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Ordinary Differential Equations: Mathematical Tools for Physicists PDF

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Raza Tahir-Kheli Ordinary Differential Equations Mathematical Tools for Physicists Ordinary Differential Equations Raza Tahir-Kheli Ordinary Differential Equations Mathematical Tools for Physicists 123 Raza Tahir-Kheli Department ofPhysics TempleUniversity Philadelphia, PA,USA ISBN978-3-319-76405-4 ISBN978-3-319-76406-1 (eBook) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-76406-1 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2018933457 ©SpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG2018 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.AllrightsarereservedbythePublisher,whetherthewholeorpart of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission orinformationstorageandretrieval,electronicadaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilar methodologynowknownorhereafterdeveloped. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publicationdoesnotimply,evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfrom therelevantprotectivelawsandregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authorsortheeditorsgiveawarranty,expressorimplied,withrespecttothematerialcontainedhereinor for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The publisher remains neutral with regard to jurisdictionalclaimsinpublishedmapsandinstitutionalaffiliations. ThisSpringerimprintispublishedbytheregisteredcompanySpringerNatureSwitzerlandAG Theregisteredcompanyaddressis:Gewerbestrasse11,6330Cham,Switzerland Dedicated to my friends Sir Roger J. Elliott, Kt., F.R.S. (in Memorium) Sir Anthony J.Leggett, KBE, F.R.S., Nobel Laureate Alan J. Heeger, Nobel Laureate J. Robert Schrieffer, Nobel Laureate my wife Ambassador Shirin Raziuddin Tahir-Kheli and our grandchildren Taisiya, Alexander, Cyrus, Gladia Preface Thisbookisintendedasareader-friendlysourceforself-studyandasanaccessible textbook that contains many solved problems. My experience teaching at Temple University the mathematical physics course thatincludesordinarydifferentialequationshasguidedthewritingofthistextbook. The mathematical physics course is offered to undergraduates in their pre- or final yearofstudyinphysics,engineering,chemistry,earthandenvironmentalsciences, or mathematical biology. It is also taken by beginning graduate students working toward a master’s degree. Yearsofteachinghavehelpedmeunderstandwhatworksforstudentsandwhat does not. In particular, I have learned that the more attention a student pays to taking notes, the less he/she understands of the subject matter of the lecture being delivered. Further, I have noticed that when, a week in advance of the delivery ofthelecture,astudentisprovideddetailsofthealgebratobeused,solutionstothe problems to be discussed, and some brief information about the ideas that are central to the lecture to be given the following week, it obviates much of the need fornotetakingduringthedeliveryofthelecture.Anotherimportantexperiencethat hasguidedthewritingofthistextbookisthepedagogicalbenefitthataccruesfrom an occasional, quick, recapitulation of the relevant results that have already been presentedinanearlierlecture.Allthisresultsinbettercomprehensionofthesubject matter. Both for the purposes of elucidation of the concepts introduced in the text and for providing practical problem solving support, solutions to a large number of exampleshavebeenincluded.Manyofthesolutionsprovidedcontainmuchgreater detail than would be necessary for presentation in a lecture itself or needed by teachersormoreadvanced practitioners ofthesubject.Thesesolutionsaretherein the given form to offer encouragement and support to the student: both for self-studyandtoallowforfullerunderstandingofthesubjectmatter.Therefore,itis as important for the reader to assimilate the subject matter of the book as it is to independently work through the solved problems before reading through the solutions provided. Another notable feature of the book is that equations are vii viii Preface numberedinseriatim.Includedinthenumberingprocessisthechapternumber.As a result, access to an equation being referred to is both easy and fast. InChap.1,the differentialoperatorD,isintroducedandtherules it followsare articulated. A cursory look at the vocabulary is taken in Chap. 2 titled ‘Some Definitions.’ Noted there is the terminology and some of the definitions that are used in this manuscript. A function involving a dependent variable, say u; only a single inde- pendent variable, say x; and at least one derivative of u with respect to x is an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Explicit (ODE) and implicit (ODE) are defined. Generally, explicit (ODEs) are easier to treat than implicit (ODEs). Therefore, mostly the explicit (ODEs) are treated in this book. A linear ordinary differentialequationisoffirstdegreeinthevariable,uðxÞ,aswellasitsderivatives. Homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation and inhomogeneous linear ordinary differential equation are defined. When an ODE cannot be expressed in linear form, it is said to be nonlinear (ODE). Just as implicit (ODE) is harder to solve than explicit (ODE), solving nonlinear (ODE) requires more effort than solvinglinear(ODE).Furthermore,simpletreatmentofnonlinear(ODE)cannotbe guaranteed to succeed. Linear ordinary differential equations with known constant coefficients are treated in Chap. 3. Procedure for solving homogeneous linear ordinary differential equations with known constant coefficients, the method of undetermined coeffi- cients, and calculation of the particular integral, I , for inhomogeneous linear pi ordinary differential equations are all described in detail. The concepts of linear independence, linear dependence, and the use of Wronskians are elucidated. And simultaneous linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients are studied in detail. InChap.4,theanalysisisextendedtolinearordinarydifferentialequations that havevariablecoefficients.Dependinguponthenatureofthevariablecoefficient,the linearordinarydifferentialequationwithvariablecoefficientscanbemuchharderto solve than linear ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. For simplicity, therefore, only the first-order and first-degree equations of type Bernoulliequationaretreated.Includedalsoisadiscussionofequationsthatcanbe transformed into Bernoulli equation. Chapter 5 deals with Green’s function and Laplace transforms. InChap.6,equationsBeyondBernoulli—tobecalled‘SpecialType’differential equations—are studied. Included there are the Clairaut equations [compare (6.2)– (6.13)], Lagrange equation [compare (6.19)–(6.31)], the separable equations (cid:1) (cid:3) [compare (6.32)–(6.35)], and the dy¼U y equations [compare (6.36)–(6.73)]. dx x In addition, there are the so-called exact [compare (6.74)–(6.91)] and inexact equations [compare (6.92)–(6.241)], Riccati equations [compare (6.242)–(6.268)], Euler equations [compare (6.269)–(6.315)], and the factorable equations [compare (6.316)–(6.344)].SingularsolutionofClairautequationisdiscussedandcalculated both by an informal procedure and a formal procedure. Preface ix StudiedinChap.7areequationswhere‘SpecialSituations’obtain.Forinstance, a given differential equation may be integrable. Similarly, there are equations that haveboththeindependentandthedependentvariablesmissinginanyexplicitform. And then, there are those that explicitly contain only the independent variable, or only the dependent variable. All these equations provide possible routes to suc- cessfultreatment.Aninterestingspecialsituation,called‘OrderReduction,’comes into play if one of the n non-trivial solutions of an nth order homogeneous linear ordinary differential equation is already known. Then, the given equation can be reduced to one of the ðn(cid:2)1Þth order. Homogeneous linear ordinary second-order differential equations have been treated before. Studied in this chapter are inho- mogeneous linear ordinary differential equations. Chapter 8 deals with oscillatory motion that is central to the description of acousticsandtheeffectsofinter-particleinteractioninmanyphysicalsystems.Inits mostaccessibleform,oscillatorymotionissimpleharmonic(s-h).(s-h)motionhas a long and distinguished history of use in modeling physical phenomena. An harmonic motion—which somewhat more realistically represents the observed behavior of physical systems—is described next. Detailed analysis of ‘Transient State’ motion is presented for a point mass for two different oscillatory systems. These are: (1) Thepointmass,m,istiedtotherightendofalong,masslesscoilspringplaced horizontallyinthex-directionontopofalong,level,table.Theleftendofthe coilisfixedtotheleftendofthelongtable.Themotionofthemassisslowed byfrictionalforcethatisproportionaltoitsmomentummvðtÞ.Initscompletely relaxed state, the spring is in equilibrium and the mass is in its equilibrium position. (2) Because the differential equations needed for analyzing damped oscillating pendula are prototypical of those used in studies of electromagnetism, acous- tics, mechanics, chemical and biological sciences and engineering, we analyze next a pendulum consisting of a (point-sized) bob of mass m that is tied to the end of a massless stiff rod of length l. The rod hangs down, in the negative z-direction,fromahookthathasbeennailedtotheceiling.Thependulumisset to oscillate in two-dimensional motion in the x(cid:2)z plane. Air resistance is approximatedasafrictionalforceproportionaltothespeedwithwhichthebob is moving. The ensuing friction slows the oscillatory motion. In Chap. 9, physics relating to, and the applicable mathematics for the use of, resistors,inductors,andcapacitors arestudied. Thestudy includesKirchhoff’stwo rules that state: ‘The incoming current at any given point equals the outgoing currentatthatpoint’and‘Thealgebraicsumofchangesinpotentialencounteredby charges traveling, in whatever manner, through a closed-loop circuit is zero.’ Considered next is Ohm’s law: namely ‘In a closed-loop circuit that contains a battery operating at V volt, and a resistor of strength R ohms, current flow is I amperes: I ¼V :’ Problems relating to additions of finite numbers of resistors, R placedinvariousconfigurations—someinseriesandsomeinparallelformats—are x Preface workedoutindetail.Alsoincludedareseveral,moreinvolved,analysesrelatingto current flows in a variety of infinite networks. Numerical solutions are analyzed in Chap. 10. Given a first-order linear differ- ential equation [refer to (10.2)] and its solution, yðx Þ; at a point x¼x ; Runge– 0 0 Kutta procedure is used to calculate Yðx þDÞ; an estimate of the exact result 0 yðx þDÞ:Runge-Kuttaestimateistheleastaccuratewhenitusesonlyonestepfor 0 theentiremove.Andindeed,asshownin(10.11),thesingle-stepprocessdoesyield grossly inaccurate results. The two-step process—see (10.12) and (10.13)—im- provestheresultsonlyslightly.Butthefour(cid:1)-st(cid:3)epeffort—see(10.14)–(10.17)—does much better. It reduces the error to about 1 th of that for the one-step process. 50 Estimates from a ten-step Runge-Kutta(cid:1)process are(cid:3)recorded in table (10.1). These estimates—being in error only by 100(cid:3)0:0025 ¼0:0113%—are highly 22:17 accurate. Coupled first-order differential equations (10.18) are treated next. Together these equations are equivalent to a single second-order differential equation. Tables (10.2)–(10.7) display numerical results, X and Y , for the n n one-step, two-step, and the five-step processes. Table (10.8) contains numerical results X gathered during a twenty-step Runge-Kutta process. At maximum n extension, D¼2, the Runge-Kutta estimate X is 26:371190. It differs from the n exact result, 26:371404, by only a tiny amount, 0:000214. The percentage error involved is 0:000811. Table (10.9) records numerical results Y collected during a twenty-step n Runge-Kuttaprocess.Atmaximumextension,D¼2,theRunge-KuttaestimateY n is 11:0170347, It differs from the exact result, 11:0171222, by 0:0000875. The percentage error involved is 0:000794: It is similar to the corresponding error, 0:000811%, for X . The accuracy achieved by the twenty-step Runge-Kutta esti- n mate is quite extraordinary. When very high accuracy is desired, the twenty-step Runge-Kutta estimate yields results that are worth the effort. Chapter 11 deals with Frobenius’ work. As stated earlier, linear (ODEs) with variable coefficients are generally hard to treat. Fortunately, Frobenius’ method may often be helpful in that regard. To that purpose, analytic functions,ordinarypoints,andregularandirregularsingularpointsaredescribedin thischapter.FrobeniusassumesamodifiedTaylorseriessolutionthatisvalidinthe neighborhood of an ordinary point. The unknown constants there are determined through actual use of the Taylor series solution. Frobeniussolutionaroundordinarypointisworkedoutfordifferentialequations oftype(a)—see(11.5)–(11.30)—anddifferentialequationsoftype(b)—see(11.32)– (11.60). Equations of type (c), (11.62), around regular singular points are treated next– see (11.63)–(11.75). Indicialequationisdefined—see(11.76)—andequationsofcategory(1),whose tworootsdifferbynon-integers,ofcategory(2),whosetworootsareequal,andof category (3), whose two roots differ by an integer, are all analyzed [See (11.78)– (11.183)]. Preface xi The last part of Chap. 9 deals with Bessel’s equations. Details of the relevant analyses are provided in (11.184)–(11.242). Answers to assigned problems are given in Chap. 12. FouriertransformsandDirac33: deltafunctionaretreatedintheappendixwhich forms Chap. 13. Bibliography is presented last. Unlikeanovel,whichisoftenreadcontinuously—andthereadingiscompleted withinacoupleofdays—thisbookislikelytobereadpiecemeal—achapterortwo aweek.Atsuchslowrateofreading,itisoftenhardtorecallthepreciseformofa relationship that appeared in the previous chapter. To help relieve this difficulty, when needed, the most helpful explanation of the issue at hand is repeated briefly and the most relevant expressions are referred to by their equation numbers. Throughout the book, for efficient reading, most equations are numbered in seri- atim. When needed, they can be accessed quickly. Mostofthecurrentknowledgeofdifferentialequationsismucholderthanthose of us who study it. The present book owes in motivation to a famous treatise by Piaggio10:—first published nearly a century ago by G. Bell and Sons, LTD., and last reprinted in (1940). Piaggio is a great book, but in some important places it misses, and sometime misprints, relevant detail. Numerous other books11:(cid:2)21: of varyingusefulnessarealsoavailable.Thecurrenttextstandsapartfromthesebooks inthatitisputtogetherwithaviewtobeingaccessibletoallinterestedreaders:for use both as a textbook and a book for self-study. Answers to problems suggested for solution are appended in Chap. 12. Finally, but for the support of my colleague Robert Intemann, this book could not have been written. Philadelphia, USA Raza Tahir-Kheli May 2018

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