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Ordered Algebraic Structures: Proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, Curaçao, August 1988 PDF

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Preview Ordered Algebraic Structures: Proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, Curaçao, August 1988

Ordered Algebraic Structures Mathematics and Its Applications Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL CenJrefor Matherrultics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Editorial Board: F. CALOGERO, Universita degli Studi di Roma, Italy Yu. I. MANIN, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, Moscow, U.S.S.R. A. H. G. RINNOOY KAN, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands G.-C. ROTA, M.l.T., Cambridge, Mass., U.S A. Volume 55 Ordered Algebraic Structures Proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures, Cura<;ao, August 1988 edited by Jorge Martinez Department of Mathematics, University of Florida, Gainesville, U.S.A. KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS DORDRECHT / BOSTON / LONDON Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data CarIbbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures (1988 Princess Beach Hotel. Cura,ao) Ordered algebraic structures: proceedings of the Caribbean Mathematics Foundation Conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures. Cura,ao. August 1988 / edited by Jorge Martinez. p. cm. -- (Mathematics and Its applications) 1. Ordered algebraic structures--Congresses. I. Martinez. Jorge. 1945- II. Title. III. Series: Mathematics and its applications (Kluwer Academic Publishers) OA1n.C37 1988 512' .2--dc20 89-24396 ISBN-13: 978-94-010-7615-9 e-ISBN-13: 978-94-009-2472-7 DOl: 10.1 007/978-94-009-2472-7 Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinus Nijhoff, Dr W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Printed on acid-free paper All Rights Reserved © 1989 by Kluwer Academic Publishers Softcover reprint of the hardcover I st edition 1989 No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owner. This volume is dedicated to the memory of my father, who would have enjoyed this event more than anyone else. SERIES EDITOR'S PREFACE 'Et moi, .... si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service mathematics has rendered the je n'y serais point alit.' human race. It has put common sense back Jules Verne where it belongs. on the topmost shelf next to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non The series is divergent; therefore we may be sense'. able to do something with it. Eric T. Bcll o. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and nOD linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered com puter science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series. This series, Mathematics and Its Applications, started in 1977. Now that over one hundred volumes have appeared it seems opportune to reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote "Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as 'experimental mathematics', 'CFD', 'completely integrable systems', 'chaos, synergetics and large-scale order', which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics." By and large, all this still applies today. It is still true that at first sight mathematics seems rather fragmented and that to find, see, and exploit the deeper underlying interrelations more effort is needed and so are books that can help mathematicians and scientists do so. Accordingly MIA will continue to try to make such books available. If anything, the description I gave in 1977 is now an understatement. To the examples of interaction areas one should add string theory where Riemann surfaces, algebraic geometry, modu lar functions, knots, quantum field theory, Kac-Moody algebras, monstrous moonshine (and more) all come together. And to the examples of things which can be usefully applied let me add the topic 'finite geometry'; a combination of words which sounds like it might not even exist, let alone be applicable. And yet it is being applied: to statistics via designs, to radar/sonar detection arrays (via finite projective planes), and to bus connections of VLSI chips (via difference sets). There seems to be no part of (so-called pure) mathematics that is not in immediate danger of being applied. And, accordingly, the applied mathematician needs to be aware of much more. Besides analysis and numerics, the traditional workhorses, he may need all kinds of combinatorics, algebra, probability, and so on. In addition, the applied scientist needs to cope increasingly with the nonlinear world and the vii viii SERIES EDITOR'S PREFACE extra mathematical sophistication that this requires. For that is where the rewards are. Linear models are honest and a bit sad and depressing: proportional efforts and results. It is in the non linear world that infinitesimal inputs may result in macroscopic outputs (or vice versa). To appreci ate what I am hinting at: if electronics were linear we would have no fun with transistors and com puters; we would have no TV; in fact you would not be reading these lines. There is also no safety in ignoring such outlandish things as nonstandard analysis, superspace and anticommuting integration, p-adic and ultrametric space. All three have applications in both electrical engineering and physics. Once, complex numbers were equally outlandish, but they fre quently proved the shortest path between 'real' results. Similarly, the first two topics named have already provided a number of 'wormhole' paths. There is no telling where all this is leading - fortunately. Thus the original scope of the series, which for various (sound) reasons now comprises five sub series: white (Japan), yellow (China), red (USSR), blue (Eastern Europe), and green (everything else), still applies. It has been enlarged a bit to include books treating of the tools from one subdis cipline which are used in others. Thus the series still aims at books dealing with: a central concept which plays an important role in several different mathematical and/or scientific specialization areas; - new applications of the results and ideas from one area of scientific endeavour into another; - influences which the results, problems and concepts of one field of enquiry have, and have had, on the development of another. Now that a great deal of mathematics has been developed for all kinds of 'single' structures, the time seems to have come to pay a good deal of attention to the case of 'composite' structures; i.e. sets equipped with two (or more) different structures which are compatible in a suitable way. In the present case an order structure together with an algebraic one, usually a group or ring. In the preface of a greatly related volume in this series (A.M.W. Glass and W.Ch. Holland (Eds.), Lattice-ordered Groups, KAP, 1989) I made a number of remarks on 'composite' structures in algebra and noted that, though in most cases exploration of the consequences of compatibility has only just begun, the case of lattice-ordered algebraic structures has reached a certain plateau of sophistication and maturity. That does not imply in any way that nothing important is happening, as the present result of a conference in Cura~o amply testifies. One aspect of 'composite' structures seems to be that the compatibility tends to force all of the components to be more regular, beautiful, symmetric. In these terms the question has, it seems to me, hardly been explored at all. However, in the case that one of the components is order, it has certainly become clear, at the Cura~o conference for instance, that the phenomena become very different from what they would have been without such a relation imposing order. The shortest path between two truths in the Never lend books, for no one ever returns real domain passes through the complex them; the only books I have in my library domain. are books that other folk have lent me. J. Hadamard Anatole France La physique ne nous donne pas seulement The function of an expert is not to be more I'occasion de r':soudre des problemes ... eUe right than other people, but to be wrong for nous fai t presscntir la solution. more sophisticated reasons. H. Poincare David Butler Bussum, September 1989 Michiel Hazewinkel CONTENTS Preface xi Conference Program xvii CHAPTER ONE: GROUPS Lattice-Ordered Groups of Divisibility: An Expository Introduc tion. MARLOW ANDERSON 3 Universal Aspects of the Theory of Lattice-Ordered Groups. WAYNE B. POWELL 11 Recent Results on the Free Lattice-Ordered Group over a Right Order able Group. MICHAEL R. DARNEL 51 Non-Amalgamation and Conjugation for €-Metabelian Lattice Ordered Groups. A. M. W. GLASS 59 Periodic Extensions of Ordered Groups. A. H. RHEMTULLA 65 The Gate Completion G: of a Lattice-Ordered Permutation Group. RICHARD N. BALL STEPHEN H. McCLEARY 71 Telling Left from Right. STEPHEN H. McCLEARY 93 Applications of Spaces with Filters to Archimedean €-Groups with Weak Unit. RICHARD N. BALL ANTHONY W. HAGER 99 Prime Ideal and Sikorski Extension Theorems for some €-Groups. DANIEL GLUSCHANKOF 113 Some Applications of Definable Spine Analysis in Ordered Abelian Groups. F. LUCAS 123 x CONTENTS CHAPTER TWO: RINGS Ordered Algebraic Structures in Analysis. W. A. J. LUXEMBURG 131 Rings of Continuous Functions from an Algebraic Point of View. MELVIN HENRIKSEN 143 On Some Classes of Lattice-Ordered Algebras. S. J. BERNAU C. B. HUIJSMANS 175 Primary i-ideals in a class of f-rings. SUZANNE LARSON 181 Epimorphisms of f-rings. NIELS SCHWARTZ 187 Representation of a Real Polynomial f(X) as a Sum of 2m-th Pow ers of Rational Functions. M. BRADLEY A. PRESTEL 197 Partially Ordered *-Division Rings. JOHN DAUNS 209 Lattice-Ordered Division Rings Exist. JOHN DAUNS 229 Vector-Lattices and a Problem in Geometry. JAMES J. MADDEN 235 Banaschewski Functions and Ring-Embeddings. R. H. REDFIELD 247 On Orderpotent Rings. PIOTR WOJCIECHOWSKI 257 A Sampling of Open Problems 263 Subject Index 275 ORDER IN CURAQAO: A PREFACE On the eighth of August, 1988, nearly three dozen mathematicians gathered in Curac;ao, in the Netherlands Antilles, for a conference on Ordered Algebraic Structures. For five consecutive days 26 speakers presented papers on various aspects of that brand of mathematics which commonly falls under the label that gave its title to the conference. During these lectures a number of mathematical ideas and topics were dis cussed; lattices, groups, rings of continuous functions, totally ordered groups, lattice-ordered groups, f-rings, ordered fields, orderability of groups, groups of order-preserving permutations, model-theoretic aspects of totally ordered groups, amalgamations of ordered groups, structure topologies on ordered groups, Riesz spaces and the theory of positive linear operators. The preceding list should not be taken as complete; it is haphazard in its assemblage, by design. There were mathematicians present who are frequently considered analysts; oth eres who are categorized as topologists; still another group commonly thought of as algebraists. A large number of the participants would, I should like to think, resist being labelled by any of the three traditional disciplines of mathematics. There were five problem sessions during the conference, which were reason ably lively, and during which no evidence surfaced that the participants were handicapped by the differences in their specialties or preferences. Instead, these individuals extended themselves beyond the particularity and slant of their train ing to converse intelligently with their collegues. All of which suggest - in addition to the obvious fact that the conference had brought together some outstanding men and women - that a number of assumptions commonly made about Ordered Algebra are wrong, chief among them the belief that the "field" is not going anywhere. Secondly, I should think xi

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