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ORDC Annual Report 2007-2008 PDF

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LL1L}) L111 L233) ) 3 JIIIIID 1391171711 99999999009 ORDC Annual Report: FY 2007-2008 What Has Changed’ © ORDC budget increased by $1-million/year (biennial) to $2.7-million © Access to Enterprise Bond Fund for rail projects ‘© $100-million in Distribution & Logistics funding from the 3-year Jobs Stimulus Funding Package (in which ORDC will participate in applications & scoring of projects) © Diesel Emissions Reduction Grants (DERG) program implemented # Pending passenger rail egislation: U.S. Senate Bill 249 (Passenger Rail Investment & Improvement Act of 2008) The overall impact of the above has been an increase of activity on virtually everything the ORDC docs with regard to freight, passenger and safety. The increased funding has enabled the Commission staff to become engaged in a broader range of projects und issues and to better respond to the increasing demand to move more freight and people by rail. It has also enabled the expansion of ORDC staff for the first time in several years Initiatives (Passenger! 1 A a mi A nw a - Amtrak “Start-Up”: In February 2008, Governor Strickland asked Amtrak CTO Alex ‘Kunmant to assign staff to begin a study of what would need to be done to restore basic, conventional-speed (79mph) passenger rail service inthe Cleveland-Columbus-Cincianali (3-C) Comider. a © ORDC staf has held meetings with their Amtrak planning counterparts to et up the parameters for start-up service 2403 locomotives, and two round trips pertain ‘¢ Scemarin: 2 train sets of 2 t03 cars c ceach day allowing same-day service within the corridor, Fquipment woukd either be rehubiltated existing (wreck-damaged or auto service) Amtrak rong stock, oF cr purchasedleased from olher sources, a + Amtrak is to begin its “onthe ground” examination of the 3-€ Corridor und the infrasteycture needs in August, ORD staff will provide a list of preferred and alternative coutes for analysis, c © ORDC stais also working with local governments along the 3-C on the issue of siting and developing siations for fulure passenger service, Meetings have been held with key city Teaders and staffs in Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Dayton. New or temporary facilities will have to be developed in Columbus, Springfield and Dayton, while Cleveland and Cincinnati have existing facilities that are challenged hy freight andor local twansit capacity issu ORDC staff has fled funding requests with the staffs of several of Ohio's Members of Congres jn an effort o advance the program-level Enviconmental Impact Statement (EIS) process on the following Ohio Hub corsidors: + Cleveland-Pitsburgh (Cong, Tim Ryan) # Cleyeland-Columbus (Cong, Pat Tiberi / Senator Sherrod Brown} © Columbus-Cincinnati (Cong, Mike Tamer) ‘© Cleveland-Toledo-Detril (Cong. Marey Kaptur) ‘the above corridors repeesent the basic service map of the Ohi Hub Plan as envisioned inthe original study from 2006. Note: Senator Sherrod Brown received all four funding requests ‘and agreed to sponsor a $500,000 request for the Cleveland-Columbus corridor segment. “The passage of 5-294 by overwhelming (velo-proof! margins in both the Senate and House bas increased the urgency to alvance the Ohio Hub closer to a funding-ready status, The bill was delayed in late Summer in conference committee due toa Senate dispute over 1 national energy bill, That dispute was resolved, but there has heen no word on when the effort to advance S-294 ‘vill begin again, However, our counterparts in States for Passenger Rail are clearly advancing their planning and funding efforts in anticipation hat some form of major passenger rail legislation will be passe and enacted either before or after the 2008 elections. LLLLV} LLLLI L) Heartland Corridor: Ohio portion of corridor upgrades underway: primarily increasing bridge ‘learanocs along the Norfolk Souther right-of-way between Columbus and the Port of Norfotk Virginia, cenbacket Intermodal Yeird means there is now an operational bus end of shar will bea high-spocd, double-rack, ‘The 2008 opening of the container transfer yard al the Colu intermodal container Tine ject: ORD is the public sponsor for a SI-million dollar grant that was secured by OKI (the Cincinnati-area MPO). Funds will go toward increasing height clearances along the NS “CJ” line between Columbus and Cincinnati as an extension domed needed to handled increased inbound and outbound container traffic on the eaxtland Costidor. North Baltimore Intermodal Swap Vard: Diesel Retrofit Program: ORI is serving asthe coordinating ageney forall railroads taking part in the Diesel Finissions Reution Grant (DERG) program being administered by the Ohio ‘Air Quality Commission and the Obio Department of Development Panhandle Line Long-Term Lease: On-going negotiations with the Obio Central Railroad progressing toward a draft Ioase document, Negotiations expected to continue with the Genesee ‘& Wyoming upon completion of their recent purchase of the Ohio Central Railroad system (uly 2008). “There have also been coneurrent meetings with a range of stakeholders over the issue of rail Liability insurance issues regarding both future passenger rail and special passenger excursions on the Panhandle Line. SX “National Gateway” Project: CSX made presentation to the Commission asking for ‘support for a South Columbus Intermodal Yard (Parsons Avenue Yard) andl the aforementioned [North Baltimore Intermodal Swap Yard, as well as related infrastructure improvements, ‘Requests are part of proposed “National Gateway” project 10 improve freight and container traffie low between Midwest and East Coast ports srant & Loan Project © Greater Ohin Ethanol: $1-Million Loan helps create 41 new jobs, 5,000 carloads «City of Trotwood: $200,000 grant /200-300 nen jobs, develops 205 new acres Case Farms Feed Mill: $200,000 grant /220 total news jobs at feed mill & processing plant REBERBAEB A? 7 « WHSTOO Sugar Creek Bridge: $250,000 grant d $400,000 fen J emhances “Mesa Site” on rai ae & improves service fo 12 ruil customers bana a MAW Track Rebubiltation: up to S150,000 grant / new Transtoad facility. iepacts 12401 fora fobs, Rw heavier rat cars far major shigper - Warren & Drombald RK & Warten Steel: $300,000 grant & $250,000 Grade Crosstig 1 fands/ Ke-npons rel line, preserves 100 rait-dependent jobs at Warren Steel and 43 jobs at sceap & slag yard + Lancaster Port Authority: $90,000 grant & $170,000 foam / 110 now jobs at US J Lorcagated 4 Bwokege Endustelal Mining: $200,000 grave fur equipment | ap to 145 jobs at eat lending faclity amd 40 rare cual mining jobs +1 + Appeaon rapers: $30,000 grant fr track /Ratins 290 jobs, eretes 3 new jobs + Me Vernon Line Rehabilitation (Tre replacement, grade crosving closures & upgrades, crows resuerfacings / enables consistont 10 mph teain speeds, beter service to bea faege siippers and potential for new jobs. of which 2,989 (49%) are lights only and 2,318 (3 as approximately 2,279 grade separations equipped with las with passive wari Signs. In addition, Ohio NS“CY" Line Crossing Gate Upgrades: including corridor upgrades in both Springficld and Miamisburg. Upgrades include grade separations, erossing closures and “four-quad” Fight and gate installations Vern dor Upgrades: Working with local officials on both erossing closures and oo / 110 closures since 1999. Crossing Closures: 4 closures in 2008 at a cost of ata cost of $18,545,666.79 (FHWA SSS) Crossing Gate & Light Improvements: 53 cnossings Roadway Geometry Improvements: 8 at « cos! of $1,140,927.66. ODOT Grade Separation Program 4 ORDC has added to the Safty Seeion staff with he hicing in 2008 of Cuherine Stout {© ORDC has also hired an inter forthe Safety Section + Megan MeClory was hired lo fil he vacale postion of Secretan/Treasurer 4 Matt Detrich as ofiillyhied as Fxecutive Director sof. Deyelopments | Ev © Rail Tourism: Agreement ceached between ORDC and the Dennison Depot Museum to ‘oper the Polar Express excursion tains during the Christmas holidays for 2008, “Trains will be nam hy a third-party operator as requested by the Dennison Depot Museum under the existing Panhandle Tine lease agreement, with certain requirements for safery DIILILELLLELLILEL11)) precautions, a © POET Fihanol (pictured below) officially opened Ohio's frst operational ethanol plant a at Leipsic, Ohio in Putnant County, ORDC funds enabled off-site rail acess and grade ‘crossing improvement critical tothe project, Several more ethanol projects are underway a in Greene, Allen, Hattison, Seneca and other counties. c «21° Century Transportation Priorities Task Fore: ORDC staff have testified and ms provided support for this major task force elfort to rethink Ohio's approach to a transportation funding and development as well as Ohio's transportation needs for the fiture, A final report and recommendations are tentatively planned for late 2008, rhe ORDE's gruntand lean progsai provides finansial sistance tor ecunomie evelopment and a rehibtaiom projects Granix— Stase yeneral revenue Tnds ore used 10 assist leoads, rn! eastamers, and public cites five vail-seatod capital projects A fending inciease of $1 willion trom 1°7 2007 ro KY S098, an incratse ot 17, enabled the ORDC te assist a aumber of projects the projects the ORD fumed in BY. 2008 ace typical ofthe asinance that ORIIC is able 10 provide ia Ohio's economy. In FY 2008, the Coaunission parliciparcd in six economic Hovelupmene projects in which g-amts totaling SN14,000 were itched by S2.t tiv in rat faftminacturcinvoancals, In oul, ce projects ORDC assisted ate investing $234.7 million in (Ohio. af well ab wsCaling-an 8stimlaeal 730 nos jos, taining 30 jobs, and yerwerating 120080 tail arloads por yeut Inadditign, she ORDC was able to Fura 12 eehwhititation preets that benefited 11 allroad i the rehabilitation of 58 miles of track, Seinssings,thuee buidges, und one tum, ad Fevetaging, $3.0 elon in tala investment Revelsiag Loan Fuad — Th ORD nukes haans up 3 spprorimtely S5H0O0-$750.008, wath strepayencnt period of $-7 years In FY 2008, ORDC authorized fowr ksats, with two cach for economic development coastruction projects and tchebililaon sTesisting taukistructons. Those los range Eeom $309,000 $1,060.000, wal have repayiient perinds af even years, ‘The projeets ime estimated i eeate 7 fils and 5,75t carloads hf eal shipments, 83 well a Lo cob w railcoad trie anc! rehabifiate & tortion oF tak in south-central Obi. Atabte showing all ofthe projects funded in FY 2008 is attache!

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