ORGANIC ADDITIVES AND CERAMIC PROCESSING With Applications in Powder Metallurgy, Ink, and Paint ORGANIC ADDITIVES AND CERAMIC PROCESSING With Applications in Powder Metallurgy, Ink, and Paint by Daniel J. Shanefield Rutgers University . ., ~ Springer Science+ Business Media, LLC Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A C.I.P. Catalogue record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. ISBN 978-1-4757-6105-4 ISBN 978-1-4757-6103-0 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-4757-6103-0 Copyright © 1995 by Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1995 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1995 AlI rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any fom or by any means, mechanical, photo-copying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. Printed on acid-free pap er. Contents PREFACE xi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Historical Overview 1 Plasticity in Ancient and Modem Processing 1 Specialized Functions of Additives 3 Organic versus Inorganic 3 1.2 Typical Organic Additives 4 2. CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL BONDING 8 2.1 Ordinary Bond Types 8 Electron Pair Orbitals 8 Ionic Bonds 10 Covalent Bonds 10 Physical Bonds 11 2.2 Lewis Acids And Bases 12 2.3 Hydrogen Bonds 14 2.4 Polarity 17 2.5 Radicals 18 2.6 Typical Structures 19 3. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FUNDAMENTALS 20 3.1 The Naming System 20 Hydrocarbons 24 Alkyls 25 Alcohols 31 Carbonyl Compounds 33 Carboxylic Acids 35 v vi Contents Cyclohexane and Related Structures 36 Other Positional Tenns 41 Some Special Environmental Considerations 44 Cyclic Compounds With Double Bonds 47 Benzene Ring Compounds 49 Nitrogen Compounds 55 3.2 Reactions 56 A Few Important Reactions 56 Polymerization 59 3.3 Synthetic Polymers 62 Polyvinyls and Similar Thermoplastics 62 Thermosetting Polymers 70 High Performance Polymers 72 Copolymers 76 Characterization 76 3.4 Natural Carbohydrates 80 3.5 Hydrogen Bonds and Life 89 4. CERAMIC PROCESSING FUNDAMENTALS 91 4.1 The Process Steps From Powder To Ceramic 91 The Powder 92 The Slip 92 The First Shrinkage 94 Shaping the Green Body 95 ~~~~ 100 The Fired Ceramic Product 107 4.2 Agglomerates 109 The Causes of Agglomeration 109 Types of Agglomerates 110 4.3 Optimum Surface Area 112 Contents vii 5. PARTICLE CHARACTERISTICS 113 5.1 The Packing Of Powders 113 The Sizes Needed for Closest Packing 113 The Sizes of Real Ceramic Powders 120 The Bell Shaped Curve 121 The Lognormal Distribution 123 Additional Porosity 124 Modified Particle Size Distributions 125 5.2 Surface Area Calculations 126 6. COLLOID SCIENCE, AS APPLIED TO CERAMICS 126 6.1 Adsorption 131 Bonding of the Adsorbate to the Powder 131 Specificity 136 Hydration of the Surface 139 6.2 Charged Particles In Suspension 140 Sources of Charge 140 The Double Layer 142 Measurement of the Charge 148 Changing the Charge 150 6.3 Stabilized Suspensions 153 Charge Repulsion 153 Steric Hindrance 155 6.4 Viscosity 158 6.5 Wetting 168 7. SOLVENTS 171 7.1 Predicting Solubility 172 Nonpolar Materials 172 Materials of Low Polarity 172 Highly Polar Materials 172 Polymers 174 viii Contents 7.2 Hydrogen Bonding Effects 176 Achieving High Solids Loading 176 Bubbles and Foam 177 Evaporation Rates for Fast Drying Solvents 178 Slow Drying Solvents 181 7.3 Safety 184 Flammability 184 Toxicity Regarding Dosage 186 Toxicity Regarding Animal Tests 191 Toxicity Regarding Human Exposure 194 Random Variations in Toxicity Studies 196 Use First, Test Later 200 Potential Damage to the Broader Environment 202 7.4 Cost 207 7.5 Chemical Attack on the Powder 209 8. DISPERSANTS AND OTHER SURFACTANTS 211 8.1 Tests For Effectiveness 211 Sedimentation Height 211 Minimum Viscosity 212 Maximum Solids Loading at Maximum Viscosity 213 Maximum Green Density 215 8.2 Commonly Used Detergents 218 Anionic Surfactants 218 Cationic Surfactants 221 Nonionic Surfactants 224 8.3 Inorganic Surfactants 226 8.4 Organic Deflocculants For Ceramics 229 Aqueous Systems 229 Nonaqueous Systems 236 High Solids Loadings 251 (7on ten ts ix 9. BINDERS 255 9.1 Burnout 259 General Considerations 259 Burning 261 Evaporation 264 Other Removal Methods 266 Nonuniform Burnout 267 9.2 Adhesion 269 9.3 Green Strength 271 Plasticizers 273 9.4 Other Additives 275 10. PROCESSING EXAMPLES 280 10.1 Dry Pressing 281 10.2 Injection Molding 283 10.3 Extrusion 284 10.4 Tape Casting 286 10.5 Slip Casting 290 APPENDIX I. GLOSSARY OF CERAMICS WORDS 291 APPENDIX II. WORDS USED IN COLLOID SCIENCE 297 APPENDIX III. INFORMATION SOURCES 302 INDEX 309 Preface This volume is intended to be used as a textbook for teaching pur poses and also as a reference source for working engineers. Therefore, a wide range of subject matter must be covered, starting with funda mental explanations for students, and extending to advanced applica tions for development workers and factory problem-solvers. Such an ambitious task is being attempted only because of the present lack of resources which might otherwise fill the need. The author planned the book for use as the primary text in an un dergraduate course of the same title, which he teaches at Rutgers University. However, the book could also be used as a supplementary text for more general courses in ceramic processing. Powder metallurgy, printing inks, and paints involve many of the same organic additives as ceramic processing. These fields of technol ogy are usually covered by college courses in metallurgy, materials science, and chemical engineering. Apparently there is a need for bet ter training in the specialized area of the organic additives used in those fields. The formulators, for lack of better understanding and confidence, often rely on simple waxes or acrylates, when a higher level of technological knowledge could provide improved results. It is intended that this book will be useful as a supplementary source of in formation for those fields also, both as a self-teaching tool and for col lege coursework. Courses similar to the subject matter in this book are offered at insti tutions of continuing education for working engineers, often in con junction with professional societies. The students in such courses, in xi xii Preface addition to trained engineers, include suppliers of materials to the in dustries, market researchers, investors, and others who are peripheral to the industries themselves. A continuing education course with the same title as this book was taught by Dr. George Y. Onoda, Jr., and the author starting in 1976. With periodic minor revisions, this course was then taught by the author and other colleagues, twice each year up to the present time, under the auspices of the Center for Professional Advancement of East Brunswick, NJ, USA and of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 1986, the author ended his 30 years in industry (spent principally at AT&T) to accept a post as Distinguished Professor of Ceramics Engineering at Rutgers University. He then began a college course on this subject, which can be attended by either undergraduates or graduate students. Notes from these various courses have been the skeleton of this book. Because there are so few schools in which students can specialize in ceramics, many readers of this book (such as suppliers of additives) are not likely to be knowledgeable in the fundamentals of ceramic science. Therefore some attention is given to these principles, particularly where they are the foundation for understanding the usage of the or ganic additives. On the other hand, many specialists in ceramics engineering have not been trained in the fundamentals of organic chemistry. For that reason some attention is paid here to organic chemistry concepts and technology. A logically configured pyramid of simply-defined scientific words has been included throughout the text and appendices. This extends downward to common words such as "plastic" and "fluid." The extra attention to the explanations of simple terminology results from the author's recent teaching experiences with students in need of some remedial scientific training, and with students from countries where English is not the main language spoken. In addition to providing the essentials of the theoretical background, it is among the author's goals to provide many of the practical details of industrial operations, often gathered from his own experience in ceramics factories. Case studies regarding specific problems are presented, as well as decision tables that might help solve future problems. It is hoped that readers will be able to take formulations from this book, go to the laboratory, and immediately make a workable ceramic product, at least as a running start for further developments.