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ORDINAL LENGTH AND THE CANONICAL TOPOLOGY HANSSCHOUTENS 3 1 0 ABSTRACT. Weextendtheclassicallengthfunctiontoanordinal-valuedinvariantonthe 2 classofallfinite-dimensionalNoetherianmodules.Weshowhowtocalculatethiscombi- n natorialinvariantbymeansofthefundamentalcycleofthemodule,thuslinkingthelattice a ofsubmodulestohomologicalpropertiesofthemodule.Usingthis,wedefineonamodule J itscanonicaltopology,inwhicheverymorphismiscontinuous. 8 2 ] 1. INTRODUCTION C A Thepurposeofthispaperistolaythefoundationsofanew,ordinal-valuedinvariantin CommutativeAlgebra:the(ordinal)lengthlen(M)ofaNoetherianmoduleM,measuring . h (by meansof an ordinal)the longestdescendingchain of submodulesin M. Recall that t a anordinalisanisomorphismclassofatotalwell-order(=admittingthedescendingchain m condition),andtheclassofordinals,orderedbytheinitialsegmentrelation,isagainawell- [ order;eachnaturalnumberisanordinalbyidentifyingitwithachainofthatlength;theor- derof(N,≤)isdenotedωandisequaltothesupremumofalln∈N;theorder-typeofthe 1 lexicographicalorderon Nd isdenotedωd. Apartfromtheusual(non-commutative)sum v 7 α+β,wealsoneedthe(commutative)shuffleornaturalsumα⊕β givenbycoefficient- 5 wiseadditionintheCantornormalform(fordetails,see §2). Sincedescendingchainsin 4 a Noetherian module M are well-ordered with respect to the reverse inclusion, they are 6 ordinals,andwedefinelen(M)asthesupremumofallordinalsobtainedthisway. . 1 In[8]weshowedthat,whereaslengthcannolongerbeadditiveonexactsequences,it 0 isstillsemi-additive: 3 1 Theorem(Semi-additivity). If0→N →M →Q→0isanexactsequenceofNoether- : ianR-modules,then v i (1) len(Q)+len(N)≤len(M)≤len(Q)⊕len(N). X r Moreover,ifthesequenceissplit,thenthelastinequalityisanequality. a As an application, we obtain that a Noetherian ring has length ωd if and only if it is a domain of Krull dimension d. In this paper, we prove the remarkable fact that this combinatorial invariant can be described in terms of homological invariants: recall that the local multiplicity e (M) at a prime ideal p is defined as the length of the p-torsion p submoduleofM (whenceisnon-zeroifandonlyifpisanassociatedprimeofM). p MainTheorem. ThelengthofM isequalto e (M)ωdim(R/p). Lp p Combiningthiswithsemi-additivity,leadstomanyinterestingapplications([8,6,7]). Inthispaper,weapplythetheorytodefineacanonicaltopologyoneverymodule:theopen submodulesinthistopologyarepreciselythosethathavethesamelengthasM. Weshow Date:January29,2013. Key words and phrases. Commutative Algebra; ordinal length; local cohomology; Chow group; local multiplicity. 1 2 HANSSCHOUTENS thatanymorphismbetweenmodulesiscontinuousinthistopology. Anyopensubmodule is essential, and in [7], we will characterize those modules for which the converse also holds. In the last section, as an applicationof this material, we discuss the phenomenon of degradation: how source and target of a module may force the morphism to become (almost)zero.Forinstance,weshow Theorem. If an endomorphism on M factors through a module that has no associated primesincommonwithM,thenitmustbenilpotent. 2. ORDINALS AND ORDINAL LENGTH Apartialorderingiscalleda (partial)well-order ifithasthedescendingchaincondi- tion, that is to say, any descendingchain must eventuallybe constant. A total orderis a well-orderifandonlyifeverynon-emptysubsethasaminimalelement.Anordinalisthen anequivalenceclass,uptoanorder-preservingisomorphism,ofatotalwell-order.Theset of ordinals is a transfinite extension of the set of natural numbers N, in which the usual inductionisreplacedbytransfiniteinduction.Wesaythatα≤β ifαcanbeembeddedas atotalorderinβ. Anyboundedsubsetofordinalshasthenaninfimumandasupremum. The(Cantor)sumα+β istheordinalcorrespondingtothewell-orderon α⊔β obtained bylettinganyelementofβ belargerthananyelementofα. Thus,1+ωisthesameasω, whenceinparticulardifferentfrom ω+1. Wewillnotneedarbitraryordinalmultiplica- tion,butonlyproductsoftheformnαwithn ∈N,simplydefinedasthesumofncopies of α (be aware that logicianswould use the more awkwardnotation α·n forthis). The supremumofthenωisdenotedω2andistheorder-typeofthelexicographicalorderingon N2. Theωdaresimilarlydefined,andtheirsupremumisdenotedωω. LetObethecollectionofordinalsstrictlybelowωω. Anyα ∈ OhasauniqueCantor normalform (2) α=a ωd+···+a ω+a d 1 0 with a ∈ N, called its Cantor coefficients. The support of α, denoted Supp(α) ⊆ N, n consistsof all i forwhich a 6= 0. The maximumandminimumof the supportof α are i called respectivelyits degree and order. An ordinalis a successor ordinal(=of the form α+1forsomeordinalα) ifandonlyif itsorderis zero. Thesumofall a iscalledthe i valenceofα. Theordering≤onordinalscorrespondstothelexicographicalorderingon thetuplesofCantorcoefficients(a ,...,a ). Letussaythatαisweakerthanβ,denoted d 0 α (cid:22) β, if a ≤ b foralli, where,likewise, theb aretheCantorcoefficientsof β. Note i i i that≤extendsthepartialorder(cid:22)toatotalorder. Apart from the usual ordinal sum, we make use of the natural or shuffle sum α⊕β giveninCantornormalformas (a +b )ωd +···+a +b . Notethattheshufflesum d d 0 0 iscommutative,andα+β willin generalbesmallerthan α⊕β. Infact, weshowedin [8, Theorem 7.1] that the shuffle sum is the largest possible ordinal sum one can obtain fromwritingbothordinalsasasumofsmallerordinalsandthenrearrangingtheirterms. Inparticular,Oisclosedunderbothadditions.Moreover,sinceα(cid:22)β ifandonlyifthere existsγ suchthatα⊕γ =β,wemayview(O,⊕,(cid:22))asapartiallyorderedcommutative semi-group. 3. LENGTHAND SEMI-ADDITIVITY Allringswillbe commutative,Noetherian,of finiteKrulldimension,andallmodules will be finitely generated. Throughout, if not specified otherwise, R denotes a (finite- dimensional, Noetherian) ring and M denotes some (finitely generated) R-module. By ORDINALLENGTHANDTHECANONICALTOPOLOGY 3 Noetherianity,thecollectionofsubmodulesofM orderedbyinverseinclusionisapartial well-order,calledtheGrassmanianofM anddenotedGr (M)(orjustGr(M)). Inpar- R ticular,anychaininGr (M)is(equivalentto)anordinal. Thesupremumofallpossible R ordinalsarisingasachaininthiswayiscalledthelengthofM andisdenotedlen (M),or R whenthebaseringisclear,simplybylen(M). NotethatthelengthofM asanR-module isthesameasthatofanR/Ann (M)-module,andsowemayassume,ifnecessary,that R M isfaithful. ItfollowsfromtheJordan-Ho¨ldertheorythat thisordinallengthcoincides withtheusuallengthformodulesoffinitelength. Thelengthofaringisthatofamodule overitself. Inotherwords,len(R)isthelongestdescendingchainofidealsinR. Itisusefultohavealsoatransfinitedefinitionoflength:wedefineaheightrankl(·)on Gr (M),asfollows. Putl(M) := 0. GivenasubmoduleN ⊆ M,atasuccessorstage, R wesaythatl(N) ≥ α+1, if thereexistsa submoduleN′ ⊆ M containingN suchthat l(N′) ≥ α. Ifλisalimitordinal(thatistosay,notasuccessorordinal),thenwesaythat l(N)≥λ,providedforeachα<λ,thereexistsasubmoduleN ⊆M containingN with α l(N )≥α. Finally,wesaythatl(N)=αifl(N)≥αbutnotl(N)≥α+1.Weprovein α [8,Theorem3.10]thattheheightrankofthezeromoduleisthelengthofM.Infact,more generally,foranysubmoduleN ⊆M,itsheightrankequalsitsco-length,thatistosay, (3) l(N)=len(M/N). Notethatheightranksatisfiesthefollowingcontinuityproperty:l(N)islessthanorequal tothesupremumofalll(W)+1,forallW strictlycontainingN. Usingsemi-additivity (seeintroduction)weshowedin[8]: 3.1.Theorem(Dimension). LetM beafinitelygeneratedmoduleoverafinite-dimensional NoetherianringR. Thenthedegreeoflen(M)isequaltothedimensionofM. Inpartic- ular,Risad-dimensionaldomainifandonlyiflen(R)=ωd. (cid:3) The order of a module is by definition the order of its length, and will be denoted ord(M); the valence val(M) is the valence of its length. We will calculate these two invariantsinCorollary4.5below. Letuscallanexactsequencestronglyequilateralifwe haveequalityatbothsidesof(1);ifweonlyhaveequalityattheright,wecallthesequence equilateral. Beingstronglyequilateralisreallyapropertyofordinals: α+β = α⊕β if andonlyifthedegreeofβ isatmosttheorderofα,andhence 3.2.Corollary. AnexactsequenceoffinitelygeneratedR-modules 0→N →M →Q→0, isstronglyequilateralifandonlyifdimN ≤ord(Q). (cid:3) 4. LENGTH ASA COHOMOLOGICAL RANK Ascustomary,wedefinethedimensionofaprimeidealp⊆R,denoteddim(p),asthe KrulldimensionoftheresidueringR/p.Wedenotethecollectionofallassociatedprimes (= prime ideals of the form Ann(a) with a ∈ M) by Ass(M); it is always a finite set. We willmakefrequentuse, fora shortexactsequence 0 → N → M → Q → 0, ofthe followingtwoinclusions(see,forinstance,[2,Lemma3.6]) (4) Ass(N)⊆Ass(M); (5) Ass(M)⊆Ass(N)∪Ass(Q) 4 HANSSCHOUTENS We define the the (zero-th) local cohomology1of M at p, denoted H0(M), as the p- p torsionofM ,thatistosay,thesubmoduleofM consistingofallelementsthatarekilled p p bysomepowerofp. AsH0(M)isamoduleoffinitelengthoverR ,wedenotethislength p p bye (M) and call itthe localmultiplicity ofM atp (see, forinstance, [2, p. 102]). An p alternativeformulationisthroughthenotionofthefinitisticlengthofamoduleM,defined asthesupremumlenfin(M)ofalllen(N)withN ⊆Mandlen(N)<ω.ByNoetherianity, M hasalargestsubmoduleH offinitelength,andhencelenfin(M) = len(H). Withthis notation,wehave (6) e (M)=lenfin(M ), p p foranyprimeidealp,andthisisnon-zeroifandonlyifpisanassociatedprimeofM. We nowdefinethecohomologicalrankofamoduleM as coh(M):=Mep(M)ωdim(p). p It is instructiveto view this fromthe pointof view ofChow cycles. Let A(R) be the ChowringofR, definedasthefreeAbeliangroupon Spec(R). AnelementD ofA(R) will be called a cycle, and will be represented as a finite sum a [p ], where [p] is the P i i symboldenotingthefreegeneratorcorrespondingtotheprimeidealp. Thesumofalla i iscalledthedegreedeg(D)ofthecycleD. WedefineapartialorderonA(R)bytherule thatD (cid:22)E,ifa ≤b ,foralli,whereE = b [p ].Inparticular,denotingthezerocycle i i P i i simplyby0,wecallacycleD effective,if0 (cid:22) D,andweletA+(R)bethesemi-group of effective cycles. This allows us to define a map from effective cycles to ordinals by sendingtheeffectivecycleD = a [p ]totheordinal Pi i i o(D):=Maiωdim(pi). i Clearly,ifD andE areeffective,theno(D+E) = o(D)⊕o(E). Moreover,ifD (cid:22) E, theno(D)(cid:22)o(E),sothatwegetamap(A+(R),+,(cid:22))→(O,⊕,(cid:22))ofpartiallyordered semi-groups. ToanyR-moduleM,wecanassignitsfundamentalcycle,bytherule (7) cycR(M):=Xep(M)[p] p Immediately from (6) we get o(cyc(M)) = coh(M). Our main result now links this cohomologicalinvarianttoourcombinatoriallengthinvariant: 4.1.Theorem. ForanyfinitelygeneratedmoduleM overafinite-dimensionalNoetherian ringR,wehavelen(M)=o(cyc(M))=coh(M). Beforewegivetheproof,wederivetwolemmas. Itisimportanttonoticethatthefirst oftheseisnottrueatthelevelofcycles. 4.2.Lemma. IfM →QisapropersurjectivemorphismofR-modules,then coh(Q)<coh(M). Proof. Let N be the (non-zero) kernel of M → Q, and let d be its dimension. If p ∈ Ass(M) but not in the support of N, then M ∼= Q , so that they have the same local p p cohomology. This holds in particular for any p ∈ Ass(M) with dim(p) > d, showing thatcoh(Q) and coh(M) can only start differingat a coefficientof ωi for i ≤ d. So let 1Thisdeviatesslightlyfromthepracticein[2,App.4]aswealsolocalize. ORDINALLENGTHANDTHECANONICALTOPOLOGY 5 p∈Ass(M)∩Supp(N)havedimensiond.Ingeneral,localcohomologyisonlyleftexact, but by Lemma 4.3 below, we have in fact an exact sequence (8). Since e (N) 6= 0, we p mustthereforehavee (Q)<e (M). Itnoweasilyfollowsthatcoh(Q)<coh(M). (cid:3) p p 4.3.Lemma. Givenanexactsequence0 → N → M → Q → 0,ifpisaminimalprime ofM,then (8) 0→H0(N)→H0(M)→H0(Q)→0 p p p isexact. Proof. Itiswell-known(see [2, App.4])thatH0(·)isleftexact, sothatweonlyneedto p proveexactnessat the final map. By assumption, M has finite length and hence N = p p H0(N). Choose n high enoughso that pnN = 0. Suppose a¯ ∈ H0(Q), that is to say, p p p pma¯=0inQ ,forsomem. Leta∈M beapre-imageofa¯underthesurjectionM →Q. p Therefore,pma∈N ,whencepm+na=0inM ,showingthata∈H0(M). (cid:3) p p p 4.4.Corollary. Givenanexactsequence0→N →M →Q→0,ifM hasnoembedded primes,thenwehaveanequalityofcycles (9) cyc (M)+D =cyc (N)+cyc (Q) R R R whereDisaneffectivecyclesupportedonAss(Q)\Ass(M). Proof. Let D be the cycle given by (9), so that D has supportin Ass(M)∪Ass(Q) by (5). WeneedtoshowthatD iseffectiveandsupportedonAss(Q)\Ass(M). Sinceany associatedprimepofM isminimal,DisnotsupportedinpbyLemma4.3. Ontheother hand,anyassociatedprimeofQnotinAss(M)appearswithapositivecoefficientin D, showingthatthelatteriseffective. (cid:3) Proof of Theorem 4.1. Let us first prove len(M) ≤ coh(M) by transfinite induction on coh(M), where the case coh(M) = 0 corresponds to M = 0. Let N be any non- zero submoduleof M. By Lemma4.2, we have coh(M/N) < coh(M), and hence our inductionhypothesisappliedtoM/N yieldslen(M/N)≤coh(M/N)<coh(M). Since len(M/N) = l(N)by(3),continuitythereforeshowsthatlen(M) = l(0)canbeatmost coh(M),asweneededtoshow. Toprovetheconverseinequality,weinductonthelengthof M. Chooseanassociated primepofM ofminimaldimension,say,dim(p) = e. Byassumption,thereexistsm ∈ M such that Ann (m) = p. Let H be the submodule of M generated by m. Clearly, R coh(H) = ωe,andsobywhatwealreadyproved,len(R/p) ≤ ωe. ByTheorem3.1,this thenisanequality. SowemayassumethatQ := M/H isnon-zero. ByLemma4.3, we gete (M)=e (Q)−1. Bysemi-additivity,wehaveaninequality p p len(Q)+len(H)≤len(M) andtherefore,byinduction (10) coh(Q)+ωe ≤len(M) LetgbeanyassociatedprimeofM differentfromp.Byminimalityofdimension,gcannot containp. In particular, M ∼= Q , whence e (M) = e (Q). Expandingcoh(Q) in its g g g g Cantornormalform b ωi,letλ := b ωi. Puttingtogetherwhatweprovedsofar, P i Pi≥e i wecanfindanordinalαwithord(α)≥e(stemmingfromprimesassociatedtoQbutnot toM),suchthatλ⊕ωe =coh(M)⊕α. Sincecoh(Q)+ωe =λ⊕ωe,weget,from(10) andthefirstpart,inequalities coh(M)⊕α≤len(M)≤coh(M) 6 HANSSCHOUTENS whichforcesα=0andallinequalitiestobeequalities. (cid:3) 4.5.Corollary. The orderofa moduleisthesmallestdimensionofanassociatedprime, anditsvalenceisthedegreeofitsfundamentalcycle. (cid:3) By[1,Proposition1.2.13],overalocalring,wehave (11) depth(M)≤ord(M). Thisinequalitycanbestrict: forexample,atwo-dimensionaldomainwhichisnotCohen- Macaulay,hasdepthonebutordertwobyTheorem3.1. Ournextresultgivesaconstraint onthepossiblelength(nottobeconfusedwithitsheightrank)ofasubmodule,whichwas exploitedin[6],tostudybinarymodules. 4.6.Theorem. IfN ⊆M,thenlen(N)(cid:22)len(M). Conversely,ifν (cid:22)len(M),thenthere existsasubmoduleN ⊆M oflengthν. Proof. ThefirstassertionisimmediatefromTheorem 4.1,inclusion(4),andthefactthat (8) is always left exact. For the second assertion, let µ := len(M). We induct on the (finite collection) of ordinals ν weaker than µ to show that there exists a submodule of thatlength. The case ν = 0 being trivial, we may assume ν 6= 0. Let i be the orderof ν andwrite ν = θ⊕ωi forsome θ (cid:22) ν. Sincethenθ (cid:22) µ, thereexistsasubmoduleof length θ by induction. Let H ⊆ M be maximalamong all submodulesof length θ. By Theorem4.1, thereexistsan i-dimensionalassociatedprimepofM,suchthatH0(H)is p strictlycontainedinH0(M). Hencewecanfindx∈M outsideH suchthatpx⊆H. Let p N :=H +Rxandletx¯betheimageofxmoduloH,sothatN/H =Rx¯. Sincepx¯=0, the length of Rx¯ is at mostωi. By semi-additivityapplied to the inclusion H ⊆ N, we have an inequality len(N) ≤ θ ⊕ len(Rx¯), and hence len(N) ≤ ν. Maximality of H yieldsθ <len(N). Ontheotherhand,sincelen(N)(cid:22)µbyourfirstassertion,minimality ofithenforceslen(N)=ν,asweneededtoshow. (cid:3) 4.7. Remark. In fact, if N ⊆ M, then cyc(N) (cid:22) cyc(M), so that the fundamental cycle map is a morphism Gr(M)◦ → A(R) of partially ordered sets, where Gr(M)◦ is the opposite order given by inclusion. On the other hand, by (3) and Theorem 4.1, the map Gr(M) → A(R) given by N 7→ cyc(M/N) factors through the length map Gr(M) → O,butthereisnonaturalorderingon A(R)forwhichthisbecomesamapof orderedsets. Wemayimprovethelowersemi-additivitybyreplacing≤by(cid:22): 4.8.Corollary. If0→N →M →Q→0isexact,thenlen(Q)+len(N)(cid:22)len(M). Proof. Thisisreallyjustafactaboutordinals: withµ,ν,θbeingtherespectivelengthsof M,N,Q, semi-additivitygivesθ+ν ≤ µ ≤ θ⊕ν, whereasTheorem4.6givesν (cid:22) µ, and we now show that these inequalities imply that θ +ν (cid:22) µ. Write µ = ν ⊕α and letdbethedimensionofν. Foran arbitraryordinal β, we havea uniquedecomposition β = β+ ⊕ β− with β− of degree strictly less than d and β+ of order at least d. By assumption,ν+ = aωd forsomea,andhencethesemi-additivityinequalitiesatdegreed and higherbecome θ+ ⊕aωd ≤ α+ ⊕aωd ≤ θ+ ⊕aωd, showing that θ+ = α+. By definitionofordinalsum,θ+ν =θ+⊕ν andso (θ+ν)⊕α− =θ+⊕ν⊕α− =α+⊕α−⊕ν =α⊕ν =µ provingthatθ+ν (cid:22)µ. (cid:3) ORDINALLENGTHANDTHECANONICALTOPOLOGY 7 Recall that a moduleM is called unmixed of dimension d if all its associated primes havedimensiond. Theorem4.1thenshowsthatM isunmixedifandonlyiford(M) = dimM,inwhichcaselen(M)=ℓgen(M)ωd,wherewedefinethegenericlengthofM as thesumofthelocalmultiplicitiesatalld-dimensionalprimes. Corollary3.2yields: 4.9.Corollary. LetRbead-dimensionalNoetherianringand0 → N → M → Q → 0 a short exact sequence. If Q is unmixed of dimension d, then this sequence is strongly equilateral. (cid:3) Recall the dimension filtration D (M) ⊆ D (M) ⊆ ··· ⊆ D (M) = M of a d- 0 1 d dimensional finitely generated R-module M defined by Schenzel in [5], where D (M) i is the submodule of all elements of dimension at most i, where we define the dimen- sion of an element x ∈ M as the dimension of the module it generates, that is to say, dim(R/Ann (x)). Equivalently,D (M)isthelargestsubmoduleofM ofdimensionat R i mosti. 4.10.Proposition. Givenad-dimensionalmoduleM,theexactsequence 0→D (M)→M →M/D (M)→0 i i is strongly equilateral, for each i. Moreover, len(D (M)) is obtained from len(M) by i omittingthemonomialsofdegreebiggerthani. Proof. Itfollowsfrom[5,Corollary2.3]thattheassociatedprimesofM/D (M)arepre- i cisely the associated primes of M of dimension strictly largerthan i. By Corollary 4.5, thismeansthatlen(M/D (M))hasorderatleasti+1. Sincelen(D (M))hasdegreeat i i mostibyTheorem3.1,theresultfollowsfromCorollary3.2. (cid:3) Anotherwaytoformulatethisresultisasthefollowingformulaforcalculatinglength d (12) len(M)=Mlen(Di(M)/Di−1(M)), i=0 andeachnon-zeroD (M)/D (M)isunmixedofdimensioniandoflengtha ωi,where i i−1 i a isitsgenericlength. i 4.11.Example. LetRbethecoordinateringofaplanewithanembeddedlineinsidethree dimensionalspaceoverkgivenbytheequationsx2 =xy =0inthethreevariablesx,y,z. Using Theorem 4.1, one easily calculates that len(R) = ω2 +ω, where the associated primesarep = (x)andq = (x,y). Theidealsoflengthω areexactlythosecontainedin p. Theidealsoflengthω2+ω(theopenidealsintheterminologyfromthenextsection), arepreciselythosethatcontainanon-zeromultipleofxandanon-zeromultipleofy(this follows,forinstance,from[6,Proposition4.10]). Finally,theremaining(non-zero)ideals oflengthω2,arethosecontainedinqbutdisjointfromp(notethatifI isnotcontainedin q,thenIR =R andIR =R ,sothatI mustbeopen). p p q q 5. OPEN SUBMODULES By semi-additivity, len(N) is at most len(M), and, in fact, len(N) (cid:22) len(M) by Theorem4.6. IfM hasfinitelengthandN isapropersubmodule,thenobviouslyitslength must be strictly less, but in the non-Artinian case, nothing excludes this from being an equality. So,wecallN ⊆M open,iflen(N)=len(M). ImmediatelyfromTheorem4.1 andTheorem4.6,weget 8 HANSSCHOUTENS 5.1.Corollary. AsubmoduleN ⊆M isopenifandonlyifH0(N)=H0(M)forallp,if p p andonlyifcyc (N)=cyc (M),ifandonlyifval(N)=val(M). (cid:3) R R 5.2.Remark. Inparticular,thelongexactsequenceoflocalcohomologyyieldsthatN ⊆ M is open if and only if the canonicalmorphism H0(M/N) → H1(N) is injective, for p p every(associated)primep(ofM). 5.3. Proposition. Given an exact sequence 0 → N → M → Q → 0, if dim(Q) < ord(M),thenN isopen. Inparticular,anynon-zeroidealinadomainisopen,andmore generally,anyidealinanunmixedringcontainingaparameterisopen. Proof. Letν = a ωi,µ= b ωi,andθ = c ωi betherespectivelengthsofN,M P i P i P i and Q. By semi-additivity,µ ≤ θ ⊕ν, whence b ≤ a +c , forall i. By assumption, i i i c = 0wheneverb 6= 0,sothatinfactb ≤ a ,foralli,thatistosay,µ ≤ ν. Sincethe i i i i otherinequalityalwaysholds,N isopen. Toprovethelastassertion,letxbeaparameter inad-dimensionalunmixedringR,sothatR/xRhasdimensionstrictlylessthand. Since ord(R) = d byTheorem 4.1, ourfirst assertion showsthatthe ideal (x), andhence any idealcontainingx,isopen. (cid:3) Let us call a submodule N ⊆ M equilateral, if 0 → N → M → M/N → 0 is equilateral, that is to say, if len(M) = len(N)⊕len(M/N). Hence a direct summand isequilateralbysemi-additivity. ByCorollary3.2,anysubmoduleN suchthatdimN ≤ ord(M/N),isequilateral,buttheconverseneednothold. 5.4.Proposition. Amaximal(proper)submoduleiseitherequilateraloropen. Inpartic- ular,ifM haspositiveorder,thenanymaximalsubmoduleisopen. Proof. LetN M bemaximal,sothatQ := M/N issimple,oflengthone. Letν and µbetherespectivelengthsofN andM. Bysemi-additivity,wehaveν ≤ µ ≤ ν +1. If theformerinequalityholds,thesubmoduleisopen,andifthelatterholds,itisequilateral. ThelastassertionnowfollowsfromTheorem4.1,forifM haspositiveorder,itslengthis alimitordinal,andso,by(3),nomoduleoffiniteco-lengthcanbeequilateral. (cid:3) Intheringcase,wecanevenprove: 5.5.Proposition. If(R,m)isanon-Artinianlocalring,thenmisopen. Proof. Let ν andµ be the respectivelengthsof m and R. In view of Proposition5.4, to ruleoutthatmisequilateral,wemayassumethatitisanassociatedprime. Choosex∈R withAnn(x) = mandputR¯ := R/xR. SincexRhaslengthone,Corollary3.2applied totheexactsequences0 → xR → R → R¯ → 0and0 → xR → m → mR¯ → 0yields µ = len(R¯)+1 and ν = len(mR¯)+1. By induction, len(mR¯) = len(R¯), and hence ν =µ. (cid:3) 5.6. Remark. As for primary ideals n, they will not be open in general if R has depth zero. More precisely, suppose len(R) = λ + n with λ a limit ordinal and n ∈ N. If nH0(R)=0(whichwillbethecaseiflen(R/n)≥n),thenlen(n)=λ. Indeed,thecase m n = 0 is trivial, and we may always reduceto this since n is a moduleoverR/H0(m), R andthelatterhaslengthλbyProposition5.3. 5.7.Corollary. IfN ⊆M isopen,thenSupp(M/N)isnowheredenseinSupp(M). The converseholdsifM hasnoembeddedprimes. ORDINALLENGTHANDTHECANONICALTOPOLOGY 9 Proof. LetQ := M/N. Theconditiononthesupportsmeansthatnominimalprimepof M liesinthesupportofQ.However,forsuchp,wehaveM =H0(M). HenceN =M p p p p byCorollary5.1,showingthatQ =0.SupposenextthatM hasnoembeddedprimesand p Supp(Q) is nowheredensein Supp(M). LetD := cyc(N)+cyc(Q)−cyc(M)as givenbyCorollary4.4,andletpbeanassociatedprimeofQ. SinceSupp(Q)isnowhere dense,pisnotanassociatedprimeofM.Sincethecyclecyc(M)−cyc(N)hassupport inAss(M)andisequaltocyc(Q)−D,itmustbethezerocycle,sincecyc(Q)andD havesupportdisjointfromAss(M). HenceN ⊆M isopenbyCorollary5.1. (cid:3) TogetherwithProposition5.3,thisproves: 5.8.Corollary. IfN ⊆ M isopenthendim(M/N) < dim(M),andtheconverseholds ifM isunmixed. (cid:3) In[6],wecalledamoduleM weaklycompressible,ifM embeds(asasubmodule)in everyopensubmodule.Thefollowinggeneralizes[6,Corollary6.12]: 5.9.Corollary. IfM hasnoembeddedprimeideals,thenitisweaklycompressible. Proof. LetN ⊆ M beopenandputQ := M/N. ByCorollary5.7,nominimal(whence associated)primeofM liesinthesupportofQ. Hencethereexistsx ∈ Ann(Q)outside any associated prime of M. In particular, xM ⊆ N and multiplication by x gives an isomorphismM ∼=xM. (cid:3) 6. THECANONICAL TOPOLOGY Asthenameindicates,thereisanunderlyingtopology.Toprovethis,weneed: 6.1.Theorem. Theinverseimageofanopensubmoduleunderamorphismisagainopen. Inparticular,ifU ⊆M isopen,andN ⊆M isarbitrary,thenN ∩U isopeninN. Proof. We start with provingthe secondassertion. Let µ := len(M), ν := len(N) and α:=len(N ∩U). Wehaveanexactsequence 0→N ∩U →N ⊕U →N +U →0. SinceN+U isagainopen,semi-additivityyieldslen(N⊕U)≤α⊕µ. Sincetheformer is equal to ν ⊕µ, we get ν ≤ α, showing that N ∩U is open in N. To prove the first assertion, let f: M → N be an arbitrary homomorphism and let V ⊆ N be an open submodule.LetG⊆M ⊕N bethegraphoff andletp: G→M betheprojectiononto thefirstcoordinate.SinceM ⊕V isopeninM ⊕N bysemi-additivity,(M ⊕V)∩Gis openinG,bywhatwejustproved.Sincepisanisomorphism,theimageof(M⊕V)∩G underpisthereforeopeninM. Butthisimageisjustf−1(V),andsowearedone. (cid:3) We can nowdefine a topologyon M by letting the collectionof open submodulesbe a basis of open neighborhoodsof 0 ∈ M. This is indeed a basis since the intersection offinitelymanyopensisagainopenbyTheorem6.1. Anarbitraryopeninthistopology is then a (possibly infinite) union of cosets x+U with U ⊆ M open and x ∈ M. If a submoduleN is a unionofcosets x +U of opensubmodulesU ⊆ M, then onesuch i i i coset, x+U say, must contain 0, so that U ⊆ N, and hence the inequalitieslen(U) ≤ len(N)≤len(M)areallequalities,showingthatN isindeedopenintheprevioussense. WecallthisthecanonicaltopologyonM,andTheorem6.1showsthatanyhomomor- phism is continuous in the canonical topology. Moreover, multiplication on any ring is continuous: givena ,a ∈ RandanopenidealI suchthata a ∈ I,letJ := a R+I. 1 2 1 2 i i 10 HANSSCHOUTENS HenceJ isanopenneighborhoodofa andJ ·J ⊆ a a R+I = I. IfM hasdimen- i i 1 2 1 2 sionzero,thenthecanonicaltopologyistrivial,sinceM isthentheonlyopensubmodule. ThecomplementofanopenmoduleN istheunionofallcosetsa+N witha ∈/ N,and henceisalsoopen. Inparticular,anopenmoduleisalsoclosed,andthequotienttopology on M/N is discrete, whence in generaldifferentfrom the canonical topology. The zero moduleisclosedifandonlyiftheintersectionofallopensubmodulesis0,thatistosay, ifandonlyifthecanonicaltopologyisHaussdorf. 6.2.Corollary. Amoduleisnon-Artinianifandonlyifitscanonicaltopologyisnon-trivial. Proof. OnedirectionisimmediatesinceanArtinianmodulehasnoproperopensubmod- ules. Fortheconverse,weshow,byinductionon len(M),thatM hasanon-trivial,open submodule. Assumefirstthatµisalimitordinal. ChooseasubmoduleN ofM ofheight rank1.By(3),thismeanslen(M/N)=1,andsoN isopenbyProposition5.3. Next,as- sumeµ=ν+1.LetH beasubmoduleofheightrankν,sothatby(3)again,M¯ :=M/H haslengthν. Byinduction,wecanfindaproperopensubmoduleofM¯,thatistosay,we canfindN M containingH suchthatlen(N/H) = ν. Semi-additivityappliedtothe inclusionH ⊆ N yieldsν+len(H) ≤ len(N). Sincelen(H)6= 0andlen(N) ≤ ν+1, wegetequality,thatistosay,len(N)=ν+1,whenceN isopen. (cid:3) 6.3. Proposition. The closure of a submodule N ⊆ M is equal to N + D (M). In 0 particular,asubmoduleisclosedifandonlyifithasthesamefinitisticlengthasM. Proof. Let H := D (M), and let W be an open submodule containing N. By Theo- 0 rem 6.1, the intersection H ∩W is openin H, and since H has finite length(so that its topologyistrivial),wemusthaveH = W ∩H,provingthatH liesinW. Asthisholds forallopensW containingN,theclosureofN containsH. Using Corollary 3.2, oneeasily showsthatthequotienttopologyonM/H isequalto thecanonicaltopology. Therefore,tocalculatetheclosure,wemaydivideoutH,assume thatM haspositiveorder,andwethenneedtoshowthatN isclosed. Letx ∈ M beany elementnotin N andletm bea maximalidealcontaining(N : x). SinceM/mkM has finitelength,eachmkM isopenbyProposition5.3,whencesoiseachN +mkM. Ifxis containedineachofthese,thenitiscontainedintheirintersectionW := ∩(N +mkM). ByKrull’sIntersectiontheorem,thereexistsa∈msuchthat(1+a)W ⊆N. Inparticular, 1+a ∈ (N : x) ⊆ m,contradiction. SoxliesoutsidesomeopenN +mkM,andhence doesnotbelongtotheclosureofN. ThelastassertionisnowalsoclearbyTheorem 4.1,sincethefinitistic lengthofM is equaltothelengthofD (M). (cid:3) 0 6.4. Corollary. A module has a separated canonicaltopology if and only if its order is positiveifandonlyifanysubmoduleisclosed. (cid:3) 6.5.Example. If (R,m) is localand M has positivedepth, then the canonicaltopology refines the m-adic topology on M: indeed mkM is then open by Proposition 5.3. We alreadyshowedthatthis isnolongertruein ringsofpositivedepthin Remark5.6. Also notethatthecanonicaltopologyonalocaldomainisstrictlyfinerthanitsadictopology, sinceallnon-zeroidealsareopen. Theringk[[x,y]]/(x2,xy),oflengthω+1,isnotHaussdorfastheclosureofthezero ideal is the ideal (x) by Proposition 6.3. It is the only closed, non-openideal, since the closureofanyidealmustcontainxwhenceisopenwhendifferentfrom(x). Inparticular, whereasthecanonicaltopologyisnotHaussdorf,theadiconeis.

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