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No,ne^-rlilti d^-Z'l k N'4 ' /*td,. ,t Iotn^a' ('J'+ spzo';o'li"Jb'; d t)' ttrDi' .'/. 1oo7 ad^tn luurvpRsrry cA,,rcur.-. oF { ;"-g,i /er,:/:r^!^ -(/ e (Ab ,,,I D X b)6.s.o7 M.A. West Asian Studies Nomenciatu;e changed to M.A. politics (with Specialization in West Asian Studi,::s), i?errised regulation and syllabus implemented - approved - Orde:s issu:c. GENERAL AND AC"A,DEMIC 3"r.+.i{C}X - I 'B' SECTION No.GAI/Btl9s2O/03. Datec, Caiicut University P.O, 05.07.2006. Read: Minutes of the meeting of the Board oi Studies in West Asian Studies held on 23.03.2006. ORD$;{ At the meeting of the Board oi St-urdies in West Asian Studies held on 23.03.2006, it was resolved that the M.A in V7est Asian Studies be re-named as MA Politics (with specialization in West Asian Studies) and approve the revised scheme and syllabus for the course. The meeting recommenried the follor,ving papers for the two year four Semester course + dissertation. I Semester I Paper Research Methodology I Introduction to Political Thought "nb.W\ Qe't';11..4 Jnlqnolift; aJ rdr_&cJ il Semester p'..d. {Oo 4 aol"'n Paper I Political Theory II State and politics in India III Economic Develo IV Foreign Langu-age (A:'ai-,:c.,/iR--rssian/French/Persian) III Semester I Paper International Relatror.:,s - Taeories II West Asia in Internalionai Politics tive Politi * Foreign Language (A:'abic R.ussian French Persian Memester Paper I International Relatlons - S]rstem II Foreign Policy of Iniia III Ideolory & Conflict in \,t/est Asia IV Indian Ocean Studies + Dissertation The meeting also resolved the fo-lc';ir:,;: Adnto ,'.'l' .JnNtu-"YJ: .r * br,t"le Jool t adv'n'n D: \SyamaJa\GA I\B sec\Order\9520-03 (O5. 07 r)6).doc ,.); v The students who have alread1, .-e,---.-ir N{.A. west Asian Studies degree be given the optior_tg compler_e the _o.-:i,,_:.g new four papers offered for the restructured MA in politics .i -.f.est {Spe,:ializai-ce Asian stuaies;. 1. Introduction to political Thoughi 2. political Theory 3. State & politics in Indie 4. Comparative politics e taken the MA Degree in West Asian MA in politics (with Specialization in i completion of the above mentioned r::rlxiz-num of four chances to complete In view of the urgency of the matter iiie vice-chancellor has approved the m23in'0u3te'2s0 o0f6 t hfeo rm eeting or ihe Board cf Str::ies in west Asian Studies held on implementation fronr 2f,1tla admission subject to report to Academic Council. MA wTehset vAicseia-cnh asntucedlileors htoas a-lsop aoptpii:ic'csv ei iire change of the nomenclature of h,'IA (wittr specialization in west Asian Studies). Orders are therefore issued accordingiy. sd/- DEPUTY REGTSTRAR (c&a-rl For REGISTRAR To The HeaC of the Department. West Asian Studies University of Calicut. Copy to: Controller of Examina,:ions/Ii)- Se c7 Lib.iary'/SDE / GAI-A/F Sec./SFlDF /FC Forwarded/By Order D:\S,i'a:nala\cA I\B sec\Order\9520-03 (C5 i): r)(;) doo \ \ chn-t) Page- 0i Proposed Revised Syllabus for the Cour5g - M A Politics (Specialization in West Asia), KM Center for West Asian StuOLs, University of Calicut I SEMESTER Paper I - Research'Methodology A. Science and Social Science Research Methods rn Socrai Sctences Scientrfic Meihod: Bastc steps tn scientific method: Concepts, hypothesis and theory 'l lnduction and Deduction and Spuriousness. Depencient and lndependent Variables 4 Falsificatron and Bias in Research ) Foi'mulation of a Researcl-r prcblem 6 F.esearch Desrgn Types of reseai'ch destgn- Descriptive, Dtagnosttc, Expioraiory and Expertmentai Sources anrl Techntcles of Date Ccllectron' i. Docuilentary soLirces ii Fielci sources Oi:senretron interview. schedule, questionnaire and case study s Analysis and Interpretation of Data. o Qualitative Analysis: Content Analysis, Document Analysis and Comparative Analysis. . Quantitative analysis: Measures of Central Tendency Measures of Dispersion and Correlation Reading List Apier David The Polttics of Maciernzarion (fricaSo, Unrversity of Chicago Press. 196) B A i/ Sharma et al Research Methoclstrt Socra/Scienceflelhi, Sterling, 198, Biackbrrrri P,obin (ed )' lcieologv in Si>cnisciet;ce ,7eading in Critical social theory Btaiock Ann (eds ) Metltoclolog.y rn Scrcra/ -sctence Researcnfuew York, McGraw Mill. 196) 196) Dasgupra Sugqta Metlto,lology ol Socla/ Scle;rce Reseatc/t lmpex @'n. Ghosir E H Scrertl fic Methoriattc Sccia/ ne.searcn,@lhr Stertrn) j{ {:l r a=)?' ')/- GooCe SG &HatePK Methodsissocral Scl f,r,;rai ivr! i'i itii,aductioil ia Reseaia!i ti' irciai S Jan Rrtchre and Jane Lewis, Qualitatrve Researcli fract,ce\[N-ew Delhr, Sage,20031 Kosambi D D, Sclerice, socrety anc Peace (New Delhr PPH 1996) Kuhn, 'Ihonras. The Structure of Screntific Revolutions (Chicago. University Press 1970) Itiaha1an, Gurpreet. Exp!analict-r ancl tinoerstandinE rrt i-iurrtan Sciences (Delhi OUP 1997i Popper Karl, The logic of scientific Discovcn/ (London Routledge 2002) r Rarnachand rant pt .' tT treatin'ti'nttgs itnt' IR esearch Methodology in Socia/ Science in lndta l\N-ew Delhi' ;1# ;;;il / Roseneau Jan'res (ed.). Colrtenting approaches Tandoii, B C Research llethcCciogy in Social Tinr May, Soclal research:/-ssues Methods and Prccess(\A-trcXingfram, Open Untversity Pres-' 2001 t Paperll - lntroduction to PoliticalT'hought 1 Piato Episiemoiog,v - loea of Justrce - tdeal Siate - P!'rilosopher King - Education 2 Arrstotle Methoctologv - Critlcrsm of Plato - Farnilv - Slavery - S'tate and Government - Revolution -q Machiavelli: Meihods of securing iegitirt-'acy of Staie . 4 Soc.ial Contractualis'ts: HobDes, l-ccke and Rousseau 5 tvleihods - State of Nature - Sovereignty - Sociai Contract Prospects of Revolution 6 tJtilitarians: Bentham ani J S It{ill - State, Civil Society and Liberty 7 lndran Political thinkers - K.ar"rtilya. Gandhi. M N Roy 8 Ciassical Marxrsm - Hegei l\,'iarx, Engel's, Lettin and Mao - Dialecticaland Historical Materialrsm - Siate and Classes - Surplus Value - Revolution Dictatorship of the Proletariat - Party an,J Cotnmtrtttsm. g C,ontemporary Marxist Tlic.:trghi - Pc.rlanyi and Greai Transformation - Gramsci on Hegen'rony, Herbert Marr:l:se s One Dimensional Man: Louis Althusser on ldeology: Sailre s Existentialisrrt :! I Page- 0?t Reading List Aiii-iusse.r L-, Lenirr and pltiiosctphy artt) Ctiier Essa,,;.s (Londoi.i Nev_,Left Books tg,7ri Barker, Earnest, potttrcar.Thoughl(Jarpur p,ntweil pubrishers. 19g9; Blaklay, Georgina (Ed ). contemporary Political cortcepts; A critical lntroduction [London: pluto Press. 20021 Bcttcnr ore Tom, A Dictionarlr cf |rlarxislrhougttt (oxford Brackiveir, 1gg 1 I Brecht, Ai'nold. Potitrcai Theory. The Foundations of Twentieth century political rhought (Bonrbay: Times cf lndia press, 1g70) Bronner, Stephen Eric (ed ), Twentieth cenlury Potiticatrheory (New york. Routeledge 1997) Das Gupia K.K- , Essenttars of rilarx s capitai(New Derhr. sterring i9g4; Dunning w A A History of Polittcal Theories. Luther to Montesqul'ea (Allahabad. Centrat Book Depot 1988) Dunning w A ,4 History of Potiticat Theory Rousseau to spencer(Aitahabad cenirai gook Depot,'1988) W Ebestein Politicai Tnought in perspectiye Gettei Hlslory of PclrticatThouqht (New Dethi. surjeet publications 19g1) JrdcJer:s Anthonl; A Cu'tternporar:t ()ritque of Historical lvlateriaiism lLondon. Macmrllan 19g1) iirrii( iarnes I Virrceni'V l'horsbv (eds ) Conlemporan/ politicat Tttoitght(New york Holt, Rinehart 1969) GramsciA , Se/ecfrons front prison Note Books Hobswbam E^c, The Htslory of Marxisrn (New Derhi serect Servicel Mehta, Y R. lnclian poirtrcatTttougttt [New Dethi] Mrller Coienran, el al Tiie Blacklveil Encyt:top"Ci, of potiticatTt.tottglt!(Oxford Basri Blackwell 1 987) .t {X. { Page- Or' (Neiri Delhi Sage tn Modern lndra (ecs t Poli!'tcalTttought and K L Deu"scl'r Pantham Thon-'as ii' !iltiteri al'd 986) 1 Et:Pioratiarts i Poiiiical Dtscoi'irse Panihatr'' re'Jr' Thornas Btkhu anct Patc,krr ' weslern ('lrio'-n-dro^n^' tNrteeww Left BookS' 1973) SociatClasses N Polittcal Power an'r-l Poulantzas SabrneGeorgeAHistoryofPoliticatTheory(NeralYork'HenryHoltlgaT) cai'*nridge vois (caTbrrdge pcriucarThougr,iz of Nloderti e The Foundati,ns Skrnner Press' 1 978) UnrversitY (Delhi Ajanta 1988) of East and West Tomlin, Philosophers 1986) Delhr Bl Pubiications r- PoliticaiThot:gttt(New Wayper-C Asia in West Politics and llt - State Paper of the Regton Geography 1 lntroduciion to the Political comrnunist paiestine Nationairsm' . Asia Arab i{ariorralrsr.:r in \^,/est 2 politicai [v]overnents -Mou"r=nt-', gence lslamic ResLir 3Stateandldeolcgy.NasserrsmrnEgvpt.Zionismrnlsrael.Baathrsminlraq, lslam in Saudi Arabra' Iran 35fl lraQ 4 Staie poiitrcai De\.i eicprlieirt ar-rc Foreign PoIlcv SaudiArabta lran lsrael' Lebanon' Question Arab-israelt Paieslrne rtre Guif War and American and Debates Movements Opuositron ancj lnternal Reforms Pariicipation 6 for F':oliiical Strr.rggle on Clvll society \ /.c',.t'arr, Ivi S Conten'rnorary V/es.l,a.s,a [Lf.i",r, Delhi: Har-Anand pr-rblrcations f g95\ / Air SlrErkh P. Orl an1l Pi1',,u-gi polilrcat Dyrtanics trt til' M,(.tclle Easl Asad, Talal and^oger Owen, Sociology of Devetoppg Soaeties The Mddle East(Loncon, \-' Macmitlan 1983 ) Ayubi Nazrh N Over Statin.cS the t:'ab State. Politics ar;d Socieiy in the Midciie Easl (London 1 9951 Bromeiy Srrnon Rethtnking Miccile East poiitics\(t,'te,+; york, pclity r go) Cobban, Helena, The Paiestine Liberation arganization People Power anc| politics Crystall Jill "Authoriiarianisnr and iis Adversaries in tne Arab world". Wortd Pcliiics voi,46 nc,2 (January '1994i Edward. Saio -7ne Qt1esl,.o/r of palesr^ri:e El-Kody Ahmed and Eti Loet The Arao Wor.tcl ano the Mrddte East. Farah. Tawfic E red ) Poirticai behavioi in the aiab srates iBoulder, West vierv Press 1g€-?) Hadawi, S6mi Eiiier Haryest patestine igro-U, Halliday F red, Arabia without,Su/tans Haliiday Fred /,'ap D:ciatorsho artd Develocmer! .Hanna, tsatalLr, Poltttcal PoWpr attcl Socrat Slrr-rclrrre tit Arab Society; Cot'ttinutty and Ch,ange, \londcn Ci'ocm Hetnr 1980 / Heikal. Mohanrmec Sphinx and the Cornnls.sar Ihe Rise anc! fallof Sovrel lnfluence! in the Micldte East Helnrs, Cnistina, Cotresion cf Saudi.Araliia Hrro Dilip lrtside the Mtddle East Hoopward Derek (ed ) Araoran Peninsula Socrety anci Politics (London, Allen and Unwrn, 1922) v Page- 06 Hopkins.Nicho^lasSandSaadEddinEbrahim'(:1'^l(,oSoctety,C/assGenderPowerand ' i"i",,,"otr",t@ari'o American Unrversity Press 1997 ) HoprvooC Dei'ek (eci i' The A'ra,:ran Petilttsttia Societ'1 arto Politics / |smayel' Tarek Y , Mid(le East Pclitics Toda:i; Gove.rnmerlt and Ctvilsoclet{lorida. Florida UniversitY Press' 2001) JohnDlxon'ed-SocialWelfareinthetVlrddleEast(Lcndon:CroomHelm,1987) Kanrrava.Mehrarr..Ncn-cjenlocraticStatesanoPoliticalLiberalrzationintheMiddleEastA structural Analysis " Third World Quarlerly vol' 19' AjanrrFouad'TheArabPredicament.ArabPolittcalThoughtandPracticesincel96T KhaldoLrnHasan.alNaqeeb-SocietyandStateintheGulfandArabPeninsula(London Rutledge 1u961 Khalidi, Walid, Cottfltct ancl Violence iit t-ebanan Khcrneini, Ayatcllah. Ruhollah lslan attd P'evalutir')n Koranv,Bahgat.RexBrynenandPauiNobi...:,r.oltllcatLiberalizattonandDenlocratizaioninihe Aratt world comparative Experiences.volume 2 (Boulder Lynne Rienner' 1998) Lenczcurski George, The Midctle East in vVotlcl Affairs i\.Ierrdel scrr. Eirerett, A Compassionate Peace Morttmei', Edltard. Faith ar'td Pottter The Poliitcs of lslam (cairo' Nicholas s Hopkins and saad Eddin lbranim- Arab society Social Science Perspectives American UniversitY Press, 1985) Odeli Peter R . O/ artd World Power I owen,Roger'statePowerandPolittcsTheFormationoiModernf'tttddleEast(.-London. Rutiedge. 1ss2) AKPasna-IireGulfinTurmotl'AGlobalResponse(NewDelhiLancersBook.sl992) :PashaA.K(Ecl)Conten.lporary,GulfStale.Socrel.vEconomyandForeignPolic;t(NewDelhi Detente, 19!19) {:l' (^ Page- C,: Prrmakov, Y M Anatomy of the Middle East Confiict Ror.;inserr [,laxrni, !srael and the Ataiis Rodrnson. Maxim, Manism and the Musltm Wodd Ruthven Malise, lslam in the World Saad Eddrn ibrahim (ed ) Ihe Cdsis of Democracy in the Arab World (Beirut, 1984) Schwecler. irllian, (ed.\ Toward Civtl Scciety tn the Middle East A Primer London, Boulder, 1 995 Shariatr, Ali, On ihe Sociology of lslam. f alnizAhmad - Reforrn in the Arab world: External lnfluAnces and Regional Debates (New Delhi lnr-jra Researcn Press. 20C5i Whire, Paulj and [/illiam S Logan, Remakingthe Middle East Oxford, Oxford University Press raj- 4 Zahrh. Stepehi lran since lhe Revolutton D"AT , D f>tA PdL-h''-g euce U vglA P^.>pS-T / --- 1 The tsackEround 2 ihe Cold War 3 Decolonization in Asia and Afrrca 4 Non - Aligned Movement 5 Kcrean Crisis War in Vietnam 6 Soviet Union and. Easiern Europe - Disrntegration of the Soviet Union - Yugoslavia 7 Delc=irte and Deterrence 'l I The Unrted States'and Latin Ame[ica - Cuban Missiie Crisis, New conservaiisln in US - Emergence of Socralist Regimes in Latin Amerlca ! x 4 v Page- 08 10 The World rn lhe 21" Century - Globalization - and ResrstanCe Democraiization lntegration/Fragmentation, Environmental lssues Human Rights lssues. Denuclearization - u* Pail* Crockatt Richard and Steven Smith (ed.), The Cold.War. Past and Present (London. Allen and Unwin, 1987) Gifford, Prosser and Williarn Roger Louis (ed ) The Transfer of Power in Africa Decolonization 1940-1960 (New Haven Yale University Press 1982) Held David et al, GlobalTransformations: Poiittcs Economics and Culture (Stanford: Stanford Universitv Press 1999,1 Jeffrey Robrn(et )Asra fne Winning of lndeperidence (London'Macmillan 1981) Kennedy, Paul The Rise and fal!of Greet Powers (London Fontana 1988) Kotz, David with Fred Werr ,Revo/ution from Above The Demise of the Soviel System (Londcn Routledgc. 1 9971 Lowenthal, Abraham F (Ed \ Expoftrng Democracy The Uniled Sfafes and Latin America (Baltimore: John Hopkrns University Press,1991r Lynch, Allen, Ihe Cold War is Over- Again.(Boulder West view. 1992) Manor, James. Rethinking Third World Politics. ILondon Longnran '1991j Calvocoressi, Peter World Potitics since 1945 (London Longrnan, 1996) O' Balance Edgar Korea 1950-53(London: Faberand Faber 1g69) Short, Antony. The Origns of the Vietnam War (London Longnran, '1989) Walker Martin The Cotd l,/rzai-(Londoii Vintage '19g3) II SEMESTER Paper I - Political Theory 1 lntroduction to Political Theory Scope and relevance: Classrcal, modern and postmodern perspectives, Marxian and Neo-Marxian Approaches Liberal and Neoliberal traditions _t

Hegen'rony, Herbert Marr:l:se s One Dimensional Man: Louis Althusser on Smith Steve, Ken Booth, et.al (Eds) lnternational Relations Theory posrtivism and
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