports going Organic Garlic ate length can be selected for intermedi- back to 1961. (www.ers.usda.gov) Production ate zones, such as Oklahoma or the Central NCAT’s Organic Valley of California. There is some produc- The U.S. exports onions and onion prod- Crops Workbook tion of Vidalias as “green onions.” ucts to Canada, Australia, Germany, Japan, Organic Marketing The Netherlands, South Africa, Sweden, There are, of course, related wild allium Resources and the United Kingdom. India, Peru, species in North America, and these are Sustainable and China are the major exporters to the still gathered. In Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Management of U.S. Signifi cant foreign competition from home of the Western Cherokee Tribe, the Soil-borne Plant Peru, especially with the South Texas sweet Diseases “egg and wild onion supper” has a long onion crop, is expected in the future. China tradition in the spring. Allium cernuum Thrips Management exported $403 million of onions, shallots, is the probable species of small, clumping Alternatives in the garlic, and leeks in 2002—a 50 percent Field onion. It should not be confused with A. increase over the preceding year. Alliums vineale, or “crow bait,” a very strong-fl a- Nematodes: are considered an area of vegetable pro- vored native of Eurasia naturalized in North Alternative Controls duction in which China will seek increasing America, that usually occurs singly. Flame Weeding for domination of U.S. and Asian markets. (3) Agronomic Crops Onions are greatly affected by weeds, According to NASS statistics, Mexico is Energy Saving Tips insects, and diseases. One of the most the chief foreign source of green onions. for Irrigators important challenges in onion production There are strict grading standards; Mexi- Measuring and today is how to produce onion crops in can dry storage onions and onions for pro- Conserving Irrigation ways that are sustainable and environmen- cessing are allowed in if they meet the same Water tally responsible while not losing the yields (For more achieved by use of crop-protection chemi- information, call cals as a substitute for costly hand labor. 800-346-9140) (1) Many alternative strategies have already been implemented by the industry—espe- cially in New York and California, where there is some indication that insect pests are becoming resistant to insecticides. In Georgia, a 2002 trial of organically pro- duced onions met with some success. Six geographic areas have federal market orders for onions, and onions are among the top fi ve crops raised in two other states. USDA market orders are initiated by Figure 1. Bulb Shapes – 1. fl attened globe; 2. globe; 3. growers and are renewable by vote of growers high globe; 4. spindle; 5. Spanish; 6. fl at; 7. thick fl at; every six years. 8. Granex; 9. top. Page 2 ATTRA Organic Allium Production standards of size and quality as the U.S. and Georgia short-day onions, at 11 to 12- Fresh market imports of both green and dry hour day lengths. Short-day types are the onions are more closely regulated. sweetest. The higher the pyruvic acid con- tent, the more pungent the bulb. Sweet onions grown for the fresh market often have a state-sponsored identity—Walla Intermediate-day fresh market bulbs grown Walla Sweets, South Georgia Vidalias, in the central California valley range from Oklahoma Candy, etc.—and must be grown seven to nine percent soluble solid contents in the specifi ed locality to bear the name. and 5 to 9 moles of pyruvic acid per Kg of Regional growers search for other market- bulb. (5) ing ideas conferring “perceived value.” Long–day fresh market bulb onions range from 8 to 12 percent soluble solids and 10 to Marketing and Economics 20 moles of pyruvic acid per Kg of bulb. (5) There is usually a direct correspondence Fresh-market bulb production is not charac- between day-length sensitivity and the lati- teristic of Northern California and the infra- tude where onions are produced, with short structure is not present. day-length types being produced at lower Federal marketing orders, initiated by a latitudes. However, differences in this sen- Pyruvic acid group of growers for a locality, set regu- sitivity (as well as stand densities) can be is a measure lations for some commodities (currently manipulated to produce specialty crops including milk and some fruits and vegeta- of the sulfur like pearl onions. Pearl onions are short- bles). Marketing orders aim to match sup- content and is usu- day types that can be grown in northern ply with potential demand at prices refl ect- ally dependent on states (under the long days of summer) for ing the costs of producing and marketing early bulbing and pearl production. soil type. the commodity by the typical well-managed Dehydrator onions include both short-day fi rms in the industry. Regulations also set and long-day varieties. Short-day vari- product standards to refl ect the interests eties (Creole, Creoso, and Primero) are of consumers. selected for their high dry matter con- Currently, federal marketing orders for tent with soluble solid contents ranging onions currently exist for six U.S. geo- from 15 to 25 percent. Long-day dehy- graphic regions. drators (Southport White Globe varieties) have soluble solid contents ranging from • Vidalia Onions (GA) 20 to 25 percent. (5) Production is verti- • Garlic and Onions (CA) cally integrated and the process is totally • Sweet Onions (CA) mechanized. The processer with whom the • South Texas Onions grower has a contract determines variet- • Walla Walla Sweets (WA) ies and often provides seed. The Univer- sity of California has published a six-page • Idaho-Eastern Oregon Onions bulletin on growing dehydrator onions. The Georgia Department of Agriculture (http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/7239.pdf) publishes a list of recommended culti- Fresh market bulb onions have the great- vars to be grown and marketed as Vidalia onions, but any similar cultivar that meets est number of varieties. Short-day types certain guidelines can be used by Vidalia are usually Grano or Granex-Grano and growers. Recently, however, three experi- include yellow, red, and white varieties. mental cultivars partially derived from A. “Imperial Sweet” and other short-day vari- fi stulosum in an attempt to improve shallow eties grown in Southern California range from fi ve to seven percent soluble solid content, 2 to 6 moles of pyruvic acid per Defi nition: A marketing order is a legal mechanism under which regula- Kg of bulb, and a high sugar to pyruvic tions issued by the Secretary of Agriculture are binding upon all growers acid ratio. California short-day varieties and handlers of the regulated product in a specifi c geographic area. begin to bulb at 12 to 15-hour day lengths, www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 3 onion root systems were rejected as tend- on some Web sites are discussed below. ing to have an “off” fl avor. The marketing Florida and Oklahoma budgets refl ect a order regulates the shape of the Vidalia recent risk-benefi t assessment of onions bulb (see Illustration, item no. 9). (4) as a potential crop, extrapolated from pro- duction fi gures published in onion-produc- In California there are fi ve recognized size ing states. Costs to produce a crop in New grades. At a packing shed or during fi eld Mexico and Wisconsin were double those packing, bulk trailer loads of onions cured of some other states. in the fi eld for three days to two weeks are sorted. Packing grades are Colossal, University of California Vegetable Research greater than 4 inches in diameter, Jumbo, and Information Center. 3 to 4 inches, Medium, 2 to 3 inches, http://vric.ucdavis.edu/selectnewcrop. Repacks 1.5 to 2 inches, and Boilers, less onion.htm than 1.5 inches. Short-day onions, typically grown in the New Mexico low desert and Central Valley, are pre- Onion Cost and Return Estimates ferred by the onion ring industry (45 per- (NM) http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/ An estimated cent of California production) because vari- _circulars/CR-603.pdf. Fixed costs 1 per- 49.4 billion eties such as Grano or Grano-Granex types cent. Variable costs double those of other pounds of typically have only a single center and states due to irrigation. numerous, thick fl eshy rings. Harvested frozen onions are Onion Production and Marketing in slightly immature, they have a high sugar produced annually New Mexico. http://cahe.nmsu.edu/pubs/ to pyruvic acid ratio. The larger sizes are in the U.S. _circulars/CIRC577.pdf preferred. Fall-planted, short-day onions are adapted to the desert regions of South- Mississippi ern California, although as transplants Commercial Production of Bulb Onions they can be grown up to a maximum lati- tude of 36 degrees north. in Mississippi. http://msucares.com/pubs/ infosheets/is1506.htm Onion production also supplies the fro- zen food industry. A USDA publication Washington estimates that 49.4 billion pounds of fro- Estimates Cost and Returns for Produc- zen onions are produced annually in the ing Onions, Columbia Basin, Washing- U.S. In addition, many of the fresh-mar- ton. http://farm.mngt.wsu.edu/Research/ ket onions, as well as high-solids dehy- onions.htm drator onions, produced in Washington state are processed after export to Pacifi c New York Rim countries. Crop Profi le: Onions in New York http:// Production Budgets pmep.cce.cornell.edu/fqpa/crop-profi les/ onion.html A Michigan State Agricultural Extension Publication comments that it is “relatively Michigan easy to get into and out of onion produc- Cost of Onion Production in South- tion, as the market is often saturated.” ern Michigan. www.msu.edu/user/blackj/ http://web1.msue.msu.edu/imp/modsr/ staff_Paper_2002-37.pdf. 10 p. sr599201.htm. Production budgets (except in California, Georgia where more processing is done) place fi xed Sweet Onion Production. http://pubs. costs at between 1 percent and 11 percent caes.uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/B1198.htm. for onions. Production budgets found 40 p. Page 4 ATTRA Organic Allium Production Two states looking at onion production Florida Alternative Opportunities for Small Farms: Bulb Onion Production [1998] http://edis.ifas.ufl .edu/profi les/AC/AC00900.pdf • 10 percent fi xed costs; 90 percent variable costs Other constraints: • severe freezes in recent years in northern Florida • very labor intensive crop, needing good management skills • need for machines—especially for planting and harvesting • curing facilities for storage do not exist • markets for fresh crop onions must be determined in advance • capital intensive crop (initial investment costs high) • potential for processing limited by lack of facilities • existing harvesters for dry onions do not work for fresh onions Oklahoma Oklahoma Candy Onion Production (three related papers) 1) Projected Net Income, Price Risk, and Yield Risk [Based on fi eld trials with one cooperating farmer in southeast Oklahoma] http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-968/p_1005web.pdf • Fixed costs for Oklahoma determined to be only 5 percent, variable costs 95 percent (for southeast Oklahoma) Advantages: • National consumption of produce on the rise • Success of Texas ‘Candy’ onion (intermediate day onion, did well in trials) a knockoff on success of Georgia ‘Vidalia’ Disadvantages: • Major challenges of weed control and foliar disease • Assumption that ungraded product can be sold on fresh market within two weeks of harvest (to avoid curing, processing, handling costs of Florida study, but does not answer contention that machinery available for har- vesting dry onions cannot be used for fresh. May plan to use hand labor.) 2) Using Contracts to Reduce Marketing Risk; Applied Study of Oklahoma Onion Production http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-2843/FAPC-131web.pdf A farmer-friendly summary of the research study. 3) Recent Experience with Fresh Bulb Onion Production in Oklahoma. National Allium Research Conference (2004). www.colostate.edu/Depts/CoopExt/TRA/Allium/Abstracts/RecExpFreshBulb.htm Had to raise their own greenhouse starts for ‘Candy’ and ‘1015-Y.’ Found that ‘Candy’ had 11 percent bolting rate (a culling rate not accounted for in previous crop budget calculations). Suggested seed supplier was to blame. www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 5 Other Types of Bulb Onion Processing Onions Crops Onions for dehydration (California) • Apaz onion – a wild relative of • Dehydrator Bulb Onion Production leek, a small bulb marketed with a (Voss) http://anrcatalog.ucdavis. short green top. “ Apaz” has been edu/pdf/7239.pdf recently promoted as an Oregon • Onion Dehydration (John W. Lund specialty crop. It is listed in the and Paul L. Lienau) http://geo- 2005 The Packer yearbook. Only a heat.oit.edu/pdf/tp86.pdf very few companies sell seed for it, Frozen onions and no production information has been published. • Production of all types of frozen • Cippolino onion – U.S. supplies onions is concentrated on the West imported from Italy. Cipol is Span- Coast, with some companies doing ish for “shallot,” but the Cippolino a broad range of operations—every- onion of commerce is a small red- thing from fresh-peeled to frozen dish true onion; A. cepa. The rings. A fl edging frozen onion ring Packer suggests marketing Cippo- operation in Pecos, Texas, closed in lino onions as part of an Italian cui- 2002 when a competitor bought the sine display. operation and consolidated it with an existing facility in Nebraska, • “Boiler” onions are marketed as a which had in 1985 initiated onion specialty item. A boiler onion is sim- and potato processing as a value- ply the smallest of fi ve recognized added rural development strategy. sizes of fresh market onions in Cali- Growers in Oswego County, New fornia, defi ned as smaller than 1.5- York, in response to poor sales of inches in diameter. The Packer fresh onions due to nationwide over- recommends including boilers as production in 2005, have proposed part of Hispanic produce displays. to spend $2.9 million on a frozen onion processing plant to help the local economy. Onions for seed (California) • Onion Seed Production for Cali- fornia. http://anrcallog.ucdavis.edu/ pdf/8008.pdf In minor onion-growing areas, onion seed is often produced by commercial growers in a separate Green Onions field away from the commercial onion crop. For various reasons, Pearl onions are produced by plant- growers prefer to produce com- ing a short-day onion in a north- mercial onion crops from trans- ern latitude. They are produced in plants, rather than seed. Care must North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wash- be taken to avoid seed-borne dis- ington. An Extension bulletin by the eases. A recommended strategy is North Willamette Research and Exten- to raise seed in a fi eld where alli- sion Center is a good source of fur- ums have never been grown before. ther information. Pearl onions are Transplants are produced from the often pickled or otherwise processed. seed and then precision set in the http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/NWREC/ commercial field. For details of onionprl.html seed production in California (the Page 6 ATTRA Organic Allium Production number one U.S. onion producing Common home garden types such as Egyp- region), see the UC-Davis publica- tian onions and multiplier onions are NOT tion. Commercial onion seed is pro- used for commercial green onion produc- duced also in the Columbia Basin tion, but may sometimes be found in farm- region in Washington. ers’ markets in the spring. For a complete description of how commercial green onions Green Onions are produced, see http://oregonstate.edu/ Dept/NWREC/oniongr.html. Green onions (Scallions, Bunching Onions) imported from Mexico have come under Bunching onions may be produced from increasing scrutiny in recent years because immature, thickly planted white onion of outbreaks of bacterial illness traced to varieties of Allium cepa and from Allium such imports. fistulosum (commonly known as Japa- nese bunching types), or, rarely, from an interspecifi c hybrid of cepa x fi stulosum. Allium fistulosum varieties are often referred to as “Welsh” onion, derived from the German word “welsche,” mean- ing foreign. Green bunching onions are known by sev- eral names depending on the region of the country. Some of the names used are “scallions,” “green onions,” and “spring onions.” All these terms can be used for Yellow Storage Onions www.extension.umn.edu/distribution/cropsystems/ immature onions, but in reality, the “green DC7060.html bunching onion” of commerce is most likely a different species from that of the Ohio ranks seventh in the country in green bulb onion. Green onions today are most onion acreage. Onion maggot is a serious often Allium fi stulosum, which is further pest on green onions in Ohio, but a new classifi ed into four taxonomic groups. For seed treatment with cyromazine, an insect a complete description, refer to “Alliums growth regulator, shows promise. (6) For and Allied Crops,” Vol. III by H. Rabi- more information on green onion produc- nowitch and D. Brewster. tion in Ohio, see the USDA Crop Profi le A considerable amount of Allium cepa (the http://pestdata.ncsu.edu/CropProfi les/docs/ regular bulb onion) is still used for green OHonions-green.html. onion production under certain conditions Other Extension bulletins on green onion and in certain areas. Allium cepa can be production: planted thickly and harvested immature for this purpose. An example is “Vida- • Green Onion Production in Califor- lia” scallions produced in Southeast Geor- nia (Voss). http://vric.ucdavis.edu/veg- gia from Grano-Granex types. Bunching info/commodity/onion/oniongrn.pdf onions are harvested at pencil-thickness • Commercial Green Onion Produc- and sold in bunches. tion (Georgia). http://pubs.caes. One can identify the species by looking care- uga.edu/caespubs/pubcd/C821.htm. fully at the bottom of the green leaves near About Vidalia green onion produc- where they turn white. If the leaf cross sec- tion governed by a federal market- tion is “D”-shaped (or has a fl at side), it is ing order. In 2003, higher prices A. cepa. If “O” or round, it is A. fi stulosum. for Vidalias pushed the value of http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/NWREC/ onion production up by more than oniongr.html 50 percent. www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 7 • Green Bunching Onions. NWREC/shallot.html. Also see the Univer- http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/NWREC/ sity of Florida Extension bulletin: http:// oniongr.html edis.ifas.ufl .edu/pdffi les.MV/MV13300.pdf. Garden Medicinals and Culinaries is • Green Bunching Onion Produc- a source of bulbs of shallots and other tion www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/hil/ multiplier onions. hil18.html • Growing Scallions (Green Onions) Leeks (A. ampeloprasum) for Market Gardeners, NF04-607. Leeks, which require a cool to moderate cli- http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/epublic/page/ mate and a growing season of 80 to 100 publicationD.jsp?publicationID=245 days, are a very minor specialty crop in • Crop Profi le for Onions (Green) in the U.S., as market demand is not nearly as Ohio (1999), 7 p. http://pestdata. large as in northern Europe. Commercial ncsu.edu/CropProfi les/docs/ production centers in the Pacifi c Northwest OHonions-green.html Willamette Valley and Oregon Coast, where both the transplants and mature crops are Other Allium Crops grown. Field seeding is not recommended. Shallots are Transplants are often set into 3 to 4 inch Shallots (A. cepa ‘aggregatum’) affected by holes in order to produce the long white University of Florida Extension says that the same dis- stems desired in the market. The major pest U.S. commercial shallot production is eases as onions. on leeks is thrips. In 2004 a viral infec- established only in southern Louisiana, tion began to show up on garlic in Wash- but this may be a reference to the “Giant ington State. The “leek yellow stripe virus” white shallot” identifi ed by Rabinowitch was implicated. For more information, and Kamenetsky (1) as a cross between see www.seedquest.com/News/releases/2005/ “the bulbous shallot and Japanese bunch- february/11388.htm. ing onion, A. fi stulosum,” resulting in an amphidiploid plant that is heat-tolerant and For information on commercial leek produc- prolifi c with only a short dormancy period. tion, see Oregon State University Vegetable Red shallots are one of the top imports from Production Guides http://oregonstate.edu/ France. Shallot is a perennial that produces Dept/NWREC/leek.html a cluster of small, pointed bulbs from a sin- So-called “elephant garlic” (A. ampelopra- gle planted bulb. Bulbs may be of vary- sum) is actually a leek. Very large bulbs ing color, but the French Red is the only of this leek relative are marketed as a mild shallot of commercial importance. Other “garlic.” There are a number of named cul- types may be found occasionally in local tivars, as this is a popular crop in some markets and home gardens, as are vari- regions. As noted above, the “Apaz” onion ous related types of white multiplier onions. is a specifi c type of leek. Oregon State University notes that planting stock is diffi cult to obtain in large quanti- Are Onion Crops Alternative? ties, but offers trial quantities of “true shal- lot seeds” sourced from a Dutch company Onion crops cannot be considered “alter- to growers in Oregon. Either dry bulbs or native”; they are well-established, major bulbs with foliage are marketed. Shal- U.S. crops with defi nite marketing chan- lots are affected by the same diseases as nels for different types. Some states spon- onions and should not be planted where any sor research or legislate to protect a “logo” related crop has been grown before. They or name in order to gain an edge in the are also affected by harmful nematodes. market. States have even been known to Oregon State University Vegetable Pro- commercialize a “new” allium for the same duction Guides has published complete purpose. As a testament to efforts of the information on commercial production of National Onion Association and state and shallots, http://oregonstate.edu/Dept/ regional associations, U.S. onion consump- Page 8 ATTRA Organic Allium Production tion rose from 12.2 pounds per person in in sandy, low-sulfur soils and tested for high 1982 to 18 pounds per person in 2002. (7) sugar content, low pyruvic acid, and mellow fl avor. Grown in the Southern Hemisphere, Surplus commercially grown onions that they fi t an off-season niche for U.S. markets do not meet size criteria may be donated for fresh, non-storage onions. They will to food banks or other feeding programs, also keep busy the Seattle packing facilities although those with physiological defects or operated by another member of the consor- disease are usually culled soon after har- tium. The new consortium hopes to promote vest. Although imports are increasing, there sweet onions to the food service trade as a is no domestic shortfall in onion production. salad bar item. For more information see Vidalia growers in Georgia have recently the September 26 issue of The Packer and been told to look for export markets for up the article by Tom Burfi eld. to half of their crop. Large, perfect yel- low onions typically retail for three pounds for a dollar. Farmers markets sell slightly smaller sizes of whatever type they have available for about a dollar a pound. Local farmers’ markets always have a few onions for sale, especially in the spring. Commu- nity Supported Agriculture (CSA) organiza- tions like to provide some onions in the late fall as part of a “root vegetable share.” Contrary to marketing order specifi cations, smaller sizes of onions are ideal for the one- person household now so prevalent in the U.S. Once cut, a large onion will keep for only a limited time in the refrigerator. How- ever, there is a market demand for fresh, whole peeled onions. Yellow Storage Onions in Minnesota Cornell University is a leader in innovative alternative marketing for onions and other The October 10, 2005 issue of The Packer vegetable crops. Cornell University’s Smart had disturbing news for the South Texas Marketing series (http://hortmgt.aem.cornell. onion industry. “Shipments of Peruvian edu/smart_marketing) and related materials onions to the U.S. and Canada continue to recommend 1) expansion of agri-tourism, gain momentum.” Peru has ideal rich soils 2) agricultural awareness programs, and in a wide range of microclimates at varying 3) ag-based economic development initia- altitudes, irrigated by water from the Andes, tives as key to promoting sales of New York to produce more and more sweet onions for commodity vegetables, including onions. fresh market. est and disease buildups are (http://hortmgt.aem.cornell.edu/pdf/resources/ absent, as this is largely a cool, dry, desert NYvegmarketingneeds.pdf) area only recently put into large-scale agri- A very recent development in onion market- culture for export. Peruvian sweet onions are ing is the formation of a consortium of U.S. now being actively marketed as a “high-qual- and foreign growers of sweet onions. Sweet ity sweet onion whose taste meets or exceeds Clover Produce, Seattle, Washington, is a expectations year-round.” Peruvian onions new cooperative formed to provide year- usually rate from 3.5 to 4.5 on the pyruvic round sweet onion supplies to the food trade. scale, which measure sulfuric compounds. For eight months of the year Bland Farms’ Vidalias score 2 to 4.3, and Texas 1015s “Peruvian sweet onions” will be marketed; rate 3.7 to 4.5. The South Texas indus- the other four months Walla Walla Sweets try is most at risk for direct competition and Vidalias. Peruvian onions are grown from Peru. Peru ideal for sweet onions; www.attra.ncat.org ATTRA Page 9 Retailers, suppliers working together. Oct. in October and November. An extended 10. p. B5. In a development that has shaken warm period following planting produces the Texas Produce Association, a large pro- a larger overwintering plant (more than duce company in the Rio Grande Valley of one-fourth-inch shank diameter), which Texas closed and was noted on p. 1 of the results in a high percentage of bolting when same issue. Starr Produce marketed South exposed to extended temperatures below 50 Texas onions. The company has converted degrees Farenheit. Some cultivars may be to a real estate development fi rm and will more prone to bolting than others. (Note the build on its agricultural land. (9) experience of Oklahoma researchers with ‘Candy,’ above.) Soil Fertility and Climate In southern states onions are likely to Onions require fertile, well-drained, non- be raised from transplants; in New York crusting soils, and are often produced in State, most are direct seeded. Short- muck soils, although sandy loams high in day Vidalia onions in Georgia are always mineral content are also favored. Heavy raised from transplants. clay soils should be avoided. A slightly acid pH in the 6.0–6.8 range is optimum. Short-day onions can be grown from both Growing seed and transplants; however, growing Onions require substantial amounts of onions onions directly from seed has largely been nutrients. Foliar fertilization is not rec- abandoned because of several problems. directly ommended for some parts of the country, First, onion seed is very small and requires from seed has although many growers use this method adequate, even moisture during the critical largely been aban- for applications of necessary trace ele- germination process. This is diffi cult to pro- ments during the growing season. Ideally, vide during the extremely hot and dry con- doned because of ditions of the September/October planting nutrients will be in place in the soil before several problems. season in South Georgia. The center-pivot the crop is planted. Soil tests should irrigation systems common to this area are be done as a guide to fertilizer applica- not designed to deliver the one-tenth inch tions. Soil pH may determine availabil- of water several times a day that may be ity of critical elements such as sulfur and required to produce a stand of onions over boron. The amount of sulfur present will an entire fi eld. Finally, direct-seeded onions in South Georgia are more prone to bolting affect pungency, but some sulfur is nec- or developing seed stems. This is particularly essary even in producing sweet onions. true when seeded early (September and early For Vidalia and other sweet, fresh market October) and cold weather comes in the lat- onions, elements affecting fl avor must be ter part of the season, particularly in March. carefully controlled. Direct seeding onions in late October or early November to avoid seed stem develop- ment may not give the plants suffi cient time Planting Systems to develop and withstand potential frost and Fall planting. Fall planting for a win- freezing temperatures. (8) ter onion crop in Georgia greatly reduces weed, insect, and disease problems, but An additional reason to use transplants is may increase incidence of physiological more uniform spacing, leading to more uni- problems due to freezing, wind, and hail formity in onion size and fewer physiologi- damage. Bolting, or seed stalk formation, cal anomalies. occurs only from fall-planted onions grown through the winter for spring harvest. The Spring planting. In Oregon’s Willamette Val- size of the overwintering plant and its expo- ley onion growers plant only in the spring, sure to cold temperatures are the most crit- though in some other onion areas both fall ical factors in determining whether or not and spring-planted onions are grown. In the plant will bolt due to a warm spell of North Dakota onions are not seeded until 45 to 50 degrees during the winter. Early April or May, since seed will not germi- plantings in late August and September are nate below 50–55 degrees Fahrenheit soil more likely to bolt than are later plantings temperature. Although harvested in late Page 10 ATTRA Organic Allium Production

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