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Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust: French Railwaymen and the Second World War PDF

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Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust ShouldFrenchrailwaymenduringtheSecondWorldWarbeviewedas great resisters or collaborators in genocide? Ludivine Broch revisits histories of resistance, collaboration and deportation in Vichy France through the prism of the French railwaymen – the cheminots. De-sanctifyingtheideaofrailwaymenasheroicsaboteurs,Brochreveals the daily life of these workers who accommodated with the Vichy regime, cohabitated with the Germans and stole from their employer. Moreover,byintertwiningthehistoryoftheworkingclasseswithHolo- caust history, she highlights unexpected histories under Vichy and sensitive memories of the postwar period. Ultimately, this book busts the myths of cheminot resistance and collaboration in the Holocaust, andrevealsthatthereismoretotheirstorythanthis.Thecheminotsfed boththeFrenchnationandtheGermanmilitaryapparatus,exemplify- ing the complexities of personal, professional and political life under Occupation. ludivinebrochisalecturerinHistoryattheUniversityofWestmin- ster.Sheistheco-editorofFranceinanEraofGlobalWars,1914–1945: Occupation,Politics,EmpireandEntanglements(2014). Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare Generaleditor JayWinter,YaleUniversity Advisoryeditors DavidBlight,YaleUniversity RichardBosworth,UniversityofWesternAustralia PeterFritzsche,UniversityofIllinois,Urbana-Champaign CarolGluck,ColumbiaUniversity BenedictKiernan,YaleUniversity AntoineProst,UniversitédeParis-Sorbonne RobertWohl,UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles Inrecentyearsthefieldofmodernhistoryhasbeenenrichedbytheexplorationof twoparallelhistories.Thesearethesocialandculturalhistoryofarmedconflict, andtheimpactofmilitaryeventsonsocialandculturalhistory. StudiesintheSocialandCulturalHistoryofModernWarfarepresentsthe fruitsofthisgrowingareaofresearch,reflectingboththecolonisationofmilitary history byculturalhistorians and thereciprocal interest ofmilitary historians in social and cultural history, to the benefit of both. The series offers the latest scholarship in European and non-European events from the 1850s to the presentday. This is book 44 in the series, and a full list of titles in the series can be found at: www.cambridge.org/modernwarfare Ordinary Workers, Vichy and the Holocaust French Railwaymen and the Second World War Ludivine Broch UniversityofWestminster UniversityPrintingHouse,CambridgeCB28BS,UnitedKingdom CambridgeUniversityPressispartoftheUniversityofCambridge. ItfurtherstheUniversity’smissionbydisseminatingknowledgeinthepursuitof education,learningandresearchatthehighestinternationallevelsofexcellence. www.cambridge.org Informationonthistitle:www.cambridge.org/9781107039568 ©LudivineBroch2016 Thispublicationisincopyright.Subjecttostatutoryexception andtotheprovisionsofrelevantcollectivelicensingagreements, noreproductionofanypartmaytakeplacewithoutthewritten permissionofCambridgeUniversityPress. Firstpublished2016 PrintedintheUnitedKingdombyClays,StIvesplc AcataloguerecordforthispublicationisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloguinginPublicationData Names:Broch,LudivineM.E.(LudivineMarieElisabeth),1983-author Title:Ordinaryworkers,Vichy,andtheHolocaust:Frenchrailwaymenandthe SecondWorldWar/LudivineBroch. Description:Cambridge:CambridgeUniversityPress,[2016]|©2016|Series: Studiesinthesocialandculturalhistoryofmodernwarfare;44|Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex. Identifiers:LCCN2015040827|ISBN9781107039568(Hardback) Subjects:LCSH:Sociéténationaledescheminsdeferfrançais.| Railroads–France–Employees.|WorldWar,1939-1945–Deportationsfrom France.|WorldWar,1939-1945–Transportation.|WorldWar,1939-1945– France.|France–History–Germanoccupation,1940-1945.|Holocaust, Jewish(1939-1945)–France. Classification:LCCHE3070.S65B762016|DDC940.53/1813–dc23LC recordavailableathttp://lccn.loc.gov/2015040827 ISBN978-1-107-03956-8Hardback CambridgeUniversityPresshasnoresponsibilityforthepersistenceoraccuracy ofURLsforexternalorthird-partyinternetwebsitesreferredtointhispublication, anddoesnotguaranteethatanycontentonsuchwebsitesis,orwillremain, accurateorappropriate. This book is dedicated to my parents forhavingloanedmetheircarforawhirlwindarchivetrip in August 2011, and for absolutely everything else. Contents Listof figures page viii Listof maps xi Listof tables xii Acknowledgements xiii Listof abbreviations xvi Maps xviii Introduction 1 1 Cheminots 13 2 Vichy 40 3 Bahnofs 68 4 Theft 96 5 Protest 120 6 Sabotage 143 7 Shoah 165 8 Liberation 195 9 Epilogue: Memory 222 Glossary of railwayprofessions 242 Bibliography 244 Index 263 vii Figures 1.1 Cheminot apprenticesin frontof their first locomotive, Renseignements Hebdomadaires, 76(12Mar. 1943). SNCF –Centre Nationaldes Archives Historiques. page 21 1.2 ‘What does a cheminot think about? ...Beingon time!’ Renseignements Hebdomadaires, 57(23Oct. 1942). SNCF –Centre Nationaldes Archives Historiques. 34 2.1 In our beautiful cheminot families, we recently learned with greatpleasure that M. Cailleux, replacement guardat Dampierre-Saint-Nicolas (Seine-Inférieure),had had a thirteenth child. Renseignements Hebdomadaires, 39 (22 May 1942). SNCF – Centre National des Archives Historiques. 56 2.2 Our apprentices in Tarbes: Cheminot apprentices meet Marshal Pétain,Renseignements Hebdomadaires, 9 (10 Oct. 1941).SNCF – Centre National des Archives Historiques. 57 3.1 A cheminot POW in Stalag I-A sent two photos ofan exhibition whichhe and his fellow cheminots builtin the camp. Renseignements Hebdomadaires, 62(27Nov. 1942). SNCF –Centre Nationaldes Archives Historiques. 93 3.2 ‘Women,do your duty’.Drawings inspired bya Deutsche ReichsbahnPoster. Notre Métier,1 (15 May 1938). SNCF –Centre Nationaldes Archives Historiques. 94 4.1 Total number ofcasesbroughtto the SWDC, 1939–41. 103 4.2 Cases regarding theft broughtto the SWDC, 1939–41. 104 4.3 Those caught for stealing from the SNCF, January 1942 -May 1944. 109 4.4 Bogyand Tampon catchthieves on the spot: ‘Poster: Cheminots,take part in the campaign tosupervise wine transports;Bogy: ‘I have an idea !’; ‘Bogy: ‘Don’t worry, I’m not far,and withthe police’.;Nightime, two shadowy figures...;Tampon:‘Ow !!Thieves !!’;Tampon: ‘You’ll viii Listoffigures ix have to putsome ice packs!’NotreMétier,52(29 Mar. 1946). SNCF – Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 116 4.5 ‘Cheminot!! Stop the hand which steals!!’Runner upposter for the Prevention ServicePoster Competition, 1944. RenseignementsHebdomadaires,25Feb.1944. SNCF –Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 117 5.1 Monthly estimate oftracts forwardedto the SNCF Central Services between July 1942 and November 1943 (Missing: Dec. 1942 and Oct. 1943). 131 6.1 Consequencesof aerial bombing on railway materials: Délivrance (nearLille) Bombing on 4 September 1943. SNCF/PNV/103919. SNCF – Centre National des Archives Historiques. 152 6.2 Consequencesof aerial bombing on Orléans depot and station.Notre Métier,49(1 Mar. 1946). SNCF – Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 153 6.3 Three ex-cheminots and saboteurs:Roger Charbonnier, RobertLebrun and Roger Chouin, Tergnier, 1998. With special thanksto the Muséede la Résistanceet de la Déportationen Picardie,Tergnier. 156 8.1 Ceremony for the repairofthe 100th locomotive sincethe Liberation. 28 January 1946,Lille Délivrance.Notre Métier, 52 (29 Mar. 1946). SNCF –Centre National des Archives Historiques. 202 8.2 Bogyand Tampon resurrect!‘Bogyand Tampon are snoring; Baths– Showers; Tailor. Bogy:‘That’sbetteralready!’; Tampon:‘And now ... let’srollup our sleeves for the SNCF!’,NotreMétier,1(18 Jan. 1946). SNCF –Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 215 8.3 ‘TheRailway will win the Battleof the Rebirth ofFrance’. Notre Métier,45(1 Feb.1946). SNCF – Centre National des Archives Historiques. 216 9.1 Scenes from La Bataille duRail were reproduced. Notre Métier,52 (29 Mar. 1946). SNCF – Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 225 9.2 Our heroic deaths,in which an iconic picture ofthe Bataille du Rail is placed next to the photos and letters of real victims.NotreMétier,79 (8 Nov. 1946). SNCF – Centre National des ArchivesHistoriques. 226 9.3 Bogyand Tampon filmstars: ‘Tampon: “Amarvelous film!”;“Bogy:We can alsobecome film stars ...”; “I’m Tampon, this is Bogy, we are the brothers ofthe

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