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— 1 1 Madrono, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 275 276, 201 NOTEWORTHY COLLECTIONS Oregon to the Pratt and Whitney Tile Building, 13 May 2008, Marttala5529(OSC, REED,WTU). Habitat invariably The followingcollections document range extensions sidewalkcrevicesandseamsofsidewalkandbuildingsor in "Urbanizing Flora ofPortland, Oregon, 1806-2008" streets; usually open areas, almost never on N side of (Christy et al. 2009); for brevity: "Urbanizing Flora". buildings;elev.ca.40-110ft;mostoftenwith Cardamine EuoNYMUS EUROPAEUS L. (CELASTRACEAE). oligosperma, Cerastium glomeratum, Poa annua. Polyg- Multnomah Co., Portland, openish, brushy area, onum aviculare, Saginaprocumbens, Sonchus oleraceus, mostly on the S side of Springwater Corridor ca. and Spergularia rubra. 0.15-0.22 mi E of S.E. 111th Ave., well established by Previousknowledge. Reported from SW Oregon near 1998, possibly from the Leach Botanical Garden or Gold Beach (6 collections), e.g.. Curry Co., Gold othergardens in the area where known to becultivated, Beach, 4224'27"N, 124 25'14.16"W, 20 August 1998, with Athyriiim filix-femina, Coryhis sp., Crataegus Richard R. Halse, s.n. (OSC), and known from the douglasii var. siiksdorfii, C. monogyna, Epilobium sp., historical record in Portland (Lower Albina, 15 Galium aparine, Holcus lanatus, Hypericumperforatum, September 1902, E. P. Sheldon 10307, OSC), and Hood Phalaris arundinacea, Polystichum munitum, Rubus River (along the Columbia River, Hood River, 23 July armeniacus, Sali.x lasiandra. Spiraea douglasii; elev. 1880, L. E. Henderson, s.n., OSC) (Oregon FloraProject 210 ft, 15 May 1998, Marttala 4708 (UC, WS); 28 June 2010). Although Polycarpon tetraphyllum is given as an 2006, Marttala 4708a (OSC, UC, WTU); 30 September annual, it invariably seems to survive through all but 2006, Marttala 4708b (UC,WS); 2 December 2006, the hardest ofour usually mild winters. Marttala 4708c (CAS, HPSU, NY, OSC, REED, Significance. When published in the "Urbanizing WTU); 6 May 2007, Marttala 4708d (OSC); 16 May Flora" the Portland siteswereca. 365 kmfrom the then 2007, Marttala 4708e (NY, OSC, REED, WTU); 19 nearest known populations and separated from the May 2007, Marttala 4708f (HPSU). N side of earlier Portland collections by over 100 years. The SpringwateWr Corridor ca. 100 ft E of MPll, ca. recent postings ofthe RichardR. Halse 7550Arch Cape 0.16 mi of S.E. 122nd Ave., among Phalaris (Clatsop Co., 45 48'30.96"N, 123°57'43.92"W, 16 Sep- arundinacea in grassy, ±open area with brush and tember2008, OSC) and Nick Otting, DannaLvtjen 1106 small trees, with Crataegus monogyna, Galium aparine, (Lane Co., 43 '55'6.24"N, 123 '0'44.28"W, 5 June 2005, Ilex aquifolium, Oemleria cerasiformis, Rubus armenia- OSC) collections (Oregon Flora Project 2010) start to cus, elev. 210 ft, 29 September 2007, Marttala 5503 fill in the distribution ofthis weedy species, separations (OSC, REED). ofabout 100 and 160 km from Portland. The Portland Previous knowledge. Previously reported from seven- sitesclusteralong a nearly 1.5 kmlongcorridor, in part teen stateseast ofthe Mississippi River (USDA, NRCS following a major arterial, Sandy Blvd., suggesting an 2010). avenue ofdissemination. — Significance. The first report from Oregon and first POTENTILLA RECTA L. (ROSACEAE). Clackamas report in a state west ofthe Mississippi River, a range Co., dirt banks, sloping grass-forb meadow, and weedy extension ofabout 2500 km was made in "Urbanizing flats, Molalla,T5SR6Esec. 20, NW'A SE 1/16;elev.ca. Flora". In late May 2010 the Oregon Flora Project 1040 ft (ca. 315 m), open area to partial shade of Atlas posted a Eugene collection (just east of Autzen cottonwoods, with Populusbalsamiferassp. trichocarpa, Stadium) 11 May 2005, B. Newhouse2005 2006 (OSC) bearded Iris, Daucus carota, Sonchus sp., grasses, (Oregon Flora Project 2010), so now there are Cirsium arvense, C vulgatum. Taraxacum officinale, populations of Euonymus europaeus in Portland and Epilobium brachycarpum, Hypochaeris radicata, Lcu- Eugene, separated by ca. 160 km. canthemum vulgare, Rubus armeniacus, R. ursinus, POLYCARPONTETRAPHYLLUM(L.)L.var. TETRAPHYLLUM Eepidium sp., Narvarretia sp., Juniperus sp., Acer sp., (CARYOPHYLLACEAE).—Multnomah Co., Port- Buddieja sp., 26July 2008, Marttala5536 (HPSU, WS); land, N.E. Couch St. between N.E. 11th and 12th 17 August 2008, Marttala 5536a (NY, OSC, REED, Avenues and on adjacent 11th and 12th Avenues, 24 WTU). July 2003, Marttala 5420 (CAS, GH, HPSU, NY); 1 Previous knowledge. Present in all but three U.S. September 2003, Marttala 5420a (OSC, REED); 12 states and widespread but erratically distributed in November 2004, Marttala 5420b (UC, US); 17 May Oregon (Oregon Flora Project 2010; USDA, NRCS 2006, Marttala 5420c (MO, WS, WTU). Around the 2010). The nearest documented site is 3 mi. south of intersection of S.E. Sandy Blvd. and 11th Ave. and Halsey, (Linn Co., 44^21'36"N, 123°8'24"W, 13 July AnkenySt., 17June2009, Marttala5554(OSC); 17June 1978, Gaylee Goodrich 43, OSC) (Oregon Flora Project 2009, Marttala 5553 (WTU); 18 July 2008, Marttala 2010). This is listed as a Class B Noxious Weed by 5534(OSC); 18July2008, Marttala5535A (UC); 18July Oregon Department of Agriculture and as a "B" 2008, Marttala 5535B (REED). S.E. Yamhill St. designated weed/Quarantine according to USDA, between 6th and 7th Ave. and 7th Ave. N ofYamhill NRCS (2010). St., 18 July 2008, Marttala 5533 (HPSU, NY); 17 June Significance. A range extension ofabout 100 km. 2009, Marttala5533a(OSC). N sideofS.E. Belmont St. SaM—BUCVS NIGRA L. SSp. NIGRA (CAPRIFOLIA- between Martin LutherKing, Jr. Blvd. and Grand Ave. CAE). Multnomah Co., Portland, Brookside Wildlife along the E bound Morrison Bridge offramp, 17 July Area, ca. 50-100 ft E ofS.E. 110th Drive and ca. 325 ft 2006, Marttala 5467 (OSC). S.E. Salmon St. just E of N ofBrookside Drive, ±flat, open, grassy, brushy area 2nd Ave. and 2nd Ave. from Salmon St. S on the E side with scattered trees, E of patches of large rocks, with of2nd Ave. to ca. 115 ft from the intersection, adjacent grasses, Abies grandis. Spiraea douglasii. Fraxinus MADRONO 276 [Vol. 58 latifolia, Berberis aquifoUum, Thuja plicata, Robinia In Europe, this species is expanding its range (Reisch pseudo-acacia, Solanum dulcamara, Acer circinatum, 2007). Galium aparine, Ruhus armeniacus, Vicia sativa ssp. Solanum lycopersicum L. var. lycopersi- nigra, V. hirsuta. Geranium dissectum, 27 August 2007, CUM (SOLANACEAE).—Multnomah Co., Portland, Marttala 5495 (HPSU, UC, WS); 22 September 2007, rocky, E bank of Willamette River ca. 350 ft S of Marttala 5495a (NY, OSC, REED, WTU); 7 June Hawthorne Bridge, with Chenopodium ambrosioides, 200P8r,evMiaorutstkanloawl5e4d9g5eb.(KNnYo,wOnSCf,roRmEtEhrDe,e sWtTatUe)s.on the pRluabnutssdairdmennoitacsuusr,viRveumtheexhaspr.d,wViinctiearsap.n,delheivg.h1w0a-t1e5rfotf, east coast - Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Virginia 2008-2009, 26 November 2008, Marttala 5543 (OSC, (USDA, NRCS 2010). REED); 4 December 2008, Marttala 5543a (WTU). Significance. A range extension of about 3700 km. Washington Co., West Slope, TOIN, ROIW, NEl/4 of Theseplantsareevidentlyrelictsofcultivation, butthey NE 1/4 Sec. 12, elev. 590 ft, sprouting nearly every are prolific seeders and weedy; Sambucus nigra ssp. summer from previous year's seeds in garden beds and nigra is expected to spread. (Hogen 2003). compost piles, with Malva neglecta, Kickxia elatine, Saxif—raga tridactylites L. (SAXIFRAGA- Taraxacum officinale, Sonchus oleraceus, Portulaca CEAE). Mutnomah Co., Portland, fenced vacant lot oleracea, 28 Aug 2009, John A. Christy 10059 (OSC). boundedbyS.E. TaylorandSalmonStreets, S.E.Water Previous knowledge. Previously reported from Ore- Avenue and Interstate 5 and adjacent stretch of S.E. gon (INVADERS Database System 2008; USDA, Taylorjust E ofsmall parkinglot adjacent to Interstate NRCS 2010) from Portland based on Suksdorf 1900 5, moss covered areas of asphalt and concrete material (WSOOOOl38469). (sidewalk), occasionally in thin, gritty soil as along Significance. Modern reports, more than 100 years sidewalk, with Brachythecium albicans, Bryum argen- afterfirstcollected. Sincetomatoesregularlyself-seedin teum, Ceratodon purpureus, Didymodon vinealis, Grim- gardens, the rarity ofnaturalized specimens in Oregon miapulvinata, Pseudoscleropodiumpurum, Rosulabryum is fairly surprising, especially since USDA, NRCS capillare, Scleropodium cespitans, Syntrichia ruralis, (2010) shows them in forty states. Vulpia sp., Bromus rigidus, Hordeum murinum, Poa annua, Draba verna, Cardamine oligosperma, Senecio —Vernon M. Marttala, 10811 S.E. Schiller St., vulgaris, Stellaria media, Veronica arvensis, Cerastium Portland, OR 97266-3459. romanzoffivm(gearthlink.net. glomeratum, C. semidecandrium, Acer macrophyllum, Arabidopsis thalliana, Daucus carota, Epilobium sp., Literature Cited Hypochaeris radicata, Plantago lanceolata, Sonchus oleraceus, Trifolium dubium, Veronica arvensis, elev. Christy, J. A., A. Kimpo, V. Marttala, P. K. ca. 30 ft, 8 April 2008, Marttala 5514 (CAS, GH, Gaddis, and N. L. Christy. 2009. Urbanizing HPSU, NY, OSC, REED, UC); 9 April 2008, Marttala flora of Portland, Oregon, 1806-2008. Occasional 5514a (US, WTU); 25 April 2008, Marttala 5514b Paper 3. Native Plant Society ofOregon, P.O. Box (CAS, GH, HPSU, NY, OSC, REED, UC, US, WTU); 902, Eugene, OR. 14 May 2008, Marttala5514c(BH, BRIT, BRY, GZU, Hogen, S 2003. FLORA, a gardener's encyclopedia. MO, PE, UBC, WS). The vacant lot in which this Volume 2, L-Z. Timber Press, Portland, OR. population occurs is used for storage and transient Oregon Flora Project. 2010. Oregon plant atlas. parking. Despite many years ofvisiting and botanizing Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Website this site, no Saxifraga tridactylites was seen until 2008. http://www.oregonflora.org/atlas.php [accessed 31 Previous knowledge. Previously known in North May 2010]. America only from British Columbia, from Texada Reisch, C. 2007. Genetic structure of Saxifraga Island and sites in southern Vancouver Island near and tridactylites (Saxifragaceae) from natural and west of Victoria (A. Ceska, Ceska Geobotanical man-made habitats. Conservation Genetics Consulting, Victoria, BC; M. Fairbarns, Aruncus 8:893-902. Consulting, Victoria, BC, and F. Lomer, Univ. British INVADERS Database System. 2008. TheUniversity Columbia Herbarium, Vancouver, BC, personal com- ofMontana, Missoula, MT.Website http://invader. munications to J. Christy, Portland State Univ., dbs.umt.edu/ [accessed 4 December 2008]. forwarded to author). USDA,NRCS.2010.ThePLANTSDatabase.National Significance. First record in the continental U.S., ca. Plant DataTeam. Greensboro, NC. Websitehttp:// 330 km from nearest site in British Columbia, Canada. plants.usda.gov [accessed 2 June 2010].

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